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Pure Yang Nei Gong·Nine Steps Qi Secret Method
Bridge Bay Layman Wang S…
Read 272 to 30 2021-04-29 save share

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The Nine-step Qi Secret Method of Pure Yang Neigong is one of the pure yang internal
methods of the hand-mantismen's true internal power heart method. It is said that it
originated from the Daoyin Xingqi Kungfu of Laoshan Taoism. It consists of four kinds of
Kungfu: Qixing Dantian Gong, Pure Yang Jiubu Qi Method, Pure Yang Pile Method, and Pure
Yang Tongzi Gong. This kind of Taoist esoteric inner power mental method with complete
system and great effect is not comparable to ordinary inner power. This esoteric pure yang
nine-step qi method is compiled into a document for the sake of sharing.
1. The Qigong Frame of Chunyang Nine-step Qi Method - Chunyang Sitting Mountain Pose
The Pure Yang Nine-step Qi Method is a method of tranquility and internal movement in the
Pure Yang Nei Gong Heart Method. Practitioners can choose a stool or chair (preferably
wooden, with the practitioner sitting on it, with their thighs parallel to the ground) with a
suitable height and height before practicing. The chin is slightly contained, the eyes are closed,
the curtains are drawn, the light is drawn in, the tongue is against the upper palate, the chest is
pulled out, the back is naturally vertical, the shoulders are relaxed and the armpits are relaxed,
the elbows are hanging down, the wrists should be seated, the palms should be contained, and
the fingers should be relaxed. , relax the waist, relax the lower abdomen, make the top of the
head and the perineum on the bottom of the sea form a vertical line, the tip of the nose, the
navel and the dantian should also be on this line; the hands are naturally placed on the knees,
the palms are down, and the five fingers are naturally separated forward. Pinch the inside of
the knee with the thumb and keep both thighs parallel to the ground. Feet parallel, knees
shoulder-width apart, and feet on the ground. The above is the essentials of the Pure Yang
Seated Mountain-style exercise. After sitting according to the above essentials, the whole body
is relaxed, and the mind enters a tranquil and nothingness state.
2. Pure Yang Nine-step Qi Method
After the pure Yang sitting posture is set up, the whole body is relaxed, and the mind enters the
tranquil and empty state, you can practice the pure Yang nine-step Qi method according to the
following nine steps.
The first step of pure yang qi movement: this walking qi is also known as the pure yang zhenqi
bathing method and the method of penetrating the top of the body. First of all, the true qi of
the six-harmony of heaven and earth, pure yang, is slowly injected into the whole head from the
Baihui point on the top of the head, and then the whole head is bathed in the pure yang true qi.
. The first qi flow, the qi flows on both sides of the body, the pure yang true qi of the mind
flows along the head, through the left and right sides of the neck, and slowly flows to the
shoulders. The first stream flows along the shoulders to the arms and palms (both the surface
layer of the skin and the deep inner layer need to be showered), the second stream flows along
the shoulders to the left and right sides of the body and the outside of the legs, and then the
two streams meet at the knees , along the inner and outer sides of the two calves, flow to the
feet and into the ground. The second qi flow, the qi flows to the front of the body, the pure
yang true qi of the mind slowly flows from the face to the front of the neck, along the chest,
abdomen, perineum, and the front sides of the legs, and flows to the feet and into the ground.
The third qi flow, the qi flows to the back of the body, the pure yang of the mind flows down
from the back of the head, through the back of the neck, back, waist, back of the legs to the
feet, and pours into the ground.
For the fourth time, the qi flows inside the body. The pure yang true qi of the mind starts from
the skull cavity, passes through the oral cavity, and flows along the central meridian through
the five viscera and six fu-organs. According to the above method of qi, reciprocating practice
3-5 times. After the practice is proficient, the method of one to four qi movements should be
completed at the same time, and there is no need to divide the qi movements into four times.
The first step of pure yang qi movement requires a month of practice.
The second step of pure Yang Qi: After practicing the first step of pure Yang Qi for one month,
you can enter the second step of pure Yang Qi practice. Before practicing the second step qi
method twice, you need to practice the first step qi method first, and then practice the second
step qi method. There is a spherical white cloud slowly drifting from the place where the idea
is to be transported from the lower abdomen. Breathing with the nose, it naturally moves
towards the lower abdomen.
The third step of pure Yang Qi: After the second step of Qi kung fu practice is proficient, enter
the third step of Qi practice. There is a transparent spherical object in the dantian part of the
lower abdomen of the mind, which continuously absorbs the pure yang qi of the heaven and
earth, and combines with the pure yang qi in the body. When viewing it with divine light (that is,
the mind and the eyes are in harmony), it seems that it is not seen. , seems to be guarded. This
exercise will gradually warm the lower abdomen. When it is like a fire, you can enter the fourth
step of pure yang practice.
The fourth step of pure yang qi movement method, you must first focus on the lower body
(male refers to the glans of the penis, female refers to the labia). Between the front and back
yin), so you can enter the fifth step of pure yang exercise.
The fifth step of pure yang qi movement method, the first step is to keep the Huiyin acupoint
on the bottom of the sea. After the Huiyin acupoint feels hot, the pure yang qi will
automatically flow to the tail. In this way, you can enter the sixth step of pure yang qi
movement. practise.
In the sixth step of pure yang qi, you must first keep the valley path (ie the anus), and after the
valley feels hot, the pure yang qi will automatically flow to Guanqiang point, so you can enter
the seventh step of pure yang qi practice. . When practicing the sixth-step qi method, since the
Shougu Dao and the pure yang qi are infused through the Changqiang acupoints, air leakage is
easy to occur, so the practitioners should use both arms slightly.
In the seventh step of pure yang qi step, you must first focus on the entire tail lug. After the
entire tail lug feels hot, the pure yang qi will automatically flow to the Mingmen point, so you
can enter the eighth pure yang qi movement. step practice.
The eighth step of pure yang qi movement method, the intention is to guard the two kidneys
and the gate of life. When the two kidneys and the gate of life have a burning sensation, you
can enter the ninth step of qi, "Fire Alchemy Jindan".
The ninth step of pure yang qi "fire alchemy elixir". The so-called "fire refining Jindan" is an
ancient saying, in fact, it is the mind that uses the fire of the gate of life to train the true
essence, transform it into pure yang true energy, and form a golden dan. The specific method
is: rub the Laogong acupoints with both hands relative to each other to heat, and rub the two
kidneys up and down with the Laogong acupoints of both hands, so as to help the Qi formation
of pure yang to become a golden elixir.
Retraction method: first intend to hold the Dantian for a while, then rub both hands to warm,
massage the head and face, massage the upper body and limbs from top to bottom,copy
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and then 一键
to two toes
public forcefully and take a walk for a while.
3. Matters needing attention:
1. To practice this exercise, you need to breathe through the nose naturally.
2. In the pure yang nine-step qi method, you can stop practicing at the fourth and fifth steps of

