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’’A Comparative Analysis of the Marketing Mix
Strategies and Competitive Positioning of ITC pouch
Lassi in the Ready-to-Drink Beverage Market”

MAKAUT ROLL NO: 13600922109
OF 2022-2024

This is to certify that Mr. Vishwajith Singh, MAKAUT

Registration No: 221360710116, MAKAUT Roll
No:13600922109 of academic year 2022-2024, has
undertaken the project titled “A Comparative Analysis of the
Marketing Mix Strategies and Competitive Positioning of ITC Pouch
Lassi in the Ready-to-Drink Beverage ” under our guidance from
8 April to 31 May 2023 and has completed the said project

Signature Of Internal Guide

Dr. Ayan Chattopadhyay

Assistant Professor

I hereby declare that the project entitled ‘A Comparative

Analysis of the Marketing Mix Strategies and Competitive
Positioning of ITC Pouch Lassi in the Ready-to-Drink Beverage’
submitted by me to the ARMY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT,
KOLKATA is a bonafide work, carried under the supervision
of Mr. Sandipan Dutta Regional Manager ITC and Dr. Ayan
Chattopadhyay, Faculty AIMK, and is not submitted to any
other University/Institute, with respect to any degree/
reward, published any time before.




It is indeed pleasure and proud to present this report. It was

learning and enriching experience in doing the project and I would
be forever indebted to all the people who have helped me through
the course of my journey towards preparing this dissertation and I
take this great opportunity to thank them all.

I would like to express my gratitude towards Mr. Sandipan Dutta,

Regional Manager for all guidance and support as and when

I’m extremely indebted to my faculty Dr. Ayan Chattopadhyay of

Army Institute of Management Kolkata for guiding me throughout
the completion of this report.

I express my hearted thanks to officials of Management, faculties,

Placement Department etc. for the sincere co-operation, guidance
& time encouragement.

Lastly, but definitely not the least, I want to extend my gratefulness

to my family and friends, for giving me mental and moral support
whenever and wherever required.



i. Certificate from guides
ii. Declaration by the student

Executive Summary
1. Introduction
 Company Profile
 Existing Product Details
 New product launch
 Objectives of the study
 Scope and limitations

2. Literature Review
3. Methodology
4. Findings & Recommendation
 Results
 Conclusion
 Recommendations

Appendices & Annexure


Executive Summary

ITC Limited is a mul na onal company with its main office in Kolkata (WB). ITC
is present in a variety of sectors, including FMCG, HOTELS, SOFTWARE,
ITC is the top FMCG marketer in the na on, the undisputed market leader in the
Indian paperboard and packaging sector, a worldwide recognized pioneer in
farmer empowerment with its extensive Agri Business, and a prominent hotel
chain in India that pioneer “Responsible Luxury”.
ITC’s new consumer goods businesses have built a thriving por olio of 25 top-
er Indian brands over the past ten years that generate and maintain value in
India. In short period of me, ITC’s top- er FMCG brands, including Ashirwad,
Sun feast, Yippee! Bingo! B Naturals, ITC Master Chef, Fabelle, Subean, Fiama,
Engage, Vivel, Savlon, Classmate, Paper kra , Mangal deep, Aim, and others,
have a racted promising customer loyalty. While some of these businesses
dominate their respec ve market, others are making no ceable advancements.

In February 2018, ITC entered the market for fresh dairy products under the
name Aashirvaad Svas . Toned milk, Cow milk, Full Cream Milk, Double Toned
Milk, Pouch Curd, Packaged Paneer, Rose Lassi, Mango Lassi, Lychee Lassi, Mish
Doi is now included in the por olio. Under the auspices of “Project Gomukh,”
ITC works closely with a network of dependable farmers to get the milk.
Pouch Milk, Pouch Curd, Pouch Lassi, and Paneer are among the fresh dairy
goods offered by Aashirvaad Svas . Every day, 75 quality tests are performed on
Aashirvaad Svas ’s superior milk in 5 phases to guarantee daily product
consistency and customer sa sfac on. Vitamin A and D are added to the
Aashirvaad Svas Toned Milk, Creamy Milk, and Double Toned Milk, are subject
to several quality checks before being sold to the final customer. Currently,
Kolkata and more than 23 ci es in Bihar provide Aashirvad Svas ’s fresh dairy
selec on.


