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Immaculada Concepcion College

Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.

Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City




E-learning provides a wide range of resources and multimedia tools that

enhance the learning experience. Online platforms often offer interactive videos

simulation and multimedia presentations which can make complex concepts

more engaging and accessible to students. Online platforms can collect data on

students’ performance and progress allowing for tackled instruction based on

individual needs and learning styles. This individualized approach to learning can

promote student engagement and improve overall academic achievement.

The emergence of e-learning has brought about significant changes in the

education landscape, impacting traditional face to face classes in various ways.

E-learning refers to the use of digital technologies and online platforms to deliver

educational content and facilitate learning. This shift from traditional based

instruction to virtual learning environments has both posture and negative

implication for students, education and the education system as a whole.

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

One of the most contemporary methods of teaching is the online platform,

which allows instructors to instruct students from anywhere by just sending a link

to enter Google Meet. Face-to-face classes are the traditional way of teaching

and were everyone's learned to read and write before the pandemic. There is no

need for modern technology in the way we teaching, and the teacher can focus

more on teaching because they can see everything the students are doing inside

the classroom. One the Primary impacts of e-learning on face to face classes is

the increased accessibility and flexibility it offers. With e-learning, student can

access educational materials by using a link that they enter and learning activities

from anywhere at any time as long they have the internet.

In recent years, online classes have become increasingly popular as an

alternative to traditional face-to-face classes. This method of teaching has been

accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced many schools and

universities to switch to online learning to continue education despite the

pandemic-related restrictions. The rapid adoption of online classes has raised

questions about the effectiveness of online learning compared to traditional face-

to-face learning. (Ghaemi and Potvin, 2021)

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

Which way has the pandemic impacted the Philippine educational and

teaching system. Due to the pandemic, e-learning became more prevalent in our

nation, but even before that, their more accustomed to learning face-to-face,

where are better able to comprehend everything that is spoken or taught. They

struggle to keep up with the class when their internet connection is sluggish or

poor, which is something the teacher dislikes about e-learning. Due to limited

internet access and the fact that not every student in the class participate.

This research project aims to address these questions by conducting a

comparative analysis of the impact of online classes and face-to-face classes

within Caloocan City schools with a home economics strand. We believe this

review will provide students, parents, and schools with valuable information that

will help them make informed decisions about which learning methods will be

more effective for enhancing learning, skill development, and academic

performance within the Home Economic Student

In conclusion the impact of e-learning to face to face classes is significant

as education evolves. On blended approach that combines the strengths of both

e-learning and face to face classes. It increased accessibility, flexibility and

personalized learning opportunities while presenting the challenges related to

social interaction, technology and self-regulation.

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City


The present study examines the Impact of E-learning to face-to-face

classes for Senior High School students in Home Economics Strand. Last March

9 to 15, 2020 Rodrigo Roa Duterte our former President, forced to suspend the

face to face classes. Due to the number of peoples who tested positive for COVID

19 has increased, But the 2020–2021 School Year is about to begin, and the

Covid19 is still spreading. Therefore, the department of education came up with

a concept that would allow kids to continue learning even if they stayed at home.

The department of education added a modular learning system and online class

learning method to the teaching strategy, In the modular system, it contains a

whole lesson and activities that they will study in one week but student they don't

study the lesson and they just answer the activity through internet so they don't

learn anything. (Tomacruz,2020)

The purpose of the research is to evaluate how emergency response

online lessons are run in a Philippine city schools division given the difficulties

educational institutions in the Philippines have had maintaining learning

continuity as the Covid-19 health crisis has begun. It made use of a researcher-

made instrument to evaluate the respondent's profile, their competency and

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

confidence in leading and supervising online classes, the preparedness of the

schools, the levels of difficulty in delivering lessons and supervising instruction,

and their perceptions of the benefits and drawbacks of online classes. The

respondents were 91 instructors and 24 instructional supervisors from 18 schools

who were chosen through purposive sampling. The study's findings showed that

experience and training were necessary for teachers and instructional

supervisors to be able to (Race, 2020).

As the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped how education is redundant,

schools are now considering remote learning options for students including those

at Immaculada Concepcion College who are in the Grade 11 Home Economics

Strand. While online classes have been welcomed by some as a solution to the

challenges posed by this crisis, others remain unconvinced. In this context, it is

important to examine the impact of E-learning compared to traditional learning.

