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strategies for road

networks operations
Technical Committee B.2 – Road Network Operations

2012R26EN statements

The World Road Association (PIARC) is a nonprofit organisation established in 1909 to improve
international co-operation and to foster progress in the field of roads and road transport.

The study that is the subject of this report was defined in the PIARC Strategic Plan 2008 – 2011
approved by the Council of the World Road Association, whose members are representatives of
the member national governments. The members of the Technical Committee responsible for
this report were nominated by the member national governments for their special competences.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this publication are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of their parent organizations or

This report is available from the internet site of the World Road Association (PIARC)

Copyright by the World Road Association. All rights reserved.

World Road Association (PIARC)

La Grande Arche, Paroi nord, Niveau 2
92055 La Défense cedex, France

International Standard Book Number 978-2-84060-295-4

Cover: xxx


This report has been prepared by Technical Committee B.2 “Road Network Operations” of the
World Road Association (PIARC).

The contributors to the preparation of this report are:

Robert Arnold (USA),

Valerie Briggs (USA),
Robert Cone (UK),
Illaria Coppa (Italy),
Lise Filion (Canada - Québec),
Richard Harris (UK),
Fumihiko Kanazawa (Japan),
Phil Lawes (Australia),
John Miles (UK),
Susan Spencer with the support of Eric Nicholls (Canada).

The editors of this report are:

Robert Arnold, (USA), Susan Spencer (Canada), Robert Cone (UK), John Miles (UK) and
Martial Chevreuil (France) for the English version; Juan Othon Moreno Navarette and
Jorge Acha (Mexico) for the Spanish version; Martial Chevreuil for the French version.

The translation into Spanish of the original version was produced by Juan Othon Moreno
Navarette (Mexico).

Richard Harris (UK) was responsible within the Technical Committee for the quality control for
the production of this report.

The Technical Committee was chaired by Martial Chevreuil (France) and Richard Harris (UK),
Alexis Bacelar (France) and Juan Othon Moreno Navarette (Mexico) were respectively the
English, the French and Spanish-speaking secretaries.

The french version is available under the reference 2012R26FR; ISBN: 978-2-84060-294-6.


Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................7


1. some definitions…first..........................................................................................................12
1.1. Definition and classification of congested areas...........................................12
1.2. Definition/classification of road corridors
and corridor management............................................................................................13
1.2.1. Volume...................................................................................................................................14
1.2.2. Traffic Diversity....................................................................................................................14
1.2.3. Multimodal Corridors...........................................................................................................16
1.2.4. Subnational Boundaries........................................................................................................17
1.2.5. International Frontiers.........................................................................................................17
1.2.6. Urban and Rural Corridors..................................................................................................18

2. Identification of management strategies/tools/techniques

for congested areas and Road Corridors................................................................. 21
2.1. Reducing Non-Recurring Congestion.......................................................................22
2.1.1. Traffic Incident Management ...............................................................................................22
2.1.2. Planned Special Events Traffic Management ......................................................................22
2.1.3. Work Zone Management.......................................................................................................23
2.1.4. Real Time Traveller Information..........................................................................................24
2.2. Reducing Recurring Congestion.................................................................................25
2.2.1. Congestion Pricing...............................................................................................................26
2.2.2. Arterial Management & Traffic Signal Timing ....................................................................27
2.2.3. Physical Capacity Expansion ..............................................................................................29
2.2.4. Managed lanes/Maximizing Existing Capacity....................................................................29
2.2.5. Encouraging alternative modes............................................................................................31
2.2.6. Legal/Regulatory Measures..................................................................................................33
2.2.7. Institutional Integration and Coordination..........................................................................34

3. R esults of the survey, success stories, unsuccessful attempts............35

3.1. Strategy management......................................................................................................36
3.2. Traffic restrictions...........................................................................................................38
3.3. Travel behaviour change – incentives – HOV .......................................................39
3.4. Congestion pricing..............................................................................................................42
3.5. Corridor Management......................................................................................................48


4. Analysis of surveys outputs, identifications of key success factors......49

4.1. Clear Objectives...................................................................................................................50
4.2. Thorough Analysis / Good Planning..........................................................................51
4.3. Complementary Measures/Strategy Integration..............................................52
4.4. Transparency.........................................................................................................................54
4.5. Behavioural Change/Long Term..................................................................................55
4.6. Quick Win...................................................................................................................................56
4.7. Provision of Information................................................................................................57
4.8. Expandable/Flexible..........................................................................................................58
4.9. Lower Cost...............................................................................................................................58
4.10. Use of Existing Infrastructure.................................................................................59
4.11. Perceived Benefits.............................................................................................................60
4.12. Agency Cooperation.........................................................................................................61
4.13. Community Consultation...............................................................................................62
4.14. Public/Government Acceptance................................................................................62
4.15. Real Time/Automated.......................................................................................................63
4.16. Multi-modal..........................................................................................................................64
4.17. Choice........................................................................................................................................64

5. Lessons learned/Recommendations..............................................................................65
5.1. Reducing Non-Recurring Congestion.......................................................................65
5.2. Reducing Recurring Congestion.................................................................................66
5.3. Managing Road Corridors..............................................................................................68

PART B: Appropriate use of ITS for an integrated transport system.........68

1. PIARC-FISITA Joint Task Force for Co-operative Vehicle
Highway Systems..........................................................................................................................68
1.1. establishment of the joint task force....................................................................68
1.2. Main outputs of interviews............................................................................................70
1.2.1. Policy Issues.........................................................................................................................70
1.2.2. Standards..............................................................................................................................71
1.2.3. Business Case.......................................................................................................................71
1.2.4. The wireless connection – dedicated short range communication
or commercial cellular network?..........................................................................................72
1.2.5. Issues for countries in transition..........................................................................................73
1.2.6. Security.................................................................................................................................73
1.2.7. Privacy..................................................................................................................................73
1.2.8. Roads and Maps...................................................................................................................74
1.2.9. Conclusions...........................................................................................................................74

2. ITS handbook revision.............................................................................................................75

3. CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................................................78


4. RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................................................................79
4.1. Transport Policy..................................................................................................................79
4.2. Technical aspects................................................................................................................79
4.3. International organisations in relation with road......................................80

5. reference ........................................................................................................................................81

APPENDIX 1 – PIARC B.2 Road Network Operations........................................................82

APPENDIX 2 – PIARC-FISITA Joint Task Force......................................................................89

1. The work of the task force...............................................................................................89
2. Achievements.............................................................................................................................89
3. table of contents of the report “the Connected Vehicle”.............................90

Executive Summary

This report explores road network operations strategies to reduce congestion and/or
mitigating its effects, the use of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and
overall management of road corridors. It has been produced by the PIARC B.2
Technical Committee who studied the increasing use of technology by
governmental jurisdictions to deliver efficient, targeted services to road users in
terms of delivering information, and operating the network to make best use of the
available road space.

The Technical Committee gathered case studies and examined on-going efforts
around the World. Through this effort it identified the most significant causes for
congestion, strategies which are being deployed worldwide to combat it and more
efficient manage road corridors.

Management of Congested Areas and Road Corridors

Congestion is typically seen as an imbalance between supply (capacity) and

desired use (demand). There are several factors that impact both sides of the
equation and thus negatively impact the transport system’s performance. These

• inadequate base capacity (bottlenecks),

• recurring demand spikes (commuter traffic),
• work zones,
• incidents (breakdowns and crashes),
• special events/emergency needs,
• weather,
• poor signal coordination.

There are a variety of strategies which can tackle one or more of these factors, but
the best approach is to combine several into an integrated transport operations
approach. Case studies of effective implementations have used this concept and
include strategies such as:

Capacity based Demand based

• Road Weather Management • Congestion Pricing
• Work zone Management • Traveller Information
• Traffic Incident management • Special Event Management
• Traffic signal coordination and ramp meters • Freight Management
• Bottleneck reduction program • Modal choice enhancements
• Part-time shoulder use • Telework programs
• HOV/HOT lanes


Integral to these strategies is the use of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)

technologies and processes. ITS has emerged over the past 20 years as a set of
technology-based methods designed to deliver a better road transportation system.
ITS embraces a broad range of information technologies, satellite and
communications-based information, control and digital technologies. Collectively,
these offer new possibilities for solving what seem to be intractable problems of
congestion, traffic accidents, inefficient logistics, and the environmental impact
of surface transportation. Although technology-based, ITS methods are
policy-neutral and can be adapted to a range of needs. The overall function of ITS
is to improve decision making, often in real time, by transport network controllers,
individual drivers, travellers, vehicle fleet managers and other users, thereby
improving the operation of the entire transport system.

The uses of  ITS include: 1) helping to relieve congestion through traffic management
tools to ensure maximum efficiency of the road network and electronic payment,
access control and enforcement systems, 2) safety and environmental benefits
using air quality monitoring and management and safety systems such as adaptive
speed control, 3) making public transport more attractive: by giving priority to
public transport vehicles or providing real-time information at stops and stations
and electronic payment systems allowing passengers to save time.

In conclusion, reducing congestion has wide ranging benefits not only for the road
using public in terms of travel time reliability and safety but contributes
significantly to general economics of the jurisdiction, reduces the emission of
pollutants and greenhouse gases, and decreases energy consumption.

One recurring theme is the need to reach out to the public either to inform them as
to why a particular scheme or strategy was being considered or as drivers provide
them with the necessary road condition/performance information to allow them to
make better trip decisions. This element is essential in moving roadway
management and use from a “passive” activity to an active operations paradigm
which maximizes the efficiency and effectiveness of the infrastructure.

The road network operation cannot be considered today as a service limited to

road. Strategies for road network operation have to consider the overall mobility of
transports and goods and the various modes. Cooperation in the future will extend
to the vehicle itself: the driver will contribute more and more to the transport
system, thanks to real-time communication between vehicle and infrastructure.


The Road Network Operations Technical Committee’s (TC) work falls under
Strategic Theme B: Improving Provision of Services. This theme’s overarching
goal is to encourage the improvement of transportation services through enhanced
operation of the road system, integration with other transportation modes, good
governance, and a customer oriented approach.

As part of this, the Road Network Operations TC B.2 looks at strategies to reduce
congestion and/or mitigating its effects, the use of intelligent transportation
systems (ITS), and overall management of road corridors. It studied the increasing
use of technology by governmental jurisdictions to deliver efficient, targeted
services to road users in terms of delivering information and operating the network
to make best use of the available road space.

The multinational group gathered case studies, examined on-going efforts around the
world, and the development of references and tools. This was disseminated through
a seminar, compilation and indexing of the case studies, revising the World Road
Association ITS Handbook, and summarizing these findings in the following report.

Figure 1 – Congested Road Network, ISTANBUL.

Photo: R. Harris


Management of congested areas

The workgroup B.2.1 examined the understanding of and collected case studies of
successful (and unsuccessful) approaches to managing traffic flow on major urban
and interurban roads in congested areas (figure 1).

Appropriate use of ITS for an integrated transport system

The group B.2.2 was established to encourage the improvement of services resulting
from the introduction of more intelligent, connected vehicles and the relationship
between the next generation of these vehicles and an intelligent infrastructure.
Working with FISITA (The International Federation of Automotive Engineering
Societies) it developed the concept of a joint task force (JTF) to take this initiative
forward. It established a demand for guidance to advise road operators around the
world how to plan their investment to make the most of the opportunities for greater
safety and efficiency. It also identified a demand from the automotive industry to
understand the role of the road operator and the benefits of working more closely
with road operators.

In addition, the group was in charge of preparing the way for capitalization and
dissemination online of the work of this committee and the predecessors to the
current Committee. This is achieved by making available on line the PIARC
Intelligent Transport Systems Handbook, drawing on the technical committee
members’ experiences of ITS deployment from around the world.

The ITS handbook investigates how ITS investments for road network operations are
evaluated and identifies policy related performance indicators in order to evaluate
the success of ITS strategies of different countries. It identifies success factors for
ITS strategies and precautions to take against failure. Recommendations on how
road authorities should assess and evaluate ITS schemes are elaborated.

Management of road corridors

The group B.2.3 examined the various factors contributing to successful management
of different types of road corridors. Given that congestion in its various forms is the
primary challenge facing road corridor managers, many of the tools related to corridor
management are the same as those for management of congested areas. Members of
this group therefore decided to combine its analysis with the work of B.2.1.

The flowchart in the following page summarises the approach used by the B.2
technical committee and the main deliverables


B.2 Road Network Operations Workflow





1. some definitions…first

1.1. Definition and classification of congested areas

There is no unique definition of congestion. Generally, we understand congestion as

a situation where the demand for road space exceeds supply. OECD and European
Conference of Ministers of Transport explain in “Managing Urban Traffic
Congestion” [1] that there are two aspects of the phenomenon of congestion involved
in the difficulty to clarify the concept:

• a physical phenomenon related to how certain vehicles vying with each other to
move forward when the demand for limited road space is nearing capacity;
• a relative phenomenon on users’ expectations vis-à-vis the performance of the road

To understand the congestion, we must therefore keep in mind both phenomena and
consider point of view of the road network operation and the users.

The Federal Highway Administration describes and ranks the sources of congestion [2]
as following:

• Bottlenecks – points where the roadway narrows or where regular traffic demands
cause traffic to backup–are the largest source of congestion.
• Traffic incidents – crashes, stalled vehicles, debris on the road–cause about 1/4 of
congestion problems.
• Work zones – for new road building and maintenance activities like filling
potholes–are caused by necessary activities, but the amount of congestion caused
by these actions can be reduced by a variety of strategies.
• Bad weather cannot be controlled, but travellers can be notified of the potential for
increased congestion.
• Poor traffic signal timing – the faulty operation of traffic signals or green/red
lights where the time allocation for a road does not match the volume on that road–
are a source of congestion on major and minor streets.
• Special events cause “spikes” in traffic volumes and changes in traffic patterns.
These irregularities either cause delay on days, times or locations where there
usually is none, or add to regular congestion problems.

All these sources also interact. Other elements help to take the measure of congestion:
level of service, speed, travel time and delay. But, for travellers, the most important
criterion is the reliability of the highway system, particularly of the predicted travel


time. People can accept a longer travel time for a trip during the peak period, so long
as this predicted travel time is reliable.

Ultimately, both the OECD and the FHWA concluded that an operational definition
of congestion should refer to the nature of supply and demand on the roads and the
imbalance between the two. It should also incorporate an understanding of the
perception of the problem as seen from the user. Thus, one could say that congestion
is the gap or difference between the road network performance expected by users
and how the road network actually works.

By extension, one could say that the congested areas are parts of the road network
where this imbalance is found between the road network performance expected by
users and how the road network actually works.

1.2. Definition/classification of road corridors

and corridor management

Before discussing corridor management, it is necessary to better understand what is

meant by the term “road corridor”. PIARC defines “road traffic corridor” as:
“A set of essentially parallel roads connecting two points”.

For the purposes of this report, however, we will qualify this definition in several
ways. First, many
A road corridors,B particularly in rural areas, may only have a single
road for part or all of their length. B


Second, many corridors connect more than

two points. B E

Third, while corridors Atend to beA linear, some

B are not,
BE instead
C to connect
several points.


Given so many various possible configurations, a simple working definition of road

corridor might be “a road(s) of some importance connecting two or more points”.
Beyond this, it is difficult to generalize, given that each corridor has unique
characteristics and conditions.


More useful then, perhaps is to look at some of the different characteristics that
corridors could have, while noting that a single corridor can have multiple segments,
each with various characteristics. For instance, a single corridor might have some
stretches with higher volumes and others with lower volumes, pass through different
jurisdictions, and experience very different weather at various points, and so on.

1.2.1. Volume

The volume of traffic is one of the dominant factors affecting corridor management.
Other things being equal, higher population densities nearly always translate into
higher traffic volumes. Road corridors in urban areas will therefore almost always
have higher volumes than those in rural areas. Corridors can experience particular
management challenges in transition zones where vehicle volumes increase quickly.
Higher traffic volumes generally translate into larger numbers of incidents, though
not necessarily higher incident rates1.

1.2.2. Traffic Diversity

A major complicating factor for corridor management is traffic diversity. Road

corridors are nearly always mixed-use, but the degree of traffic diversity can vary
considerably from corridor segment to corridor segment. There is a wide variety of
possible users, including both motorized and non-motorized vehicles, pedestrians,
and even wildlife that travel along or across corridors.

Particularly in developing countries where regulation and enforcement is less

effective, the variety can be enormous, and the results chaotic for traffic flow. One
recent book [3] cites a Delhi traffic commissioner as saying that forty-eight modes
of transport use local highways, including auto-rickshaws, cabs, bicycles, oxen-drawn
carts, buses, pedestrians, not to mention occasional idling cows.

Corridor management which fails to take such diversity into account can be
problematic. The same book goes on to describe the perils of ignoring mixed traffic
conditions in developing countries, with highways built across villages without
provision for villagers to cross safely:

“And so what is meant to be a restricted-access highway becomes, unintentionally,

a small village road, with animals crossing, vendors selling fruit and newspapers on
the median strip, and bus passengers queuing up for buses that have stopped directly
on the carriageway. Openings are cut into guardrails, or the guardrails themselves
are stolen for scrap. In vain, localities do things like erect stop signs on high-speed
national highways, etc” [3].

 Note: given higher vehicle ownership rates and vehicle miles travelled, highly developed countries will have higher road

vehicle volumes at a given population density than less developed countries



On the other hand, in developed countries, the vast majority of traffic using most
road corridors tends to fall within a few categories: cars, light trucks, buses, delivery
trucks. While superficially demonstrating many differences (colour, style, capacity,
and so on), these vehicles share many fundamental commonalities, including the
ability to achieve minimum speeds, a basic level of driver training, meeting certain
regulations and safety benchmarks, and so on. Typically, pedestrians and bicyclists
are not heavy users of road corridors in most developed countries.

