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Andy Compton


COM 100

Movie Analysis

I selected the mother as my character.

Topic 1

The mother repeatedly sets boundaries with Denny such as the scene where he says he is

going to mention her on the radio, and she tells him she does not give him permission to do so

very clearly. She sets boundaries like this with repeatedly like very directly asking him to leave

their property. Denny however repeatedly crosses these boundaries. I feel that she could improve

her communication mainly by following up with him about this disrespect and telling him that it

wasn’t acceptable to ignore her boundaries. If she recognizes when she is setting the boundary

that he isn’t perceiving her to be serious, she ought to try communicating her boundary a

different way that he might perceive better. Ultimately she ought to evaluate if her relationship

with Denny is worth him crossing her boundaries and/ or the amount of work it takes to convey

those boundaries, and if not, she ought to deal break with him and end their relationship.

Topic 2

I am selecting the kitchen scene where the mother got in the oldest daughter’s face about

wanting compassion from her was an example of maladaptive behavior. While her verbal

communication was reasonable, asking for the benefit of the doubt as she is going through a

rough situation, however her non-verbal communication like getting in her face and raising her
voice unnecessarily was maladaptive as she was taking her anger out on someone, particularly

someone who wasn’t a part of the problem. There are a few ways she could’ve handled this

situation better. Firstly, she could’ve taken a step away from the situation to cool down before

responding in a more constructive manner. She could’ve voiced her frustrations better by

explaining she wasn’t upset with her, and that her anger was misdirected. Lastly, when she sat

down with them to tell the daughters that the father left, she could’ve explained that she might be

volatile for a while and that might affect her communication (meta-communication).

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