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SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS ® On. NeEeotS TURAL POLAT OULSE OUTLINE 4-The Crystal Structane of Solpels Semen ductor Nertervals = ype of Solfels - face lecHices , Miller Theleces ; —The Deanerd ard Pinc!Bknde Stricture 2- Introduction to Quantum Mechanies —€r wonto, eet rae Duolty ~The Uncertainty Mhefple. — Schreclinger 's. Wave “Equation ~ Extension of the wove. Meery to Poms 2— Frtrrskaction to athe Quota Theory of Solids | — Formation: ef te Ef (Allowed ancl ? Fonbielleh gis can pet ~ Ekctriee! Conduction 7 Splids 4S “The Wemi-cnducteys in Equylbrun ~ Charge caters in demicenclactors —he Gncept of cenors gnel acceptors Tease Cores car er ee He, Posto a Pom Eeog, Jeg 5_ Carer “Transpom+ — Phenawona @ — Canter lift — Cant@> alefusion ~The Emstein pelectfon Tho Hall Effect o- ido equilibrium Excess Canters in segiterfaa - Carrier Generation ond Recembimatiy ~ Charscteristits of Excess Carvers Excess carrier Lifetime F- The PN Function _ ~Beote structure of ia pnctnes — Zee App ved Bras — Reverse - Applies Bios oes Bias sia got Py Bg Donald A. Neanen oe 4th edition, 2010 . fr Pref. History ef Semicendecters and he Ti m Carcuits ‘e often fear Hat we are Laing in the Sreftarelen oF - Large amount of information can be obtalhtel vin +e Intemet ond can be obtoined vey) quetly over long cltances via oxellite cemaunfeatien Septeans - All te electronic gasgets ue feel 3 _jclapensahe wm | eur cally lives are tose on" * ye “aml arate 2b with He tronsstors ans! tHe integrates! circuits being the fooncetron of Hesd remerboble copabithes The senicondictor clevice’ has a fairl fone hishey although he greatest epere of £C technol hay occured reg the + three to fowr + Th 18 Flr , Broun olscovertd tHe net nature of concoction betwen mehl cerdacts * Md semiconductors (netil- seniivoncluctor point. ies ig Contec? dleutees ) a. cedex x radio. ae om Goes eo & —> Th 806, Pelard teot but a potat for a Peind contact detarter- wo Sylroon- vIn 1907 , Prerce publobed rec fia Hen | vacterstf05 of He diodes. > Py 1935 , deleniam petifias and difican pet. contact diodes were available fer use as renin celectors. With He cevelepnent of Faclar He need for better ancl mere release dete Medes coftel qixerS jneneased Ipbhool> of hi | purty Siicon anc Germanium vere developed and germentam diodes ©écame a val Conon mm rodar systems rn jeWarld Wor lwo. Plbcenbe (At) The Pra ton 1 cnstucted by William ea Fehn Barcleen and Walter Crottain. TE was a very 689 broaldhreyigh. | “fies tape Pe: Jal ee ee sim oie nag te late —% Then cane the develment of the cfffusfon process. The sittused tesa trersitor wos available m Grwonitm in 195F ond Silicon nr 1958. ‘ > The thlayraladl creat scour bed led to arco i af ekctronics. The that TC we fabriel — See dy BFS a,b pase a oy | — Proctical pos trevedtors were then devcleee! os mid 605-and - ¥03. The MOS technelages ¢ < expecelly CMOS | have torowe a meror focus for Tc alesign and declared Siliesn is He main somicondecter sotertal, ushile Golliam Prsentole ond ether compound CembovductorS are need for oplteal deukes and Special applications requita high frequencies. P warer yeasen fer te success of kon Ics iS He fect Hot an excellent native onde, Sid, con be forma) on the supface of the silicon. Ths | oride lay fs useel for He Gate Trsulafor in MOS and for +e fick! onide betuwen cleures» THE. CRUSTAL Ss ecm ieee of SOuDS © The eemicenductor (SC) 1d In ge a single -ecysh) | Crone —crystal) material. The electrical properties at | a sale “er ctal peteria! are cletermired not ony bythe chemical compesition, bat ako by the atrengeman tk of — atoms in hw. Solel . 