T Magazine August 27 2023 F Dnviy

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August 27, 2023

Page 3
Saudis are clear the kingdom is adopting a
10 million ECONOMY
Page 4
Page 8
children in Pakistan suffer from Malnutrition fuelled by inflation is like a An entire generation has really skipped out
non-aligned position — Dr Kristian Coates stunted growth slow poison — Dr Kaiser Bengali on the sari — Aiza Hussain

Oasis beyond oil

From stacking its football league with some of the sport's most
glittering stars to hefty investment in technology and tourism,
MBS's ambitious plan to transform the Kingdom is underway
By Hammad Sarfraz

or decades, Saudi Arabia has basked in the his perspective on MBS's economic shift. While perts contend that its strategic significance and
glory of an unparalleled oil boom, leverag- The conversion of football clubs acknowledging the intent to move away from oil international influence can endure through skillful
ing a handful of family-owned companies
to amass riches and construct much of the
– Al Ittihad, Al Ahli, Al Hilal, revenues, Professor Swain expresses reservations
regarding the heavy investments in sports and in-
diplomacy, domestic stability, and adept leveraging
of its unique strengths. As the kingdom embarks
nation's current infrastructure. and Al Nassr, where renowned ternational events in Saudi Arabia. He believes that on a path to become a hub for tourism and busi-
However, nearly fifty years after its initial suc-
cess, and following yet another windfall from oil,
Portuguese footballer Cristiano historically, such ventures have benefited individu-
als rather than the nation's image, and questions
ness, the extent to which societal shifts accompany
its economic evolution remains an open question.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), the Ronaldo plays – into corporate the broader impact of such endeavors. On the personal front, despite facing setbacks,
de facto ruler of the country, is driving an ambi-
tious agenda of economic diversification, aiming
entities represents another According to a report by the Financial Times, the
Saudi government seeks to establish a powerhouse
MBS's resurgence is undeniable. His adept naviga-
tion of global politics, combined with Saudi Ara-
to reduce the nation's dependence on petrodollars. stride by the $600 billion domestic football league by attracting top foot- bia's vast resources and geopolitical influence, has
After consolidating his authority, MBS has firmly
established his economic control and appears to be
sovereign wealth fund toward ballers. The signing of Cristiano Ronaldo by Saudi
Professional League (SPL) club Al Nassr for over $200
reinstated him on the world stage. While chal-
lenges persist, particularly in the aftermath of the
steering the economy away from its longstanding realising a post-oil economy million annually marked a watershed, followed by Khashoggi incident, experts suggest that MBS has
reliance on oil revenues. high-profile signings like Karim Benzema, N’Golo successfully reclaimed his position.
A significant development occurred this June Kanté, Roberto Firmino, and former Aston Villa
when the government in Riyadh, which is domi- sources to a diverse range of events, spanning box- manager Steven Gerrard. Saudi Arabia's investment
nated by members of the Saudi Royal Family, en- ing, tennis, horse racing, and Formula One. Fur- to promote tourism, including a reported $25 mil- The execution of these
trusted the management of four premier domestic
football teams to the Public Investment Fund (PIF),
thermore, Riyadh has made significant investment
in luring top soccer players to join domestic teams
lion for footballer Lionel Messi's social media pro-
motion, underscores the kingdom's determination.
investments has primarily
the kingdom's sovereign wealth fund. Experts who with lucrative contracts. This highlights its ambi- Commenting on MBS's ambitious plan, Profes- flowed through the Public
have observed the crown prince's actions, view this
as part of a series of moves aimed at strengthening
tion to establish a formidable presence in the global
sports arena.
sor Swain highlights the crown prince's astute ac-
knowledgement of the uncertainties surrounding
Investment Fund (PIF), which
the financial foundation behind Saudi Arabia's am- The execution of these investments has primarily Arab oil reserves' stability. “With the global empha- currently ranks as the world's
bitious aspirations to move away from the oil econ-
omy. The conversion of football clubs – Al Ittihad,
flowed through the Public Investment Fund (PIF),
which currently ranks as the world's fifth-largest
sis on renewable energy and climate change mitiga-
tion, Saudi Arabia finds itself compelled to explore
fifth-largest sovereign wealth
Al Ahli, Al Hilal, and Al Nassr, where renowned sovereign wealth fund, as indicated by the Coun- alternative economic avenues, a path that MBS is fund, as indicated by the Council
Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo plays – into
corporate entities represents another stride by the
cil on Foreign Relations (CFR). The PIF's strategic
acquisitions include prominent soccer team New-
actively pursuing.”
This strategic shift, Professor Swain said, coin-
on Foreign Relations
$600 billion sovereign wealth fund toward realising castle United, a contender in England's premier cides with broader changes in the global power
a post-oil economy, aligning with MBS's vision to professional league, and the transition of former structure. “The kingdom is altering its approach,
diversify the nation's economic landscape. international rival LIV Golf into a collaborative part- becoming more active on the foreign stage by de-es- And as the global landscape continues to evolve,
Recent assessments reveal substantial invest- nership with the US-based PGA Tour. calating tensions with adversaries and embarking Saudi Arabia's ability to successfully navigate these
ments, with some analysts suggesting that Saudi These endeavors by MBS have not gone unnoticed. on extravagant domestic mega-projects.” shifts will ultimately determine its place in the
Arabia has allocated more than $6 billion to sports The crown prince has strategically accelerated the As Saudi Arabia's position on the world stage new order.
deals since early 2021. The kingdom's inaugural implementation of the Vision 2030 plan. Conceived evolves, the kingdom's diplomatic alliances are un-
venture into international sports dates back to 2018 in 2016, this ambitious initiative aims to diversify dergoing a transformation. Historically linked to Oil and influence
when the Saudi sports ministry secured a decade- the Saudi economy beyond oil, encompassing hefty oil, Saudi Arabia's influence is also shifting. MBS Throughout much of the world's recent history, the
long deal to exclusively host World Wrestling En- investments in both the sports and technology sec- also appears to be balancing relations with both Chi- sway of Riyadh’s influence has been unmistakably in-
tertainment (WWE) events, capturing attention tors. However, skeptics argue that the lavish spend- na and the US, leveraging Saudi Arabia's unique geo- tertwined with oil prices and supply dynamics. In 1973,
due to its substantial financial impact – estimated ing on sports serves as a form of "sportswashing," political position to ensure its strategic importance. Saudi Arabia spearheaded an Arab oil embargo against
at a whopping $100 million annually, represent- deflecting criticisms of the Saudi Royal Family's do- As Saudi Arabia embraces this transformative the US and other nations that backed Israel during that
ing around 10 percent of WWE's yearly earnings. mestic and foreign policies. journey, its ability to maneuver a changing global year's Arab-Israeli conflict, contributing to a recession
According to experts, Saudi Arabia’s interest in Dr Ashok Swain, a prominent professor of Peace order remains crucial. While the era of Saudi Ara- in Western economies.
sports is evidenced by its generous allocation of re- and Conflict studies at Uppsala University, offers bia's dominance solely through oil may wane, ex- Continued on page 2
cover story

Continued from page 1

Not too far in the past, specifically

in 2019, drone attacks attributed
to Yemen's Houthi rebels targeted
two pivotal oil installations within
the Arab kingdom. This calculated
strike inflicted significant dam-
age upon facilities responsible for
processing the lion's share of Saudi
Arabia's crude output, subsequently
triggering disruptions in the global
oil supply chain. The aftermath of
this attack saw an instantaneous
surge in oil prices as investors
swiftly responded to the assault on
one of Saudi Arabia's most critical
oil facilities—responsible for gener-
ating approximately 10 percent of
the world's oil supplies.
In 2016, MBS unveiled his stra-
tegic blueprint for diversifying the
Arab kingdom's economy. Ana-
lysts believe that Saudi Arabia's
influence on the global stage re-
mains closely intertwined with its
ability to consistently provide oil
supply. When the crown prince in-
troduced Vision 2030, he famously
envisioned Saudi Arabia's poten-
tial to transition away from oil reli-
ance by 2020. However, the reality
has diverged from this aspiration.
"The opposite has happened as
the Saudi authorities now find
themselves needing to maintain
oil prices at higher levels to gener-
ate the revenues to fund the giga- ors and withstand potential eco- expert said: “Saudi Arabia's fu- as the ability to start a business
projects associated with Vision nomic downturns. ture hinges on its ability to navi- and invest in and purchase prop-
2030," remarked Dr Kristian Coates
Ulrichsen, a Middle East scholar
Dr Swain lists Saudi Arabia's
human capital as another chal-
With the global emphasis on renewable gate a changing global order.”
While the kingdom’s dominance
erty. But moves like this, experts
believe, will take years before any
at Rice University's Baker Institute
for Public Policy. Attributing the
lenge: “Saudi Arabia has not ad-
equately invested in developing
energy and climate change mitigation, stemming solely from oil may
diminish, Professor Swain be-
tangible results can be recorded.

