HMT Mod 1 Note

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Tenpmatsre Tt is tre oreaswe of nee Of Welngs ov Cotoess of a teddy, TC's a mntanine off Ov Karte energy ef portides io Substouk , Heat Ts a Bin of enugy fned as a rout of ternp coliffrente of je is the hanskn af thinrral enemy Fons High Henpescviwre Subsient. to leo top Gabstore . Te is Ur, Yo molecules datas of an objat: arn of erongy Preeat ti, who an objet ts hot, Ws malades have dot of entrciy and eooweh « . J Wal onstes Moverntn} of tturroal enw 4 feo One objet 4d cmotwt. Te tuts Und] fen of body and Sumounding btwme equal Cui, swurnal equilieriuen). Unia is W ov KI/sec, For tuat hoaslen , thine aust be a temperahie AiMferene and ib Jakes polar 19 tree roodkss, iL Condurhton , Convection and Kadiation, Condurtion 4+ heat honsfer by recans of physteal Gntoct, Cenvetion 1 - raat farler by Gondushon cf Awicl motion Radiation v= Weal boasker by rian al elsbomoanabe Counts and requires 0 mediurs Gr tig Condtustion Wat _hansler Transfer of heal Rovn ene part of 9 Cuntianee fo anoint pan of Some Substance , 07 bao one Substane 4p anotwed jn PI Bical Cootacl coith Vt usiinow appreciable displasmnenl, o: mdtuker — Ramiog Subsstonre . ea: bead banter in medal rods, beat onhangea toalls ek J “3g Tn lds, Condurfion .T 15 dur fo "by hronport of Per etachons Celietonic Conduanon ) 2») by ei Vibralions. — Cphoresic Condustion) lo anstals | romyot fo Fee elon 1s loo dhewes” re dren lattiu. Vibrations. Bul fy fon melaly, quids and qe lattice Uibrafion is move doseloanth, Gandussion Ys hserves! in golds, Uquids pe Bub ie is move ehorninant+ in sol ds, ty YT ond low ings. Founiens law of heal Grduetion Rot. af tow af bok ot ge Qoud ts dtrely propo tional wea mr Yon ad meat fy dhvetion of heat foo and of Kebperabe cote rexpeal hy bat of path of taal i» ' Ty ~ inlet Be SANS a . dic ye Triezanss of ody 19 dhebion of Pe Wat fiow- 2 —Kkadt Ba Q- au vohne K NS Properion alt hy Grstant Cate Traren of LO body Unit is Wok, ve Sion Condua vit inner Sanease vo | tomyperahne 1D eeeho of an Gow, At is always —ve int divetton , Tus & Qsaurnptions a hand flow one ~ direction: pout Gadurron — ot Seady stale. (8, Sey. 2 5me) No \eteanak heat erate 5 Tiotop $ hernias ux poor. Cpayattes Gagarin alt divechion > ne, ic Ss Grit bo all 's. eel Tos dehad os omound of tak Cendusked thre a be of unit area ood unit Ahiketss Iq unit ene woken Herop difference. fe uoihy. th, K2 Q «da - at Th's tne Prep of material cohich fells about iui of satel a alow Wak ve gt Cordurted __ meh ie. Thanenal _Gndustvity of Selids al g unoniues. Be, jo ey ao jnveose P 8 Ku “Lions damnead Keyshoo A vacate Keanu. boithy innvease Preerrad Conduskiviy 0 : x —— mae! Bee eK —— ats ys 0s) T Ja Aenperchine, f alloys “tatatarcs, os Yop, Kise laerense $ ope Bope Is ve. TTwnmal _Gondustvity of Liquids 6 Gases Jo tquids and trases, heat Conduction oteuns mainly dnugh = 2 eaushonlinas D Viner atomic Collision Ceneoge ennngy by Euston) 2) Woleador Diffusion. Cmordero mmovernsnt oF eraltuabes ina mediuen. tH Con obshuct