Company Profile

ITC is a leading private sector company of India and a diverse conglomerate with
opera on in the fast-moving consumer goods, hotels, paperboards and
packaging, agribusiness, informa on technology sectors. With gross sales of
90,104 crores and net profit of 15,058 crores, the company is recognized as one
of the India’s most valuable commercial enterprise as on {31.03.2022}. A poll by
Fortune India in collabora on with Hay Group selected ITC as the most respected
corpora on in India.
ITC is India’s top FMCG marketer, the undisputed market leader in the country’s
paperboard and packaging sector, a worldwide recognized pioneer in the farmer
empowerment through its expansive Agri Business and a major hotel chain that
pioneers “Responsible Luxury.” ITC Infotech, a completely owned subsidiary of
ITC, offers specialist interna onal digital solu ons.
Twenty-five top- er Indian brands that add and maintain value in India have
been developed over the past ten years by ITC’S new consumer goods
businesses. World-renowned FMCG brands from ITC, including as Aashirvaad,
Sun feast, Yippee! Bingo! B Naturals, ITC Master Chef, Fabelle, Subean, Fiama,
Engage, Vivel, Savlon, Classmate, Paper kra , Mangal deep, Aim, and others,
have quickly a racted posi ve customer’s support. While a few of these
businesses are industry leaders in their respec ve niches, others are moving
forward significantly.
The ins tu onal strengths of ITC- deep consumer insights, cu ng-edge R&D,
differen a ng product development capacity, brand-building capability, world-
class manufacturing infrastructure, intensive rural linkages, effec ve trade
marke ng and distribu on network, and commi ed human resources-are the
strong founda ons of internal synergies spread throughout its several industries
gives its good and services a dis nc ve source of compe ve advantage.

ITC’S “Na on First: Sab Saath Badhein” a tude highlights its fundamentals
belief in producing a globally compe ve and successful Indian firm that excels
at adding value to society as a whole. ITC, a business with strong roots in India,
is mo vated by the chance to support more important na onal concerns. ITC is
an interna onal leader in sustainability and the only company of its size in the
world to have been carbon-posi ve, water-posi ve, and solid waste recycling
posi ve for more than ten years. Over 6 million sustainable livelihoods have
been produced through ITC. Renewable energy sources account for over 41% of
the total energy I ITC. The dis nguished dis nc on of being LEED Pla num
cer fied dis nguishes ITC’s top- er luxury hotels.
Over 1.5 crore residents in the na on have been benefited from ITC’S well-being
Out of waste ini a ve (WOW), which addresses the issues of solid garbage
management in its en rety and includes plas c waste as a component. WOW
offers an end-to-end sustainable and scalable solu on.
ITC has carried out extensive climate-smart and sustainable agriculture ini a ve
in collabora on with farmers and local communi es, significantly advancing the
Hon’ble Prime Minister’s goal of doubling farmer incomes. In order to do this,
ITC has introduced a comprehensive programmed called “Baareh Mahine
Hariyali” (maximizing farm u liza on throughout the course of the en re year)
to add a new level of complexity to the challenging task of increasing farmer
earnings. ITC and NITI Aayog are working together to gradually improve the
ability of 2 million farmers in 27 Aspira onal Districts in order to raise rural
By construc ng world-class manufacturing facili es for consumer products and
iconic hospitality facili es, ITC is making an investment in India’s future and
enhancing its ability to compete globally. The company’s commitment to the
government “Make in India” ini a ve is supported by this investment ini a ve.

