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ABA transport and transporters

Yann Boursiac, Sophie Léran, Claire Corratgé-Faillie, Alain Gojon,
Gabriel Krouk, and Benoı̂t Lacombe
Laboratoire de Biochimie et Physiologie Moléculaire des Plantes, Institut de Biologie Intégrative des Plantes ‘Claude Grignon’,
UMR CNRS/INRA/SupAgro/UM2, Place Viala, 34060 Montpellier cedex, France

Abscisic acid (ABA) metabolism, perception, and trans- From synthesis to perception: transport steps across
port form a triptych allowing higher plants to use ABA as membranes?
a signaling molecule. The molecular bases of ABA me- Metabolic pathways leading to free active ABA have been
tabolism are now well described and, over the past few elucidated. The last three steps of ABA synthesis involve:
years, several ABA receptors have been discovered. Al- plastidic 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenases (NCED), cy-
though ABA transport has long been demonstrated in tosolic short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases (SDR), such
planta, the first breakthroughs in identifying plasma as ABA2 in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), and alde-
membrane-localized ABA transporters came in 2010, hyde oxidases (AAO) [6,12]. These synthesis enzymes are
with the identification of two ATP-binding cassette expressed in the veins of the vegetative tissues (Figure 1).
(ABC) proteins. More recently, two ABA transporters For example, ABA2 promoter analysis highlighted the
in the nitrate transporter 1/peptide transporter (NRT1/ vessels [13], NCED3 expression has been associated with
PTR) family have been identified. In this review, we xylem parenchyma cells [14], and AAO3 has been identi-
discuss the role of these different ABA transporters fied in both phloem companion cells and xylem parenchy-
and examine the scientific impact of their identification. ma cells [15]. NCED2, NCED3, and AAO3 are also present
Given that the NRT1/PTR family is involved in the trans- in guard cells [15,16]. In seeds, ABA biosynthetic enzymes
port of nitrogen (N) compounds, further work should have been found in both the maternal tissues and the
determine whether an interaction between ABA and N embryo [6,17–19]. Based on this, ABA synthesis is thought
signaling or nutrition occurs. to take place in the vasculature and in the guard cells of the
vegetative part of the plant; in seeds, all the tissues are
ABA in action thought to be involved in ABA synthesis (Figure 1, red).
ABA is a phytohormone that was discovered during the ABA plays a role in a range of physiological functions in
early 1960s, when it was found to be involved in the control different plant tissues. During seed development, it first
of seed dormancy and organ abscission [1–3]. Its role has helps to prevent viviparity and then contributes to dor-
since been broadened to the regulation of development and mancy and desiccation tolerance, and counteracts the ac-
the adaptation of plants to adverse conditions. Because of tion of other hormones, such as gibberellins [20]. ABA was
this, ABA is one of the most-studied hormones in applied initially shown to originate first from maternal tissues and
and fundamental plant science research [4,5]. then from the embryo only [20], but studies in Arabidopsis
The accepted definition of a hormone is a biological have shown that zygotic tissues (endosperm and embryo)
molecule with different sites for synthesis and perception. play a role in both phases [19,21]. ABA in seedlings alters
As a consequence, hormone action can be split into three their development, provoking the browning of cotyledons
steps: (i) synthesis or metabolism; (ii) transport; and (iii) and inhibiting root growth [22,23]. In the roots, exogenous-
perception (Figure 1). With regard to ABA, de novo syn- ly applied ABA and studies using ABA-deficient mutants
thesis from carotenoids, as well as cleavage of inactive indicate that ABA reshapes the root architecture by pre-
conjugated ABA, allow pools of free ABA to increase [6]. serving the growth of the primary root but inhibiting the
ABA then has to be transported from the site of synthesis to development of lateral roots at the checkpoint of meristem
the site of action, where ABA receptors decode the mes- activation [24–26]. These ABA effects in roots occur in the
sage. In this review, we discuss the journey of ABA from its meristem and elongation zones. In the leaf, ABA influences
sites of synthesis to its sites of action and the need for ABA growing tissues and has been extensively described in
transporters (for a full review on ABA signal transduction, guard cells, where it closes stomata [11,25]. The hydraulic
see [7–11]). Because ABA transport might occur at both conductance of the leaf can also be reduced by ABA when
sites of synthesis and of perception, we briefly describe perfused from the petiole (i.e., with the vessels as the
both of these roles. We also present and discuss the molec- primary site of action) [27]. ABA also plays a role in flowers,
ular cloning and functional characterization of three ABA where it could be involved in pollen dehiscence (see [28]
transporters in the context of their membership of the ABC and references therein). From these examples, it is clear
and PTR families. that the accumulation of ABA in specific sites leads to
organ- or cell type-specific responses.
