Контрольна Робота 7 Кл. Харчування

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1. Translate the words into English.

Миска-bowl, варити-boil, оцет-vinegar, досвід-experience,
святкова-festive, страва-dish , нарізати скибками- cut slices, накривати
на стіл-to lay the table, серветка-napkin, змішати та додати олії-mix end
add oil, яловичина-beef.

2. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

cut, peel, put, add, pour, mix
1) Put the eggs into a frying pan.
2) You have to peel the onion before cutting it.
3) Pour boiling water into a teapot.
4) Put potatoes and sour cream into a bowl and cut them.
5) To make a salad, add some carrots.
6) Don’t forget to mix salt.

3. Complete the sentences with ‘a lot of/lots of’, ‘a little’ or ‘a few’.

1) It’s real winter, there’s a lot of snow on the ground.
2) I can’t buy sweets, I only have a little money.
3) There are lots of days in a year.
4) They ate one cake, but we have a few slices of another one.
5) I don’t have much homework, only a few tasks to do.
6) There is a little milk left in the fridge, please buy more.

4. Write the recipe of a dish you like (ingredients and instructions).

2 eggs end some salt
Put the eggs into a frying pan. Add salt end fry 4 minutes.

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