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Moringa oleifera has a long history of consumption as both a food and a traditional remedy in Oriental

countries since ancient times. Virtually all parts of the plant are edible, and it has been recognized for its
nutritional benefits, serving as a nutrient during pregnancy and breastfeeding in regions like Africa,
India, and Nicaragua.

Beyond its rich mineral content, M. oleifera is a source of various amino acids and trace elements
essential for the human body, comparable to the nutritional value found in spirulina. Across India,
Pakistan, the Philippines, Hawaii, and African nations like Nigeria, the leaves, fruits, flowers, and
immature pods are commonly used in local cuisines. In Malaysia, the seeds are directly consumed, while
in other countries, young leaves are incorporated into salads, vegetable curries, or used as daily

The seeds of M. oleifera exhibit significant cohesive and antibacterial properties, traditionally employed
for water purification in Asia, Africa, and rural areas of India, the Philippines, Sudan, and Malawi.
Additionally, these seeds serve purposes ranging from biodiesel production due to the high oil yield to
animal feed due to their nutrient-rich composition.

As a medicinal plant, various parts of M. oleifera, including leaves, fruits, roots, and seeds, have been
traditionally used to address ailments such as paralysis, helminthiasis, sores, and skin infections. In India,
it holds a significant place in Ayurveda, thanks to its pharmacological properties. In Thailand, the leaves
and pods function as antipyretics and antidotes, while in South Asia and India, it is valued for its anti-
aging properties.

This review sheds light on the potential connection between traditional uses and modern
pharmacological activities of M. oleifera. It provides a comprehensive overview of the efficacy of its
chemical components, emphasizing its significance in agricultural economy and nutrition. Additionally,
the review touches upon potential toxicity, offering valuable insights for the development of new drugs,
agricultural products, or health-related items.

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