14. Semiconductor Moterfals Semicondectors (SCs) ore a of woderta Is frou hating conductivities tetucen those of conductors Creseh) and yeulators, “Tue gereral clossifieations ore ee Scs ond compound! SCs. Pr opertron of the peritectic able Crowp Lr Groep & of the table Si) ce G S€s Combration of Gr I-L or {L-WLer other three or wore cotb Alp —Aluminun Phoiphide plAs - Rlumnum Arsenide Gats —Calliun Prsearte. Ga - Galliam Ba PHAS — Galliym Plonirun Resentda EoaQ “the materia used in to seniicondecti @ —" element of a Light-Emitting Diotle. (LED) determines 148 color AlGatn P —Aluminum Galliunn Tncium Phasphide alleys for » GED, oRpnGe Yew LEDs Th6on —Tpdism Gallium Nitride alloys for GREEN, PLUG wire LEDS PA Type of Solids. A menphous « Have ander only within few ademic or polecular dimensions. AA ordered region ha spottal / Volure in which adoms or mokcules Mave & regula” Gpametric arrangement or perioolicity These regjans oP called ‘gains’ . Ta. +e emer phous posertal the gre site {S very call. E Pollyerystallia : Have a degfee of arder over meny atomic / molecular clmensions « Grains vary in x2e and mnientation in +his type. of material \ a Single - crystal Hee g Nigh degree of orc, on renu rity shroughout te entire vole of He mede/Val a kD Gp Ea cwenp hos Polycrysfalive Single —cryste| Since He grain boundaries td 40 okeseudle the ® electrical properties of he SL, orgie -crystal woderiak have Spero electrical properties Therefore oof poy Concern will be the single -erystal weteriol with iis Peqular prometric perioclrerty 1 the ocemie arvaggemt This perioslic rangarent DS called + tottice, (3 opPACE LATTICES 1.3.1. Frmthve ond Unit Cell Unt celle a.small volure of He crystal +Hed-canbe urd Jo reproduce the entire pyre Several unt cells on possible per any cpys | arranganents. Primitive cel > The swallest+ unit cell thot & to form the lattice “te shes of He primitive call rot be orthegpnal or the unit vectors ray rol be equal inst Meer, ae ee er Fh aad Oo a) de ae ve ‘ y cell. ee : oN es oa. = 2 F=po4+ro +S Ss SAVE lagers . At Gereral untt cell we issrs ie ek will, be ust rowers ie RLELC , Welb lela a: latttee constant Ke eee (3.2 Beste Crystal Struchanes | 13.2.1 By Simple Cubic Structure (SCS) x oe Proms of +e cerrers Qf tre cube . vate gas Pooky-Cemered Cubic Strvcture ( &¢ ) 8 sec1ep To ockition to He corer atoms, a eo 7 tee is one meretOt the volume ; 0% y Center. eo 7 >bly atom (22a Fie Certeréel Gbie Structure (Fcc) Apel proto faced one ZN In addition +o + at The center corner otans, gnc aes 6 wore atems o+4 ‘ep ond the Hens Oo, iden eet i wees ie a at the carer of He sidle faces Volume densities or sirface clnsitres oe alos can be found tnowing the struc and We Lattice oe ve oF Vole Pocy — fst fs re cl Volume of dhe unit cal Exanpk fae ‘Find Ale ve lua = of a my cenlered £6) cute ane OS oitien = =l0 Sem Ae ongshrm thre 15! i A corner atom > shared ts © unit cells which nee at each cell nw He 3-D Structure. 20 each comer atom contributes t of ts volume Jo each uni cell- Fr foco_alom js shoved by 2 unit cells, —> contribdes 1 of its volume — fr body atom id only contbutes 4o the unit cell Fig 50, for de. body centered cable : }- Se x La 2 odems per unit-cell “vise aa oy . | Velane Pensity = Dotons — 2 oles — 136.10” “ohoms a 616°)? perem Volume Density represents he orden ef a cknsitg for mest peterials. : GL Find tHe volume density fO~ FCC with dd 47Ao for FLC & Bs BE = 4 adens pep unitcel] epiisi ‘ comer ee “UD= Apodoms Ah atoms = 373.0 some az OF G75 08 | 3 1.3.3 Castel Plres an) Miller Tries q Sine feal ¢ ls aye for Ingottely large, Hey won ark a sanfece - Semitonductor devices are fabrreated at of rear a sarfoce , so Hp surface p may fhe eno Ho deurce choracterttres. We would ete fo be abe Jo cesenbo Hese eunfaces in terms of the plae dleng the 0,2 AXB- G xs J p=, ae oI “purtle He reciprocals of P92 | —, ZB a bb ecagelee VG ede —e milkply bg te svalest common de nominator © obtain dg ve hes (for this example multiply. by 6) 2785, 6 —2 the Miller mdices OF the above plore | Ths plane and all plones parallel to +e plane 1s called (236) pane ie Sas Commonly Uaed Plares + AL00)_ 42 pet qe, Sem “Np le lessees leer 1 Paar dic eic. SP 4 x z = (, Se og aaa | i vy i (O01) pre} /100) 00), (tO), (ool) plares essentially hae the Some properties since. +e of tn _iS vanbPtrary : All Six feces of He untr cell » called a (100) plare Th ioe eral form of the plore family Ss "be i be. a & pic teaguall Seem 4 re ty —» (NO) pleere. & A\ a (its ip : x x pil Hee panes shown above ore called § 10% es | Aw 5 |/—? 