It will be difficult for students to adjust because the majority of them lack

equipment, no devices, phones, computers, and others have no signal or data,

Wi-Fi, many students have difficulty with this system because what is required is

to learn performance skills, which will be prevented or not done if only online

classes are used. This is particularly important for Grade 11 Home Economics

Strand students, as they need to continue their studies and make progress

towards graduation despite the current challenges. And a problem with being a

home economics student and only taking online classes is that there are activities

that must be completed because this strand is more focused on skills.

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City


This study aims to investigate the impact of E-learning to face-to-face classes

for grade 11 home economics strands, specifically, the study aims to address the

following research questions:

1. Demographic Segmentations of the respondents in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Annual Household Income

1.4 Previous Average Rate

2. What are the differences in learning outcomes between e-learning and

face-to-face classes?

3. What are the differences in learning outcomes between e-learning and

face-to-face classes?

4. What are the technologies infrastructure requirements and challenges

associated of e-learning?

5. How do pedagogical approaches differ between e-learning and face-to-

face classes and how do they impact student learning experiences?

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City


Null hypothesis:

There is no significant relationship between the E-learning and Face-to-Face

class of the Home Economic students at Immaculada Concepcion College.

This research wants to know if there is an effect between the two

variables. The null hypothesis means that there is no relation between the E-

learning and Face-to-Face Class to Home Economic students.


The study will cover an extended period of time and include the adoption

of online education in reaction to a particular event or situation, such as the

COVID-19 pandemic. Male and female students will both be included in the

sample to ensure gender diversity, and the researcher will decide on the sample

size and selection method based on the population that is accessible. The study's

main objective is to determine how e-learning affects traditional classroom

instruction in the field of home economics, considering factors like academic

achievement, student engagement, learning outcomes, teacher-student

interaction, technological prowess, and general student satisfaction.

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

The conclusions of this study will only apply to Immaculada Conception

College Grade 11 Home Economic students and may not generalize to other

educational institutions, grade levels, or subject areas. Home economics will be

the sole subject of the study, and themes like cooking, sewing, budgeting, and

other related subjects will all be covered. Its goal is not to investigate how e-

learning has affected disciplines other than home economics. The researchers

gather information through limited survey among 6 students form Grade 11

Home Economic Students at Immaculada Concepcion College Academic Year



This research study is made with the aim to provide crucial information and

knowledge regarding the chosen topic from respondent, recent studies or thesis

and related sited needs for the expected importance to the individuals as follow:

STUDENTS: this research study, helps to contribute knowledge about the

wider area of study and will be a great benefit to the Grade 11 Home Economic


RESEARCHERS: This research study, they can aid via the utilization of

offering an information to analyze for learn about and useful resource you get the
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

answers you’re looking for from your search for questions, learned about the

topic we made and also apply it to other people. In the Interview it's necessary

to ask and answer thoroughly the following words we say, if they have

understood from our topic and ask if they got a lesson from our study. We can

share our knowledge such as ideas and information. It is also good to explain to

students very well.

PARENTS: This research study, parental involvement in a child’s

education remains positively related to academic performance and financial

support for their students. Many studies have shown that the positive use of E-

learning can help increase student’s motivation and attendance. It could also

enhance student classification participation and improve behavior and

performance in core subjects.

TEACHERS: This research study, teachers can provide essential

knowledge, introduce new concepts and subject matters, and expand their

students interests. They help children broaden their horizons and expand their

thinking pool by teaching them, supporting their learning, helping them read more

effectively and exposing them a wealth of books.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS: This research study, would assist to

knowledgeable of the methods and it would be to be better analyst and can help

as a future reference for extra research in the future.

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City


Review of Related Literature and Studies

2.1 Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

The implications of online learning versus face-to-face learning have been

discussed for several years in higher education. This study examined the issues

of student perception toward online learning and face-to-face learning in the

context of social presence, social interaction, and satisfaction. The comparison

of the online group and the face-to-face group conducted to explore student-

learning perceptions regardless of the course delivery method and the online

environment. The result of this study indicate that face-to-face learning

perception was higher than online learning in term of social presence, social

interaction, and satisfaction. However, there is no statistically significant

difference in learning preference found among level of student. Meanwhile, some

students were very comfortable in online learning since it led them to the chance

to being innovative by using computer technology. (Bali, Liu, 2018)

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

Due to the pandemic has caused schools to close, disrupting educational

life all around the world. As a result of the new online educational model's

requirements, educators and students have undergone changes that can be

seen as the ripple effects. Only those who have benefited from the educational

process are the subject of the current study, which attempts to determine how

they feel about both traditional classroom instruction and online learning as well

as whether they would like to return to it or not. (Gherhes, Stoian, Farcasiu,

Stanici, 2021)

In the Philippines, the implementation of E-learning for Grade 11 Home

Economics Strand students has provided a flexible option for learners who are

unable to attend traditional classes due to various reasons, such as distance and

health concerns.