Corresponding author: Lacombe, B. (
The physiological function of ABA and the localization of
1360-1385/$ – see front matter
ß 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
its receptors are closely linked. There has been a long-
j.tplants.2013.01.007 standing debate about the subcellular localization of ABA
Trends in Plant Science xx (2012) 1–9 1
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Em Mat

Ep Vasc St

P En C Ep
TRENDS in Plant Science

Figure 1. Schematic tissular localization of ABA synthesis, transport, and perception. Reporter-assay data from [13–19,23,32,55,57] and tissular gene expression data are
summarized to show the localization of ABA synthesis enzymes (red), ABA transporters (blue), and ABA receptors (green) in leaves (left panel), roots (middle panel), and
seeds (right panel). Genes involved in synthesis: NCED2, At4g18350; NCED3, At3g14440; NCED5, At1g30100; NCED6, At3g24220; NCED9, At1g78390; ABA2, At1g52340;
AAO3, At2g27150. Genes involved in transport: NRT1.2, At1g69850; AIT2, At1g27040; AIT3, At3g25260; AIT4, At3g25280; ABCG25, At1g71960; ABCG40, At1g15520. Genes
involved in perception: GTG1, At1g64990; GTG2, At4g27630; PYR1, At4g17870; PYL1, At5g46790; PYL2, At2g26040; PYL3, At1g73000; PYL4, At2g38310; PYL5, At5g05440;
PYL6, At2g40330; PYL7, At4g01026; PYL8, At5g53160; PYL9, At1g01360; PYL10, At4g27920; PYL11, At5g45860; PYL12, At5g45870; PYL13, At4g18620. Abbreviations: AAO,
aldehyde oxidase; ABA, abscisic acid; ABCG, ATP-binding cassette G; AIT, ABA-importing transporter; C, cortex; Em, embryo; En, endodermis; Ep, epidermis; GTG, GPCR-
type G protein; Mat, maternal tissues; NCED, 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenases; NRT, nitrate transporter; P, pericycle; PYL, PYR1-like; PYR, pyrabactin resistance; St,
guard cells; Vasc, vascular tissues.

perception. Both intracellular and extracellular actions of xylem sap and reach elongating cells and guard cells to
ABA have been published (e.g., [29,30]). Several proteins prevent damage due to water loss and adapt the whole
[the RNA-binding protein FCA, Mg-chelatase H subunit plant to adverse conditions [33,34]. In this scenario, the
and G-protein-coupled receptor 2 (GCR2)] were initially transport of ABA is unquestionable. However, recent stud-
characterized as ABA receptors, but their exact nature or ies have suggested that the distinction between sites of
role have not been confirmed [7]. Two membrane GPCR- synthesis and sites of perception is less clear-cut than
type G proteins (GTG1 and GTG2) were identified as ABA previously thought [35,36]. As summarized in Figure 1,
receptors with an ABA binding site facing the apoplast almost all cell types expressing ABA receptors are able to
[22]. There are also noncontroversial intracellular recep- synthesize the hormone, in particular veins, guard cells,
tors that belong to the PYRABACTIN RESISTANCE 1 endosperm, and embryo. Thus, even though this view is
(PYR1)/PYR1-LIKE (PYL)/REGULATORY COMPO- simplified and still incomplete, it raises questions about
NENTS OF ABA RECEPTORS (RCAR) family [8]. The the existence and need for ABA transport. A few argu-
expression of mRNA encoding these various receptors has ments confirm the existence of ABA transport across the
been observed in guard cells, vasculature, endosperm, and plasma membrane. First, ABA has been found in the xylem
embryos, according to data from the eFP browser website sap. Because xylem vessels comprise dead cells and cannot
( [31], other synthesize ABA, the presence of ABA indicates its trans-
