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Date of Examination : 25th November, 2023


1. The area bounded by y = 3 – x2 and y = 2 |x| is


8 2.5
(b) 2
1.5 –3.33
10 1

EN (c)


Ans. (c)




–1.5 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

(–1, 2) (1, 2)
–1 0 1
Ö3 Ö3

= 2 éë ò0 (3 – x )dx – ar( DBEG) ùû

1 2
Area of shaded region

éé 1
x3 ù 1 ù
= 2 ê ê3x - ú - ´ 1 ´ 2ú
ëê ë 3 û0 2 ûú

éæ 1ö ù
= 2 êç 3 - ÷ - 1ú
ëè 3ø û

é8 ù 10
= 2 ê - 1ú =
ë3 û 3

2. Two unbiased dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability that both the dice show prime

7 1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
36 12 6 4

Ans. (d)
Sol. When both dices show prime number then total cases are :
(2, 2) (2, 3), (2, 5), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 5), (5, 2), (5, 3), (5, 5)

9 1
Probability when both numbers are prime = =
36 4

dy y
3. The differential equation = represents.
dx x

(a) a family of concurrent straight lines

(b) a family of straight lines passing through (1,1)
(c) a family of straight lines parallel to X - axis
(d) a family of straight lines parallel to Y - axis
Ans. (a)

dy y
dx x
dy dx
1 1
ò y dy = ò x dx
lny = lnx + lnk
y = kx
Family of straight line which are concurrent at point (0, 0)
4. The volume of a magical right circular cylinder of fixed height changes at a constant rate. Initially, the base
radius was 3 units and it changed to 6 units in 3 seconds. What is the radius of the base at time t?

(a) 3 pt + 1 (b) 3 t + 1 (c) 3 t + p (d) 3 pt + p

Ans. (b)

Sol. = k Þ v = kt + c

at t = 0, r = 3 v = p(9)h = 9ph
9 ph = 0 + c c = 9ph
at t = 3, r = 6 v = p(6) h = 36 ph

36 ph = 3k + 9ph
k = 9ph
at t second
v = kt + c v = pr12h
pr h = 9pht + 9ph

r12 = 9t + 9

r1 = 3 t + 1
1 d æ 2 dy ö n
5. The Lane Emden equation çx ÷ + y = 0 , is the governing equation for a crude model for a star..
x2 dx è dx ø
Here the star is treated as a sphere of gas with a polytropic equation of state. The differential equation

x2 sin x 1
admits exact solution for polytropic index n = 0, 1 and 5 as y (x) = 1 – , and . The value
6 x x2

x 30 rcentral
of x = x0 is such that y(x0) = 0 defines the surface of the star. The quantity R = gives
dy raverage
3 – x2
dx x0

2 dy
the ratio of the central density to the average density for the model star. – x dx means the value of

EN – x2

(a) 1,

Ans. (d)

Sol. n = 0

evaluated at x0. The value of R for n = 0, 1 are

(b) 6,
(c) µ,
(d) 1,

Given. y = 1 –
x30 x30
R= = =1
dy é 2 -2x 0 ù
3 -x 2 3 ê - x0 ´
dx x0 ë 6 úû

at n = 1

x 30 x30
R= =
æ x cos x - sin x ö 3 sin x - x cos x
3 - x2 ç ÷
è x2 ø

sin x sin x0
y(x) = and y(x0) = x =0
x 0

x0 = np (nÎz)
n = 1 ® x0 = p
By substituting

p3 p2
R= =
3|0 - p( -1)| 3

6. The logistic map interatively maps xn+1 to xn (n = 0, 2, .......) through the equation xn+1 = lxn (1 – xn).
Consider the two different initial values : x0 = 0.25 and x'0 = x0 + 0.01 = 0.26. For l = 3.25, the difference
between the second iterates (x'2 – x2) is approximately.
(a) 0.01 (b) – 0.01 (c) 0.02 (d) 0.001
Ans. (b)
Sol. xn+1 = 3.25 xn(1–xn)
at n = 0
x1 = 3.25 × x0 (1–x0)
= 0.609375
at n = 1
x2 = 0.7736
x 0' = x0 + 0.01 = 0.26
x1' = 0.6253

x 2' = 0.7613

x '2 - x 2 = 0.7613 - 0.7736 » -0.01

7. In a class of 40 students 25 have opted Hindi as second language (event A). 35 students got first class (event B)
in the examinations of which 20 had taken Hindi as second language. It is found that a student picked at random
has secured first class. The probability P(A/B) that this student has taken Hindi as second language is
EN (a)

Ans. (a)

Sol. P(A) =


P(B) =
P(A Ç B) =
æ A ö P(A Ç B) 4
Pç ÷ = = 40 =
èBø P(B) 35 7
8. When a line segment/square/cube of side length L is measured using a line segment/square/cube of side
length l, the number N of line segment/square/cubes covering the original line segment/square/cube is given
2 3
æLö æLö æLö
by ç ÷ , ç ÷ ,ç ÷ respectively. Define the dimension of an object as D = [– log (N)/log(l)] as l ® 0.
èlø èlø èlø

