PT 11 - Code-C - Tym (P2) - @neet - Broker1

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Topics Covered: Physics: Gravitation, Mechanical Properties of Solids and Fluids Chemistry: Redox Reactions, The p-Block Elements (Group 13 and 14) Botany: Photosymihesis in Higher Plants Zoology: Chemical Coordination anu Integration-: Gonads: (Ovary and testis-structure, location, hermanes. pancipas aay eiiceniers, hypogonadism, precocious puberty, eunuichoklism, qynaecomastia) Hormones of heart. kidney and aieronmestnal tact: Mechanism of hormone action (protein and steroKd Hormone) role of hormones as messengers, Ae gulagons and ampliteation of signals; synergistic and antagonistic effects. Animal Kingdom - I: General Account & Non chordates - upto Arthropoda, General Instructions : Instructions: () Use blueMlack ballpoint pen only to darken the appropriate circle (i) Mark should be dark and should completely fil the citcle, (ii) Dark only one circle tor each entry: (iv) Dark the circle in the space provided only. {W) Rough work must not be done on the Answer sheet and do not use white-luid or any other rubbing material on Answe sheet {@) Each question camies 4 marks, For every wrong resp :RSEAEBAk shall be deducted from total score, The gravitational potential in a region is 3, Thee spherical balls of masses 1 kg. 2 kg given by V=—(x? + y? + 2”) Jhkg, where xy and 3 kg are placed at the comers of an equilateral mangle ot side 1 m. The and 2 are in m. The gravitational field intensity at point (2, 1, 0) mis © (21425) na 2 3) ee @ (25 +23) NKg @) & wr 4 (2 +254 2h) Nikg magnitude of net gravitatonal force exerted by 2 kg and 3 kg masses on 1 kg massis @) 196 A) CA 4, The increase in the_potential energy of the— body with mass m if the body is taken at the The minimum kinetic energy required to ~ height h whichis equal to radiis of the earth” escape a body of mass m from earth surface Cay mgr is (g : acceleration due to gravity on earth i het surface, R : radius of earth) (2) 2mgR = (1) gmk a a (3) mek = (1) ant 4 mgt 5 Le 2 2) 29me sid (#) at vr Q ‘ EA fp 4 LY sTost-21¢_ TYM(P2)-2023-25, For a satellite revolving (nan elliptical orbit around the Earth ae (2) The hinear momentum of satellite remains constant in magni @) The an omentum of satellite: avout centre of earth is vatiable: INTE acecteraron of the satel Is directed towards the centre of earth ray of satelite (4) Total mechanical vvaties periodically wit 6. A ball is dropped hom height h = Ry above earth surface. The speed with which ball stnkes the surface ot eat We avgrhe ve Sayre 7. When capillary is dipped into quid, te levels of liquid inside and outside are equal, The angle of contacts LA Zero (2) 90° @) 45° (4) 60° 8. Breaking stress of a steel wite of radius 1 mm and length 1 mis 10? Nim?. Breaking sues of another steel wire of radius 2 mm n A verneat Ustube: of unitorm inner cross ny conains mercury in.both sites of its a ae $ me horizontal tevel, Find iweenine are i Boer ote cou, 7 ° (Density ot 56 ole. Ppyenme = 1.2.9fC", Plot = 0.8 gave’) ‘ol Giyeotina Pro 12 a) 7Aan @) Oem (3) 9.6m (4) 102 em awit) ‘The radius of a soap bubble is increased thom 2R to 32. Work done in this process (7 = Surface tensior Q) 2antR? = noon (2) 20nTR? - (3) aontR? (@) r6nTR?. 2 mes Mec otood tain water win (2)" ot lis volume