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QUESTION BANK (environmental microbiology)

Differentiate the following 3 marks each

1 Niche/habitate
2 Synergism/symbiosis
3 Ectomycorrhizae/endomycorrhizae
4 Autechology/synecology
5 K-/r-strategist populations
6 Rhizosphere/ rhizoplane/rhizosheath
7 Nitrification/ denitrification
8 Assimilatory denitrification/disimilatory denirification
9 Amonification/nitrogen fixation
10 Desilication /clay eluviation
11 Septic tank/imhoff tank
12 Primary /Sec succession
13 Lotic/lentic habitats
14 Autotrophic / heterotrophic succession
15 Ecological pyramid of energy/numbers
16 Active and passive dispersal of fungal spores
17 Epilimnion and hypolimnion
18 Predation/Parasitism

1. What is the ecological significance of allelopathic substances? 2

2. What is the importance of soil texture? 3
3. Why eutrophication results in increase in BOD 3
4. Mention the names of two periodicals devoted to Ecology 2
5. What factors lead to the development of microbial ecology as a separate field. 3
6. What was the model organism used by Winogradsky to develop the concept of
chemoautotrophy. 1
7. Why is it necessary to lower down the BOD levels of effluent before discharging
it to the local water bodies.? 2
8. What causes stuck or sour digestor 2
9. Rotating biological discs are better that trickling filters- explain 3
10. How will u reduce the inorganic contents of waste waters 2
11. What properties make a compound biomagnifiable 2
12. Halocarbons are chemically and biologically stable compounds. Explain giving
examples 2
13. What is itai-itai dis? What is the causative agent? 2
14. How can u control excessive foaming in the rivers caused by non linear ABS
15. Why xenobiotic compounds prove to be recalcitrant?
16. What is the fate of DDT/propanil/phenylurea in the ecosystem?
17. what are coliforms. How can u detect fecal contamination of water samples
qualitatively and quantitatively 4
18. Describe the processes for solid waste treatment 6
19. Why is it necessary to measure COD values in addition to BOD 2
20. Differentiate combined and separate sewerage system. Which one is preferred.
21. compare the structures of any two biodegradable and non-biodegradable
pesticides 3
22. halocarbons are chemically and biologically stable comps. Explain with suitable
examples 3

Mention the contributions of the following in the field of microbial ecology

1 Sergie Winogradsky
2 Antony van Luewenhoek
3 Martinus Beijernick
4 CB van Neil
5 Colodny
6 Rossi
7 Gauze
8 Doberiener
9 Martin Alexander
10 Jensen

Write short notes

1. succession on detrital particle
2. ecological pyramid
3. foodchain and food web
4. fungal gardens
5. bacteria stimulating frost damage of the plants
6. PGPRs
7. Role of mos in digestion within rumen
8. composting
9. vermin composting
10. Dranco
11. activated sludge process
12. quantitation of BOD
13. primary sewage treatment
14. inverted pyramids
15. disinfection of water
16. siderophores
17. phosphorus cycle
18. sulfur cycle
19. corrosion of metal
20. wood rotting fungi
21. denitrification and ozone depletion
22. sanitary landfills
23. septic tanks
24. trickling filters
25. sewerage systems
26. bulking of sewage
27. under what circumstances is an anaerobic sewage treatment opted for
28. acid mine drainage
29. synthetic polymers
30. Biodeterioration of textiles
31. Ozone depletion

Q1. a. Define the following terms with suitable examples wherever applicable (any 7):
i. Niche
ii. Lotic habitat
iii. Thermocline
iv. Soil profile
v. Pleuston
vi. Actinorrhizal association
vii. Soilmicroflora
viii. Siderophore

b. Name any two symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria.

Q2. a. Discuss briefly the non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation and its ecological
significance. 3
b. Why is the rumen considered to be a continuous fermenter and what is the
significance of rumen microflora?
c. What is the importance of soil texture with respect to microbial populations?
d. Discuss the stratification of earth’s atmosphere and distribution of microflora in
different layers.

Q3. Differentiate among the following (any three):

i. Ectomycorrhizae and endomycorrhizae
ii. Septic tank and trickling filter
iii. Mutualism and synergism
iv. Oxidation pond and activated sludge process

Q4. Comment on the following (any three):

i. Composting
ii. Tertiary treatment of water
iii. Degradation of cellulose
iv. Phosphorus cycle

Q5. Write short notes on the following (any five) :

i. Climax community
ii. Symbiotic luminescent bacteria
iii. Amensalism
iv. Principles governing biodegradation
v. Sources and types of solid waste
vi. Chlorination of water

Q6. Briefly discuss the following (any three):

i. Stratification in lake on the basis of light
ii. Degradation of propanil
iii. Microbial succession in decomposing plant matter
iv. Food chain and Food web

