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Republic of the Philippines HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Quezon City Seventeenth Congress Honse Bilt No, 8606 BY REPRESENTATIVE VINI NOLA A. ORTEGA, ABONO PARTY-LIST EXPLANATORY NOTE This bill was originally introduced by former Representative Victor Francisco C. Ortega as House Bill 5870 during the sixteenth Congress. It was subsequently approved by the House of Representatives and transmitted to Senate where it was not acted upon. Further, this bill secks to establish the forestland boundary of the Province of La Union in accordance with the Constitution to preserve the province’s valuable ecosystem and promote sustainable development for the present and future generations. Furthermore, the metes and bounds provided in this bill are verified and confirmed by the Provincial Environmental Officer of the Province of La Union to be precise and correct, In view of the foregoing, this representation earnestly requests the approval of this bill. Golly, Vini Nola A. Ortega Republic of the Philippines HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Quezon City Seventeenth Congress House Bill No, 9606 By REPRESE TATIVE VIN NOLA A, ORTEGA, ABONO PARTY-LIST AN ACT ESTABLISHING THE FORESTLAND BOUNDARY OF THE PROVINCE OF LA UNION Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: SECTION 1. Short Tile. - This Act shail be known as the “Forestland Boundary of the Province of La Union” SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. ~ It is the policy of the State to conserve, protect and develop the forest resources of the country in order to attain ecological balance, preserve valuable ecosystems, prevent environmental degradation and promote sustainable development for the present and future generations. To achieve these ends, Section 4 of Article XII of the 1987 Constitution mandates Congress to determine by law the specific limits of forestlands marking clearly their boundaries on the ground SEC. 3. Definition of Terms. As used in this Act (a) Agricultural kanes refer to alienable and disposable lands of the public domain which have been the subject of the land classification system and declared as not needed for forest purposes: 2 (b) Delimitation survey refers to the establishment of land classification boundaries, and the monumenting thereof, throtigh ground survey: (©) Delineation refers to the conduct of site investigation, field reconnaissance and assessment, and staking of boundaries between forestlands, national parks and agricultural lands, verified in the field in accordance with the criteria set forth under Department Administrative Order (DAO) 2008-24: (@) Forestlands refer to all lands of the public domain already classified as forestland per existing land classification maps issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR); all permanent forest reserves proclaimed as such by the President or declared by Congress throuigh law; and such areas within the unclassified lands of the public domain that were assessed and delineated by the DENR in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations on the matter; and (e) Protected area refers to identified portions of land and/or water set aside by reason of their unique physical and biological significance, managed to enhance biological diversity and protected against destructive Iuman exploitation, SEC. 4, Scope. ~The permanent forestlands of the Province of La Union is comprised of the existing forestlands/timberlands covering forty-two (42) upland forestland blocks and three (3) mangrove forestland blocks with an aggregate area of 34,223.55 hectares as shown and described on the Final Forestland Boundary Map of the Province of La Union, 2s follows: Beginning at a point marked 3 BLOCK A Forestland (Upland) on the Forestland Boundary Map, being S 76°52'13" E, 569.84 meters from LUN-3001A (PRS 92 Control Point Latitude 16°16'0.58605", Longitude 120°29'32.67456"), Barangay San Luis, Municipality of Pugo’ thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence N06°10°08" W N 25°40'52" E S 68°09115" W N 211912" E N 35919347" E, $05°36'53" E 1N49°15'43" W N72°27'15" W N 1292230" W N 10°4423" W 1107.4 463.82 239.18 640.86 5932.95 4606.58 59.27 427.91 970.55 1024.95 meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner ‘meters to corner 2, 3 4 5: 6: 7 8 9: meters to corner 10; meters to corner the point of beginning, containing an area of 236.40 hectares. BLOCK B Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked “ 1 "on the Forestland Boundary Map, being N 33°25'05" W, 1,310.07 meters from LUN-57 (PRS "92 Control Point Latitude 16°13'55.57188", Longitude 120°29'9.80161"), Barangay Poblacion, Municipality of Rosario: thence thence thence thence thence $.05°50°05" W 's 38°58'00" W $10°1012" E $20°3747" E $30°275S" E 275.43 87.46 266.18 90.82 19.72 meters to corner meters to comer meters fo comer meters to corner meters to corner 2 3: 4, 5; 6; thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence S 72°53'50" S 1471020" N75°1730" N 12°13°30" NN 40°54'51" N77°28'16" ‘N32°49'42" N 31948143" 1N52°5603" N 2393915" N 80°55'22" N 18°3636" 1 42°30°37" N 07927538" $ 79°53'16" N 271616" 1 25°28'115" N67°07'58" N 6048109" N06°08'47" N 13°06'59" N57°22'50" N61°28'03" No1°31'02" 1N 2392120" No1933'25" N 20°26'11" 2emnegeeeemeee et eecenmegeeeeeme = $ 63°3627" W 27.20 102.11 165.42 61.39 19.85 9.22 36.89 220.06 409.80 132.10 1h 103.41 32.56 84.72 159.48 290.26 327.87 249.62 116.85 65.38 103,76 59.36 117.24 151.05 19171 109.18 280.67 148.48 meters to corer 7; meters to corner 8; meters to corner 9; meters to corner 10; meters to corner 11; meters to corner 12; meters to corner 13; meters to corner 14; meters to corner 15; meters to corner 16; meters to comer 17; meters to corner 18; meters to comer 19; meters to comer 20; meters to comer 21; meters to corner 22; meters to corner 23; meters to corner 24; meters to comer 25; meters to comer 26, meters to comer 27; meters to comer 28; meters to comer 29: meters to comer 30; meters to corner 31; meters to corner 32; ‘meters to corner 33; meters to corner 34; thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence N10°1817" E N 65°06'35" W N 1394827" W N 230420" W $.84°5727" W N 32°00'19" W N39°30'04" W N30°1N41" W N62°56'57" E N01°09'47" W Neo14g31" W N56°1642" E S$ 19°41'55" E $ 40°1029" E § 25°44°32" E N 63°4745" E 5 18°13'56" W S 8071840" E S47°1726" E S.24°03'56" E $ 70°0933" W 1 9070000" W S 46°1726" E N52°55336" E N 29°51'32! S 68°26116" E $.22°4656" E S 355211" E HAs. 382.53 243.02 535.86 136,93 103.77 361.58 268.42 52.77 197.04 141.82 506.16 344.14 655.69 529.56 212.88 178.99 207.97 35.38 451.22 103.12 8.00 408.10 112.80 124.53 133.33 LAS 160.42 meters to comer 35; meters to corner 36; meters to corner 37: meters to comer 38; meters to comer 39; meters to corner 40; meters to comer 41; meters to corner 42; meters to comer 43; meters to corner 44; meters to corner 45; meters to corner 46; meters to corner 47; meters to corner 48; meters to corner 49; meters to corner 50; meters to corner 51; meters to comer 52; meters fo corner 53, meters to comer 54; meters to comer 55; meters to comer 56; meters to corer 57; meters to corer 58; eters to corner 59; meters to corner 60; meters to comer 61; meters to corner 62; thence $35°1222" E 241.10 meters to comer 63: thence 644755" W 18,79 meters to corner 64; thence 8 79°12'56" W 85.51 meters to comer 65; thence S 66°50'56" W 157.70 meters to comer 66; thence 62°0609" W 19.24 meters to corner 67, thence $ 63°2605" E 3131 meters to comer 68; thence $s 59°02'10" W 46.65 meters to corner 69, thence S24°01'12" E 503.61 meters to comer 70; thence N 88°0049" E 173.10 meters to comer 71; thence $.62°1033" E 40.71 meters to corner 72; thence $ 11°40'43" E 182.78 meters to corner 73; thence S41°0839" E 389.08 meters to comer 1; the point of beg ing, containing an area of 270.07 hectares. BLOCK C Forestland (Upland) 1 Beginning at a point marked “I” on the Forestland Boundary Map, being N 44°53'31" E, 1,178.11 meters from LUN-3003 (PRS "92 Control Point Latitude 16°14'86121", Longitude 120°26'88708"), Barangay | Amlang, Municipality of Rosario thence N52°08'50" W 1119.56 meters to comer 2: thence N08°57'58" W 930.37 meters to corner 3; thence N 18°55'28" W 37.00 meters to corer 4; thence N 0692024" E 36.22 meters to corner 5: thence N22°1612" W 340.39 meters to corner 6; thence N05°02109" W 262.01 meters to corner 7; thence Ngs°q937" W 233.62 meters to corner 8; thence N 1892605" Wo 139.14 meters to corner 9; thence N 0420403" E. 225.57 meters to corner 10; thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence NoTe40'44" W WN 13°0409" E N 62°S1'01" W N 53°01" 1 11°48'08" E N27°36'4 N 10°45'48" W N 02°54'S: N 11952114" W N 20°49'15" W N 4291314" W N00°30'41" W N 36°13'56" W N02°21'40" W NOO°1T16" E N02°0412" E N 23925143" W N 13°1705" E N36°34'22" W N 19°38'16" W Noisio0s" W N 28°58'58" W N07°27338" E E N 35°1200" E N09°02'22" E N 14°06'47" E Nesse4o'03" W 359,22 172.47 43.83 116.40 68.45 220.07 514.04 216.28 661.14 151.92 218.75 336.01 287.62 291.25 199.00 415.27 326.96 221.94 77.20 241.02 441.09 233.21 173.95 254.15 319.73 178.21 180.45 66.19 meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corer meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer ‘meters to corner it 12, Be 14 15, 16 1%, 18, 19 35; 36; 37; 38; thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thenee thence thence thence thence $ 5193617" W S438" W N 0790942" W 1893503" W N 1991458" W N 18°52'48" W N83°5721" EB N05°25°36" W N 62°1033" W S 48°03'50" W $35°19'52" W NIL2714" W 1 00°39112" E N33°24'06" W N 51°26'S8" E N05°25'36" E N68°29'54" W $20°1530" W $67°01'22" W S 10°41'05" E $37°1528" W $ 8295935" W N 1190207" E N82°18'14" E N08°11'06" W S 85°34'56" W N03°26'23" E N01°2647" E 135,25 127.29 192,50 152.61 66.73 244.14 85.48 200.90 814i 7931 96.83 156.11 263.02 165.30 163.67 200.90 177.34 337.90 135.77 215.74 236.21 180.35 245.54 186.68 147.50 233.69 183,33 198,06 meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to corer meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer ‘meters to comer 39; 40; 41 42, 43; 44; 45; 46; 41, 48. 49, 50; 51 52 53 54 55 56, 37; 58; 59; 60; 61; 62; 63; 64; 65; 66; the: thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence No3°10'47" W N27°33'10" E N41°S745" E N79°51'33" E 8 23°4726" E S 68°2923" E 8 24°06'51" E S 18°4842" E N 86°0754" E 8 29°5948" E $ 5994818" E $ 00°25'°00" W s49r4g'14a" W $73°4334" W S 260300" E 8 29°0924" E S 101438" E $ 20°3321" E $.04°1720" E N89°23'37" E S.20°S745" W $.22°0929" W $.33°02'16" E N 60°1917" E. $.89°3723" E $.00°56'29" W $ 40°0903" E S$ 27°4306" E 9 234.36 233.48 173.48 124.95 101.64 182.73 115.06 192.27 281.64 254.03 268.42 275.01 176,69 167,72 348.39 108.78 168.69 187.97 200.56 189.01 164.92 238.62 170.58 107.04 152.00 426.06 276.05 199.95 meters to comer meters to cosner meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to corner meters to corner meters to corer meters to comer meters to corner ‘meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to corer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer 67; 68; 92: thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence $ 2291357" E S 20°20°38" W S.24°48'57" W $.41°25°25" W S 20°48'390" E S03°15'59" B $.053949" W 1 39°52'57" W S$ 22°06'59" E 5 80°32115" W $ 1219935" E 1493735" E $ 232502" E 148.00 189.84 293.06 90.69 526.34 403.66 243.19 190,26 236.39 279.81 1536.42 2142.43 2475.93 meters to corner 95; meters to corner 96 meters to comer 97; meters to comer 98; meters to corner 99; meters to comer 100; meters to comer 101 meters to comer 102: meters to comer 103; meters to corner 104; meters to corer 105; meters to corner 106: meters to corner the point of beginning, containing an area of 565,66 hectares. BLOCK D Forestland (Upland) Beginning at @ point marked “I” on the Forestland Boundary Map, being N 24°05'15" W, 321.83 meters from LUN-53 (PRS °92 Control Point Latitude 16°18'4.75725", Nambuongan, Municipality of Agoo thence thence thence thence thence thenee thence thence S.82°1951" W N-90°00'00" W S 775418" W N 0320046" W N 05°00'58" W N88°01'02" E S81°S2111" E N 80718440" E Longitude 120°24'37,00394"), Barangay 457.09 10,00 200.45 190.26 320.23 260.16 12021 83.19 meters to corner 2; meters to corner ‘meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thenee thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thenee N 63°55 N 2895433" S 76°06'55" N 8793911" N43°35'08" 74°58" N55°58'20" 5 54°50'00" 8 674317" Novara" N 00°00'00" N 15°36'57" N 49°4020" N30°31'05" Nsi°4siss" N72°18'56" N49°08'40" NN 54°12'39" N 2871244" $8 49°273 N39°44'46" N 38°S1'45" 1N09°53'38" N65°41'02" No03°43's3" N74°4a'41" N 16°2736" N33°2700" E Ww w w w w w w w w 159.21 76.54 91.68 122.10 229.17 239.18 141.17 269.12 245.31 305.13 228.00 167.17 295.14 220.55 42.01 217.27 146.75 106.02 482.30 100,01 123,56 264.56 174,60 148,14 46.10 114.02 91.76 264.87 meters to comer 10; meters to corner I meters to comer 12; meters to comer 13; meters to comer 14: meters to comer 15; meters to comer 16; meters to corner 17; meters to corner 18: meters to comer 19. meters to comer 20; meters to corner 21 meters to corner 22; meters to comer 23; meters to comer 24, meters to comer 25: eters to corner 26: meters to comer 27; meters to corner 28. meters to corner 29; meters to comer 30; meters to comer 31 meters to corner 32; meters 10 comer 33; meters to corner 34; meters to comer 35; meters to corer 36, meters to corner 37; thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thenee thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thenee N 61930115" E N39°44'59" N 66°13'58" E N48°3717" W NOL°50'S1" E N 42°26110" W N03°33115" E. N 83°48'40" E N 75°5223" E N 33°0320" W N61°29445" E w E w E w E w Ww E N 29°07'16" N 46°0229" N 2193751" N 08°44'4e" N 75°21'29" Na4L57°05" Nsiesa'2s" N27°2827" N 16°30'43" S4icasia" W N 03°54'50" W N46°18'07" E N 50°28'38" E N 6874549" W N25°28'27" E N59°42'54" E N63°2605" E 159.30 131.37 119.10 99.97 93.05 94.85 322.62 250.46 307.29 300.67 171.83 250.69 116.69 62.39 157.84 229.45 119.67 299.87 36.36 263.88 139.52 380.89 124.48 103.71 207.06 132.85, 144,76 55.90 meters to corner 38: meters to comer 39: meters to comer 40: meters to corner 41; meters to comer 42; meters to corner 43; meters to comer 44 meters to comer 45; meters to corer 46; meters to corer 47; meters to corner 48; meters to corner 49; meters to comer 50; meters to comer 51; meters to comer 52; meters to comer 53; meters to corner 54; meters to comer 55; meters to comer 56; meters to comer 57; meters to corner 58; meters to corner 59; meters to corer 60; meters to comer 61; meters to corner 62; meters to comer 63; meters to corner 64; meters to comer 65, thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thenee thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence 63958113" N 60°3039 $ 20°46'20" N57°08'1 S 13°1¥08" N80°52'11 1 60°37°09" 8 43°28'45" $.04°30'50" $.48°20'40" $ 1890922 $.41°53'20" $ 40°36'04" $ 18°07'58" N87°29'32" $s 09°58'54" $.06°28'11" $s 54°24'11" S$ 14°15'00" S.37°05'09" S 1871040" S33°1s‘al" $.02°1927" S 1074313" § 21°39'57" $ 22°56'44" $ 2443'12" 5 66°05'01" E 143.56 166.58 124.06 134,53 153.06 56.72 136.57 159.86 114.35 218.16 259,94 130.30 216.59 179.94 137.13 126.92 97.62 225.06 195.00 159.20 tat 111.22 222 209.66 157.10 148.77 291.73 125.80 meters to comer 66; meters to comer 67; meters to corner 68; meters to comer 69; meters to comer 70; meters to corner 71; meters to comer 72; meters to comer 73; meters to corner 74; meters to comer 75; meters to corner 76; meters to comer 77; meters to corner 78; meters to comer 79; meters to comer 80; meters to comer 81; meters to corner 82, meters to corner 83, meters to comer 84; meters to comer 85; meters to corner 86; meters to corner 87; meters to comer 88; meters to corner 89: meters to comer 90; meters to comer 91; meters to corner 92; meters to comer 93; thence 834935932" W 317.05 meters to comer 94; thence 545428" W 328.76 meters to comer 95: thence $ 04°05108" E 28.07 meters to.comer 96, thence $ 70°4726" E 234.03 meters to comer 97; thence N 84933334" E 253.14 meters to comer 98; thence 2474800" E 159.73 meters to corner 99; thence $ 62°2226" W 362.31 meters to corner 100; thence $.08°36'56" W 233.64 meters to corner 101; thence N 73°5023" E 183.24 meters to corner 102; thence N 19°05'36" E, 82.54 meters to comer 103; thence $ 20°59'47" E 502.36 meters to corner 104; thence N 7491050" E 124.72 meters to corner 105: thenee N56°S1'10" E 117.08 meters to corner 106; thence $.26°50'14" W 188.28 meters to corner 107; thence S36°S2'1" E 60.00 meters to corner 108; thence N 64°13" 204.39 meters to corner 109; thence $.23°54'32" E 434.26 meters to comer 110; thence § 1591803" E 329.69 meters to corner I11; thence S10°ar'is" E 307.33 meters to corner 112; thence SOI16S2" W 626.16 meters to comer 1; the point of bexinning, containing an area of 468,86 hectares. BLOCK E Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked “I” on the Forestiand Boundary Map, being N 12°41°08" E, 753.32 meters from LUN-3006 (PRS °92 Control Point Latitude 16°17'44,97501", Longitude 120°22'55.93111"), Barangay Amlang, Municipality of Rosario: thence Nog%4303"W 303.51 meters to corner 2. thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence N 28°4221" W N27°29'15 1N50°18'52" W N 04°1622" W N22°35'14" W N 0070000" W N 1595643" W N 19°40'59" S.00°00'00" $.85°01'48" N73°43'13" E N 10°02'57" E N 17902115" W w w S.86°0401" E w E S 86°11'09" $s 19°20°08" W N 80°22448" W N22°56'49" W N85°50'53" W N 26°55'39" E N 10°27: N 273144" W S 82°0534" E N38°21'04" E N20°1741" W S.60°0603" W 2948441" W § 1291330" E 230.43 305.49 183.22 174.49 270.77 402.00 101.92 130.63 160.38 143.00 92.35 lin 80.23 129.69 60.13 60.41 59.84 269.31 240.60 211.98 66.10 186.07 36.35 116.04 282.54 46.14 80.62 61.39 meters to comer 3: meters to comer 4: meters to comer 5; meters to comer 6: meters to corner. 