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1. Provide a brief description about London.

How is London similar to or different from the

captital of your own country?
-London is the capital of England. It is know simply as 'the City' which is the
business and financial heart of the United Kingdom. Also, it is the home for the
headquarters of all government departments, the Parliament, and the monarch.
-London and Hanoi is that both cities have a rich history and cultural heritage that
has been shaped by centuries of experience and tradition.
There are also many differences between the two cities. First, London’s population
is a much larger city than Hanoi ‘s population. Additionally, London is a major
financial, economic, and political center, while Hanoi is primarily a cultural and
administrative hub. The two cities also differ in terms of their architecture,
cuisine, climate, transportation, and lifestyle.
2. What are your general impressions of Brirish people based on what you have studied in
British culture?
British people are polite, reserved, and humorous. In addition, they are also
famous for their love of tea, football, and pub culture. Punctuality is highly valued
in British society, and it is considered rude to arrive late without a good reason.
And with social status traditionally being determined by factors such as family
background, education, and wealth.
3. Would you say that people in your country are more or less enthusiastic about university
education than they are in Britain? Explain your answer.
It seems to me that people in Vietnam are less enthusiastic about university education than they are in
Britain. In Britain, compulsory education is up to the age of 16. 2/3 of students choose to attend A-
Levels and go on to college. With Britain’s newfound enthusiasm for continuing education and
because the general level of unemployment is now high, far fewer sixteen-year-olds go straight out
and look for a job than used to. In Vietnam, despite the government’s efforts in promoting education
in recent years, the university education attendance rate is still low, at 28.3% according to a 2019
report. After leaving high school, students often take part in vocational courses or find a job straight
away if they are not admitted to college.

4. Describe the British monarchy and its role in British society?

* The British monarchy is a constitutional monarchy, which means that the monarch's role is mainly
ceremonial and symbolic, with limited formal powers. The current monarch of the United Kingdom
is King Charles III.
* The role of the monarch
-The personal embodiment of the government
-A final check on a government that was becoming dictatorial: Royal assent to bills
-Performing the ceremonial duties so that the government has more time for the actual job of
running the country

5. What are the main political parties in the UK? How does the system differ from that in your
The main political parties in the UK are the Conservative Party, Labour Party, Liberal Democrats ,the
Green Party, and Scottish National Party. While the UK has a multi-party system, Vietnam's political
system is tightly controlled by the Communist Party.
6. In Britain, what are the public services that a local government offers the community?
Local government in Britain provides a range of public services to the community, including:
Education, Social Services, Waste Collection and Recycling, Planning and Development Control,
Public Transportation, Libraries and Museums.
7. How do you explain the popularity of the different types of housing in Britain? Are the same
types popular in your country?
The popularity of different types of housing in Britain can be explained by a combination of factors,
including historical housing trends, availability of land, location, and affordability. Both countries
have significant differences for example, in Vietnam, owning a house or villa is
often viewed as a symbol of status and financial success, whereas in the UK, the
preference for detached and semi-detached houses may reflect a desire for a
traditional family home with a garden.
8. Do the different social classes in your country differentiate themselves in the same way as
they do the Britain? Do language, accent, clothes, money, habits and attitudes play the same
roles in yoru country?
The differentiation of social classes in Vietnam may not follow the same patterns as in Britain. In
Vietnam, social classes are often defined by factors such as occupation, education, income, and
family background. Language and accent can play a role in distinguishing social classes, but the
influence may not be as clear as in Britain. Clothes and appearance can indicate social status to some
extent, but the emphasis on specific fashion trends may not be as significant. Money and wealth
certainly contribute to social distinctions. Habits and attitudes can vary among social classes, but the
cultural context and values in Vietnam may shape these differences differently compared to Britain
9. Local government in Britain is responsible for most of the things that affect people in
everyday life. So why do you think few people bother to vote in an local election?

There could be several reasons why few people bother to vote in local elections in
Britain, despite local government being responsible for most of the things that
affect people in everyday life consists of Low visibility and awareness ; Lack of
interest ; Perception of low stakes; Timing and scheduling ; Voter suppression.