Then n=0, n = 1 and n = 2 steps of iteration of the process of obtaining the fractal curve called a KOch
curve, of stretching and bending the middle one third of a line segment (of length L) into a triangle shape
of side length L/3 is shown in the figure; in the second (n = 2) iteration each of the 4 line segments of
length L/3 will have their middle one third stretched and bend into triangle shapes of side l = L/(3 × 3).
After n iterations the total number N of line segments of length l = L/3n making up the figure will be 4n.
The dimension D of the Koch curve, obtained as n ® µ (i.e. as l ® 0) is

State 1
State 0 State-2
The Generator

log 4 æ4ö
(a) (b) log ç ÷ (c) 1 (d) 1.3
log3 è3ø
Ans. (a)
Sol. Assuming : L = 1
N = 4n , l =
, log 4n log 4
D = nlim
1 log 3
log n
9. Consider the two sets G = {1, i, –i, –1} and G' = {Rp/2,Rp, R3p/2, R2p), where Rq stands for rotation of a
square by angle q in the anticlockwise direction about an axis through its centre and perpendicular to its
plane. If product of two elements of G is taken by complex multiplication and the product of two elements
of G' are taken as Rq Rj = Rq+j, then, under which of the following mappings between G and G' do the
product relations hold unchanged?
æ g1 ® g '1 ö æ g1 ® g '4 ö æ g1 ® g '3 ö æ g1 ® g '2 ö
ç ÷ ç ÷ ç ÷ ç ÷
ç g2 ® g ' 2 ÷ ç g2 ® g '1 ÷ ç g2 ® g '4 ÷ ç g2 ® g '3 ÷
(a) ç g3 ® g '3 ÷ (b) ç g3 ® g '3 ÷ (c) ç g3 ® g '1 ÷ (d) ç g3 ® g '4 ÷
ç ÷ ç ÷ ç ÷ ç ÷
çg ® g' ÷ çg ® g '2 ÷ø çg ® g '2 ÷ø çg ® g '1 ÷ø
è 4 4ø è 4 è 4 è 4

Ans. (b)
Sol. G = {1, i, –i, –1}

G' =
1 ® 2p
i ® p/2

–i ®
{R p , R p , R 3 p , R 2 p }
2 2

–1® p
g1 ® g ' 4
g2 ® g '1
g 3 ® g '3
g 4 ® g '2
10. The Objective of a reflecting telescope is a concave mirror of focal length 750 mm. To double the
magnification, a concave lens of focal length 20 mm is placed near the focus of the primary mirror What
should be the position of the eyepiece focus from the concave lens?
(a) 10 mm away from mirror (b) 10 mm towards mirror
(q) 20 mm away from minor (d) 20 mm towards mirror
Ans. (c)
Sol. Object for lens should be at it's focus, so that image is at infinity.

Þ Eyepiece focus is 20 mm away from mirror.

11. On the basis of Bohr Theory of atomic structure, the total energy required to remove both electrons from
the helium atom in its ground state is 79 eV. How much energy is required to ionize helium i,e to remove
the first electron?
(a) 79.0 eV (b) 54.4 eV (c) 39.5 eV (d) 24.6 eV
Ans. (d)
Sol. ETotal = (He ® He+2) = 79 eV
E2(He+ ® He+2) = 13.6 × = 54.4 e.V
E1(He ® H+) = ?
ETotal(He ® He+2) = E1(He ® He+) + E2(He+ ® He+2)
79 = E1 + 54.4
E1 = 79 – 54.4
E1 = 24.6 eV
12. Five positive charges, each of magnitude q, are arranged symmetrically on the circumference of a circle of
radius r. The magnitude of the electric field E at the center of the circle is
1 q 1 q 5 q
(a) Zero (b) (c) p Î 2 (d) 4 p Î 2
4 p Î0 r 2 0 r 0 r

Ans. (a) st
Sol. q = = 72°
5 q
q q q
kq E q q E
E= E
ur r q
E net = 0
13. A particle is constrained to move along a circle of radius R = 1.0 m. At a certain instant of time, the speed
of the particle is 1.0 m/s and the speed is increasing at the rate of 1.0 m/s2. The angle (in radian) between
the velocity and the acceleration vectors of the particle is
p p p
(a) Zero (b) (c) (d)
6 4 2
Ans. (c)

Sol. Centripetal acceleration(ac) =

= 1m / s2
Tangential acceleration(at) = 1 m/s2

v at


tanq = a

tanq =
q = 45° or
Angle between the velocity and the acceleration vectors of the particle is
14. A certain amount of helium gas is expanded adiabatically to one and half times of its initial volume. If the
initial temperature is 27°C, the final temperature of the gas will be
(a) +3.6°C (b) – 5.8°C (c) – 10.9°C (d) – 44.1°C
Ans. (d)

Sol. T.Vl–1 = constant

l –1
T1 æ V2 ö
=ç ÷
T2 è V1 ø
273 + 27 æ 1.5V ö 3
=ç ÷
T2 è V ø
æ 2 ö3
T2 = 300 ç ÷
T2 = 288.0 K
So, T = 228.9 – 273
= –44.1°C
15. Absorbing a neutron, 235
92 U undergoes fission producing two fragments in the intermediate atomic mass
range namely 36 Kr and 144
Ba along with three neutrons and energy. By what factor is the size of the so
produced 56
Ba nucleus smaller than that of the 235
92 U nucleus?

