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PUBLISHED ONLINE: 25 SEPTEMBER 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2011.160

Nanowired three-dimensional cardiac patches

Tal Dvir1,2†, Brian P. Timko1,2†, Mark D. Brigham3, Shreesh R. Naik1, Sandeep S. Karajanagi1,4,
Oren Levy5,6, Hongwei Jin3, Kevin K. Parker3, Robert Langer1 and Daniel S. Kohane2 *

Engineered cardiac patches for treating damaged heart tissues Alginate was selected as a model scaffold material because it has
after a heart attack are normally produced by seeding heart been used extensively in myocardial regeneration1,2,23–25, and has
cells within three-dimensional porous biomaterial scaffolds1–3. been approved for phase II clinical trials for treating myocardial
These biomaterials, which are usually made of either biological infarction (MI)26. Like other common scaffolds (collagen, poly(lactic-
polymers such as alginate4 or synthetic polymers such as co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) and poly(glycerol-sebacate) (PGS)),
poly(lactic acid) (PLA)5, help cells organize into functioning alginate scaffolds exhibit defined porous structures and favourable
tissues, but poor conductivity of these materials limits biocompatibility, but lack electrical conductivity.
the ability of the patch to contract strongly as a unit6. Here, Nanowires should be longer than the average thickness of the
we show that incorporating gold nanowires within alginate alginate pore wall (500 nm) to interact with cells on both sides,
scaffolds can bridge the electrically resistant pore walls of and to enhance electrical signal transmission throughout the scaf-
alginate and improve electrical communication between adja- fold. Nanowires synthesized by anisotropic gold seed elongation27,28
cent cardiac cells. Tissues grown on these composite matrices had average lengths of 1 mm, diameters of 30 nm (Fig. 2a,b;
were thicker and better aligned than those grown on pristine Supplementary Fig. S1) and zeta potentials of þ45+3 mV because
alginate and when electrically stimulated, the cells in these of the hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) capping agent.
tissues contracted synchronously. Furthermore, higher levels A nanocomposite scaffold of alginate and nanowires (Alg–NW)
of the proteins involved in muscle contraction and electrical was created by mixing nanowires with sodium alginate, then cross-
coupling are detected in the composite matrices. It is expected linking with calcium ions and lyophilizing (Supplementary Fig. S2).
that the integration of conducting nanowires within three- The rheology of the alginate gel before lyophilization showed
dimensional scaffolds may improve the therapeutic value of
current cardiac patches. a c
The urgent need to improve the viability, ultrastructural mor-
phology and functionality of engineered cardiac tissue has been

addressed by developing bioreactors that can provide enhanced

mass transfer4,7 or expose tissues to electrical8 and mechanical
cues9,10. The structural and mechanical properties of scaffolds
have been improved by microfabrication processes that control stiff-
ness and anisotropy11. Nanostructures incorporated into matrices
foster tissue morphogenesis and functionality, improve mechanical
and adhesive properties, and direct cells to self-assemble in three

The key limitation of porous matrices used for cardiac tissue
engineering addressed here is that their pore walls limit cell–cell
interaction and delay electrical signal propagation6. We have devel-
oped three-dimensional nanocomposites of gold nanowires within
macroporous alginate scaffolds to bridge the non-conducting pore Figure 1 | Schematic overview of three-dimensional nanowire cardiac
walls, increase electrical signal propagation throughout the cell- tissue. a, Isolated cardiomyocytes are cultured in either pristine alginate or
seeded scaffold, and enhance the organization of functioning Alg–NW composites. Insets highlight the components of the engineered
tissue (Fig. 1). Inorganic nanostructures interact with cardiomyo- tissue: cardiac cells (red), alginate pore walls (blue) and gold nanowires
cytes and neurons, for example, to create electronic interfaces16–18 (yellow). b, Whereas cardiomyocytes in pristine alginate scaffolds (top)
and enhance cellular excitability19,20. Gold nanoparticles are prom- typically form only small clusters that beat asynchronously and with random
ising candidates for tissue engineering because they can be designed polarization, Alg–NW scaffolds (bottom) can exhibit synchronization across
to minimize toxicity21 and have been used in drug delivery, imaging scaffold walls, throughout the entire scaffold. c, Cardiomyocytes cultured in
and cancer therapy22. Such a nanocomposite cellular construct alginate scaffolds (top) form small beating clusters, but synchronously
could subsequently be sutured on the infarcted heart to restore func- beating cardiomyocytes in Alg–NW composites (bottom) have the potential
tion2. In time the scaffold will degrade, leaving nanowires embedded to form organized cardiac-like tissue. Colours, contour lines and arrows
within the engineered tissue. represent the spatial and temporal evolution of the signal maximum.

Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA, 2 Laboratory for Biomaterials and
Drug Delivery, Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, 300 Longwood
Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA, 3 Disease Biophysics Group, Wyss Institute for Biologically-Inspired Engineering, School of Engineering and
Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA, 4 Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA, 5 Harvard-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts 02139, USA, 6 Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA.

These authors contributed equally to this work. * e-mail:


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a b

0.2 μm 50 nm

c d

×100 100 μm ×700 20 μm

Figure 2 | Incorporation of nanowires within alginate scaffolds. a,b, Transmission electron microscopy images of a typical distribution of gold nanowires,
which exhibited an average length of 1 mm and average diameter of 30 nm. c,d, SEM revealed that the nanowires (1 mg ml21) assembled within the pore
walls of the scaffold into star-shaped structures with a total length scale of 5 mm. The assembled wires were distributed homogeneously within the matrix
(c) at a distance of 5 mm from one another (d).

increased dynamic viscosity and elastic shear modulus as nanowire atomic force microscopy (C-AFM; Fig. 3a–d). The many coincident
concentration was increased (Supplementary Fig. S3). The nano- features in the topography and conductance plots indicated that
composites exhibited improved mechanical properties because the nanowires fully bridged the film. Because the length of the nano-
nanomaterials, which interact with the polymers29, act as reinforce- wires was not monodisperse and their orientation was random
ments30,31. Here, the positively charged gold nanowires may have within the films, topographic and conductive coincidences were
interacted electrostatically with the alginate. not identical. At the nanowires, the current was proportional to
The compressive modulus Ec of the wet scaffolds was measured voltage bias over the range –1 to 1 V, but negligible current
to evaluate their ability to accommodate compressive strain from passed through nanowire-free regions of the film (Fig. 3e). Higher
cardiac beating. The Ec values for alginate and Alg–NW nanocom- concentrations of nanowires (2 mg ml21) increased the conductive
posites were 1.2+0.2 and 3.5+0.2 kPa, respectively (P ¼ 0.008), coincident features (Supplementary Fig. S5a,b). Alginate films con-
which is significantly lower than that of the native heart (Ec ¼ taining gold nanorods significantly shorter than the film thickness
425+9 kPa, P , 0.001). Because similar Ec values have been (average length, 60 nm; Supplementary Fig. S6a) showed topo-
measured for decellularized cardiac matrices32, it is unlikely that graphic features similar to those containing nanowires, but negli-
Alg–NW scaffolds will inhibit contraction in the engineered gible electrical current was detected (Supplementary Fig. S6b–d).
tissue. Moreover, scaffolds with lower Ec values have been shown Further evidence of enhanced conductivity from nanowires was
to support cardiac cells and promote the organized contraction of obtained by measuring the overall film impedance. Films were
cardiac tissues2,10. As the scaffold degrades and the extracellular pressed between two ITO electrodes and an a.c. bias was swept
matrix is produced, the microenvironment will eventually resemble between 1 MHz and 1 Hz (Fig. 3f ). All films exhibited relatively
that of native tissue. low impedance at high frequencies (.10 kHz) due to capacitive cur-
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the scaffolds revealed rents through the film. At lower frequencies that encompass the fre-
that at a concentration of 0.5 mg ml21, nanowires were either par- quency spectrum of mammalian heart rates (on the order of 1 Hz),
allel to or penetrated the pore walls (Supplementary Fig. S4a). At Alg–NW impedance was consistently lower than in pristine films,
1 mg ml21, the wires formed star-shaped aggregates inside the a finding attributable to resistive currents through the bridging
walls that had dimensions on the scale of 5 mm (Fig. 2c,d). nanowires becoming increasingly dominant as capacitive currents
Elemental analysis confirmed they contained gold (Supplementary drop off33.
Fig. S4b). At these concentrations, the nanowires were homoge- We isolated cardiac cells (cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts) from
neously distributed 5–10 mm apart throughout the scaffold. the left ventricles of neonatal rat hearts and seeded them into
To simulate the pore wall of the Alg–NW scaffold and to evaluate Alg–NW or pristine alginate scaffolds (see Supplementary
the bridging effect of the nanowires on the spatial conductivity of Methods). The effect of nanowires on the organization of cardiac
the alginate surfaces, we coated 500-nm-thick films of Alg–NW cells was studied after culture for three days under static conditions
on indium tin oxide (ITO) conducting glass slides and measured (without electrical stimulation), and again after five days of cultiva-
the surface topography and film conductance using conductive tion under electrical field stimulation to improve cell alignment8.


