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S NO Year Particulars

1 1885 - Formation of INC by A O Hume presided by Womesh Chandra

- 1889, British committee of INC established.
2 1892 - Indian Councils Act
- No taxation without representation.
- Dadabhai Naoroji, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Bal Gangadhar Tilak,
Madan Mohan Malaviya.
- Drain Theory by Dadabhai Naoroju, RC Dutt, Dinshaw Wacha.
3 1897 - Natu brothers were deported without trail.
- Tilak and others imprisoned on sedition charges.
4 1898 - IPC 124 A amplified with 156 A.
5 1899
6 1903 - Decision of partition of Bengal
- Made public in Dec 1903
7 1904 - Official Secrets Act reduced freedom of Press.
- Indian Universities Act => greater govt. control over universities.
8 1905 - Govt announced partition of Bengal in July 1905.
9 1905 - Aug, 1905 Boycott Resolution was passed
- In Calcutta Townhall
- Swadeshi mvmt made.
- Boycott of Manchester cloth and Liverpool salt.
- 16th Oct, 1905 partition formally came into force.
10 1905 - 30th Dec 1905
- All India Muslim League
- As an anti-Congress front.
11 1906 - Dadabhai Naoroji declared at Calcutta session that self-govt or swaraj
was to be the goal of the Congress.
12 1906 - V.O. Chidambaram Pillai’s started national ship building enterprise –
Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company at Tuticorin in Oct 1906, gave
challenge to British Indian Steam Navigation Company.
13 1907 - December 1907
- Surat split
- B/w Moderates and Extremists.
14 1909 - Morley-Minto Reforms
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16 1911 - Annulment of Partition of Bengal.
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WORLD WAR I (1914 TO 1919)
18 1915 - Gandhi returned to India
19 1916 The Lucknow Pact
- Agreement between the Indian National Congress and the Muslim
League (AIML) at a joint session Lucknow in December 1916.
- Through the pact, the two parties agreed to allow representation to
religious minorities in the provincial legislatures.
- Muslim League leaders agreed to join the Congress movement
demanding Indian autonomy.
- This as an example of a consociational (a form of democratic power
sharing) practice in Indian politics.
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak represented the Congress, and Muhammad Ali
Jinnah (who joined the Muslim League in 1913) participated in this
20 1917 - Champaran Satyagraha – The First Civil Disobedience Movement
21 1918 - Ahmedabad Mill Strike: First Hunger Strike
22 1918 - Kheda Satyagraha: First Non-Cooperation Movement
23 1919 - April 13th 1919
- Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
24 1919 - Montague Chelmsford Reforms - 1919
- GoI Act (1919) enacted based on this.
25 1919 - Rowlatt Act (1919)
26 1919 - Khilafat Committee under leaders
 Ali brothers (Shaukat Ali and Muhammad Ali)
 Maulana Azad,
 Ajmal Khan and
 Hasrat Mohani
To force the British to change its attitude towards Turkey.
- All India Khilafat Conference held in Delhi in Nov 1919.
27 1920 - Khilafat Non-Cooperation Movement
28 1921 - Non-Cooperation movement
 Eka Movement (UP)
 Mappila Revolt (Malabar)
 Sikh Agitation
29 1922 - Feb, 1922: Chauri-Chaura incident
30 1922 - Mar, 1922: Gandhi’s Arrest (for 6 years)
31 1922 - Dec, 1922: Gaya annual Congress session
- Swarajists and No-changers differences.
32 1923 - 1st Jan 1923: Congress Khilafat Swarajya Party or Swarajist Party.
 President – C R Das
 Secretary – Motilal Nehru
- Oct, 1923: Swarajist manifesto for elections
 To Present nationalist demand for self-government in councils
 If rejected, to make governance through councils impossible.
 To create deadlocks on every measure.
- Nov, 1923: Swarajists fared exceptionally well in the elections
33 1924 - Feb, 1924: Gandhi’s release from jail on health grounds.
- Dec, 1924: With govt. crackdown on revolutionary terrorists and
Swarajists, Gandhi (the only time Gandi presided over the Congress
session) came to an agreement that Swarajists would work in the
councils as an integral part of Congress.
34 1924 - Revolutionary activity by the organisation in Bengal
Hindustan Republic Association/Army (HRA)
(later renamed Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HRSA).)
- Founded in Oct, 1924 in Kanpur
- By Ramprasad Bismil, Jogesh Chandra Chatterjee and Sachin Sanyal.
35 1925 - Death of C R Das weakened the Swarajist party.
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37 1928 - Bardoli agitation
38 1928 - Calcutta session of Congress (Dec, 1928)
 Nehru Report approved
 Younger elements led by Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose
and Satyamurty expressed dissatisfaction with dominion status
as goal of Congress but wanted Purna Swaraj/ Complete
independence as its goal.
 Older leaders like Gandi and Motilal Nehru wished that
dominion status not to be dropped as consensus over it has been
developed with great difficulty.
39 1929 - Meerut Conspiracy case (March)
- Bomb explosion in Central Legislative Assembly by Bhagat Singh and
B K Dutt (April)
- Labour govt. by Ramsay MacDonald in England in May
- Wedgewood Benn became Secretary of State for India.
40 1929 - Delhi Manifesto (Nov 2nd 1929), by Indians to put forward conditions
 Not to determine whether or when dominion status was to be
 But for the formulation of constitution for implementation of
dominion status.
 Congress should have majority representation.
 General amnesty for political prisoners.
 Gandhi along with Motilal Nehru met Irwin.
Viceroy Irwin rejected the demands put forward in Delhi Manifesto.
The stage of confrontation was to begin now.
41 1929 - Lahore Congress Session
 Jawaharlal Nehru nominated the president mainly due to Gandhi
42 1929 - Dec 31st 1929
 Midnight on the banks of River Ravi, newly adopted tricolour flag
of freedom was hoisted by Jawaharlal Nehru
 Inquilab Zindabad

43 1930 Jan 26th 1930
- The Independence Pledge
(supposedly drafted by Gandhi)
44 1930 Jan 31st 1930
- Gandhi’s Eleven Demands.
45 1930 Apr 6th 1930
- Dandi March
46 1931 Jan 31st 1931
- Gandhi-Irwin Pact/ also called Delhi Pact.
47 1931 - Irwin’s Declaration (Oct 31st 1931)
 By Labour Party (that was sympathetic to Indian aspirations)
 To restore faith in the ultimate purpose of British Policy.
48 1931 - Karachi Congress Session (March 1931)
 To endorse Gandhi-Irwin pact
 6 days before this Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were
 Gandhi’s route to Karachi was greeted with black flags by Punjab
Naujawan Bharat Sabha in protest.
Congress resolutions at Karachi
 Congress admired the bravery of three martyrs
 Delhi pact/ Gandhi-Irwin pact was endorsed
 Goal of purna swaraj was reiterated.
 2 resolutions adopted
1. Fundamental Rights
2. National Electronic Programme
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51 1932 - Communal Award and Poona Pact
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