Q1. Give any two examples of each of the following (any twelve) 1x12=12
i. Lignin degrading fungi
ii. Denitrifying bacteria
iii. H2S producing bacteria
iv. Oil degrading microbes
v. Worm used in vermicomposting
vi. Nematophagus fungi
vii. Free living nitrogen fixer
viii. Fungi associated with fungal gardens
ix. Osmophiles
x. Oligotrophs
xi. Bacteria associated with phylloplane
xii. Microbes associated with the rumen of ruminants
xiii. Cellulose degrading microbes
xiv. Sulphur oxiding bacteria
xv. Primary colonizers of degrading plant matter
Q2. Differentiate the following (any three) 4x3
i. Symbiosis and synergism
ii. Parasitism and predation
iii. Adaptations in thermopliles and psychrophiles
iv. Primary and secondary succession
v. Assimilatory and dissimilatory nitrogen metabolism

Q3. Write short notes on the following (any 3) 4x3

i. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation
ii. Biofertilizers
iii. Tertiary treatment of water
iv. Biocontrol agents
v. Activated sludge process

Q4. Define the following in one line (any 12) 1x12

i. Acetogenesis, ii. Biodegradation, iii. Biodeterioration, iv. BOD, v. Bioaugmentation,
vi. Dead sea, vii. Ammonification, viii. Hazardous waste, ix. Biostimulation, x.
Bioventing, xi. Oil zappers, xii. Skimmers, xiii Rhizosheath, xiv. Synecology, xv. Soil
profile, xvi. Succession

Q5. a. List the harmful effects of oil spills on the environment? 2

b. List the advantages of trickling filters over oxidation ponds? 3
c. Briefly describe DRANCO? 3
d. Briefly mention the contributions of any two of the following Scientists to the field
of microbial ecology - i. Winogradsky, ii. Dobereiner, iii. Kluyver 4

Time: 3 hours Maximum marks : 60

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper)
Attempt all the questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Comment on the following (any three) (4x3)

(a) Contributions of Beijerinck and CB Van Neil.
(b) Composting
(c) Tertiary treatments
(d) Biofertilizer
(e) Symbiotic nitrogen fixation
2. Define the following (any 6):
(a) Autogenic succession
(b) Thermocline
(c) Inverted Ecological Pyramids
(d) synecology
(e) cometabolism
(f) detrital particle
(g) PGPR (2x6)

3. Give a suitable examples for the following:

(a) Endomycorrhizal fungi
(b) Ectomycorrhizal fungi
(c) Bacteria forming leaf nodule
(d) Bacteria involved in frost damage
(e) Bacteria present in phylloplane
(f) Fungus found in fungal gardens
(g) Fungus cultivated by termites
(h) Mycobiont in lichens
(i) Sewage fungus
(j) Free-living nitrogen fixer
(k) Bacteria present on rhizoplane
(l) Rumen inhabiting protozoa (1x12)

4. Differentiate the following (any four)

(a) lentic and lotic habitat
(b) Active and passive dispersal of fungal spores
(c) Synergism and mutualism
(d) Epilimnion and hypolimnion
(e) Hadal region and littoral zone
(f) primary and secondary succession (3x4)

5. (a) Define hyperparasitism with suitable example? 2

(b) Define sewage strength, sludge age, scum and self purification capacity of water
bodies 4
(c) Discuss briefly the advantages and disadvantages of activated sludge process? 3
(d) Write a short note on bioluminescence

Q1. a. Define the following terms with suitable examples wherever applicable (any 7):
ix. Niche
x. Lotic habitat
xi. Thermocline
xii. Soil profile
xiii. Pleuston
xiv. Actinorrhizal association
xv. Soilmicroflora
xvi. Siderophore

b. Name any two symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria.


Q2. a. Discuss briefly the non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation and its ecological
significance. 3
b. Why is the rumen considered to be a continuous fermenter and what is the
significance of rumen microflora?
c. What is the importance of soil texture with respect to microbial populations?
d. Discuss the stratification of earth’s atmosphere and distribution of microflora in
different layers.

Q3. Differentiate among the following (any three):

v. Ectomycorrhizae and endomycorrhizae
vi. Septic tank and trickling filter
vii. Mutualism and synergism
viii. Oxidation pond and activated sludge process

Q4. Comment on the following (any three):

v. Composting
vi. Tertiary treatment of water
vii. Degradation of cellulose
viii. Phosphorus cycle

Q5. Write short notes on the following (any five) :

vii. Climax community
viii. Symbiotic luminescent bacteria
ix. Amensalism
x. Principles governing biodegradation
xi. Sources and types of solid waste
xii. Chlorination of water

Q6. Briefly discuss the following (any three):

v. Stratification in lake on the basis of light
vi. Degradation of propanil
vii. Microbial succession in decomposing plant matter
viii. Food chain and Food web

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