(a) 0.61 (b) 0.72 (c) 0.78 (d) 0.85

Ans. (d)
R Ba æ A Ba ö 3
Sol. =ç ÷
Ru è Au ø
R Ba æ 144 ö 3
R u çè 235 ÷ø
R Ba
= 0.85
16. A small wooden block of mass 2 kg is dropped from a height h = 40 cm on a vertical spring of force
constant k = 1960 N/m. The maximum compression of the spring is

EN (a) 0.1 cm
Ans. (c)



(b) 1.0 cm (c) 10.0 cm (d) 23.0 cm

Applying work energy theorem
mg (H + X0) + k [02 – X02] = 0 – 0
X0 = 10 cm
17. The intensity level of a particular sound source is increased by 10 dB, the corresponding change in the
amplitude of the sound wave is

(a) 10 times (b) 10 10 times (c) 10 times (d) 100 times

Ans. (a)
æ I ö
Sol. B = 10log ç ÷
è I0 ø
I aA2

B = 10dB
æ A ö
10 = 10 = log ç ÷
è A0 ø
æ ö
10 = ç A ÷
è A0 ø
= 10 times
18. Two stones of equal mass are thrown vertically up simultaneously from the edge of a cliff 400 m high with
initial speeds of v1 = 10 ms–1 and v2 = 50 ms–1 respectively. Which of the following graphs best represents
the time variation of relative position [height (h 2 – h1)] of the second stone with respect to the first?
(Assume that the stones are not obstructed at the cliff while going down and do not rebound after hitting
the ground. Also ignore the small horizontal separation between the stones as well as air resistance, take
g = 10 ms–2)

(h2 – h1) (m) (h2 – h1) (m)

400 400
(a) (b)
t(s) t(s)
0 10 15 0 15
(h2 – h1) (m) (h2 – h1) (m)
400 400
(c) (d)
t(s) t(s)
0 10 15 0 10 15
Ans. (c)
Sol. For first stone

EN initial velocity v1 = 10 m/s

using IInd equation of motion

h1 = y0 + v1t +
1 2

1 2
h1 = 400 + 10t – gt ....(i)

when this stone hit the ground

h1 = 0
400 + 10t – 5t2 = 0
t2 – 10t – 400 = 0
After solving we get t = 10 second or t = –8s
For second stone
v2 = 50 m/s
using IInd equation of motion

1 2

h2 = y0 + v2t + at

h2 = 400 + 50t – × 10t2

h2 = 400 + 50t – 5t2 ....(ii)

At the moment when this stone hits the ground.
h2 = 0
400 + 50t – 5t2 = 0

t = 15.24 s or t = –5.245 l
Subtract equation (ii) and (i)
equation (iii) represent the linear path of both stones till t = 10 s
After 10 second
h2 – h1 = 400 + 50t – 5t2 (parabolic/curved path)
So, Graph

h2 – h1(m)



EN 10 1s

A crow is sitting on a standard electric power line. The crow is not affected by the potential drop across its
feet because
(a) it has non-conducting pads at the bottom of its feed
(b) the potential drop is too small for any significant current to flow through its body
(c) the crow is carefully sitting on the neutral line
(d) none of the above
Ans. (b)
Sol. the potential drop is too small for any significant current to flow through its body
20. Standing waves have been produced in a 51 cm long, open end organ pipe with just one node with in the
pipe. The wavelength of the sound wave, which forms a standing wave in the same organ pipe such that
there are three nodes within the pipe, is
(a) 68 cm (b) 51 cm
(c) 34 cm (d) 20.4 cm
Ans. (c)


51 cm

= 51 ...(1)

= 51 ...(2)

l2 = 34 cm

21. For the air-glass interface if the Brewster angle (polarizing angle) is fP, then the critical angle (ic) for the
glass-air interface is expressed as
(a) sin–1 (tan fP) (b) cos–1 (tan fP) (c) sin–1 (cot fP) (d) cos–1 (cot fP)
Ans. (c)
Sol. air Reflected
µ=1 fP fP ray

