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The following filters are only available to users of higher API plans.



Bitcoin bitcoin.port



http.robots_hash http.html

http.securitytxt http.headers_hash

http.status http.favicon.hash http.title http.component_category
SNMP http.waf http.component
ssl.cert.serial ssl.cert.pubkey.type
cloud.provider ssl.cert.pubkey.bits
ssl.chain_count Cloud
ssl.cipher.bits ssl.cert.fingerprint
screenshot.hash ssl.cert.extension Screenshots screenshot.label
ssl.cipher.version ssl.cert.expired
ssl.ja3s ssl.cert.alg
isp hostname
ssl.jarm ssl.alpn
link hash
ssl.version ssl
net has_vuln
SSL org has_ssl

ntp.ip os has_screenshot
port has_ipv6
ntp.more NTP
postal geo
product device @hackinarticles
region cpe
scan country
sudo pip install shodan telnet.option
Telnet shodan.module city
Took the API key from my shodan web account
state asn
shodan init <API-KEY>
version all
ssh.type SSH General
Shows general information about your account

info Common Filters

Initialize the Shodan command-line View all available information for an IP...

init host To find MongoDB database servers

Print your external IP address Check whether the IP is a honeypot or not. To find Mongo Express Web GUI "Set-Cookie: mongo-express=" "200 OK"

myip honeyscore To find MySQL-powered databases mysql port:"3306"

To lookup popular ElasticSearch-powered instances port:"9200" all:"elastic indices"
Manage your organization's access to Shodan Download search results and save them in a...
To look up PostgreSQL databases port:5432 PostgreSQL
org download
For FTP, querying for proftpd, a popular FTP server proftpd port:21
Extract information out of compressed JSON... View all available information for a domain
To look for FTP servers that allow anonymous logins "220" "230 Login successful." port:21
parse domain
To query for OpenSSH, a popular SSH server openssh port:22
Real-Time Map of some results as Shodan finds... Bulk data access to Shodan
For Telnet, querying for port 23 port:"23"
Exposed Ports
radar data To look up EXIM-powered mail servers on port 25 port:"25" product:"exim"
Scan an IP/ netblock using Shodan. Returns the number of results for a search To find Memchad commonly on port 11211 for UDP amplification port:"11211" product:"Memcached"

scan count Jenkins is a starting point of any software being built for release "X-Jenkins" "Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID" http.title:"Dashboard"

Search the Shodan database Convert the given input data file into a... To find devices running a specific version of a RouterOS port:8291 os:"MikroTik RouterOS 6.45.9"
Network Infrastructure
search convert
Specific version of the popular web server Apache product:"Apache httpd" port:"80"
Provide summary information about a search... Manage the network alerts for yout account To look up Microsoft IIS-powered websites and web servers product:"Microsoft IIS httpd"

stats alert Web servers To look up Nginx-powered websites and web servers product:"nginx"

Stream data in real-time. Help To lookup Nginx-powered web servers on port 8080 "port: 8080" product:"nginx"

stream -h For outdated and insecure webcam software Server: SQ-WEBCAM

Webcams For specific software vendors for e.g.- Yawcam "Server: yawcam" "Mime-Type: text/html"
Web Based To find XZERES Wind Turbines title:"xzeres wind"
Print your extrernal IP address shodan myip
Industrial control systems Find electric vehicle chargers on Shodan "Server: gSOAP/2.8" "Content-Length: 583"
Myip To look up open Windows Remote Desktop ports remote desktop "port:3389"
Show information about a specific alert Remote Desktop Devices with VNC available without authentication "authentication disabled" "RFB 003.008"
Enable a trigger for the alert
info Find devices running on the Samba protocol on port 445 with
enable authentication disabled "Authentication: disabled" port:445
List all the active alerts
Disable a trigger for the alert Plex devices can be found using "X-Plex-Protocol" "200 OK" port:32400
list NAS Accesses
disable Some NAS devices have FTP-based services running on them "220" "230 Login successful." port:21
Remove the specified alert
To find HP-powered printers "Serial Number:" "Built:" "Server: HP HTTP"
Create a network alert to monitor an external...
remove To find EPSON powered printers "SERVER: EPSON_Linux UPnP" "200 OK"
create Printers and Copiers
List the available notification triggers Xerox printers and copiers using SSL certificates ssl:"Xerox Generic Root"
Remove all alerts
triggers clear Windows RDP Password
Manage the network alerts for your account Hiring

Shodan alert "Android Debug Bridge" "Device" port:5555

Android Root Bridge
screenshot.label "ETH - Total speed"
Screenshots Etherium Miners
http.title:"Tesla PowerPack System" http.component:"d3" -ga3ca4f2
CLI Based Tesla Powerpack charging Status

Shodan Filters

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