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❖ Game Title - TikTok Dance Challenge: Guess the Trend!
❖ Mechanics:
➢ The presenters will show trendy dance videos from TikTok, be it local or
international dance challenges.
➢ The audience will guess what dance challenge is presented. They are to choose
from the three choices given by the presenters.
➢ This game is played by group. Anyone from the group may answer. First to
raise their hand in the Google Meet will be called first. The group member that
will be called will represent the group. Any wrong answer will forfeit them for
the round.
➢ The group with the highest score will be given a special prize during the face-
to-face classes.

❖ Dance is a performing art form that involves rhythmic movements of the body in
response to music, sound, or spoken word. It is a form of expression,
communication, and entertainment that has been part of human culture throughout
❖ Most Popular Types of Dances:
1. Ballet. A highly technical dance form that
originated in the Italian Renaissance courts
during the 15th century. Ballet involves a
combination of precise movements and
gestures set to music.
• It emphasizes fluidity, grace, and
elegance, and typically involves
pointe work (dancing on the tips of
toes) for female dancers.

• A theatrical art form using dancing, music, and scenery to convey a

story, theme, or atmosphere.
• Conventional poses and steps are combined with light flowing figures
(such as leaps and turns).
• Example: "The Sleeping Beauty" by the Royal Ballet:

2. Ballroom. A partner dance that originated in

England in the 18th and 19th centuries. Ballroom
dancing includes several styles, such as the waltz,
foxtrot, tango, and quickstep, and is characterized
by its smooth, flowing movements.
• Commonly used as shorthand for any
partner dance.
• It has Toda evolved into two mainhttps://encrypted-
subgenres- standard/smooth

• Example: "The Viennese Waltz" by Valentin Chmerkovskiy and
Ginger Zee on Dancing with the Stars:

3. Contemporary: A style of dance that

combines elements of several dance forms,
including ballet, jazz, and modern dance.
Contemporary dance is often characterized
by fluid movements, improvisation, and the
use of gravity.
• Known for its emphasis on strong
torso and leg work, contract and
release, fall and recovery and floor

• It is often known for unpredictable and disordered changes in speed and

rhythm throughout a performance.
• Example: " I can see you “by Taylor Sieve:

4. Hip Hop. A high-energy dance style that

originated in African American and Latino
communities in the United States during
the 1970s. Hip hop dancing includes a
variety of styles, such as popping, locking,
and breaking, and often involves elements
of freestyle improvisation.
• It is often improvisational with dance crews challenging each other to
dance battles.

• It refers to a range of street dances that78~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_640,h_396,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/e39

developed in relation to hip hop

music and culture.

• Example: "World of Dance" performance by The

5. Jazz. A dance form that originated in

African American communities in the
late 19th and early 20th centuries. Jazz
dance is characterized by its lively and
energetic movements, syncopated
rhythms, and improvisation.
• Known for its improvisational and
dramatic body movements, the jazz
dancing grew in popularity in early
twentieth century jazz clubs.
• Today, Jazz dancing builds on African American vernacular dance
styles that emerged along with jazz music in the US. Swing, the lindy
Hop, the Shimmy, and the Charleston are popular kinds of jazz dancers.
• Example: "Kill The Lights" (Jazz competition

6. Tap Dance. A dance form that originated

in the United States during the 19th
century. Tap dancing involves the use of
special shoes with metal plates on the
soles, which create rhythmic tapping
sounds as the dancer moves.
• Often performed as part of musical
theatre, tap dancing often focuses

on choreography and formations, with more than one tap dancer

performing at once.
• Tap dancing includes a range of dances including flamenco, rhythm,
classical Broadway, and postmodern tap.
• Example: Tap Dance World Championship 2012 - Solo, male, Adults -
Aleksandr Ostanin
7. Folk Dance: A traditional dance form
that reflects the cultural and social
traditions of a particular region or
community. Folk dances often involve
group formations, simple steps, and a
strong sense of community.
• Folk dances are commonly held!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/d

at public events, where people can participate regardless of whether

they are professional or complete beginners.
• Folk dancing is celebrated worldwide with people of different cultures
and religions using various forms of folk dance to portray emotions,
stories, historical events or even aspects of daily life.
• Example: Sua Ku Sua - CEU Folk Dance Troupe:

8. Irish Dance. A dance form that originated in

Ireland and is characterized by its fast,
precise footwork and a straight upper body.
Irish dance includes several styles, such as
the jig and reel, and often involves
competitive dancing.
• Most Irish dancing events are
traditionally accompanied by signing
and music. During festivals, dances are held to showcase talent and to
compete for trophies or medals.
• While most people may recognize Irish dancing as being a group
performance, there are many well-known forms of solo Irish dances,
such as the stepdance.
• Example: "Riverdance" at the Gaiety Theatre Dublin:

9. Modern Dance: A dance form that originated in

the early 20th century as a rebellion against the
rigid structure of ballet. Modern dance emphasizes
freedom of movement, expression, and the use of
gravity and natural movements.
• The purpose of modern dance is to rely on
the dancer’s interpretation of the music and
feeling to guide movements.
• Modern dance was initially born out of dislike
for the limitations of
traditional dances such as ballet, which often oppressed dancers with

rigid rules and techniques.

• Currently, modern dance is enjoyed across the world with participants
having the ability to practice ballet dancing without having to place
strict focus on their techniques or turnout. Instead, dancers can choose
a piece of music and use unconventional movements to convey
emotions or to tell a meaningful story.
• Example: "Revelations" by Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater:

10. Swing Dance. A partner dance that

originated in the United States in the 1920s
and 1940s.With the evolution of music that
occurred during the jazz era, dance also
began to change with the likes of swing
music encouraging faster, more rigorous
• Swing dancing includes several dancing.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=Fnhug9Lb7sPfFkYGwUUv2-

styles, such as the Lindy Hop and the Charleston, and is characterized
by its lively and energetic movements and improvisation.
• It would commonly be accompanied by Big Band musicians who often
played upbeat melodies which were smooth and easy to listen.
• Example: Sofia Swing Dance Festival 2017 - Adv. J&J Competition

❖ Benefits/ Impacts:
1. Physical Health - Dance is a great form of exercise that can improve
cardiovascular health, increase strength, flexibility, and coordination. It
can also help with weight management.
2. Mental Health - Dance can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
It can also improve cognitive function and memory.
3. Social Connections - Dance can provide a sense of community and
social connection, as dancers often work together and support each
4. Self-Expression - Dance is a form of self-expression that allows
individuals to communicate their emotions and feelings through
5. Creativity - Dance can foster creativity and imagination, as dancers are
encouraged to explore and experiment with movement.

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