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‘111123, 800 eM {Gym vs bodyweight taining Gym vs bodyweight training 1. How old are you? * Mark only one oval. Oo 1424 C2834 35-44 45-54 () 55 and above 2. Whatis your gender? * Mark only one oval. male (female Prefer not to say 3. Have you ever participated in regular exercise or fitness activities? * Mark only one oval. (9 Novice (new to exercise) (—) intermediate (exercised occasionally) (_) Experienced (regular exerciser)!I2Ny7mHILknPSB2VUQZh2V-shUjZthempGFEKVOBVedt 16 ‘111123, 800 eM {Gym vs bodyweight taining 4. Are you familiar with the terms "gym workouts" and "bodyweight training"? * Mark only one oval. Very familiar with both gym and bodyweight training —) Somewhat familiar with both __) Familiar with one but not the other —_) Not familiar with either 5. Which do you prefer, gym workouts or bodyweight exercises? * Mark only one oval. () I prefer gym workouts (—) I prefer bodyweight exercises (_) Ihave no preference 6. What are the main reasons for your preference (e.g., convenience, cost, * effectiveness)? Mark only one oval. () Convenience Cost-effectiveness (_) Effectiveness in achieving fitness goals () Enjoyment () Social interaction!I2Ny7mHILknPSB2VUQZh2V-shUjZthempGFEKVOBVedt 216 ‘111123, 800 eM {Gym vs bodyweight taining 7. What motivates you to exercise regularly (e.9., health, aesthetics, stress relief)? * Mark only one oval. Health and wellness —) Aesthetics (e.g., building muscle, toning) __) Stress relief ~_) Weight loss ) Other: 8. Do you have easy access to a gym facility or outdoor space for bodyweight = * training? Mark only one oval. () Ihave access to a well-equipped gym_ (—_) Ihave access to outdoor space for calisthenics ©) Ihave access to both gym and calisthenics facilities ( thave limited access to exercise facilities —_) Ihave no access to exercise facilities 9. What are your primary fitness goals (e.g., building muscle, losing weight, * improving endurance)? Mark only one oval. -) Building muscle >) Losing weight Improving endurance (— Increasing flexibility __) General fitness'-shUiZtAempGFEKVOBVedt 316 ‘111123, 800 eM 10. Gym sbodynoiht vain What challenges have you faced in maintaining a regular exercise routine? * Mark only one oval. ( Lack of motivation ©) Lack of time (_) Lack of equipment (©) Lack of knowledge or guidance CD Other: 11. Have you achieved your fitness goals through your chosen exercise method (gym or bodyweight training)? Mark only one oval. (|) Yes, I've achieved my fitness goals (No, | haven't achieved my fitness goals yet (_) tm not sure 12. Do you find it important to have a variety of exercises in your routine, or do you * prefer sticking to a consistent set of exercises? Mark only one oval. O Ipreter a variety of exercises in my routine () I prefer sticking to a consistent set of exercises (_) Ihave no preference 13. Do you plan to continue your current exercise method, or are you considering switching to the other (gym or bodyweight training)? Mark only one oval. () I plan to continue with my current exercise method (gym or bodyweight training) ( Im considering switching to the other (gym or bodyweight training) () Iplan to explore both gym and bodyweight training in the future!I2Ny7mHILknPSB2VUQZh2V-shUjZthempGFEKVOBVedt 46 ‘111123, 800 eM {Gym vs bodyweight taining This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google Google Forms 56 ‘111123, 800 eM {Gym vs bodyweight taining!I2Ny7mHILknPSB2VUQZh2V-shUjZthempGFEKVOBVedt 86

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