heal Flow in (peritudon liven) & Nquids | moles Ore velotv wre Cl Ths Kk hgends On enobuntorr eftustoD than ome 4 04 domp 4, Tordomness oP motes 4 QB obsmuls heal flow. Os tern ‘narreored Ra Liquids, kK chawneaned eruption 4s waley . Thurna) KP N db qune ual {with Tip ot ond dun Stots 1 Ky ——> Tr gases, 0% deenp T rrotudar callision also ¥ hauibes Gand K —— jncrtoses. Men Kinetic twory of gases, KovT $ ke Vow Ins Keova > Ktgsa >. ¢ Kats > Ns ‘Deneasing ovdia of Mwwernal _Qonduetivity Z ‘Diamond (3800 Woe) > Ces K vdue dle to 14h Pe!) (talline, Swe Cust 1) g Copper Cseeq 0) cot 8/4") er (xe "> Alloys ty, Gases Testor s o-Redking tHhemnal) Goda vity I Cahne of praterial !~ Some ane geod Grdetns Go oturs awe bool Comdurtors . ey Copper is Move, Gndusting then fon. 2. Temp Aft bls ends of material 3. Gwss Setiona) onea Ais t= OK of antctes maketal is Aron thinner rostered) of Same. Qoatetal) one © cli all Bech, e Head ches = Otten ym cod of Shorten tonduuty faster onl ger one, 5 Kis a Aatton of TP rodeture Conkok , density ona Porwsity thre ladRee. AllovoHon —reuseaies Tlnngerohine ¢- OS a, dome , tohich tN Obs: xz how . Thus KY ox demp 7 - wrietion in ten} Mesure Sollels and Uquids Show 70 —=— Condaasvity wrt change io prose, Chun fo thor 1 ormp reas Bie nature. But gases also, shows 2 Nomtedtion 30K Rt Grease, Posty 1-08 pov Kv an frolstwe Goto T, IK t ¢ Molsture Content + ~ a mots Goo , Kotte Os Density? Bs clensity eases, K also TN. Heat Gadurtn ego do a Coordinate septere. Gonsiday a Gono! Volume a Shaoo 0 Soure. tet dn, dy anddz be dhe aueraess \ Sort Sore oF Cv lo miY4, Sa anis wesPAly. Prrcunt of Wat entering and raving ans is represented of! and Qutdn « Qn oe Porn fourien's law, ame ae ™ Qy = ~Khn OE +E dye on Zz Ryo KO 2 kat dedz ee ‘s a 4 Qs ~-kagdt = “KIT dndy 3a 8 Qaadn= Qn+ 6On) dy Ox 2 3 (&). Qyrdy Dy "55 “y dy Quads = Qs + 981) .da, arcount oP teed gunsraled ustdnin terme = «dn “apn ts vale of head a or iris ofed anit Volunne ’ Pmount of Nat suede dhe Crant Cafes) 8VC or Oe Sed 7 segt g adide Sepying ening balan do Cv ap Es, = Kouk + Exe = Cepredl Orr Oy FQ, @rra, + Qrdy * Qads D # E910 = acai - (ae. tn 38). dy 2.0449) 4 Syn Andy de * = 8COT Andy dg K(ét, +85, Ba, dpe a or : ont yt 2 weg qr Andy dg + $c OT dnd dg at +oT ee ae, ap GPO 8 or k “K oe WT “qe =i OT =e Cowrming 17 hs i K x de: Condery .T Ir Coordinate ae. Je, as K 4, Omund of Mat FSi writin dre mnediun twill be feo. AS chinmad diffusivity Col! Troreases heot tronsfex by Conduction goill be more. Ry 2d steady Bate Gnddo itn Yntemal beak qrrater or 4dr 4 & Ox Sy2 oe LO Shady Stade Gnddr tortnout inkmad heat gus at + dT Oat ay UD unsteady Stele hak honsfed eoitrouk “hood gaan or 21 oT Om ok OE io eee . ‘ WoT usttnouk Fate road a 27 Kat an an eQr ie T qe & Ke oT One _dinwsional Steody State heal Condusltoo Wehoul beat gievelion ® SLAB Constdss a stab of tricknss SL! tm a dlivettion f Johnie length ts YSZ clvdn as shown to fy Stab ts having Galant tuna Goduckivity Ck Und! wre 1s 90 heat ahion. The sides ‘one ab Constont semprahures Ty ond Tr