1. Biểu tượng áo quần của Scotland & biểu tượng quan trọng của Scotland?

2. Kiểu nhà ở nào của Anh mà rộng và đảm bảo quyền riêng tư?=> House( Detached houses)
3. Loại parliament của Anh?=> Westminster Parliament hoặc Parliament of the United Kingdom.

4. Một chính phủ như thế nào mà được cai quản bởi một ông vua và một nữ hoàng => Mornachy

5. A.P ( là viết tắt của từ gì)-> Account payable (viết tắt là AP) là nợ ngắn hạn or chứng chỉ
Advanced Placement.

6. Người dân tới từ thành phố nào được xem như là những người Liverpudlians? -> Liverpool

7. Người đứng đầu của một đảng mà có thành viên và số phiếu bầu nhiều nhất là như thế nào? ->
Prime Minister

8. Geography ( pot ?)

9. 2 đảng chính ở Anh?=> Đảng Bảo thủ (Conservative Party) and Đảng Lao động (Labour Party)

10. Thời tiết ở Anh , thổ nhưỡng đất đai thiếu tính ( yếu tố gì) ?=> lack of extreme

11. Giai cấp ở Anh chưa bao giờ được xóa bỏ ( vì sao?)=> because it is a part of the country's
history and culture.

12. Xã hội chia cắt làm 2 ( 2 cộng đồng sống với nhau side by side) như thế nào?

13. Cái gì được đề cập tới ngữ pháp tiếng Anh trong các bài diễn thuyết được phát hành trên các
phương tiện truyền thông -> verb usage, adjectives, adverbs, sentence structure, tenses in
English, and general rules of grammar.

14. Những kì nghỉ mang tên gì ở Anh mà hầu hết mọi thứ được book ( đặt vé) thông qua đại lí? => a
ski holiday, Summer holiday, Lunar New Year, Christmas and Labor Day Celebration.

15. Từ vựng chỉ cố vấn thân cận và những người trong văn phòng nội các là từ gì? => Cabinet


⇒ Hình thức : Đề sẽ cho một bên là định nghĩa và một bên là khái niệm để mình nối

1. British Empire ( Đế chế Anh)

2. Parliament  make new law ,gives authority for government to raise and spend money

3. Queen victoria

4. Household

5. Department for education ( sở giáo dục)

6. A-Level  advanced level .higher-level cademic exams by the same examining boards that set
GCSE exams

7. MP-law ( members of parliament) only member of the Commons

8. kỳ thi GCSE= the exams taken by most fifteen to 16 years old in england

9. LEA ? (bằng)=> a branch of local goverment : chi nhánh của chính phủ địa phương

10. Union Jack  the national flat of the UK

11. The pennies

12. Shark đệ nhất

13. civil list

14. stonehenge norman period ( có đặc trưng gì?)

15. norman period

16. Nữ hoàng Elizabeth đệ nhất

17. constituency

18. amendment

19. Cải tổ nội các


1. Những loài hoa gì tượng trưng cho các nước nào ở Anh?

England Rose
Wales Leek/Daffordil
Scotland Thirstle
Ireland Shamrock

2. Cabinet ( giai cấp Anh đánh giá dựa trên cái gì? )=> education, occupation, and background.

3. Khu vực nào miền núi, khu vực nào đồng bằng?

Miền núi : phía bắc và phía tây: Lake District, Peak District, Snowdonia, Scottish Highlands.

Đồng bằng : phía nam và phía đông: Thames, Fens, Weald, South Downs.

4. Các loại thuế ở Anh? => Including income tax, national insurance contributions, value-added
tax (VAT), corporation tax, and others.

5. Các giai đoạn của các thời kì ( năm nào xảy ra sự kiện gì?)

6. thủ đô của Wales, Scots, Ireland, Anh

Wales: Cardiff
Scots: Edinburgh

Ireland: Dublin

England: London

7. Tên gọi của Public holiday

Bank holidays

8. 3 thành phố lớn nhất của Uk theo thứ tự


9. History ( thời gian các nhóm người xâm lược)

The Romans-> The Celts, The Anglo-Saxons, The Vikings-> The Normans

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