submerged. If the same block i =e floats in an oil with ()" of 1 volume andlengh\OSmuillbe po. |=ratm (2) 4 = 102 nim? Lengin = I submerged, then density of oil (in kg/m?) wall 22 nim? J be A 200 Nm SHS Lol Niro aya 2.5 = 104 Nim‘ ee ee (4) 21022? Re 2mmacoceram @ FZ Lngin 0:5 @ m@ 9. The dimensional formula for bulk modulus of mre elasticity is UAB F/, 2 @) pt? oe cd Ste raigee Geo Mt 2) (wr) —— Ile ere . @ mer’) a (4Y mte-2-2 a rit) ee em we 10. According to Hooke's law of elasticity, if suess is decreased, the raio of stress to strain (within elastic limit) (1) Decreases (2) Increases (3) Remains same (4) Becomes zero Yi 2000 26 TV IP2)-2623-45 Q) 26108 Pa Jv 20 973 108 Pa 35. velocity of a copper batt of oil's 15 10° kat and tat conve en = 109 kgin?, Compute the coe clon of viscosity of ov! at 30° 2 @) a Skg mts? @) 9.949 mts? @) 681 = 107 kg (4) 2.41 + 10°? kg arte? 16. Dryice is BF cons) (2) H20(s) (3) 020(s) (4) 20268) 17. Selecta correct statement about boric acid (1) this a Bronsted acid (2) this an Arrhenius acia 2h itis a Lewis acid (4) its basicity is tree 18. Buckminstertullerene contains (1) Twenty six membered and twenty five membered rings (2) Twelve six membered and twelve five membered rings, (3) Twenty six membered and twelve five membered rings (4) Twelve six membered and twenty five membered rings 19, Producer gasis a mixture of (1) Nz + O2 ) CO+ He (8) COp + No (4) CO+N2 20. Hybridization of C in Graphite is (2) asp? 21, Nature of CO and CO; respectively are (a) Acidic, acidic (2) Neutral, neutral af Neutral, acidic (4) Acidic, neutral 22, Diborane on hydrolysis by water gives (2) Boric oxide + Oxygen gas (2) Borazine + Oxygen gas LUBY Boric acid + Hydrogen gas (4) Boric oxide + Hydrogen gas ‘On small scale, pure CO is prepared by (i) Dehydration of formic acid with concentrated H2SOq at373 K (2) Direct oxidation of carbon in limited supply of air (3) By the passage of steam over hot coke (4) By passing air over hot coke won state anv0n0 AD Dane statubty of 20" _ Gaydepmengeumamn steep Fe eaemon At AaB ir gacanet Fg UG nemacany oy sma a>oa i: a o” Me ay nt 8 Oy rnggutt gen reason (=9)) eee ee a pacer naahs Fyn ay a . ce) a) Pisreduced only t a” ie ) Prsreaigees_ dsgropononaHt i feacoon (a) precwased only ee (2) Oreavced aie ine qnoe a +1n0(!) 26. re oxidation state Mn MIO? \ 1 () + MnO, ( i) ae a(- oot oo 40 (oa) +04(+) + (*) ook os : S of MnO, wil Be BR . 2 Equivatent weight of MnO — eee Canoider molar mass oTXInO, EMG Aj om ighean ce sduong agentes ASHE Of hE (ay Acceptelecran- \uayDonate election (2) Reduce sett (a) Ones another species M Ci Which step of the Calan cycle is crucial to conbnue the cycle yninerupted? : (2) Reducuon (2) Carboxylation (3) Regeneraton & (4) Decarboxylation 31. Where does dark reacton of photosynthesis, take place? (2) Thytatoid lumen (2) Thylakoid membrane <2} Soma of he chloroplast (4) Matix of ne mitochondria The electons released during spliting of. 32, Law of limiting factors was given by 35. (2) Hatch and Stack wiater are used to replace electons removed ef Blackman from. (3) Metin Calvin @) Psa AI PSA (4) Joseph Priestley (3) Cytochrome complex 33, The most abundant enzyme on earth (4) NADP reductase complex Has much greater affinity for COp than ©2 (2) Has active site for 0 only ) Has carboxylase activity only (4) Is