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1. Sarah is still on the ______ of the wave of popularity.

A. swash B. surf C. crest D. crashing
2. You should bear in mind that children of tender years are notoriously______.
A. impervious B. impersonal C. impressive D. impressionable
3. His poor handling of the business _______ on negligence.
A. neared B. edged C. approached D. bordered
4. You'd think that at least one of the authors could have put _____
an appearance for last night's premiere.
A. off B. down C. in D. on
5. If we _______ over the details, we’ll never finish filming this episode by today.
A. niggle B. discuss C. huddle D. mob
6. Authors, who may come from any _______ of life, should be willing to
be photographed.
A. aspects B. fields C. walks D. part
7. A special conference has been ________ to discuss the organization of a
standardized national examination,
A. summoned B. initiated C. launched D. mobilized
8. There was a huge _________ of applause when the star of the show appeared.
A. stint B. spate C. round D. bout
9. I wrote to them a fortnight ago but _______ I haven’t had a reply.
A. as yet B. so long C. just now D. these day
10. Her lack of focus at work made her _______ with her workmates.
A. disliked B. unpopular C. unappealing D. unfamiliar
11. Despite _______ appearances, he was much friendlier than people thought.
A. exterior B. external C. outer D. outward
12. I’ve only met Linda in a social context, she’s an unknown _______ where work’s
A. type B. option C. quantity D. category
13. She insisted that the report __________ as his source of information.
A. not be mentioned B. not mentioning C. not mention D. not to mention
14. It’s often better to ________ safe in the exams than to give an original answer.
A. do B. make C. play D. give
15. You have to be rich to send a child to a private school on the grounds that the fees
are ____________.
A. astrological B. aeronautical C. astronomical D. atmospherical
16. The train service has been a _________ since they introduced the new schedules.
A. rumpus B. chaos C. fracas D. shambles
17. If I make a fool of myself in front of my friends, I’ll never ________ it down.
A. let B. get C. live D. die
18. When they were a ______ breath apart, he kicked suddenly at the ground and flew
A. stone’s B. thread’s C. arm’s D. hair’s
19. It’s freezing outside so ______ to stay at home and stay warm.
A. we’d do well B. we might as well C. we’d better D. we’re better off
20. Did you see Quang this morning? He looked like ___________. It must have been
quite a party last night.
A. a dead duck B. a dead warmth up C. a wet blanket D. a bear with a
sore head
21. The young rookie scored over 30 goals in his first year, taking the whole league by
A. storm B. assault C. example D. force.
22. Jame’s hardworking when supervised: left to his own _______, he becomes lazy.
A. freedom B. instruments C. relaxation D. devices
23. Nothing can grow in this poor _____________.
A. grass B. soil C. land D. surface
24. During the evening football match the stadium was illumiated by __________.
A. headlights B. spotlights C. floodlights D. flashlights
25. Han has a _______ of staying out of trouble at the office - she never gets involved.
A. trait B. skill C. knack D. ability
26. Quan got _________ for damaging his bicycle.
A. ticked off B. browned off C. bitten off D. frightened off
27. Only the ________ of the building is going to be remodeled.
A. indoors B. inner C. interior D. insides
28. He became a millionare by ______ of hard work and a considerable amount of
A. effect B. cause C. reason D. dint
29. If no one will _________ misbehaving, all pupils will be kept in after school.
A. admit in B. admit off C. own up in D. own up to
30. As a poet, I belive she ______ comparison with the greatest in this century.
A. makes B. stands C. leads D. matches
31. If the number of audiences continue to go down, the director will _________ on
the whole concert.
A. set aside B. bucket down C. follow up D. pull the plug
32. Their latest track record has, ___________, been a positive one.
A. in the main B. in the flesh C. in the clear D. in the dark
33. __________ what they say in the meeting, we will proceed with our business plan.
A. No matter B. As for C. Regardless D. However
34. It is universally accepted that a man is known by ________ he keeps.
A. the friendship B. the relationship C. the enemy D. the company
35. ____________, early approaches for coping with workplace stress dealt with the
problem only after its symptoms had appeared.