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Nine Yin scriptures
Read 234 to 9 2019-03-11 save share

"The way of heaven, the excess of the loss and the supplement of the deficiency. Therefore, the
virtual overcomes the real, and the deficiency overcomes the excess. Its meaning is broad, its
rationale is deep, its interest is deep, the image of heaven and earth is divided, the yin and yang
are arranged, the change is manifested, and death and life are related. Zhao Zhang, the relics
are self-identical without planning, don’t make appointments, but keep silent and succinct, and
his words are subtle, and the test is not intact. It can be said to be the sect of the highest Tao,
and the beginning of life. If the heaven’s secrets are swift, and the wonderful knowledge is
mysterious, Although making a plan is a matter of knowledge, the standard is also suitable for
governance and training. It is not impossible to send it out, and it is also impossible to produce.
Therefore, if you move, you will be successful, just like ghosts and gods, and you will make the
world outstanding, and the time will come out.
The essence of the five Tibetans and the six palaces is all concentrated in the eyes to make the
essence. The case of the essence is the eye, the essence of the bone is the pupil, the essence
of the sinew is the black eye, the blood is the energy network, the essence of the case is the
white eye, the essence of the muscle is the restraint, the essence of the blood and energy of the
muscles and bones is wrapped and tied with the pulse. , the top belongs to the brain, and the
latter comes out of the item. Therefore, the evil in the item, because when the body is empty,
the person is deep, then the eye is connected to the brain, and the brain is turned when the
hand is shy, the brain is turned, and the eyes are anxious. If the essence of evil is not compared,
the essence will be scattered. If the essence is scattered, it will be seen as different. The
cathode is at six, how can you say nine. Tai Chi gives birth to two ceremonies, and the heaven
and earth are first judged. The six yin have been extremely, and every seven returns to Yuan Tai