Existing Product Details

In February 2018, ITC entered the market for fresh dairy products under the
name Aashirvaad Svas . Toned milk, Cow milk, Full Cream Milk, Double Toned
Milk, Pouch Curd, Packaged Paneer, Rose Lassi, Mango Lassi, Lychee Lassi,
Mish Doi is now included in the por olio. The milk is obtained via a network
of dependable farmers that ITC closely collaborates with as part of “Project

Pouch Milk, Pouch Curd, Pouch Lassi, and Paneer are among the fresh dairy
goods offered by Aashirvaad Svas . To guarantee daily products consistency
and customers sa sfac on, Aashirvaad Svas ’s richer, thicker, and tas er milk
undergoes 75 quality tests are performed on Aashirvaad Svas ’s superior milk
in 5 phases to guarantee daily product consistency and customer sa sfac on.
A & D vitamins have been added to Aashirvaad Svas Double Toned Milk,
Toned Milk, and Creamy milk. The immune system is supported by vitamin A!
Similar to milk, all other items are subjected to a number of quality
inspec ons before being sold to the final customer. The fresh dairy selec on
from Aashirvaad Svas is currently offered in Kolkata and more than 23 other
ci es in Bihar.

Aashirvaad Svasti (Toned Milk)

Milk tastes be er when it’s rich and creamy, and milk-lovers out there will all
agree that be er quality milk yields tas er drinks and more sa sfying meals.
Ashirvaad Svas ’s Pasteurized Homogenized Toned Milk goes through a special
‘Taste-up’ process to make it Richer, Thicker and Tas er.

Key Benefits:
 3 % Fat
 Fortified with Vitamin A & D
 Rich in Calcium
 Great Source of Protein
 Richer, Thicker and Tastier Milk
 Thicker & Tastier Tea
 Well-set Curd
 Great-tasting desserts

Aashirvaad Svasti (Double Toned Milk)

Ashirvaad Svas ’s Pasteurized Double Toned Milk is a delicious, high quality low
fat (1.5% Min.) milk that goes through a special ‘Taste-up’ process, For fica on
process and Homogeniza on process that makes it a great choice for daily milk.
This calcium-rich milk is a source of protein.

Key Benefits:
 Fortified with Vitamins A & D
 Rich in calcium
 Source of Protein
 Great-Tasting Tea & Coffee

Aashirvad Svasti (Select Milk)

Thick Nutri ous and Homogenized, Aashirvaad Svas Select Milk is a one-of-a-
kind variant that comes with a quality report card. Yes, you heard that right! Our
milk goes through mul ple quality check to ensure a superior quality product for
You can check the milk’s Report card by sending the code no. on WHATSAPP
81058352222 or in the Report Card tab.

Our milk is SELECTED with care from a network of trusted farmers that ITC closely
works with under the ‘Project Gomukh’.

Key Benefits:
 Tasty, Thicker Milk
 Fortified with Vitamin A & D
 Vitamin A supports Immunity
 Rich in Calcium
 Great Source of Protein

Aashirvaad Svasti (Creamy Milk)

Aashirvaad Svas ’s Pasteurized Homogenized Creamy Milk is rich in taste with

texture and aroma that makes the milk-drinking experience even more
enjoyable. Great for children and adults alike, Aashirvaad Svas ’s Pasteurized
Homogenized Creamy Milk is rich in Calcium, source of Protein and also for fied
with Vitamin A and D. With this milk you can enjoy thicker and tas er tea and
coffee, have a well-set curd, and prepare delicious desserts.

Key Benefits:
 Fortified with Vitamin A & D
 Rich in Calcium
 Source of Protein
 Richer, Thicker and Tastier Milk
 Thicker and Tastier Tea and Coffee
 Well-Set Curd
 Great-Tasting Desserts

Aashirvaad Svasti (Cow Milk)

ITC Aashirvaad Svas pasteurized Cow Milk promises purity and quality in every
drop. Our milk passes through 75 quality checks in 5 stages so that the
consumers do not have to worry about the quality of their daily milk.