The study showed that direct interaction with the teacher and classmates

aided in the students' comprehension of complex concepts, especially in-Home

Economics subjects that require practical skills such as cooking and sewing. The

students who attended face-to-face classes had better retention of knowledge

and were able to apply their learning in real-life situations.

The most recent understandings of how precisely the way that today's

student’s like to use technology. If people use technology, does it have an impact

on their learning stated that with latest technology equipment with resources,

pupils are more engaged in their studies. They consider it to be a lot more
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

engaging and packed with Using technology, intriguing regions can be

discovered. the moving of Learning is made incredibly simple and convenient,

and effective. This means that our minds now tend to work more quickly with the

aid of modern any aspect of life, here we discuss technology education. The

reliance and dependence of such an innovation, that simply makes life an easy,

smooth journey is completely unavoidable these days even in schools,

universities and colleges. (Nagasubraman,2018)

Traditional teaching approaches are generally teacher-directed, where

students are taught in a manner that is conducive to sitting and listening. It is

often argued that these approaches may not provide students with valuable

learning skills, and rather that non-traditional approaches to teaching and

learning might better endow students with such skills. The teaching of

mathematics that is usually referred to as “non-traditional’ uses constructivist

philosophies as its bases; by implicating strategies in which the individual

develops, constructs or rediscovers knowledge in an attempt to make sense of

his or her universe, or by employing social constructivist ideals which suggest

that group work, language and discourse are vital for learning. (Tularam,


Local Literature

According to Bagood (2020), the transition of education delivery to

modular distance learning has wrought difficulties for the quality of education, on
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

the part of the school staff. The DepEd is actively trying to find new ways to

address current issues and capacities its teachers and school heads for IT-based

distance learning. Instructors along with Program Supervisors prepared modules

beginning in May 2020 in all subjects for all grade/year levels across four quarters

by the "Essential Learning Competencies". These self-learning modules are

typicality-tested, discussed, and assessed, thus making them learning packages.

The module listings are distributed to all learners with the class schedule. The

course will train students on what topics to study and reinforce with them for the

upcoming week.

According to Magsambol (2020), Modular learning is the "backbone" on

which the DepEd uses distance education. To help to learn online, such as via

the internet or text-based content, we should create another set of modules. The

reason the school has been delayed is presumably that they had a new printer

that needed to be shipped. Having problems with the modules which are due to

be used, can be a common situation days before the opening of the schools.

Education is the most important thing in the world as it the key to success.

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the educational system worldwide. In

the Philippines, educational institutions are trying to make sure that learning is

unhampered during the health Crisis. Commission on higher Education (CHED)

Chairman Prospero De Vera lll sad that school were ready to open classes in

August 2020 for the school year 2020-2021. Even if the country is dealing with

the corona virus pandemic. According to De Vera "Flexible learning" which well
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

be implemented this year, is not new. Flexible learning for higher education

insinuation involves a combination of digital and non- digital technology, which

according to CHED, doesn’t necessarily require being connected to the internet.

According to CHED, Flexible learning insures the continuity of inclusive and

accessible education when the use of traditional modes of teaching is not

feasible. (Anjao, 2020)

2.2 Review of Related Studies

Foreign Studies

Forced Remote Learning During The COVID 19 Pandemic In Germany:

The COVID-19 pandemic poses great challenges to higher education.

Universities had to change their infrastructure to full remote teaching and

learning environments in a very short time. During the first nationwide lockdown

in Germany, we explored students’ anticipations regarding the risks and chances

of this challenging situation. They were asked about the negative and positive

effects of this sudden switch to online university courses and the relevance

personally ascribed to each of these expected effects. The first nationwide

lockdown in Germany in March 2020 forced universities to change their

infrastructure to fully remote teaching and learning environments in a short period

of time. Especially in higher education, students’ media use does not necessarily
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

correlate with digital learning, given that digital media are rarely an integral part

of teaching and learning. (Hoss et al. 2021)

Universities had to quickly adapt their infrastructure to remote teaching

and learning environments due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but students’ media

consumption does not necessarily correspond with digital learning. (Hoss et al.