A. Although well-intending B. Although it is a good intention
C. Although well-intended D. Although a good intention
36. Despite all the interruptions, he ________ with his work.
A. hung out B. held on C. pressed on D. stuck at
37. Dan Hung was _________ of making a cake when the phone rang.
A. at the centre B. in the middle
C. on this way D. halfway through
38. Lindsay's excuses for being late are beginnig to _______ rather thin.
A. dress B. go C. get D. wear
39. We know that we are at fault for our third consecutive defeat, so there is no need
to ______ salt into the wound.
A.rub B. scrub C. spread D. put
40. In the ___________ of security, personnel must wear their identity badges at all
A. demands B. requirement C. interests D. assistance
41. Berger and Ha-ra are talking about burning trash.
- Berger: "Burning trash may have negative effects on the environment."
- Ha-ra: "________________. It causes air polution."
A. Thanks, that's fine B. You're wrong
C. There's no doubt about it D. I don't quite agree more
42. While teachers at the school are not particularly strict, they are never ________
with students who play truant or cheat on the tests.
A. lenient B. adverse C. formal D. disciplined
43. I'm afraid that Tim doesn't take much care over his homework. He usually does it
A. any old how B. how now C. how on earth D. how come
44. It is unwise to believe everything written on the news, some might be misleading,
some might even be downright _________.
A. obnoxious B. whimsical C. mendacious D. bewildering
45. Kien: If you were a character in this book, who would you be?
Joe: I ____________ Sarah most because she and I have the same problems.
A. keep up with B. agree with C. hit it off with D. identify with
46. Mark: You really hurt my feelings yesterday.
Nam: I am sorry. ____________
A. It is the very least that I can do. B. Better late than never, though.
C. There is no need to mention it. D. How can I make it up to you?
47. Every year, thoudsands of Vietnamese people and foreigners travel to Ba Dinh
Square in Hanoi Capital to __________ the President Ho Chi Minh, the first president
of the Socialist Repulic of Viet Nam.
A. pay court to attention to C. pay a price for D. pay homage to
48. Normally, when he was late, he gave a pathetic excuse, but not this time, what he
said had a __________ of truth about it.
A.ring B. figment C. shred D. glimmer
49. The is a great dea of pressure in the newspaper daily, editor might work a 12-hour
day with no __________.
A. let-down B. let-up C. crackdown D. come-down
50. Because of an unfortunate __________, your order was not dispatched by the date
A. hinderance B. oversight C. transgression D. negligence
51. His landlady gave him a week's ________ to leave the flat.
A. notice B. warning C. threat D. caution
52. Our class monitor had a brilliant speech yesterday although he spoke _____ the
cuff then.
A. on B. with C. off D. about
53. Tomorrow we will go fishing, weather _________.
A. permitting B. giving C. allowing D. agreeing
54. She likes spoiling people’s fun. She is really a ________.
A. couch potato B. wet blanket C. hard nut D. cold fish
55. Closure of schools took place ___________ falling numbers of pupils.
A. in the context of B. with regard to
C. with a concern for D. in consideration of
56. It's very late and I have a busy day tomorrow. If you don't mind, I think I'll
______ now.
A. turn in B. black out C. lay off D. sleep on
57. There will of necessity be a ______ to the amount of money put at the new
manager’s disposal.
A. ceiling B. roof C. sky D. summit
58. The new company had been________ with one problem after another and looked
as if it were about to go under.
A. glorified B. tainted C. fraught D. bewildered
59. I was scared _______ when I looked down from the top of the cliff.
A. tight B. stiff C. consent D. solid
60. When disaster_________, organisations such as Oxfam quickly provide help.
A.comes B. approaches C. arrives D. strikes
61. It is a federal law _________ vaccinated before entering the first grade.
A. for children be B. that children will be
C. that children be D. requires children to be
62. After travelling all day, he was completely __________.
A. done in B. done up C. broken down D. used up
63. Many celebrities complain about the media attention but I think many of them
thrive on being in the _________.