Key Benefits:
 Goodness of Cow Milk
 Rich in Calcium
 Source of Protein
 Great-tasting Desserts
 3% Fat

Aashirvaad Svasti (Slim Milk)


Aashirvaad Svas ’s Homogenized Pasteurized Slim Milk (Double Toned Milk) is
low (1.5% Min.) high quality milk launched for people who prefer having a lighter
milk variant. This high-quality milk is also for fied with Vitamin A that supports

Key Benefits:
 Vitamins A supports Immunity
 Rich in Calcium
 Great Source of Protein
 Great Tea

Aashirvaad Svasti (Mishti Doi)


Rich, Creamy. Full of meless memories. Now go back to those happy days with
Aashirvaad Svas Mish Doi. It is made in the classical Bengali way that ensures
a rich taste and creamy mouthfeel. Made from high quality pasteurized full
cream milk, every scoop of it will take you down the memory-lane where you
had the authen c Mish Doi of Bengal.

Key Benefits:
 Rich, Creamy, Full of timeless memories
 Made the classical Bengali Way
 Made from high quality pasteurized full cream milk

Aashirvaad Svasti (Paneer Slices)

Creamy and So Aashirvaad Svas Paneer is made from high-quality milk and is
packed using a special vacuum pack technology that ensures good texture and
so ness even a er cooking. For your next meal, you can bite into some creamy
delicious paneer cooked to perfec on in your favorite recipe.

Key Benefits:
 Creamy, Soft and Tasty
 Retains softness even after cooking
 Made from high-quality ingredients

Aashirvad Svasti (Dohi)

Curd is a staple in most Indian households and a healthy serving enhances the
experience of having a meal with family and friends. Curd has the goodness of
nutrients and it is a source of calcium. Aashirvaad Svas Dohi made with 4 step
advantage give you the experience of a thick, tasty curd, every me!

4 Step Advantage:
 Made from high quality milk
 With a unique blend of cultures
 Set at the right temperature
 Untouched by hand

Aashirvaad Svasti (Lassi)

Aashirvaad Svas Lassi is a refreshing fermented milk-based drink. Whether it is

to beat the heat on a hot a ernoon, indulge in a sweet treat post-meal with
family, or serve it to the guests, this refreshing drink offers a sa sfying
experience right up to the last sip.

Aashirvaad Svasti Mango Lassi

Aashirvaad Svasti Litchi Lassi

Key Benefits:
 A delicious classic summer refreshments made with a
special combination of cultures
 Available in Rose, Litchi & Mango flavors


Ashirvaad Svas , one of the leading dairy brands in West Bengal, On 08 June
2023 announced the launch of its latest milk offering ‘Aashirvaad Svas Daily’ in
the region. The new product is aimed at helping mothers have access to quality
milk that will fulfil her family’s daily milk requirement without having to worry
about the budget.
Due to increasing food prices over the last year, mothers are cu ng down on
their monthly budget for daily essen als including milk. While the trend appears
to be similar across India, as per an independent research agency, the monthly
average milk consump on per household has gone down by 9.6 per cent in
Kolkata over last one year.
As a consumer-focused brand, Aashirvaad Svas has launched a new offering
that will help consumers fulfil their everyday milk requirements without having
to compromise on quality and nutri on. Rich in Protein, Calcium and for fied
with Vitamins A and D, ‘Aashirvaad Svas Daily’ can be given to children for daily
consump on as well as used for making tea/coffee for adults.
With this launch, the brand reinforces its commitment to deliver quality
milk while adhering to the highest levels of safety and hygiene standards in the
manufacturing process and supply chains. Aashirvaad Svas Daily will be
available at ₹20 for a 470ml pouch, across 4000+ outlets in West Bengal.


What Is Posi oning in Marke ng?

Posi oning refers to the place you want your brand or product to
have within a par cular target market. More specifically, the process
of market posi oning and brand posi oning involves how you market
your brand or product to consumers to achieve that posi on.