Su, Tai Su Western Jinde, Yin is pure, and cold is the origin.
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The first heavy formula says: At the four timings of Ziwu Maoyou, the palm of the Dantian of
Gui Qi is pushed forward. With the north facing the south facing the sky, the intention is to
follow the two palms. Pay attention to the yang movement of the dantian, and recycle the two
acupoints left and right. Worshiping Buddha together as a chest, infuriating swirls through it.
The qi acted as the superintendent of Xiao Zhoutian, and the dantian was warmed by a column
of incense. The speed is in line with thirty-six, and the Jiuyang Divine Art is the first. Find a
place with heavy yin and qi at the four hours of midnight, noon, Mao and You every day. Sit
facing the north, with the five hearts facing the sky, meditate without worrying, and keep the
dantian. The Qi of Dantian is drawn up along the Governor Vessel, and the Ren Vessel goes
down to the Dantian. So wait for Xiao Zhoutian thirty-six circles. From slow to fast. After the qi
returns to the dantian, push the palms forward, the palms face forward, the palms face the sky,
and the qi travels between the palms. Both palms and fingers hang down, palms face down,
palms face down, retract quickly, the palm of the left palm is aligned with the Qihai acupoint,
the palm of the right palm is aligned with the Mingmen acupoint, and the true qi spirals into the
Qihai and Mingmen acupoints. Collected in Dantian. In this way, I want to keep the time of
Dantian Yizhuxiang. After this exercise has a certain ability, can send and receive freely, and can
do the second level when it has the ability to resist cold.
The second formula says: When the noon is extremely cold, sit alone on a bed of ice. The naked
face is north, and the air is small. Five hearts face up to the sky, open the dantian gate. The cold
air is spiraling in, and you can send and receive freely. When Hehe meets Dantian, the snow
does not melt. Shrinking like a cold bead, the snow falls without melting. Expanded into a fog
around the body, the second level of Nine Yin. At noon every day, find an extremely cold place,
face north and back south, with five hearts facing the sky, and sit on a bed of ice (a kind of jade
that is like ice all year round). Today's practice can be done on ice or snow. Quietly, start 36
circles around the sky, keep Dantian for a while, open Qihai and Mingmen points, spiral into the
cold air, and after inhaling a stick of incense, When the above two points are closed, there is a
cold ball in the dantian that keeps spinning, and it turns bigger and bigger. Repeat this eighty-
one times, until the snowflakes fall from the body but do not melt, and when the air is deflated,
the snowflakes do not fall three feet away from the body.
The third formula says: The law is like the second, Yin and Yang restrain each other. Intended to

repair Gangqi, heat does not invade the law. Seeking true yin in yang, the third level of nine yin.
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Every day, find an extremely hot place and sit on the fire cauldron. Facing the north and facing
the south, the five hearts are facing the sky, the mind is calm, and the cold air in the dantian is
activated to prevent the intrusion of hot air. This is "seeking true yin in true yang".
The fourth formula says: Dharma is like the third, yin and yin make life. The same is the method
of cultivating qi, the method of static flow. Practicing true yin with yin is the fourth level of nine
yin. Regardless of the time, find a still pool, with five hearts facing the sky, sitting at the bottom
of the lake, calm and worrying, the water level is no more than the neck, and the method is the
same as the third stage, waiting for the body to enter the water, And the clothes are not wet.
Then find a flowing river to practice, practice under the rapids, and the clothes are not wet. At
this point, "Nine Yin Shen Gong" is completed. If you use your palm to release your true qi and
hit someone, it is the palm of your heart.
The fifth method of collecting qi is said: absorbing qi is not qi, close your mouth and open your
eyes. The mystery lies in the eyes, and the spirit is dry and full. This method is a method of
increasing internal power, which is used to absorb the essence of the universe with the eyes.
Every day when the sun is about to come out, stand at a high place, look at the sun with both
eyes, and when the eyes are hot, the energy of the sun is inhaled from the eyes to the upper
dantian. so repeatedly.
"Moving Across the Sky" spiral nine shadows, moving left and right, it can't talk about it, and it
can be turned into nine shadows to lure the enemy. If the Jiuyin White Bone Claw is added, its
power can be increased tenfold. How to move in the air can be determined according to the
situation, and the second method is disclosed here for reference.
The formula says: turn left one, turn left half. Turn right one, turn right half. Turning left and right
is different, and turning horizontally is more one.
The tactic says: Rotate to the left and rotate to the right to rotate the sky and the earth, and
step on the left to rotate the ground in the empty space. The yin and yang of the hands together
are upward rotation, and the right step and the left air rotation are not.
Although it is a body method, it contains mysteries. It must be carried out in accordance with
the "Nine Yin Xing Gong Jue" to prevent mishaps. This exercise is mainly practiced at midnight
and noon, but other times are also acceptable. It must be absolutely quiet and the air must be
smooth. The breathing in this exercise is nose inhalation and nose exhalation. To learn this skill
is to persevere. There will be all kinds of illusions in gong, don't be afraid, just let it go. When the


