Glob Cit

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It is a way of living that recognizes our world is an increasingly complex web of connections and

2. It is the status of being a citizen

3. It extends the territoriality of national citizenship to include the whole world and all its (human)

4. describes as a relationship between an individual and a state involving the individual’s full
political membership in the state and his permanent allegiance to it

5. the component of citizenship that constitutes a part/member of a community

6. Crucial to the nature of citizenship that is solely constitutional

7. the right to participate in the exercising of power as a member of a governing body or an elector
of such a body, allowed for by the nature of the democratic system

8. the rights to welfare, education, security and well-being, as befits a member of civil society, and
allowed for by the Welfare State

9. that is, those rights necessary for individual freedom—liberty of the person, freedom of speech,
thought and faith, the right town property and to conclude valid contracts, and the right to justice,
which are provided for, by the legal system

10. someone who is aware of and understands the wider world – and their place in it.

11. is how we talk about the social, environmental and economic actions of people and
communities who know that every person is a citizen of the world

12. The rights of global citizens are Embedded

13. The dimension in ethical Global Citizen is concerned with helping students perceive,
acknowledge, and remove “the arrow of a discriminatory consciousness, an unreasoning emphasis on
difference ... piercing the hearts of the people”

14. The dimension in in ethical GCE encompasses the development of personal capacities to be
involved with and committed to principles that represent social responsibility in terms of thoughts,
actions, and emotions

15. The dimension in global citizen should have the ability to join in public debates and strive to
solve problems

16. The dimension an engaged global citizen is both a member and a participant situated within a
number of different communities

17. the absence of war or direct violence

18. Presence of conditions of well-being and just relationships; social, economic, political, ecological

19. It is a state of calm, serenity and tranquility of mind that arise due to having no sufferings or
mental disturbances
20. It is a state of peaceful and happy co-existence of people as well as nature

21. It refers to growing divide or gap between people, race and nation

22. It’s the process by which systems and policies, actions and attitudes create inequitable
opportunities and outcomes for people based on race

23. It refers to the concept of dividing people into groups on the basis of various sets of physical
characteristics and the process of ascribing social meaning to those groups.

24. It’s the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that may or may not be socially

25. The gap in any area between women and men in terms of their levels of participation, access,
rights, or benefits.

26. Encompasses the sexual knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and values of individuals.

27. The state of society or the world in which there exists numerous distinct ethnic and cultural
groups seen to be politically relevant

28. The theory of multiculturalism assumes that various immigrant groups will tend to “mixed
together”, abandoning their individual cultures and eventually becoming fully assimilated into the
predominant society.

29. It describes a heterogeneous society in which people coexist but retain atleast some of the
unique characteristic of their traditional culture

30. It is the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority groups, deserve
special acknowledgement of their differences within a dominant political culture.

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