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Posted by Quality Control 9 years ago 

13 [SR5] Positive/Negative Qualities

For my players (and my own sanity) I'm making a reference guide for the positive/negative
qualities for chargen. I got all the ones from the core book and Run Faster. Are there any
squirreled away in other books?

Edit : I think I got them all (of the books I have). let me know if I missed something glaring.

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· 9 yr. ago

Run & Gun and Street Grimoire both have a small number, which makes sense
considering they're core mechanic rulebook. I know Bullets and Bandages has a
couple and I suspect there are a few more around in some of the other smaller books.

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OP · 9 yr. ago
Quality Control


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· 9 yr. ago
Run and Gun, Street Grimoire, and Bullets and Bandages all have some
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OP · 9 yr. ago
Quality Control

Thanks! Are the ones in Bullet and Bandages worth me getting the book?

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· 9 yr. ago · edited 9 yr. ago

There are only a few qualities in the book so I wouldn't recommend getting it
just for them. The alternative damage and healing rules are pretty cool but not
for everyone.

If you are just looking for a quick reference on qualities I would suggest
checking out the Shadowrun Superbook. Thing is basically one big awesome
reference guide and I use it with my players all the time

I also just remembered that Sioux Nation and Assassin's Primer also have new
code of honor qualities

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OP · 9 yr. ago
Quality Control

Awesome, thanks. I'm almost done with my qualities doc so I might as well
finish it. :-p That being said I can upload it if it'd be of use to other

If I ever pick up those books I'll add them, I think.

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· 9 yr. ago

I would second that it's not worth getting it for just the qualities. If you want to
pick it up for completeness, go ahead, and there are a few cool things in there,
but it's hardly a necessary book.

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· 9 yr. ago

There are several in Run and Gun related to environmental issues (Earther, Blighted,
Radiation Sponge, Rad-Tolerant, Spacer), and even more in Street Grimoire (about 10
adept "way" qualities, and a pair in relation to summoning spirits: Spirit Champion and
Spirit Pariah)

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OP · 9 yr. ago
Quality Control

Thanks! I'm hesitating between making a separate "section" for the adept ways or
just leaving them out...

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· 9 yr. ago

Depends on whether you want to allow adepts to follow a way or not. I think
they're worth mentioning at the least, but definitely a separate section since
only adepts can take them.

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OP · 9 yr. ago
Quality Control

I think I'll mention them to the players wanting to make adepts more then
including it into the master list.

Also, regarding the ones in Run and Gun... shouldn't Combat Junkie be under
"Poor Self Control" like Combat Monster?

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· 9 yr. ago

Oh yeah, missed those qualities too.

No, Combat Monster is basically being a berserker. You're normal most of

the time, but when a brawl starts up and you're in the thick of it, you kind
of lose track of that part of you that says "Maybe you shouldn't pound
that guy's face in for the 15th time. Just saying." You'll keep fighting until
the fight dies down, then calm down and resume life as normal. If you
want to stop in the middle of a fight, it takes some serious willpower to
remember "Oh, I'm not supposed to be caving in skulls, this is just a
friendly bar fight. The bouncer looks like he's taking control now."

Combat Junkie however is impulse control issues. Whether you're super

paranoid or just gun crazy, your first instinct is to hit things when
presented with an obstacle. Where the Combat Monster could deal with
being interrogated in a KE exam room, a Combat Junkie would break
down in a couple of minutes and start a fight with the interrogator.
Likewise if someone in the group suggests, say, a stealth approach ("No
guns?" "No guns." "Not even a grenade?" "NO! No weapons at all, just...
Walk behind me, quietly."), and the plan fails, their first instinct (instead of
possibly talking their way out of the situation) is to bust heads. That's
even assuming their impulse control issues even allows someone to come
up with a stealth plan in the first place. Their restless nature might have
them clubbing the front gate guard while the rest of the team is focused
 ontrying to infiltrate the building without 
anyone  anything.
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OP · 9 yr. ago
Quality Control

Which is kind of my point. Shouldn't they both be under "Poor Self

Control". Different effects, but both linking back to poor impulse
control issues.

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· 9 yr. ago

I can see an argument for that, yes. But they function differently
where one draws you into combat and the other keeps you there,
so they're obviously separate traits. Since Poor Self Control lets you
take it multiple times, you could argue that this is just a 7 point
variant under that heading.

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· 9 yr. ago

Are they not listed in the superbook?

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OP · 9 yr. ago
Quality Control

I was 3/4 done when I was told about the superbook so I finished it anyways. Plus,
the superbook has the short version (1/2 lines) and I like having the examples

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· 9 yr. ago

Dope, thank you then! I'll add it to my growing file of GM helpers

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OP · 9 yr. ago
Quality Control

Glad to be of help! Let me know if you have improvement suggestions.

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· 9 yr. ago
Ghouls Solutions
If you want a list, superbook have most...
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OP · 9 yr. ago
Quality Control

I saw, thanks! :-) I think the only ones I didn't integrete are all the CoH from Run
Faster ; that are in the superbook list... seeing as they are about a whole chapter in
that book.

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· 9 yr. ago

I like the two qualities in Sail Away Sweet Sister (Educated and Inspired)

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OP · 9 yr. ago
Quality Control

Both were reprinted in Run Faster so they are in the document :-)

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