ab nso Paeb Bell Prag hag i ge hack Grduofio eq, Re wa Om a, “oe RR woly , Hen | ee ee el ot ee) ts 2 Ranchioo PpE —> ODE Wapabig ihe ge o| T= Cn+c, | ——@ Boundary Gnditions are y a of A= 0 } ® T= T. ab neu apeliing B.Condtions @ in @ sak a=0, Q:T CO Ry Boe LT Qe -% L Gand ¢, is @ =F |T= (© Head Fransker rade @ Can be daderrntaacl Oe ee lwo, Q> -kA at mba: Q= kaCu-T.) . “_ on ak xe L “This Gn may be “caries ad, | @ = Kind Gndutfion equadfen in efraneet Gordinaks Consider 09 elumental Velumne. raving — Gaordlinales Crbiz> for drvee dimensional read Conchusttoo Snalyshs of cluwunt ts ¥dg.dyolz. Leb Cg bE Xx Nidume, Per ante Volume. hoot green 1 Weak few \o radia) chirection : heat toftun | Qy = —k Cragded OT ov KMS ‘ heat eR) Qos Q, + MQ) ax or heat aturnudated ia radial direction, da, ~ Q; AQ, « - BOG) de = “B[-* Crdode) OT «| dy = dade Aral dT as) dQ, = Kdddedy. +.oT + OT . Gat OF AB, = K Crdbde-de’) [. we Heat fou io Jongentiad drekion eat \ntun > Q, > de) = Veot efPlum = Qarag = De + & Canrdh Peak auurnubsted to fangeottcd atechon hs dQy= - 2,0) wd o -a,{-¥ ge | nag - 2 Lot \e a a AQy K (ardgdz) (4 a kr dade a heat Seouo 10 antal chreaty wat odtun Q = —K Crd av) . bot Hon Qi. + JQ) de dz head Otuumnutsted in aniad dively dQ, = Q-y dQ, - -9@z)-dz= —d (_ F a Se (Koes = ye B= Kc rdrdgde eT 22 Nek bead atumutatedl in elament CQin- Gor) = Kdvrddede [SL HLT pa dr ¢Ht oy YY OY + Ogt a= “Brat OT le we element @.> gn Sgn tv add 6 eat stored fer cee element = Mtpdt= 3vcp oT de oe red = 8 Crdddadz') Cp oT oP xs _® Dom ome tahoe +> Quy +Q, = Vsweal oe Tot gt dat rosie ($5 eB) ge an = sriedijde ST Cp. OL yLat+ Ler 43t . _ (& YO y Oar Gaze ee pe * Stp ar of OT riot + Lot ett \i dy, 2 Ort Vor Y Og* Bye oo ay t= eam K Oe A x“ Veod Conduction equation 'n Spharital Ceordinafes Gorsidan ap elarnantal volume having Coordinates Cx,4,0), Ly 3D hot ferdustion analysis. Volume of element fs chord ving dh, So ts haat ger per anit Volume. hank Siow in diveh¥oo @q- —K« Cay. rdo) oT Chea sine ap ofan) » Wide = @ - © dQ = —d_EB4)-"Sined Grays 8% = “Se j heat efflun 46,2 SL Ofek aw ot P astnd § ( mie He ae ob ) vVeladeclp da = K(drvdo) Jt dh Og” er AR, ek Cord. ysind db) or Psa. Oh Heat flow in © ~ direction vein dg y OT « - Heat ioftun + Q, = — Car vsine -t) ae huot efPum > Bigg = Apr IQs) -VAG- 10° heat cteumutatecl in elamnt in © -diren : AQe = Qe - Qeido= — A CQe)- rhe. 09 AQ - —d (-& (or sanods) oF }) de yas yoo = K drrsingdd 2 (see .oT do Y Sine OH oo = K ing. n AQs = Karsing.ydd 9 (ging. of S Yde x1 ae de Sind « heat ow in ¥- dliveeton: % Qy « =k Corde -rsinvde) ST Cheat inflam’) ov hak efflun Qigy = Qi 2@) da Keak otumutation in element Aue to tab Po a> ag, = ~Z Wd 9 Yack = -o 2 (> K Crd@-ysinad der ae Kao Sing .dg dy a C¥. or ov OF = 1K dy d8 Yinodd 1g (or yor oF ) Nek Wak orturulatedl tn tne etment (Q;,- - Qout) Kayvd@rsina dg [1 ot Head greed Ta Wwe element % ‘oft Ber = “a0 Ae Sy asinoks —_@ caer shored ta ete 5 (or rho vsinw olf dep x -@) Jom enugy wee QQ + @ Os® - @ > Dun = Dormeal + & tt yg or Lo (rot [Fn sino se lins 8 ) tad