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account sky appears in the practice, you should let it go naturally, and don't add your thoughts to
"ghost? The roar of the wind
This skill belongs to the sound wave skill. It uses the sound to hurt people, use the sound to
evoke the soul, and it can also spread the qi. Its power is incomparable.
Step 1: Sit facing the north, with the five hearts facing the sky, the upper body is upright, the
emptiness of the spirit is upright, the tongue is on the upper palate, the lower jaw is slightly
retracted, and the eyes are flat. The hands are placed in the lower dantian in a holding position,
that is, the palms are facing upwards and the palms and fingers are facing each other. The
intention is to keep a pillar of incense in the dantian. red. Silently reciting in the mouth, the true
qi of the dantian in the mind turns into a wave circle, like a water pattern. When the skin
bounces back, it must be repeated as many times as Chongyang.
The second level: the Italian wave circle, from the inside to the outside, to the dispersion, from
the outside to the inside, to gather, the dispersion and gathering are suitable for the balance of
yin and yang, the balance of yin and yang, the root of all things. Gradually become like a void,
resonating with the universe, and the law is the same as above.
The third stage: stand naturally, feet shoulder-width apart, hands naturally on the outside of the
legs, Baihui is on top, tongue is flat, eyes are level, adjust breathing, keep the time of Dantian
Yizhuxiang, then nod your head, Breathing in, retracting the abdomen, and making a ghostly
sound in the mouth, and at the same time intending to induce the Dantian Zhenqi to spread
outward with the sound; raising the head, exhaling, closing the mouth, intending to withdraw the
Zhenqi and return it to the middle Dantian, and so on. Lift one point at a time, one up and one
down, up and down, the throat chakra opens automatically, and the magic sound of the throat
chakra is opened.
The fourth layer: no phase sound gang
There is no phase sound gang, that is, the sound gang has no shape. Its second sound is
endless, it can prevent the enemy and protect the body, and it can also control others or heal
others. The practice method is very simple, just need to combine the sounds of "Xiantian
Zhenqi" and "Ghost? Yinfeng Roar" in "Jiuyin Shengong". described.
Nine Yin White Bone Claw
The claw strength is incomparable, the ghost qi reverberates, and it is not afraid of attacking.

Its claws can make a hole in the skull without breaking it, the claw heart has a strong suction
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that can take things or absorb other people's skills from the air, and the claws have a strong
penetrating force that can hurt people from the air. One closing and one releasing, one opening
and one closing, in line with the principles of martial arts
The first golden silk hand formula says: Sit with your back facing the north and the south facing
the sky, and let your qi move through the Dazhui. The meaning is gathered in the dantian with a
column of incense, and the branches are gathered in the palm of the left and right. Open the
Qihai Mingmen acupoint, and the Qi is full of claws. Rotate it into the Yin Qi Yikun furnace, and
release and retract the golden thread. Anyone who learns Jiuyin White Bone Claw must first
learn Jiuyin magic for 100 days. Facing north and facing south, with five hearts facing the sky,
sit at a low position. Put your hands on your knees, with your palms facing down, intending to
guard your dantian. Open the sea of ​qi and the gate of life, rotate and inhale the yin qi to gather
in the dantian. Qi Shun Ren and Du meridians ascended to Dazhui point, and entered the palm
at right Jianjing point. The five fingers hang down, the air penetrates into the fingers, the ten
fingers are buckled and pulled back, and the hand thread is one. Return Qi to Dantian, warm and
nourish column incense.
The second great law of capturing the soul says: Open the front and back doors of the dantian,
and the samadhi phosphorus will be cremated invisible. Inhale the ghosts of ghosts and
ghosts, and the yin skills are further improved here. This method is a very secret method, which
can open up the mystery of people's death and life, absorb the spirit of ghosts, and can also
use this method to absorb other people's power and soul. Find a cemetery, in the middle of the
night when no one is there, face north and back south, five hearts facing the sky, left palm
facing up, thumb clasped with little finger and the other three fingers straight. The left hand
stands in front of the chest, the palm faces to the left, the thumb, middle, name, and little finger
are buckled inward, the index finger is straight, and the mouth recites the mantra "Dharma, no
form and supreme, captures the yin and captures the soul, fearless and fearless, yin and yang
are combined. Fighting with people and ghosts, Mimi chanting 'mouth dying'" thirty-six times,
over and over again, to the last time, just "Mimi baiting 'mouth dying'". Then raise both hands
above head, put palms together, fingertips facing the sky, open Qihai and Mingmen acupoints,
and shoot out yin qi from the two acupoints in a spiral shape from small to large, and like a
tornado, the wild soul yin essence is drawn into the two acupoints. Dantian, after practicing a
stick of incense, began to smelt. Put both palms on the knees, with the palms facing up, the

