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A Quantitative Research Paper in Senior High School Department - STEM 12

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Research Capstone


Abordo, Prince Wilkens

Betchido, Kharl Angelo

Alojado, Dominique

Badayos, Janica

Baya, Nazyl Mae

Bernales, Shiera Mae

Calderon, Lauren Nicole

Estrellanes, Steffi Mari

Simbajon, Danah Elyka

Ms. Tarra Angela Garsula


Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial - Dumaguete Science High School

S.Y. 2021-2022



A Quantitative Research Paper in Senior High School Department - STEM 12

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Research Capstone


Abordo, Prince Wilkens

Betchido, Kharl Angelo

Alojado, Dominique

Badayos, Janica

Baya, Nazyl Mae

Bernales, Shiera Mae

Calderon, Lauren Nicole

Estrellanes, Steffi Mari

Simbajon, Danah Elyka

Ms. Tarra Angela Garsula


Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial - Dumaguete Science High School

S.Y. 2021-2022


Years amounting to today has been questioning prioritization lists between space exploration and

earth rehabilitation, economical development versus environmental restoration, etc. As of the

present, many of the solutions presented in preserving nature have been focused on new sources

of energy, namely renewable energy. However, due to the decline of the earth still, even that is

compromised. The researchers then thought of turning the source of the problem into the

solution: people, wherein electrical charge will be taken from mechanical stress through the use

of piezoelectricity in the form of gloves. It is the incorporation of daily activities, focusing on the

hands, in producing energy, which tackles maximization of a person’s day-to-day. Through the

use of two different sizes of piezoelectric materials as the core of the product, the researchers

have ascertained that indeed, piezoelectricity has potential as a renewable source of energy.

However, it needs much more research when it comes to its application to the hands. It is

sensitive in detecting pressure, but it produces little voltage.

Keywords: Piezoelectricity, Renewable Energy Resource


Table of Contents

Piezoelectric-Powered Gloves: Piezoelectricity as a Renewable Source of Energy……………... 7

Background of the Study…………………………………………………………………………. 7

Review of Related Literature……………………………………………………………………... 9

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………...13

Objectives……………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………………...14

Statement of the Hypothesis…………………………………………………………………….. 15

Model of the Study……………………………………………………………………………….16

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………………………... 16

Scope and Delimitations of the Study……………………………………………………………17

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………………17

Chapter 2…………………………………………………………………………………………19

Methodology…………………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Research Design……………………………………………………………………………...19
Data Collection……………………………………………………………………………… 19
Statistical Test Used………………………………………………………………………….19
Materials…………………………………………………………………………………….. 20
General Procedure……………………………………………………………………………29

Findings……………………………………………………………………………………... 31
Comparison between Voltage output due to Type of Movement…………………………….35

Discussions……………………………………………………………………………………… 38
Analysis of Data……………………………………………………………………………...38

Summary and Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….. 40


List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………………… 42

Appendices……………………………………………………………………………………… 43
Appendix A…………………………………………………………………………………..43
Appendix B………………………………………………………………………………….. 48



Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………………………………………53

Piezoelectric-Powered Gloves: Piezoelectricity as a Renewable Source of Energy

Electricity plays a significant role in our daily lives. People’s lifestyles or daily routines

usually rely on energy consumption, whether at home, school, the local retail center, or our

workplace. Mechanical energy is one of the prominent forms of energy that can be regenerated in

our environment. A vibrating structure, a moving object, or vibration induced by flowing air or

water can all be producers of mechanical energy. Wasted energy from running, walking, and even

from using your hand can be used to generate electricity. Various researchers have looked into

mechanical vibrations as a potential source of power for devices and communication electronics

in a range of applications.

The direct piezoelectric effect was discovered by Pierre and Jacques Curie when working

as a laboratory assistant in 1880. Piezoelectric materials are good converters of mechanical

energy into electrical energy. They are extremely sensitive to applied pressure and can convert

sound wave pressure to voltage. Behind the crystals is the fundamental principle of

piezoelectricity. When crystalline materials are subjected to external stress and pressure,

electrical voltage is produced. The electrostriction effect is named after the fact that the crystal's

dimension changes as a result of this. Quartz, Rochelle Salt, Braium Titanate, and other synthetic

materials exhibit a piezoelectric effect (Yogesh Popat).

Background of the Study

As the researchers brainstormed on all the possible innovations and topics we could steer

our research to, two of the members of the group had a background on robotics, one specifically

tackling piezoelectricity as a means to generate electricity. The researchers naturally became

curious with the concept of mechanical energy converting itself to electricity and promptly made

further investigations on the topic at hand; they then proceeded to explore the possibilities of its

applications. There were studies and videos found on piezoelectric-centered devices that aimed

to harvest energy from body parts in action, from footsteps to wrist movements, and convert such

energy to electricity. The prospect of having such a mundane everyday action having another use

at the same time was certainly not common, and as we as a society slowly adapt better and more

efficient ways of collecting energy, the odds seemed promising.