2021 )

Using E-Learning Platform For Enhancing Teaching And Learning:

This chapter explores the issue of e-learning as a helpful method in higher

education institutes and universities in general, and specifically, in the field of

social work education. The world today experiences the strongest era of

revolutionary transformation in knowledge and information seeking behavior.

Most fields of contemporary life have benefited from the enormous evolution of

communication and information exchange technology. The educational sector

has never been an exception. The educational process was gradually affected

by technology until reaching now to “e-learning. The lack of these skills limits the

interaction between teachers and their students and getting knowledge

resources necessary for teaching. It becomes necessary for teachers and

students at higher educational institutes to master the skills necessary for

extracting and using information quickly and easily.(Saleh, 2020)

E-learning is a practical strategy at universities and higher education

institutions, especially in the field of social work education, as technology has

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

improved knowledge and information seeking behavior. Teachers and students

must become proficient in the abilities required for gaining and using information

quickly and easily.(Saleh,2020

The Perception of Students Toward E-Learning Versus Traditional

Classroom Learning:

Survey was conducted to investigate perception of this type of learning

among students. In this study, we focus on understanding Student’s perception

and preference towards the online learning through an online survey of Three

hundred fourty seven students. We also explored the student’s preferences for

various attributes of online classes, which will be helpful to design effective online

learning environment. We found that only fouty one percent students were

familiar with online classes. Sixty five point two percent of students agree that it

is easy to access online material, sixty two point two percent of students prefer

to learn at home, and fifty four point four percent of students prefer to study from

home since covid was the best option. Twenty two point two percent students

confirmed that online learning is interactive where almost seventy eight percent

students were said it not interactive. ( Das et al. 2022)

Online learning is perceived as a successful learning environment, with

fourty one percent having taken an online course before, fifty four percent

choosing to study from home, sixty five point two percent thinking it is easy to
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

obtain content, and sixty two point two percent preferring to learn at home.( Das

et al, 2022)

On the Perceptions of Online Learning Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Due to COVID-19, higher education institutions all over the world

transitioned to online learning. The sudden and forced transition to this new

learning methodology pushed the Universities to rapidly adequate to the needs,

upgrading their digital platforms to comply with the new requirements. Several

difficulties, challenges and opportunities arose in this transition process for

students, and the full digital class delivery also stressed them emotively. As a

result of COVID-19, higher education all over the world has moved to deliver

courses online during Spring 2020. However, students have expressed stress

related to online learning and difficulties compared to the traditional learning in

physical classrooms. By understanding students’ challenges and preferences,

universities can develop strategies to assist students in case there are further

weaves of COVID-19 or any other disaster requiring an emergency transition to

remote learning.( Del gobbo et al. 2022)

Universities have transitioned to online learning due to COVID-19, but

students have expressed concern and need for help. Universities can create

ways to help students in the event of COVID-19.(gobbo et al, 2022)

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

Local Studies

Determining factors affecting acceptance of E-learning platforms during

Covid-19 pandemic

These platforms are also being introduced to promote a new type of

education during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is widely known as E-learning.

E-learning is defined as a system-based formalized learning system that uses

electronic resources. (Prasetyo et al. 2021)

The study shows how the senior high school (SHS) student will be finally

accept the online learning set-up. Through this research they conducted what

are the possibilities of chances of student will cope up again this Covid-19

pandemic. Though this study is not still fully explored, they assumed that if the

way of teaching in face-to-face classes before can be still do in online class the

learning will still continue yet they will also seek and crave for some

improvements if this pandemic still continues.

Barriers to Online learning in the time of Covid-19

To sustain medical education, it became necessary for medical schools to

pivot to online learning also called e-learning, web-based learning , or Internet-

based learning as their primary means of curriculum delivery.(Baticulon MD et

al. 2021)
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

On March 2020, Due to the Covid-19 surge Medical School had to

suspend the face-to-face class to prevent immediately the transmission of Covid-

19 .Many of the students face the most difficult time of the school year, they had

to stop the physical learning and they become undergraduate. Authors

conducted a electronic survey to the student to fill in. In a matter of time they

implement a new way of online learning also called E-learning, even in the rough

situation they create a new ways to still continue what they’re doing in classroom,

laboratories and other medical facilities .In a span of time they adapt the online

learning system that are now common after the surge of Covid-19 Pandemic.