7: meters to corner 8, meters to comer 9. meters to corner 10; meters to comer I] meters to corner 12; meters to corner 13; meters to corner 14; meters to corner 15: meters to corner 16; meters to corner 17; meters to corner 18; meters to corner 19, meters to corner 20; meters to corner 21 meters to corner meters to corner 23, ‘meters to corner 24; meters to corner 25; ‘meters to corner 26; meters to comer 27. meters to corner 28; meters to corner 29; meters to comer 30. thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence $s $9°3924" N 28°48'38" N 2371804" w w Ww N31°3441" E S 29°S: N 69°59'59" 3" N 81°2626" N75°1628" S 3970814" s 1174406" 5 20°54'45" § 43°0224" $ 12°5721" 6793326" 1195713" § 17°56'39" $s 08°07'48" $.05°5705" 1291223 8 23°05'06" Ss 141041" $ 2293235" $ 153031" N79°51'41" No9°47'09" N 792035" N 10°35'41" N 114244" w E w ea 4751 68.48 219.94 255,89 271,02 289.46 396.42 161.30 318.45 211.42 131.67 186.08 334.52 199.08 226,92 295.37 240.42 260.40 250.67 265.24 293.95 286.92 198,22 585.14 353.05 189.26 424.23 167.49 meters to comer 31 meters to comer 32; meters to comer 33; meters to comer 34, meters to corner 35; meters to comer 36; meters to comer 37; meters to comer 38; meters to corner 39; meters to comer 40; meters to corner 41; meters to comer 42; meters to corner 43; meters to corer 44; meters to corner 45; meters to corner 46: meters to corner 47: meters to comer 48; meters to corner 49, meters to corner 50, meters to corner $1; meters to corner 52: meters to comer 5 meters to corner 54; meters to comer 55; meters to comer 56; ‘meters to corner 57; meters to corner 58; thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thenee thence 8 66°5738" E N 1192237" S75°14'14" S 15°0603" w w w S 85°28'16" W $ 0994223 $ 02°5739" 8 06°23'02" S 10°S6'09" 877923104" w E E E w 94.54 334,57 153.05 130.51 101.32 154,21 232.31 287.78 600.91 215.20 meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer the point of beginning, containing an area of 346.46 hectares, BLOCK F Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked “I being § 75°31'17" W, 606.04 meters from LUN-51 (PRS °92 Control Point 59, 60; ol; 62; 63: oa 65: 66: 61; on the Forestland Boundary Map, Latitude 16°20'3.11172", Longitude 120°23'21.21283"), Barangay Macalva Sur, Municipality of Agoo: thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence S87°15'18" N 08°S2'50" Na21°1555" N 16°01' N 14743114" N 80°1840" $ 13°01'09" $.03°20'S4" a $.05°49'08" $.04°13'14" w w w w w w N 87°22'15" W 146.17 226.72 198.52 202.88 507.66 41.59 519.35 188.32 15781 201.74 196,21 meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to corer meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner 2, 3. 4: 5: 6 1: 8 9: 0, 1 1 thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thenee thence N59°02'10" N 36°52'11" N 23°00! N 25°54: Ns4°2744" w w w w w 1 39°00°33" W 3295207" w N 26°52'S6" E N 38°56334" w N 29°0205" E S 68°08'22" E N 22°0975" N 64°32'50" N 16°19'48" N21°2725" N 35°05 N 02°20'5 N 76°51'32" N 13915110" N05°18'40" N 2491457" S$ 82°5528" W N21°0653 E S89°1135" W N 16°08'0s" w N 68°4a'ss" W N39°2341" W $ 74°54'37" E 128,28 270.00 230.31 270.14 197.85 230.36 386.94 161.45 221.14 280,22 179.94 209.47 230.36 327.20 401.85 180.89 390.33 263.91 266,09 799.43 243.48 430.28 263.71 497.05 165,52 38.63 267.86 303.46 meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to commer meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to corer meters to comer thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence N 44°2934" E N 6874458" W N37°21'34" N68°S441" N 63°2605" 1N09°30'51" E w w E N73°06'13" E, 1N 2392351" E $.81°29'53" E $53°0201" E $33°5636" E N 46°00'18" $.02°5739" E N33°31'04 $36°4027" E N31°S759" E S.11°0734" W $ 88°2933" E N05°40'38" E E N58°34'13" E $.35°05'38" E 693401" E N 88°54 § 92°2028" E N 59546112" E S 78°50'30" E S 16r06'0s" W S04°4i'38" W 79.91 154,51 117.00 402.99 93.91 362.99 306.22 113.32 196.16 237.80 125.36 201.56 58.08 92.36 58.60 156.77 305.75 76.03 171.84 151,03 189.86 690.53 54.42 232.42 meters to corner meters to comer eters to comer eters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corer meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner 4; 42; 43, 44, 4s. 46; 47. 48; 49; 50; 31: 52: 53: 54; 55; 56; 57; 58 59; 60; 61; 62; 63; 64: 65; 66. 67; 68, thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thenee thence thence thenee thence th thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thenee N83°24'30" E N 144617" W N25°59'0) N 22933145" E N55°37'10" E w N28°24'06" E N57°49'43" E E N71°57'56" E $.35°2935" E § 88°S1'15" E $.45°0000" E S.04°40'ss" W $ 21°26'5 N33°41'24" W N29°32'19" W NS7°48115" W $8 54°41'19 $.05°35'14 seleir2i" w E w 8 04°55'55" W 8 12¢48'15" W $8 5671835" W S 10°3710" W N75°22'44" W 8.24°4630" E 5 .22°55'55" W 8 29°32'19" W S 784124" W 226.50 207.87 132.38 153.77 23,02 153.47 73.28 30.08 45.22 149.84 50.01 41.01 281.94 28.84 68.96 31.91 29.41 92.44 68.48 197.73 135.37 61.29 81,39 118.85 143,18 28.23 34.48 36.09 meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corer meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer ‘meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer ‘meters to comer 69, 70, ny 2B 74, 78 76, 77, 78 19, 80, 81, 82 83 84 85 86, 87, 88 89; 90, oy 92, 93; 94 98; 96; thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence S 14°55'53" W $ 50°54'22" W S19°1044" E '§ 58°52'39" w S01°21'50" E S.08°58'21" W S.82°11'59" W S 281141" E S.42°38'01" E S.48°2601" W N 893651" W S$ 62°31'32" W N38°5414" W N28°51'05" E N35°2307" W N30°1431" E N 5192430" W N 58°58 w S.00°46'49" W 15°13'22" < S73°3839" S38°54'14 S04?10'46" S71°s3'46" S$ 71°06'50" mom $30°1358" S 163806" S 1190606" W mmmm 2 21 31.05 41.23 24.35 6191 42.01 96.18 B68 110.06 85.63 70.84 297.01 253,60 366,23 246,61 262.49 285.91 253.31 178.53 367.03 468.44 383.52 366,23 260.69 382.96 120.49 174.77 171.16 270.05 meters to comer 97; meters to corner 98; meters to comer 99; meters to comer 100, meters to corner (01; meters to corner 102: meters to corner 103; meters to corner 104; meters to comer 105; meters to comer 106; meters to corner 107; meters to corner 108; meters to comer 109; meters to corner 110; meters to corner LIL meters to comer 112; meters to corner 113; meters to corner 114; ‘meters to corner 115; meters to corner 116; meters to corner 117. meters to corner 118: meters to corner 119: meters to commer 120; meters to corner 121 meters to comer 122, meters to corner 123: meters to comer 124: thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence S 86°08'57" $ 53°54'53" S 70°26'52" 0174525" § 1593832" 8 77°52'52" 8 44°10'10" S 68°S4'07" $ 