Even in developed countries, however, the amount of “atypical” traffic using a road
network can vary significantly, both between corridors and from one corridor
segment to another. For instance, urban road corridor segments tend to have much
higher proportion of cyclists and pedestrians interacting with motor vehicles. And in
many rural areas specialized vehicles such as slow moving farm equipment or
extra-long transport vehicles may mix with regular traffic. Wildlife also presents
challenges to corridor management in many rural areas.

Importantly, the particular mix of road corridor users also varies by location and
time of day. This too affects the choice and configuration of management tools.

Certain broad categories of traffic are common to most road corridors, each using
the corridor in a different way: commuter traffic, local and long-distance commercial
traffic, and through traffic. However, depending on which points a road corridor
segment connects, the mix of these categories differs enormously. For instance, a
corridor between suburbs and a downtown might be predominantly light vehicle and
bus traffic, whereas traffic terminating at a port would have a much higher percentage
of heavy goods vehicles.

Further, different types of traffic can move predominantly in certain directions and/
or at certain times. For example:

• commuter traffic mostly composed of light vehicles, peaks in the mornings (mostly
heading in one direction) and late afternoons (mostly in the opposite direction);
• traffic for periodic scheduled special events, such as football matches, can congest a
corridor, first in one direction, then in another, usually for several hours on weekends;
• in Canada’s Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor, much higher volumes of container
truck traffic arrive in Vancouver heading East than West;
• traffic originating at mines or other extractive industry sites (e.g. forestry) would
tend to travel through a corridor in one direction while full and in the other
direction empty.

The degree of traffic diversity is an important factor in road corridor management.

Theoretically, the more homogenous traffic is – i.e. a limited number of vehicle
types – the more standardized should be user speeds, spacing between vehicles, and


user behaviour. The more standardized the traffic, the easier it should be for corridor
managers to optimize traffic flow, infrastructure and services.

1.2.3. Multimodal Corridors

A further complication for road corridor management is the degree of interface with
1.2.3. Multimodal Corridors
other modes. The more points at which a road corridor intersects with other passenger
and freight modes, and
A further complication the corridor
for road variety of thoseis modes,
management the
the degree of morewith
interface challenging this task
other modes. The
more points at which a road corridor intersects with other passenger and freight modes, and the variety
of thoseTypically,
modes, the moreurban road this
challenging corridor segments
task becomes. will
Typically, have
urban road more, and busier,
corridor segments will such
have points
more, andthan
busier,rural road corridor
such transfer segments.
points than rural road corridor segments.




This is due to the need to accommodate flows of freight and passengers as they enter and exit a road
This corridor,
is due to
particularly if this occurs midway along a corridor instead of at a terminus. The process of
modes need to accommodate
a dedicated space with flows of equipment
specialized freight and passengers
in which as they enter
to occur efficiently.
and exit a road
Examples corridor,
include terminalsparticularly if thiscontainers
where cranes transfer occursbetween
midway shipsalong a corridor
and rail, park-and-rideinstead
of at stations where commuters transfer between their cars and transit, or airports where both cargo and
a terminus.
travellers The
arrive and process of changing modes requires a dedicated space with
specialized equipment in which to occur efficiently. Examples include terminals
Sometime the transfer points are located directly beside the road corridor, making integration easier.
where cranesoften
However, transfer containers
such transfer between
points must themselvesships and rail,
be connected park-and-ride
to the stations
main road corridor by other where
roads. To transfer
the influxtheir cars ofand
and outflux roadtransit,
traffic to or
andairports whereat both
from the corridor cargo and
such points
requires extra road facilities such as lanes, signals, junctions, and so on. Such entry and exit points
travellers arrive and depart.
easily become chokepoints during periods of high volume.

The integrative task is made more difficult when, as is usually the case, different authorities are
Sometime the transfer points are located directly beside the road corridor, making
responsible for managing the different modes. By cooperating and coordinating in such areas as
integration easier.
scheduling, However,
reservations, often
traveller such transfer
information, pointsstakeholders
and data sharing, must themselves be connected
can help ensure the
to themodal
roadcauses as littleby
corridor disruption
other to the corridor’s
roads. overall operations the
To accommodate as possible.
influx and outflux of
road 1.2.4.
traffic to and from
Subnational the corridor at such points requires extra road facilities such
as lanes, signals, junctions, and so on. Such entry and exit points easily become
Most road corridors traverse multiple subnational jurisdictional boundaries, be they municipal,
chokepoints during
regional, or periodsThese
provincial/state. of high volume.
boundaries pose more or less of a challenge to corridor
management, depending on the extent of pre-existing differences. Such differences take many forms,
and might pertain to:
The integrative task is made more difficult when, as is usually the case, different
authorities areThe
Regulations: responsible forallowed
kinds of vehicles managing
on certainthe different
routes, including modes. By cooperating
maximum lengths and weights and
can vary between provinces and states. For instance, some Australian states allow super long freight
trucks, whilein such
others areas as scheduling, reservations, traveller information, and
do not.
data sharing, stakeholders can help ensure the modal interface causes as little
Enforcement: The frequency and efficacy of enforcement efforts, as well as the severity of penalties
disruption to thecancorridor’s
for infractions contribute to overall
differencesoperations as possible.
in « driving cultures ».


1.2.4. Subnational Boundaries

Most road corridors traverse multiple subnational jurisdictional boundaries, be they

municipal, regional, or provincial/state. These boundaries pose more or less of a
challenge to corridor management, depending on the extent of pre-existing
differences. Such differences take many forms, and might pertain to:

• Regulations: The kinds of vehicles allowed on certain routes, including maximum

lengths and weights can vary between provinces and states. For instance, some
Australian states allow super long freight trucks, while others do not.
• Enforcement: The frequency and efficacy of enforcement efforts, as well as the
severity of penalties for infractions can contribute to differences in “driving cultures”.
• Infrastructure: The capacity, maintenance techniques, state of repair, level of
traveller information and network management, roadway configuration, and
building materials are just some of the many differences in infrastructure apparent
from place to place.
• Taxes and fees: A variety of financial incentives and disincentives impact the
relative cost of various modes and travel behaviours, thus contributing to different
traffic patterns between jurisdictions. Examples include road user fees, carbon and
fuel taxes, transit fees, and insurance rates.

The more jurisdictional boundaries through which a road corridor passes, the more
potential difficulties are likely to appear. This points towards one of the techniques
discussed in greater detail below, greater institutional coordination.

1.2.5. International Frontiers

Several corridors cross international boundaries. These can pose added complications
for road corridor management. Not only do they pose all the challenges of
jurisdictional coordination outlined above, frontiers often insert an actual physical
barrier in the form of a border crossing point, at which vehicles must stop for
identification and often inspection. International road corridors are thus subject to
recurrent congestion and conversely, can themselves contribute to such congestion
and added source of recurrent congestion, in many cases severe.

In addition to this added time cost imposed on those using the corridor, are a variety
of other transactional costs such as fees, licenses, taxes and duties, and meeting
different safety and security requirements. Where passengers and/or freight are forced
to switch vehicles, borders impose a particularly high cost on road corridor transport.

Perhaps the ultimate international difference as far as road travel is concerned is that
between countries with right-hand drive and left-hand drive systems. Fortunately
very few road corridors need to bridge this cultural divide.


1.2.6. Urban and Rural Corridors

Many of the above characteristics often group together in two broad categories of
corridor segment: urban and rural. Of course, a single road corridor can have both
urban and rural segments.

Perhaps the biggest difference is physical: urban corridor segments tend to be wider,
and are often characterized by divided highways with multiple lanes. By contrast,
rural corridors segments tend to be narrower, often two-lane highways with opposing
lanes used primarily by through traffic.

These different configurations are partly a response to different volumes, with urban
corridor segments tending to have higher traffic volumes and lower average speeds
than segments in rural areas. Road corridors in urban areas also tend to have a higher
diversity of traffic, and more interaction with other modes. Given this, the impact of
scheduled events and unplanned incidents tends to be more severe and to have wider
impacts throughout the system.

Fed by arterials and gateways, and subject much more to peak hours related to
commuting, the volume of traffic in an urban corridor segment may vary greatly over
a relatively short length. Though traffic volume through rural areas may also ebb and
flow, smaller volumes more homogenous traffic types translate into less variability.

Urban corridor segments tend to have more points of origin and destination and as a
result a much wider variety of route choices – a near infinite number of permutations –
that converge upon different sections of the corridor for a portion of their length. On
the other hand, a rural corridor most likely connects a limited number of points of
origin and destination, resulting in a much more limited range of route choices, and
thus a more predictable traffic situation.

Further, urban corridors are typically more multimodal than rural corridors, given
the wider modal diversity in many cities due to greater use of public transit systems
and intermodal freight facilities.

By virtue of passing through more densely populated areas, urban corridor segments
are often subject to the governance of numerous municipalities, a factor that can
inhibit incident and congestion management. The proximity to densely populated
centres suggests an availability of capital for investment. There will typically be
efficiencies to be gained from integration of systems and collaboration.

Rural corridor segments may pass through numerous broad counties, provinces, or
countries. Being that the corridor covers such a great distance, it will pass through a
number of jurisdictions, though, recognizing its purpose, it may yet be governed by


one authority. Maintenance, repair and incident detection are likely more challenging
in rural areas given the longer distances and remote locations involved. For the same
reason, responding to local incidents can take longer.

Given all the above differences, the most appropriate tools for managing urban road
corridor segments will often differ from those for rural corridors.

Taking into account these observations, there is clearly a convergence between,

managing urban corridors and congested areas.

Different International Perspectives

Corridors and gateways are viewed and defined differently across the globe.
Outlined below are some definitions of corridors and gateways used in
Europe, Canada, and the United States, plus some of the primary policy
considerations and areas of focus.

A 2005 World Bank high-level meeting on trade and transport facilitation in
Europe, defined corridors in the majority of European Union (EU) and
non-EU states as having both physical and functional dimensions and
consisting of links, nodes and gateways.

For example, infrastructure is a key component of a corridor and is evaluated

both on physical elements such as the capacity of links and on functional
elements such as the level of service provided. Another example is transport
services, which are assessed based on factors such as quality, timing, reliability
and flexibility. Corridors support economic growth and serve both passenger
and freight traffic. There are three also different types of corridors – domestic,
foreign and transit corridors – that are either single mode or multi-modal.

Gateways are multi-modal points of entry and exit for commodity and
passenger flows. Primary policy considerations and areas of focus include:

• corridors are vital to developing economic and trade relations with both EU
and non-EU partners;
• integration of corridors and gateways is important for trade and economic
• geopolitical issues impact the development and expansion of corridors;
• corridors are designed to ensure traffic safety, the security of goods, and
environmental protection;
policy planning to deal with traffic volume increases and to facilitate
cross-border movements is a priority; and


• managing operational issues in the corridor is important. For instance, the

EASYWAY program deals with mobility, safety and environmental issues
along Trans-European road networks. Such initiatives have implications for
ITS traffic management and long distance corridor management.

In Canada, a major policy initiative has been launched entitled the National Policy
Framework for Strategic Gateways and Trade Corridors. This defines a corridor
as a linear, multi-modal orientation of international passenger and freight flows
that connect gateways to major markets. A gateway is a multi-modal entry or exit
point through which goods and international passengers move to local and
regional markets. Primary policy considerations and areas of focus include:

• the corridor approach is essential to promoting trade and the global economy;
• integration is crucial: Integration of policy and physical infrastructure;
integration of various modes; and integration among all levels of government;
priorities include enhancing existing infrastructure, environmental
protection and safety/security; and
• partnerships among private and public sector actors are of high importance.

United States
The definition of a corridor used by the United States Department of
Transportation (USDOT) is based on a 2006 memorandum prepared by the
Department’s ITS Joint Program Office, titled Integrated Corridor
Management - Phase 1 Concept Development and Foundational Research. It
defines a corridor as: a linear geographic area defined by existing and
forecasted travel patterns involving both people and goods.

Similar to the Canadian definition, a U.S. corridor is also multi-modal,

including various networks such as walkways, waterways, surface arterials
and transit routes. Further, a corridor includes cross-network connections
allowing individual networks to be readily accessible from each other.

A gateway, according to the Federal Highway Administration, is a nationally

or regionally significant transportation port of entry and exit for trade and
military mobilization. A gateway includes freight intermodal connections
that provide access to and from these gateways. Primary policy considerations
and areas of focus include:

• a strong focus on corridor management and integration/coordination;

• corridor management is important for advancing trade and economic growth; and
• efficiency is essential for costs savings, reducing the impact on the
environment and increasing security.


2. Identification of management strategies/tools/

techniques for congested areas and Road Corridors

Roadway congestion has a significant impact on a jurisdiction’s economic vitality,

environmental quality, energy consumption, and the public’s general wellbeing.
Although building new roadway capacity and access contributes to lessening
congestion; unrestricted reliance on this strategy is ultimately unsustainable,
impracticable, and financially inefficient. What is needed is an approach that
incorporates operational strategies which actively manage the system, schemes that
motivate and facilitate improved user decision making, incorporates alternative
transportation modes, provides for physical capacity expansion only where critically
needed, and maximizes the use of existing infrastructure. Throughout the world many
countries have come to realize this approach in combination with new technologies
and capabilities can provide cost effective solutions to the growing congestion problem.
Although much is still in the pilot or experimental stages, there are many examples of
best practices throughout the world which have matured to mainstream use.

The importance to a nation’s economy of an efficient and comprehensive

transportation system cannot be overstated. History has demonstrated this time and
time again; even the early economist Adam Smith (1723 – 1790) voiced this in the
opening of his treatise “The Wealth of Nations” [4]. It states that “... the greatest
improvement in the productive powers of labor, and the greater part of the skill,
dexterity, and judgment with which it is anywhere directed, or applied, seem to have
been the effects of the division of labor”. He goes on to further explain that it is
efficient and effective transportation that supports this division of labor through the
movement of materials, commodities, subassemblies, labor sources, final product to
market, and consumers.

However, providing an extensive transportation network has ramifications which

must be taken into consideration in order maximize the system’s effectiveness. These
impacts are but are not limited to poor land use planning, high energy consumption,
emissions, noise, safety, and user demand out stripping supply. It is this last concern
which the management of congested areas is meant to tackle directly with the
secondary effect of improving the others.

Since congestion is one of the major problems facing road corridors, congestion
management tools can also be thought of as tools for road corridor management. The
discussion of congestion management and corridor management will therefore be
interwoven throughout this report.

Below are outlined many of the strategies used to tackle both recurring and
non-recurring congestion and manage road corridors. Summaries of selected case
studies demonstrate the real-world application of these strategies, (with further detail


contained in the report’s appendix). Note that while the case studies below are used
to illustrate particular corridor/congestion management techniques, most case
studies actually fall into multiple categories.

2.1. Reducing Non-Recurring Congestion

Non-recurring congestion management includes the development and deployment of

strategies designed to mitigate traffic congestion due to non-recurring causes, such
as crashes, disabled vehicles, work zones, adverse weather events, and planned or
unplanned special events. About half of congestion is caused by temporary
disruptions that take away part of the roadway from use.

2.1.1. Traffic Incident Management

Traffic Incident Management – TIM is a planned and coordinated process instituted by

multiple public agencies and private sector partners to quickly detect, provide the proper
response to, and remove traffic incidents or impediments. Strategies and processes are
put in place to identify the appropriate resources necessary to restore traffic capacity on
corridors and other roadways as safely and quickly as possible and provide roadway
users appropriate information for decision making or vehicle operation.

This strategy can stand alone but is also an essential element of other recurring
congestion reduction approaches.

Incident Management on the Attica Tollway is undertaken by “Attikes

Traffic & Incident Diadromes” the operator of the tollway under a concession contract
Management with with the Greek State. A patrol scheme has been implemented since

Service Patrols on the start of the project in 2001. Patrols intervene and manage incidents
the Attica Tollway under the supervision of the Traffic Management Centre. A total
in Athens Greece of 55 patrols are appointed & work in 3 shifts of approx. 13-14 patrols
during daytime and 10-11 patrols at night.

2.1.2. Planned Special Events Traffic Management

The impact on traffic flow of known events can be mitigated by using advanced
planning. This includes coordination to develop and deploy various operational
strategies, and establish traffic control plans/protocols/procedures/technologies
needed to control traffic and share real-time information with other stakeholders on
the day of the event. This can be as simple as providing pre-event information to
potential users to augmenting or establishing temporary mass transit service in the
affected corridor.


Traffic management in the Hannover Region plays an important role

during large events like CeBIT, EXPO or Football World Cup 2006.
Instead of large and extremely expensive infrastructure measures
for these special occasions, a large variety of management systems
and a multi-modal management centre guarantees an excellent
Traffic management

mobility for all users.

during large events:
One of the cornerstones of these systems is the tidal flow system on
the tidal flow system
the fair expressway, where every morning and evening the incoming
in Hannover
and outgoing traffic can use “double capacity” using also the
opposite lanes. In a semi-automatic system with over 1,000 dynamic
parts, hydraulic beacons, automatic barriers and video support
a 16 km long area can be switched within 20 minutes – and with
only 6 responsible persons acting in the centre and on the site.