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a b Alginate Alg−NW



c d
71.17 1.65
59.31 1.38
47.45 1.10


35.59 0.83

23.72 y y 0.55
11.86 0.28
0.00 0.00
x x

e f 12
18 Alginate
12 Alg−NW
Impedence (kΩ)
Current (μA)

−1.2 −0.8 −0.4 0.4 0.8 1.2
−18 Alginate
Bias (V) 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 3 | Increased electrical conductivity of alginate by incorporation of nanowires. a, Spatial conductivity was measured by conductive probe atomic
force microscopy (C-AFM). The ITO slide served a backside contact, and the conductive AFM probe was used to simultaneously measure surface
topography and conductance through the film. b, The equivalent circuit can be represented by capacitors (alginate) and resistors (nanowires) connected in
parallel. c, Topographic mapping revealed nanowires protruding from the composite alginate thin film (5 × 5 mm). d, Spatial conductivity within the Alg–NW
film as measured by C-AFM. Current spikes were measured at the location of the nanowires. e, Current measured at the nanowires (red) increased with bias
voltage over the range –1 to 1 V, while negligible current passed through nanowire-free regions of the alginate film (blue) over the same range. f, Overall
impedance of the scaffold biomaterial before and after modification with nanowires. Thin layers of Alg–NW or pure alginate films were pressed between two
ITO glass slides. These slides served as electrodes and were used to apply an a.c. bias with frequency swept between 1 MHz and 10 Hz. At frequencies near
d.c., the impedance of the composite membrane was much lower than that of the pure film.

Typically, cardiac cells seeded in pristine alginate scaffolds do not binding and contraction, and for the gap junction protein connexin
bind to the matrix, but organize into tight, rounded aggregates 43 (Cx-43), which is responsible for electrical and mechanical coup-
(,200 mm) within the pores10. Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) ling10. On day 3 (before stimulation), cardiomyocytes within the
staining at day 8 revealed thick, intact and better-aligned tissues Alg–NW scaffold expressed higher levels of both proteins
within the Alg–NW scaffolds (Fig. 4a,b) compared to the small (Supplementary Fig. S8a,b). Immunostaining on day 8 revealed
aggregates within alginate scaffolds (Fig. 4c,d). On day 8, nanowires strong troponin I fluorescence and cells located throughout the
were seen in pore walls (Fig. 4e), suggesting that nanowires Alg–NW scaffolds (Fig. 4g), but not in the pristine scaffolds
remained integrated throughout the cultivation period. H&E- (Fig. 4h). In the Alg–NW cultures, Cx-43 between adjacent cardio-
stained thin sections of scaffolds seeded with fewer cells revealed myocytes suggested maturation of the tissue (Fig 4i); this was not
wires in the scaffold walls in close proximity to cell bundles in adja- seen with unmodified matrices. Western blotting revealed that the
cent pores (Fig. 4f ). Based on a metabolic activity assay, neither the Alg–NW cultures had significantly higher amounts of Cx-43 and
nanowires nor their residual chemicals had any cytotoxic effects on a-sarcomeric actinin (a protein related to contractile function10) at
the cardiac cells (Supplementary Fig. S7). In vivo studies will be days 3 and 8 (Fig. 4j,k and Supplementary Fig. S8c). This means
crucial for a definitive demonstration of biocompatibility. the nanowires imparted phenotypic traits consistent with enhanced
The phenotype of the engineered tissue was evaluated by immu- electrical and mechanical coupling and contractile properties. The
nostaining for troponin I, which is involved in muscle calcium higher Cx-43 level in the Alg-NW scaffold on day 3, before electrical