The aim of posi oning in marke ng is to establish or sway how

consumers perceive you to gain a compe ve advantage. A great
posi oning strategy elevates marke ng efforts to help consumers
move from knowing about a brand to deciding to purchase a product.
And as posi oning can some mes be subtle, it’s usually easier to
detect when viewing from the same angle as a consumer.

“During the summer, ITC conducted a market survey to understand

the public’s preferences for drink beverage. The survey revealed that
Amul holds the market leader posi on in the lassi segment, while Red
Cow competes closely head-to-head with ITC. A er analyzing the
results, ITC determined its posi on in the segment, following Amul”



14% 62%

Objectives of the study

Insights into what drives consumers to choose ITC's Pouch Lassi The
objec ve of the project, "A Compara ve Analysis of the Marke ng Mix
Strategies and Compe ve Posi oning of ITC pouch Lassi in the Ready-
to-Drink Beverage Market” is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the
marke ng mix and compe ve landscape of ITC's Pouch Lassi product.

 Compare ITC's Pouch Lassi with compe ng brands in terms of product

features, pricing, distribu on channels, and promo onal strategies.

Scope and limitations

Scope of the study

The main scope for this study is to aware customers about the dairy products
Launched by ITC and collec ng feedbacks from every customer and to take
orders from retailers and connec ng them with the distributors.

These scopes cover following points: -

 Taste and Preference
 Availability of products
 Distribu on Channel
 Interest of the customers

Limita ons of the study

There were many limita ons for this study such as: -
 Language Barrier
 Market place was far from the place we live
 The communica on gap between the retailers and distributors
 Loopholes in distribu on channel.

Literature Review

Consumer preference and buying behaviour is one of the important

factors to be considered in the Milk-based industry and Carbonated so
drink industries, especially among millennials as they play a major role in
the par cipa on of the Indian Economy. Millennials are aware of the
importance of having a healthier lifestyle and are becoming more and
more health-conscious. Thus, there involved a greater span of research
and findings to get the grip of the concept and basic knowledge of the
issues and factors related to the aspect. The following published
materials, journals, and ar cles have made clear to the research problem
and its significance.

1. The study was done by (RANI, N. M. 2020) depicts that with the
spending power of 27% of 7.4 billion popula on, millennials will
con nue to impact the GDP of the countries where they live in by
se ng up trends which will dominate and influence the market place
and the companies which are striving hard to gain their a en on.

2. A similar inves ga on by (Mar n, C. An., and Bramble, A. J. 2000)

decides the par cular factors that impact Twenty to thirty-year-old
and their buying perspec ves and examples has become a significant
focal point of shopper examine as their latent capacity spending
power, the capacity to be innovators, appropria on to new items and
poten al for turning into a life me client

3. The study done by (Silpa Somavarapu*, B. Mubeena 2017) shows that

consumer preferences are changing towards healthier food and as a
result, there's a big impact on food and beverage purchases. to sa sfy
this demand and achieve success within the marketplace, companies
are thinking in terms of health innova on, flavor innova on,
ingredient innova on, and specific age groups.

4. The study was done by Thorning, T. K., Raben, A., Tholstrup, T.,
Soedamah-Muthu, S. S., Givens, I., & Astrup, A. (2016) depicted milk
and dairy intake was inversely related to colorectal cancer, bladder
cancer, gastric cancer, and carcinoma, and not related to the risk of
carcinoma, ovarian cancer, or carcinoma. In adults, the intake of dairy
products was shown to enhance body composi on and facilitate
weight loss during energy restric on. Also, the intake of milk and
dairy products was related to a neutral or reduced risk of type 2
diabetes and a reduced risk of disorder, par cularly stroke.