16°3205" $66°17711" S 3193119" $11°29°04" S 16°00440" S17°01'48" 8 23°0022" S.06°28'26" S 75°51'39" S09°1034" E E w E w N 7391439" E $ 19°07'11" 8 72°58°31" 34°10" N 6393712" $ 42°0935" $.42°43'39" sar iaad S 69°54'17" $.02°2224" 22 104.24 23.01 113.55 163.08 51.92 166.72 14639 136.12 66.16 116.87 87.98 321.44 119.64 232.18 273.78 283.81 135.09 131.69 194.25 79.38 269.82 165.58 276,83 271.15 178.33 144.36 130.97 193.17 meters to comer 125; meters to corner 126; meters to comer 127; meters to corner 128; meters to comer 129; meters to corner 130, meters to corner 131; meters to comer 132; meters to corner 133: meters to comer 134; meters to comer 135; meters to comer 136; meters to comer 137; meters to comer 133; meters to comer 139; meters to corner 140; meters to corner 141; meters to corner 142; meters to corner 143; meters to corner 144; meters to corner 145; meters to corner 146; meters to corner 147; meters to corner 148: meters to corner 149. meters to corner 150; meters to corner 151; meters to corner 152 thence thence N85°24°20" W $ 1271553" W 112,36 94.15 meters to comer 153, meters to corner I the point of beginning, containing an area of 792.72 hectares. BLOCK G Forestland (Upland) Beginning at @ point marked “I” on the Forestland Boundary Map, being N 34°09'25" W, 1,350.30 meters from LUN-3070 (PRS °92 Control Point Latitude 16°24'37,70685", Longitude 120°22'58.7457"), Barangay San Juan, Municipality of Aringay: thence thence thence thence thence thence thence then thenee thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence 82392903" W 8 57°01'50" W 82470811" E $.07°0730" E 8 25°28'19" W N 5491004" W $.31°48'22" W $ 05°36. $.06°22'41" E S879°1739" E S27°50'51" E $ 1292907" W '$05°4749" E, N67°2402" W $.08°21'20" W $ 372525" W N 8790351" W N 1490647" E S81°5605" W 158.09 264.61 200.53 169.31 281.35 474,88 396,55 173.83 333,06 204.56 179.82 143.39 198.01 426.77 323.43 144.81 78.10 180.45 249.47 meters to comer meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to corer meters to corner meters to corner meters to corer meters to comer meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to corer meters to comer meters to comer melers to comer meters to comer meters to comer thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence th thence thence N $2°31'25" W N 59°33'56" N 05°39'15 WN 25°1301 N 90°00'00! é¢00m $.32°3709" $.23°5231" W S11°3617" E N 8674704" W $23°1740" W S 11°38'52" W $ 88°01'30" W $ 69°54'17" W N 00°2922" W N02°22'24" E N90°00'00" W N02°20114" W N 80°32'1 N 1190227" E $s 62°39°00" W N 18°5416" E $ 87°0220" E N 16°a1's7" W N 04936338" W S83°1724" W N 3193840" E $.07°25'53" W N59°02'10" E 13.41 92.78 202.99 190,12 70.00 29.68 133.42 11434 89.14 156.78 232.79 174.10 130.97 117.00 193.17 85.00 49.04 36.50 4177 32.65 71.16 58.08 52.20 62.20 17.12 101.02 46.39 69.97 meters to comer 21; meters to comer 22; meters to comer 23; meters to comer 24: meters to comer 25; meters to comer 26, meters to comer 27, meters to comer 28: meters to comer 29; meters to comer 30; meters to comer 31; meters to comer 32, meters to corner 33 meters to comer 34: meters to comer 35) meters to comer 36; meters to corner 37; meters to comer 38; meters to corner 39. meters to corner 40; meters to corner 41; meters to comer 42; meters to comer 43; meters to corer 44; meters to comer 45; meters to corner 46, meters to corner 47; meters to corner 48; thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence N 23°11'54" E N 8293851" W N 5271820" W N 51°48" N 19°43°20" ow N 26°57" N 00°54 S 89°4713" E § 35°46'12" E N 173025" W N 45°00" E N 26°13'54" E S$ 45°0000" E N39°S6'46" E N 22997148" E N51°2024" W N77°40'42" EB N34°5931" W N 17°49'08" E N30°35'59" W 8 80°1704" E $22°1433" E $ 8993557" E N21°0S'01" E $30°3747" E N80°25'50" E N 02°28'05" W 25 83.77 93.77 27.80 95.43 281.51 194.10 312.04 269.00 114.62 156.24 93.34 153.84 7.07 104.35 91.92 178.07 25.61 299.91 349.30 205.88 216,09 669.60 385,70 286.01 266.87 264.97 90.26 232.22 meters to comer 49; meters to comer 50; meters to comer 51 meters to corner 52, meters to corner 53, meters to corner $4: meters to corner 55. meters to comer 56; meters to comer 57; meters to corner 58; meters to comer 59; meters to corner 60; meters to corner 61; meters to corner 62; meters to comer 63; meters to corner 64; meters to corner 65; meters to comer 66; meters to comer 67; meters to corner 68; meters to corner 69; meters to corner 70; meters to corner 71; meters to corner 72; meters to comer 73; meters to corner 74: meters to corner 75; meters to corner 76; 26 thence S$ 65°S8'18" 353.65 meters to commer 77: thence s.00°00'00" W 40.00 meters to corner 78: thence SOP2611" E 141,13 meters to corner 79, thence 8 55938444" E 95.69 meters to commer 1; the point of beginning, containing an area of 327.41 hectares, BLOCK H Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked being N 86°22'14" W, 1,702.11 meters fiom LUN-49 (PRS 92 Control Point on the Forestland Boundary Map, Latitude 16°2527.88191", Longitude 120°24'2.71106"), Barangay San Jose, Municipality of Caba: thence 8 49°5948" W 259.79 —_metersto corner 2; thence $ 14902110" E 70.09 meters to corner 3; thence N 49°56'32" W 320.10 meters to comer 4; thence S 39°0420" W 130.10 meters to corner 5. thence $ 76°50'56" W 109.88 meters to corner 6 thence NO07°1820" E 235,92 meters to corner 7. thence N35°18'04" W 197.27 meters to comer 8; thence Ng3°5027" Wo 139.81 meters to corner 9: thence N38°1239" W 59.82 meters to corner 10; thence N 7195539" E 99,93 meters to corner 11; thence N'82°49'50" E. 160.25 meters to corner 12, thence No0°00'00" W 240.00 meters to comer 13; thence $ 84°59'57" W 80.31 meters to corner 14; thence N33°01'25" Wo 119.27 meters to corner 15; thence S 86°49112" W 90.14 meters to comer 16; thence N 1591208" W 190.67 meters to corner 17. thence N 83°01'44" E 230.71 meters to comer 18; a thence $41°S705" E 239.34 meters to comer 19, thence $.06°56'1 190.39 meters to corner 20; thence SO7°1103" E 119.94 meters to corner 21; thence $ 090346" E 165.06 meters to corner 22; thence S 69°0843" E 67.42 meters to corner 23; thence S 44°0739" E 139.32 meters to corner 24; thence 8.33°S8'13" E 170.02 