BI Homework

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Write the correct plural nouns to complete the sentences.

1. Where did you put the bunch of _________? (key)

2. Her cat caught two _________. (mouse)

3. The _________ will help the beautiful princess. (elf)

4. My father has a few _________. (watch)

5. His grandfather likes to watch some _________ at home. (video)

6. The florist sells all kinds of __________. (rose)

7. There are many _________ in the harbour. (ship)

8. The hunters killed a _______ yesterday. (fox)

9. Mrs Lee gave her neighbour a few ________. (mango)

10. There are _________ at the hawker stall. (fly)

11. I checked out some ________ from the National Library yesterday. (book)

12. The three powerful _________ cast a spell on the little boy. (witch)

13. The baker baked a _______ of breads for the orphans. (loaf)

14. Five _________ were injured in the accident last week. (man)

15. The lion manages to hunt down a _________. (deer)

16. We made some _____________ for the picnic. (sandwich)

17. The __________ are happy to see their uncle. (child)

18. The farmer has many __________. (sheep)

19. The ________ are blunt. (knife)

20. I have visited a few _____________. (country)

21. Two of her ___________ have damaged. (tooth)

22. Tom snapped a ________ of the insect. (photo)

23. There are __________ in the cage. (monkey)

24.The _________ are howling. (wolf)

25. The famous ____________ will come to town. (actress)

26. Adnan feeds several _________ every morning. (goose)

27. The cute _________ are taking part in the contest. (baby)

28. She loves to eat cherry ___________. (tomato)

29. This show in only for ___________. (woman)

30. The doctor has saved many __________. (life)

Write the correct personal pronouns to complete the sentences.

He She It They We You I

1. Cikgu Zambry is the class teacher. _______ is very kind.

2. My puppy and I are very close. _______ always play together.

3. The penguins are very cute. _______ are playful too.

4. ‘_______ haven’t done my homework.’ says Chee Mun.

5. ‘_______ will be there, won’t you?’ he asks me.

6. Mrs Chin is my neighbour. _______ lives next door.

7. The man kills the snake. _______ wants to eat the chicken.

8. The students made a lot of noise. _______ were punished by their teacher.

9. This apple is fresh. _______ is very delicious.

10. My brother and I always go shopping. _______ go to the mall every Saturday.

11. _______ are going to the football game this weekend.

12. _______ was an easy decision to make after weighing the pros and cons.

13. _______ am one of the tallest students in the class.

14. _______ is a very bright young woman.

15. _______ are going for a jog this evening.

Write the correct object pronouns to complete the sentences.

her him them us you it me

1. ‘I want _______ to attend my party,’ Adnan invites James.

2. The children were jumping for joy when Santa Claus gave _______ a gift each.

3. My mum took _______ out for shopping although I wanted to stay at home.

4. As the rabbit is hungry, Lily feeds _______ some carrots.

5. ‘Return the dolls to _______. They are ours,’ pleaded the girls.

6. The guest visited Andan and also brought _______ a basket of fruits.

7. Sarah brought these carnations from the florist. She will give _______ to her mother


8. Halim won the race. The headmaster gave _______ a trophy.

9. Alia called _______ before the film started to make sure that she would come.

10. My uncle sent _______ a postcard when he went a vacation to Prague.

11. Since Matt has been bragging about being a top player in chess, Archie smiled

triumphantly after he beat _______ in that game.

12. She gives _______ a silver necklace. I really like it.

13. A spider has eight legs. _______ is not an insect, but an arachnid.

14. Could you please help _______ carry these boxes? She can only carry one at a time.

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