Assessing the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic, shift to online learning, and

social media use on the mental health of college student in the Philippines

The abrupt transition to online classes may bring psychological effects to

college students due to continuous isolation and lack of interactions with fellow

students and teachers. Our study aims to assess Filipino college student’s

mental health status and to estimate the effects of the Covud-19 pandemic, the

shift to online learning, and social media use on mental health(Lim et al.2021)

In this study, they elaborated how the sudden changes in learning create

an huge impact to the mental health of the students. Surveys help them to

identify what are the causes of this transitioning from face-to-face classes to

online, even in using social media platforms they also tackled the effect of it in

some study who mainly using it. Though social media platforms and other online
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

platforms that can use to connect with other people to learn and to

communicate, can also had an bad impact on the student, that we did not

usually notice. Making an observation on this issue, can create a small steps to

apply a prevention to this situation.

Student’s online learning challenges during the pandemic

Thus, various governments across the globe have launched a crisis

response to the mitigate the adverse impact of the pandemic on education. This

response includes, but is not limited to, curriculum revisions, provisions for

technological resources and infrastructure, shifts in the instructional delivery and

assessment.( Barrot et al.2021)

Although a lot of studies have been conducted during the Covid-19

pandemic, in this study they focused on what are the possibilities of changes in

current curriculum, provisions, and infrastructure during the surge of Covid-19.

They dissect every each of possible problem and its solution, its not only the

focuses the students but also to the impact of in education system. Even though

a lot of studies have been conducted, information are still limited by the time it

was started, they seek through the main problem then claim that there are true

changes through the time of pandemic .The aim of this study is what are the

impact of this pandemic on the education system.

Online or Traditional learning at the near end of the pandemic

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

Online learning has been utilized due to the sudden shift taken among

educational institutions to continue students’ learning during the COVID- 19

pandemic. Three years into the pandemic, universities now offer different

modalities of education due to the establishment of online and modular learning

modalities.(Illescas et al.2023)

Hence, the intention of students to adapt to online learning despite the

availability of traditional learning is underexplored.(Illescas et al.2023)

With the limited availability of face-to-face learning at the near end of the

epidemic in the Philippines, this study sought to analyze the factors that

influenced behavioral intentions towards continuing online learning modalities.

(Illescas et al.2023)

Furthermore the information contained within the study is to adapt the

online classes, and for the meanwhile they have to implement to stop the face-

to-face classes due to Covid-19 pandemic.

They assumed even if the surge of the pandemic, students can still be

adapt the process of online learning, but they also conclude the psychological

effects to the students.

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City


The study based on theories for online education According to

(Kun,O'Donnell,and Schneider,2017)The National Survey of Student

Engagement (NSSE) has found that hands-on, integrative, and collaborative

active learning experiences lead to high levels of student achievement and

personal development.

However, in an online context, it is difficult for students to have a hands-on,

integrative, and collaborative learning experience (Wehler, 2018). Online

instructors must strive to create an online learning community to boost students'

sense of belonging. Technology-augmented pedagogy offers opportunities to

strengthen the teaching and learning process. Learning theories are used to

explain, describe, analyze, and predict how learning should take place

(Sengupta, D. August 25, 2019). This article draws on the theory of Community

of Inquiry connectivism theory and Online Collaborative Learning theory to

discuss how educators leverage discussion tools to facilitate students' online

active, reflection, collaborative, equitable participation, and experiential learning.

this study is related to our study because according to these theories for online

education it is difficult for students to have a hands-on, integrative and

collaborative experience in online education and to discuss how educators or

teachers use the tools in the discussion to facilitate students online education for
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

reflection, collaborative, fair participation, and experience of students and online

education has the potential to provide flexibility and convenience for students

that can be useful -especially beneficial for students with busy schedules.
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City


In this part it allows the conceptual framework of the study which includes

inputs, process and outputs. It has been conducted by the researchers to clarify

the concept of the study.