æ 1ö
ic = sin–1 ç µ ÷ ... (1)
è gø
Þ 1 sin fP = µ g sin (90 – fP)
Þ tan fP = µ g ...(2)
1 æ 1 ö
Þ sin i = = ç ÷ = cot (fP)
µg è tan fP ø
Þ i sin–1 (cot fP)
22.EN A gas in equilibrium attains a state of equipartition, wherein every active degree of freedom of every
particle has on the average the same energy. In particular, the average translational kinetic energy will be

the same for every particle; it will be equal to

kT where, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the
temperature of the gas in kelvin. Consider air at 300 kelvin. If the root mean square velocity of nitrogen
molecules is vrms m/s, the magnitude of the mean velocity and the root mean square velocity of oxygen
molecules are respectively.
æ v rms ö æ3 ö
(a) ç 0, ÷ (b) (0, 0.94 vrms) (c) ç v rms ,1.07v rms ÷ (d) (0, 0.875 vrms)
è 2 3ø è2 ø
Ans. (b)
3RT v / N2 M O2
Sol. vrms = ® rms =
M v rms / O2 M N2

mean speed is not zero and is =
Mean velocity = 0 due to random motion.

23. Formation of the iron peak elements 56

Fe, 56
27 Co
and 56
28 Ni
by nuclear fusion marks the end of energy
production in a star. If the mass of the iron core is greater than the Chandrasekhar mass (1.4 solar masses)
the core cannot be support by the degeneracy pressure of the electrons and will collapse to form a

neutron star. Matter is crushed to nuclear densities with protons combining with electrons as p+ + e– ® n
+ ve. Neutron stars whose masses are not too high are supported by neutron degeneracy pressure against
gravitational collapse. The number of neutrinos released, when a neutron star of 1.4 solar masses forms,
is approximately.
(a) 7.77 × 1056 (b) 1.74 × 1057 (c) 8.68 × 1056 (d) 8.38 × 1057
Ans. (b)
1.4M e
Sol. n =
M neutrion
1.4 ´ 2 ´ 1030
1.67 ´ 10–27
@ 1.74 × 1057

24. The Seebeck coefficient of a material characterizes the voltage vuilt up when a small temperature gradient

v left - v right
is set up cross it. It is defined by the relation S = . Only the relative seebeck coefficients of
Tleft - Tright

material may be determined since, connecting a voltmeter introduces (A) Aluminium : 3.5 (B) Carbon : 3
(C) Sodium : – 2 (D) Platinum : 0. The absolute Seebeck coefficient of Platinum is – 5µV at room temperature.
The combination of two metals which will give maximum voltage difference when used to make a
thermocouple is
(a) (A, D) (b) (C, D) (c) (A, C) (d) (B, C)
Ans. (c)




VP – VQ = S1DT – S2DT Þ max. for (A, C)

The mean power received per unit area just outside Earth's atmosphere from the Sun known as the solar
constant, is 1.362 kilowatt per square meter (kW/m2). For receiving this much power per unit area at
Earth, the Sun, if it is radiating like a black body, must have a surface temperature of
(a) 5349 K (b) 5779 K (c) 5709 K (d) 5479 K
Ans. (b)

4 pR 2 4
Sol. S = s T
4 pr 2

w æ Radiat of sun ö
1362 = sç ÷ 2 × T4
m2 è 4pr 2 ø

1362 ´ æ dis tan ce of earth to sun ö

T =
s çè ÷
Radius of sun ø

æ 1AU ö
= 240.2×10 × ç 8
÷ ´ (217)
è 0.0046AU ø


= (11342086.9)1/4 × 104

= (3367.804)1/2

= 58.0327 × 102

= 5803 (approx)

26. Venus has an equatorial radius of 6052 km. The semi-major axis of its orbit around the Sun is 0.72 AU.
The smallest diameter of the primary mirror/lens (objective) of an optical telescope to be used to just
resolve the Venus disc duuring the transit of Venus is approximately.
(a) 200 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 10 cm (d) 0.25 cm
Ans. (d)
Sol. q =

6052 ´ 2
0.28 AU

6052 ´ 200
q= radian
28 ´ 1.496 ´ 108
1.22 l

6052 ´ 200 1.22 ´ 500 ´ 10 –9

28 ´ 1.496 ´ 108 D

1.22 ´ 500 ´ 10–9 ´ 108 ´ 28 ´ 1.496

6052 ´ 200

D = 0.021 m ×
6052 ´ 200

25551.68 ´ 10–1

= 0.0021 m

D = 0.21 cm approx
27. The Earth's atmosphere is transparent across the most of the optical region and _____ region of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Choose the correct option to fill the blank.
(a) ultraviolet (b) X-ray
(c) some portions of the ratio wave (d) gamma-ray
Ans. (a)
Sol. ultraviolet
28. It is given that the pupil of the human eye is about 5 mm (in diameter). How many times more light-
gathering power does a telescope with a primary mirror of diameter about 20 cm (9 inches) have than the
human eye?
(a) 4 times (b) 16 times (c) 40 times (d) 1600 times
Ans. (d)