meters to corner 25; thence N83°58'34" E 200.11 meters to corer 1; the point of beginning, containing an area of 29.27 hectares, BLOCK I Forestland (Upland) Beginnin being N 51°49'S3" E, 4,763.22 meters from LUN-48 (PRS *92 Control Point at a point marked “I” on the Forestland Boundary Map, Latitude 16°25'34.49399", Longitude 120°21'44.71373"), Barangay Sobredillo, Municipality of Caba thence $ 23°4634" E 156.26 meters to comer 2; thence N35°3639" E 546.13 meters to corner 3; thence § 23935419" E 404.83 meters to comer 4; thence $ 64°1724" E 239.73 meters to comer 5; thence $33°4721" W 160.03. meters to comer 6; thence S28°1414" E 245.18 meters to comer 7; thence $ 5294524" W 214.80 meters to comer 8; thence N17°52'10" W 192.28 meters to comer 9; thence S73°58'03" W 90.52 meters to corner 30; thence SO3°1727" E 400.66 meters to comer 1; thence $28°02'14" W 382.94 meters to corner 12: thence SS2°1S1I" W 156.82 meters to comer 13; thence N27°0601" W 239.27 meters to comer 14; 28 thence N05°3400" W 515.43. meters to corner 15: thence N22°3437" W 411.54 meters to corner 16; thence N 30°02'54" E 257.62 meters to comer 1; the point of beginning, containing an area of 72.34 hectares. BLOCK J Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked “I being $ 56°48'53" E, 6,070.96 meters from LUN-61 (PRS "92 Control Point Latitude 16°29'36.63425", Longituce 120°19'41.94375"), Barangay Payocpoc on the Forestland Boundary Map, Sur, Municipality of Bauang: thence N03°02'41" E. 94.13 meters to corner 2; thence N54°2630" E 323.28 meters to corner 3; thence N33°41'24" E 75.72 meters to corner 4; thence S 62°3030' 359.61 meters to corner 5: thence $06°1638" W 100.60 meters to comer 6; thence $.82°42'5S" W 623.03. meters to corner 1; the point of beginning, containing an area of 12.06 hectares, BLOCK K Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked “I” on the Forestland Boundary Map, being $ 64°57'43" W, 6,159.99 meters from LUN-59 (PRS °92 Control Point Latitude 16°29'33,08062", Longitude 120°26'13.901 12"), Barangay Alalinao Sur, Municipality of Naguilian: thence N 69°24'39" W 201.90 meters to comer 2; thence N 32°42'50" W 162.83 meters to comer thence N46°5432" W 169.80 meters to comer 4. thence N 2170215" W 195.00 meters to comer 5, thence N74°0730" W 446.01 meters to comer thence thence thence thenee thenee thence thence thence thence th N87°1625" W N03°1142" E 88793045" E $31°0622" E 1 42°34'04" N43°47'53" EB N 15°38'57" W N03°01'24" W N19°18'06" E S 15°54'09" E 9 315.36 412.64 343.29 344,54 183.31 101.14 318,82 284.40 229.92 1832.12 meters to comer 7; meters to comer 8; meters to comer 9; meters to corner 10. meters to comer I; meters to comer 12; meters to comer 13; meters to corner 14: meters to comer 15; meters to comer 1 the point of beginning, containing an area of 63.03 hectares. BLOCK I Forestland (Upland) Begi ning at a point marked “1” on the Forestland Boundary Map, being S 59°59'33" W, 5,527.18 meters from LUN-6 (PCP 122) (PRS ‘92 120°25'25.94233"), Barangay Sili, thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence Control Point Latitude N84°0731" W N22°56'44" W N 1193336" W N.06°53'07" W N08°19'03" E N04743°25" E N21°49'04" W N 19°50'09" E N 26°S707" E N 1291656" E $.07°08'56" E 312.64 148.77 179.64 266.93 345.64 595.02 643.06 232.81 198.57 277.35 2830.60 16°30'S0.11879", Longitude Municipality of Naguilian: meters to comer 2; meters to corner 3; meters fo comer 4; meters tocorner 5; meters to comer 6; meters to comer 7; meters tocomer 8: meters to.comer 9. meters to corner 10: ‘meters to corer meters to comer 30 the point of beginning, containing an area of 67.05 hectares. BLOCK M Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked ““! being N 88°48'04" E, 2,823.43 meters from LUN-6! (PRS "92 Control Point Latitude 16°29'36.63425", Longitude 120°19'41.94375"), Barangay Payocpoc on the Forestland Boundary Map, Sur, Municipality of Bauang: thence N 38°0337" 298.46 meters tocormer 2 thence N 0891436" E 285.95 meters tocomer 3; thence N 8395338" W 216.23 meters to comer 4, thence '§.69°31'29" W 248.71 meters to comer 5. thence N32°45'13" W (186.68 meters to corner 6; thence N13°1606" W 235.28 meters to cormer_7; thence N 63951149" 179.34 meters to corner 8; thence 87793057" E 351.10 meters tocomer 9; thence $ 55°54'05 194,43 meters to comer 10; thence N 28°55'09" E 370.16 meters to corner 11; thence N38°09'26" W 160,24 meters to corner 12; thence N 52958330" E 147.80 meters to corner 13; thence N 1190457" W 98.84 meters to corner 14; thence 1N38°3043" Wo 181.47 meters to corner 15; thence $87°0306" W 233.31 meters to corner 16; thence N 2393929" Wo 114.63 ‘meters to corner 17; thence 1N48°42'55" E 272.81 meters to comer 18; thence N 7490723" E 460.57 meters to corner 19; thence S7I°1749" E 202.70 meters to comer 20; thence 8572021" E 324.27 meters to corner 21; thence $.06°3045" E 220.42 ‘meters to cornet 22; 31 thence $.47°01'32" W -220.05—__meters to corner 23; thence N 23°22'23" W 473,89 meters to corner 24; thence $.68°2246" W 352.82—_meters to corner 25; thence $ 1670648" E 421,56 meters to comer 26; thence S21°48'05" W 376.96 meters to corner 27; thence $17°0021" W 304.31 meters to corner 28; thence $.08°0227" W 636.26.-—_meters to comer 29; thence N84-2044" W 101.49—_meters to corner 30; thence N55°0729" W 120.67_—_meters to corner 31; thence S.85°18'26" W 134.45 meters to comer 1; the point of beginning, containing an area of 80.34 hectares. BLOCK N Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked “I” on the Forestland Boundary Map, being N 58°42'53" E, 2,719.20 meters from LUN-61 (PRS *92 Control Point Latitude 16°29'36.63425", Longitude 120°19'41.94375"), Barangay Payocpoc ‘Sur, Municipality of Bauang. thence S$ 78°1630" W 108.26 meters to corner 2; thence 07929445" E 191.64 meters to comer thence N15°0S'47" E 380,12 meters to corner 4; thence S03°3519" W 287.56 meters to comer 5; thence S00°00'00" W 248.00 meters to corner 1; the point of beginning, containing an area of 3.07 hectares, BLOCK O Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked “1” on the Forestland Boundary Map, being $ 81°27'46" W, 355.80 meters from LUN-9 (PRS “92 Control 32 Point Latitude 