countless yin spirits in the dantian are formed into a ring by the yin qi in the dantian, and they
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account come out. The mindfulness dantian soul sealing ball began to rotate, and at the same
time, countless phosphorous fires suddenly erupted in the mind cemetery. Using the same
method, the phosphorus fire was sucked into the outer circle of the dantian soul sealing ball,
burning and melting the yin soul. until exhausted. Receipt of work, warm and nourish Dantian
with a column of incense. If it is used to absorb other people's skills or Yuanshen, the method is
the same as above.
The third white bone training claw formula says: The white bone hangs up and turns into two
bones. Yin essence hangs in nine acupoints, and is captured in the left and right hands. The
combination is Yinzhu, a vagina sucking sperm sucker. In Qi Huikun furnace, return to Dan
furnace. Facing the north and back to the south, with five hearts facing the sky, sitting in the
cemetery, intending to guard the dantian for a moment, intending to guard the nine graves in
front of and behind him, suddenly cracked and flew out nine skulls, at this time the mind
opened the sea of ​qi and the gate of life, Shooting and rotating True Qi from small to large,
suspended nine skulls, located on the top of my head, left and right, and slowly rotated. A red
air line shoots out from the two eyes of each skull, and shoots into Baihui, Yuzhen, Tanzhong,
left and right Jianjing acupoints, Lingtai, Qihai, and Mingmen nine acupoints, and gradually
converges in each acupoint. Formed into a ball, and then these nine red balls converged into
the dantian from the two veins of Rendu at the same time, intending to guard the dantian to
make the Qi combine. Then luckily, the two palms penetrated the true qi. Due to the reverse
force, the two palms raised the flat chest and penetrated the ten fingers. The ten fingers
suddenly changed their claws. At this time, the nine skulls of the mind transformed into each
other and turned into two skulls in front of the chest. The palms protrude outwards and suck
the two skulls into the palms, then clasp the skulls with the ten fingers inwards, release the
infuriating energy to grab the skulls into ten small holes, then suck back the infuriating energy,
and at the same time absorb the yin essence in the skulls and return them to the dantian.
Receipt of work, warm and nourish Dantian with a column of incense. Until the skull hits from
the air and grabs a hole and the bone is not broken, the Jiuyin White Bone Claw is completed.
To practice this state, it is necessary to cooperate with external practice, that is, the fourth
The fourth layer of external power formula says: Qi reaches the dantian and penetrates the ten
fingers, and performs the ancient civet cat power backwards. Grasp the stone and strike the

iron to practice finger strength, and internal and external combined to repair the white bone art.
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account the inner qi is inserted into the ten fingers to take objects from the air. When grasping
with the ten fingers and practicing hard objects, the objects used should be from light to heavy,
and from near to far. The surviving person can stand upside down next to the tree, lean on the
tree with both feet, and then use ten fingers to grasp the tree and slowly ascend to practice
finger strength. This weight should be practiced with the third weight.
The fifth step to the fourth step has been completed, and the fifth step is to deepen the kung fu,
and its sinister degree is even more sinister. The ancient coffins, bat blood, and arsenic are
heated with water, and then used to spread the hands, and then practice internal and external
skills. In this way, the hands are highly poisonous, and the hands can hurt people without help.

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