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emp_id dept_name

1 Eng
2 Doctor
3 Teacher
4 Lawyer

select *from emp_id cross join dept_name;

Emp_id Dept_name
1 Eng
2 Eng
3 Eng
4 Eng
1 Doctor
2 Doctor
3 Doctor
4 Doctor
1 Teacher
2 Teacher
3 Teacher
4 Teacher
1 Lawyer
2 Lawyer
3 Lawyer
4 Lawyer

EQUI JOIN : the join in which columns are compared for equlity is
called EQUI-JOIN. In equi join, we use(*) in the select list so that
common column will appears twice in the output.

Id Name City
1 A Pune
2 B Goa
3 C Delhi


ID Child_name City
1 Chintu Delhi
2 Sonu Goa
3 Monu pune

select name from parent, child where and;

output :


select *from child, parent where;

output :

Id Name City Id Child_name City

1 A Pune 1 Chintu Delhi
2 B Goa 2 Sonu Goa
3 C Delhi 3 Monu pune
NATURAL JOIN : In natural join, only one of the identical column exists.
Is eliminates the duplicate column. In natural join , we specify the name
of column in place of (*) which is responsible for duplicate column.

In natural join, when both the table have some column name and
that column is being fetched in the query then the condition of
ambiguity arises that from which table that column is to be fetched.


Roll_no Name
1 Shri
2 Raju
3 Pooja


Roll_no Marks
2 70
3 60
4 80

select name from student natural join marks;

output :


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