situation to foreign investment its workforce. With much of the Saudi Arabia finds itself compelled to lieves its strategic importance MBS and the future
levels in these projects falling no-
tably below initial projections,
economic elite emerging from
the oil sector and a significant explore alternative economic avenues, a and international influence can
be upheld through adept politi-
After being ostracised in the after-
math of the killing of Saudi jour-
Ulrichsen said: "Until the projects
and the vision can independently
reliance on foreign labor with-
in the workforce, Saudi Arabia
path that MBS is actively pursuing cal maneuvering, safeguarding
domestic stability, and leverag-
nalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018,
MBS, the de facto leader of the
generate revenues and become must prioritize cultivating do- ing its unique assets. kingdom, has staged an impressive
self-sustaining, Saudi Arabia is mestic human capital to transi- will remain a partner of the US. tends to withstand external pres- resurgence. Experts point out that
unlikely to meaningfully lessen its tion successfully into a post-oil “Saudi authorities are increasingly sures to choose sides and instead Is tourism an option? Prince Mohammed, aged 37, has de-
dependence on oil." economy.” According to Swain's clear that the kingdom is adopting aims to harmonize its associations According to the Carnegie fied predictions that his leadership
When asked about Saudi Ara- perspective, maintaining the ex- more of a non-aligned position in to optimize benefits for the Saudi Endowment for International Peace, was under peril, skillfully utilizing
bia’s ability to maintain its influ- isting societal structure and eco- international affairs that contrasts national interest," Dr. Ulrichsen Saudi Arabia's strategic "Vision the nation's abundant wealth, its
ence on the world stage once it nomic framework will become a sharply with the role the country elaborated. 2030" involves the implementation influence over global oil markets,
makes its economy less reliant complex endeavor in the absence played during the Cold War when According to Professor Swain, of extensive societal transforma- and its pivotal position in the Arab
on oil production, Dr Ulrichsen, of a resilient oil-based economy. it was firmly a part of the anti- the key lies in MBS's skillful tions to enhance the nation's at- and Islamic realms to elude re-
whose expertise delves into the communist camp,” said the Mid- navigation of relations between tractiveness to tourists and global current attempts to isolate him
evolving roles of Persian Gulf states Global alliances dle East specialist. China and the US while concur- enterprises. In a bid to mirror the internationally.
within the global order, stated: Despite differences on human "In the 2020s, Saudi Arabia un- rently ensuring domestic sta- successes of Dubai and establish During his election campaign,
“This depends on worldwide en- rights and the Arab-Israeli con- der MBS is clearly conveying its bility. “Should this balance be itself as an international epicenter President Biden had pledged to iso-
ergy transitions, and there exists flict, Washington DC and Riyadh unwillingness to align with any achieved, the kingdom can sus- for business and tourism, the king- late Mohammed bin Salman and
a potential scenario wherein Saudi maintain a close alliance that is particular faction in the emerging tain its capacity to exert interna- dom recognized the allure within its punish him for Khashoggi’s kill-
Arabia assumes an even more piv- now in its seventh decade. But this era of intense great power compe- tional influence,” he added. In expansive geography and proximity ing. This was followed by a stern
otal role in the global oil markets.” relationship was always based on tition and strategic rivalry. It in- conclusion, the Sweden-based to the Red Sea. warning from Biden of potential
Oil from Saudi fields, Dr Ul- an exchange: The US gave security Consequently, a substantial sum repercussions for opposing Ameri-
richsen said, has a lower cost of guarantees to Saudi rulers, and they of $810 billion has been earmarked can preferences on oil policy.
production and fewer emissions. promised access to the kingdom’s to foster the growth of the tourism Republican Senator Lindsey Gra-
“This could conceivably be mar- vast oil reserves. sector in the forthcoming years. ham labeled Prince Mohammed
keted as the ‘greenest’ form of oil As per analysts, this arrange- This initiative is anticipated to as a "wrecking ball" unfit to hold a
in the world. Consequently, Saudi ment has survived periodic con- generate a notable three million leadership role on the global stage.
Arabia could potentially position flicts. With Washington DC no jobs, with expatriates projected to Meanwhile, Jay Monahan, the
itself as the most environmentally- longer entirely reliant on the account for two-thirds of these po- head of golf's esteemed PGA Tour,

friendly form of oil within a world kingdom’s oil, of late, the relation- sitions. indicated that players joining a
that will continue to rely on oil for ship’s moorings have weakened. competing Saudi-backed league
the foreseeable future." When asked about Saudi Arabia’s But can the kingdom attract were betraying the victims of the
With all that said, Saudi Ara- diplomatic alliances after its tran- tourism? September 11 terrorist attacks—ac-
bia's robust oil production not only sition, Professor Swain said: “The Baker Institute’s Dr. Ulrichsen tions orchestrated by hijackers,
secures its position among the kingdom's significance on the shared a rather cautious response: most of whom were Saudi citizens.
world's key power players but also global stage, previously tied to its “It remains to be seen whether any Now, their words ring hollow;
furnishes the revenues that have oil wealth, will naturally wane. social and cultural changes will be contrary to what was said about
facilitated opulent domestic devel- MBS is astute enough to compre- limited to the giga-projects them- the crown prince’s fate, he has
opmental policies. hend this reality.” At this point, selves, in which case they may be made a full recovery. “To all intents
the Saudi Crown Prince, Professor containable within a specifically and purposes, the transition to
Post-oil economy challenges Swain said, is less concerned about defined area, or whether they will MBS as de facto leader has already
According to Dr Kristian Coates pleasing the US. “He is adeptly ma- be part of a broader transition that happened and been completed,”
Ulrichsen from Rice University's neuvering geopolitics by engaging covers Saudi society as a whole.” said Dr. Ulrichsen.
Baker Institute, Saudi authorities both China and the US.” “My guess is that the giga-proj- Any lingering repercussions
are currently reliant on oil rev- “This strategic shift involves ects will become enclaves of a sort, faced by the Saudi Crown Prince,
enues to secure the essential fund- playing the "China card" while albeit ones that will be open for in relation to human rights con-
ing required for the monumental maintaining ties with the US and Saudis to participate in,” the Mid- cerns, such as the Jamal Khashog-
giga-projects that serve as the foun- potentially leveraging the strategic dle East expert explained. gi incident and the Yemen con-
dation of Vision 2030. However, this importance of Saudi Arabia, in- To further broaden Saudi Ara- flict, Dr. Ulrichsen explained, have
intricate balance could encounter cluding its religious significance. bia’s transition, the kingdom has substantially diminished. “This
heightened difficulties should other Although Saudi Arabia's influence increased the number of expats transformation notably transpired
nations accelerate their own energy won't replicate its previous oil- who live and work in the Kingdom during 2020-21, and it was particu-
transitions. based prominence, it can still hold from 30 percent to 50 percent. Ac- larly accentuated by the full-scale
Furthermore, Professor Ashok sway through skillful diplomacy cording to the Carnegie Endow- Russian invasion of Ukraine in
Swain of Uppsala University shares and exploiting its unique geopo- ment for International Peace, the 2022. As a result, Mohammed bin
a similar perspective, suggesting litical position,” the Sweden-based government in Riyadh has intro- Salman has resurfaced, reassum-
that Saudi Arabia lacks a substan- academic explained. duced new schemes to allow for- ing a prominent role on the global
tial financial cushion to effectively Dr. Ulrichsen from the Baker eigners permanent residency and stage,” the Middle East scholar
support its diversification endeav- Institute asserts that Saudi Arabia access to economic benefits, such added.

2 August 27, 2023


From Quetta’s
heart to every
corner Deprived of a reliable mass transit system for long, locals hail the new eco-
friendly bus service project for Quetta and want it expanded to more areas.
However, private transporters plying dilapidated buses are not too happy

