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Unit Test II
Course: SY B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering Semester: III
Subject Name: Fluid Mechanics Subject Code: BTMC302
Max Marks: 10 Date: 28/09/2023 Time: 12.30pm to 01.30 pm Duration:- 1 Hr.
Instructions to the Students:
1. The level question/expected answer as per OBE or the Course Outcome (CO) on which the
question is based is mentioned in ( ) in front of the question.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed
3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly.
CO BT Level
Q.1 Solve Any Two of the following. (3×2) 6 Marks
(A) Define one dimensional, two dimensional and three dimensional flow CO3 L1
with equations.
(B) Define velocity potential function and write down the Laplace’s CO3 L2
equation in velocity potential.
(C) Write the formulae for: (Also write meaning of each alphabet/letter in CO4 L2
the formula)
a) Flow through orifice
b) Coefficient of contraction of orifice
c) Velocity of flow through pitot tube

Q.2 Solve Any One of the following. 4 Marks

(A) Explain the types of fluid flow. CO3 L2

(B) State Euler’s equation for steady flow and derive Bernoulli’s equation L3
from it.

*** End ***

Unit Test III
Course: SY B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering Semester: III
Subject Name: Fluid Mechanics Subject Code: BTMC302
Max Marks: 10 Date: 19/10/2023 Time: 12.30pm to 01.30 pm Duration:- 1 Hr.
Instructions to the Students:
1. The level question/expected answer as per OBE or the Course Outcome (CO) on which the
question is based is mentioned in ( ) in front of the question.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed
3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly.
CO BT Level
Q.1 Solve Any Two of the following. (3×2) 6 Marks
(A) Define laminar and turbulent flow also explain relation with CO5 L1
Reynold’s number.
(B) Derive equation for laminar flow through circular pipe. CO5 L3

(C) Write short note on Hydrodynamically smooth and rough boundaries. CO5 L2

Q.2 Solve Any One of the following. 4 Marks

(A) Explain the Reynold experiment. CO5 L2
(B) Derive an expression for velocity distribution for Laminar flow L3
between fixed parallel plates.

*** End ***

Unit Test IV
Course: SY B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering Semester: III
Subject Name: Fluid Mechanics Subject Code: BTMC302
Max Marks: 10 Date: 07/11/2023 Time: 12.30pm to 01.30 pm Duration:- 1 Hr.
Instructions to the Students:
1. The level question/expected answer as per OBE or the Course Outcome (CO) on which the
question is based is mentioned in ( ) in front of the question.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed
3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly.
CO BT Level
Q.1 Solve Any Two of the following. (3×2) 6 Marks
(A) Give the Dimensions of Physical quantities: CO6 L2
a) Force b)Viscosity c) Density
(B) List the dimensionless numbers used in fluid mechanics. CO6 L1

(C) Define HGL and TEL. CO6 L1

Q.2 Solve Any One of the following. 4 Marks

(A) Explain Dimensional homogeneity with example. CO6 L2
(B) Write the formulae for: (Also write meaning of each alphabet/letter in
the formula)
a) Major loss (Darcy-weisbach equation and Chezy’s equation) CO6 L2
b) All minor losses with diagram (Sudden enlargement, Sudden
contraction, Bend, Elbow, entry, exit, obstacle etc.)

*** End ***

Unit Test V
Course: SY B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering Semester: III
Subject Name: Fluid Mechanics Subject Code: BTMC302
Max Marks: 10 Date: 23/11/2023 Time: 12.30pm to 01.30 pm Duration:- 1 Hr.
Instructions to the Students:
1. The level question/expected answer as per OBE or the Course Outcome (CO) on which the
question is based is mentioned in ( ) in front of the question.
2. Use of non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed
3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly.
CO BT Level
Q.1 Solve Any Two of the following. (3×2) 6 Marks
(A) Define for centrifugal pump: CO7 L1
a. NPSH b. Monomeric efficiency
c. Static Head
(B) Explain principles of similarity applied to centrifugal pump CO7 L1

(C) State various types of casings in centrifugal pump. Explain any one in CO7 L1

Q.2 Solve Any One of the following. 4 Marks

(A) Explain the construction and working of centrifugal pump. CO7 L2
(B) State the different types of impellers and explain any one with sketch. CO7 L2

*** End ***

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