oy a +m = 8¢p ot Sep oo or wae Se Hie Bs OPS) “EE COE)]* ge = 3p of - 1 or ~* OF Xx dk: Elechitad Boudoy Gnsidat Cue fod No elashic Gruit 08 Show | vy, & Va pe —7T oe Mev = Portia DifPrenu R Elechiead Rusislone To the Same voay, Q tan te, mepraericd a, Qe THT = Cerrpembure diflenetu - L “KA Themed Kasistanue CR) Ry, fs lo | When K 1s ig ard os Rin Y, Q increases. Thennad aeatstanke. crude Rv a slab, can be represented os, Q- % RL Te KA ) ite Slabs feo Gro posite Slab of fre leyets as Shows jo ty, ba, C3 and Ki Ky, Ks ore Ndkness and eu erg 1,283 poply . f f\s wy or Anes 2A) norrook Rete Reba; cess ts Ke kn 7 Rela . b Sane 1 eon se i a ks il Be he Ka KA Q- Bah _ H+ +h Ke KA “ho rat dam, Q@ = b= Ts p Lid la tbs Ko ke KS Tniwlaxe dump Con be und by @- A= QO; Qe TWh: 2 tL -t > Ts- TH u ue ‘3 Kiet KA ad D Gmpssite Geb wtp Paralle| —resletanne Q@= To Ts R+ Res + Ry t+ Rez \ ep = Latet f+ && $6 Gt eRe f+ Thermal Cndustunce is telprial of drmoad qeslsbace c= toe te ka + To otter words, TH ts Rey AS L KA aodio of eat lov vote ty demp- diderorur -t-2tl .@ Se a " * Fora Raistane Rn) se te me rresivlne fred Ga buat foo, tls the codigo ola” diflnu ia tenp te Qo- Mt . 6, Q nate of baat tous. Cefudated as ato bl Lenn oP C1) Orta CA) Te tan abso be 0K ond cross seelton Conductor to produkt ° Re KR Trured cifhuivity (5) a= K_ = “Cosa Caetabhy Sy x P Troma —Capaaty aatio of dtwmnal Gaduhvit, to dunn al » Mls anit ts Pec, a8 & increases, foster Will be tne wal ta dno : metals and od is hi kd and repose ty leap ‘\s vp. *h, prometalel Sollds and td, ol is Srrall ond ody respond to temp ehaiga Thermal Conrad , sesistance, Tn a Compestie tall, dre assumptions fy Je is ave Cosudaking leat Lord ave 2) Cortat elo odiount taeas wee *o LPS tap ehne, i) ok Voter fae, But ‘io reol fr s dur bb Sun void Spous Sued by x or Sting it and Suvtuses toueh only ob disercte Locadiong, im, Gotact ver n ne is NO Set plane oF Conta and crea available. Ly heat Fad of iotrfar Is vey Small. Due to 16 geduud onea and eben Voids a gestedonw to” heat foo ‘oP ioterface, eins. tre) yesisenu ts Kroon as Shnmal Contact res fine malinials of loka and (Ta- ts) fv B-<, \wen a. Contant Pesan 'S qe "y Tre fmp drop bl Ors (e- bs) for a p Bw, + Tet C@&y = EB. — On eB Lia ids: watt 3S 6 °C Sis ect CE) Volleo atindurd Consictrs A hollow eylindert rake of materiel hanlag Constant ‘ thermal nds viay and Mutated — ot both ends. Ub, %2 are tant & oukd toclins f TG, Te be dompuratunes ab inner and cults Surfares 27 he grerg equation to gticdsicad Coordinalt rm bs ge by, La (tet) 4 et +t f Sy ax v5) Op et ea k 2D q ‘radial dicho 4 Onkol Weak + “Taytead dou oa foro min Le \D, Beady Stafe , Witn oul tome 321). : YS (7%) ~0 i Bal). On ‘atea aston , a = a and deo non t Ts Qhreeq — OD [ore tn ral Bomeony Conditions ove, a wt, f ET eG TE T= te bten Te saboyntc, q~ To Me, and " INS) Qe te Tet bet, doc) 1 Te TR hed a ty - ee CeO mm) 8) pe tye tote = Ha) us“ a Tt ta MY) ‘oe my. Bie? Ov te dn Oly one = MOM, 4 . Qe-KaoL ° “— 7 Uh) . Or ety By Furiew's Lavo, tt anh) | wh @: QeKL Ct-t) on