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Try 88 ehinh: $6 8 Hong Quse Viet TONG CUC TIEU CHUAN ©O LUONG CHAT LUONG Cu Gidy - H8 NOI atest 1 Diectorote for Standards Metrology and Quaity 024 86199 Fax ag aner197 TRUNG TAM KY THUAT TIE CHUAN BO LUGNG CHAT LUQNG 1 Co s6 2: Khu CN Nam Thang Long Qualty Assuran Testing Center 1 85c Tu uer Ha No) gjppoosnsbeclsatatgte “sesiset Tel: 024 22191002 * Foxx: 024 32191007 S4/No....2020/1789/TN4 Trangleagel! KET QUA THU NGHIEM TEST RESULT 1. Ten miu thir/Name of sample Nie khodng ning Thanh Thay Phit The Ten ce din: Tha dé mnie hosing nding Ngoe Som, xd Bao Yen, buyin Thanh Th «tinh Phi Tho phe vu edp mie cho “Khu phd throng. mai. dich vu tn ip ‘4 cag vien hhodng ning Wyndhara Thanh Thy: Té hop Bich san nght Dicdng Wyndhann Thanh Thy: Trang tam hoi nghi qué 14, hdch san, Big ar de tic tnghi ding Wyndham Thanh Thity. Dia diém: Na Bao Yen, huyén Thank Thi, tinh Phi Tho Nga hy in = 08/087 Khich hing /Customer: Cong ty TNHH Tur vin va chuyén giao cdng ngh@ moi trudng Thing Long $6 Iwemny miu Quanity Ol can x2 lit Naiiy nhiin mu (Date of receiving: 10/8/2020 : Tinh trang miu (Status of sample; _ Mau dung trong ean nhya np xoay Thai gian sve nghigm / Test duaration: Tit ngay/Fron: 10/8/2020 dén ngiy/To: 24! 08 /2020 STT | Tn chi tiéu Phiong pluip thie Sai sb Két qua 2 in Radon Bail @) PP -05- 17 0,095 0,201 | (ire cage The Hign Ba ae ea pp TUQ. TRUONG PHONG THU NGHIEM THUC PHAM Drv! Trin Thj Mai 1. Phidu két qui nay chi e6 gid tri dat voi mdu tht do khich hang deat. This test results 3 value only for samples taken by customer. 2. Khing die trich sao mt phan ket qui nay néu khong dige sw dng cia rung tim 3 tht 1. This tet results shall not reproduced excep infill. withou the writen approved of QUATEST 1 4. Tn mau va tén Khch hang diege ghi theo yéu ed cia Rhich hing. ‘Name of sample and customer are writen as customer's request TNIBMOS.3 ‘Lan ban hin: 03.2019

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