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Ostrich (page 15)

Burchell’s zebra (page 41)

louis liebenberg

Introduction3 Species accounts 8

What is tracking? 3 Glossary & Photographic credits 56
Where and how to look 4 Checklist57
Wildlife in miniature 6 Further reading 57

Key to African names:

A – Afrikaans; S – Sotho;
X – Xhosa; Z – Zulu.

Broken branches, uprooted

trees and stripped tree bark
may serve as indicators of an
elephant’s presence

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Copyright © in text, 2003: Louis Liebenberg
First published in 2003
Copyright © in photographs, 2003:
Individual photographers as credited on p. 56
Copyright © in maps, 2003: Reproduction by Hirt &
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Editor: Katharina von Gerhardt ISBN: 978 1 86872 848 0 (Print)

Designer: Neil Bester ISBN 978 1 77584 311 5 (ePUB)
ISBN 978 1 77584 312 2 (ePDF)

The ability of Kalahari Bushmen leopard tracks in unexpected

trackers to interpret and places can be exhilarating.
understand the story behind Even if you never see the
each spoor is cultivated over a animal, the knowledge that it
lifetime and developed to an is there is immensely gratifying.
exceptionally high degree. Men By reconstructing animal
and women are able to identify movements from footprints,
the footprints of an individual you may be able to visualise the
person. They can identify the actions of that animal. In this
antelope they have shot from way a whole story may unfold –
the rest of the herd, and have a story of what happened when
the ability to track down that no one was looking.
specific animal. The animal’s
spoor may vary according to its What is tracking?
age, mass, sex and condition. The art of tracking involves each
It may also have a unique way and every sign of an animal’s
of walking or a particular habit presence that can be found in
that distinguishes it from other nature, including ground spoor,
individuals of the same species. vegetation spoor, scent, feeding
People today are often not signs, urine, faecesG, saliva,
familiar with the immense pellets, territorial signs, paths
variety of animal life that and shelters, vocal and other
surrounds them, simply because
most animals are rarely seen.
To a ‘spoor conscious’ tracker,
however, animal tracks may
reveal the activities of a
multitude of animals.
Leopards, for example, are
very elusive and thus hardly ever
seen. They have the uncanny
ability to live near human
settlements, often on the Fine dust on this hard, dry ground will
periphery of large cities. Finding betray the leopard’s passing through

auditory signs, incidental signs Where and how to look
and skeletal remains. The clearest footprints are
Footprints provide the usually found in damp, slightly
most detailed information on muddy earth, in wet sand, in a
the identity, movements and thin layer of loose dust on firm
activities of animals. The spoor substrate, or in snow. Dirt roads
illustrations in this book are and paths may have a thin layer
exact studies made under ideal of very fine dust on firm ground
conditions – in other words, that can reveal the finest detail
spoor that are clearly visible of the spoor.
in mud or sand, and are not Usually, however, footprints
distorted. In reality, one will are partially obliterated,
probably never find two animals and one should walk up and
with identical footprints. down the trail to find the
One advantage of using ideal best imprints. Even if no clear
footprints is that it gives one footprints can be found, one
a preconceived image, which can collect bits of information
makes it easier to identify by studying several footprints
imperfect tracks correctly,
in conditions where the
tracks may otherwise
have been overlooked.
Preconceived images play
an important role in the
recognition of patterns
in nature. The ‘danger’
with them, however, is
that one may misread
random markings as spoor
or one animal’s spoor
for another. One must
therefore be careful not to
be prejudiced and see what
one would like to see. Civet spoor in sand

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