By Muhammad Zafar Baloch

In a pioneering move towards

sustainable urban mobility, the
Balochistan Government recently
Previously, I used buses to commmute
unveiled its Green Bus Service, an between the university, my
initiative that seeks to transform
the daily commute for its residents accommodation, and the library but
while significantly reducing the
carbon footprint. Launched on
the fares were too high and the drivers
the Public Private Partnership (PPI) were reckless and indulged in
model with Faisal Movers, the ser-
vice was initiated in response to over-speeding
the growing need for efficient and
eco-friendly transportation solu- dar, is presently pursuing his believes that this omission of
tions. It marks a significant mile- studies in Quetta. "Previously, their area from the route is dis-
stone in Quetta's transportation I used buses to commmute be- criminatory towards the poor Currently, the service operates long run," says Beberg Baloch, a passengers to easily report any
landscape, addressing multiple tween the university, my accom- people living around Sariab Road. with only eight buses, which can 25-year-old student residing on concerns or issues they may en-
challenges that have long plagued modation, and the library but the Asghar points out that a majority make it challenging to adhere to Sariab Road. counter during their journey. An
the city's commuters. The modern, fares were too high and the driv- of the residents here come from exact timings. Unlike the Lahore "The current paper ticket sys- efficient feedback and resolution
environmentally-friendly buses ers were reckless and indulged in poor backgrounds and are com- Metro, the Green Bus Service tem doesn't appear to be environ- system can help address problems
will enhancing the overall quality over-speeding,” he says. With the pelled to rely on expensive local lacks a separate route, and the mentally friendly, and it poses promptly, and instill confidence
heavy traffic on Quetta's roads challenges for conductors to keep in passengers that their voices are
adds to the difficulties faced by track of every passenger board- heard and their safety is a top pri-
the public. ing and alighting at each stop,” ority.
However, implementing a mod- he points out. “This could lead to There are however a few chal-
ern GPS system along with a user- some passengers being missed, lenges such as some bus stops
friendly phone application can resulting in uncollected fares. that lack adequate infrastruc-
effectively address this issue. In A digital card system similar to ture. Wall chalking indicates
this way, the passengers would Lahore's Red-Bus system would their location and there is no
be able to track the real-time loca- streamline the fare collection pro- designated waiting area. “A sim-
tion of buses and determine the cess and make it more effective.” ple yet effective solution would
estimated arrival time at their re- To create a positive commut- be for the government to install
spective stops.
Currently, the service relies
on the traditional approach of
conductors who manually col-
lect fares from each passenger as
they board the bus. To enhance
The current paper ticket system
efficiency and ensure a seamless doesn't appear to be environmentally
payment process, modern fare
collection methods should be
friendly, and it poses challenges for
implemented such as contactless
smart cards or mobile payment
conductors to keep track of every
systems. With contactless smart passenger boarding and alighting at
cards, passengers can simply tap
their cards upon boarding, al- each stop
of life for Quetta’s residents. new bus service, commuting has benches and shades along exist-
The bus service spanning an improved a lot in terms of conve- ing footpaths for people to wait
impressive distance of 18.7 kilo- nience and safety.” for the buses,” says 55-year-old
meters covers a comprehensive By strategically connecting var- Haji Ghulam Haider, a resident
route with 18 stops. Commencing ious neighborhoods to essential of Quetta. “Clear and informative
its journey from Balochistan Uni- educational institutions and bus- sign boards would enable people
versity, the bus proceeds through tling commercial centres, the bus to easily identify the designated
a well-planned route passing by service can cater more effectively stops and bus routes serving
the QDA Office, Helper Eye Hos- to diverse public needs. In partic- those locations. The provision of
pital, Imdad Chowk, Hockey ular, a prudent step would be to water dispensers, trash bins, and
Chowk, commissioner office, and extend the bus service all the way restrooms would further elevate
GPO Chowk ensuring accessibil- to Custom Sariab Road, which passenger experience and reflect
ity to important administrative houses a significant population a commitment to passenger well-
and healthcare facilities, and from low-income backgrounds. being.
providing easy access to commer- This expansion would not only The transporters in Quetta
cial and government establish- benefit these communities but have not welcomed the bus ser-
ments. The route further extends also uphold the service's commit- vice and deem it a conspiracy to
to Ufone Chowk, Kohla Pattak, ment to inclusivity and equitable bring in transporters from other
and the Askari Park DHA stop, access to sustainable transpor- provinces, potentially impacting
while the inclusion of Kasi Bahria tation solutions. Operations in their source of income. While
Office, Ali Mehmood Super Mart, areas such as Brewery Road, Qa- they admit that the conditions
Killi Gul Mohammad, and Killi mbrani Road, Nawakilli, Spiny of their buses may not be ideal,
Almas ensures connectivity to Road, Sabzal Road, Jinnah Town, they are hesitant to cooperate and
vibrant commercial areas within and Smungli Road which are bus- integrate with the new measure,
even if the government offers fi-
nancial support.
It is believed that the transport-
er mafia’s resistance stems from
Clear and informative sign boards their longstanding monopoly in
the industry. “They have enjoyed
would enable people to easily identify a strong grip on the transporta-

the designated stops and bus routes tion sector for a considerable peri-
od,” says 30-year old Nazeer, who
serving those locations. The provision uses public transport for his daily
commute to work. “I hope that
of water dispensers, trash bins, and as the new bus service expands,

restrooms would further elevate people realise the disparities in

driving practices and conduct be-
passenger experience and reflect a tween the two options. I do not
wish for the source of income for
commitment to passenger well-being drivers and conductors to be tak-
en away, but integrating them
within the new framework would
lowing for swift and hassle-free ing experience, the bus service work for everyone.
transactions. Similarly, mobile must prioritise both passenger By continuously addressing the
payment systems would enable comfort and safety through sev- needs and feedback of its passen-
users to pay through their smart- eral key measures such as regu- gers and prioritising passenger
phones, eliminating the need for lar maintenance of the buses. To comfort, safety, and convenience,
cash and further speed up the further enhance safety, it is ad- the Green Bus Service will shape
process. This not only reduces visable to have a security guard the city's transportation land-
the city. It also caters to the trans- tling key commercial zones and buses that have limited stops, go- the chances of errors in fare col- on board each bus. The presence scape, fostering a greener, more
portation requirements of the ac- residential hubs within the city. ing only as far as Salem Complex. lection, but also minimises cash of a vigilant and trained staff connected, and people-centric ur-
ademic community, with stops at By expanding its reach to cover By extending the service to cover handling and associated security member can offer reassurance to ban environment for the future.
educational institutions like BU- these prominent regions, the bus Burma Hotel Sariab and the sur- risks, and provide valuable data passengers and act as adeterrent
ITEMS University and Agriculture service can also help reduce traffic rounding neighbourhoods, the insights to optimise route plan- against potential untoward inci- Muhammad Zafar Baloch a is free-
University before it concludes at congestion. underprivileged residents who ning and resource allocation. dents. Additionally, a complaint lance journalist based in Quetta
Baleli Custom stop. Asghar Baloch, a 32-year-old face financial constraints while "It is crucial to ensure its acces- number should be prominently All facts and information are the sole
Saleem, originally from Khuz- resident of Burma Hotel Sariab, commuting will be relieved. sibility and sustainability in the displayed on each bus to enable responsibility of the writer