pD 2
Sol. LPG =

P1 D12 4
LP = P = 4 ´ 2
2 D2
D2 = 20 × 10–2

D1 5 ´ 10–3 1
= –2
= ´ 10 –3 + 2
D 2 20 ´ 10 4

2 2
P1 æ D1 ö æ 1 ö
=ç ÷ Þç ÷
P2 è D2 ø è 40 ø
29. An astronometer observes a spectral emission line from a galaxy at a wavelength of 600 nm. This same
spectral line is measured in the laboratory using a stationary source and is seen to have wavelength 500
nm. The speed of the galaxy toward or away from Earth (in units of the speed of light c) is equal to
(a) 0.2 c moving away from Earth (b) 0.2 c moving toard from Earth
(c) 0.9 c moving away from Earth (d) 1.0 c moving toard from Earth
Ans. (a)
Sol. 0.2 c moving away from Earth
30. An astromometer observes that Polaris is 40 degrees above her northern horizon. What can you say
about the longitude of her location from her observations?
(a) nothing (b) that it is 40 degrees north
(c) that it is 50 degrees south (d) that it is 40 degrees east
Ans. (a)
Sol. Cannot help you determine longitude at all.
31. The spectrum of a cloud of cool gas seen against a bright background black body would show
(a) bright lines (emission spectrum) against a continuum spectral emission background

Ans. (c)
(b) a continuous spectrum
(c) dark lines (absorption lines) against a continuum emission background
(d) either bright or dark lines, depending on distance, against a continuum emission background

Sol. dark lines (absorption lines) against a continuum emission background

32. If a star has a parallax of one-eighth of a second of arc, its distance from the earth is
(a) 2,06,265 astronomical units (b) eight light years
(c) one-eighth parsec (d) eight parsec
Ans. (d)

Sol. d (in par sec) =
q ( in arc second )

d = 8 parsec
33. The elemental composition of the Sun, by mass, is about

(a) 50% metals, 50% hydrogen

(b) 71% hydrogen, 27% helium, 2% others

(c) 75% helium, 20% hydrogen, 5% others

(d) 75% carbon, 25% helium

Ans. (b)
Sol. 71% hydrogen, 27% helium, 2% others

34. Which of the following planets has essentially no atmosphere ?
(a) Venus (b) Mercury (c) Jupiter (d) Mars

Ans. (b)
Sol. Mercury
35. Sunspots are
(a) relatively cool compared to the photosphere

(b) related to convection cells

(c) related to the Sun's electric field

(d) cyclonic storms similar to Jupiter's great red spot

Ans. (a)
Sol. relatively cool compared to the photosphere
36. A planet moves fastest in its orbit
(a) When it is in opposition

EN (b) When it is closest to the Sun

(c) the greater its mass

(d) When it is farthest from the Sun

Ans. (b)
Sol. Keplers third law
37. A square loop of side 10 cm and resistance 0.5W is placed vertically in the east-west (x-z) plane. A uniform
magnetic field of strength B = 0.1T is set up across the plane of the coil in the north-south direction. The coil is
r ˆ through its center at the rate of one rotation per 4 second. At time t= 0, the
rotating about a vertical axis (w P k)
plane of the coil makes an angle q = +45° with the eastwest (x-z) plane. The correct schematic diagram giving
the emf induced in the coil is
emf emf
1.5 s 1.0 s
(a) (b)
t t

emf emf
0.5 s
2.0 s

(c) t (d)

Ans. (d)
Sol. f = BA cos (wt)
< E ind < BAw sin (wt)
æ 2p ö÷ ép ù
Þ E ind =0.1 × [102 × 10–4] × ççç ÷÷ × sin ê tú
êë 2 úû
it will become zero at t = 2
So option (d)

38. in 1912 Henrietta Leavitt making observations of Cepheid variable stars in the Magellanic clouds discovered
the period luminosity relation - fainter stars have shorter periods. The relation between the apparent
magnitude m (the measured magnitude of a star situated at its actual distance D pc) and its absolute
magnitude M (its magnitude if located at a distance of 10 pc) is given by the magnitude distance relation
m– M = 5 log D –5. Here D is the distance in parsec. The distance from Milky Way to the Andromeda
galaxy is 765 kpc. The observed period luminosity relation determined by observations in the K band for
Cepheid variables in the Andromeda galaxy is mk = –3.26 (log P – 1) + 18.73 with slope –3.26 and zero-
point 18.73. For Cepheids in the Milky Way Mk = – 3.26 (log P–1) + c where c is approximately

(a) –5.69 (b) 5.67 (c) +18.73 (d) –10.67

Ans. (a)

Sol. m – M = 5 log D – 5 ....(1)

MK = –3.26(logP–1) + 18.73 .....(2)

MK = –3.26(logP–1) + c .....(3)

EN Put the value in equation (1) from equation (2) and equation (3)