The use of piezoelectricity was now set; the next step the researchers had to ponder on

was the location of the product, the body part which would be used for the study. One of the

members had an audible clicking and clacking sound produced by their keyboard, which led to

the realization that as students that are subjected to online classes, we all use our keyboards to

type away all the essays, answers, and everything in between for school. It is virtually impossible

for the students of today to not use appliances and gadgets to aid our education; with that, we

came up with the concept of a glove-type device powered by piezoelectricity to then convert

typing into electricity. The idea of an action having two uses at once, to type and to generate

electricity, gives perspective on how our energy can be of use beyond its intended purpose was

the prospect that convinced the researchers to undergo this study.

Though piezoelectricity is a relatively compact way of collecting energy through

budget-friendly means, there have been studies exploring the risks and hazards piezoelectric

materials might have on the human body. Lead-based materials are the main causes of these

hazards, and are not exactly necessary for this research to be conducted; this study aims to be

safe for both the researchers and the individuals that might use our device, which is why the

researchers settled on ceramic plates to be the materials used in this study. Not only are ceramic

plates cheaper and safer than lead-based materials, it is also widely available in the online


The idea behind the innovative idea: piezo-electric powered gloves originated from this

group that first thought of producing energy while simply typing on the keyboard, thus after a

series of discussion, we already crafted the idea of using piezoelectricity in our research. As

everybody was caged under the restrictions of Pandemic and over 100% of the students in

RTPM-DSHS had undergone online classes since the pandemic started. In an everyday's online

class session we are stuck on the same scenario, in front of our laptops or PCs and there is a lot

of wasted energy in this scenario. The purpose of piezoelectric powered gloves was to maximize

wasted energy and use it as manpower to produce electricity through the innovation of piezo, and

converting mechanical energy to electrical energy.

As we all know, this study utilized our hands to do the job, which is one of our daily

activities is to type, with the maximum energy of piezoelectricity that bare hands can’t take. To

this point, we need to use gloves to protect our hands. However, piezoelectricity can give the

maximum amount of voltage directly to the gloves. The use of these gloves is to obtain the

energy of piezoelectricity.

Review of Related Literature

As we face the crisis of pandemic, most of the students and teachers are stuck with the

same scenario everyday. Almost every student and teacher would like to go back to face-to-face

classes, but they really can’t do anything for now other than follow the government’s

recommendation to continue mobile learning (Child Hope, 2021). In line with this scenario are

wasted energy that is associated with the everyday online class with the teachers and students.

Our simple hand gestures are counted to be one of the wasted energy and could be maximized as

manpower that is a potential source of energy. Upper limb locations of the body are preferable to

scavenge energy from human kinetic movements in using piezoelectric transducers due to its

high density and frequent motion but wrists are the best source since it yields higher density (Liu

et al., 2021). We determine this wasted energy as mechanical energy that could be a potential

energy resource.

Mechanical energy harvesting that converts various sources of mechanical motions, such

as body movement, wind, and ocean wave, into electricity, has been attracting enormous research

interest over the recent decade (Shao, 2016). Mechanical energy accounts for kinetic and

potential energy (Burheim, 2017). Maximizing mechanical energy to produce electricity will

seem totally possible in the modern era. Studies shown, a solution for these self-powered systems

is to harvest mechanical energy using piezoelectricity. Piezoelectric materials have the property

to generate an electric field when a mechanical force is applied. This phenomenon is known as

the direct piezoelectric effect (Covaci & Gontean, 2020). The nanogenerators which can convert

the mechanical energy into electricity by using piezoelectric one-dimensional nanomaterials have

exhibited great potential in microscale power supply and sensor systems (Wang et al., 2015).

Piezoelectricity is the process of using crystals to convert mechanical energy into

electrical energy, or vice versa. Regular crystals are defined by their organized and repeating

structure of atoms that are held together by bonds, this is called a unit cell. Most crystals, such as

iron, have a symmetrical unit cell, which makes them useless for piezoelectric purposes

(Fleischer, 2016). The piezoelectric energy harvesting technique is based on the materials’

property of generating an electric field when a mechanical force is applied (Covaci & Gontean,


In the making of the device, indulging the use of Piezoelectricity has different materials

needed that may fall into types and categories that would be held accountable for their purpose

and usage. It is very important for a designer to choose suitable piezoelectric materials in order

to suit their purpose (Saigusa, 2010). A piezoelectric energy harvester usually contains an

AC-DC converter, has a two-stage conversion circuit, or uses nonlinear techniques such as SSHI

or SECE (Covaci & Gontean, 2020). Piezoelectric transducers can be of different shapes and

materials, making them suitable for a multitude of applications (Covaci & Gontean, 2020). Most

piezoelectric transducers harvest nanowatts and microwatts from upper limbs which is

insufficient to power up stable operation of automated wearable devices since it requires

milliwatts for solid functionality (Liu et al., 2021). Also, Piezocomposite materials are

recommended for energy collection from hand motions, since it demonstrates both high power

density and flexibility. Even though piezoceramics yield higher power output, it is undesirable

due to its fragility and heaviness (Liu et al., 2021).

