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Exploring Our Weather: A Weather Project

My country is: India

1. Introduction to weather: -
Weather is the instantaneous state of atmosphere around us. Which
includes the temperature, the atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity,
precipitation, and the cloudiness. It differs from the climate. Some
types of weathers are….
 Rainy
 Cloudy
 Foggy
 Windy
 Breezy
 Sunny
…. And many more.
a. The weather in India is currently 92°F. India is a tropical country,
so the average temperature is between 77°F to 83°F. The
temperature is a few °F hotter in India, and that’s how weather

b. It’s important to study weather as it helps us to predict how

much rain the next winter might bring, or how far sea levels will
rise due to warmer sea temperatures.

2. Weather Maps and Symbols.

a. There are many weather maps symbols like coloured lines to
designate warm or cold air fronts, isobars for air pressure,
symbols for cloud types and many more.

b. These are the main 4 types of

wea weather symbols.

3. Local Weather: -

a. The geography of my region is peninsular. The geography of

my region influences the weather by the factors of pressure
and wind systems, altitude, relief features, latitude, ocean
currents, and distance from the sea.

b. There are many unique weather phenomena in my area like

heavy rainfall, floods and thunderstorms accompanied by

4. Weather Forecasting: -

a. Meteorologists predict the weather using the observational data

collected by doppler radar, radiosondes, weather satellites,
buoys and other instruments are fed into computerized NWS
numerical forecast models.
b. The challenges that meteorologists face is uncertainty in weather

5. Weather and Technology: -

a. Nowadays, the technology has improved a lot, as well as in

weather forecasting. Meteorologists use satellites for weather
forecasting today and are able to report on more types of data
and report the data and images faster and more rapidly. Did you
know, early satellite technology only allowed satellites to
send data and images every 30 mins. New satellite
technology sends higher quality images every 10 mins.

b. They also use some modern tools and technologies like

weather radars, atmospheric measurements, and computer
model, etc.

6. Weather Phenomena in Other Regions: -

a. Saudi Arabia, is known for its extreme climate conditions. Its

unique weather phenomena is that in some regions the day
time temperatures in summer can rise up till 120°F (49°C).

b. The weather differs as the temperature in my region is

around 80°F and the temperature in Saudi Arabia the
temperature is around 115°F.

7. Conclusion: -
a. In India the climate is tropical and there are many types of
weathers to be seen like rainy, sunny, cloudy, etc. The
average temperature in India is around 77°F to 83°F. We
should study weather as it helps us to predict rain and other
types of weather. There are symbols present for us to
understand the future weather. Some examples are sunny,
rain, etc (On the blank side picture). Meteorologists predict
the weather using weather satellites and their most common
challenge that they face is uncertainty in weather
predictions. They use modern tools like weather radars,
atmospheric measurements, etc. Saudi Arabia’s extreme
weather conditions and heat can rise as much as 125°F.

b. Today, I learnt that understanding weather and its symbols

are important. I learnt a new word ‘Meteorologists’ and how
they predict weather and the various tools they use for it. I
also learnt that Saudi Arabia is a very hot and dry country.
Again! Understanding weather is important as it helps us to
predict rain and other types of weather conditions.

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