August 27, 2023 3


A nation
starves, an
Story by: Yusra Salim & Nabil Tahir Design by: Mohsin Alam

Malnutrition, driven by factors like poverty and inflation, hinders

economic growth and human potential in Pakistan. Collaborative
efforts, fortified foods, and awareness are crucial for a healthier,
prosperous future
At the heart of any country's pursuit of progress lies the well-being of its people. Yet, an
insidious foe silently erodes this foundation: malnutrition. This quiet crisis, manifested in
the hollow cheeks of children and the wearied eyes of parents, not only steals away vitality increased. Dr. Bengali
but also stifles a nation's economic growth potential. Malnutrition, a complex adversary highlighted, "Nutrition
encompassing undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and obesity, is more than a has a transformative im-
health issue—it is a key determinant of a country's development trajectory. pact on physical attributes
In bustling cities and remote villages alike, the impact of malnutrition creeps in. Chil- and capabilities."
dren grappling with stunted growth and compromised cognitive development face an Malnutrition, particularly
uphill battle to break free from the shackles of poverty. Mothers confront the challenges during critical brain develop-
of providing nourishment for their families amidst scarce resources. It is in these stories ment phases like pregnancy
of struggle and resilience that the profound connection between malnutrition and eco- and early childhood, can result in
nomic growth emerges. stunted brain growth. Brain tissue
Economic growth, often measured in numbers and percentages, is reflected in the lives growth and overall expansion rely
of individuals. Malnutrition robs communities of their potential, clouding their futures, heavily on proper nutrition, encom-
and perpetuates a cycle of deprivation. The intricate relationship between malnutrition passing essential components like pro-
and economic growth demands holistic interventions on an urgent basis, where both teins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals. An
health and prosperity intertwine, forging a path toward a brighter future for all citizens. economist pointed out, "When the body lacks
essential components, the brain's capacity is also
Malnutrition in Pakistan compromised. The escalating inflation poses a grim
Pakistan has been grappling with this formidable public health challenge. Malnutrition is outlook for future generations in terms of intelligence
a multifaceted issue which encompasses not only undernutrition—characterised by stunt- and capabilities."
ing, wasting, and underweight conditions—but also overnutrition, linked to obesity and Deficiencies in vital nutrients such as iron, iodine, zinc, vi-
diet-related non-communicable diseases. tamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids can lead to cognitive deficits in
The intricate web of factors contributing to the prevalence of malnutrition in Pakistan children. These nutrients are crucial for effective brain communica-
is underscored by a confluence of socio-economic and cultural dynamics. tion, and their absence can manifest as challenges in learning, problem-
Poverty is a primary catalyst for malnutrition, affecting approximately a quarter of the solving, memory, and attention.
population who is unable to afford sufficient nourishment. Moreover, food insecurity,
aggravated by natural disasters, conflict, and insecurity, disrupts access to sustenance Squeezed budgets and silent hunger
even for those above the poverty line. According to the World Food Programme, malnutrition incurs a yearly cost of $7.6 billion for
Inadequate breastfeeding practices further compound the issue. Despite the recognised Pakistan, equivalent to roughly three percent of its GDP. While visible malnutrition is concern-
benefits, exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of an infant's life remains a chal- ing, a more significant impact occurs within middle-class households. Inflation forces people
lenge due to various factors. Poor sanitation and hygiene conditions also play a signifi- to reduce their food choices to essentials like rice and flour, cutting out items like fruits, nuts,
cant role, increasing the vulnerability to diarrheal diseases that amplify malnutrition and dairy products. Today, even someone earning 50,000 rupees monthly for a family of four
risks. Alarmingly, improved sanitation facilities and clean drinking water remain inac- can barely afford basic sustenance. Escalating bills and food expenses are gradually eroding
cessible for a substantial portion of the population. Unhealthy dietary habits, marked by the intellectual fabric of society.
a lack of nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables, contribute to the malnutrition crisis,
particularly impacting children. Adding to the complexity is the lack of awareness about
A primary cause of stunted growth in children is inadequate maternal nutrition during pregnan-
cy. Stunting affects around 10 million children in Pakistan, and merely 38 percent of infants are
Only one quarter of childre
the vital role of proper nutrition, leading to suboptimal dietary choices. exclusively breastfed in their first six months of life. under 5 live in Southern
The new challenge is the increasing inflation in the country that affects the accessi- Hafeezullah Gambhir, the provincial program manager in Sindh for Nutrition International,
bility, cost, and availability of food in various ways. The main connection between in- said that poverty is the sole reason for malnutrition. "All other factors are secondary in this race," he Asia, but this sub-region is
flation and malnutrition is accessibility; food costs generally increase as a result of infla-
tion. When food prices rise, families with limited resources may find it difficult to afford
told Express Tribune. Picking up a handful of nuts from his table, Gambhir remarked that middle-
class individuals and average Pakistanis can no longer afford this luxury. Regrettably, the escalat-
home to more than half of a
nourishing foods, which can compromise dietary choices. Because of this, there may be ing inflation and the resulting dire circumstances seem unstoppable. children with wasting
a decreased intake of vital nutrients, which can lead to different types of malnutrition.
The interplay of these factors highlights the urgency of addressing malnutrition in Nourishing solutions amidst economic constraints
Pakistan comprehensively. The undercurrents of poverty, inadequate healthcare, and The financial crunch cannot be controlled and will only make eating healthy food a far-fetched
cultural norms intertwine to create a perfect storm of persistent malnutrition. To break dream for people in the coming days. The easiest solution right now is for Pakistan to move
this cycle, concerted efforts are needed not only to provide immediate food assistance but toward fortified flour, oil, and rice so the nutrients that are lacking can be provided to those
also to foster awareness, improve healthcare infrastructure, and promote practices that who are unable to afford a nutrient-rich diet.
prioritise nutrition. By addressing these underlying issues, Pakistan can make strides to- For example, the most consumed food and easily available is flour. People eat flour in the shape of
wards a healthier and more prosperous future free of malnutrition. bread and roti, so fortifying flour will help in the long run.“The cost of fortifying flour is in pennies

Tracing malnutrition's multi-faceted causes

and would hardly increase the selling cost by 50 paisas but the mills association aren’t willing to
bear the cost while the government organisations do not have the will to step in and take initiative
In underprivileged areas
The central impact revolves around the ability to purchase nutrient-rich food, as pur- for this,” Gambhir said. “The pre-mix that has Vitamin B12, iron and folic acid costs 2,400-3,000 with limited resources,
chasing power diminishes with unwavering inflation. High food prices leave individu- rupees per kilogramme which can be mixed in 5,000 kg of flour and it’ll be fortified. The machines
als and families grappling with compromised dietary choices. Households compelled and mechanism are already there and the mills are being provided with the machines as well but caregivers often have no
by the rising cost of living often find themselves slashing food expenditures. This
budgetary strain can drive the selection of more affordable, calorie-dense alternatives
still none of the authorities are serious about the work.”
Similarly, two decades ago no one thought that iodized salty would be used in every household as
choice but to feed their
which unfortunately lack essential nutrients. A ripple effect unfolds—micronutrient it is used now. It took decades for people to realize its benefits.“Fortified flour will also take five to 10 children diluted milk due
deficiencies and the spectre of overnutrition, embodied by obesity, emerge. years even if the government starts implementing the law today,” Gambhir said.“Many conspiracy
Economist Dr Kaiser Bengali underscores the direct link between malnutrition and theories also form around such initiatives. One such theory and media coverage can easily push the to lack of alternatives
inflation. “Malnutrition is directly linked to inflation and there is no other way for it be- idea three to five years back. The whole effort goes in vain with only one silly comment from any
cause people cut off fruits, nuts, dairy, and other items in their food when prices increase authority,” the program manager explained.
as they think having wheat in the form of ‘chapati’ is enough for them because they are
unable to afford other items,” explained Dr Bengali, adding that the main idea is to fill
Awareness and education on a larger scale are required to save people from this epidemic in the
making. In the next decade or two, Pakistani children who aren’t consuming nutrients and neces-
Numbers of chil
their stomach with minimal food rather than consuming protein, dairy, and other nu- sary vitamins will be very visibly undernourished as compared to neighbouring countries. If the wasting, by Unit
trients. youngsters won't be able to compete in the economy, we must consider where Pakistan will end
One of the primary contributors to childhood malnutrition, resulting in stunted up.
growth, is insufficient maternal nutrition during pregnancy. Stunting has a profound As of now Sunridge is the only flour mill which is making and selling fortified flour and selling it
impact, affecting around 10 million children in Pakistan. Sadly, only 38% of infants are across Pakistan, giving it a monopoly over the prices. The reason flour mill owners don’t take a step
exclusively breastfed during the initial six months of their lives. This issue isn't a sud- forward is their fear that people will not buy flour if they find even a 50 paisa increase in per kg cost.
Number of children u
den development, as the country has been grappling with healthcare challenges for quite This is where the role of the government comes in, as to where they are giving subsidy to the flour
some time. However, the recent surge in prices has exacerbated the situation, bringing mills. For example, if the cost of one bag of 40 kg of flour costs 4,000 rupees, the government gives Number of children u
this long-standing problem to the forefront. a subsidy of 2,500 rupees. Similarly, it can add 50 paisa to that cost and consumers can get more
"It's like a slow poison that has been infiltrating society for a considerable duration,” nutrients in their food.
Dr Bengali said. “Historical instances in places like Tharparkar have demonstrated how “The solution is not 100 per cent but it is far better than just having people not consume nutrients
undernourished women give birth to malnourished babies. I have personally witnessed at all. As someone who is not able to afford fruits, nuts, or dairy in daily life, a person cannot even
cases where newborns weighed merely one kg birth. One can only imagine the dire cir- afford multivitamins for themselves,” added Gambhir.
cumstances the mother must have endured throughout her pregnancy — scarce nourish- Malnourished children are more likely to encounter behavioural problems including anxiety,
ment and minimal postnatal care. It's truly a lamentable situation," he expressed with sadness, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is related to both the stress
concern. brought on by a life of hardship and food deprivation as well as the direct effects on brain chemistry.
Severe malnutrition, particularly in the early years of life, can permanently alter the structure
Ripple effects of nutritional deficiency and function of the brain. Even if a person's nutritional health improves later in life, this may still
Much as food scarcity or limited food options can hinder a child's growth, deficiency have an impact on their intellectual and cognitive ability. Other than that, children who are un-
of proper nutrition doesn't just impact weight and physical well-being, it also affects dernourished frequently suffer in school because they have trouble focusing, remembering, and
intelligence, skills, mental capacity, and physical activities. Dr. Bengali emphasised,
"It's not only maternal malnutrition during pregnancy that contributes to childhood
learning. Poor academic achievement and few possibilities for future success may be the outcome
of these difficulties. 31.6
malnutrition, but also the quality of nutrition provided to children later on. In un- “Such children are just lagging behind in every way and it's not even their fault. The situation of
derprivileged areas with limited resources, caregivers often have no choice but to feed affordability and purchasing power is getting worse day by day. Given the condition, it will not get
their children diluted milk due to lack of alternatives." better anytime soon,” Gambhir said sadly.
Children who are undernourished from birth or during their early years, failing to
receive the necessary nutrients for their bodies and minds to function adequately, may The role of international bodies
grow up to be weak adults, both intellectually and physically. Dr. Bengali added, "His-
torical trends in sports performance illustrate this connection. The success or decline in
The year 1990 was a turning point in the global commitment to eradicate micronutrient defi-
ciencies, when world leaders convened at the World Summit for Children. Canada established
various sports isn't solely determined by training methods. The nutrition players receive the Micronutrient Initiative in 1992 to address micronutrient malnutrition and pave the way
during those times also plays a pivotal role. For instance, the rise and fall of hockey in our for a healthier world. This initiative transformed into Nutrition International (NI) in 2017, Asia
country can be attributed not just to the training but also to the nutritional intake during expanding its impact to over 60 countries, including Pakistan, where NI has taken an active
those periods." role in the fight against malnutrition.
A noteworthy example can be seen in China where basketball was once unimaginable In Pakistan since 2001, NI has been working to enhance the health of vulnerable populations, SOURCE: UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Grou
due to the population's low average height. However, with sustained access to nutritional focusing on women and children. Through partnerships with the Government of Pakistan, NI has
food and supplements, basketball has flourished, and the country's average height has played a pivotal role in advancing various nutrition-related initiatives across the country.