Piezoelectricity truly can be a potential energy resource. The output electrical energy is

enough for driving wireless data transmitting devices like (Wi-Fi, li-fi, Z-Wave, RF, 3G). Piezo

sensors produce electricity when pressure is applied on them. These sensors are then connected

in series and parallel combination and placed in a tile-like structure; this tile can be used in any

place wherever pressure is applied. The harvested power can be stored in a battery and used for

AC or DC loads and also voltage generated by a single tile can be displayed on display devices

like LCD located at a different location using Zigbee technology for smart analysis [23].

Moreover, built environment Monitoring of the internal environmental conditions and adaptation

of heating, lighting, etc. in response to human occupancy and activity is a major potential

application for sensor networks, whether based on wireless communications or on wired

connections to monitor power consumption with the aim of detecting locations or devices that

are consuming a lot of electrical power and drive a wireless transmitter module to detect users

current position [24], Finally, the most common uses of various piezoelectric floors is sensors

transducer, frequency controlling, devices high voltage and power sources (Elhalwagy,


Existing application of Piezoelectricity has been used with big companies all around the

globe such as, East Japan Railway Company (JR East) uses a piezoelectric energy generating

floor to power ticket gates and display systems (<Energy-Generating Floors,= 2009).

Not only can energy be generated on land with pedestrian crossings, streets and roads,

there is also a huge challenge in determining ways to take advantage of sea waves to produce

energy. There are already projects that take the basic principle of piezoelectric generation and

adapt it. Y. Yan, and S. J. Priya, affirm in their work, Piezoelectric Materials for Energy

Harvesting, that energy can be generated through the sea and that it is friendly to the

environment (Urroz-Montoya, 2019).

However, studies enlisted some of the disadvantages of Piezoelectricity, its main

disadvantages (low level of harvested power and the need for rectification, maximum power

extraction, and output voltage regulation), piezoelectric transducers cannot be used alone to

harvest mechanical energy (Covaci & Gontean, 2020).

On the other hand, Piezoelectric energy harvesting has several advantages, such as high

energy and power density, low cost, good scalability, and ease of application (Covaci & Gontean,

2020). Usage of Piezoelectric materials in an efficient vibration-to-mechanical energy

mechanism through gathered frequencies from ambient energy is favorable because of its high

output power density (Raghavendran et al., 2018). Piezoelectric-powered devices reduce

interrupted operations of devices and ensure the maximum duration to be used since it lessens

the usage of battery-based energy supply that requires constant recharging (Liu et al., 2021).

There is the importance of supplying energy demand, lack of physical space available in

fully urbanized areas. In the context of a complex global energy situation, environmental

pollution and climate change, will require eco-friendly technology applications. On this matter,

the impact caused to the environment by the piezoelectric materials is minimal, as they adapt to

existing structures without collateral damage. When analyzing the energy matrix of developed

countries, we can see a clear trend to transform what we know as methods of conventional

generation (fossil, nuclear, thermal, etc.), in practices that respect the urban space and

biodiversity, coupled with the relentless pursuit of the integration of the individual as the

protagonist of this transformation. Furthermore, the climate change and the way we are forced to

seek solutions for power generation in the friendliest way for the environment, methods of

harvesting energy through piezoelectric materials are positioned as an alternative for the future,

allowing us to have Proposition 5: Piezoelectricity can generate energy without affecting the

environment, which is harvested and adapted with existing urban spaces as power generation

support for the electrical grid (Urroz-Montoya,, 2019).

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

In this study, the researchers aim to create an alternative renewable source of energy

through piezoelectric-powered gloves. The study's variables are displayed for the researchers to

test their theories.

The first box depicts the independent variables that the researchers will play with in order

to achieve the desired result.

The second box contains the dependent variable where the researchers will measure the

result of the experiment after the independent variables are manipulated.


Figure 1. 1

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework


By conducting this study, the researchers aim to accomplish the following objectives:

1. To innovate and craft a device that would utilize "wasted energy" as manpower

to produce a renewable energy resource

2. To convert mechanical Energy to Electrical energy

3. To test the effectivity of the piezo-powered electric gloves in generating


4. To maximize simple hand gestures and produce energy through an Innovation

in the field of Piezoelectricity

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine where the Piezoelectric-powered Gloves is


effective in producing electricity through mechanical stress in order to identify whether

piezoelectricity is suitable as a renewable source of energy.