A. torch-light B. headlight C. floodlight D. limelight
64. I had a strong ___________ that a disaster would occur, and it did.
A. premonition B. prediction C. forethought D. anticipation
65. To get his proposal accepted, the Finance Manager had to ________ heavy
pressure from colleagues.
A. fend off B. laugh off C. send off D. push off
66. Even though Hai was passed over for a promotion, it's no skin off his ______.
Sine she's leaving for another job, she doesn't really care.
A. teeth B. hair C. cheek D. nose
67. This Chinese milk tea stall is popular with film stars and the _______.
A. like B. same C. similar D. such
68. Work hard, try your best and one day you will _____________ all your
A. win B. get C. have D. realize
69. He was found to have provided the court with ______ evidence.
A. doctored B. tampered C. feigned D. shammed
70. Some find it hard to ______ themselves to the new working condition.
A. apply B. accommodate C. habituate D. conduct
71. I wish he ______ complaining about the potential setbacks. It’s time we got down
to work.
A. would stop B. would have stopped C. had stopped D. stop
72 . The instructor blew his whistle and___.
A. off the runners were running B. off ran the runners
C. off were running the runners D. the runners off ran
73. ____________ with many personal responsibilities can help students to
establish their independence will make them more flexible in working
A. That living alone B. Living alone
C. What living alone D. To live alone
74. We should participate in the movements _______ the natural environment.
A. organizing to conserve B. organized conserving
C. which organize to conserve D. organized to conserve
75. The recruiters _________ the candidates carefully before drawing up a shortlist
for the job.
A. size up B. track down C. root out D. bank on
76. He was fired because his behaviour in the meeting was _________.
A. out of control B. out of line
C. out of hand D. out of order
77. It was _________ whether he young woman would survive her injuries.
A. touch-and-go B. no- touching
C. go-no-go D. go-and-touch
78. Can you keep this to yourself ? I'd just ________ nobody else in the office knew
about it.
A. as soon B. as much C. so much D. sooner that
79. The first half of the novel is rather heavy _________, but after that it's gripping.
A. making B. going C. getting D. doing
80. He's a misogynist alcoholic male chauvinist pig. What woman in her right mind
would consider a date with him, _________ a steady relationship?
A. leave alone B. not mentioning C. let alone D. yet less
81. We didn't expect ________ that late.
A. our guests being B. that our guests be
C. our guests to be D. that our guests were
82. The firm lost a good deal of money last year, but this year we expect to break
A. level B. even C. square D. plane
83. If Christina fails to _________ the goods one more time, I'll fire her.
A. transport B. transmit C. distribute D. deliver
84. He's really got the bit between his ________ so that he can pass the exam with
flying colors.
A. hands B. teeth C. shoulder D. eyes
85. ___________ is lubricated can affect the longevity of its miscrochips.
A. An engine B. Often an engine
C. How often an engine D. An engine often
86. As I said before, the report will be released in the _________ of time. I can't
estimate when that will be .
A. precision B. correctness C. fullness D. rightness
87. Exercise can be classified as active or passive with the former ________ effort
and the latter the use of machines or training assistants.
A. involving physical C. physically involved
B. involves physical D. physics is involved
88. The expertise Cook had gained from his first cruise stood him in good _____
when it came to organising a fantastic journey along the Nile in 1869.
A. place B. position C. stead D. spot
89. State pensions are currently at the centre of a(n) ________ debate.
A. fiery B. scorching C. flamed D. exploded
90. Maria is a very good student. She is, _______, an excellent one.
A. in most of the parts C. in most parts
B. for the most pasts D. for most parts

1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B
11. D 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. C 16. D 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. B
21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. D 30. B
31. D 32. A 33. A 34. D 35. C 36. C 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. C
41. C 42. A 43. A 44. C 45. D 46. D 47. D 48. A 49. B 50. B
51. A 52. C 53. A 54. B 55. A 56. A 57. A 58. C 59. B 60. D
61. C 62. A 63. D 64. A 65.A 66. D 67. A 68. D 69. A 70. C
71. A 72. B 73. A 74. D 75. A 76. D 77. A 78.A 79. B 80. C
81. C 82. B 83. D 84. B 85. C 86. C 87. A 88. C 89. A 90. B

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