2.1.3. Work Zone Management

A significant contributor to non-recurring congestion is the impact roadway work

zones have on traffic flow. The proper managing of traffic during a construction
period is necessary to minimize delays, maintain or improve user and worker safety,
the rapid completion of the roadwork itself, and maintaining access for businesses and
residents. Work zone traffic management strategies should be identified based on the
roadway’s current and expect capacity, user diversion/delay costs, physical constraints,
construction phasing/staging plan, and necessary safety concerns/mitigations.

Network control with VMS requires a precise knowledge of the present

traffic status. Especially temporary road works have a major impact on
the traffic flow due to the lane closures involved. It is therefore very
important for the Hessian Traffic Centre to have online data about the

exact position of temporary road works. That is what the DORA system
achieves by using GPS to pinpoint the warn sign trailers used to secure
of Maintenance
temporary road works. Their current location and further information
Works (DORA)
(e.g. direction of the arrow on the illuminated board) are transmitted
automatically to the Hessian Traffic Centre by mobile telephony. So the
road works data stored in the road works management system (BMS)
are then updated automatically.


2.1.4. Real Time Traveller Information

Collecting and disseminating roadway conditions to the user enabling them to make
rational decisions as to mode, route, “time of day”, etc. choices. By making the
driver better informed of predicted travel time (congestions), weather impacts on
roadway conditions, approaching hazards (crashes, work zones, etc.), or relevant
transportation emergency messages the user can make choices as to routing,
departure times, or mode. Collecting the system’s performance and proving a
standardized message to the user in real time can take many forms. Methods such as
using roadside dynamic message signs, low powered radio stations with localized
alerts, special telephone numbers, vehicle-infrastructure cooperative systems, and
transportation condition internet websites have been used. The spread of sophisticated
mobile communications devices and geographic positioning systems means that
traveller information is becoming more customized and timely for individuals.


In terms of reducing recurring congestion, providing road users timely and accurate
information can greatly improve the efficiency of existing capacity. Many “managed
lane” strategies such as speed harmonization rely on collecting roadway speed data,
analysing the level of service, implementing an operations strategy, and relaying the
new posted (legal or recommended) speed limit to the users in real time. Further
travel time information could be provided so users having multiple routing options
an opportunity to divert to uncongested routes.

There are many ways to provide this information to the user but the choice is driven
by the objective of its use. Dynamic message signs are best to provide lane operation
or pricing information (figure 2), while web based information or dedicated telephone
number systems (such as the USA’s 511 number) is best suited for providing trip
planning information.


Victorian TravelSmart involves developing and implementing travel

plans to encourage the use of more sustainable transport modes. Travel
plans can be used in a variety of settings from primary school to TAFE
campus, corporate workplace to community centre or precinct.
A travel plan involves identifying and implementing initiatives that

Travel behaviour
create opportunities for people to choose more sustainable ways of travel.
change program
It is a simple process that guides the development of locally-relevant
- Travel planning
actions to encourage the use of more sustainable transport options and
in workplaces
considers the way people currently travel and develops a strategic
approach to changing travel behaviour. The travel plan development
process grows and develops with time and in accordance with the
changing circumstances of the site and the environment.

TRIM travel 1) Use network best e.g. change time of travel or route, 2) provide
time, DK Web + information on travel times and delays on web (red, yellow, green codes)
radio - to better inform travellers of conditions

Scope: Increase truck parking capacity without increased land use.

Increase truck parking space utilisation. Reduce time needed to find
truck parking space. Measure truck parking space utilisation. Provide

information about free truck parking spaces on roadside dynamic

Intelligent Truck
information panels or in web-site-platforms. a) measurement of
occupancy for display only (here most efficient measurement technology
is of interest). b) combination of measurement, display and intelligent
truck parking (here most efficient truck processing and control system is
of interest).
Dynamic Route Guidance: Wide area road traffic data beyond the
prefectural bound is provided to car navigation systems by ITS Spots
(roadside equipment). Car navigation systems enable to select the fastest
ITS Spot
route considering provided data. Road traffic data will be also provided
to drivers by simplified map.

- Dynamic Route
Safety Driving Support: A service providing caution in emergencies,
using ITS Spots that provide road traffic information in normal
- Safety Driving
circumstances. The service can alert drivers by notifying them not only
of fallen obstacles ahead but also traffic jams beyond curves, in other
words, at blind spots on the road ahead, preventing them from being
startled, causing accidents.

2.2. Reducing Recurring Congestion

Recurring congestion management includes the use of traffic control and travel demand
management strategies designed to mitigate congestion on roadway facilities during
known peak travel periods. This is the type of congestion is where the transportation
demand (vehicles) exceeds the physical unmanaged capacity during a specific time of
day. In other words, recurring congestion occurs during peak travel periods because
the number of vehicles trying to use the system exceeds the passive carrying capacity.


Effectively managing demand during peak periods involves persuading users to make
their trip at a less congested time, using a different mode (mass transit), taking a less
congested route, changing/managing driver behaviour (speed harmonization), actively
managing existing infrastructure (part-time use of safety shoulders), or through a
means other than travel on the highway system (telecommuting).

2.2.1. Congestion Pricing

Managers of road corridors and other transport facilities can influence user behaviour
through various combinations of financial rewards and penalties.

Of these techniques, the most well-known is “congestion pricing” – sometimes called

“value pricing” is a way of harnessing the power of the market to reduce the waste
associated with traffic congestion (figure 3). Congestion pricing works by shifting
some less critical or more discretionary rush-hour highway travel to other
transportation modes or to off-peak periods, taking advantage of the fact that the
majority of rush-hour drivers on a typical urban highway are not commuters. By
removing a fraction (even as small as 5%) of the vehicles from a congested roadway,
pricing enables the system to flow much more efficiently, allowing more cars to move
through the same physical space. Similar variable charges have been successfully
utilized in other industries, for example, airline tickets, cell phone rates, and electricity
rates. There is a consensus among economists that congestion pricing represents the
single most viable and sustainable approach to reducing traffic congestion.


(Source Mailer Diablo Wikipedia GFDL / Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0)


The two major applications of congestion tolling/pricing are targeted or comprehensive;

these are differentiated by the geographic scope of their application.

Targeted pricing initiatives are a proven technique for charging users who travel on
selected roads or within a regional transportation network. This approach refers to
direct user fee mechanisms that are administered at the local, regional, or state levels
and that focus on pricing access to and/or distance travelled on individual facilities
or regional networks. Examples of targeted pricing include charging to use selected
highways, tunnels, or bridges; pricing access to designated congestion-free lanes;
and charging to enter cordoned areas prone to heavy congestion. Targeted pricing
rates can be fixed as a set rate for facility access or for specific distances, or they can
be variable, with pre-scheduled variable rates based on considerations such as time
of day/level of congestion, or dynamic rates that can change as often as every few
minutes to respond to real-time variations in demand and ensure free flow of traffic.
The latter is more technically difficult but most effective since rates can be set at
market levels and would be directly related to the performance of the facility at the
time of use.

Comprehensive pricing refers to the imposition of direct user fees that apply on all
roads and all driving in the form of distance-based pricing. These charges can be
either a flat fee (e.g. a fixed number of cents per km, regardless of where or when the
travel occurs) or a variable fee based on considerations such as time of travel/
congestion levels; or it can be a combination of flat and variable fees. As in targeted
pricing the variable scheme is more in line with applications to reduce congestion
due to its impact on driver behaviour to move out of the peak periods into the less
congested thus lower priced periods.

The project focus was primarily to address congestion in the Interstate 95

corridor. The project consisted of components commonly referred to as the
Miami Urban four “T’s”: tolling, transit, technology, and transportation demand
Partnership management (telecommuting, flextime, and employer-sponsored

Agreement ridesharing). The project involves replacing the existing High Occupancy
(UPA) Vehicle (HOV) lanes with “95 Express Lanes” which are based on the
High Occupancy Toll (HOT) concept, supported by transit and Travel
Demand Management enhancements.

2.2.2. Arterial Management & Traffic Signal Timing

An Arterial Management program is dedicated to actively improving the operation

of traffic signal systems and employing techniques to improve traffic flow and
reduce congestion on arterial networks. The timing and coordination of traffic
signals as part of an arterial facilities design can have a profound impact on the
efficiency of travel to and from work, school, shopping, and recreational activities.


Each signal has a impact on how safely and efficiently we share the space of
intersections as between users of the street network. Many major metropolitan areas
higher type roadway systems are currently functioning at or beyond the capacity for
which it was designed. As such many users are choosing to use arterial streets as an
alternative; this growing demand on arterial systems creates congestion on the local
streets that define cities and suburbs.


(Source: US DOT - FHWA)

Beyond the use of traditional timing plans is the deployment of adaptive signal
control technologies which coordinates part or all the network’s signals. This allows
for a continuous and equitable distribution of “green light time” for all traffic
movements, improves travel time reliability by progressively moving vehicles
through the signalized intersections, reduces congestion by creating smoother flow,
and prolongs the effectiveness of traffic signal timing patterns.

Variable speed limits have been tested at intersections in Denmark,

Denmark, Finland and Sweden

Finland and Sweden. Different types of technical equipment were

installed at the various test sites. Sensors in the roadway register the
number of vehicles, speed and the time at which they drive past.
Variable speed Movement detectors are used to register pedestrians. At some sites
limits at the road is also being monitored by video cameras. Data from this
intersections equipment is usually processed automatically. The speed limit
displayed can be changed based on pre-set limit values. Variable
message signs display the speed limit using white, luminous digits
and a red, luminous circle on a dark background. The investment cost
for this solution is typically 0.1-0.2 million Euro per intersection.


2.2.3. Physical Capacity Expansion

The use of performance outcomes in the planning process to best allocate resources
for physical capacity expansion needs provides for a more efficient and logical use of
limited funding. Through the combination of data collection and analysis of the
system’s performance, budgets and project selection can be better targeted to solve
congestion. An additional method of using small improvements to remove bottlenecks
to the traffic flow has proven successful. Bottleneck mitigation is a strategy to target
point-specific locations (e.g., ramps, lane squeezes, weave areas, abrupt changes in
highway alignments, etc.) or improve small corridors with delay, as opposed to larger
“mega-projects” or systemic congestion. These bottlenecks can be either recurring
(predictable, static) or non-recurring (random, dynamic) in cause.

The strong growth of the Rome City and Rome Fiumicino Airport
area from industrial point of view, tourism and service sectors and
the commercial air transport in general, will involve an expected
volume of 50 million passengers in 2020 and about 90 million in
long term period (2040) at the Rome Fiumicino-Airport, the sixth
Feasibility Study and airport in Europe. This area involves the so-called “Corridor 1”
Preliminary Design concerning the mobility on the axis Palermo - Berlin as defined by
of an Integrated the European Union.
Multi-Modal Transport In this context, it is necessary to ensure the growth and development

System for the of the airport for the future volumes of passengers a feasibility study
Improvement of the and preliminary design of an integrated multi-modal transport
Rome-Fiumicino system for the improvement of the Rome-Fiumicino airport
Airport Accessibility accessibility.
As a result, the main transport operators: ADR (air transport), RFI
(railway transport), ANAS (road transport) and ATAC (public
transport company) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding
to carry out the study and to define the preliminary design of the
multi-modal transport system.

2.2.4. Managed lanes/Maximizing Existing Capacity

These are roadways (entire or specific lanes) where operational strategies are
proactively implemented and managed in response to changing conditions providing
additional capacity through the more efficient use of existing capacity or roadway
footprint. Due to the cost to construct additional lanes, right-of-way constraints,
environmental concerns, and societal impacts in many cases there is limited ability
to expand roadways. Whereas expanding physical capacity involves the building
new lanes, bridges and other hard infrastructure, maximizing existing capacity
relies on better use of the infrastructure that is already in place. For instance, the
following case studies from Australia, France, Germany and the United States (US)
involved re-allocating exiting road space, rather than building new lanes.


Through a combination of limited capacity expansion coupled with operational

strategies which manage travel demand and improve transit a higher level of service
can be achieved at a lower cost than traditional capacity expansion projects. The
distinction between managed lanes and other traditional forms of road lane
management is the operating philosophy of “active traffic management”. Under this
concept the roadway is proactively managed in terms of demand and available
capacity. The operator defines from the outset the objectives for the managed lanes
and the kinds of actions that will be taken based on performance thresholds. As such
the operator must 1) understand the roadways operating characteristics, 2) be capable
of monitoring performance, 3) analyze and implement the appropriate actions to
achieve the desired outcome, and 4) communicate to the user such things as lane
closures, speed limits, the availability of a safety shoulder for through travel, or in
the case of a priced roadway the current cost to use the facility.

Eastern Freeway is a major east-west arterial road in the east of

Melbourne. The HOV lane (a T22 Transit lane) on the Eastern Freeway
has been in operation for over fifteen years. The T2 lane extends over
six kilometres from Burke Road to Alexandra Parade and operates in
the inbound direction during the morning peak, between the hours of
High Occupancy

7:00 am and 9:30 am.

Vehicle (HOV)
The T2 lane was created through the re-allocation of an existing
Lane on the
general purpose traffic lane and occupies the lane closest to the centre
Eastern Freeway
median. It is identified by signage and road markings and can be used
by vehicles with two or more occupants, buses, taxis and motorcycles.
However, route buses travelling to the city in the morning peak do not
generally use the T2 lane as they are permitted to use the emergency
lane on the Eastern Freeway.
This project, which has been operating on an experimental basis since
September 2005, aims to implement a solution that optimises the
capacity of the existing infrastructure on the common trunk section of

Managed lanes
the A4 and A86 motorways. The solution consists of allowing traffic to
use an auxiliary lane to the right of the carriageway during periods of
high demand. This lane uses the hard shoulder and therefore remains
closed to traffic outside peak periods.


The use of the hard shoulder as an additional lane during peak hours is
an effective measure to increase the capacity of frequently congested
motorways. In the German State of Hessen, this measure is
successfully applied on sections with high traffic volume of the

motorways A3 and A5. The control facilities for temporary hard

Temporary Use Of
shoulder running are mostly combined with line control systems, which
Hard Shoulders
are used to display variable speed limits and road warnings by dynamic
traffic signs. The opening of the hard shoulder is controlled by the
Hessian Traffic Centre. Video cameras along the sections are used to
check whether the hard shoulder is free of broken-down vehicles,
objects or other obstacles.
The project focus was primarily to address congestion in the Interstate
95 corridor. The project consisted of components commonly referred to
as the four “T’s”: tolling, transit, technology, and transportation
Miami Urban
demand management (telecommuting, flextime, and

employer-sponsored ridesharing). The project involves replacing the
Agreement (UPA)
existing High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes with “95 Express
Lanes” which are based on the High Occupancy Toll (HOT) concept,
supported by transit and Travel Demand Management enhancements.

2.2.5. Encouraging alternative modes

Considerable reduction in congestion can be obtained through improved mass transit

services particularly if part of an integrated collection of strategies such as road pricing,
HOV facility development, and traveller information systems. By providing a viable
alternative to single occupant vehicle use and public outreach efforts to the benefits to
the individual and society the stigma of using public transport can be overcome.

Encouraging alternative modes aims to better distribute traffic volumes in order to

lessen pressure on roads facing capacity constraints and make better use under-used
alternative modes, such as public transit, rail freight, short-sea shipping, or active
transportation. Like congestion pricing, encouraging alternative modes is a form of
transport demand management (TDM)2.

 PIARC defines TDM as: “measures to influence the need for transport and to influence spatial or temporal traffic
distribution and modal choice”. Put more simply, TDM refers to the range of tools for reducing the frequency and
distance that people and goods need to travel at peak times. Generally, this entails encouraging travelers to leave their
cars at home. A wide variety of measures exist to do so, for instance promoting teleworking, smarter land use to make
communities more compact, and encouraging the use of alternative modes.


As the case studies below demonstrate, this can be accomplished in different ways,

• improving the quality, capacity, frequency or range of an alternative mode, for

instance (as some jurisdictions have done) by adding bus rapid transit service to a
• providing financial or other incentives to use alternative modes;
• providing more and better information to corridor users.

In a congested road corridor, successfully promoting modal shift requires that

alternative modes are well integrated with the road network, in order to allow
seamless transfer from mode to mode during the course of a single trip, and that
alternative modes serve the road corridor’s major points of origin and destination.

The Perth Parking Policy, Central Area Transit (CAT) and Free Transit Zone
(FTZ) initiatives are all part of an integrated approach to managing
urban congestion, access and mobility within Central Perth (Perth CBD
and surrounds).
Since 1999, the Perth Parking Policy and Perth Parking Management Act
have given the State Government the ability to influence central city parking
and hence urban congestion outcomes. The Act creates an area called the
Perth Parking Management Area (PPMA). Within this area there

Perth CBD is a requirement to licence all parking except private residential; and new
mobility developments must conform to the Policy or have an explicit exemption
and access granted by the Minister. Importantly the Act also requires that revenue raised
through the tax only be spent within the PPMA on matters that give effect
to the Policy.
To date, the revenue raised has been used to fund the free Central Area
Transit (CAT) bus system and the Perth Free Transit Zone (FTZ). These
initiatives collectively represent an example of a ‘virtuous policy and service
delivery cycle’ which has clearly contributed to lower traffic volumes on city
streets with lower levels of congestion than would have been the case without
their influence.