This study specifically aims to answer the following questions:

1. How effective is the piezoelectric-powered gloves in generating electricity?

2. How efficient is the piezoelectric-powered gloves in generating electricity?

3. How much voltage is produced in terms of type of movement applied?

4. In a simulation of real time application, can the piezoelectric-powered gloves

charge the following:




Statement of the Hypothesis

Ha: The Piezoelectric-Powered Gloves is effective in generating electricity.

Ho: The Piezoelectric-Powered gloves is not effective in generating electricity.

Ha: The Piezoelectric-Powered Gloves is efficient in generating electricity.

Ho:The Piezoelectric-Powered gloves is not efficient in generating electricity.

Ha: The type of movement applied affects the voltage generated by the

Piezoelectric-Powered Gloves.

Ho: The type of movement applied does not affect the voltage generated by the

Piezoelectric-Powered Gloves.

Ha: The Piezoelectric-Powered Gloves is effective in charging devices.

Ho: The Piezoelectric-Powered Gloves is not effective in charging devices.


Model of the Study

Figure 1. 2

Prototype Design

Note: Five piezoelectric plates are affixed to the tips of the fingers. The AC is then converted to

DC using a full bridge rectifier.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study would solidify the use of piezoelectric-powered devices as a

way to collect significant amounts of electricity from mechanical energy. Though

piezoelectric-centered innovations have already existed in other research using other parts of the

body, our study exclusively focuses on the fingertips’ mechanical energy to be converted to

electrical energy via piezoelectricity. The core subject of this investigation would lend a hand to

the ever-growing solution of pollution which is renewable energy. Though the scale of this study

is small as of now, exploring and expanding on alternative ways of harvesting energy,

piezoelectricity in this case, will serve as a stepping stone to a future wherein one action can

serve two purposes at the same time.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study aims to create an alternative renewable source of energy through

piezoelectric-powered gloves. The research covers only the hands as the focused energy

harvesters through its kinetic movements produced from daily activities such as typing. The

study utilized piezoelectric plates which converts the hand motions to electricity. The materials

were bought in online local stores and physical electronic markets within Dumaguete City. In

testing the prototype, a multimeter is used to check if it produces enough output voltage to

charge a device and in application of types of movements selected by the researchers which are

gripping, pressing and typing only. Due to pandemic, the innovation session is delimited at the

homes of the researchers within Negros Oriental. The time period of the study is conducted in

the second semester of the school year 2021-2022.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are further defined to have clear understanding of each concept as

these terms will be encountered in the study:

Piezoelectricity. It is the ability of a material to generate electric charge when subjected

to mechanical stress or strain.

Piezo. It is a shortened term for piezoelectricity.


Piezoelectric Effect. The piezoelectric effect results from the linear electromechanical

interaction between the mechanical and electrical states in crystalline materials with no inversion


Wasted Energy. Wasted energy is energy that is not usefully transferred or transformed.

Mechanical Energy. Mechanical energy is power that an object gets from its position

and motion.

Electrical Energy. Electrical energy is a type of kinetic energy caused by moving

electric charges.

Chapter 2


Research Design

This research aims to produce a piezoelectric-powered glove in order to determine

whether piezoelectricity is a potential renewable energy resource. Therefore, the utilization of an

Experimental Research Design will be observed.

Data Collection

The data for this study will be collected through observation and experimentation method

Determine the factors

Determine the number of experimental units

Determine the level of each factor.

● Control

● Manipulate

● Randomize

Statistical Test Used

Average Voltage

ĀĂþ ĀĄ ÿýý ăÿýĂăĀ

ý�㔸�㔴þ = ÿĂþĀăÿ ĀĄ ăÿýĂăĀ
Mean is used to determine the effectiveness of the piezoelectric-powered glove by

obtaining the sum of all the voltages produced per trial divided by the said number of trials.

Charging Time

āÿāÿā�㕖ā�㕦 ĀĄ āℎă Ăăă�㕖āă

�㕇�㔼ý�㔸 = þăÿÿ ăĀýāÿąă

The formula of charging time is used to determine the efficiency of the

piezoelectric-powered glove by obtaining the total battery storage capacity of a device divided

by the total mean voltage generated by the piezoelectric-powered glove.