not found in C3 plants 36. First stable product of C4-pathway is Af) Oxaloacene acid (2) Phosphoenolpyruvate (3) Ribulose-1, S-bisphosphate * (4) Malicacid c_1¥M(P2)-2023-25 pest ee 5 wraht reaction of photosynthesis does 7) sis ot 42. the cell organelle that is po inecheed 19 (a) ATP iwocesy of nhowtespiaun ' (2) FADHze (2) Chloroptast (a) NADPH 2) Prarnome wo LPT yearme (A) Mitochowsnion The enzyme responsitte for the inieal 38, Who performed a series of experiments that a3, Ye essental tole of at in the feavon of CO, in Cy plants fo Growth of green plants? CaN ss Joseph Priestey «+ eter ca ay PEP carbonpase aan (@) RuBisCO (8) TW.Engetmann |"? (A) PEP syntietaser (4) Comets van Niel 1G baeletia . 44, Which of me following processes Is oat common between Cy and C4 plants? “Gy Catan cycle (2) Carbon baton — (2) Phototysis of water 39. Darkreacoon in photosynivesis, (2) Occursin dark onty * M2 Does not require hight energy directy « (3) Cannot occur éunng day tme < (4) Does not use reducing power gr Photorespuraton oa 40. Which of the following 1s not an external 45, Kranz anatdsry is found in te leaves of fact mat influences the photosyntiesis in “vee planes ‘Onenttton ofleaves a 2) Atnospheveconcentaton of COs” vest () Temperate (4) Availabilty ot suntight 41, Which of the following statements is not rue for chlorophyll a? nm works as shield pigment (2) tis bright or blue-green in chromatogram (3) Wis te chief pigment associated with photosyntiesis 7 (4) It works as teacton centre in me photosystem 46. The hormone which stmulates secretion of 48. Which of the following hormones causes release of bile from gallbladder? _Water-and bicarbonate fons trori pancieas. ccK* is (@) Gastin (2) ANF * UZ) Secrenn @) GIP > Fs (3) Cholecystokinin (4) Gastin® (4) GIP 49. Aker ovulation, the ruptured follicle is 47, Hormone that spmulates formation of alveolt converted to a progesterone secretng in mammary glands is structure called (2) FSH (2) Corpus albicans (2y tH Corpus luteum Progesterone* (3) Svomal ussues (4) Esvogen (4) Corpus callosum 50. Metagenesis is extubited by Gi) Faia 2r Opera (8) Avro (4) Pennnanvia i, ania ied of ad emi 5 Repsitincaty 7 (0) Pewrobachon (2) corgonia (3) Pemania UT sywon Select the par of organisms which ate exclusvely manne. GY Agamsarans Mera (2) Pleurosvacnia and Crenoptana (3) Agamsia and Spongitia (4) Meangnna and Myxtra 53. Repratiais commonly known Ud Seapen @) Seanare @) Sea urchin (4) Sea cucumber 54. Among me following which organism is a Pseudocoelomate with bilateral symmeny? (2) Grass-nopper (2) Agamsia (3) Seanorse VAT Wucherena 5S. Exctetory stucture of earthworm is (1) Nephricia @) Gits 48) Malpighian toutes (4) Flame cells 56, Atusca domesnca belongs to the phytum LY Anmropoda ay newera Q) Museiae (4) Diptera 87, Sumocyat acts as a balancing organ and 1s prewar (1) Prawn 2) Emimworm <0) Cockroach (4) veattirara Moe not the sentence by choosing the comect opnon, (1) laterally syrmmewieat URF Teptontasne @) Monoecous (4) Pseudococtomare 7 Lyin bas o 59. A member of the largest phylum of animal kingdom is AT) Locusta (2) Exocoetus @) Sepia (4) Pita See. Mechanism of action. in broad terms, is Common for all given hormones except Q) Estadio! & en 2) Conisot fe US Epinephrine (4) Thyroxane =

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