In case of specific traffic situations or incidents in the transport network an

immediate reaction with suitable measures is required. Therefore an action
plan of appropriate measures has to be developed to prevent or minimise
traffic congestion. This action plan with its situation-related bundle of
measures is referred to as a strategy. A strategy can be composed of

measures undertaken by different institutions. If the defined traffic situation

occurs, the strategy can be activated without time-consuming coordination.
Strategy management aims to coordinate strategies at a meta-level of
responsibility e.g. in conurbations or border areas. As a technical support of
strategy management the Hessian Traffic Centre has developed a tool called
Intermodal/Interregional Strategy Manager (ISM) whose job it is to support
and coordinate the evaluation, agreement and implementation of strategies
when the responsibilities of different operators overlap.

2.2.6. Legal/Regulatory Measures

This category of tools includes projects that are primarily rules-based to reduce
congestion, for instance the example below from Greece.

In 1982 the Ministry of Public Works applied the measure of

restriction in vehicle entries in the Athens city centre, based on their
Traffic restrictions
registration number. Vehicles with odd number would be allowed to
in the Athens city

enter on odd days and the same for vehicles with even numbers. This
centre based on
measure was expected to theoretically reduce traffic in the city centre
vehicle registration
by 40-50%. Almost 30 years after, the measure is still applied but it is
number (odd / even)
obsolete and criticized by everybody as one of the factors that
influenced the increase in car ownership in the Greater Athens Area.


2.2.7. Institutional Integration and Coordination

Work out Traffic Management Plans (TMPs) for rerouting/


shifting traffic between two parallel corridors (Tauern, Pyhrn)



across the Alps. This includes incident classification, trigger
thresholds, communication/coordination between AUT/SLO/
CRO, measures to be carried out in all countries
- (Offensive for
Region Typically, traffic in large conurbations is regulated by an
Mitteldeutschland expensive and complex traffic management centre. In smaller

to establish a cities, the implementation of a traffic management centre may not

strategic, be an appropriate solution. A new approach is the development of
intermodal traffic a decentralised network with the splitting of work and
management competencies on all actors in a community with equal rights and
network with responsibilities.
quality assurance
and efficiency
In the Long Distance Corridors (LDC) pilot project inter-regional
traffic management strategies are tested on the motorway
network. In case of serious traffic congestion, this enables
long-distance traffic to be diverted well away from the incident
section. The Strategy Management System designed by Hessian
Traffic Centre is deployed to enable the involved states to agree
upon specific strategies and activate recommended diversions of

Long Distance long distance traffic. A rapid reaction to traffic congestion can
Corridors (LDC) thereby be achieved, even if the responsibility to activate
strategies lies with different organisations. Strategies are jointly
planned and evaluated in advance for this purpose and activated
in dependence on the present traffic situation. The LDC pilot trial
initially took place in 2005 in the so-called West corridor
Frankfurt-Cologne together with the states of North
Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. Further corridors
followed shortly thereafter.


This is a merit-based $2.119 billion fund Canada used to support

transportation infrastructure and related policy, measures and
studies, in order to promote Canadian Gateways and Corridors,
efficient and secure border crossings, and economic
competitiveness. Running from 2007-2014, the fund applies to
urban, multi-modal, passenger, freight, cross-border, marine,
road, and rail transport. With federal contributions to a project
Gateways and

generally capped at 50%, the fund aims to leverage greater

Border Crossings
contribution from project proponents, including Provinces/
Fund (GBCF)
Municipalities, Federal Agencies, transportation authorities,
not-for-profit organizations (including academic institutions and
international bridge and tunnel authorities). Some of this fund’s
projects will see benefits evolve over time; others are “quick
wins”. While the fund’s core expected outcomes are efficiency
and productivity, there will also be safety, security, energy and
environment benefits.

This can also involve collecting data.

Transport Canada is developing performance measurement related to

reliability/fluidity/velocity of freight movements at Canada’s Gateways
and on major trade corridors. To do so, TC is partnering with port
authorities, trucking companies, air carriers and rail carriers. By
providing granular information on transport flows, the project aims to
determine variability and predictability in transport affecting logistics,

and to assist with policy decisions. The benefits in terms of
competitiveness will be achieved over time. The project also attempts
to measure fuel consumption for road vehicles. The main challenge has
been dealing with the massive amount of data, including data
collection from multiple stakeholders and data cleaning. The proof of
concept has been completed. Preliminary multi-modal results are
being analyzed and methodology is being adjusted where needed.

3. R esults of the survey, success stories,

unsuccessful attempts

The case studies collected exemplify a series of measures that several Countries have
put in place to reduce and manage congestion. This review highlights very interesting
aspects which should be considered in the identification and management of measures
to implement. A first issue concerns the interaction between different network
operators and operators of public transport especially in urban areas. The success of
many measures it is linked both to the simultaneous implementation and analysis of


data provided to the TMC and to a common action plan. The following paragraphs
describe some application examples and are extracted the considerations relating to
the ‘lessons learned’; that show strengths and weaknesses of various strategies.

3.1. Strategy management

This section briefly illustrates two case studies of Germany, whose interest lays in
the number of cases where it is essential a proper realization of cross competence
traffic management strategies concerning different modes or different organizations.

figure 5 – Interregional/intermodal strategy management synchronization

of cross-competence strategy activation (conceptual structure)
(Source: Hessian Road and Traffic Authority)


In case of specific traffic situations or incidents in the transport network an

immediate reaction with suitable measures is required. Therefore an action
plan of appropriate measures has to be developed to prevent or minimise
traffic congestion. This action plan with its situation-related bundle of
measures is referred to as a strategy. A strategy can be composed of measures
undertaken by different institutions. If the defined traffic situation occurs, the
strategy can be activated without time-consuming coordination. Strategy
management aims to coordinate strategies at a meta-level of responsibility e.g.
in conurbations or border areas. As a technical support of strategy management
the Hessian Traffic Centre has developed a tool called Intermodal/Interregional
Strategy Manager (ISM) whose job it is to support and coordinate the
evaluation, agreement and implementation of strategies when the
responsibilities of different operators overlap (figure 5).


The aim of the project was to improve the handling of traffic situations that
can’t be dealt with by one responsible institution. The technical and
organizational prerequisites to use intermodal traffic management strategies
were to be created.

Lessons learned
During the project the need of cross-competence strategies was confirmed.
Requirements in order to run cross-competence strategies in the future are:

1. improvement of basic conditions of the project partners (adequate staff,

available traffic data, technologies for data preparation and communication);
2. optimisation of the developed strategies (the pilot was too short in order to
get representative results);
3. development of new strategies also with other participants e.g. mobility
4. (semi-) automatic run of the process from detection of traffic situation to
activation of measures.

MOSAIQUE - (Offensive for Metropolitan Region Mitteldeutschland to

establish a strategic, intermodal traffic management network with
quality assurance and efficiency orientated)

Typically, traffic in large conurbations is regulated by an expensive and

complex traffic management centre. In smaller cities, the implementation of a
traffic management centre may not be an appropriate solution. A new approach
is the development of a decentralised network with the splitting of work and
competencies on all actors in a community with equal rights and responsibilities.

The main objectives of MOSAIQUE are:

• establish traffic management on the basis of an area-wide traffic flow
diagram, which provides the real time traffic scenario in high quality, to
enable the respective decision makers and operators to start the most
effective strategies;
• stimulate intermodal traffic through the advanced date exchange of
Intermodal Traffic Control Systems (ITCS) for city and rural areas. Within
MOSAIQUE already 5 different public transport companies participate in
this data network and further external companies are willing to enter this
established network;
• quality management in traffic and transport, to provide a solid basis for the
achieved improvements through the applied strategies. This enables the
optimization of traffic and transport and to maintain this high level over
time and with the ongoing changes in the user demand;


• efficiency improvement of the overall traffic and transport systems;

• mobility Services (easy.GO and pVID) to stimulate the usage of public
transport, by making the transport chain easier to access and more transparent
to understand through adequate assistant devices;
• improve the costumer orientation of public transport companies, by
improving passenger information systems and their access for the customer
and via the assurance of connection lines over different public transport

Lessons learned
1. The introduced ideas and approaches to building a traffic management
network based on mutual cooperation have a considerable potential to
solve the problems and tasks in medium sized areas and conurbations.
The bundling of resources, the exchange of know-how by the actors in
the network and the continuous feedback from road users considerably
improve the quality and quantity of traffic information.
2. By developing suitable concepts for the functional and technical
cooperation on all operating levels, the preconditions for an efficient,
flexible and high-quality traffic management are established. With the
establishment of all means of transport and user-overlapping strategies,
the lasting implementation of a traffic management in the region becomes
possible. Furthermore such a decentralised approach offers a less expensive
alternative to a typical traffic management centre.
3. Because of the preferential implementation of standardised interfaces,
this innovative approach in Central Germany shows new trends for
the implementation of traffic management systems with national and
international goals. Operation in the ongoing cooperation will investigate
the practicability of the introduced concept.

3.2. Traffic restrictions

An interesting case of traffic restrictions is the Greek one adopted in the city of
Athens and based on vehicle registration number controlled by the police.

As shown below, the case highlights that for identifying the measures to be
implemented, it is necessary to:

• update the measures following the evolution of technologies;

• monitor the development of urban distribution and accordingly adjust measures;
• adequately penalize non-compliance with rules.


The case study is also interesting because the effect of the restrictions adopted
concretely resulted in an increase in cars per capita that, as it may be an economic
advantage for the cars sellers, actually translates into an increase of mobility on
vehicles not environmentally sustainable.



In 1982, the Ministry of Public Works applied the measure of restriction in

vehicle entries in the Athens city centre, based on their registration number.
Vehicles with odd number would be allowed to enter on odd days and the same
for vehicles with even numbers. This measure was expected to theoretically
reduce traffic in the city centre by 40-50%. Almost 30 years after, the measure
is still applied but it is obsolete and criticized by everybody as one of the factors
that influenced the increase in car ownership in the Greater Athens Area.

To reduce car use in the Athens city centre. To reduce delays & emissions due
to congestion.

Lessons learned
Traffic restrictions in urban areas according to the registration number plate
could be effective provided that:

a. the area is controlled by CCTV & registration plate recognition software

at all gates,
b. violators are caught and pay high fines,
c. new vehicles are given plates with numbers chosen by the Ministry of
Transport and not by the public.

3.3. Travel behaviour change – incentives – HOV

The emphasis in transportation planning has recently changed from long-range,

high-Capital Investments to short-term, low-cost transportation system
improvements. The development of incentives for carpooling and using public
transport modes, particularly for the work trip, plays a major role in this resource
management process. Car sharing, high occupancy vehicle lanes and fares to promote
the use of public transport are measures that result in a change of users’ behaviour.

The change of habits, however, depends on many factors including:

• the involvement of users,

• information,
• the actual perception of economic benefits (tariff reductions),
• the actual perception of time savings.


A very interesting example of direct involvement of users in a specific behaviour

change program is offered by South Australia‘s component of the National Travel
Behaviour Change Program, TravelSmart Households in the West (THITW), that was
a large-scale sustainable travel behaviour change project in Adelaide‘s western suburbs.


From May 2005 to December 2006 the project made direct, personal contact
with over 22,101 households and engaged them with personalised conversations
about travel. The focus was on participants’ consideration of and most desirably
their commitment to try, options other than total reliance on cars for their personal
transport. The conversations were designed to encourage participants to identify
and solve a problem in getting around Adelaide and helped them to explore
options that had a clear personal benefit. These solutions included substituting
car trips with other options, using the car smarter and more efficiently, reducing
the distances travelled by car, and removing the need for some journeys.

Engaged households were offered tools, which were carefully selected to support
their decision making process, which included local activity guides, journey
planners and maps showing walking, cycling and public transport routes.

It was determined at the outset that to effectively promote sustainable travel
behaviour change the project needed to involve direct and personal contact
with a large proportion of the community.

Lessons learned
The project has had a positive effect in reducing both the average number of
trips per day and the average distance travelled daily by participants, while
there is evidence that non-participants actually increased their daily travel.
This reduction has included a significant reduction in car travel, which is by
far the most dominant mode of transport in the Adelaide region.

South Australia‘s Tackling Climate Change Strategy outlines the future

directions for the TravelSmart program which calls for an expansion of the
programs delivery capabilities. This behaviour change approach can be
expanded and applied, with contextual modifications to travel and transport
across metropolitan and regional centres. The approach also has the capacity
to be replicated in situations where human behaviour change is a desired
outcome e.g. reducing water or energy usage.

The case study also demonstrates the value of sound measurement and
evaluation, which in this case has indicated impressive congestion
environmental and economic outcomes.


Concerning incentives for increasing the use of public transport and to reduce
congestion during peak hours is very interesting the Early Bird ticket initiative tested
in Australia.


Early Bird provides free early morning travel for commuters on all metropolitan
train services when they arrive at their station before 7am on the Frankston
and Sydenham lines. A trial of the Early Bird initiative took place from
November 2007 to early 2008. During this period, passengers on these lines
only were provided with free train travel prior to 7am.

The success of the trial led to the full rollout on 31 March 2008.

In the past three years, the Melbourne train system has experienced patronage
growth of almost 40%. This has created significant pressure on the capacity
of the system in peak travel periods. Early Bird was designed to provide
commuters with more travel options and ease congestion on peak metropolitan
train services.

Lessons learned
The Early Bird initiative in Melbourne has demonstrated that there is a
proportion of the market willing to shift their time of travel to receive free
travel. The exact size of this market portion is currently being estimated.
Shifting only a small proportion of the peak traveller market can have a
significant and positive impact on peak capacity management. This can be an
effective short-term measure to mitigating peak hour urban and public
transport congestion, while for example, effecting medium-term infrastructure
and rolling stock solutions.

The case study is an example of the value of integrated supply and demand
side measures.

Even carpooling is a measure that involves a change of behaviour of the passenger.

The car pooling, not only reduces traffic and environmental impacts, but it translates
into savings for motorists in fuel costs and tolls. Those who choose to share the car
with other people are awarded the use of High Occupancy Vehicle, lanes usually
devoted only to public transport and drivers remain solitary bottled.



Eastern Freeway is a major east-west arterial road in the east of Melbourne.

The High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane (a T2 Transit lane) on the Eastern
Freeway has been in operation for over fifteen years. The T2 lane extends over
six kilometres from Burke Road to Alexandra Parade and operates in the inbound
direction during the morning peak, between the hours of 7:00 am and 9:30 am.

The T2 lane was created through the re-allocation of an existing general

purpose traffic lane and occupies the lane closest to the centre median. It is
identified by signage and road markings and can be used by vehicles with two
or more occupants, buses, taxis and motorcycles. However, route buses
travelling to the city in the morning peak do not generally use the T2 lane as
they are permitted to use the emergency lane on the Eastern Freeway.

To reduce congestion through increasing vehicle occupancy.

Lessons learned
The case study demonstrates the importance of enforcing compliance with
relevant interventions to deliver lower congestion levels. It also reinforces that
commuters must perceive a genuine benefit from congestion interventions
before they will fully embrace the measures. In the case of the Eastern
Freeway HOV lane, user safety concerns regarding access to the lane may
have initially limited its effectiveness.

3.4. Congestion pricing

Congestion pricing is undoubtedly an effective measure, especially in urban areas,

from many points of view, including the environmental positive effects and safety.
However, as indicated by some case studies below, the application or the attempt to
apply a congestion charge can present some barriers, due to:

• lack of political will to Implement the policy because of the difficulty of applying a
fee that covers existing infrastructures that users are not accustomed to pay,
• issues related to privacy associated with automated enforcement,
• lack of trust from the citizens about the intention to reinvest the revenues in the
improvement of transport.


These considerations suggest the need, during planning and in defining the fees to:

• make a careful and detailed cost-benefit analysis that takes into account all the
• directly involve the citizens probing habits, expectations and special requests
through questionnaires and interviews;
• offer reasonable public transport alternatives;
• use of an integrated approach to managing urban congestion.


The Stockholm Trial consisted of three parts: expanded public transport,

environmental charges/congestion tax and additional park-and-ride sites in
the city and in the rest of the county.

The congestion tax system was a free-flow road side system, using laser,
camera, transceiver and OBU to seamlessly detect and register passing vehicles
(figure 6, following page).

The primary objectives of the trials were to reduce congestion, increase
accessibility and improve the environment. The purpose of the (full-scale)
trials was to test whether the efficiency of the traffic system can be enhanced
by congestion charges.

Lessons learned
1. A system’s design is influenced by what it is primarily hoped to achieve.
It is very important to determine for instance whether the main goal is to
reduce congestion or to reduce the environmental burden from traffic.
2. For the implementation of the charges in any city, the goals for what
is hoped to be achieved in the short run and in the long run need to be
discussed and carefully formulated.
3. From the viewpoint of benefit to society the charges should be regarded
primarily as an instrument for overcoming congestion.
4. The relatively simple charge structure, with a charge circle, has not caused
any dramatic differences in goal fulfilments from one place to another.
However there is now knowledge available that can be used if a more
complex charge structure were to be preferred.
5. From a traffic viewpoint it would be desirable to be able to vary the charge
level during the year. Traffic in May-June is much higher than during the
winter, dropping to a very low level during the summer. This means that
the reduction in traffic required for good accessibility varies during the
year. With a variable charge level, this could be regulated. A goal level of
a 10-15% reduction in traffic flow is probably on the low side for attaining


good accessibility during certain hours in certain places. During May-June,

when traffic is at its maximum, greater traffic reductions are needed to
achieve really good accessibility. The charge levels have on the whole been
neither too high nor too low – or possibly on the high side – for achieving
the effects desired

A referendum on the implementation of congestion charges in the City of

Stockholm was held in conjunction with the general elections on the 17
September 2006.