–3.26(log(P–1) + 18.73 + 3.26(logP–1) – c = 5log D – 5

18.73 – c = 5log(765 × 103) – 5

c = 18.73 + 5 – 5 log(765 × 103)

c = –5.69

39. A Red Giant star of mass M Red Giant

and a White Dwarf star of mass m White Dwarf
form a binary
system and are rotating in circular orbits around their common centre of mass with a period of one
year.The White Dwarf is orbiting just within the photosphere of the Red Giant star.The Red
Giant has a radius of 3.6 AU. An estimate for the mass of the Red Giant star in solar mass units is
(note that mWhiteDwarf << MRed Giant)
(a) 188 (b) 94 (c) 47 (d) 13
Ans. (c)

GMRe d Giant ´ M WhiteDwarf

Sol. = M WhiteDwarf w 2 r

w 2r 3
MRedgiant =

æ 2p ö r 3 1
MRedgiant = ç ÷ ´
è T ø r Me

Put the values

æ 2p ö (3.6 ´ 1.5 ´ 1011 )r
MRedgiant (in solar mass) = ç ÷ ´
è 365 ´ 24 ´ 60 ´ 60 ø 6.67 ´ 10 ´ 2 ´ 10
–11 30

= 47 solar mass

40. In spectroscopy doublet lines are closely spaced spectral lines that arise from transitions from a
common fundamental state to states which differ only in their total angular momentum value. If a
source of light is moving away from us the light from the source will appear shifted to the longer

Dl v
wavelength (red) side of the spectrum. The shift is quantified by the redshift z = = , where l
l c
is the observed wavelength of the spectral line when the emitting source is at rest with respect to
the observer and Dl is the observed shift in the wavelength.Hubble observed that spectral lines
of galaxies not very close to us are redshifted. A galaxy is showing a redshift of z = 0.005. The
observed wavelength separation, in nanometre, of the sodium doublet at 589 and 589.6 nm and of
the potassium doublet at 766.5 and 769.9 nm in the spectrum of the galaxy are respectively
(a) 0.603, 3.417 (b) 0.003, 0.017 (c) 38.33, 29.45 (d) 38.33, 38.5
Ans. (b)

l observal – l emitted l observal – l rest v

Sol. z = = =
l emitted l rest c

= 0.005
l1 = 0.003

EN Simillarly
l2 = .005 × (769.5 – 766.5)
= 0.017
The rotation curve of a spiral galaxy gives the 'instantaneous' local mean tangential velocity in the plane
of the galaxy of stars/gas clouds in the galaxy lying along a line through the centre of thegalaxy,with
respect to the distant quasars as observed from the centre of the galaxy. The following is a schematic
diagram of the rotation curve of a particular spiral galaxy.

6 kpc

As measured from a star orbiting at a distance r = 8 kilo parsec from the centre, which one of the following
diagrams gives a schematic representation of the mean tangential velocity v(d) with which objects at various
distances d from the star, along the line joining the star to the centre of the galaxy, will appear to move with
respect to the distant quasars ?

d® d®
(a) (b)

(c) d® (d)

Ans. (b)


42. The relation R on Z the set of integers, defined by (x, y) Î R if and only if xy ¹ 0 is
(a) Reflexive, symmetric and transitive
(b) Reflexive, symmetric but not transitive
(c) Symmetric, transitive but not reflexive
(d) Transitive, reflexive but not Symmetric
Ans. (c)

Sol. For reflexive :
xy ¹ 0
also satisfied for x = y
so at (0,0) it is not reflexive.
for symmetric : xy ¹ 0
then y × x ¹ 0
it is symmetric
for transitive if x1 · y1 ¹ 0 and y1 · z1 ¹ 0
then x1 · z1 ¹ 0
it is transitive.
So option (c) is correct.
43. A is a 3 × 3 non-singular matrix such that A4 = 4A. What is the determinant of A?
(a) 0 (b) 4 (c) 16 (d) 64
Ans. (b)
Sol. A4 = 4A
|A4| = |4A|

|A|4 = 43|A|
|A|3 = 43
|A| = 4
44. The number of real values of q that satisfy the equation sin2q – 5sinq + 6 = 0 is
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
Ans. (a)
Sol. sin2q – 5 sin q + 6 = 0
(sin q – 2) (sin q – 3) = 0
sin q = 2 sin q = 3
Q – 1 £ sin q £ 1
\ No solution of q

45. If z is a complex number such that = i, the value of |z| is

(a) 0 (b) I (c) 2 (d) 3

Ans. (c)

Sol. =i

By using componendo and dividendo.