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a b c d

e f g h

j k 1.5
i 1.5 P = 0.05
P = 0.01 P = 0.02
P = 0.01

(relative to GAPDH)
(relative to GAPDH)

Actinin expression
C×43 expression

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0














Figure 4 | Cardiac cell organization within the three-dimensional scaffold. a–d, H&E stained thin sections of the engineered tissues on day 8 revealed a
thick tissue in the nanowire scaffold (a,b), whereas the engineered tissue in the pristine scaffolds demonstrated non-continuous tissue separated by pore
walls (c,d). e, Nanowires are seen within the pore walls of a relatively empty region of a scaffold (black dots indicated by yellow arrows). f, In a sparsely
populated region, wires within the wall (black dots indicated by yellow arrows) were in close proximity to cell aggregates (red asterisks). g,h, Immunostaining
of the cell-seeded scaffolds on day 8 revealed pervasive troponin I expression (red) within the Alg–NW scaffold (g), but less staining was observed in the
aggregates in the unmodified scaffolds (h). i, Connexin 43 gap junction protein was found between cardiomyocytes in the nanowire-containing scaffolds
(green dots indicated by white arrows). Nuclei are coloured in blue. j, Quantification of connexin 43 protein expression by western blot. k, Quantification of
sarcomeric actinin protein expression by western blot. Scale bars, 200 mm (a,c) or 20 mm (b,d,e–i).

stimulation, suggests that the wires affect physiology independently by their spatial relationship to the source of stimulation (Fig. 5e),
of possible complementary effects of the external electrical field. suggesting continuous propagation of a wavefront of cell depolariz-
Assessment of the electrophysiological effects of nanowires was ation. Furthermore, the calcium transients in the Alg–NW group
performed in cardiac cell constructs, with or without nanowires, were significantly higher than in the pristine scaffolds (Fig. 5f ).
incubated with a calcium-sensitive dye. Isolated cardiac cell aggre- Many factors may have contributed to the improved scaffold
gates from each group were stimulated with a local electrical field functionality. Nanowires may create conductive bridges across the
using microelectrodes. The propagation and green fluorescence alginate, connecting adjacent pores and/or cell bundles.
intensity of the dye in the engineered tissue were recorded videogra- Alternatively, the nanowires may directly enhance expression of
phically and plotted (Fig. 5). Similar behaviour was observed for six the electrical coupling protein Cx-43. The improvement in
separate constructs in each group. Calcium imaging within pristine tissue thickness and contractile properties may enhance electrical
scaffolds revealed activity only at the stimulation site, with negligible connectivity and functionality. Because the nanowires were not
signal propagation to cells in adjacent pores (Supplementary Movie interconnected structurally (Figs 2, 4e,f ) or electrically (Fig. 3,
M1, Fig. 5a,b). Analysis of the recording at six separate sites (Fig. 5a, Supplementary Fig. S5), long-range shorting throughout the
white circles I–VI) revealed calcium transients only at the stimulus construct is unlikely. Finally, the effects of nanowires on the viability
point (I) and not at the nearest other point (II), located slightly of fibroblasts, which could also be found in the seeded scaffolds, and
more than 100 mm away (Fig. 5b). In contrast, the engineered the secretion of extracellular matrix by those fibroblasts, may also
tissue in the Alg–NW scaffolds contracted synchronously have affected the functional enhancements observed.
(Supplementary Movie M2, Fig 5c,d). (Note that the stimulation We have demonstrated, for the first time, that nanocomposites of
point was 2 mm to the lower left of point I, that is, far off the lower inorganic nanomaterials in polymeric matrices can be used to
left corner of the graphic.) In contrast to the lack of signal conduction enhance the structure, phenotype and function of engineered
in the absence of nanowires, recordings at various sites (Fig. 5c, white cardiac tissue. Our approach may be useful in creating more
circles I–V) now revealed calcium transients (Fig. 5d) throughout the homogeneous cardiac patches with stronger contractile properties
scaffold, even though the stimulation point was remote. The calcium that could be implanted on the affected surface of a heart after
transients at sites I–V occurred in a temporal sequence determined MI. This technique could be generalized to other biomaterials