1. Demographic ➢ Selection of
Segmentations of
respondents in terms of; respondents per
1.1 Age
section according to
1.2 Gender
1.3 Previous Grade Rate ➢ Students Awareness
their General Average
1.4 Annual Household
on how E-learning
Income Rate.
2. What are the differences in has a different
learning outcomes between
➢ Preparations of
e-learning and face-to-face impact on the Face-
to-Face Class
3. What are the differences in ➢ Administration of the
learning outcomes between specially in Academic
e-learning and face-to-face Instrument
classes? Performance.
➢ Data Collection
4. What are the technologies
infrastructure requirements ➢ Analysis and
and challenges associated
of e-learning? Interpretation of Data
5. How do pedagogical
approaches differ between
e-learning and face-to-face
classes and how do they
impact student learning

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework for the Impact of E-learning to Face-to-Face

Class of Grade 11 home Economic Students at Immaculada Concepcion College
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

The researchers used the input-process-output (IPO) model to assess

their work. The models aim to show the process of determining the factors by

which e-learning affects face-to-face classes for every student. The model

consists of three stages: input, processing, and output. The input stage includes

the questions provided in the statement of the problem of this study. The process

stage includes all the step-by-step procedures for how researchers will gather

the data from the respondents. The selection of respondents, the distribution and

preparation of the questionnaire, the administration of the instruments, the data

collection and analysis, and the interpretation of the data collected. And lastly,

the output includes the interpretation of the data that the researchers have

gathered, which leads to the output of the study that contains the impact of e-

learning on face-to-face classes.


Age - The stage of life during which a certain ability, skill, or capacity develops

or is resting. One of life's stages. The duration of a being's existence, measured

from its beginning to the present.

Gender - A male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with

reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one
Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of

male and female.

Annual Household Income - All income, taxable and nontaxable, of everyone

who resided with you at any time during the tax year, including children and

non-related individuals.

Previous Average Rate - Is a single rate applying to property at more than one

location that is a weighted average of the individual rates applicable to each


Traditional Teaching - A method of instruction in which the teacher transmits

knowledge to students through lectures, readings, or other forms of


Online Platform - A digital space or website that enables people or businesses

to connect and interact with each other.

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

Privacy Policy - A statement that outlines how an online platform collects,

stores, and uses user data, and what measures are in place to protect user

privacy and information.

Electronic survey - An electronic survey uses a computer to deliver and

gather survey data from respondents.

Abrupt transition - To assuage the collective anxiety produced by this abrupt

transition, individuals quickly abandoned their social and political liberties to an

absolutist state.

Modality - a particular mode in which something exists or is experienced or


Moderator - A user or team responsible for enforcing the online platform's

community guidelines and rules.

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

Algorithm - A set of rules or instructions used by the online platform to sort and

prioritize content based on factors such as relevance, engagement, and


Engagement - The level of interaction between users or with content on an

online platform, measured by metrics such as likes, shares, and comments.

User - A person who has created an account or profile on an online platform

and engages with it by either providing or consuming content

Creator - A user who generates original content on the online platform, such as

articles, videos, or images.

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City


Design and Methodology

This chapter presented the methods and procedures applied by the

researcher in completing the study. It includes the Research Design,

Respondents and Instrument used with its data gathering procedure.

Research Design

In research study conducted by the researchers. This study used the

descriptive research design to summarize the collected data.

The researchers used a descriptive method this would be effective and

valuable to be used in order to obtain the information and the best results. This

would have been used to get the demographic profile of the respondent. This

method exploits to classify How a pedagogical approach differ between e-

learning and face-to-face classes and how do they impact student learning


In this study used a paper survey method that will be used for collecting

variable information from a respondent’s responses and it will be convenient to

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

other details that can help the researchers in this study. Everything has been

done by distributed the questionnaires through paper questionnaires.


In this study, the respondents were 6 in total. The respondents of this

study focused on the population of Grade 11 Home Economic students at

Immaculada Concepcion College Academic Year 2022-2023.

Research Instrument

The adherent formulates a question that is used for gathering data

collected as a research instrument. The research questionnaire was divided into

2 parts. The first part has been evaluated for the demographic profile of the

respondent chosen to collect essential information for the presented study and

the second part is consisting of open-ended questions or the opinionated


Data Gathering Procedure

1. The researchers provide a letter to the School of Immaculada Concepcion

College to conduct a survey for Grade 11 Home Economic students.

2. The researchers prepared a questionnaire.

3. The researchers will conduct a paper survey and explain to the

respondents the importance of the study and clarifies some terms that

may confuse the respondents so the chosen respondents can answer the

given questionnaire with full knowledge of their responsibility as the

Immaculada Concepcion College
Of Soldier’s Hills Caloocan City, Inc.
Soldier’s Hills III Subd. Brgy. 180, Tala, North Caloocan City

subject of the study and also the researchers respectfully requested to the

respondents to answer the questions with their honesty.

4. After the retrieval of responses given by the respondents, all data will be

examined and interpreted to secure its accuracy in order to obtain valid

and reliable result.

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