2z i + 1
-4 i - 1

2(i + 1) i +1 2(i + 1)2

–z = × =
i -1 i +1 -1 – 1

2 ´ (2i)

EN |z| = 2
The number of positive divisors of 202300 is
(a) 8
Ans. (d)
(b) 18 (c) 26 (d) 54

Sol. N = 202300

= 2023 × 100

= 22 × 52 × 7 × 172
No. of positive divisors = 3 × 3 × 2 × 3 = 54

47. For what values of a and b is the following function continuous at x = 2 ?

ì ax 2 + bx + 1 if x ³ 2
f(x) = í 3 if x = 2
ï bx2 - ax - 11 if x < 2

(a) a = 1, b = 9 (b) a = 2, b = 12 (c) a = –1 , b = 3 (d) a = –3, b = –3


Ans. (c)
Sol. For function to be continious RHL = LHL = f(2)
for RHL : put x = 2
a (2)2 + b(2) + 1 = 4a + 2b + 1
for LHL : put x = 2
b (2)2 – b(2) – 11 = 4b – 2a – 11
4a + 2b + 1 = 3 ...(1)
4b + 2a – 11 = 3 ...(2)
By solving eqaution (1) and (2) :
a = – 1, b = 3


48. The value of the integral ò|cos 2x| dx is


(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

Ans. (c)
Sol. |cos 2x|

0 p p 3p p
4 2 4

p p/ 4

ò|cos2x|dx = 4 ´ ò (cos2x) dx
0 0
p/ 4
é sin2x ù
ë 2 úû 0

EN = 2 [1 – 0] = 2
Consider the LPP (Linear Programming Problem) Max Z = x + y subject to the constraints x + 3y ³ 6, y £
x + y £ 4, x, y ³ 0 Which of the following is/are true ?
(a) x = 1, y = 2 is a feasible solution of the LPP
(b) x = 2, y = 2 is an optimal solution of the LPP
(c) The only optimal solutions of the LPP are x = 1, y = 3 and x = 3, y = 1

(d) x = 3, y = 1 is an optimal solution of the LPP

Ans. (a,c,d)
Sol. Feasible
region (1,3)
(–3,3) B

x + 3y = 6

Ans. (a,b,d)
Sol. (1, 2) Î feasible region Þ (1, 2) is a feasible solution
at (–3,3), z = 0
at (1, 3), z = 4
at (3, 1), z = 4
as at A and B we get max z = x + y = 4
Þ at every print on line segment AB:, x + y = 4
we will be having optimal solution

50. For vectors A, B & C in three dimensional Euclidean space, let AB = A × B stand for the cross product,
[A, B] = AB – BA for the commutator of A & B and {A, B, C} = (AB) C – A (BC) for the associator of A, B & C.
Then which of the following relations hold true?

(a) A2 = 0 for A ¹ 0

(b) [A, B] = 0 for A ¹ B and A, B ¹ 0

(c) {A, B, C} = 0 for A ¹ B ¹ C and A, B, C ¹ 0

(d) A(BC) + B(CA) + C(AB) = 0 for A ¹ B ¹ C and A, B, C ¹ 0

Ans. (a,d)

Sol. Let A = a1 $i + a2 $j + a 3 k$

B = b1 $i + b2 $j + b3 k$

C = c1 $i + c2 $j + c3 k$

ˆi ˆj kˆ
EN \ A2 = A × A = a1

(Q Two rows are indentical)

AB = A × B [A,B]
a3 = 0

A × [B × C] + B × [C × A] + C × [A × B] = B (A·C) – (C (A· B) + C(A·B) – A(C·B) + A(B·C) – B(C·A) = 0

So, A and D are correct.

51. An artificial satellite is moving in an orbit around the Earth with orbital period of 8 hours, from west to
east, with its orbit making an angle of 30° with equator. An observer on the equator will see it
(a) again after 6 hour, moving from east to west
(b) again after about 11 hours, moving from west to east
(c) going up to about 46.8° from the equatorial plane
(d) going up to about 43.2° from the equatorial plane
Ans. (b*)

1p 1p 1p T1 T2 8´24
Sol. , < Þ < = 12 hours
T1 T2 Trel T2 , T1 24 , 8

52. A particle of mass 'm' is moving under the influence of a central force; the correct statement(s) is/are
(a) The motion always remains constrained to be in a plane
(b) The trajectory will always be elliptical
(c) The total angular momentum remains constant
(d) The torque about the force center is always zero
Ans. (a,c,d)
Sol. The motion always remains constrained to be in a plane
The total angular momentum remains constant
The torque about the force center is always zero

53. When a raw poori round (kneaded wheat dough rolled into thin rounds) is slipped into hot oil and the hot
oil is swished immediately over it repeatedly, the poori puffs up because
(a) the dough has comparatively low heat conductivity
(b) hot oil causes a crust to form
(c) the density of steam is low
(d) the matrix of proteins in the dough formed during kneading helps trap gases
Ans. (c)

Sol. the density of steam is low

54. Two positively charged conducting spheres A and B with +Q charge on each, are placed on the x-axis at
(a, 0) and (– a, 0). A very small metallic ball with charge +q is gently placed at the origin (midway between
the two spheres). The small ball with charge +q. in the middle, is
(a) in stable equilibrium if constrained to move only along x-axis
(b) in unstable equilibrium if constrained to move only perpendicular to the x-axis

EN (c) always in unstable equilibrium

(d) always in neutral equilibrium
Ans. (a,b)

(–q, 0) +q

(a, 0)
Sol. A O (0, 0) B
• If small ball with charge +q is slightly displaced along x axis by a small distance Dx, then

A a O-Dx
a B

éF ù = F
ëê BO ûú AO

therefore, the particle will move towards origin.