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a b


1.6 IV

II 1.0

c d I



III 1.2

1.0 V

e f 1.5
P < 0.0001




50 ms 0.0
Alg Alg−NW

Figure 5 | Calcium transient propagation within engineered tissues. Calcium transient was assessed at specified points (white circles) by monitoring
calcium dye fluorescence (green). a, Sites monitored in pristine scaffold, where site I is the stimulation point. b, Calcium transients were only observed at the
stimulation point in the unmodified scaffold. F/F0 refers to measured fluorescence normalized to background fluorescence. c, Sites monitored in an Alg–NW
scaffold. The stimulation point was 2 mm diagonally to the lower left of point I (that is, off the figure). The white arrow represents the direction of
propagation. d, Calcium transients were observed at all points. e, Comparison of initial time courses of single signals from sites I–V in d. f, Quantification of
calcium transients (by relative fluorescence) from all samples (n ¼ 6 in each group). Bars represent signal maximum transient 2 mm from the stimulation site
(F2mm), normalized to the signal maximum at the stimulation site (Fstim). Scale bars in a and c, 100 mm.

such as elastomers or electrospun fibres, and to diseases of other added (0.25 mM) followed by ascorbic acid (0.5 mM). The ascorbic acid changed the
conductive tissues. solution from deep to pale yellow, consistent with the reduction of Au(III) to Au(I).
Finally, HNO3 (70 mM) was added. The growth solution was then divided between
flask A (9 ml), flask B (18 ml) and flask C (173 ml). Nanowire growth was initiated
Methods by adding 1 ml seed solution to flask A under vigorous stirring. After 15 s, 1 ml
Preparation of gold nanowires. All chemicals were acquired from Sigma-Aldrich solution was transferred from flask A to flask B, with vigorous stirring. After 30 s,
and used as received. Nanowires were prepared using an adaption of previously 5 ml solution was transferred from flask B to flask C, with vigorous stirring. The
reported methods27,28. First, citrate-capped gold seeds were prepared. A 20 ml solution in flask C was maintained at 37 8C with stirring, and turned deep purple
aqueous solution of HAuCl4 (0.25 mM) and sodium citrate (0.25 mM) was over the course of 2 h. The solution contained a mixture of morphologies and was
prepared. Under vigorous stirring, 0.6 ml ice-cold aqueous NaBH4 solution (0.1 M) subsequently purified. The solution was collected in 50 ml centrifuge tubes, which
was added at once. The solution immediately turned deep red, consistent with the were then placed in a 37 8C oven and left undisturbed for 1 week. During this time,
formation of colloidal gold. A typical product contained spherical gold particles a brown pellet, which contained 90% wires, formed at the bottom of each tube.
4 nm in diameter at an estimated density of 7.6 × 1013 particles/ml. The The supernatant was discarded, and the pellets were resuspended in deionized water.
suspension was allowed to stand at room temperature for several hours before use to A typical synthesis yielded 60 mg product after purification.
ensure complete degradation of the NaBH4. The gold colloid was stable at 4 8C for at
least several months. Preparation of Alg–NW and alginate scaffolds. The three-dimensional Alg–NW or
Wires were grown by anisotropic elongation of the seeds. To achieve high- alginate scaffolds were prepared from pharmaceutical-grade alginate, Protanal LF
aspect-ratio nanowires, the reaction was carried out in three stages, in 25 ml 5/60 (FMC Biopolymers), which has a high guluronic acid (G) content (65%). The
Erlenmeyer flasks (flasks A and B) and a 250 ml round-bottom flask (flask C). First, method for Alg–NW scaffold preparation was based on a previously described
growth solution was prepared. CTAB (7.54 g, 0.1 M) was dissolved in 200 ml procedure10 and is a five-step process, consisting of (1) preparation of sodium
deionized water at 37 8C. After complete dissolution of the CTAB, HAuCl4 was alginate stock solutions at concentrations of 1% (w/v); (2) mixing nanowire solution


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and shaped by rapid prototyping to contain internal microchannels. Tissue Eng. permission information is available online at Correspondence
12, 2479–2487 (2006). and requests for materials should be addressed to D.S.K.


© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

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