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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT tons wien ep 248 5, wl be tet as maprcion ‘ay revenge in, ppl oval an or Import Note: 1. Cncomplting yor anv sempulsony dw diagonal ICBICSES CHIEN usy 18MCAI3| First Semester MCA Degree Examination, Aug/Sept. 2020 Web Technologies ‘Time: 3 hrs. gta: 10 Note: Answer FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from eae Medulet, 1a Disous the syntax and general form of web communication tansy p detail Use necessary examples and definitions. Osta b. Explain: i) Intemet i) WWW ii) web browser iv) web senger Qy MOM example 2a b. 3 a Discuss the advantages of HIMLS over XI Ja simple program to demonstrate HITMLS media tags. ‘aoafarks) b. Explain HITMLS Tags like NAV, SE E and FORM ELEMENT tog and attribute 10 Mfarks) 4 4. Explain different levels of eae ect using necessary syntax and examples. OM) b._Disvuss the diference typ sin CSS. ‘oatarksy 5 a hniques in Javascript. Write and explain Sessions available in Javascript ‘0 Mfarks) b ard input in Javascript 10 Marks) oR 6 4. Explain model version “0” forthe following program. hllps Www. oF0/1999.xhtm -Acoess to form elements sutton” name ~ “Turn ton” > Explain different types of Element Access in Javascript by using the above program. 0 Ntares) Discuss the DOM? event model in deta by using a programming example. Q0Marks) 10f2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18MG, Module 7a, Demonstrate stacking of elements using programming examples. Use “div 0 Stag b. Explain positioning of element in Jovaseript. arts) or 8 a. Write ashort note onthe following pIp do stark b. Write a XML program to demonstrate the subjects studied INR USNSLT to add ‘ewing funetonaites tothe XML content ota Module-5 9 a Whatis the use of QUERY, esplain it by using basic ]QUER gna E.g: varcheokd Value var element ~ document, 2 un for (vari =0 ; jeelements length ;i=*) { if (elements ty

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