16°31'56.56063", Longitude 120°23'24.40447"), Town Proper, Municipality of Naguitian: thence $.61°61'54" W 513.04 meters to comer 2; thence §54°5437" W 542.31 meters to comer 3; thence N 59°59'°06" W 135.33 meters to comer 4; thence N a3°43'25" W 189,59 meters to.corner 5; thence N 67°6726" W 111.62 meters to comer 6; thence S112" W 198.80 meters tocomer 7; thence $.03°0323" W 86.66 meters to comer 8; thence S81°81'14" W 157.84 meters to comer 9; thence NO7°07'14"W 1610.49 meters to corner 10: thence N46r4e31" W 1573.63 meters to corner [1 thence N 30°30'59" E 412.82 meters to comer 12, thence N 40°4023" E 261.73 meters to comer 13; thence N08°08'08" W 198.28 meters to corner 14; thence N 2492408" E 227.76 meters to corner 15: thence S23°2319" E 751.73 meters to corner 16; thence :39°30444" E 143.53 meters to corner 17; thence $ 5495422" E 168.44 meters to corner 18; thence $ 75°75'53" E 149.90 meters to corner 19; thence $ 79°79'52" E 256.97 meters to corner 20: thence 0870847" W 104.24 meters to corner 21; thence S15°1543" E 138.32 meters to corner 22, thence $834°34'35" W 248,51 meters to comer 23: thence $ 0570547" E 135,53 meters to corer 24; thence S 26°26'50" E 293.83 meters to comer 25; thence S 11133" W 224.16 meters to corner 26; thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence $05°05'102" E S 18°18'100" E S 58°58'100" N 69°69" WE N 52°52'50" E N79°79'41" E N 68°68'35" W STISTIS4" W S$ 89°8939" W N 30°30'39" W N 1191136" E N35°35'51" E N 1S*IS'S I" E N06°06'S2" W No1°0r'18" W N 7297256" W N41°41'52" E N02°02'18" E N 67°67'59" W N1Se15447" W N30°30'10" W N 89°89109" E N 78°78'29" E N 75°75'43" E N 66°66'32" E $ 3283207" E S913" W $.06°06'57" E 33 176.82 132.19 219.21 72.45 298.21 104.92 147.63 82.22 122.02 10171 66.29 129.62 107.97 98.73 114.02 159.70 206.21 74.06 164.92 197.95 126.40 266.01 223.18 416.00 273.53 66.57 213.38 360.57 meters to commer 27; ineters to commer 28; meters to comer 29, meters to commer 30, meters to commer 315, ineters to comer 32; meters to comer 33 meters to corner 34; meters to comer 35; meters to comer 36; meters to comer 37; meters to comner 38; meters to comer 39; meters to corner 40; meters to comer 41; meters to comer 42, eters to comer 43; meters to comer 44; meters to comer 45, eters to comer 46; meters to comer 47; meters to comer 48; meters to corner 49; meters to corner 50: meters to corner 51; meters to corner 52: meters to comer 53; meters to corner 54; 34 thence $ 15°15'47" W 333.11 meters to comer 55; thence $.04°04'53" W 264.83 meters to corner 56; thence $ 26°26'34" W 224.96 meters to corner $7 thence $ 1391325" W 170.99 meters to corner 58; thence $ 16°1628" E 282.85 meters to corner 59; thence $35°3S'41" E 233.08 meters to corner 60; thence $ 70°70'56" E 214.45 meters to corner 61; thence $.01°01'30" E 192.07 meters to corner I; the point of beginning, containing an area of 397.95 hectares, BLOCK P Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked “1” on the Forestland Boundary Map, being N 760301" E, 2,421.76 meters from LUN-5 (PCP 123) (PRS ‘92 Control Point Latitude 16°31'40.5132", Longitude 120°19'10.26212"), Barangay Pugo, Municipality of Bauang: thence N 13°0S'18" E 366.52 meters to corner 2; thence N15°4102" Wo 210,85, meters to corner 3; thence N 631617" B 313.50 meters to comer 4; thence $.00°17'59" W 191.00 meters to corner 5; thence N 62°34'06" E 236.60 meters to comer 6; thence $ 40°4s'sa" E 377.90 meters to corner_7; thence N 5791553" E 149,79 meters to corner 8; thence N 00°49'49" E- 138.01 meters to comer 9; thence $ 59°3748" E [81,97 meters to corner 10: thence $.01°3505" E 253.10 meters to comer 11; thence $ 23°59'56" E 319.63 meters to corner 12: thence N 85°4639" E 149.41 meters to corner 13: thence $ 18°0937" E 241.92 meters to corner 14; thence thence thence thence thence thence thence 35 N 6971612" W 5. 83°50'53" W 4570000" W N66°55'09" W N 46°43'26" E NS4°39117" W $52°38117" W 347,50 335.93 87.68 191.31 423.04 345.72 675.62 meters to comer 15: meters to comer 16; meters to corner 17; meters to comer 18; meters to comer 19; meters to comer 20; meters to comer 1 the point of beginning, containing an area of 51.25 hectares, BLOCK Q Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked being N 56°41'S0" E, 1,323.72 meters from LUN-3 (PCP 123) (PRS °92 Control Point Latitude 16°31'40.5132", Longitude 120°19'10,26212"), Barangay Pugo, Municipality of Bauang: thence thence thence thence thenee thence thence thence thence N 08°43'36" W N2s°46'49" W S.85°00103" E S 68°33'42" E $ 7995622" E S09°S1'01" E S.65°S1'16" W S09°27144" E S76°2715" W 448.19 326.50 105.39 205.20 188.91 315.65 63.56 212.90 311.67 meters to corners meters to corners meters to corners meters to comers meters to corners meters to comers meters to comers meters to comers meters to comers the point of beginning, containing an area of 23.14 hectares. BLOCK R Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked “ on the Forestland Boundary Map, being N 22°43'49" E, 2,154.11 meters from LUN-5 (PCP 123) (PRS °92 “L” on the Forestland Boundary Map, Control Point 36 120°19'10,26212"), Barangay Pugo, Municipality of Bauang: thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence N 05°54'22" W N 15°44'53" W 1N09°24'33" E 87291549" E S09 1910" E N58°0531" E S 145911" E S39°41'25" E $.03°29937" E $.02°2230" W WN 24°43'48" W N s1°1320" W N 0191222" W N 26°33'54" W N19°2931" W NIPOrIT W STP IAT W S$ 02°2922" E S311 37° E S 52°38'36" W 262.39 438.46 384,77 518.65 197.61 62.43 672.89 382,06 475,88 217.19 265.33 275.22 380.08 297.40 428.56 350.46 239.93 345,33 299.27 164.8t Latitude 16°31'40.5132", Longitude meters to corner 2; meters to corner 3; meters to corner 4, meters to corner 5; meters to corner 6; meters to corner 7; meters to corner 8; meters to comer 9; meters to comer 10; meters to corner 11; meters to corner 12; meters to corner 13, meters to corner 14; meters to corner 15. meters to corner 16; meters to corner 17; meters to corner 18; meters to comer 19; meters to comer 20; meters to corner I; the point of beginning, containing an area of 65.10 hectares, BLOCK S$. Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked “1” on the Forestland Boundary Map, being N 45°34'28" E, 2,999.80 meters from LUN-5 (PCP 123) (PRS °92 Control Point 37 120°19'10.26212"), Barangay Pugo, Municipality of Bauang: thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence N88°36'10" W N 46°30'06" W N.00°1206" N 101428" W Noe4r'ol" W N34°3710" E N 1070943" E E S$ 4171453" E $ $4°52'40" E S$ 26°33'54" E N 29°16: E N4g°4038" W 070051" W N31°50'56" E N51°32'46" E N 18°05'13" E N/52°54'50" W N64°5017" B N 1391928" E N29°1003" W N07°3004" W N 67°02'55" W N 114232" E S 88°36'50" N 16°00: 8754849" E 205.06 188.86 284.00 241.85 386.63 239,38 107.69 432.26 288.53 190.07 104,32 156.08, 384.88 233.09 130,25 312.44 318,40 310.46 78.10 49.24 283.43 212.85 197.10 124.04 112.36 320.88 Latitude 16°31'40.5132", Longitude meters to comer 2, ‘meters to comer 3; meters to comer 4: meters to comer: meters to comer 6; meters to comer 7; meters to corner 8: meters to corner 9: meters to corner 10; meters to corner 1; meters to comer 12; meters to comer 13; meters to comer 14; meters to corner 15; meters to corner 16; meters to corner 17, meters to comer 18; meters to comer 19; meters to corner 20; meters to comer 21; meters to comer 22; meters to comer 23; meters to corner 24; meters to comer 25. meters to corner 26; meters to corner 27; 38 thence N 061242" W 147.87 meters to corner 28: thence $8 74°36'41" E 452.21 meters to comer 29; thence 82193727" W 420.60 meters to corner 30; thence $ 89°43'56" E 214.00 meters to corner 31; thence $.04°1920" E 149.41 meters to comer 32; thence $.05°2625" W 189.86 meters to corner 33, thence S 16°29'04" W 204,40 meters to corner 34; thence $ 62°13'38" W 191.00 meters to corner 35; thence $ 431829" W 167.66 meters to corner 36; thence S 25°51'58" E 73.35 meters to corner 37; thence $.01°2939" E 115.04 meters to comer 38; thence $.08°11'16" W 280.86 meters to corner 39; thence S.46°3501" W 307.00 meters to corner 40; thence $.07°2003" E 407.33 meters to comer 41; thence $.33°31'49" W 298.71 meters to corner 42; thence S13°18'12" W 208.60 ‘meters to corner 43; thence N3S°18'40" Wo 176.47 meters to comer 44: thence N 28°2334" Wo 210.30 eters to comer 45: thence $.60°38'32" W 183,58 eters to corner 46; thence $.00°28'24" W 363.01 Ineters to corner 47; thence $6434" W 231,26 meters to comer 1; the point of beginning, containing an area of 223.71 hectares. BLOCK T Forestland (Upland) Beginning at a point marked “I” on the Forestland Boundary Map, being N 39°44'52" E, 5,966.98 meters from LUN-5 (PCP 123) (PRS °92 Control Point Latitude 16°31'40.5132", Longitude 120°19'10.26212"), Barangay Pugo, Municipality of Bauang: thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thenee thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence N 26°57'8" E N5°233" W N28°5'9" E N 53955939" E N 74151" N 28°648" N35°4021" W N 1493924" E S$ 8193242" E N80°1'20" E N 86°52" E N62" W N84°5313" S71933'54" E N 8695544" E 1 72°38'46" E N55°40'44" E N 85939442" E 3992847" W NII IS" W N71°4029" W N2°2922" W N 1591022" E 2295729" W N8°2157" W N 75°53'36" W N 5°42'38" W 39 132.38 136.53 252.77 186.82 165.25 165.53 593,33 604,68 74.81 109.66 201.30 333.06 45.18 87.32 82.22 130.19 50.29 125.93 290.83 360.17 275.09 165.39 230.22 183.39 156.39 137.46 196.94 150.75 meters to comer 2; 3 meters to corner meters to corner meters to comer meters to corner meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer meters to comer 10; meters to comer 115 meters to comer 12; meters to corner 13: meters to comer 14; meters to comer 15, meters to corner 16; meters to comer 17, meters to comer 18: meters to corner 19; meters to corner 20; meters to comer 21; meters to comer 22; meters to comer 23; meters to comer 24: meters to comer 25; meters to corner 26; meters to corner 27; meters to corner 28; meters to corner 29; thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence 40 N82°58'18" E N 21538" E N 705743" W N3°3636" E N3°3'24" W N 30°49'19" W N 47852" W NS°1749" E N5s°15'4" W N 39°38" W N 28°262" W N 20°73" B N 18°61" N 3271632" W N 16°2'39" E Nae S16" E N 8892035" E S 19°22)" E 8.4°44'26" E S 19°3914" E 83°20'5S" W 8 2°44'27" S.8°54'14" E $ 16°24" E 8 .25°1426" E § 23°5'49" E 8 47°48'23" E 8 83°2614" E 14741 152.12 150,22 317.63 412.59 138.57 262.69 151,65 135,09 250,20 233,12 171.47 218.83 179.78 159.20 219.51 242.10 271.36 205.70 237.86 188.32 188,22 303.66 258.52 134,78 295.70 144.42 227.49 meters to comer 30; meters to corner 31 meters to comer 32: meters to comer 33, meters to comer 34; meters to comer 35: meters to comer 36; meters to comer 37: meters to comer 38: meters to comer 39, meters to corner 40; meters to comer 41 meters to corner 42; meters to corner 43, meters to corner 44, meters to comer 45. meters to comer 46; ‘meters to corner 47: meters to corner 48: meters to corner 49; ‘meters to corner 50; meters to corner 51; meters to cornet 52; meters to corner 53; meters to corner 54; meters to comer 55; meters to comer 56, meters to corner 57; thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence S 6493014" E S 15°26'53" E S 1891737" S$ 25°79" E S39" S 15% 8" E 7 E $83°55'39" E simara Ww $.24°13'40" W S75°14'41" E S 16°28'14" E S 14716" W 3°62" W S 1130414" E N 82°2754" S30°745" E 2492240" E S.20°36L1" E S 18°2937" E S37 jo" Ww $ 40°53" E 87°59'0" W S80°S11" W S 1493924" W N 80°30'14" W S 1295317" E S U°1054" E $4°28'24" E al 147.17 443.01 640.36 536.82 221.78 180.24 330.86 144.85 19739 251.29 239.84 163.95 258.38 163.37 190.65 129.50 171.39 199.66 308.96 275.60 256.63 165.61 119.52 134.37 278.82 121.05 350.66 294.90 meters to corner 58; meters to comer 59; meters to corner 60; meters to comer 61, meters to corner 62; meters to corner 63; meters to corner 64; meters to comer 65; meters to corner 66; meters to corner 67; meters to corner 68; ‘meters to corner 69; meters to corer 70; meters to corner 71; meters to corner 72; meters to corner 73; meters to corner 74, meters to corner 75; meters to corner 76; meters to corner 77; meters to corner 78; meters to corner 79: meters to corner 80; ‘meters to corner 81; ‘meters to corner 82; meters to corner 83; meters to comer 84; meters to comer 85:

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