transcriptomic approaches (some are presented in port from another cell type. Second, there is evidence that a
Figure 2) and promoter-reporter assays [32] (Figure 1, significant proportion of ABA found in the roots is derived
green). from shoots [12,37,38], and a model of ABA transport has
Historically, it has been assumed that ABA derived from been elaborated and is supported by experimental data
roots experiencing drought conditions would transit to the (Box 1). Third, it has long been known that cell membranes
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are permeable to ABA (by diffusion and transporters, see With respect to ABA uptake into cells, transporters
next paragraph). However, the existence of ABA transport would allow better access of ABA to intracellular receptors
does not prove its adaptive or evolutionary benefits. For in the context of limited diffusion. Furthermore, the local-
example, a few reports over the past decade have chal- ized expression of ABA transporters, and receptors, pro-
lenged the need for root-sourced ABA in stomatal regula- vides another level for controlling the activation of an ABA
tion [35,39] and stomatal closure could be triggered only by signaling pathway in specific cell types only, as shown in
ABA synthesized in guard cells [15,16,40]. Such a hypoth- roots [53]. Finally, based on the ionic trap model, the major
esis has been recently confirmed upon exposure of plant biophysical issue in ABA transport across membranes
leaves to low relative humidity [36]. Finally, the molecular concerns the efflux. Efflux transporters would greatly en-
cloning of ABA transporters and the phenotypes of their hance the loading of ABA into the xylem as well as in the
respective mutants (see below) genetically supports the apoplast, therefore enabling a concentration to be reached
requirement of ABA transport for its proper signaling that could activate ABA signalization in other cells and
throughout the plant. organs.

Two models for transmembrane ABA transport: Molecular basis of ABA transport
diffusion and transporters Genetic screens that focused on auxin successfully led to
Multiple studies of the biophysical properties and the phys- the identification of the different families of auxin trans-
iological effects of ABA in roots and leaves have progres- porters as early as 1996 [54]; however, it was not until 2010
sively lead to an ‘ionic trap model’, explaining the flux of that two genetic screens finally allowed the cloning of ATP-
ABA between organs [33,41–46]. The biophysical aspects of BINDING CASSETTE G25 and G40 (AtABCG25 and
this model, based on the ability of protonated weak acids to AtABCG40) [23,55] as ABA transporters. Both proteins
diffuse freely through the lipid bilayer, are presented in Box belong to the large family of ABC transporter genes in
1. In the case of ABA (pKa: 4.7), the pH of both cell and Arabidopsis [56]. Another recent study has led to the
apoplast implies that most of the ABA pools are in the ABA–, identification of the nitrate transporter NRT1.2 as an
charged and nondiffusible form. As a consequence, the ABA transporter, which the authors of the study have
diffusion processes through the membrane are limiting renamed ABA-IMPORTING TRANSPORTER 1 (AIT1)
steps for ABA transport. [57]. However, NRT1.2 has already been characterized
The topic of ABA transport was investigated in detail as a nitrate (NO3–) transporter [58] and is a member of
during the 1970s. At that time, most of the flow of ABA the NRT1/PTR family [59].