3 (ol) paws quliszl ny "© tl) plore ©'hp 4 eligel Sete acbantace of dating | LAUD) pleve. reciprocals Of tHe tine) ceph points. is Hat He use of mfint fs x aot ded for | plans: 4 One choracteristies Of acrytal shat con te deter mired ty the distance befucen nearest. equiveler poral plres - ; —> frotter characterises 15 the seenface concentra on of akoms , which 1 te atom number per ome that are ae by a porticalar plone . Surfere dersity Of atoms 1s impart if aetemining bow arotter wateral well ft on dhe sarfon of: ” Sutfece Darwty = ALcf atoms per Bitnface &) Surface area Ex. Caloulahe +o surface density] of tHe (110) pore for ake BCC (boey -certered abt), a=oR° eine ala head oem oder elon > Gein O8te. do dof its ort: +0 He plug bbs atan —> contributes oll 1S ange to He plane ote alems —e contribute to £ of 145 areado Hh, For the abewe example. 1,4 4), { = 2adems 4 carrer eens, Beely atom Surface Density = 2otems _ es Geog mn ! = Ann for (110) plone oe a din For the above etempls J. — & = Sheo.54 RTE [ be Diramend Structoye & | Silicm is the most commen sanicendactor ules al. T+ is a grep TW eknmard and has a dramena | ciptel structure Germanfum js alse 4 greupi elevent one bos te same diamend structure. The diamend structure D neve complex than +he leosic lottHees let as beeyn by te +tedrabedra| structure. iy a body centered cubie with fevr of the cerry otems Missing this tetrahedron fs He basic bulldirg =a bleck of tHe diamend eed * Z carer ftetpat r Cae [en iS the primitie cell but rot] | ye the unit eel ! | ea ed ofa | ae eae stracture corstefs of tetrabedrens placed deagonally fem ore another: : Ee 4 Tee half of 1h clronend ‘ ; % the we gies halp of n + charocleriyics Of te dtanend sirictwte ts Jo ot cn no aa cc . neighbaring tens 5) Diamond Structune Hoan Linpect @) SL dn of oll Group WU ebrent 0 cn Sante conductors - Q iat G empound Semiconductors have. Fic -bkndo Structure , which is basical) the Aremenel strc ‘are with olif-ferent atoms i ieler : : AS sa Btroantsl bors. a oe 0 Z Ga odes oh ee pe e Aine - b lence Structare i) Ri Tf 6s \S cornep and Center, then ae are As Din! Vite —verset ~ 2g Lu fy i . | Why one lattes structure: is pres-prredl our one hor one? Pe Fundeurog tel low GE nota BS Hat He total erengy of 2 e in Henna! equlbievin tends +o ae) oo paint veilue . Theg type ed bent, or imteractran between atoms, don > ckpenels en the particular atom or ates tHe. crystal ) Atomic Pevcling : ‘ Fenic Ponds Te adens at tHe two ettrenes ent. age of He periockc tebe (excl. wert ee ea wo lese / aan.» -wolenee elacter? to ci 70ns, nest velerce sol). Thy eecen? Gh | tard Jo lese Heir 1@ 4o becenv posttaely deage! an atoms 10° "Gr SL Lenel te gai gative ions. These «FNS ir eperene es attracden ancl cove bene : do fern serie Conk 60, Oodium chloride é Heir ve 4E, of se ht Rawlent bond 6 ebnents\” kere c phe show (Eth their & wighbors © compiler il aaleree shill. Ths type of € shoring - is called oS covalent - boa | ! ove Q——p— 6) Fes whgtene | va | atom Kes reps 1a = Shits bors nel form 1 etral a han \e and. the complete sytem OQ a is @ cliamene sdrviclur. Sle sk aii) ie ; 0 Ex The bottice constant of Silteon (oltemend Pe iS a= 5,43 Ae. Calculate +e yoliee density peer | eats atoms somber OF oens enter ot foe penitent a Ce a ee 8 iY Z tae 4 re Barems por body odems! UU let+tice Contr but ON wy eee corner oteng! ace atoms? Contribution Conteibulfon ; 5 : Vol, Density = Satenc, Rains. a Or. 03 G43 Bem) cm? Heme werk, Calculate +e surface clensitres for 410 | an AIT surfeces of the sliamend structures.

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