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Action Movies — 11/5/23

Owner Warp 2

Tags Term 3 — Year 9

Task on Entry
1. What tropes would you expect to see in an action movie?
I would expect to see fight/fast-paced scenes, a side character dying, CGI, and
some sort of antagonist that must be overcome. Characters usually wear armor
of some sort and are skilled at combat.

2. Why are action films so successful worldwide?

Action movies attract a mass audience and appeal to a large variety of people
seeking Diversion.

Star Power
Star power is when people are attracted to watch a movie because an actor they like
is inside of it. This means that the film’s success is driven by the appearance of that
actor in the movie. This could also apply for directors. The audience may not even
know what the movie is about, and their reason to watch it is to see the
director/actor’s work.

This is how a movie is released.

1. Trailer: Free to watch and creates excitement for the movie.

2. Cinema release: The movie releases in theaters.

3. Paid digital download: The movie can be downloaded for a price on services
such as iTunes, Disney+, Netflix etc.

Action Movies — 11/5/23 1

4. DVD release: The movie is released to be purchased as a DVD.

Black Widow did not follow this model.

1. Cinema and release on Disney+: The movie was released in cinemas and the
Disney+ platform at the same time.

2. Paid digital download and DVD release.

Black Widow’s Release

Black Widow’s release was heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and made
much less than other Marvel movies that were released before the pandemic. Since
less people were going to the cinemas to watch movies due to lockdowns and fear of
the virus, Disney released the movie on their streaming platform, Disney+, as well.
Piracy was also a problem as people could easily access the movie on the platform.
People could watch Black Widow for free on piracy websites, and because of this,
Black Widow made $379.8 million worldwide, with a $200 million budget. Therefore,
it made $179.8 million in profit. This is very low compared to movie under the Marvel
brand. The Winter Soldier, which released years before the pandemic in 2014, made
$714.4 million. With approximately a $180 million budget, the movie made almost
half a billion in profit.

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