across membranes was assumed to occur as a result of AtABCG25 (At1g71960) and AtABCG40 (At1g15520)
diffusion [47]. Evidence of a saturable transport (a signa- were identified by their mutated forms in plants, from
ture of protein-mediated transport) was first presented in screens of Ac/Ds insertion lines and a set of 15 ABC
1980 in specific regions of the root [48,49]. By the mid- mutants, respectively [23,55]. Their seed germination
1990s, many tissues with saturable kinetics of ABA uptake showed an altered sensitivity to exogenous ABA. The
had been experimentally characterized [50–52]. The mo- abcg22 mutant also exhibits a similar phenotype; however,
lecular bases of such transport were isolated 20 years later to date, ABA transport activity has not been demonstrated
and are presented below. for the corresponding protein [60]. NRT1.2 was identified

Box 1. Diffusion of weak acids and ‘ionic trap model’

A weak acid, such as ABA, is in equilibrium between the anionic (ABA–) Environmental stresses, such as drought or N deprivation, increase
form and the protonated (ABA-H) form. This equilibrium is character- the pH of the xylem sap up to 6.7 [42,43], decreasing the pool of
ized by the pKa (4.7 for ABA), which is the pH at which both forms are at apoplastic diffusible ABA-H to approximately 1%. If the cytosolic pH
the same concentration. This means that, at pH 4.7, 50% of abscisic acid and membrane properties are unchanged, the motive force for ABA-H
is in the ABA– form and 50% is in the ABA-H form. At a more acidic pH, uptake and, therefore, its flow across the membrane, will be reduced
ABA-H is the dominant form; whereas at a basic pH [ABA–]>[ABA-H]. by 4 to 50. It is hypothesized that, under those conditions, the sap is
For example, at pH 7.7, [ABA–] = 1000  [ABA-H]. The protonated form less depleted of ABA during its journey through plant tissues (and is
(ABA-H) is uncharged and, therefore, is able to diffuse freely through eventually enriched in ABA from the surrounding cells) and enough
the membrane lipid bilayer without the need of a transporter. hormone reaches the guard cells to induce stomatal closure. The role
The biophysical properties and physiological effects of ABA in roots of transporters with respect to this model is discussed in the main
and leaves have progressively led to an ‘ionic trap model’ that aims to text.
explain the flux of ABA between organs [33,41–46]. A simplified version The model still holds many unsolved points. For example, the
is presented here. ABA is synthesized primarily in vascular tissues and consistency of the model in more complex setups, such as the partial
will be dragged out by the flux of xylem sap. Apoplastic pH under root-zone drying (PRD), where well-watered roots and roots
regular conditions ranges from 5.0 to 6.1, which implies that between experiencing drought conditions exist together, still has to be
4% and 50% of apoplastic ABA is in the diffusible ABA-H form. On the confirmed. An increase in xylem sap pH under PRD has been
other side of the plasma membrane, at a cytoplasmic pH of 7.5, <0.2% documented [101], but was of low amplitude. The presence of ABA in
of ABA molecules are in the ABA-H, diffusible form. In resting the leaf and its origin following PRD is still under investigation [102].
conditions, most of the apoplastic ABA-H molecules that cross the The model also has to fit alongside the role of ABA in the regulation
membranes will therefore shift to the charged ABA– form. The cytosol is of shoot growth, given that it occurs in cells closer to vessels (i.e.,
thus in a constant ‘deficit’ with respect to the ABA-H form (i.e., it acts as earlier than guard cells with respect to the ionic trap). Finally, pH
a trap). Given that the xylem sap is surrounded by vascular parenchyma regulation of ABA signaling acts in concert with other signaling
cells, bundle sheath cells, and mesophyll cells, it will be progressively pathways, such as other chemical or electrical signals, miRNAs or
depleted of the hormone and it is likely that almost no ABA remains in hydraulic processes, to regulate leaf homeostasis and function
the xylem sap once it reaches the guard cells. during adverse conditions [25,35,103–105].

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by using a screening system based on the ability of a [55]. The NRT1.2 promoter is active in imbibed seeds and
protein to transport ABA: a complementary DNA (cDNA) vascular tissues; NRT1.2 is also expressed in epidermal
library was screened in a yeast strain expressing the first root cells and in root hairs [57]. Based on fusion proteins
steps of the ABA transduction pathway split as a two- with GFP, all three transporters were found to be localized
hybrid system, comprising a PYR ABA-receptor, PYR1, at the plasma membrane.
fused to the BETA-GALACTOSIDASE 4 (GAL4) activation Altogether, these data suggest that AtABCG25 acts as
domain and type 2C protein phosphatase (PP2C), ABI1, an efflux transporter that exports ABA out of the vessels,
fused to the GAL4 DNA-binding domain. In the presence of AtABCG40 functions in the uptake of ABA into cells,
external ABA, expression of NRT1.2 allowed the entry of particularly guard cells, and NRT1.2 mediates the transfer
ABA, which, in turn, promoted the binding of PYR–ABA to of ABA from the vessels to the other tissues in the inflo-
the PP2C and restored the GAL4 transcription factor [57]. rescence [23,55,57].