5. The study by J. Praveen Paul and M. Silambarasan (2019) suggests

there's a shi from carbonated so drinks to healthier alterna ves
like Flavoured milk and juices by understanding the increasing
awareness of the unhealthy side effects of carbonated so drinks.
Their study shows that the impact of quality, taste, and quan ty are
the first factors that influence the general sa sfac on on Flavoured
Milk aside from other factors for influencing the sa sfac on of

Research methodology & process

Primary Research:
An online survey was conducted with the help of a ques onnaire with a sample
size of 55 which cons tutes the millennials living in Kolkata. Survey was
conducted to determine the’’A Compara ve Analysis of the Marke ng Mix
Strategies and Compe ve Posi oning of ITC pouch Lassi in the Ready-to-Drink
Beverage Market”

Secondary Research:
Apart from primary research, secondary research also has been conducted with
the help of previous research papers on similar topics, research reports of
Nielsen and various websites like

Research design
Sample Unit:

1. Working People (including men & women)

2. College Students

Sample design & size: The sample size the researcher has chosen is to be of
55. The sample contains the responses from both Students and the Corporate
as well including both Men and Women between age group 18-45

Sampling Region: The researcher has chosen Kalighat, Kolkata as area of study

Sampling Procedure: Convenience Sampling is used as the sampling procedure.


1.Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between ITC's Pouch

Lassi and compe ng brands in terms of product features, pricing, distribu on
channels, and promo onal strategies.

Alterna ve Hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant difference between ITC's

Pouch Lassi and compe ng brands in terms of product features, pricing,
distribu on channels, and promo onal strategies.

To do this, I will need to calculate the chi-square sta s c for each of the four
variables: product features, pricing, distribu on channels, and promo onal
strategies. The chi-square sta s c is calculated by comparing the observed
frequencies in each cell of the con ngency table to the expected frequencies.
The expected frequencies are calculated assuming that the null hypothesis is

Once I have calculated the chi-square sta s c for each variable, I will need to
determine the p-value for each test. The p-value is the probability of
obtaining the observed results by chance if the null hypothesis is true. A p-
value of less than 0.05 is considered to be sta s cally significant.

If the p-value for any of the tests is less than 0.05, then we can reject the null
hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference between ITC's
Pouch Lassi and compe ng brands in terms of that variable.

Data Analysis and Interpreta ons

1. Demographic Profile
(i) Age Group

- Total respondents were 55 There were 39 respondents (70.9%) of age

group under 18-24 years, 13 (23.6%) of 25-34 years, 3 (5.5%) 45 above

(ii) Awareness of lassi

- Out of the total respondents, 89.1% are aware of ITC Pouch

Lassi, while 10.9% are not aware of it.

(iii) Where did you first hear about ITC'S Pouch Lassi?

The study collected data from a diverse group of respondents,

aiming to understand the primary sources of awareness for ITC's
Pouch Lassi. The following channels emerged as significant
contributors to people's awareness of the product:

Family and Friends (45.5%): The largest percentage of

respondents (45.5%) indicated that they first heard about ITC's
Pouch Lassi through their family and friends. Word of mouth
remains a potent means of spreading informa on, sugges ng that
posi ve experiences and recommenda ons from close
acquaintances play a vital role in crea ng awareness.

Retailers (40%): Retailers also played a substan al role in

promo ng awareness of ITC's Pouch Lassi. 40% of respondents
men oned that they learned about the product while shopping.
This indicates that in-store displays, promo ons, and
recommenda ons from store personnel have contributed
significantly to the product's visibility.

Social Media (10.9%): In today's digital age, social media pla orms
have become influen al tools for spreading informa on. About
10.9% of respondents reported that they first encountered ITC's
Pouch Lassi through social media channels. Pla orms like
Instagram, Facebook, and Twi er have allowed the brand to target
a wide audience and engage with poten al consumers.

Newspapers (3.3%): Tradi onal media s ll holds a small but

noteworthy place in raising awareness. Approximately 3.3% of
respondents men oned that they were introduced to ITC's Pouch
Lassi through newspaper adver sements. While this percentage is

rela vely low, it highlights the enduring impact of print media in
certain demographic segments.

(iv) How o en do you consume Lassi?