Figure 2. 1

Piezoelectric Plates (12mm and 15mm)

An energy harvesting device wherein when disks flex and are subjected to pressure,

voltage is generated that can be harvested. Piezo plates are thin ceramic sheets used to

manufacture piezo actuators, sensors, and transducers. A thin layer of piezoceramic deforms

and/or vibrates when a voltage is applied to it in actuators and transducers. When exposed to DC

electricity, the piezo plate will deform(Court, 2021). When mechanical strain is applied to the

piezo plate, a current is created. Because of the latter effect, the piezo plate may be utilized as a

piezoelectric sensor. A piezoelectric plate is made up of metal plates formed by placing a

"crystal." The plates vibrate when a wave strikes one or both of them. The crystal detects this

vibration and converts it into a weak AC voltage.

Figure 2. 2

Worker Gloves - Rubber Palm Coated

A protective covering for the hands and wrists that divides sections of the thumbs and

each finger. Gloves are wearable equipment that are commonly made up of cloth, leather, wool

and rubber which provides comfort and protection from exposure. Rubber and latex coated

gloves are most suitable for electrical work since they have high dielectric properties. The gloves

will be used as the base of the prototype.


Figure 2. 3

Copper Wire

Copper wire is an electric conductor that is utilized in a wide range of applications.

Copper wire is used in many sorts of electrical wiring. It is used in power production, power

transmission, power distribution, telecommunications, electronics circuits, and many other types

of electrical equipment. Copper and its alloys are also employed in the fabrication of electrical

connections. Copper wires will be used to connect the piezoelectric plates to the diode and LED.

Figure 2. 4

Rectifier Diode (1 amp)

A two-lead semiconductor is used in the power supply to convert AC voltage to DC

voltage.The full wave rectifier circuit consists of two power diodes linked to a single load

resistance, with each diode supplying current to the load in turn (Aspencore, 2021). It allows

current to flow easily in one direction, but severely restricts current from flowing in the opposite


Figure 2. 5

LED ( Light Emitting Diode )

Light is produced when current flows through a light-emitting diode (LED). Electrons

recombine with electron holes in the semiconductor, producing energy in the form of photons.

Single-die LEDs with sizes ranging from 2 mm to 8 mm are often used as indicators.A device

that gives off light when a voltage is applied. LED will be used for testing whether the model

functions or not.

Figure 2.6


A material made of paper pulp but thicker and stiffer than paper.Cardboard has far more

tensile strength than foam. Cardboard and pasteboard are synonyms for corrugated fiberboard,

which is a common box material. This paper-based product comes in a number of designs and

weights to suit a wide range of applications. In some cases, paper and cardboard are used as

insulators because they are inexpensive and can withstand high temperatures and voltages (De

Lair, 2014). The cardboard will be cut to the size respective to the piezoelectric plates for

maximum pressure.


Figure 2 7

Soldering Iron

A hand tool used in soldering. A soldering iron is made of an insulated handle and a

heated metal tip. Soldering irons are most typically used in electronics assembly for installation,

repairs, and limited production operations.They work by passing an electric current supplied by a

power cord or battery cables via a resistant heating element. It supplies the heat to melt the

solder core wire so that it can flow into the joint between two workpieces (Brindley, 2011).

Figure 2.8

Solder Core Wire

Solder is a metal alloy usually made of tin and lead that is melted with a hot iron. a

soldering wire containing rosin flux in the core or center is used for optimal soldering outcomes.

It's an electrical component soldering alloy used to connect two pieces of metal or wires.The iron

is heated to temperatures exceeding 600 degrees Fahrenheit before cooling to form a strong

electrical bond (Das, 2019).


Figure 2.9

Electrical Tape

A type of thick adhesive tape used to cover exposed electrical wires. Electrical tape is

commonly used in the safety industry to cover, insulate, and shield a variety of wires and cables

that transport electricity. It's also known as insulating tape or thermal insulation, and it's used

both professionally and at home (Shang, 2019). It is available in a variety of sizes, lengths,

materials, and colors to provide adequate insulating characteristics in a wide range of


General Procedure

Step 1: Cut about 3 inches long of electrical tape and add cardboard (same size as the piezo

plate) to the center. Attach the piezo plate on top of the cardboard. Create five of these for each


Step 2: Affix it to the fingertips of the gloves.


Step 3: Create a Full Wave Rectifier by connecting four diodes and one capacitor with solder.


Step 4: Separate the red wires from the black wires and connect them in a series.

Step 5: Connect the wires from the piezo plate to the FW rectifier.



Data showed that the use of Piezoelectricity as a glove is indeed capable of generating

electrical energy. However, the charging of devices without the storing of the generated

electricity proves to be difficult with the product made.

Table 1

Voltage outputs for 12mm Piezo

Movement Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Average

Gripping 5.0 v None None None None None

Pressing 1.4 v None None None None None

Typing None None None None None None

This shows the first of the individual tests wherein only 1 trial was conducted on the

movements gripping and pressing.