Three other members of the PTR family were also detected The ABA transport activities of these three transporters
in the same study: AIT2 (At1g27040), AIT3 (At3g25260), were tested in vitro at different pH levels: 7.0 for
and AIT4 (At3g25280). However, expression of the other AtABCG25 [23], 7.0 and 5.7 for AtABCG40 [55], and 7.5
known ABA influx transporter, ABCG40, in this system did for NRT1.2 [57]. Except for BY2 cells expressing
not induce the ABA-dependent interaction between ABI1 AtABCG40, no transport was assessed at the apoplastic
and PYR1, demonstrating the limit of this screening meth- pH, which is known to be acidic [62]. Three questions
od. related to pH remain: (i) which ABA form is transported:
The ABA efflux activity of AtABCG25 was tested on ABA– or ABA-H? (ii) Is H+ cotransported with ABA? And,
regenerated membrane vesicles from ABCG25-expressing (iii) is the activity of the transporter regulated by pH?
insect cells (Sf9 lines). As is typical for an ABC transporter, Many questions are still unresolved and further work is
this activity is ATP dependent [23]. With a Km of 260 nM, required to establish the physiological role of these trans-
AtABCG25 is a high-affinity transporter for the natural porters, including their role during environmental stress
enantiomer of ABA, (+)-ABA (or 10 S-(+)-ABA). Based on that increases the levels of endogenous ABA (as was
loss-of-function mutants, it was shown that abcg25 determined for AtABCG40).
mutants are more sensitive to externally applied ABA Based on ABA physiological function, there are likely to
during germination. be other transporters at the sites of synthesis and percep-
The ABA transport activity of AtABCG40 was tested by tion of the hormone. Thus, future studies should include
heterologous expression in yeast and bright yellow 2 (BY2) seed maternal tissues, elongating cells in the root and
cells [55]. AtABCG40 is a high-affinity influx (+)-ABA leaves, lateral root primordia, and inflorescences, and
transporter with a Km of 1 mM. The affinity for ABA should allow differentiation of the various cell types within
obtained is usually higher in heterologous system than vessels. The physiological response of epidermal and me-
in planta. Such a difference has been observed for other sophyll cells to ABA should also be analyzed with respect to
transporters [61]. This could be explained by different ionic the expression of ABA transporters. Within the putative
environments, as well as by the lack of specific regulatory new candidates (AtABCG22, AIT, and other close homo-
proteins. abcg40-knockout mutant plants were less sensi- logs), the LATERAL ROOT-ORGAN DEFECTIVE/NU-
tive to ABA for germination and lateral root development. MEROUS INFECTIONS AND POLYPHENOLICS (latd/
These knockout mutants were also less tolerant to drought nip) mutants from Medicago truncatula have a mutation in
because of deficient ABA-induced stomatal closure. Inter- PTR genes and exhibit a defect in primary root elongation,
estingly, guard cells of abcg40 were still sensitive to Ca2+- probably because of an inactive meristem. Interestingly,
induced stomatal closure, confirming that AtABCG40 acts the application of ABA has a detrimental effect on wild
upstream of Ca2+ signaling and in accordance with a role in type roots, but has at first a beneficial effect on latd roots
ABA uptake. [63]. In the same study, the authors tested ABA-induced
The transport activity of NRT1.2 was tested by heterol- stomatal closure on latd mutants and found a loss of
ogous expression in yeast and Sf9 cells [57]. NRT1.2 has a sensitivity, which fits well with the hypothesis that LATD
higher influx transport activity for (+)-ABA than for (–)- could function as an ABA influx transporter [64].