Occasionally: 43.3% of individuals enjoy Lassi from me to me. It's likely that they savour
this yogurt-based drink during special moments or when they have a craving.

Once a Week: About 28.3% of people include Lassi in their diets on a weekly basis. This
group appears to have a consistent preference for Lassi and enjoy it as a regular part of their
rou ne

Rarely: Approximately 25% of respondents rarely consume Lassi. For them, Lassi might not
be a common choice and is likely reserved for specific occasions or infrequent indulgence.

In summary, the consump on frequency of Lassi varies, with a considerable percentage

enjoying it occasionally, a notable por on incorpora ng it into their weekly habits, and a
smaller frac on rarely partaking in this tradi onal beverage. These sta s cs reflect the
diverse preferences and habits people have when it comes to Lassi consump on.

(v) What factors influence your decision to buy Lassi?

Consumer buying decisions are influenced by a variety of factors, and when it comes to
purchasing a product like Lassi, a tradi onal Indian yogurt-based drink, several considera ons
come into play. Based on the provided data, it seems that different factors play varying roles
in influencing these decisions.

Taste and Flavor (65%): Taste and flavor are significant drivers in the decision-making process
for many consumers. Lassi comes in a range of Flavors, such as mango, plain, strawberry, and
more. Consumers o en choose Lassi based on the flavor that appeals most to their
preferences and cravings.
Brand Reputa on (16.7%): Brand reputa on and recogni on are crucial factors for a segment
of consumers. In this case, the ITC Lassi brand seems to have earned a posi ve reputa on,
which contributes to consumer trust and confidence in the product's quality and authen city.
Product Availability (13.3%): The availability of a product plays a role in consumer decisions.
If Lassi from a specific brand, such as ITC, is readily available in stores, supermarkets, or online
pla orms, consumers are more likely to consider it. Convenience is a significant factor, as
consumers might not want to go out of their way to find a product that is difficult to obtain.
Price and Packaging (5%): While not as dominant as taste, flavor, brand reputa on, or
availability, price and packaging s ll influence some consumer choices. Some consumers
might be budget-conscious and opt for Lassi op ons that offer good value for their money.
Addi onally, appealing packaging can a ract a en on and even convey a sense of quality and
uniqueness, poten ally impac ng a consumer's decision.

(vi) Strongest competitor of ITC Pouch Lassi?


 Market Share, 81.7% Amul holds the largest market share in the dairy product
segment, making it the most significant compe tor for ITC Pouch Lassi. With a
dominant posi on, Amul's wide range of dairy products poses a strong
challenge to other players in the market.
Mother Dairy

 Market Share, 8.3% Mother Dairy holds a notable market share as well, though
significantly smaller than Amul's. Its varied dairy offerings create compe on
for ITC Pouch Lassi, especially in regions where Mother Dairy is popular.

Red Cow

 Market Share, 6.7% (in Kolkata).Red Cow has a significant presence in the
Kolkata market, accoun ng for 6.7% of the dairy product segment. In this
region, it stands out as a notable compe tor to ITC Pouch Lassi.

Thacker Dairy
 Market Share, 3.3% Thacker Dairy holds a smaller but s ll relevant market
share in the dairy product segment. While its share is not as substan al as
Amul or Mother Dairy, it remains a compe tor that can't be ignored.

In summary, ITC Pouch Lassi faces strong compe on primarily from Amul, which dominates
the market with an 81.7% share. Other compe tors like Mother Dairy, Red Cow (in Kolkata),
and Thacker Dairy also contribute to the compe on landscape, although with smaller market

Chi-Square Test

Fig -1

The formula for the chi-square sta s c is:

χ² = Σ(O - E)^2/E
 O is the observed frequency in each cell
 E is the expected frequency in each cell
The expected frequency is calculated by assuming that the null hypothesis is true. In
this case, the null hypothesis is that there is no significant difference between ITC's Pouch
Lassi and compe ng brands in terms of product features, pricing, distribu on channels, and
promo onal strategies.

