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Cayden’s Program:

Workout #1:

Warm up:
5 minute machine
3 rounds
8/8 three second tempo high pull + 1 overhead press
10 spiderman + reach
20 banded pull-apart
20 shoulder taps

Weeks/Exercises 1 2 3 4
T-Bar Row
Strict press
Seated Arnold Press
“Half-way” pull-ups
Hammer curls
Barbell skull crushers
Renegade rows

Finisher: Plate raise – 30 bottom half, 30 top half, 30 full

Don’t forget to stretch!

Workout #2

Warm up:
5 minute machine
3 Rounds:
10 bootstraps
10 jumping lunges
10 air squats
10 thoracic rotations

Weeks/Exercises 1 2 3 4
Back squat
Back rack barbell single
leg step ups
Single leg barbell deadlift
Back rack reverse lunge
Landmine calf raises

4 rounds for time:

10 box jumps 24”
20 kettlebell swings

Core 3 rounds:
15 pvc sit-ups
15 feet over dumbbell
15 plank mountain climbers

Don’t forget to stretch!

Workout #3
3 minute ski erg
3 rounds:
10 swimmers
10 inchworks
10 shoulder gators
YTW raises (with light dumbbells)

Weeks/Exercises 1 2 3 4
Squeeze press
Inverted row
Reverse barbell curls
Behind the back barbell
wrist curls
1:00 dead hang
Cable chest fly
Cable lateral raise

Bent-over row with barbell:

10 bent-over rows + 10 second hold in active position
9 bent-over rows + 9 second hold in active position
8 bent-over rows + 8 second hold in active position…
...all the way down to 1

15 calorie row
10 burpee over rower

Don’t forget to stretch!

Workout #4
Warm up:
5 minute machine

2 Rounds:
10 empty bar push press
All with red band: 20 bicep curls, 20 tricep extensions, 10 single arm overhead press, 20 banded pull-apart

2 Rounds:
10 cossack squats
10 air squats
10 pendulum lunges

10 medium-heavy sled pulls

Weeks/Exercises 1 2 3 4
Shoulder shrugs
Barbell high pulls
Cable tricep pull-down
Hammer curls
Landmine Cossack squats
Landmine squat to
overhead press
Zottman curls

Core 3 rounds:
12 hanging knees to chest
15 alternating v-ups
20 Russian twists

Don’t forget to stretch

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