Technical results
Traffic reduction 22% and reduction in queuing time up to 50%

Camera 1 Laser Antenna Camera 2

”Control Point”
Point and
” & Cost cost

figure 6 – roadside equipment at the control point



The proposal by Mayor Bloomberg, which was later modified by a State

Commission, involved a charge of $8.00 for autos to enter the Central Business
District of Manhattan south of 60th Street. An important aspect of Mayor
Bloomberg’s proposal was to dedicate net revenues from the congestion
pricing program to fund capital improvements to the Metropolitan
Transportation Authority’s transit system. A strong firewall was proposed in
state legislation to ensure that net revenues were protected from diversions to
other uses.

Mayor Bloomberg released PlaNYC on Earth Day in April 2007 (figure 7,
page 46). His plan included 127 initiatives designed to make New York City’s
air the cleanest of any major U.S. city, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
30% by 2030, and achieve a state of good repair for the city’s streets and mass
transit system, among other goals. The most attention was focused on the


Mayor’s proposal to charge an $8 daily fee to cars travelling in the Manhattan

core on weekdays between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Developed by a new Mayor’s
Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability, the plan was expanded to
encompass water, air, energy, and transportation. With an increasing national
focus on climate change in 2006, the plan was framed as a 25-year sustainability
plan to create a “greener, greater New York”.

Lessons learned
The proposal’s success in the City Council was bolstered by the combination
of a strong political champion (Mayor Bloomberg), significant congestion,
support by a coalition of diverse interest groups, and an appealing plan for use
of net revenues. A key factor was the USDOT funding incentive. Despite the
factors that helped move it forward, the proposal failed to gain approval in the
state’s legislature. While there was much done right in New York, factors that
could have contributed to its failure were:

Time pressures: The simplest explanation for the failure may be the tight time
schedule for securing UPA funding that was imposed by USDOT. This
funding regime is a United State Department of Transportation discretionary
program which selected and funded specific urban corridor projects for
purposes of reducing congestion, improving travel time reliability, and
enhancing overall operational performance through new and innovative

• The tight time frame did not allow time for targeted outreach to key elected
officials in order to explain to them the benefits of the proposal to their
constituents, and to make modifications to the proposal to address their
• Distribution of benefits: Elected officials from boroughs surrounding
Manhattan perceived that insufficient benefits would accrue to their
constituents, while their constituents would bear most of the cost burden;
• Lack of trust by suburban residents: Based on past experience, suburban
residents who were promised transit improvements doubted that those
improvements would actually be put in place; and
• Political factors not directly related to the pricing proposal.

The proposal from New York City demonstrated that bold and broad pricing
approaches can be spurred by collaboration among multiple local agencies
when the U.S. DOT uses an integrated funding approach involving different
modal administrations.




The Perth Parking Policy, Central Area Transit (CAT) and Free Transit Zone
(FTZ) initiatives are all part of an integrated approach to managing urban
congestion, access and mobility within Central Perth (Perth CBD and

Since 1999, the Perth Parking Policy and Perth Parking Management Act have
given the State Government the ability to influence Central City parking and
hence urban congestion outcomes. The Act creates an area called the Perth
Parking Management Area (PPMA). Within this area there is a requirement to
licence all parking except private residential; and new developments must
conform to the Policy or have an explicit exemption granted by the Minister.
Importantly the Act also requires that revenue raised through the tax only be
spent within the PPMA on matters that give effect to the Policy. To date, the
revenue raised has been used to fund the free Central Area Transit (CAT) bus
system and the Perth Free Transit Zone (FTZ).

These initiatives collectively represent an example of a ‘virtuous policy and

service delivery cycle’ which has clearly contributed to lower traffic volumes
on City streets with lower levels of congestion than would have been the case
without their influence.


From the early 1990’s there was increasing realisation that over reliance on
the private car for central Perth access and mobility was not viable in the
longer term as this would lead to unacceptable traffic and congestion. This
led to the creation of a set of interrelated legislative and policy measures, the
Perth Parking Policy and the Perth Parking Management Act, that support the
delivery of two free public transport initiatives, the Central Area Transit
(CAT) bus system and the Perth Free Transit Zone (FTZ).

The Act creates a power for the State Government to influence at the strategic
level the supply and management of public parking in a defined area of Central
Perth called the Perth Parking Management Area (PPMA), and to influence at
the specific site level the supply and management of parking in new office and
commercial buildings, via the application of the Perth Parking Policy, a land
use planning instrument.

The Act also creates licensing, taxing and compliance powers that ensure
conformity to the Policy and Act. The Act’s licensing and taxation powers have
created a revenue stream that in 2008/09 will raise approximately $10 million.
The Act requires that this money be expended within the area from which it is
raised to give effect to the Perth Parking Policy (e.g. FTZ and CAT).

Lessons learned
Perth’s experience demonstrates a key finding of the COAG Urban Congestion
Review, that implementing packages of complementary measures delivers
better congestion outcomes. Parking regulation is most successful when
introduced as part of a complementary package of measures, including
alternative travel modes (e.g. free public transport). This set of mutually
supporting and reinforcing measures has profoundly changed the way people
move around the Perth CBD and immediately adjacent areas.

The combination of the Perth Parking Management Act with the revenue
stream that is hypothecated to support the policy creates a powerful tool.
These initiatives have brought about genuine modal shift of short trips that
would otherwise have been made by car, less congestion and less demand for
parking provision in new developments. Dependence on the private car for
movement within Central Perth has been reduced and a “park once and use
public transport or walk” culture has been created.

The case study also highlights that public perceptions of congestion

interventions can determine a measure‘s effectiveness. The complementary
congestion measures instituted in the Perth CBD (i.e. free inner city public
transport funded by hypothecation of parking tax revenue) are highly visible,
easily accessible and of a high quality to encourage modal shift.


3.5. Corridor Management

It is equally important to define what is meant by “corridor management”. While

the PIARC dictionary does not include this exact term, it does define several related
terms that are useful to our discussion, selected examples of which are listed below:

• Corridor control: Controlling the traffic flow along a traffic corridor in order to
optimise the performance of the corridor according to certain criteria.
• Road management: Monitoring of the road and its environment (e.g. road
surface, snow and ice, wind, fog) and management of the necessary warnings and
maintenance activities in case of unfavourable or dangerous conditions.
• Comprehensive traffic management: The systematic approach to the management,
provision and engineering design of transport facilities in an area in order to allow
the safe and efficient overall movement of people and goods with proper regard to
the environment.
• Mobility management: The management of transport demand and traffic flows
(people, vehicles and goods) by information, education and motivation of transport
customers and by laws, taxation, enforcement, physical planning and traffic

Simply put, road corridor management aims to optimize the movement of vehicles
along a corridor. In other words, managers aim to boost vehicle speeds and volumes,
and reduce congestion, at the lowest reasonable cost.

As the case studies demonstrate, this can be best done by taking a holistic view of
the larger network, including other modes, in order to maximize the whole system,
rather than making piecemeal improvements to individual roads. In fact, the very
act of designating a collection of roads as “corridor” or “gateway” implies such a
holistic approach.

Effectively managing a corridor can have numerous benefits for economies,

businesses, communities and the environment. While the emphasis of corridor
managers will differ depending on the challenges and opportunities particular to
each corridor, all four of the interrelated objectives below are common to many

Specifically, the objectives of corridor management are to increase access to goods,

facilitate coordination between authorities, enhance quality of life, improve the flow
of traffic and reduce the impact on the environment from transportation activities:

• Advancing Economic Growth: A chief objective of corridor and gateway policy

in Canada, the US, Europe and elsewhere is to make trade efficient in order to
sustain and advance economic growth and competitiveness.


• Integration: Integrating policy, physical infrastructure, modes of transportation and

the work of key stakeholders such as government, private industry and academia is
a major objective of corridor and gateway policies. Integration promotes efficiency
which in turn produces cost savings, reliability and ultimately, economic prosperity.
• Safety and Security: The safety and security of the modes of transportation,
infrastructure, goods and people moving through and around gateways and
corridors is a key policy issue for Canada, the US and Europe. The protection of
citizens and continued economic prosperity are the main goals for ensuring the
safety and security of gateways and corridors.
• Environmental Protection: Reducing the harmful environmental consequences of
transportation activities, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, air pollution
and noise pollution, within corridors and gateways is a core policy priority.
Environmental protection has both economic advantages and broader social
advantages, such as the health of citizens and the preservation of nature for future
generations that nations are committed to.

In turn, the specific characteristics and objectives of a given corridor will often be
reflected by a particular focus on certain priority areas, such as improving the safety
of freight vehicles, speeding up border crossings, shortening commute times, and so
forth. Given this, the suite of management tools applicable and most appropriate will
be unique. The next section will examine these tools.

4. Analysis of surveys outputs, identifications

of key success factors

This chapter identifies the common characteristics of the collected case studies that
contributed to the success of the congestion mitigation strategy/measure implemented
in each case study. As will be demonstrated below, there is typically no one factor
which guarantees the success of a congestion mitigation measure, but rather a range
of factors that individually provide marginal benefits and collectively enhance the
potential for success. Recognition of these factors by road agencies and the adoption
of relevant aspects of these factors in the planning and delivery of congestion
strategies have the potential to increase the opportunity for the successful application
of those strategies chosen to be implemented.

Ultimately a congestion mitigation strategy/measure is successful if it achieves its

intended outcomes and is accepted (actively or passively) by the travelling public and
local communities. Identifying the most appropriate measure can be a complex
process for road agencies, as a solution in one location may not be the most appropriate
for another location. There is no one solution that can universally be adopted to
address urban congestion, and measures need to be targeted to the specific
circumstances of the location and issue being addressed. While the collection of case
studies provides a useful resource for road agencies in identifying potential measures,


whether any particular measure is potentially suited to a particular situation is however

up to each jurisdiction to consider, and is therefore not the focus of this chapter.

Some congestion strategies/measures identified through the case studies did not
succeed, and many measures involved aspects which could have been approached in
a more beneficial manner, or in a completely different way. These instances
nevertheless provide valuable learning opportunities for jurisdictions considering
the implementation of similar measures. This experience affords the opportunity of
pursuing an alternative approach to the implementation of any particular strategy/
measure in an endeavour to increase its potential for success.

The following sections describe the key factors contributing to the success of the
various case studies collected by the B.2 Technical Committee. Case study examples
are provided to assist in this description, and a summary of all the case studies and
their prevalent success factors is shown in Appendix 1. While some factors may be
mutually exclusive, these factors should be considered by road agencies and operators
as a means to increase the potential of success in reducing urban congestion,
depending upon their individual circumstances.

4.1. Clear Objectives

In order to assess whether a congestion mitigation measure was successful in

achieving its outcomes, there needs to be a clear and common understanding of the
intended objectives and outcomes sought prior to the selection and implementation
of any measure. A high level of clarity of the desired objectives increases both the
likelihood of matching the most appropriate congestion mitigation measure to the
problem being faced, as well as determining the success of the implementation of the
measure. Even if the most appropriate measure is identified, detail planning and
design phases of various elements can sometimes loose sight of the desired outcome,
potentially resulting in reduced performance of the improvements undertaken
relative to the original objectives.

Objectives should:

• be based upon an extensive understanding of the characteristics of the location

under consideration (e.g. traffic volumes, condition of the road asset, etc.), and the
nature and scale of the problem that needs to be addressed (e.g. the period of day
congestion occurs, whether particular vehicle types such as heavy vehicles have a
major influence, etc.). Data collection and analysis play a key role.
• be quantifiable where possible. This facilitates a quantifiable assessment of the
performance of the measure upon its implementation. Identifying performance
measures assists with this process.


• consider multiple aspects, including efficiency, productivity, safety, security,

environmental, economic, social, political, and other outcomes.
• consider short-term and long term aspects.

The Stockholm Trials is an example of the need to ensure that clear objectives are
established up front. This is particularly important in this example given the scale of
the initiative and its impact upon the community.

Stockholm Trials (Sweden)

“A system’s design is influenced by what it is primarily hoped to achieve. It is

very important to determine for instance whether the main goal is to reduce
congestion or to reduce the environmental burden from traffic.

For the implementation of the charges in any city, the goals for what is hoped
to be achieved in the short run and in the long run need to be discussed and
carefully formulated. From the viewpoint of benefit to society the charges
should be regarded primarily as an instrument for overcoming congestion.
The relatively simple charge structure, with a charge circle, has not caused
any dramatic differences in goal fulfilments from one place to another.
However there is now knowledge available that can be used if a more complex
charge structure were to be preferred.

From a traffic viewpoint it would be desirable to be able to vary the charge

level during the year. Traffic in May-June is much higher than during the
winter, dropping to a very low level during the summer. This means that the
reduction in traffic required for good accessibility varies during the year.
With a variable charge level, this could be regulated.

A goal level of a 10-15% reduction in traffic flow is probably on the low side
for attaining good accessibility during certain hours in certain places. During
May-June, when traffic is at its maximum, greater traffic reductions are
needed to achieve really good accessibility. The charge levels have on the
whole been neither too high nor too low – or possibly on the high side – for
achieving the effects desired.”

4.2. Thorough Analysis / Good Planning

Linked with having clear objectives are the need to ensure that decisions are based
upon factual information (i.e. informed decisions). The collection of appropriate data
and the analysis of this data (using relevant modelling tools, etc.) provides a solid
foundation for the exploration of various potential solutions to achieve the stated
objectives. In the absence of comprehensive data and analysis, subjective opinions
regarding the preferred approach to addressing congestion can influence decision


making processes. While ‘professional judgement’ based upon experience and

expertise does play an important role in planning processes, decisions based upon
effective data analysis increases the rigor of the process.

Non-recurring congestion events, and even recurring congestion, within cities can
often vary significantly from day to day, and year to year, depending upon the
circumstances at any given moment. Having a thorough understanding of the pattern
of various historical events enhances the ability to identify appropriate congestion
mitigation measures to suit the situation, or potentially prepare a range of strategies
to address future congestion events.

The Strategy Management case study in Germany is an example of a road authority,

in this case the Hessian traffic Centre, preparing a diverse range of interventions that
can be selected based upon the nature of the congestion event.

Strategy Management (Germany)

“In case of specific traffic situations or incidents in the transport network an

immediate reaction with suitable measures is required. Therefore an action
plan of appropriate measures has to be developed to prevent or minimise
traffic congestion. This action plan with its situation-related bundle of
measures is referred to as a strategy. A strategy can be composed of measures
undertaken by different institutions. If the defined traffic situation occurs, the
strategy can be activated without time-consuming coordination. Strategy
management aims to coordinate strategies at a meta-level of responsibility
e.g. in conurbations or border areas. As a technical support of strategy
management the Hessian Traffic Centre has developed a tool called
Intermodal/Interregional Strategy Manager (ISM) whose job it is to support
and coordinate the evaluation, agreement and implementation of strategies
when the responsibilities of different operators overlap.”

4.3. Complementary Measures/Strategy Integration

The extensive range of case studies collected by the Committee demonstrates the
diversity in approaches adopted by road agencies in addressing urban congestion in
accordance with their individual circumstances. Many case studies also identified
that a single congestion mitigation measure needed to be supported by complementary
measures to achieve the desired outcome. While one measure may be a success in
itself, beneficial outcomes can be compounded by integrating a range of measures
depending upon the situation. This is a key learning from this exercise, in that
recognising the diversity of measures to address congestion and adopting
complimentary set of measures and strategies increases the potential for a successful
outcome. One approach to applying a number of complementary measures to manage
road corridors and mitigate congestion is “Smart Corridor” strategies. Such


strategies use ITS to promote integration across transport modes in order to improve
corridor performance, reliability, safety and fuel use. Recent studies have found that
combining multiple strategies can produce a benefit-to-cost ratio as high as 25:1.

The Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor

This site is a network of transportation infrastructure including British

Columbia’s Lower Mainland (Vancouver) and Prince Rupert ports, their
principal road and rail connections stretching across western Canada and
south to the United States, key border crossings and major Canadian airports.

Transport Canada is in the process of applying the Smart Corridor concept to

this network, by taking a holistic approach to optimizing network efficiency,
safety, security, and sustainability. This involves working together with
stakeholders (including the province, cities, transportation agencies, the port,
the airport, universities and the private sector) to identify priorities and gaps,
coordinate plans, and integrate systems.

Benefits of this approach include:

• maximizing existing capacity and minimize the need for new infrastructure;
• reducing costs to governments, residents, environment and businesses; and
• helping users experience a more seamless and integrated transportation

The Smart Corridor approach is predicated on communication, coordination

and collaboration amongst the various transportation stakeholders in order to
ensure as much integration, interoperability and interconnection as possible.
The cornerstone of this approach will be a new regional Transportation
Management Centre that will bring together all agencies under one roof to
monitor traffic and transit conditions, with the aim of improving the flow of
goods and people. The Centre will serve as a central point for the collection of
a wide range of real-time transportation data and information. This will allow
network managers to:

• monitor and manage the network in real-time, including responding to

incidents, coordinating traffic signals, and diverting traffic flows;
• identify bottlenecks that require targeted efficiency improvements;
• understand system trends, constraints, imbalances, and travel patterns;
• improve traffic prediction and forecasting; and
• allocate resources.


Equally important, this information will then be disseminated to others, such as:

• truckers and terminals, to improve dispatching, reservations, and route

• commuters and tourists, to better plan trips and travel at optimum times;
• transit operators and emergency response officials, to optimize services; and
• researchers, to analyze historical data and evaluate system performance.

The Miami Urban Partnership Agreement is an example where a range of

complimentary strategies has been adopted to address congestion. The complimentary
measures in this example is also particularly beneficial from a community acceptance
given that the application of tolls along exiting roads can sometimes attract negative
feedback from a non-accepting driving community.

