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Functional English (reading and writing)

Assignment 1 / 17 September 2023.

Submitted by:
Ahmad Abdullah Nawaz
Reg. No.:
Instructions name:
Madam Komal
Main features of presentation:
1.Text selected from newspaper.

2.Original job advertisement.

3.text analysed by reading all details carefully. developed keeping in view practical aspects of functional English.

5.concise presentation.

6. i expect to acquire reding skills

7. I expect to acquire writing and reporting skills

8. my aim in selection of this text is to enhance my functional English skills.

9. I wish to gain worthy feedback from learned professor on my efforts.

10. I wish to develop understanding of how job vacancy advertisements are framed.

11. I wish to develop understanding of requirements of jobs at banks.


The selected text is an employment opportunity advertisement that was prominently featured in
"THE NEWS on Sunday" on September 10th, 2023. It is intriguingly labeled as a "CAREER
OPPORTUNITY," and the advertiser behind this enticing proposition is none other than the National
Bank of Pakistan, an institution synonymous with trust and financial stability.

The opening paragraph of this announcement is meticulously crafted to convey not just information
but also a profound sense of purpose and commitment. It serves as an introduction to the values
that the National Bank of Pakistan upholds, underlining its genuine intent behind this advertisement.
The words chosen for this section are carefully selected to make a positive and lasting impact on the
minds of the readers, effectively projecting the organization's unwavering dedication to progress
and development. It's akin to a brushstroke painting a vivid portrait of the bank, leaving the reader
with a resolute image of strength and resilience.

Furthermore, the advertisement thoughtfully includes a succinct statement pinpointing the exact
location of the office where these coveted job vacancies are up for grabs, ensuring that interested
applicants have no ambiguity regarding the workplace's whereabouts.

The core of this employment opportunity advertisement comprises an intricately designed table, a
mosaic of information presented within fourteen meticulously arranged boxes. In the first column,
serial numbers are neatly listed, indicating that the advertisement encompasses a total of three
distinct job openings. This thoughtful organization helps potential candidates navigate the
opportunities available.

The second column, arguably the heart of the advertisement, is divided into multiple rows and
boxes, each housing crucial details about the job titles and positions on offer. It's not just a list of
vacancies; it's a roadmap to potential career paths. Here, readers can find essential information such
as the reporting structure, the required skills, the desired educational qualifications, and even the
prescribed work experience for each advertised position. These critical details are highlighted in
bold, making them impossible to overlook, and serve as guiding beacons for applicants, ensuring
they align their qualifications with the bank's expectations.

Lastly, the third column of this meticulously structured table is a treasure trove of information. It
offers a comprehensive and detailed exposition of every aspect related to these available job
vacancies. The language used is clear, precise, and concrete, leaving no room for ambiguity. It's as if
the reader is being walked through a virtual tour of the responsibilities, expectations, and benefits
associated with each position. This elaborate description serves as the ultimate resource for anyone
interested in joining the National Bank of Pakistan's team, providing a complete picture of what the
roles entail.

In conclusion, this job vacancy advertisement is a masterclass in effective communication. It

manages to convey not just information but also the bank's ethos and commitment, while also
providing potential applicants with a comprehensive understanding of the available opportunities. It
stands as a shining example of how a well-structured and thoughtfully composed advertisement can
captivate and inform its audience.


1- LANGUAGE QUALITY: the English language used to communicate the needs of the
organization is truly functional. It is absolutely business toned. It has an air of utmost
responsibility as it is valid for court use and other legal matters. I find myself inspired by the
correctness, straight forwardness and conciseness of the text.
2- MAIN IDEA_ SUPPORTING DETAIL_TONE_AUDIANCE: the main idea of the text is to state
explicitly the job and its details. All the supporting details are professionally drafted and
accurately depicted, there is no ambiguity in any phrase and all statements are informative.
The advertising agency, namely THE NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN, very clearly
communicates its requirements to its intended audience, namely the skilled persons
interested in the stated career opportunity.
3- CONTEXTUALIZATION: the author of this text is the agency named SIDATHYDER, it has the
task of recruitment by the NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN. It has the professional
competence to deliver the task. It has provided its website and asked the interested
individuals to apply online. It will provide a detailed and strong software for the purpose to
the NBP.
4- FINDINGS: the link reference for the said advertisement is as follows, PID(K)767/2023
5- The advertisement can be downloaded from as well as
page 25, The News on Sunday 10th September 2023. Islamabad/Rawalpindi edition.


I believe I have learned following points from this assignment;

1- NBP has jobs available for its Karachi office.

3- The jobs are under divisional head and wing head at NBP.
4- Both positions require work experience of eight years and six years respectively.
5- Both positions require university degrees.
6- Both positions require command on functional English.
7- Both positions require command on customer-centric communication skills.
8- Both positions require up-to-date command on marketing skills.
9- Both positions require up-to-date command on quality assurance, Human Resourcing and IT
10- Both positions require submission of complete legal documents.
11- Both positions require command on STATE BANK OF PAKISTAN’s guidelines and internal
policies covering call centre operations and management.
12- The job advertisement states method of employment.
13- It states the in lieu of the highly detailed outlines of responsibilities cited in the
advertisement only short-listed candidates will be called for interview.
14- There will be a panel interview. Any detail about time or location is not intended by the
15- The job is on contractual basis, for three years according to the policy and rules of NBP.
16- NBP is an equal opportunity employer, it means that women, minorities and differently
abled persons are encouraged to apply if they meet the given criteria.


my aim in selecting an advertisement for this presentation is to develop functional English skills. I
feel confident that I have carefully analysed and reported about it.




Computer and Electrical Engineering Department


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