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Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence.

1. He's very ................... about his private life. He's got no secrets.
A trustworthy B direct C open D sincere
2. She was very ....................... and told me quite simply that she didn't like me.
A genuine B open C blunt D sincere
3. I don't think she was being completely ..................when she said she liked my
A frank B sincere C reliable D true
4. If you were .................. you'd admit that it was your fault.
A genuine B true C frank D honest
5. He's got a very ................... manner, so don't be surprised if, the first time you meet
him, he asks you how much you earn.
A sincere B frank C direct D reliable
6. I'm writing to express my ..................... gratitude for all your help.
A truthful B blunt C sincere D honest
7. It was a ... mistake. I wasn't trying to cheat you.
A genuine B sincere C truthful D frank
8. I know you think it was me who told him your secret but ................. it wasn't.
A honestly B frankly C to be honest D to be frank
9. I've been completely .................... Everything I've told you is what really happened.
A true B truthful C genuine D direct
10. I'm going to be .................. with you, Mr Henderson. Your daughter is a thief.
A sincere B open C frank D genuine
11. I think he's…………… I think he sells stolen goods.
A insincere B false C crooked D deceitful
12. It was .................... of you to lie to me about where you were last night.
A misleading B false C deceptive D deceitful
13. She's so ................... One minute she's your best friend, and the next minute she doesn't
want to know you.
A deceptive B two-faced C deceitful D misleading
14. He was very ................. He flattered me so that I wouldn't be able to refuse him the
favour he wanted.
A crooked B two-faced C cunning D deceptive
15. She's……………. If you tell her a secret, she tells other people.
A deceitful B insincere C untrustworthy D two-faced
16. The way he got me to do his work for him, without me realising what was
really happening, was very ...
A devious B misleading C crooked D false
17. I'm not taken in by his ………….... praise.
A dishonest B two-faced C deceitful D insincere
18. Don't expect him to turn up on time. He's very…………….
A untrustworthy B unreliable C deceitful D cunning
19. It's ………………. of you to say that. You know it isn't true.
A dishonest B devious C untrustworthy D false
20. I was ……….......... by his honest appearance. Only later did I discover that he
was a liar.
A misled B deviated C done D cheated
21. This photo of the house is rather ........................ It makes it look much bigger
than it really is.
A deceitful B deceptive C devious D dishonest
22. Before you send them any money, make sure the company really exists. The
whole thing could be a ………………...
A deceit B fool C cheat D con
23. I didn't think he'd …………such a pathetic lie, but he believed every word of it.
A take up B fall out C take in D fall for
24. You can't ............... me! I know that story isn't true.
A lie B fool C do D cheat
25. I realise now that you've been …… me. You haven't been going out with your
friends, you've been seeing another man.
A lying B doing C deceiving D conning
26. Their brochure is full of ………….. information. For example it says that all rooms
are with shower', but it doesn't say that in some cases the shower is halfway down the
A misleading B deceptive C deceitful D insincere
27. This isn't a ............. is it? If I lend you my car, you will bring it back, won't you?
A cheat B trick C rip-off D deceit

For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be
altered in any way.
1. You're lying. TRUTH

2. The truth is that I didn't understand a word he said. HONEST


3. Can we trust her? TRUSTWORTHY


4. My honest opinion is that you're wasting your time. FRANK

5. Because I believed his lies, I paid far too much for it. CONNED
6. Why aren't you telling me the truth? LYING

7. Because I believed her lies, I gave her £ 10. TRICKED


8. Ididn't tell the truth because I didn't want to say what had really happened. LIE

9. They cheated me. RIPPED

10. When I checked my change, I realised I'd been deliberately charged £5 more than I should have been.

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