4 August 27, 2023


Numbers (millions) of
children under 5 affected
by wasting, by United
Nations sub-region, 2022
Central Asia

31.6 million
Western Asia
1.0 25.1
Southern Asia
Eastern Asia

1.8 South-eastern Asia 4.3

0.1 Caribbean
Northern Africa
Western Africa
1.9 3.5 Eastern Africa
0.1 million
America Middle Africa
12.2 million
Latin America Southern
Africa SOURCE: UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Group Joint Malnutrition Estimates, 2023 edition

& Caribbean
0.7 million
95% confidence
Stunting Wasting Overweight interval

Percentage of children
under 5 affected by
NI's efforts encompass a range of activities aimed at improving nutri- between inflation and malnutrition. Such a strategy should
tional outcomes. From enhancing vitamin A supplementation for chil- encompass implementing policies that not only regulate food stunting, wasting and
dren under five to promoting zinc supplements and oral rehydration salts prices but also ensure food security for vulnerable populations. 33.0 overweight, global,
en for managing childhood diarrhoea, NI's interventions touch multiple
facets of health. Furthermore, NI extends its reach to remote rural ar-
It should also incorporate targeted social safety nets, subsidies for
essential commodities, support for local food production, promotion of 2000-2022
eas, ensuring that marginalised groups receive improved nutrition and agricultural efficiency, and facilitation of local food systems.
healthcare services. Gambhir highlighted the potential agents of change in this scenario.
s Working in tandem with national and provincial government depart- "The key players who can bring about a transformation by introducing
all ments, NI has been instrumental in fortifying wheat flour to reach mil-
lions of people and improving levels of iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid
fortified flour or other nutritional items to the public include the tradi-
tional bureaucratic establishment, the association of flour mills, and
among children and women. the media," he said. He fexplained that this requires a substantial scale
One noteworthy accomplishment is NI's involvement in the Sindh of advocacy. The involvement of organisations like the Asian Bank and
Food Fortification Act 2021. This groundbreaking legislation makes Sindh USAID could swiftly propel implementation. However, these approaches
the first province in Pakistan to enact a law focused on food fortification. often remain unheard and overlooked in favour of established ideologies
NI played a significant role in the drafting of this bill, showcasing its dedi- and research. Gambhir emphasised, "Creating awareness, advocating for
cation to addressing malnutrition at a policy level. change, and educating the masses are pivotal to fostering improved con-
Between 2016 and 2020, NI concentrated on building technical and hu- sumption patterns."
man resource capacity, collaborating with government departments, In the journey towards a healthier and more prosperous future for Paki-
and strengthening industry associations. This holistic approach not only stan, addressing the interconnected challenges of malnutrition and in-
enhances knowledge but also fosters sustainable change. flation requires a multi-faceted approach. It's essential to recognise that
In Pakistan, where malnutrition remains a persistent challenge, NI's the battle against malnutrition isn't just a health concern; it is a fight for 6.8
efforts stand as a testament to the power of collective action. By working economic growth, human potential, and the well-being of generations
hand in hand with governments, communities, and industry stakehold- to come.
ers, NI seeks to contribute to a healthier, more nourished future for all, Policy-makers, organisations, and individuals must join hands to ad-
embodying the spirit of collaboration and impact-driven change. vocate for better nutrition, affordability, and accessibility. By fortifying 5.3 5.6
food as well as societal awareness and education, Pakistan can break free
Need of the hour from the shackles of malnutrition. This journey is undoubtedly a chal-
The need of the hour is a strategic approach that encompasses both im- lenging one, but with concerted efforts and collective determination, the
mediate relief and sustainable solutions to effectively address the nexus future holds the promise of a healthier and more nourished Pakistan.

ldren under 5 affected by wasting and severe

ted Nations sub-region, 2022

45.0 million with wasting of which 204.2

under 5 with wasting (moderate & severe) 197.1
13.7 million are suffering from
under 5 with wasting (severe only) severe wasting 184.8
Number (millions)
of children under 154.3
5 affected by
stunting, wasting and
overweight, global,
54.1 52.9
12.2 51.2 49.5 46.4 45.0

2.9 13.7
0.7 0.1 33.0 35.5 36.2 38.0 37.8 37.0
Africa Latin Oceania Global
up Joint Malnutrition Estimates, 2023 edition Caribbean

August 27, 2023 5


An anthem doesn’t just play

Historian and archivist of patriotic Pakistani songs, Absar Ahmed delves into the history of our patriotic songs. You
name the song and the book has it, along with the story behind its creation. The preachy narration aside, read it to
know how the battle was won on airwaves, with musical instruments as weapons
By Omair Alavi to do with the fact that PTV isn’t
looked up as the mother institution
We become ultra-patriotic in August or that Radio Pakistan is no more
because Independence Day falls in on the priority for listeners, but it
this month. Enter Absar Ahmed’s also has to do with quantity instead
Hartaan Pakistan and you have an of the quality.
extra reason to celebrate the coun- What makes this book stand
try’s birth anniversary because it is out in the market is its individu-
about the patriotic songs that have ality and how it manages to keep
shaped our lives. itself valid in an era where books
Each one of us has a top ten list of are considered old-fashioned. It
favourite patriotic songs, ones we brings forward war songs from
listen to when we feel like show- different parts of Pakistan’s his-
ering praise on our motherland. tory alongside patriotic songs that
Some have rated Tera Pakistan hai were launched at the change of
higher than Watan ki mitti gawah government, ahead of the elec-
rehna, while others have Zameen tions as well to celebrate some his-
ki goad rang se on their list at the toric moments. It also mentions
top, succeeded by Yeh watan tum- the many sports songs created to
hara hai. But did you know when boost the morale of sportsmen, es-
was the term Milli naghma first pecially cricketers who won laurels
coined, and who was the poet in the field during the 80s and the
behind that very first step in the 90s. While Khalid Waheed’s Hum
direction of patriotic songs? Ac- jeetenge, created ahead of the 1996
cording to Ahmed’s wonderfully- World Cup, gets mentioned here
researched book, it was Allama alongside Saleem Javed’s World
Iqbal, whose Cheen-o-Arab ha- Cup number, you also get to read
mara was sung in 1911 for the first about Jazba junoon which is now
time, and remained the quintes- considered a patriotic number,
sential national anthem until par- even though it came out as a cricket
tition, after which two new an- anthem.
thems were prepared. The book also talks about the