Figure 3.1

Representation of voltage outputs by the 12 mm piezo


The graph shows the difference of the output voltage of 12 mm piezo due to the type of

movement applied to the gloves. As shown in the line graph, values indicated in the y-axis and

the x-axis are the amount of voltage and the number of trials conducted respectively, which is

represented in colors as shown below the line graph. There are two values: only 5V in Gripping

and 1.4V in pressing. These were taken at the first trial. No further trials were conducted due to

some wiring problems and broken crystals of the 12mm piezo.

Table 2

Voltage Outputs for 15 mm Piezo ( 1 piece for each finger)

Movement Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Average

Gripping 4.00 v 1.60 v 1.70 v 2.00 v 1.60 v 2.18 v

Pressing 3.20 v 0.70 v 3.00 v 1.40 v 1.70 v 2.00 v

Typing 0.40 v 0.70 v 0.50 v 0.40 v 0.60 v 0.52 v

The second glove was made with bigger sized piezo plates. All 5 trials were successfully

conducted on all three movements.

Figure 3.2

Representation of voltage outputs by 15 mm Piezo with 1 pc each finger for comparison


Note: The graph shows the difference of the output voltage of 15 mm piezo due to the type of

loading applied to the gloves. As shown in the line graph, values indicated in the y-axis and the

x-axis are the amount of voltage and the number of trials conducted respectively, which is

represented in colors as shown below the line graph. There are three variables measured on the

graph: blue line for gripping, orange line for pressing and the gray line for typing. The graph

shows that the output voltages of each type of movement changes on every trial, and the blue line

gives off the biggest voltage output. Among the five trials, the highest reach was 4V for


Table 3

Voltage Outputs for 15 mm Piezo ( 2 pieces for each finger)

Movement Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Average

Gripping 3.02 v 3.50 v 2.68 v 2.50 v 1.30 v 2.6 v

Pressing 6.76 v 7.02 v 4.90 v 5.67 v 6.80 v 6.23 v

Typing 0.50 v 0.45 v 0.60 v 0.36 v 0.50 v 0.48 v


The researchers proceeded with a third glove wherein all 5 trials were conducted for all

three movements. The table above shows the voltages produced.

Figure 3.3

Representation of voltage outputs by 15 mm Piezo with 2 pieces each finger for comparison

Note:The graph shows the difference of the output voltage of 15mm piezo (2pcs./ finger) due to

the type of movement applied to the gloves. As shown in the line graph, values indicated in the

y-axis and the x-axis are the amount of voltage and the number of trials conducted respectively,

which is represented in colors as shown below the line graph: blue line for gripping, orange line

for pressing, and the gray line for typing. Based on the graph, the orange line reached 7V at max

for the second trial, the highest recorded voltage output with pressing as a type of movement

applied to the gloves.


Comparison between Voltage output due to Type of Movement

Figure 3.4

Comparison of output voltage in Gripping

Note: The graph above shows the comparison of voltage output due to the size and amount of

piezo being used under the gripping type of movement applied to the gloves. Three variables

were measured: the voltage output of 12mm, 15mm (1pc), and 15mm (2pcs). The variables are

represented by lines of different colors. Blue for 12mm, orange for 15mm (1pc), and gray for 15

mm (2pcs). Based on the graph, the gray line 15mm (2pcs) piezo gives the highest voltage

output of 3.5 V at maximum in the second trial. Among the rest of the piezo, 15mm (2pcs) gives

the biggest amount of voltage when gripping is applied to the gloves.


Figure 3.5

Comparison of output voltage in Pressing

Note: The graph above shows the comparison of voltage output due to the size and amount of

piezo being used under the pressing type of movement applied to the gloves. Three variables

were measured: the voltage output of 12mm, 15mm (1pc), and 15mm (2pcs). The variables are

represented as follows: blue line for 12mm, orange line for 15mm (1pc), and gray line for 15 mm

(2pcs). Based on the graph, the gray line 15mm (2pcs) piezo gives the biggest number of voltage

output of 7V at maximum in the second trial. Among the rest of the piezo, 15mm (2pcs) gives

the biggest amount of voltage when pressing is applied to the gloves.


Figure 3.6

Comparison of output voltage in Typing

Note: The graph above shows the comparison of voltage output due to the size and amount of

piezo being used under the typing type of movement applied to the gloves. Three variables were

measured: the voltage output of 12mm, 15mm (1pc), and 15mm (2pc). The variables are

represented as follows: blue line for 12mm, orange line for 15mm (1pc), and gray line for 15 mm

(2pc). Based on the graph, the orange line 15mm (1pc) piezo gives the biggest number of voltage

output of 0.7V at maximum in the second trial. Among the rest of the piezo, 15mm (1pc) gives

the biggest amount of voltage when pressing is applied to the gloves.



