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Vv St. Joseph's Residential School, Sriperumbudur, Chennai- 602 105 PHYSICS INVESTIGATORY PROJECT Refractive Index measurement and apllication — , ey Z ' Submitted by: MUTHU JEEVA J XILC CERTIFICATE OF AUTH Cry This is to certify that, MUTHU JEEVA J of grade XII, VELS VIDHYALAYA_ ‘SR.SBC SCHOOL has successfully completed the research project on the opi “STUDY OF THE refrac nena SSUreRent| and apllieation # under the guidance of Mr.MOHAN RAO (Physics Teacher). This project is absolutely genuine and does not indulge in plagiarism of any kind. The references taken in making this project have been declared at the end of this Report. Signature of the Teacher In-Charge Signanure of the Signature of the Principal Extemal Examiner ACKNOWLEDGMENT | would like to take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to all those people without whom this project could have never been completed. First and foremost, I’d like to thank my father for his inexhaustible source of inspiration. | would like to thank my Principal Mr. and school for providing me with the facilities required to complete this project. lam highly indebted to my Physics teacher Mr. MOHAN RAO, for his invaluable guidance which has sustained my efforts in all the stages of this project work. My thanks and appreciation goes out to my fellow classmates and to the people who have willingly helped me out with this project to the best of their abilities. Signature of the Candidate INDEX “+ INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE / AIM “APPARATUS / MATERIAL REQUIRED +DIAGRAM THEORY "+ PROCEDURE OBSERVATIONS “CALCULATIONS +RESULTS + PRECAUTIONS “SOURCES OF ERRORS “+BIBLIOGRAPHY AIM To find the refractive indexes of (aGlycerine (6) Oil (c) Acetone APPARATUS Y¥ Convex Lens ¥ PlaneMirror Y Oil ¥ Acetone Y Glycerine ¥ Clamp Stand v¥ An Optical Needle ¥ Plumb Line ¥ Knitting Needle ¥ Half Meter Scale Y¥ Glass Slab v Spherometer DIAGRAM Objecttiescte | inage seeds. Where n = Refractive index of the liquid R = the radius of the curvature of the convex lens. 3. The radius of the lower surface of the convex lens is given by: Poh “Ent 2 Here, ( is the average distance between the legs of the spherometer and h is the difference in the reading of the spherometer when placed first on the convex lens and then on plane mirror. THEORY 1. Iff; and f2 be the focal length of the glass convex lens anc liquid lens and f be the focal length of their combination then:- 1 Fo +o fo= +h f a2 FPfi fi-F 2. Liquid lens formed a Plano-concave Lens with R1=R and R2=0 then by using lens make’s formula peony fr Rz “nok = (n-1) e -0| n-1 R (c) £orradius of curvature of convex lens surface: 9. Determine the pitch and the least count of the spherometer. 10. Remove the convex lens and dry it completely. Put the spherometer on this lens surface. 11. All the three legs of the spherometer should be placed symmetrically on the lens and adjust the central screw tip to touch the surface of the lens. 12. Remove the spherometer from the surface of the lens and place on the plane mirror surface and record the reading. 13. Repeat the steps 10 and 11 three times. 14. Obtain the impressions of the three legs of the spherometer ona paper and mark them and their average distance. j= btbth 3 PROCEDURE (a) or focal length of convex lens: 1. Find the rough focal length of the convex lens. 2. Place a plane mirror on the horizontal base of the iron stand and then a convex lens on the plane mirror. 3. Hold the needle in the clamp stand and adjust its position on the stand such that there is no parallax between tip of the needle and its image. 4. Measure distance between tip and upper surface of the lens by using a plumb line and half meter scale. Also measure the distance between tip of needle and upper surface of the mirror. Take the mean of the two readings. This means distance will be equal to the focal length of the convex lens (fi). (6) or focal length of the combination. 5. Put a few drops of the water on the plane mirror and put the convex lens over it with its same face above as before. The water spreads in a form of layer and acts like a Plano-concave lens. 6. Repeat the steps 3 and 4 to determine the equivalent focal length of the combination. 7. Record the observation. To findh OBSERVATIONS the convex lens (a) S.No | Initial reading | No. of the C.S. on (n) of complete rotations Final reading of the CSR on the glass slab Additional cs div. moved (m) h=n x pitch +mx Le 10 01 80 0.13 20 01 90.5 0.129 To find focal length ‘f’ of lens and combination Rough focal length of convex lens= 21cm Distance of needle tip from Arrangement | S.No Tip of the upper | Upper surface of the convex lens(cm) Xt surface of the plane mirror(cm) Focal “1+% | Length (cm) Without liquid 31 Fy, =32 With glycerine Fo= 14.2 With acetone F,=15.4 With oil F,=16.05 CALCULATIONS Mean distance between two legs _ AB+BC+CA ~ 3 l =3.5cm To find the radius of curvature of the convex lens: 2 Ret easy “eh 200™ Measurement of refractive indices of glycerine, oil and acetone 1) For glycerine M, =14+2%= 14 =1.47 Fg 43.85 2) For oil 157 1.67 R W=1te= L+3a 3) For acetone =14e51 t= rE , +5775 71:36 Results The refractive index of glycerine is py = 1.47 The refractive index of oil is po = 1.67 The refractive index of acetone is U3 = 1.36 PRECAUTIONS The plane mirror should be clean and fully shining surface. The liquid taken should be transparent. The parallax should be removed tip to tip. The eye should be at a distance about 30 cm from the needle while removing the parallax. Only few drops of liquid should be taken so that its layer should be thick. The legs of the spherometer should be vertical. The centre leg of the spherometer should turn in one direction only. SOURCES OF ERROR Liquid may not be quite transparent. The parallax may not be fully removed. The spherometer legs should be placed symmetrical on the surface of the convex lens. The tip of the central screw should not just touch the surface of lens or mirror. BIBLIOGRAPHY nm HELP FROM TEACHERS “ NCERT TEXTBOOK =k NCERT Physics Lab Manual =& = +

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