toofan se had become popular, but cided to grade them according to

were not promoted due to the pla- their era,” he says. That’s why the
giarism charge. Instead of criticis- first chapter tackles the pre-parti-
At first, I thought of coming up with ing this act, the author hails it and
terms it as something that was
tion era followed by a dozen more
chapters which mention every
The difficult decision was made easy
an updated second edition of the first common in those days, when it kind of patriotic song created in the once I divided songs era-wise, and
wasn’t and that’s the biggest issue last 112 years.’
book but once I started writing about I have with the compilation. The book’s division is sort of its since songs of the same era had more
Since the book was researched superpower; if it was divided in a
the songs, it shaped into a separate and published in less than eight haphazard manner, no one would or less the same composition, and
book months (a notable feat indeed), the
author deserves to be commended
have found it interesting. That’s
why by categorising 13 eras of Paki- similar lyrics and were created in the
This is just the tip of the iceberg in the UK and US had compiled pa-
and proofreading mistakes could
be ignored. It is through this book
stan’s history – from 1911 to 2023
– the author has done Pakistanis same political scenario, I decided to
as the book is laced with informa-
tion that many of us have no clue
triotic songs from the World Wars
I and II, but nothing more was
that most of the readers would get
to know how songs helped the na-
a huge service. While the first
chapter deals with the pre-Inde- grade them according to their era
about. Did you know that before done anywhere else,” says Ahmed. tion during the different crises the pendence songs and ends at 1947,
PTV came into existence, it was Ra- “No one had gone beyond the war country went through. For me, the second chapter tackles the new forever. The songs mentioned in many collaborations that made
dio Pakistan that catered to the pa- songs, so you can say that this book getting to know that Saleem Raza country’s emergence at an interna- this chapter as well as the next por- PTV different from all the other
triotic element in the public or that is one of its kind and I am proud of was the first singer to offer his ser- tional level and everything from tray the sentiments of the whole national TV channels in the area
PTV’s contribution towards milli it.’ vices pro bono in the 1965 War, or the creation of the national an- nation who were sad, and angry, including those in India ― after
naghmay was so diverse that songs Ahmed has been collecting patri- that Shaukat Ali went into the war them to the emergence of Kalam- but hopeful that normalcy would all, before PTV brought Arif Lo-
were sung in every language? otic songs since he was only eight zone to boost the morale of the sol- e-Iqbal where singers from all parts return and help them to move for- har, Arifa Siddiqui, and the Fateh
Ahmed is considered an author- years old, and the details he knew diers was something I might never of the country paid tribute to Al- ward. Brothers Rustam, and Sultan for
ity when it comes to patriotic songs regarding these songs helped him have found out, had it not been lama Iqbal by rendering his poems. The eighth chapter in the book is Mere des main har pal chahon, or
because a) he has been collecting compile the book in less than two mentioned in this book. The third and fourth chapters the one where PTV became the first before Farida Khanum led the im-
these songs from the age of six years. Ahmed’s dedication is the main cater to the three major incidents choice of music composers, sing- pressive line-up of singers in Hai
years and b) he is an archivist who Not only is this book well-re- reason why this book comes out that changed the direction Paki- ers, and poets as they collaborated meri sar zameen roshan, not many
has every patriotic song ever pro- searched and thorough it takes the as an encyclopedia of Milli Nagh- stan was moving in; while the first to present some of the best songs had executed it, let alone thought
duced in the country in his library. audience down memory lane and may. He mentions how Alamgir section celebrates the first Consti- known to Pakistanis today. There about it. So, if you didn’t know that
While talking to The Express Tri- helps them understand the history decided to stay back in Pakistan tution of the country implemented was Sohail Rana’s Main bhi Paki- Ahmed Rushdi was amongst the
bune, he revealed that although of Pakistan, much better than the despite hailing from East Pakistan in 1956, the second deals with the stan hoon, Nisar Bazmi’s Khayal few singers who were part of the
this was his second book about pa- Pakistan Studies book taught in and how he went on to become part first Martial Law in the country. rakhna, and Khalil Ahmed’s first official rendition of the Qaumi
triotic songs, he considers it more school. But the author’s descrip- of the TV fraternity; why Shehnaz The fourth chapter is the best of Watan ki mitti gawah rehna which tarana and that Mohammad Ifra-
than a catalogue because of the in- tion of the 1965 and 1971 wars be- Begum was relevant for most of the all chapters as it discusses the 1965 were sung by Mohammad Ali She- him made Pakistan his home after
formation it offers. tween India and Pakistan seems to patriotic songs compiled after 1971; War between Pakistan and India hki, Alamgir, and Nayyara Noor being mentored by the legendary
‘My first book was titled Nagh- be for school kids rather than ma- and how PTV took over the duties and how the artists of East and respectively. Mohammad Rafi in India, then
may Pakistan Kay and it was a cata- ture readers. of Radio Pakistan once the new me- West Pakistan joined hands to de- The ninth or last chapter deals you need to be Hartaaned through
logue of Pakistan's patriotic songs,” There are a few more issues that dium became popular. His decision moralise the enemy and boost the with popular songs because after this compilation.
he says. “This one follows up on I had with the book. The first and to categorise patriotic songs accord- morale of the nation. that the book would lose its charm, Interestingly, the author’s favou-
that. At first, I thought of coming foremost is the way film Bedari ing to different eras also needs to The next chapter celebrates the as patriotic songs lost their charm. rite three patriotic songs are Mu-
up with an updated second edition was applauded, a Pakistani film be appreciated because when you ceasefire between the two coun- How musical bands carried for- nawwar Sultana’s Chand roshan
of the first book but once I started released in 1957 where all the songs have so many songs to present, cat- tries as well as the ten years of Gen- ward the patriotic song legacy is ac- chamakta sitara rahay, Watan ki
writing about the songs, it shaped were plagiarized from the Indian egorisation could become a formi- eral Ayub Khan, the country’s first counted on these pages, and how mitti gawah rehna at second and
into a separate book.” film Jagriti (1954) with Ratan Ku- dable headache. Martial Law Administrator. Then the arrival of the private channels Mera naam hai Pakistan at num-
He shared that through this mar who migrated to Pakistan two “The difficult decision was made comes the second war between kickstarted a healthy competition ber three.
book, Pakistan has become the years later and remade the film. By easy once I divided songs era-wise, Pakistan and India and despite the between TV channels. The rest of
first-ever country in the world the time the government found out and since songs of the same era had best efforts of the showbiz person- the book is about the songs created Omair Alavi is a freelance contributory
where the history of patriotic songs about this, the songs Aao bachon more or less the same composition, alities who appeared on TV and in the last 23 years and apart from who writes about film, television, and
has been compiled and published sair karayen, Aye quaid e azam and similar lyrics and were created Radio to fight the war in their own a few, none of them are worth a popular culture. All facts and information
in book form. “Before this, people tera ehsan hai, and Hum laye hain in the same political scenario, I de- way, Pakistan lost its East wing mention here. It might have more are the sole responsibility of the writer

T Magazine’s picks
Read this week: Watch this week:
Binge this week: Collapse: How Roadrunner: A Film Follow this week:
Fisk Societies Choose To About Anthony Bad Friends
TV Show Books Fail Or Survive Movies Bourdain Podcast

A work comedy on the lines of the Office, Biologist, and anthropologist Jared You get the feeling of being at his wake Featuring the love/hate relationship of
but this one offers wry Australian humour Diamond tackles the dramatic decline of as hours after the funeral, people gather, comics Andrew Santino (Dave and I'm
which goes down well with fans of British lost cultures such as the Easter Islanders, mingle and start sharing stories of how Dying Up Here) and Bobby Lee (Magnum
comedy as opposed to laughter-prompt-type the Anasazi in the Southwestern US, the they knew Bourdain. The illuminating P.I. or Pineapple Express), the whacky
American entertainment. Don’t be put off Mayans in Central America and the Norse documentary explores the complex life of podcast offers their spicy dynamic, but
by Helen Tudor-Fisk, the woman in the Vinland settlement in Greenland, which a world-famous chef and traveller without it is not for the weak-hearted. It is filled
baggy brown suit, because her done-with- unlike the ancient civilisations of Greece or shying away from Bourdain’s tragic 2018 with hot takes and hotter jabs as Santino
people personality and caustic lines gener- Rome, were small and isolated. He believes death, but reframing to celebrating the fig- and Lee discuss everything from hating
ate lots of funny moments and situations they suffered drastic reductions in popula- ure who meant so much to so many people dolphins to ice-cream salads and beyond!
with quirky characters in the law firm crew tion and productivity due to mismanaged after his years of his fascinating filming The duo started the podcast in early 2020,
and clients that range from kleptomaniacs resources, lost friends, gained enemies, explorations and interactions all over the quickly gaining traction for their amaz-
to people with crazy food expectations in climate changes, and their cultures and be- world. Featuring interviews with those ing rapport, walking the line between
meetings. Nothing bold or edgy, the six- liefs. An essential book of its time that nails who knew him best, it shows Bourdain like friendship and enemies. No matter what
episode series is an easy watch. present days issues to ‘ecological suicide.’ never before. they talk about, it is hilarious!

6 August 27, 2023


for the
Small-town mystery collides with mushy mawkishness
in Guns and Gulaabs, where the atmosphere is charged
with intrigue, and the soundtrack subtly interwoven
with snippets of Hindi film songs from three decades
ago add to the nostalgia