Analysis of Data

Table 1 shows the voltage successfully produced and recorded on the first glove made. It

was found out that albeit the piezo plates being sensitive to the detection of mechanical stress,

the energy produced from them was too little. The researchers then focused on generating higher

voltage through hard gripping and hard pressing. By the time the first trial was conducted for the

said actions, both the plates and the wirings broke. The voltage produced was measured through

a multimeter.

The researchers proceeded to make the same glove but with bigger sized piezo plates

(Table 2). The desired number of trials were conducted as to which the average was taken

through the use of the Mean formula. This time, the glove was able to withstand the pressure

exerted on it all throughout the trials conducted. This is because it did not need the same amount

of stress to produce the voltage attained as much as the first glove with 12 mm piezo plates did.

Still, the researchers found an insufficiency of voltage given by the gloves with 15 mm

piezo plates and decided to experiment further (Table 3). Instead of 5 piezos present in the glove,

they decided to double the amount to 2 piezo per finger. After experimentation and trials, they

found that the glove with 10 piezo gives out a greater number of voltage, which means the more

piezo plates present in the gloves, the bigger the number of voltage it will produce. Still, the

generated energy varies on the type of movement done. The more pressure you apply to the piezo

the bigger the voltage it will give.

However, upon observation of the voltage produced per glove made, it can be seen that

despite some having only one piezo plate per finger, there is still the possibility of it producing

more voltage in comparison to the glove that has double the amount of piezos (refer to Figures

3.4, 3.5 and 3.6). This is because of the foundation of piezoelectricity itself of electrical energy’s

dependence on mechanical stress. In simpler terms, more pressure means higher voltage. But it is

important to note that the bigger the size of the piezo material used, the lesser amount of pressure

you need to exert in order for it to generate the same amount of electricity to that of smaller

piezo materials.

Summary and Conclusion

With the conclusion of the experiment done, it was determined that having repeated trials

using three different hand movements (gripping, pressing, typing) the Piezoelectric-Powered

Gloves was capable of achieving significant results. Inspite of such results, the researchers were

only able to power up one (LED Light) out of the three (+ Powerbank & Cellphone) devices

presented. Thus making the Piezoelectric-Powered Gloves fail to meet the expected results of the

sub-problems given by the Researchers. The efficiency of the Piezoelectric-Powered Gloves is

strongly affected by factors such as piezo plates, the wiring system, the type and amount of stress

exerted, and the consistency with which it is used.

Therefore the conclusion, the researchers have declared that the Piezoelectric-Powered

Gloves is indeed effective in converting mechanical energy to electrical energy. However, it was

only efficient enough to power up the LED light and was unable to charge up the powerbank and

the cellphone. Charging these devices would require improvements in our prototype for it to

work efficiently the way we expected it to perform.



Based on the findings and conclusions drawn from the study, the researchers present the

following recommendations and suggestions that can be expanded on through future studies:

a.) Exploration on the possible tension mode that would maximize the electrical output

of the piezo plates. Light taps are the least efficient way to generate electricity as far as

the researchers explored, meanwhile intent pushing was observed to have the most

output; the expansion of other methods is still needed to properly assess the maximum

electrical output for piezoelectricity on fingertips

b.) Experimentation on other types of piezo plates that are more appropriate and

efficient for generating electricity on fingertips. The plates used in this study were proven

to be fragile to the point that they can only be tested on once or twice before

malfunctioning. A sturdier and more efficient type of plate is to be explored if the study is

to be ever expanded on.


List of Figures

Figure 1. 1 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………………... 14

Figure 1. 2 Prototype Design…………………………………………………………………………………………. 16

Figure 2. 1 Piezoelectric Plates (12mm and 15mm)………………………………………………………………. 20

Figure 2. 2 Worker Gloves - Rubber Palm Coated………………………………………………………………… 21

Figure 2. 3 Copper Wire………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22

Figure 2. 4 Rectifier Diode (1 amp)…………………………………………………………………………………..23

Figure 2. 5 LED………………………………………………………………………………………………………...24

Figure 2.6 Cardboard…………………………………………………………………………………………………..25

Figure 2 7 Soldering Iron………………………………………………………………………………………………26

Figure 2.8 Solder Core Wire………………………………………………………………………………………….. 27

Figure 2.9 Electrical Tape…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28

Figure 3.1 Representation of voltage outputs by the 12 mm piezo………………………………………………..31

Figure 3.2 Voltage output by 15 mm Piezo with 1 pc each finger for comparison…………………………… 33

Figure 3.3 Voltage output by 15 mm Piezo with 2 pieces each finger for comparison……………………… 34