d» (yd da By ee BL) @, Serena resistor Bra hrotous oan s, Rey eA bls (®,) a (h,) gd) Composite. ee Ge we 2. Composite cotter, LF TV, ti8%s be dterp of Wensuslan, TMrlur and outer swrhue ™ a: q Te % ai ee dn (vel, y+ 0%) NG Rim Sor lap wT Leos Me 1 bnlef,) ar Re 1 p(n) are > Tay ape Te inkl Somp Con Se a Bis RAR, we . Uns Q@: T-R * # -e RQ RirRe Rg a) Sphere Consett rollowg Sphere. of inn ~adius 1, dy ouluy madis %y f Hermpradues C16 Te resp, Sane nas ee a ‘a Sphntcal — Cordina tes | yd) ay FL Snoot ) +9 = Lat * vee m) re Oe rine 2 C 5 4 W5e 10, ey Fions witrout hak ope, (tar) | on bstegeliog & Toe ow Te -4 £4 — O a . “y ® Bwoditios ore, ah vey, / Tet \ ® Senor ve Vof Te tr Qe Tete A -L — Ye om ~ G+ T+ tf Net ) n + a4 ®@w OF ~( Te) x | 4Th +1 Chet) Jed ¥ % a mY Bees *(L-4) ecict “ay ) *G oy) Ge) > -KkA & av Ye de Cr a Kari" Tete) ee aes ! oh} (a) v Q+ ATK cy-te) = (1) (enn) Gee am (Tt -t2) "Bo = 1 ew Arky ID Skeady Wat Gnrdudion cditn ‘intnnad — eal oer os & Slob / plane woul & Congider a Slab of thickaass Vow ne diveckion | sued ont maintained ab Krop Tes, Gnd Tor reapdly, Y ad GnctunBvity of mataiad uot a wrote, gp get baat Conduction €9° rede s , \ at + ey, =6. ——O Bc dat fl fot ne LTT % ° in OF Tos, - To = Ct —@ @ —— te got HOT EY Cpe eK L , ok c= re Two, + Wr ——@® om a a © 4@ HOP zu = (To, Te ® ¥( pacts tlgeat «BEE geet BK 2K te (1 ats 2 ( “| sagas “(te ss) Le a ___ @® oe we ck Te Te 2 ne te Te Woo . z es <> i om i To, \ To 7 Ter ‘ 7 Q- -«adt dm leek ie ea @) J at an Vee t ey LE eH 4 Tn Keay ; ee . . we oe = Heya + Tor . Whig Tes, = tor = To) qe Te ob mE EE z= a 20 ob a=e an eK ak n= 0, Te Tran Tron = “ oe x tts oK Fors qo @ Usk, “Ty, + To, » Te Q- se (S w —-KA K ( v PL. Q= a LA : 2 Loin — Convedk on Jaks pln ot both era) Cordage tS vk all = haat Cnmed to Rute. ka at = ho C ww) th han ash = ha (too To) we en Ate = Teo + Syn Te 2h fom ego @P T= Seo LY ( (aap) +t ul —@ ods “to, ‘ta, Two, h bts. cei Wot bonsfed Nestods Law of Cod Conueetion is genes by Naatods law: of tasting. Low Stake ‘Yad ie dieally -pwperionad % Sonloce in tenpetodine of Ww Rae of heat hansler area of heat toalts — and chore cunbue usin Sunurding s robe ‘A tne ale area, head honsles , To be. Sumourding derop. tok Q be te Tbe Bonfae terop ood ari ok A CG Tod Q= hALT- to) Lh de heal rons ert oF shone. Gelbient f e's york ts Weck and will be bh wilt be higher ae Lesh Convestion for flied Conve chor, fosser Bb) Syhne cain iniennol Weal goer easter Spare of radius Ro with ivtenool hand gtortn Oukn Seafare prainteine! of Sep To ad Unihim rate t. Chowaning eqn fo 1D Beady State Goith_ heal ge Aa( vt 4 Spm =o. K yde ay at « e Ge ae eee ip 10 aK ye Tse tym ey 4c byte, a “co =o, _ fi cKO @ 8 cs q=0 and C, ~ Toe Le BO ‘ Ox —© Oi @ T= Tt on eg ( L- 4 ) 6K timp at Canden of Spore, ak Y=0, io Te > Ter cm R CK. from . fourtes's Lavo, Q= —kadt ab ve R AY Qe —K une ego @ x +28 Cae | ee = 4 ren @ whi dane 1s sovesHon Q baencoves 4s aac Lives (as 4 > rer) QD, Cuwent Gapey pes 4. @) 7 Ve 1 > @ dereases ey - Pourpew Plant Stearo cies as iasuatian thickness Os