By Shafiq ul Hasan Siddiqui meant to evoke. In a

couple of scenes, Raj Kummar Rao’s into the epitome of intimidation.
The much-anticipated web series prowess bursts forth, proving his His looks could curdle milk, and his
Guns and Gulaabs (GAG) has finally towering caliber as an actor. glares could freeze time itself. Aatma
arrived on Netflix, on, much to the The first such instance mate- Ram, a figure veiled in intrigue and
delight of Raj and DK fans who have rialises when he gazes at Aatma fascination, strides onto the screen
been waiting to experience their sig- Ram, masterfully played by Gulshan with a grand declaration, a line
nature storytelling style. Known for Devaiah, mercilessly snuffing out that peels back his layers, "Dush-
their unique execution, compelling the life of his dear friend. The inten- man ke liye nahin, style ke liye hai"
narratives, and eccentric character sity of the moment is palpable, and [Not for the enemy, but for the flair].
development, Raj and DK have carved Rao's portrayal does justice to the tur- Devaiah doesn't just play a character;
a niche for themselves in the realm of moil. The second demonstration of he breathes life into an enigma that
entertainment. From Go Goa Gone, to his acting prowess emerges when he dances on the fringes of menace and
Farzi and The Family Man, their uni- reminisces about that poignant mo- mystery.
verses are teeming with intriguing ment shared with his love interest Satish Kaushik, essaying the role
characters that boast unpredictability, atop a rooftop. However, amidst the of Ganchi, unfurls his lines with the
uniqueness, and a touch of eccentric- anticipation, the audience's thirst kind of finesse that only a seasoned
ity, making them truly captivating. for a little more from Rajkummar virtuoso can summon. It's true
With GAG, the dynamic duo remains somewhat unquenched in that on paper, the lines might not
brings us a seven-episode series that GAG. be revolutionary, but the alchemy
dives headfirst into a world of Sher- Dulquer Salman steps into the Kaushik weaves with them is what
pur and Gulaab Ganj gangs, where shoes of Arjun Verma, a character elevates them into a league of their
lives intertwine in unexpected ways. as intriguing as a crossword puzzle. own. A magician with words, he
Rajkummar Rao, Dulquer His quirks are a breath of fresh air takes the ordinary and transforms
Salman, Gulshan Devaiah, and ― a man staunchly devoted to the it into something extraordinary. A
Adarsh Gourav take centre stage reminiscence and authenticity to step in and complete the high-stakes mysteries. authenticity of original film songs, handful of scenes become pedestals
in this latest offering. The series is the tale. However, despite the ex- deal. The intertwining of these char- It's the concoction of these char- turning up his nose at the once-fa- for Kaushik's brilliance to bask in.
also enriched by the presence of ac- tensive screen time allocated to these acters' lives forms the central narra- acters that furnishes the web series mous ‘Jhankaar’ remixes that pep- The resonance of his performance
claimed actors such as the late Satish children, their integration with the tive of the series. with its unique hue and texture, pered the 90s. A curtain raiser to his ripples through instances such as
Kaushik, Vipin Kumar, Nilesh Dive- main storyline occasionally feels Yet, for all its intricacy, the core each stroke of their presence shap- idiosyncrasies unfolds in the open- his rendezvous with Arjun Verma,
kar, and Varun Badola, all of whom more contrived than naturally flow- plot is akin to a classic vanilla base ― ing the canvas upon which the story ing scene. Here, seated behind the his meeting with Sukanto (the Cal-
play essential roles in weaving the ing. a touch familiar, a bit simplistic. It's unfolds. wheel of a police jeep, he immerses cutta Drug Cartel handler), and the
narrative's intricate tapestry. Embarking from the innocence the unfolding of events, like domi- Raj Kummar Rao, the reliable gem himself in the timeless melodies poignant moment, delves into the
The heart of GAG beats within the of childhood and crossing the terri- nos cascading one upon the other amidst the ensemble cast, finds of RD Burman's Hoga tum se pyara depths of his past as he clinks glasses
two rival gangs from Sherpur and tory to the shadowed realm of gang- that charts the course of GAG. There's himself confined to a rather restrict- kaun. Yet, the twist arrives when he with his son Jugnu. These moments
Gulaab Ganj. Their actions have a sters and opium fields, the series Tipu, son of Tiger, a reluctant inheri- ed playground in GAG. The blame, abruptly ejects the cassette from the crystallise Kaushik's masterful art-
ripple effect that touches the lives sets sail on a voyage that interlaces tor of his father's legacy, a paradox it seems, lies at the doorstep of the vehicle upon realising it's the dread- istry, a class act that has left a void, as
of those directly and indirectly con- a tapestry of characters. Ranging where desire clashes with destiny. writers. Tipu, portrayed by Rao, is a ed Jhankaar version. This particular he's now departed from this realm,
nected to them. Set against the from the fledgling to the fearsome,
backdrop of the 90s, the show offers these characters are strung together
a delightful rendezvous with nostal- by their aspirations, inspirations,
gia, particularly for those who grew dreams, and divergent lifestyles. It's
up during that era or experienced the a symphony of lives, with each note
rollercoaster of their teen years at the resonating through the screen.
time. Ganchi, portrayed by the late
From iconic Walkmans to cas- Satish Kaushik, operates as a drug
sette players, bicycles, goggles, fra- dealer in Gulaabgunj and enters a
granced love letters, craze for wrist significant agreement with Sukan-
watches and fizzy drinks, the series tao Chatterjee, a Kolkata-based busi-
masterfully captures the essence nessman played by Rajatava Datta.
of youth during the 90s. Even the The terms of the deal require Ganchi
chapter titles of the show pay hom- to deliver a substantial quantity of
age to the music and films of the 80s opium to Sukanto within a month.
and 90s, such as Kasam Paida Karne Meanwhile, an honest narcotics of-
Wale Ki, Do Dil Mil Rahe Hain, and ficer named Arjun Varma, played by
Raat Baaqi, with one episode titled Dulquer Salmaan, arrives in Gulaab-
Everything I Do I Do It For You, that gunj with the intention of cracking
playfully borrows from a Bryan Ad- down on the illicit opium trade.
ams classic. Paana Tipu, the son of Babu Tiger
The series kicks off with a poi- (Arijit Dutta), a prominent member
gnant debate between two boys, of Ganchi's criminal organisation,
exploring the depth of their love as works as a mechanic and aspires to
they engrave their girlfriends' names avoid following in his father's foot-
on their arms using a compass. As steps. He is deeply in love with Chan-
the narrative unfolds, a delicate love dralekha, a schoolteacher played by
story emerges, where a girl and a TJ Bhanu. However, Tipu's life takes
boy find themselves falling in love an unexpected turn when he ends Then there's Jugnu, a son yearning character that flirts with unpredict- event in GAG paints a vivid picture of leaving his fans yearning for more.
while walking their bicycles along- up killing two members of Chaar Cut to carve his own path, amidst the ability. On the surface, he may ap- Arjun Verma's distinct persona. Dul- While GAG offers a plethora of
side each other instead of riding Atmaram's gang (Gulshan Devaiah) shadow of paternal expectations. pear as basic as it gets, yet lurking quer Salman dons his role with apt twists and turns that keep audi-
them home. Intriguing classroom in retaliation for his father's murder, Arjun Verma, an enigmatic inspec- beneath is a potential for a complete finesse, slipping seamlessly into the ences on their toes, these surprises
dynamics, such as the class monitor and inadvertently becomes a part of tor, with layers more deceptive than transformation when stoked by skin of Arjun Verma. However, as sometimes come a bit too late in the
relinquishing his badge to the new the criminal underworld. a magician's trickery. And hovering provocation. Alas, it's his love esca- the curtain lifts, the one who takes game. The initial episodes are dedi-
class topper, and the same monitor Meanwhile, Ganchi faces an un- menacingly is Aatma Ram, a soul- pades that serve as the main ingre- a slight stumble seems to be the cated to building the foundation
penning the names of troublemak- foreseen complication that forces less assassin with an untold back- dient for the comedy pot, outweigh- script itself. The character performs of the story and establishing the
ers on the blackboard, add layers of his son, Jugnu (Adarsh Gourav), to story that lies cloaked in myths and ing the emotional essence they were his dance, yet the choreography of characters with intricate nuances.
the narrative appears to be slightly The ensuing tale is entertaining
askew, leaving a pinch of discontent. and occasionally engaging, though
Adarsh Gourav as Jugnu is what at times it succumbs to moments
you may call dangerous yet cute. His of dragging pace. By the time the
actions are a mismatch of what he climax unfolds, the impact could be
is and what he tries to live ― which diluted due to the late introduction
is well defined in the climax. Here, of significant plot elements. It's evi-
brownie points go to Adarsh for dent that Raj and DK invested con-
playing his character so well. The siderable effort in fostering a sense
boy is getting better and denser as a of connection with the era's nostal-
performer in every character that he gia, but in doing so, the intricate
performs. storytelling, unique plot features,
Gulshan Devaiah emerges as the and character arcs seem to have tak-
undisputed scene maestro in GAG, en a backseat. And for this, I’ll rate
and it's not just through a torrent of GAG, three out of five stars.
words. In a canvas where dialogues By the way, Kumar Sanu’s song
are rationed, his character blooms Do raazi delightfully touches the 90s
into a force of nature, stitching to- again. This one is exactly how the
gether potency with every stride, ges- songs from that era used to be ― re-
ture, and glance. Kudos to Devaiah freshing, soulful and romantic.
for wrapping himself in the skin of a
character that thrives on subtlety yet Shafiq Ul Hasan Siddiqui is an avid
wields an air of authority that's noth- movie buff, and film and drama critic
ing short of captivating. and a digital inbound marketer. He
Sporting the iconic Sanju Baba tweets as www.twitter.com/shafiqul-
coif of the 90s like its second nature, hasan81. All information and facts are
Gulshan Devaiah metamorphoses the responsibility of the writer

August 27, 2023 7


of style
Move over Alya Bhatt! Our very own Aiza
Hussain has revived and reinvented the
sari trend with modern, affordable, and
sustainable pieces for everyday wear