Miami Urban Partnership Agreement (USA)

“In December 2006, the Department issued a Federal Register Notice

soliciting cities to apply for Urban Partnership status by April 30, 2007, and
promising that the selected cities with the most aggressive congestion-relief
programs would receive priority consideration for available Federal
discretionary funds (approximately $1 billion) across ten programs. To
receive program funds, cities were also required to submit applications to the
appropriate program offices. The Department sought applicants to
aggressively use four complementary and synergistic strategies (referred to
as the “4Ts”) to relieve urban congestion: Tolling, Transit, Telecommuting,
and Technology.”

“The project involves replacing the existing High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)
lanes with ‘95 Express Lanes’ which are based on the High Occupancy Toll
(HOT) concept, supported by transit and Travel Demand Management

4.4. Transparency

A transparent approach in the delivery of urban congestion mitigation measures can be

an important element in achieving acceptance from the driving public. While some
measures can be complex and/or highly technical in nature, a clear understanding of
the purpose of the measure to be implemented and the intended outcomes provides a
greater understanding within the community regarding the implications of the measure.

Transparency is especially beneficial where aspects of the congestion strategy

incorporate disadvantages to segments of the community, such as various road user
charging strategies. These types of congestion mitigation measures can be unpopular


due to the obvious financial impost upon drivers. However, if the implementation of
such measures are conveyed to the public in the context of achieving broader
outcomes of a greater benefit to the community (e.g. reduced congestion, enhanced
vitality of a city centre, sustainability, etc.), and/or where any revenue received is
directly hypothecated to investment programs supporting the broader outcomes (e.g.
public transport), then greater acceptance can be achieved.

The proposed Congestion Pricing in the Central Business District of Manhattan,

New York City is an example where the Mayor of New York (in this case) endeavoured
to implement an initiative to reduce congestion within the CBD involving extensive
community debate. While ultimately not implemented due to the state legislature not
approving the project, the project involved the transparent element of dedicating net
revenues from the congestion pricing program to fund capital improvements to the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s transit system.

Congestion Pricing in the Central Business District of Manhattan,

New York City (USA)

Mayor Bloomberg released PlaNYC on Earth Day in April 2007. His plan
included 127 initiatives designed to make New York City’s air the cleanest of
any major U.S. city, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030, and
achieve a state of good repair for the city’s streets and mass transit system,
among other goals. The most attention was focused on the Mayor’s proposal
to charge an $8 daily fee to cars travelling in the Manhattan core on weekdays
between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Developed by a new Mayor’s Office of Long-Term
Planning and Sustainability, the plan was expanded to encompass water, air,
energy, and transportation. With an increasing national focus on climate
change in 2006, the plan was framed as a 25-year sustainability plan to create
a “greener, greater New York”.

4.5. Behavioural Change/Long Term

Influencing people’s habits and behaviour towards transport through appropriate

strategies/measures typically leads to very effective long term sustainability of the
outcomes achieved by the strategy. Drawing the analogy with project economic
analysis, long term benefits that significantly outweigh the initial and ongoing
investment needs produce high Benefit/Cost Ratios (i.e. highly effective ‘value for
money’ projects). Achieving sustainable benefits over a long period is a key aspect of
a successful project.

While there can be less certainty with achieving outcomes as a result of behavioural
change programs (due to a ‘resistance to change’ that can be encountered within
communities), influencing the characteristics of the travel demand ‘source’ can be
more effective that delivering improvements through infrastructure ‘solutions’.


Behavioural change programs can also often be of significantly lower cost compared
to infrastructure investment projects.

The Perth CBD Mobility and Access initiative is an example where an imposed tax
upon parking (except private residential) has resulted in a ‘park once and use public
transport or walk’ culture, thereby reducing congestion within the City Centre.

Perth CBD Mobility and Access (Australia)

“Perth’s experience demonstrates a key finding of the COAG Urban

Congestion Review, that implementing packages of complementary measures
delivers better congestion outcomes. Parking regulation is most successful
when introduced as part of a complementary package of measures, including
alternative travel modes (e.g. free public transport). This set of mutually
supporting and reinforcing measures has profoundly changed the way people
move around the Perth CBD and immediately adjacent areas.
The combination of the Perth Parking Management Act with the revenue
stream that is hypothecated to support the policy creates a powerful tool.
These initiatives have brought about genuine modal shift of short trips that
would otherwise have been made by car, less congestion and less demand for
parking provision in new developments. Dependence on the private car for
movement within Central Perth has been reduced and a “park once and use
public transport or walk” culture has been created.
The case study also highlights that public perceptions of congestion
interventions can determine a measure‘s effectiveness. The complementary
congestion measures instituted in the Perth CBD (i.e. free inner city public
transport funded by hypothecation of parking tax revenue) are highly visible,
easily accessible and of a high quality to encourage modal shift.”

4.6. Quick Win

Equally advantageous to a road authority is achieving an almost instantaneous

benefit from implementing a congestion mitigation measure. A ‘quick win’ can be
achieved in many forms, and such an outcome is particularly advantageous when
coupled with a low cost project that can also be delivered in a short period.

A ‘quick win’ contributes to the success of a measure due to the transport benefits of the
initiative being obvious to the driving public, and directly attributable to the intervention
by the road agency. Such outcomes are often well received in local political contexts.
Importantly, quick wins help build momentum and establishes the rationale to do more.

The dWiSta (Dynamic variable-message signs with integrated traffic reports)

initiative in Germany is an example where a low cost measure was installed in a
short time period, and achieved results instantaneously.


dWiSta (Germany)
“At a number of motorway interchanges in Hessen, dWiSta variable-message
signs are deployed to control traffic on motorways in dependence on the
particular situation. In case of congestion caused by road works, accidents
etc., the traffic can be diverted along alternative routes. The advantage of the
dWiSta system compared with other variable-message signs (VMS) is that
drivers can be better informed about the situation and the extent of congestion”.

4.7. Provision of Information

Information comes in multiple forms. Information relating to the operational

condition of the road network can, for example, provide drivers with the ability to
adjust their route, time, mode, etc. in order to minimise the risk of encountering road
congestion. As discussed in the Transparency section above, conveying information
relating to the objectives of congestion mitigation measures also increased the
likelihood of achieving a successful outcome.

Governments around the world can sometimes be protective of data and information
relating to the transport system. While security of information is often employed for
good reasons, the release of appropriate information associated with urban congestion
measures facilitates choice for drivers relating to the nature of their travel.

One example where the provision of information is a key component to the success
of a congestion mitigation measure is the TravelSmart project in South Australia.
Data detailed the characteristics of people’s regular travel patterns and information
regarding alternative travel choices has resulted in significant benefits without the
need to modify infrastructure.

TravelSmart (Australia)

“The project has had a positive effect in reducing both the average number of
trips per day and the average distance travelled daily by participants, while
there is evidence that non-participants actually increased their daily travel.
This reduction has included a significant reduction in car travel, which is by
far the most dominant mode of transport in the Adelaide region.

South Australia‘s Tackling Climate Change Strategy outlines the future

directions for the TravelSmart program which calls for an expansion of the
programs delivery capabilities. This behaviour change approach can be
expanded and applied, with contextual modifications to travel and transport
across metropolitan and regional centres. The approach also has the capacity
to be replicated in situations where human behaviour change is a desired
outcome e.g. reducing water or energy usage.


The case study also demonstrates the value of sound measurement and
evaluation, which in this case has indicated impressive congestion,
environmental and economic outcomes.”

4.8. Expandable/Flexible

The ability to build upon initial trails, relocate measures, or simply adjust the
approach to the day-to-day management of a congestion mitigation measure is a
significant advantage for road agencies. The ability for a measure to continually
evolve to enhance its outcomes or vary in accordance with changing conditions
contributes to the success of the measure.

Expandability is also relevant in the design of projects, and especially ITS projects,
where it is beneficial to ensure architecture platforms, hardware and software can be
expanded or integrated into accompanying/surrounding systems.

Traffic Management During Large Events in Hannover is an example where

individual elements of the broader measure need to be flexible to accommodate the
changing conditions.

Traffic Management During Large Events in Hannover (Germany)

“Traffic management in the Hannover Region plays an important role during

large events like CeBIT, EXPO or Football World Cup 2006. Instead of large
and extremely expensive infrastructure measures for these special occasions,
a large variety of management systems and a multi-modal management centre
guarantees an excellent mobility for all users.”

“The goal is to guarantee a fast and safe transportation to and from large
events or incidents. This system can principally be used for any case of large
one-directional traffic streams, at concerts, sport and social events, but also
for emergency reasons due to severs incidents, evacuation and similar”.

4.9. Lower Cost

Low cost projects do not guarantee a successful outcome. There is nevertheless an

obvious advantage for road agencies to implement low cost solutions. Low cost
solutions can often be relatively simple solutions, which can be easily replicated at a
fraction of the cost of traditional infrastructure modification projects, and can also
result on ‘quick wins’.

The 130,000 Euro installation of variable speed limits at an intersection on the E22
at Fogdarp (Sweden) is an example of a relatively simple, low cost solution addressing
a specific issue.


Variable Speed Limits at Intersection on E22 at Fogdarp (Sweden)

As a part of the national trials with variable speed limits (VSL), totally seven
intersections were equipped with VSL systems. The intersection at Fogdarp is
a three-way crossing (T-type). When vehicles approach on the side road, the
speed limits is decreased on the main road from 90 to 70 km/h. When vehicles
on the main road enter the left turning lane, the speed limit is decreased in the
opposite direction, since that’s the only conflicting traffic flow.

4.10. Use of Existing Infrastructure

Traditional widening of road infrastructure is a very expensive undertaking. Road

widening or major modifications can involve:

• purchase adjacent properties, which could include compensation to existing owners;

• replacing extensive underground public utilities (e.g. storm water);
• sourcing sufficient quality materials;
• environmental impacts;
• impacts upon heritage items;
• expensive temporary road works during construction;
• etc.

Planning and pre-construction phases for traditional road projects can also involve
extensive periods of time, incorporating various approval processes and community

Implementing measures that make the most of existing infrastructure (i.e. maximising
capacity, etc.) to address increasing urban congestion is rapidly becoming a focus for
road agencies around the world. Congestion mitigation measures that utilise the
existing road corridor, and particularly those that retain existing roadside kerb and
gutters, significantly reduce the cost and impacts of the project.

An example of improving the efficiency of the road existing road network is the
Optimisation of Traffic Signal Coordination in Adelaide, Australia.

Optimisation of Traffic Signal Coordination in Adelaide (Australia)

“Review of the existing traffic control system (SCATS) and settings along
7 major road transport corridors in Adelaide.”

“Traffic signal optimisation can be undertaken in a short time period at low

cost, and achieve relatively high benefits.”


4.11. Perceived Benefits

Congestion mitigation measures and road corridor management measures need to

identify and deliver quantifiable benefits to the transport system to be a success. In
some cases, however, the need to for the driving public to perceive the benefit from
the measure is also crucial to the success of the project. While thorough analysis and
predictive transport modelling can estimate net benefits of a measure, human nature
can potentially undermine the achievement of those estimated benefits if drivers do
not consider the measure to be worth making a change.

Ensuring that benefits are perceived within the community can be achieve in
numerous ways, including other factors discussed in this chapter such as effective
community consultation, transparency, and provision of information. This
particularly applies to initiatives that require a change in travel behaviour, or where
the measure being implemented is unknown/new to the public.

The HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lane on the Eastern Freeway in Melbourne,
Australia, is one such example.

High Occupancy Vehicle Lane on the Eastern Freeway in Melbourne


“HOV lanes (such as T2 lanes) can be an effective tool in managing road

congestion and reducing carbon emissions. The success of a HOV lane is
dependent on many conditions, including the characteristics of the road
(including frequency of access points), regular enforcement and
implementation of the HOV lanes and at least three lanes available at points
where there is recurring congestion. HOV lanes are most effective where they
act as a queue jump/bypass facility; accordingly on managed freeways/
motorways HOV lanes are typically installed on the entry ramps.
Internationally, HOT (high occupancy + tolled single occupancy) lanes have
proven more effective than HOV lanes, under certain conditions.”

“The case study demonstrates the importance of enforcing compliance with

relevant interventions to deliver lower congestion levels. It also reinforces
that commuters must perceive a genuine benefit from congestion interventions
before they will fully embrace the measures. In the case of the Eastern
Freeway HOV lane, user safety concerns regarding access to the lane may
have initially limited its effectiveness.”


4.12. Agency Cooperation

As demonstrated elsewhere in this report, the technological tools are increasingly

available to better manage congestion and road corridors. Perhaps the greater challenge
is how to encourage stakeholders to work together to optimize their networks.

Transport systems are can be managed by multiple agencies focussing on, for
example, specific modes of transport, depending upon the preferred approach of
individual countries. With road networks crossing international borders, local
authorities managing local road networks, and private companies becoming more
prevalent in implementing and managing specific sections of motorway networks
around the world (e.g. BOOT schemes), achieving systemic urban congestion
reduction outcomes from the entire road network requires effective cooperation
between agencies and private operators.

In much the same way as complimentary measures can enhance the success of
addressing urban congestion; cooperative agencies can ensure that more global
outcomes are achieved along entire road corridors, despite jurisdictional boundaries.
As Canada’s experience with the Smart Corridor approach in British Columbia
(above) shows, good communication between multiple stakeholders is a critical step
towards improved inter-agency coordination and collaboration. This in turn provides
a necessary foundation to maximizing integration and interoperability throughout
road corridors (and transportation networks more generally).

The MOSAIQUE initiative in Germany is an example where decentralised traffic

control centres worked together to improve the performance of the road network.

MOSAIQUE (a strategic, intermodal traffic management network

with quality assurance and efficiency orientated)

“The introduced ideas and approaches to building a traffic management

network based on mutual cooperation have a considerable potential to solve
the problems and tasks in medium sized areas and conurbations. The bundling
of resources, the exchange of know-how by the actors in the network and the
continuous feedback from road users considerably improve the quality and
quantity of traffic information.

By developing suitable concepts for the functional and technical cooperation

on all operating levels, the preconditions for an efficient, flexible and
high-quality traffic management are established. With the establishment of all
means of transport and user-overlapping strategies, the lasting implementation
of a traffic management in the region becomes possible. Furthermore such a
decentralised approach offers a less expensive alternative to a typical traffic
management centre.


Because of the preferential implementation of standardised interfaces, this

innovative approach in Central Germany shows new trends for the
implementation of traffic management systems with national and international
goals. Operation in the ongoing cooperation will investigate the practicability
of the introduced concept.”

4.13. Community Consultation

The benefit of undertaking community consultation as part of the planning and delivery
of road transport projects has been well documented for some time. Effective consultation
provides an opportunity for individuals to contribute to agency decision making, and
ensures that the congestion mitigation measure being considered/ implemented is
designed to accommodate local conditions and the specific needs of the local community.
Undertaking consultation during trial periods, or following the implementation of urban
congestion measures, also assists road agencies to determine whether specific measures
should be abandoned, modified, and/or expanded into other areas.

The implementation of Active Traffic Management measures on the M42 in the

United Kingdom is a good example of where a trail will be further expanded across
the country following extensive consultation with the community, despite the fact
that the measures being implemented include a reduction of speed limits during
certain situations.

Active traffic Management on M42 (UK)

“User satisfaction survey: 93% of participants who had used the hard
shoulder felt that the instructions for using the hard shoulder were clear, 84%
felt confident using the hard shoulder as a running lane. Only 2% of those
questioned had avoided using it altogether. 68% said that they felt more
informed about traffic conditions. 60% said it should be implemented
elsewhere on the motorway network.”

“First successful pilot project on ATM in the UK, opens the gates for further
implementation of ATM in the UK motorway network.”

4.14. Public/Government Acceptance

Along with achieving the intended urban congestion reduction outcomes, achieving
acceptance from the public for the strategy/measure being implemented is a key
measure of success. While many of the factors discussed in this chapter contribute
to ultimately achieving this outcome, the planning and implementation of the
measures should not loose sight of this over-arching objective.


Some measures can also be politically challenging when segments of the community
may be impacted or disadvantaged by the proposed change in road network
operations. Consulting both within governments and with the broader community
can often be crucial to the ultimate acceptance of the project.

The use of service patrols in Greece that intervene and manage incidents under the
supervision of the Traffic Management Centre is an example of an initiative achieving
a high degree of acceptance from the public.

Traffic & Incident Management with Service Patrols on the Attica Tollway

The incident management project by service patrols was the first to be introduced
in Greece in 2001 with the opening of the Attica Tollway. Eight years later the
project is a huge success with 95% of served users being fully satisfied by it.
Service patrols are now introduced in other Greek motorways as a result.

4.15. Real Time/Automated

The ability to receive and assess real time information is often crucial to the success
of the day-to-day management of the operation of the road network. The ability to
respond to non-recurring congestion incidents is particularly reliant upon road
agencies gaining an immediate understanding of the situation in order to address the
issue in a timely manner. While the provision of real time information is not
necessarily reliant upon Intelligent Transport Systems, establishing automated
systems (e.g. weather metering, crash detection, etc.) is a significant advantage to
road network operators.

The DORA system in Germany is an example where real-time information allows

the Hessian traffic centre to provide timely advice to road users.