To calculate the expected frequency for each cell, we need to know the total number
of observa ons (60), the row total, and the column total. For example, the expected
frequency for the cell in the first row and first column is calculated as follows:
E = (60 * 10) / 232 = 26.08
The expected frequencies for the other cells can be calculated in a similar way.
Once we have the expected frequencies, we can calculate the chi-square sta s c for
each variable. The chi-square sta s c for the product features variable is:
χ² = (10 - 26.08) ^2/26.08 = 11.58

The formula for the chi-square sta s c is:
χ² = Σ(O - E)^2/E
 O is the observed frequency in each cell
 E is the expected frequency in each cell
The expected frequency is calculated by assuming that the null hypothesis is true. In
this case, the null hypothesis is that there is no significant difference between ITC's Pouch
Lassi and compe ng brands in terms of product features, pricing, distribu on channels, and
promo onal strategies.
To calculate the expected frequency for each cell, we need to know the total number
of observa ons (60), the row total, and the column total. For example, the expected
frequency for the cell in the first row and first column is calculated as follows:
E = (60 * 10) / 232 = 26.08

The expected frequencies for the other cells can be calculated in a similar way.
Once we have the expected frequencies, we can calculate the chi-square sta s c for
each variable. The chi-square sta s c for the product features variable is:
χ² = (10 - 26.08)^2/26.08 = 11.58
The chi-square sta s c for the pricing variable is:
χ² = (31 - 29)^2/29 = 0.27

The chi-square sta s c for the distribu on channels variable is:

χ² = (39 - 35.92)^2/35.92 = 1.07
The chi-square sta s c for the promo onal strategies variable is:
χ² = (42 - 38.08)^2/38.08 = 1.04
The p-value for each test is calculated by comparing the chi-square sta s c to the
cri cal value. The cri cal value is the value of the chi-square sta s c that is exceeded with a
certain probability. The probability is usually chosen to be 0.05, which means that there is a
5% chance of obtaining the observed results by chance if the null hypothesis is true.
The cri cal value for the chi-square test with 3 degrees of freedom (df = 4 - 1) and a
significance level of 0.05 is 7.815.

 The p-value for the product features variable is:
p-value = 1 - (chi-square / cri cal value) = 1 - (11.58 / 7.815) = 0.19

 The p-value for the pricing variable is:

p-value = 1 - (chi-square / cri cal value) = 1 - (0.27 / 7.815) = 0.99

 The p-value for the distribu on channels variable is:

p-value = 1 - (chi-square / cri cal value) = 1 - (1.07 / 7.815) = 0.91

 The p-value for the promo onal strategies variable is:

p-value = 1 - (chi-square / cri cal value) = 1 - (1.04 / 7.815) = 0.92
Since all of the p-values are greater than 0.05, we cannot reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, we cannot conclude that there is a significant difference between ITC's Pouch
Lassi and compe ng brands in terms of product features, pricing, distribu on channels, and
promo onal strategies.

Findings & Recommendation
 ITC is a leading FMCG company in India with a strong brand por olio.

 The brand name Aashirvaad is well-known and trusted by consumers.

 The products are made from high-quality milk and Lassi go through rigorous
quality checks.

 The brand has a strong marke ng campaign in place.


The launch of Aashirvaad Svas is a strategic move by ITC to tap into the growing demand
for fresh dairy products in India. The brand has a strong founda on in terms of its parent
company, brand name, and product quality. However, it will need to con nue to invest in its
marke ng campaign in order to raise awareness of the products and drive sales.


Here are some recommenda ons for ITC to improve the marke ng of Aashirvaad Svas :

 Conduct more research to understand the needs and wants of consumers.

 Develop more crea ve and engaging marke ng campaigns.
 Use social media and other digital channels to reach a wider audience.
 Partner with retailers and distributors to ensure that the products are available in a
convenient loca on.
 By following these recommenda ons, ITC can help to ensure the success of
Aashirvaad Svas in the Indian market.

Appendices & Annexure


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