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Peer-graded Assignment: Systems Thinking

Submit by Sep 13, 11:59 PM PDT

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1. Instructions
2. My submission
3. Discussions

In module one, we explored how the systems thinking framework is a useful tool to analyze
the recruitment and selection process.

As stated in our lesson, systems thinking allows us to:

 understand the inter-relatedness of the recruitment and selection process with other
parts of the organization and environment
 analyze inputs, throughputs and outputs for efficiencies and effectiveness
 realize the importance to seek feedback from the internal and external environment


In this peer assignment you will apply the systems framework to your own organization. If
you do not currently work in an organization, you may a) use a past organization with which
you are familiar b) research an organization, or c) interview someone about the hiring
processes at their organization.

You should address the below "system components" in your answer to the assignment. Peer
reviewers will evaluate your answer to these components using a rubric, and will also assess
the overall quality of your writing.

Section 1. Inter-relatedness of organizational functions

a) Describe one element of the organization that is affected by recruitment and selection.
(For example, if you have a labor shortage you cannot satisfy customer demands).

b) Describe how an element of the organization affects recruitment and selection. (For
example, if you have a decrease of customer demand and sales, you may have to reduce
wages. This would likely make it harder to recruit employees.)

Section 2. Internal Factors

Address one of these internal factors in your organization. How does it affect recruitment and
selection? What is/are the

 Current workforce profile

 Sales numbers
 Future outlook
 Succession plans
 Turnover
 Engagement
 Budgets
 Productivity, quality, safety
 Production capabilities

Section 3. External Factors

Address one of these external factors in your organization. How does it affect recruitment
and selection?

 Labor Market– pay rates, unemployment

 Economy
 Competition
 Globalization
 Technology
 Industry
 Legislation
 Customer demands (seasonality, preferences)
 Location of organization
 Societal changes and demographics

Section 4. Inputs, Outputs and Throughputs

Name an input, throughput and output of the recruitment and selection process. Explain your


 Input= applicants
 Throughput= selection process
 Output= new hire

Section 5. Feedback

Feedback is a crucial component of systems theory. What sort of feedback do we need to

gain from the internal and external environment to ensure the success of our recruitment and
selection methods?

Furthermore, how will you measure the success of your recruitment and selection efforts?

Review criteria
Everyone enrolled in the course must review at least three other submissions to ensure
everyone receives a grade; however, many learners complete more than three reviews in
order to help their peers who are still waiting.

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