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Priscilla and Aquilas were a first century Christians missionaries married couples described in

the new testament.

Aquilla is traditionally listed among the seventy disciples

They both lived, worked and traveled with Paul. Aquilla meaning ‘eagle’ is a jew born in Pontus

in north Asia minor.

He came with his wife priscilla or Prisca, who was not a jewess but from Aristocratic family to

live in Rome.

This couples were tent makers natives in Rome and also Paul’s coworkers. (fellow workers in

Christ Jesus).


Meaning “bringing profit” or “useful”.

He was a bishop at Colophon (Asia minor) and later in Corinth.

ATRIBUTES- Christian martyrdom

VENERATED IN- Eastern Orthodox Church

FEAST-6 september (Catholic)

-7 september (orthodox)

DIED-Parium (Modera-day Kemer Turkey)


A beautifull name to bestow upon your beloved bundle of joy , Erastus is a masculine name of

Greek and Latin origin that means “loving or beloved”.

He was a deacon along side one of the apostles of the New testament Paul.

He was an assistant and disciple of Paul in the New testament.


Trophimus was one of the eight friends who accompanied Paul at the close of his third

missionary journey and traveled with him from Greece through Macedonia in to Asia.

He was an Asiatic Christian.

Trophimus means “well educated” or “well brought up”.

His name appears only three times in the bible.

 Acts 20:4

 Acts 21:29

 2 Timothy 4:20

Some theologians claim that he was a Physician.(when in the Island of Melita he healed the

father in law of Publius the chief man of the Island).


Eubulus was one of the Church members in Rome at the time of Paul’s second imprisonment in

that city.

His name is a Greek and he was a probably a gentile by birth.


Claudia is a girl’s name derived from Latin and Rome roots meaning “lame” and “enclosure”

She was a Christian woman of ancient Rome who st. Paul mentioned in a letter to Timothy in

New testament.

2 Timothy 4:21-it was a conjucture having some probability that she was a British maiden, the

daughter of king cogidunus who was an ally of Rome and assumed the name of the emperor, his

patron, Tiberius Claudius and that she was the wife of Pudens.

Her name “Claudia” is not only a Roman name but is a high born Roman name.

The gens Claudia or the family of Claudia was an ancient ariocratic Roman family line and it

was common for every member of the family to be given some form of the name. for example,

boys might be called Claudius and girls Claudia or may be given those names as middle names.

Some Christians traditions claim that Claudia was the wife of Pontius Pilate who in Mathew

27:19 had a dream in which she learned that Jesus was a “just a man” and warned her husband to

let him go.

The New testament does not give her name and we have no reliable historical source that tell us

anything about who Pilate’s wife was yet Christian traditions claims that her name was Claudia

and that she was baptized as a Christian.


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