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Letter to the Forum Page, 13 January 2011

Maids and Condo pools – “The best-fit solution”

by Lily Ang

[1] I am concerned about the recent calls to revive the enforcement of the “no

maids allowed in condominium pools” policy . The furor raised has been heated
—public opinion seems to be split between two camps: those who support the
revived enforcement and vehemently oppose allowing maids access to pools,
and those who object, on the grounds that maids, like any other resident, should
be entitled to the use of the pool as the condo is where they have to stay. The
move to once again bar maids from condo pools has failed to take into account
the needs of busy, working parents like myself. Thus, I would like to propose a
moderate stand that would satisfy and placate both camps: Maids ought to be
allowed in pools, if and only if they are with young children.

[2] Even though I look forward to the day when Singaporeans are comfortable
enough to allow maids unrestricted access to all condo facilities, I can
understand the sentiments of those who feel a sense of unease at the idea. I
would not be so harsh as to label these people ‘racists’ and ‘bigots’. These
allegations and accusations of unfair discrimination are misplaced. Surely,
depriving maids of the right to pool facilities hardly constitutes “a deprivation of
basic rights” as alleged by liberal-minded maids rights supporters? Pool facilities
are meant to be enjoyed by paying residents. Only condo residents who pay
condo maintenance fees can legitimately claim the use of condo facilities as their

[3] Furthermore it is safe to assume that if we lift the rule and grant maids the
entitlement to use condo pools, they will abuse this right bestowed upon them. I
have on occasion seen maids throwing rowdy poolside parties for their maid-
friends at my condo’s swimming pool. The issue isn’t about condominium
residents and managers discriminating against maids and their ethnicities. It is
understandable that some condo residents feel what they feel. No one likes
noise, dirt and disturbance.

[4] The crux of the issue is professionalism and proper conduct. The reality is
that the condo is not the maid’s home; it is her workplace. We cannot and should
not allow for the blurring of lines between work and pleasure. Just as you
shouldn’t use your workplace as a place for personal pleasure and only as your
space to do your job, maids should only be allowed in condo pools when they’re

The “no maids allowed in condominium pools” policy stipulates that no maids are allowed to use
or be in condominium pools at all times. The policy was implemented 20 years ago and has been
in effect since then. But over the years, most condominium estate managers have not proactively
enforced the rule. Recently, calls have been made to revive the enforcement of this rule and to
ensure blanket bans of maids using and being in condominium pools.

working, not when they want to enjoy themselves. Hence, my suggestion—that
there be a reformulation of the “no maids in condominium pools” policy. That
way, maids can enter and be in condo pools, to enjoy the pool while fulfilling their
duties as maids, as in the case of supervising children. I know for a fact that
many liberal-minded employers who champion maids’ rights will find this

[5] It would do us good to remember that reverting to the absolute ban on

maids is regressive and would likely upset many who would consider it to be a
no-win situation. Who would take care of the children of busy parents like myself
if the blanket ban was to once again be enforced? My maid needs to be with my
three-year-old when he takes his daily swim as he is too young to be left
unsupervised. I do believe that my proposal is both practical and consistent with
according all relevant parties due consideration. Such is the only fair and logical

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