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UGC-Malviya mission Teacher Training Center (UGC-HRDC)

V V Nagar

Learners’ Diversity


Prof. (Dr.} Dipti J. Oza

Former Professor
Department of Education
Faculty of Education and Psychology
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Learners’ Diversity

➢ Who is our learner?

➢ What types of diversity?
➢ Individual difference
➢ Caste
➢ Languages
➢ Class
➢ Gender
➢ Disabilities
➢ Religion
➢ Region…etc..
➢ Why is it significant for a teacher to understand this?


➢ Diversity is our Identity

➢ It is an opportunity to be complementing
➢ It is a rich heritage

When every learner is welcomed and valued regardless of ability or disability or any diversity

A Journey towards Inclusive Education: Need of the day

Concept of Inclusive Education

Placement of children with Disability or any diversity in ordinary class rooms alongside their peers.
Meeting the needs of diversity in all aspect of child’s development
➢ Major focus on – Social Inclusion
▪ Physical inclusion and
▪ Cognitive Inclusion
➢ Needs change in general Educational Institution by Increase participation among children
having different culture, language etc. And also both disable and able.
➢ Restructuring the culture, policies and practices in educational institutions
➢ Classroom instruction need to address all vulnerable students who are marginalized and
➢ Evolving support system
➢ Flexible education system
➢ Advocacy of Inclusive Education Instead of Integration, inclusion be promoted
➢ Empowering member of society to sensitize the need and dismantle actual and potential
sources of exclusion
➢ Make Integral part of the general education


➢ Every child has fundamental right to Education

➢ Every child has unique characteristics, learning needs and interest
➢ Right to address the diverse needs of learner by Education
➢ Need to development for the positive attitude towards creating favourable climate by all
members of the society
➢ Acknowledges and respects the differences among all children as all can learn
➢ Providing equal opportunity to all children
➢ At present Inadequate educational opportunities for children with disabilities.

Role of Educational Institution in Inclusive Education

➢ Avoid traditionalism
➢ Develop Sensitivity to accept children with difference
➢ Avoid deficit model
➢ Develop pedagogy of Inclusion
➢ Adopt flexibility in teaching- learning methods and interaction with them Concept of team
teaching and cooperative learning
➢ Create context and meaning of learning for each child
➢ Adopt flexible and innovative methods of evaluation
➢ Teacher in Inclusive Classroom
➢ Create inclusive climate in and out the classroom
➢ unconditional positive attitude toward all students
➢ competences in teacher to deal and teach these students in general classroom
➢ the ability to solve the problem and assess the skills possessed by the students
➢ Ability to take advantage of children’s individual interest and motivation to develop needed
➢ Teacher in Inclusive Classroom
➢ Develop Ability of alternative assessment
➢ Ability to value all skills along with academic skills
➢ Be aware of rights of students for educational support
➢ Partnership with parents and colleagues
➢ Tolerance (Patience)


➢ Development of modules for pre and in service teacher training for inclusive practice
➢ Macro and micro level planning for implementing
➢ Take challenge as an opportunity and develop strategies to cope up
➢ Develop to fulfill the learning needs in formal and non-formal settings

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