By Rizwana Naqvi her family but she says, “It is my different communities belong-
personal passion.” ing to all religions like Parsis.
As far as I can remember, my mother “The sari doesn’t care for our Sari is also often passed on as
always wore a sari, whether she was origin or our colour; it is us who heirloom from one generation to
at home doing household chores or have assigned these labels to the another.
going out no matter what the oc- sari that exist around it today,” “I believe that it depends on
casion was. First in the morning, she says. “I have come across how things are portrayed,” says
even before preparing breakfast, she women who worry about their Hussain. A concept doesn’t come
would change from her night dress body type, colour, marital sta- out of thin air, it’s bred over time,
into a sari. tus, and so many things when we are socialised into believing
Those were the times when sari it comes to donning this dress. I certain traditions and values at-
was the preferred dress for most am trying to normalise this dress tached to a dress form. I am a big
married women, and girls too again and break all stereotypes proponent of how things are engi-
would often wear it, especially for around it, using regional ethnic neered over time.
functions, etc. prints, and trying to do that at a The Saari Girl is not just dedi-
I am told that in the pre-Parti- cost that a lot of people can bear. cated to promoting affordable
tion India, sari was mostly worn It is not supposed to cost you an saris, but also battling notions ed in society.” the whole process that we work brands are marketing saris now,
by Hindu women and Muslim arm and a leg. We should own about the sari. “In the twenty- on.” which is evident from campaigns
women usually wore gharara or proudly.” first century, it is time that we Fabrics and styles Hand block-printed Ajrak sari by premiere fashion clothing
chooridar pyjama, while Sikh The idea behind The Saari Girl is show more progressive thinking Talking about the fabrics and styles that is made on pure cotton is brands. Three or four years ago
women wore shalwar kameez. to make sari more accessible and and break past attaching religion that are more popular Hussain says, gaining popularity. “I think it is none of these brands was mar-
But gradually the distinction dis- affordable for the masses in Paki- to a dress,” advocates Hussain. “Banarsi and silk are the main fab- because of the history attached keting the sari. She recalled that
appeared and women began to stan and generally to Pakistanis Discussing how sari has been rics that we work with.” They have to the organic, vegetable dye while at a shopping mall recent-
wear whatever they wanted, irre- or the desi diaspora abroad. “I politicised in the past few de- all types of saris ― Indian banarsi, process that is completely hand- ly, she noticed one mannequin at

spective of religion. Sari and shal- want to trace the cultural dynam- cades, such as during Gen Zia’s Pakistani banarsi, cotton silk, pure made. There is zero machinery premiere clothes outlet wearing
war pushed the gharara aside to ics around this particular dress Islamisation drive which has had cotton, lawn, organza saris, tissue involved ― from blocks to dry- a sari. “The fact that it is being
an extent that it seemed to have form and then to contribute to- its impact on women’s dressing, saris, sequence net saris. “Ajrak sari ing to washing and final touch mass produced by bigger brands
been reserved for the elderly or for wards ‘The Saari Girl,’ Hussain especially the sari, Hussain says, is very popular and I feel proud that up, everything is done by hands. shows that people are wearing
occasions like weddings, when adds. “When you think of the national we are promoting Sindhi artisans’ These are ancient techniques that sari more regularly.”
even young ones would be dressed dress you think of the shalwar work through those,” says Hussain. that are followed for sari making. As a measure to revive the sari,
in a gharara and look like dolls. Each sari takes about two weeks “We have done campaigns that
However, with the passage of to make, so a lot of hard work are very socially inclusive; for ex-
time, somehow in Pakistan, the goes into this. Yet we try to price ample, campaigns that were ac-
sight of sari-clad women began them at reasonable rates; starting tively targeted towards minorities
to diminish, or in other words the from 5,000 onwards and goes up in Pakistan, such as campaigns
sari fell out of favour. While in to Rs7,000 -8,000.” on Diwali and Karwa Chauth.”
the 70s women used to wear sari Another popular variety is the One can say that revival of the
even in informal settings and in silk saris which come in a variety of sari is happening as more and
day to day life, and one could even colours such as peacock green, ma- more people are wearing saris for
see sari-clad women walk on the roon, plum and royal teal shades Eids, for birthdays, etc. “There’s
streets and even at the work place, are really popular these days. a movement that is in place, but,
but now fewer women wear it. According to Hussain, ‘The given the decades of pluralism
Aiza Hussain, CEO of The Saari Saari Girl’ is the country’s largest against the sari that we have to
Girl, seems to have taken upon e-commerce platform for saris. “I fight, it will take time. It is some-
herself to bring back sari in style. was the first one to pioneer this thing that we are actively work-
She refutes the thought that it be- movement, and pioneer the idea ing on and there is still a long way
longs to some particular commu- of an online sari store. Before this to go,” says Hussain.
nity, pointing out that the history no online sari store has emerged Being dedicated to social respon-
of sari in the subcontinent goes as from Pakistan.” Hussain was just sibility, Aiza feels that in a coun-
far back as the Indus Valley Ci- 23 when she established ‘The Saa- try where majority of the popula-
vilisation. She mentions the sari ri Girl’ and a year later established tion lives below the poverty line it
draped figurines of the Indus Val- the website. Now at just 26, she is important to keep giving back
ley, which shows the historical leads an all women team, all of to society in whatever way possi-
value of this dress. Why it fell out of style kameez; when you think of ap- “These hand block printed saris are whom are younger than her and ble, monetarily or through more
“The sari has been here for cen- When we talk about sari falling propriate clothing for women you very close to my heart. The hand- mostly students. “It’s like a girl exclusive campaigns. “For this,
turies and is common to many out of style, usually Gen Zia and go back to shalwar kameez, the loom traditional khaddi banarsi is power sort of initiative, where I we have done campaigns where
communities,” Hussain says. his Islamisation drive is blamed for headscarf and abaya and all.” again very traditional and involves am trying to empower women we donate a percentage of 5-15
“But while growing up I did not this. It is true that “during Gen Zia’s She recalls Iqbal Bano’s per- a lot of hard work and is also one of by making them believe in them- percent towards flood relief. I do-
see the sari to be as popular as I era sari was not encouraged in a lot formance at the Alhamra in my favourites. Apart from these we selves, to feel more confident nated 50 percent of proceeds for a
was told during my research; not of places,” says Hussain. “In fact, in 1986, when she sang Faiz ‘Hum have lace chiffon, georgette, chunri about themselves as well as en- couple of months, and in August
at least in the circles and spheres most places it was frowned upon. dekhein ge’, wearing a black sari. saris too.” trusting them with responsibili- last year I donated 100 percent of
that I come across. My mother This was not exactly an active at- [Faiz had been banned by Zia be- Hussain and her team encour- ties, taking their creative input, my proceeds,” says Hussain.
has never worn a sari, though tack but definitely a way to discour- cause of his close association with age all kinds of drapes, from the working together on ideas in a To bring back the sari, just in-
both my grandmothers loved age sari, while shalwar kameez was Bhutto, but Iqbal Bano continued standard and most popular drape holistic, teamwork kind of envi- troducing new styles and mass
wearing sari. I feel that an entire encouraged as the proper national to sing his poems as an act of defi- that goes on the left shoulder, to ronment. It’s a women-led and marketing is not enough. As Aiza
generation has really skipped out dress. Though, in later years, sari ance and resistance.] And because Gujarati drape where the pallu women-run enterprise.” says with so many women suffer-
on sari and that somehow propels did redeem in some places like in the she was wearing a sari which was comes in front, to the Marathi ing from colourism, from body
me towards this dress.” military uniform and among medi- also considered improper and drape where the sari is draped Revival image, etc. we have to be more
Hussain, a socio cultural an- cal professionals.” not deemed something that can separately on the two legs in a As far as popularising the sari is con- mindful of that and should have
thropologist by training, received Another factor is that because be worn by the masses, the sari particular style. Customers are cerned, Hussain believes that there more inclusive campaigns. And
her education from LUMS and sari is more popular in India it is came to be labelled as revolution- assisted about how they should has been a change. “I think it is a this, she says, is her mission.
University of Chicago where she often considered a Hindu dress. ary and rebellious. wear a sari, how they should journey where we have definitely
was a Fulbright scholar. She is Hussain calls this notion a false- “I am particularly striving feel confident about themselves, made a monumental impact. I can Rizwana Naqvi is a freelance journalist
also a researcher and enjoys food, hood, saying “it is not correct at against established norms,” she what sort of look they need and say this because since we started off and tweets @naqviriz; she can be reached
travel, and saris. Seeing her pas- all.” Sari is worn in other coun- says. I am not trying to introduce what will complement them, many brands have picked up.” at naqvi2012rizwana@hotmail.co.uk
sion, one would have thought tries also such as Bangladesh; something new, but only revive what they have in mind for them- She says this can be measured All facts and information are the sole
that she perhaps inherited it from also in Pakistan, it is worn by something that has always exist- selves, explains Hussain. “So it’s by the fact that many popular responsibility of the author

8 August 27, 2023

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