Dynamic Localisation of Maintenance Works (Germany)

“Network control with VMS requires a precise knowledge of the present

traffic status. Especially temporary road works have a major impact on the
traffic flow due to the lane closures involved. It is therefore very important for
the Hessian Traffic Centre to have online data about the exact position of
temporary road works. That is what the DORA system achieves by using GPS
to pinpoint the warn sign trailers used to secure temporary road works. Their
current location and further information (e.g. direction of the arrow on the
illuminated board) are transmitted automatically to the Hessian Traffic
Centre by mobile telephony. So the road works data stored in the road works
management system (BMS) are then updated automatically.”


4.16. Multi-modal

Many congestion mitigation measures that are targeted at addressing a specific issue,
isolated location, or a single mode of travel can achieve a successful outcome. When
considering larger scale measures that have the potential to influence travel for a
large number of people or over a large area, a successful reduction in congestion can
be enhanced through an integrated approach across multiple modes. Considering
measures in this manner ensures that situations where one mode may benefit at the
expense of another mode is avoided. Hypothetically increasing the efficient
movement of vehicles along a road, for example, may undermine patronage on public
transport which, in turn, may not be a sustainable longer term approach.

The design of a multi-modal system to cater for the expected significant growth at
the Rome-Fiumicino airport is an example of multiple agencies designing a
sustainable system.

Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design of an Integrated Multi-Modal

Transport System for the Improvement of the Rome-Fiumicino Airport
Accessibility (Italy)

“… it is necessary to ensure the growth and development of the airport for the
future volumes of passengers a feasibility study and preliminary design of an
integrated multi-modal transport system for the improvement of the
Rome-Fiumicino airport accessibility.

As a result, the main transport operators: ADR (air transport), RFI (railway
transport), ANAS (road transport) and ATAC (public transport company)
have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to carry out the study and to
define the preliminary design of the multi-modal transport system.”

4.17. Choice

The ultimate acceptance of a congestion mitigation measure by the travelling public

can often depend on whether any one person has the choice of using the measure or
not. In this way those people that perceive, or not perceive, a benefit from using the
new measure are satisfied that enforcement of use is not required. Success is
particularly achieved when those people that do not perceive a benefit also are also
not disadvantaged by the implementation of the measure.

Providing free travel on rail commuter journeys prior to 7 am in Australia is an

example where people can choose to travel earlier to save money, or continue with
their normal travel patterns.


Early Bird Ticket Initiative (Australia)

The Early Bird initiative in Melbourne has demonstrated that there is a
proportion of the market willing to shift their time of travel to receive free
travel. The exact size of this market portion is currently being estimated.
Shifting only a small proportion of the peak traveller market can have a
significant and positive impact on peak capacity management. This can be an
effective short-term measure to mitigating peak hour urban and public
transport congestion, while for example, effecting medium-term infrastructure
and rolling stock solutions.

The case study is an example of the value of integrated supply and demand
side measures.

5. Lessons learned/Recommendations

Congestion is caused by many sources and as such multiple strategies must be

employed to mitigate its effects. Reducing congestion has wide ranging benefits not
only for the road using public in terms of travel time reliability and safety but
contributes significantly to general economics of the jurisdiction, reduces the
emission of pollutants and greenhouse gases, and decreases energy consumption.
Below are recommendations based on the review of case studies contained in this
report (appendix) and relevant international studies.

One recurring theme was the need to reach out to the public either to inform them as
to why a particular scheme or strategy was being considered or as drivers provide
them with the necessary road condition/performance information to allow them to
make better trip decisions. This element is essential in moving roadway management
and use from a “passive” activity to an active operations paradigm which maximizes
the efficiency and effectiveness of the infrastructure.

5.1. Reducing Non-Recurring Congestion

Traffic Incident Management:

• develop and adopt a unified goal for incident response,

• develop comprehensive guidance on incident response performance measures that
local and/or regional stakeholders can use to assess incident response programs,
• universal first responder training should focus more on traffic incident response.


Planned Special Events:

• develop cross jurisdictional/agency traffic management plan;

• manage travel for a planned special event so that economic and tourism benefits are
targeted to the hosting community;
• “showcase” a successful planned special event could lead to increased future

Work-Zone Management:

• shorten the contract time; particularly phases that impinge on traffic;

• improve communication with motorists;
• adopt a coordinated policy, planning, and programming approach to work zone
planning and operations;
• design for future maintenance.

Real Time Information:

• incorporate the principle of traveller information into agency and corporate

• increase the delivery of travel/journey time information systems. Deployment
might need to be phased depending on research and technologies;
• establish data standards;
• design serviceability into display signs;
• sign spacing is critical in providing sufficient time for users to react yet being
economical to deploy;
• travel time information is particularly useful when there are multiple routes/mode
choices available to users;
• providing multiple information paths will increase the usefulness.

5.2. Reducing Recurring Congestion

Congestion Pricing:

• variable rates best for congestion reduction; fixed rates are perceived as pure tolling
or revenue generation only;
• tie revenue to roadway improvement or alternative transportation mode;
• provide extensive public outreach prior implementation;
• use technology to minimize back office overhead, collection, and enforcement costs.


Arterial Management & Traffic Signal Timing:

• provide cross-jurisdictional management/signal coordination;

• investigate the use of adaptive control systems;
• establish a well-defined procurement process for equipment.

Planning for Physical Capacity Expansion:

• tie roadway performance to budget and project selection processes;

• implement bottleneck reduction program;
• explore non-physical capacity expansion (operational) strategies concurrently with
physical capacity expansion options;
• design for future maintenance.

Managed Lanes:

• to accommodate future changes in operational strategies design flexibility into the

physical facility, the dynamic signing infrastructure, and the monitoring capabilities;
• managed lanes are justifiable beyond the peak commuting periods (recurring
congestion) as it can be used to address non-recurring congestion such as that
caused by a crash or other emergency situations;
• integrity of the managed lane approach relies on establishing and maintaining the
legislation, policies, interagency agreements, procedures, protocols, control plans,
intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and support services (such as enforcement
and traffic incident management) required to sustain day-today operation;
• although managed lane strategies that use road pricing (also see Congestion Pricing)
can generate revenue, they should not be confused with toll facilities. Linking
any excess revenue to improving the facilities performance or funding alternative
modes (i.e. mass transit service) should be objectives of the strategy.

Encouraging alternative modes:

• link road pricing revenue to build new or expand/improve existing systems in the
• encourage citizens to use mass transit solutions:

–– implement incentives for employers (tax, rebates, etc) to subsidize mass transit
fees for employees;
–– eward carpooling through reduced tolls, special lanes (HOV), assigned / free
parking, etc.;
–– outreach program to promote the positive benefits and combat the negative
perceptions of public transportation;
–– provide real time performance, scheduling, and route information tools for mass


transit services;
–– establish cashless – interoperable fare system;
–– provide clean and safe system; including loading/unloading areas and the access
to it;

• establish reliable trip times through special bus lanes or priority access to HOV

5.3. Managing Road Corridors

The above recommendations for reducing recurring and non-recurring congestion

are applicable to road corridor management. However, the particular challenge
facing road corridor managers is to implement and coordinate these recommendations
as appropriate along the length of a corridor that may have many diverse segments.

PART B: Appropriate use of ITS for an integrated

transport system

1. PIARC-FISITA Joint Task Force for Co-operative

Vehicle Highway Systems

1.1. establishment of the joint task force

The Joint Task Force (JTF) was first proposed by the committee C1.4 (predecessor of
TC B2) in 2007 in recognition that the advent of the intelligent and connected vehicle
creates issues and opportunities for both road operators and the automotive industry.

When established in 2008, one task of the committee TC B.2 was to encourage the
improvement of services provided to the community resulting from improved
operation of the road transport system. As part of this work the committee determined
the need to understand the changes required in response to the introduction of more
intelligent, connected vehicles and the relationship between the next generation of
intelligent vehicles and an intelligent infrastructure (figure 8, following page). It
established a demand for guidance to advise road operators around the world how to
plan their investment to make the most of the opportunities for greater safety and
efficiency. It also identified a demand from the automotive industry to understand the
role of the road operator and the benefits of working more closely with road operators.



(Source: BMW)

Working with FISITA (The International Federation of Automotive Engineering

Societies) TC B.2 developed the concept of a joint task force (JTF) to take this
initiative forward. At FISITA’s annual congress in Munich in 2008 the FISITA
President, Christoph Huss (Vice President for Development Abroad, Type Approval
and Traffic Management at BMW Group), restated his goal that FISITA re-focus the
co-operation with other global transportation players. The formation of the group
has been endorsed by the FISITA board.

The work of JTF was to ensure that PIARC and FISITA membership better understand
and appreciate the mutual challenges facing transportation and mobility organisations,
with deliverables widely circulated and published on both PIARC and FISITA Web
Sites. The JTF promoted wider understanding and acceptance of intelligent vehicles
and combined vehicle highway systems among PIARC practitioners. It facilitated
better understanding and co-operation from the motor manufacturers with regard to
the challenges and operational issues faced by network operators.

The working group has also considered the commercial case for investment in
co-operative systems; the public case for deployment of these systems; the political,
financial, legal and operational challenges to deployment and the likely impact on
highway and road network operations practice. It has adopted an independent,
commercially neutral, committee of enquiry approach gathering evidence from
invited expert witnesses.


The JTF has produced a policy document aimed at policymakers, directors and
senior managers in Roads Administrations, the auto industry and other associated
organisations “The Connected Vehicle” [5]. The outline of this report is attached at
Appendix 2.

1.2. Main outputs of interviews

Much of the technology for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) was originally
developed for controlling traffic signals in urban areas. Through continued
development ITS applications now cover the entire road network as well as the whole
range of transportation systems, including public transport, tolling and charging
systems (ETC). Today ITS provides a toolkit for transport network managers to use
for increasing efficiency; improving safety; encouraging alternative modes and
assisting with the management of roadway maintenance and construction.

1.2.1. Policy Issues

Whilst all agree that commercial wireless telecommunications networks provide a

platform for the development and deployment of information and infotainment based
applications opinions are divided whether forthcoming 4G services can provide the
performance necessary to enable safety applications to operate to best effect. If 4G
cannot deliver sufficient performance vehicle based DSRC3 services are required
with infrastructure support.

Regardless of the technology there is a general consensus that public authorities have
a major role to play in the deployment of connected systems (figure 9, following
page). However, depending on the existing legal and economic environment in each
country, this role could be limited to one of leadership, research, and setting up the
legal framework in order that automotive and telecom industry is able to develop the
services. Conversely, there could be the need for public investment in the basic
infrastructure because the business case for a DSRC infrastructure is not compelling.

In any event the automotive industry is asking for some common rules and standards
among countries: cars, basically the same are sold all over the world and cars travel
across borders. Moreover, the safety aspects are crucial and this is clearly the role of
public authorities to set up the rules in this area.

 Dedicated Short Range Communication : hyper frequency radio link allocated to ITS application



(Source: US DOT - RITA)

1.2.2. Standards

A uniform approach to world standards for communications and connected vehicle

applications in the automotive sector would be ideal but it has to be accepted that
regional differences make this unlikely, so it follows that car makers will have to
adapt their products for each region. Architecture and interface standards are very
important to achieving economies of scale and making services profitable. They are
most likely to emerge from the industry, with input from government providing
structure and guidance for standards regarding the unique requirements of public
safety and similar services. Generally there is an assumption that safety applications
will require dedicated short range communication (DSRC) whilst information and
infotainment services can use a commercial 3G/4G network. But the apparition of
4G and future broadband air communications may be sufficiently robust to support
safety applications. This needs to be explored.

It has been noted that the electric car industry has important and specific needs for
standards and the development of electric interfaces may force new agreements and
open new opportunities for standardisation.

1.2.3. Business Case

There is general acceptance that the roadside infrastructure for DSRC needs to be
provided by government, the road authority or the road infrastructure operator in
case of concession. Up to now, no business model has been identified which would
encourage a private company to provide a dedicated network. None of the research
or pilot projects have seriously addressed the business issues associated with the
connected vehicle.


However the business case is a critical issue. Governments require a strong, evidence
based case before they will invest in a communication infrastructure. Businesses
require customers, but consumers have shown reluctance to invest in systems which
have a cost or subscription overhead, even if this enhances safety. People expect to
purchase a vehicle which is safe and can be operated safely without the need to
purchase additional equipment or to pay service charges. It is necessary to add
something extra-ordinary in terms of service products to make additional safety
features attractive. Safety must be packaged with other attractive applications.

1.2.4. The wireless connection – dedicated short range communication

or commercial cellular network?

DSRC presents major advantages for safety applications: it has a broadcast mode; it
provides accurate localisation of the vehicle. Roadside and vehicle equipment are
not expensive if they benefit from mass-market production. In addition DSRC
beacons are being deployed for free flow tolling and charging applications. DSRC
is preferred by many in the automotive industry because it is a known, developed
and understood technology.

In spite of these advantages, there remain some issues:

• the DSRC operating frequencies are not universal throughout the world;
• security and vulnerability issues have to be addressed;
• there is a lack of understanding of the behaviour of DSRC under heavy use
congested situations and tight geographic areas;
• co-existence of DSRC for tolling and DSRC for other applications may cause some

Looking to the future, it appears that next generation of 4G/ LTE data systems would
be sufficiently responsive and reliable to enable even safety applications, which will
never be the case for the existing 3G services.

The next generation of cellular 4G systems:

• promises latency and reliability which rivals DSRC;

• has a strong business case and competitive environment based on other commercial
• are subject to ongoing development and will, year by year, become faster and have
greater bandwidth – and lower costs and more appropriate for machine to machine


Regardless of government or automotive industry policy the 3G/4G network will be

expanded and deployed. It is likely that applications will be developed by the free
market based on either aftermarket automotive devices or Smartphone type equipment.

1.2.5. Issues for countries in transition

In each country we have to consider the individual cultural approach to driving and
pedestrian behaviour and how this differs from other countries. Outside the big cities
some countries will need to invest in the basic infrastructure and improved safety
habits before investing in co-operative systems.

Some countries may have a strong investment in 3G/4G communications and smart
devices with low cost telecommunications. This provides a strong base for the
development of services, when basic data collection and traffic monitoring systems are
not yet in place: equipped vehicles can provide data on speed, weather, incidents and
journey times, all of which have value for journey planning and network monitoring.

1.2.6. Security

Systems which rely on spatial and temporal information are reliant on high integrity
data. Development of short range systems should proceed using the assumption that
the system will be subject to malicious interference.

To assure the quality of co-operative systems it is suggested that a certification

system is put in place.

Confidence is critical: interference and a failure in security either during trials or

pilot schemes or during the early phases of roll out would seriously damage
commercial prospects. Security solutions have to be built in to the system architecture,
requiring firewalls in the vehicle and in roadside devices.

1.2.7. Privacy

Privacy issues are not considered in the same way in each country. There is also a
difference in the opinions of different sectors of the population. The younger
generation has developed a relaxed attitude to privacy (Facebook, etc.) but this is a
trend that could change. Most mobile telephone users and credit card users have
already surrendered much of their privacy in order to take advantage of telephone
services. Connected vehicle users may follow suit if there are perceived advantages.


1.2.8. Roads and Maps

The current generations of maps are sufficiently accurate for the current generation
of navigation systems but have not sufficient information or accuracy for more
advanced applications involving safety, efficiency or vehicle control. Further work is
required to determine the mapping requirement, standardised methods for updating
maps and develop protocols. Map ownership is another issue. Network detail is
changed often by the road operator and changed at short notice. There has to be an
effective system of updating this detail on the maps. However, public sector owned
maps are unlikely to be an answer. It is not likely that the public sector would be
motivated or able to keep maps sufficiently up to date or accurate. There may be a
need for an independent map and data supplier organisation?

One can imagine that roads should be designed to be sensor friendly. Driver
assistance systems such as lane tracking systems or sign reading algorithms may
take advantage of standardised design. Adding a beacon signal from signs would
simplify the process.

1.2.9. Conclusions

There is universal agreement that standards for cooperative systems particularly at

the application layer are crucial. The automotive industry would prefer a standardised
approach throughout the world, but accepts the reality that it will have to manage
different approaches in different regions. Standardisation at application level would
be a bonus. DSRC is seen to be important for safety related applications. Despite
rapidly maturing technology none could provide a practical path to the widespread
deployment of DSRC. There is a growing body of opinion suggesting that future
generations of mobile telecommunications will be able to a service good enough to
support most applications including safety. Aftermarket applications on Smart
phones and navigation systems could drive the market.

The industry is cautious about putting multiple communications technologies into

the vehicle, increasing the cost and complexity. However, the industry will provide
equipment to suit either legislative requirement or customer demand. They believe
that the government/road operator is the only organisation suited to managing a
network providing safety applications but they need strong evidence or guarantees
that a government will invest in infrastructure before they will enter production.

Any deployment has to be secure and robust. An early security failure would be
a disaster.


2. ITS handbook revision

Intelligent Transport Systems, or ITS, have emerged over the past 20 years as a set
of technology-based methods designed to deliver a better road transportation system.
ITS embraces a broad range of information technologies (IT), satellite and
communications-based information, control and digital technologies. Collectively,
these offer new possibilities for solving what seem to be intractable problems of
congestion, traffic accidents, inefficient logistics, and the environmental impact of
surface transportation. Although technology-based, ITS methods are policy-neutral
and can be adapted to a range of needs. The overall function of ITS is to improve
decision making, often in real time, by transport network controllers, individual
drivers, travellers, vehicle fleet managers and other users, thereby improving the
operation of the entire transport system. The uses of ITS include:

Helping to relieve congestion:

• Traffic management tools to ensure maximum efficiency of the road network,


–– monitoring current traffic conditions and predicting what can be expected;

–– co-ordinating traffic signals to minimise delays and queues in a dynamic, traffic
responsive way;
–– giving ‘green waves’ through traffic signals to give priority to bus/tram services
and emergency vehicles thus improving punctuality and reliability;
–– detecting and managing incidents on the highway network;
–– video surveillance of congestion hot spots.