Hence equilibrium is stable
• When charge is shifted along y-axis.
q q
Fsinq Fsinq
q q

After resolving component, net force will be along y-axis so, the particle will not return to its original
position & it is unstable equilibrium.

55. Consider the electromagnetic radiation emitted by two stars. The hotter star will
(a) emit more radiation at all wavelengths
(b) have a higher frequency of peak emission in its spectrum
(c) radiate energy at more than one wavelength
(d) exhibit a continuous spectrum
Ans. (a,b,c,d)
Sol. emit more radiation at all wavelengths
have a higher frequency of peak emission in its spectrum
radiate energy at more than one wavelength
exhibit a continuous spectrum
56. Because of the precession of the axis of rotation of Earth
(a) the polaris is not always our 'pole star'
(b) the average length of a sidereal day changes slowly with time
(c) the declinations of the stars changes slowly with time
(d) the Vernal Equinox moves with respect to the stars
Ans. (a,c,d)

Sol. the polaris is not always our 'pole star'
the declinations of the stars changes slowly with time
the Vernal Equinox moves with respect to the stars
A planet orbit the Sun at a distance of 4.0 AU from the Sun. The orbital speed (VO) and the time period (T)
of the planet are approximately
(a) VO = 7.92 km/s (b) VO = 14.93 km/s
(c) T = 4 years (d) T = 8 years
Ans. (b,d)
Sol. By Kepler IIIrd lows :

æ T ö÷2 æ r ö÷3
çç 2 ÷ < çç 2 ÷
ççè T ø÷÷ ÷
èçç r ø÷
1 1

æ T2 ÷ö2 æ 4 ö3
çç ÷ < çç ÷÷÷
çè1 year ÷ø èç 1 ø

æ T2 ÷ö2
çç ÷ = 64
çè 1 ÷ø

T2 < 8 year

orbital speed V =

2p´4´1.5´108 (km)
= = 14.93 km/sec.
8´365´24´60´60 (s)

So, option (b) & (d) are correct.

58. The rotation period of a spherical moon about its own axis is equal to its period of revolution round its
parent planet. Which of the following statements is are true ?
(a) If the orbital and spin angular momentum vectors of the moon are parallel to each other then, the
moon will always show the same portion of its surface to the planet
(b) If the spin angular momentum vector of the moon lies in its orbital plane, then every portion of the
surface of the moon may be seen from the planet
(c ) If the orbital and spin angular momentum vectors of the moon are antiparallel with respect to each
other then, viewed from the planet, the moon will appear to be non-rotating
(d) If the spin angular momentum vector of the moon lies in its orbital plane, then, viewed from
the planet, the moon will appear to be rotating with a higher angular speed

Ans. (a, c, d)
Sol. If the orbital and spin angular momentum vectors of the moon are parallel to each other then, the moon
will always show the same portion of its surface to the planet

EN If the orbital and spin angular momentum vectors of the moon are antiparallel with respect to each other
then, viewed from the planet, the moon will appear to be non-rotating

If the spin angular momentum vector of the moon lies in its orbital plane, then, viewed from

the planet, the moon will appear to be rotating with a higher angular speed

ì sin|x|
The true statement(s) for the function f(x)= í |x|
ïî 0
if x ¹ 0

if x = 0

(a) lim
x ®0
f(x) exists (b) lim
x ®0
f(x) does not exist
(c) f is differentiable at x = 0 (d) f has removable discontinuity at x = 0

Ans. (a,d)

ì sin|x|
ï if x ¹ 0
Sol. f(x) = í |x|
îï 0 if x = 0

sin(0+ )
L.H.L : x ®0
(0+ )

lim sin h
h®0 =1

sin(0- )
R.H.L : lim
x ® 0-

lim sin( - h)
h ®0
sin h
= lim
h®0 =1

L.H.L = R.H.L so limit of f(x) exist at x ® 0. if we remove point x = 0 then f(x) is continiul. So f(x) hes
removable discontinuity at x = 0. (a, d)

60. Consider the differential equation x + 3y = x 3 . Which of the following is/are true ?

(a) 3x3 is an integrating factor of this equation

x3 2023
(b) y = + is a solution of this equation
6 x3

x3 8
(c) y = - is a solution of this equation
6 2023 x3

(d) The equation is a homogeneous differential equation

Ans. (b,c)

Sol. x + 3y = x 3 .

EN dy æ 3 ö
dx çè x ÷ø
y = x2

I.F. = e ò x dx = e loge x3 = x3

I.F. = x3

ò x dx + c
y × x3 =
1 6
yx3 = x +c

x3 c
y= + 3
6 x


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