Variable — Trarmnal — Conduals vity Thermal Condush vi: voy witty temp anor ding to the relation = K = ke Cit Be) . lo most Ges , ternal Gonduebvi ty ts: oBuind teen ty veeying toith Aempercchuee) Ko = Anumal Gorduskivt yak Sino Vkerop _ Br ret als Bis -ve & for bing Bib ive, a) pore coal @:-KA aT an a= ko Cit pt )AdT dn 2. dn = ke Cue pt) dt a Q@ 4 ‘ & Jo sk Cup fae, & & Jes = Ke Juroae ‘ & en 2 aap). Qu = mk f ween * platen | a a Qu = Ko va gp Ce no Vey _@ e Liat = = Ko [ Lb Phe | Chae — Qu © 4 Ko Vt Be Ch-€2) mee Pee] oT Q> k(t pmodA Ce-t2> Qe KA OT Woe = (Pent!) Ko, L Gio eo @, bmp af a isd Wwe be Bund oul, = mKo (cet +B cer) ] Byes @= —kaatT = ke C 14 pe A AT Or dy Qs dr = —koC Ue) 2nLaT mY oe = ao ft erat 2B y 1 4 @ (or ] = mkoane [es +k usa) Q tol ("A - Kasia i+ eit > Ye 4s) Veto) = ke € UF ptm) Certs) ore, Qx~ Kem Cerm€2) one - = Kr = Ko CU Bln dn (Ph) » 2 Splure- Q:-Kadt = “Ke Crp) am dt 4, oF ay fra ~ — [ke Cupe) an aT 4 i f, & af a nb |= eo Corea) Ye Q- (ee &) Us Pera)Ko + 7 UR Ken Het Ee) ot M-4 yD Wht, Kee Ke C4 Blro) To ony stone Con be Gund out by, Q [4 “| -~ koar Cus ie Cored) D keww ee Q@ = &e tad d Bo(ln) 25K. K Ae Axsurntag Some BT, Swit be fame hr bom Case 4 aneg of pen oa 1s chosen a8 Amo, a . Qo unt beer ze ker En = Pal) Tet on, K Aro tly) 2 Ya eV Ag = Re CL dD Hi — , 2aKe K hen Jo (emits /antn)) ») Spline Adopting fom Conmapty Dee ~ Coal -¢€ be * = = Com) (aie E.Bro bt Is Some, hone Q's Same. Peo Ys Mean ony . -* w 2-4 s 4 AD bate varene Aco = GARNI. br = Rv). Cant) bcd = Ay. Bo Am = J Al Ao Nox Tara SLR ge = AD Shope Rotor Clorducttoo ral cys $ tonsa) The get eqn Poe Steady Bote heal hansler ts = SeCm te). whe S is cated shape afer, Te Ahpends 00 Shape of body dhrough cohiel heat tg Conduated onc has phyiteel Imonsiga of Lepr. Shape futoy Sand — howd) veshstaner R one vetabed! a9, Gr Various > lettin Vibrotrons D wows law v- Qe Kadt aa d K of Solid | with 47 fy aia 1 vite Bin derop J 2) Comes of GrduHos io Uquids D reouutor diflustoo D> Inieraforsie Collision, 6) kr Vwds kL So Boe gases kK, Udity T in Herop 3) Liters attesting k ave TP, 3, eoishne, Pomsity Lea of Godurtor ele. = 8) Uterddion eqa in Gateslon Gordioates gt teen = Sat are + Oe §) heat fun = Ya 1) for a plone’ Slae — eainout eee or an 8) Eleehicad Priory or fs ww Rt» OR =o. $Q- KAGE) “Ee 2) Leal Gnducto ho 2) 3 aguante Coordinates ca a4 cat jr Step oe oy) Op dee 336 D splat Godinola after) ovo (atm 7 SBE) sng hy + tgm - 2 ot ae > 2% B) Thermal weslstane Lica « _t ) Benge 5 sh " for h.Spkme = en ADK, ) Poraltel resistance. me t+ Les Rey K, & We) Plone coal “worth a a Cer) ACT) X 4 Toy Gon 3k 5 = = 1) Neotoas Law of Gob R= he Ct-To) vo unit) & Wha V) cmticad radius of —insulahoo Be gylnde = Kh Re Spans = ve = 2K/ne is) @P as . (nicer ) radius of insulation 1s bly 47%. and byend to py Qx. “ae eleabic. 7 eee tr) Voriable. drommal tondualivity ) K = Ke C U4 Bt) In. BQ~ Keo AMC pleas cea’) —% *) \ognitmenic ieiaen ones: por epee A> fom Ot “Tan \egpitonc Muon owen o! sphoe A, = San

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