• Electronic payment, access control and enforcement systems, such as:

–– road pricing, including automatic tolling and congestion charging;

–– vehicle recognition and restriction;
–– camera systems for traffic signal and speed enforcement.

Safety and environmental benefits:

• Air quality monitoring and management, such as:

–– pollution detection and prediction;

–– implementation of strategies to ease air quality problems.


• Safety systems, including:

adaptive speed control;

collision detection and avoidance;
enhanced vehicle safety systems;
cooperative vehicle highway systems (CVHS).

Making public transport more attractive

• Giving priority to public transport vehicles to reduce journey times, improving

reliability and punctuality.
• Providing real-time information at stops and stations.
• Electronic payment systems allowing passengers to save time, including:

–– ‘smart cards’ and flexible ticketing,

–– cash free travel.

Predecessors to the current Network Operations Technical Committee recognised

the need for guidance on ITS that is geared to the needs of transport professionals
who are interested in adopting ITS-based methods and services in their cities, for
their inter-urban highways, long-distance corridors and rural regions. In response
they prepared the PIARC Intelligent Transport Systems Handbook, drawing on the
technical committee members’ experiences of ITS deployment from around the
world. It was first published in 1999 and in a revised English language edition in
2004. Very quickly it was recognised as a much-needed authoritative introduction to
the subject and there have been translations published in French (2005), Chinese
(2007) and Spanish (2010). The handbook was also made available online on a
subscription basis at (in English only).

The ITS Handbook is now used as a reference text by some universities and as the
basis for training seminars and professional development in a number of countries,
including to students and professionals in countries with economies in transition. It
presents a catalogue of solutions, with practical examples illustrating through case
studies how ITS can be implemented. However, B.2 committee has been made aware
of two significant issues with the handbook:

1. There is a need to keep the handbook current and up-to-date by drawing on

continuing experience of ITS deployment, for example some of the case studies
reported in Parts 1 and 2 of this report ;
2. The high cost of purchasing printed copies of the handbook or subscribing to
the on-line version is a barrier to its use for training purposes, especially for
undergraduate courses and professionals in developing countries.


B.2 committee has responded by taking advantage of the expiry of the marketing
agreement made in 2004 with the publishers of the English-language version. The
committee resolved to take on the task of making the ITS Handbook freely available
on-line over the Internet, without subscription of charge so that the material can be
accessed and downloaded by anybody, anywhere.

Through a contract let by the US Department of Transportation behalf of B.2

Committee the full text of the ITS Handbook is being imported into the Road
Network Operations website and organised in a way that will permit easy
down-loading and local printing by the user. The on-line content is organised around
various practical questions:

• What are Intelligent Transport Systems?

• How do Intelligent Transport Systems work?
• What about ITS architecture and standards?
• What are the benefits of ITS?
• How do I plan and finance ITS?
• How do I launch ITS?
• What about ITS in transitional and developing countries?
• What about ITS in the long-run?

Each chapter will have a table of contents showing the topics covered in that chapter
with options to view and download the complete chapter or a selected section of a
chapter. The ITS Handbook will sit alongside the companion Road Network Operations
Handbook published by PIARC in 2003 which is also available on-line for free
download from the Network Operations web site. Together, they provide resource
material related to traffic management, incident management, and traffic operations
and to provide safe and efficient services to all road users. The handbooks also provide
guidelines on the implementation of ITS technologies and services for congestion
management and corridor management in an integrated transportation system.

The outcome of this project will be an updated and expanded PIARC Road Network
Operations website in English and French that will allow interested parties to access,
download, or print the ITS Handbook and the Road Network Operations Handbook
by individual section or by subsections.




The four years work of the B.2 committee has led to the following conclusions.

The operation of the road network cannot be considered today as a service limited to
roads. Strategies for road network operation have to consider the overall mobility of
people and goods across the various transport modes. Of course road authorities or
road operators are not in a position to determine transport policy. However, a coherent
shared view of network operations has to be developed among the operating partners
in order to propose to governments an overall approach. Co-operation includes
exchange of information on road availability, recommended routes, mode
connections, expected journey times and incidents in order that travellers and
shippers can access to coherent data allowing them to make their choice. More than
that, different road managers should cooperate on daily operations to be able to
implement their own strategies in a coherent manner. This includes interfacing with
private service operators (e.g. traffic information service providers who use probe
vehicle data) and training Traffic Operation Centres staff. Last, but not least, it is
important to pay better attention to user needs that evolve rapidly with the fast
introduction of new mobile communication facilities, and the rapid development of
social networks.

Cooperation in the future will extend to the vehicle itself. Road vehicles – buses,
trucks and cars – are already contributing more and more to the transport system,
thanks to real-time communication between vehicle and service providers. This will
develop in the future, with the extension of data exchange between vehicle and
infrastructure. But the full potential of this technology in support of road safety,
mobility and environmental policy goals can only be realised if some basic conditions
are fulfilled. Vehicle to infrastructure communication necessitates investment. No
satisfactory business model has been found up to now that will allow the private
sector to invest independently of the public sector. There are likely to be significant
social benefits in terms of safety, energy saving that call for public investment, but
so far there has been insufficient demonstration of such benefits, and authorities are
reluctant to make the first step. Co-operation between road authorities and automotive
industry should be pursued, certainly extended to road industry (road design and
equipment) and telecom operators/OEM industry. The World Road Association
(PIARC) is in a position to show leadership, in particular through the collaboration
that has been established with FISITA (the International Association of Automotive
Engineering Societies).

The Joint Task Force has delivered a policy document aimed at policymakers,
directors and senior managers in Roads Administrations, the auto industry and other
associated organisations.


PIARC has taken an important step in the capitalisation and dissemination of

knowledge concerning ITS and network operations, by publishing on line both the
ITS handbook and the Network Operations handbook. B.2 Technical Committee
expresses the wish that this service is maintained and that the content is regularly
updated in future.


4.1. Transport Policy

The investigations undertaken by the B.2 committee during this cycle, and the
experiences of the members have confirmed the necessity to develop co-operation
with all stakeholders involved in the mobility. Today, the fast development of private
initiatives to provide travellers with various information services has strongly
modified the mobility eco-system. However, road authorities and road operators in
general do not fully engage with the service providers and more can be done to
exploit the benefits of these services.

Therefore, we recommend that at the policy level, initiatives are taken in order to
have a comprehensive approach to the whole problem of mobility, considering all
modes and all stakeholders and taking full account of private sector initiatives.

At PIARC level, during the next cycle, it is necessary to find ways to involve more
the private actors’ organisations. This is already the case for the automotive industry
through FISITA and should be extended to other bodies (major traffic service
operators, equipment suppliers, through for example ITS regional organisations: ITS
America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, etc.

4.2. Technical aspects

The committee has identified Key Success Factors for the implementation of network
operation strategies and tools.

In addition to that, and also in order to have a sound approach it seems important to
monitor regularly the network operation activities and check if the selected objectives,
assigned to each projects are reached. It is essential that the successor committee
undertakes work to review appropriate Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for
network operations and make recommendations for good practise. A recurrent
concern in road network operations is how to deal with freight transport, especially
in urban congested areas, and how to induct changes in the paradigms of ownership
and use of vehicles in order to achieve a better management of traffic.


The economic evaluation of strategies and ITS projects implementation is a

requirement from financing bodies. A sound and comprehensive evaluation
methodology is highly desirable. Various ITS evaluation methodologies have already
been developed. Analysis of these methodologies in order to establish a tailored ITS
evaluation methodology to PIARC community is an important topic to be developed
in the next cycle. This requirement is reflected in the strategic plan.

4.3. International organisations in relation with road

We recommend the collaboration that has been established between PIARC and
FISITA should continue. The PIARC-FISITA Joint Task Force has delivered a
comprehensive analysis of issues concerning the connected vehicle. There continues
to be a demand from the automotive industry to understand the role of the road
operators and the benefits of working more closely with them. We think this can be
taken forward by working directly with the PIARC Technical Committees who may
have an interest in dialogue with automotive engineers, for example in considering
how to reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse gases from road transport, improve
road network operations and mobility management for people and cars in urban
areas and use vehicle sensor data for road condition monitoring. There is a need to
make use of the outcomes form the JTF to engage with parties who may not be
familiar with these developments. For example through the International Transport
Forum, UNECE, IBTTA, etc.

Updating the PIARC Handbook on Intelligent Transport Systems is part of the

Strategic Plan for 2012-2015. In the ITS World the handbook is recognised as one of
the few authoritative introductions on the subject. A translation into Spanish has
been completed in the current cycle with the financial assistance of the Government
of Chile and technical assistance from experts from Mexico and ITS Spain. The
Spanish edition is published on CD-ROM. With financial assistance from the US
Department of Transportation the French and English editions are available on-line
for free download through the network operations web site. A Chinese translation is
available in printed version.

The need for updating is becoming urgent. Experience with ITS methods is
broadening and some techniques, such as Active Traffic Management are now
mainstream. Therefore we recommend in the next PIARC cycle a Task Force is
created to prepare a comprehensive update, working with other international
organisations who have a close interest in ITS, notably the International Roads
Federation for the Americas and Middle East, ERTICO for Europe, ITS Asia-Pacific
and the World Bank.


5. reference

[1] OECD/ECMT, Managing Urban Traffic Congestion, OECD Publishing.

[3] Tom Vanderbilt, Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do, 2008, p.215
[4] Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations first
edition 1776
[5] World Road Association, “The Connected Vehicle” 2012R02EN.


APPENDIX 1 – PIARC B.2 Road Network Operations

Complimentary Measures / Strategy Integration

Thorough Analysis / Good Planning

Behavioural Change / Long Term

Use of Existing Infrastructure

Community Consultation
Public / Govt Acceptance
Provision of Information

Real Time / Automated

Expandable / Flexible

Agency Cooperation
Perceived Benefits
Clear Objectives
Country/ Region


Lower Cost
Quick Win


Perth CBD mobility

and access
TravelSmart: Travel
behaviour change
program - Travel
planning in workplaces
TravelSmart - South
Australia’s TravelSmart X X X X X X X
Households in the West
Optimisation of Traffic

Signal Coordination in X X X X
TravelSmart: Riverside
Expressway Transport
Investigation and
Network Analysis
High Occupancy Vehicle
Lane on the Eastern X X X
Freeway, Melbourne
Travel management:
Early Bird Ticket X X
Denmark, Finland Denmark Canada Austria/
and Sweden Slovenia/ Croatia Country/ Region




DK Web + radio
TRIM travel time,
Gateway and Border

Simon Fraser Bridge

Quo Vadis, DK VMS

Evaluation synthesis -
Variable speed limits at
Crossings Fund (GBCF)

PROGESS, Copenhagen,
TMP Tauern-Karawanke

Clear Objectives

Thorough Analysis / Good Planning
Complimentary Measures / Strategy Integration
Behavioural Change / Long Term

Quick Win

Provision of Information
Expandable / Flexible
Lower Cost
Use of Existing Infrastructure
Perceived Benefits


Agency Cooperation
Community Consultation
Public / Govt Acceptance
Real Time / Automated




Complimentary Measures / Strategy Integration

Thorough Analysis / Good Planning

Behavioural Change / Long Term

Use of Existing Infrastructure

Community Consultation
Public / Govt Acceptance
Provision of Information

Real Time / Automated

Expandable / Flexible

Agency Cooperation
Perceived Benefits
Clear Objectives
VIKING region Country/ Region


Lower Cost
Quick Win


Evaluation synthesis –

Traffic controlled
variable speed limits
on motorways

Travel time service

utilising mobile phones,

Traffic information
based on FCD, FI
Finland and

Evaluation synthesis -

Weather-related variable
speed limits

Managed lanes operation X X

Speed management on
the A7 motorway

Implementation of 2*3
ways on Aquitaine X X
bridge in Bordeaux’
Travel Time in the
Oisans Valley


Complimentary Measures / Strategy Integration

Thorough Analysis / Good Planning

Behavioural Change / Long Term

Use of Existing Infrastructure

Community Consultation
Public / Govt Acceptance
Provision of Information

Real Time / Automated

Expandable / Flexible

Agency Cooperation
Perceived Benefits
Clear Objectives
Country/ Region


Lower Cost
Quick Win


Intermediate diagnosis
of the impacts of traffic
management and users’

information system X X
(Gutenberg) for the road
network of Strasbourg
(Offensive for
Metropolitan Region
Mitteldeutschland to
establish a strategic,
intermodal traffic
management network
with quality assurance

and efficiency
Vagabund – Improved
Data Acquisition by
Analysing Oncoming X X
Traffic in Public
Intelligent Truck
Dmotion - Düesseldorf
in Motion


Complimentary Measures / Strategy Integration

Thorough Analysis / Good Planning

Behavioural Change / Long Term

Use of Existing Infrastructure

Community Consultation
Public / Govt Acceptance
Provision of Information

Real Time / Automated

Expandable / Flexible

Agency Cooperation
Perceived Benefits
Clear Objectives
Country/ Region


Lower Cost
Quick Win


Traffic Management
during large events The
tidal flow system in
Roadworks management X
DORA (Dynamic
Localisation of X X X X

Maintenance Works)
dWiSta (Dynamic
variable-message signs
with integrated traffic
Long Distance Corridors
Strategy Management X X X X
Temporary Use Of Hard
Traffic & Incident
Management with
Service Patrols on the X X
Attica Tollway in Athens

Traffic restrictions in the
Athens city centre based
on vehicle registration
number (odd / even)


Complimentary Measures / Strategy Integration

Thorough Analysis / Good Planning

Behavioural Change / Long Term

Use of Existing Infrastructure

Community Consultation
Public / Govt Acceptance
Provision of Information

Real Time / Automated

Expandable / Flexible

Agency Cooperation
Perceived Benefits
Clear Objectives
Country/ Region


Lower Cost
Quick Win


Feasibility Study and

Preliminary Design of
an Integrated
Multi-Modal Transport

System for the
Improvement of the
Airport Accessibility
PROGRESS, Trondheim
Automated Toll Stations

AutoPASS Interoperable
Payment - AIP (Pilot
The Stockholm trials X X X X X X
Congestions warning
system on E6 in X X X X X
Variable Speed Limits at
intersection on E22 in X X X

Weather controlled
Variable Speed Limits
on E22 in county


Complimentary Measures / Strategy Integration

Thorough Analysis / Good Planning

Behavioural Change / Long Term

Use of Existing Infrastructure

Community Consultation
Public / Govt Acceptance
Provision of Information

Real Time / Automated

Expandable / Flexible

Agency Cooperation
Perceived Benefits
Clear Objectives
Country/ Region


Lower Cost
Quick Win


OPTIS travel time, SE


FCD + Web
Personal commuter
Access control and
motorway metering on
both sides of the alpine

road tunnel St. Gotthard

Hard shoulder running
(HSR) on the A1
motorway between
Morges and Ecublens
Active Traffic
Management in UK

motorways – the case of
Congestion Pricing in
the Central Business
District of Manhattan,
New York City

Miami Urban
Partnership Agreement X X X X X X X



1. The work of the task force

The task force has undertaken a series of workshops from 2009 to 2011 with road
operators in Europe, the US and Asia. Through FISITA it organised a workshop for
the automotive community at the FISITA congress in Budapest in 2010 and during
November and December 2010 conducted a series of one to one telephone interviews
with senior executives from the Automotive and Telecommunications sector. The
task force has also organised outreach presentations at international venues in
Europe, Asia and the US.

The evidence obtained from these workshops, interviews and events has been
compiled into a report.

The International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (FISITA) is the

world body representing automotive engineering. It is a federation of the major
engineering societies in 38 countries. It undertakes the exchange of technical knowledge
on all aspects of vehicle design and manufacture. It has an important role in the
exchange of leading-edge technologies between nations, helping to create efficient,
affordable safe and sustainable automotive transportation for the benefit of all.

2. Achievements

• The Technishe Universität München (TUM) created and managed the website for
the JTF community. This website provides a “wiki” approach to creating the final
deliverable. It enables any task force member to upload documents and access and
modify the draft of the final deliverable documents.
• A Google group, open only to members, has been set up to promote communications
between task force members. It allows members a convenient way of promoting
events of interest, activities undertaken or changes made to the content of the
• Three workshops have been undertaken to establish the views of road operators
from Europe, the US and Asia.
• A workshop and interviews have been undertaken involving key players from the
FISITA membership. The outcomes from these interviews have been consolidated
into one final document and a summary is presented below.
• Presentations about the work of the task force have been made at six international
• Both FISITA and PIARC members organised two hours presentations for the
congress in Mexico.


3. table of contents of the report “the Connected


Part one – From conception to reality

1.1. Setting the scene

1.2. The potential of connected technologies
1.3. A global perspective
1.4. Summary

Part two – The commercial perspective

2.1. Background
2.2. The automotive sector
2.3. IT and telecommunications
2.4. Digital mapping and information services
2.5. Equipment and control system suppliers
2.6. Summary

Part three – The public sector perspective

3.1. Background
3.2. The economic case for investment
3.3. Benefits to road network operations
3.4. Summary

Part four – Issues affecting deployment

4.1. Technological issues

4.2. Government-led activities
4.3. Operational issues
4.4. Legal and regulatory issues
4.5. Summary

Part five – Where next?

5.1. Summary
5.2. The way forward
5.3. Follow up work

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