Figure 3.4 Comparison of output voltage in Gripping……………………………………………………………. 35

Figure 3.5 Comparison of output voltage in Pressing…………………………………………………………….. 36

Figure 3.6 Comparison of output voltage in Typing……………………………………………………………….. 37



Appendix A
Preparation of Materials

Figure 1. Piezoelectric Plates (12mm and 15mm)

Figure 2.Worker Gloves - Rubber Palm Coated


Figure 3. Copper Wire

Figure 4. Rectifier Diode (1 amp)


Figure 5. LED light

Figure 6.Cardboard

Figure 7. Soldering Iron

Figure 8. Solder Core Wire


Figure 9. Electrical tape


Appendix B

General Procedure

Figure 10. Step 1

Figure 11. Step 2


Figure 12. Step 3

Figure 13. Step 4

Figure 14. Step 5



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Several people played an important role in the accomplishment of this study. The

researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude towards the following people for their

assistance and support in making this research paper possible.

Firstly, the researchers would like to express their gratitude to our Savior God for giving

them the strength and knowledge to be able to complete this research successfully.

To Mrs. Bernales and her daughter Ms. Shiera Bernales for making the researchers stay in

their house and their boundless hospitality and care.

To the subject teacher Ms. Tarra Angela Garsula whose guidance, stimulating

suggestions and encouragement, helped the researchers in the fabrication process and in writing

this report.

And, lastly, the researchers wholeheartedly give their thanks to all the parents who gave

their full support.


Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Name: Prince Wilkens Ybanez Abordo

Date of Birth: December 22, 2003

Place of Birth: Dumaguete City

Address: Manjuyod, Negros Oriental

Parents: Vilma Abordo

Eldrid Abordo

Educational Attainment

Secondary: Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial - Dumaguete Science Highschool

Elementary: West City Elementary School


Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Name: Dominique S. Alojado

Date of Birth: April 6, 2003

Place of Birth: Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Address: Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Parents: Rolenda Alojado

Adrian Abordo

Educational Attainment

Secondary: Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial - Dumaguete Science Highschool

Elementary: ABC Learning Center


Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Name: Janica B. Badayos

Date of Birth: December 1, 2003

Place of Birth: Dumaguete City

Address: Talay, Dumaguete City

Parents: Jennefer Badayos

Roy Badayos

Educational Attainment

Secondary: Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial - Dumaguete Science High School

Elementary: West City Science Elementary School


Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Name: Shiera Mae Bernales

Date of Birth: May 12, 2004

Place of Birth: Dumaguete City

Address: Canlas Subdivision, Lower Bagacay, Dumaguete City

Parents: Ma. Nancy R. Bernales

Raffy Q. Bernales

Educational Attainment

Secondary: Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial - Dumaguete Science High School

Saint Paul University-Dumaguete

Elementary: Dumaguete Mission School


Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Name: Kharl Angelo Betchido

Date of Birth: September 8, 2003

Place of Birth: Imus, Cavite

Address: Brgy. Bong-ao, Valencia

Parents: Marcelina D. Betchido

Francis B. Betchido

Educational Attainment

Secondary: Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial - Dumaguete Science High School

Elementary: Cantil-e Elementary School

West City Elementary School
Batinguel Elementary School

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Name: Lauren Nicole E. Calderon

Date of Birth: April 4, 2003

Place of Birth: Quezon City, Metro Manila

Address: Ceriaco Espina Street Barangay Taclobo Dumaguete City

Parents: Sonia Jane S. Espina

Educational Attainment

Secondary: Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial - Dumaguete Science High School

Elementary: Little Village Educational Foundation Inc.


Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Name: Steffi Marie A. Estrellanes

Date of Birth: April 25, 2003

Place of Birth: Dumaguete City

Address: Aldea Homes Subdivision, Cangmating, Sibulan, Negros Oriental

Parents: Mae Stephanie A. Estrellanes

Mario P. Estrellanes

Educational Attainment

Secondary: Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial - Dumaguete Science High School

Sibulan Science High School

Elementary: Little Village Inc.

Silliman University Elementary School

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Name: Danah Elyka A. Simbajon

Date of Birth: January 12, 2004

Place of Birth: Pagadian, Zamboanga del Sur

Address: Corazon Country Homes, Tubtubon, Sibulan, Negros Oriental

Parents: Madeline A. Simbajon

Rene B. Simbajon

Educational Attainment

Secondary: Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial - Dumaguete Science High School

Negros Oriental High School

Elementary: West City Elementary School


Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Name: Nazyl Mae S. Baya

Date of Birth: May 21, 2003

Place of Birth: Pagadian City, Zamboanga Del Sur

Address: Palinpinon, Valencia, Negros Oriental

Parents: Mera S. Baya

Ignacio C. Baya

Educational Attainment

Secondary: Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial - Dumaguete Science High School

Silliman University

Elementary: Silliman University

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