ABA. A close homolog of NRT1.2, AIT3, was also tested in
yeast. AIT3 is also an ABA transporter, but it does not Does NRT1.2 link N status to ABA signaling?
discriminate between (+) and (–)-ABA. Furthermore it can Many studies have linked NO3– and ABA signaling at the
also transport gibberellin (GA3). The germination of the physiological level. In seeds, high NO3– levels applied to
nrt1.2 mutant plant was more sensitive to ABA inhibition, the mother plant or directly to the seed reduce dormancy
and nrt1.2 mutants had lower inflorescence stem temper- and decrease ABA content [65,66]. NO3– appears to act on
ature, which was related to an increased stem stomatal testa rupture and regulation of ABA and GA synthesis
aperture. enzymes [67]. In roots, aba and ABA-insensitive (abi)
The cellular localization of the three transporters was mutants are less sensitive to the effects of NO3– on lateral
studied using the b-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene root development [26,68]. The loss of function of various
under the control of AtABCG25, AtABCG40, or NRT1.2 PTR in the latd/nip mutants in Medicago results in defects
promoters (Figure 1, blue). The AtABCG25 promoter is in root development as well as in the arrest of nodule
active in the hypocotyl and in the vascular bundles of roots formation: both of these processes are modulated by
and leaves [23]. The AtABCG40 promoter leads to a broad ABA [25,26,69]. Primary root development can be partially
expression pattern, with significant activity in guard cells resumed by the application of exogenous ABA [63]. In
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leaves, guard cells are more sensitive to ABA upon NO3– types. Those cell types could also express downstream
supply to the xylem sap [45]; however, this effect is lost if partners from one or the other function.
the same experiment is carried out on epidermal peels only
[42]. This last result suggests that there is no direct A transporter for conjugated ABA?
interaction between NO3– and ABA at the level of guard ABA conjugates define another class of molecules able to
cells, but such interplay could occur in mesophyll cells, shuttle the signal of ABA between organs [6,46,76]. In
where the presence of NO3– would reduce ABA uptake by particular, ABA-glucose ester (ABA-GE) is the most abun-
mesophyll cells and let more ABA reach the apoplast of dant conjugated form of ABA and its level increases in
guard cells. This hypothesis still has to be tested experi- xylem sap upon drought stress [77]. The synthesis of ABA-
mentally. GE requires a glucosyl-transferase, whereas its dissocia-
Interestingly in this physiological context, most of the tion to ABA requires b-glucosidases. Both types of enzyme
plant NRT1/PTR members have been characterized as N- have been identified in plants [78–81], some being upre-
containing molecule transporters, either in the form of gulated in the context of environmental stresses. The
NO3–, amino acids, or dipeptides [70–72]. The ABA trans- presence of b-glucosidase activity in the apoplast [78]
port capacity of NRT/PTR raises the possibility of a molec- suggests that free ABA released from ABA-GE is available
ular integration of N nutrition and ABA signaling into at the outer face of the membrane, and mimics the acces-
single proteins. NRT1.2 is a perfect example because it sibility of the nonconjugated form of ABA. However, a
has already been isolated as an NO3– transporter [58]. Its major b-glucosidase has been found in the cytosol [80]
physiological role, as a root low-affinity NO3– transport and no glucosyl-transferase has been specifically identified
system, derives from its capacity to transport NO3– and extracellularly. ABA-GE might therefore be synthesized
its localization in the epidermis. The role of NRT1.2 in ABA and/or perceived in the cytosol, which raises the question of
signaling in stems comes from its capacity to transport ABA its transport across membranes, particularly given that
and its localization in vessels. It is tempting to speculate ABA-GE membrane permeabilities in resting conditions
that NRT1.2, similar to its counterpart NRT1.1, could appear to be low [50]. Thus, the existence of ABA-GE
function as a transceptor [73] involved in nitrate or ABA transporters is possible. Such a role has been hypothesized
sensing. So far, no phenotype associated with ABA trans- for an ABC transporter [76], and even tested for
port in the epidermis has been described, but NRT1.2 could AtABCG40 [55], but so far has not been established.
function in the import of ABA from the rhizosphere. We can
extrapolate that other NRT1/PTR, besides NRT1.2, are dual Transcriptional coordination of genes involved in the
transporters and act as logic gates for ABA and N signaling, triptych of ABA signaling
as has been shown for auxin and N [74,75]. We can also We analyzed the transcriptional regulation of genes in-
speculate that, in the presence of a duality of transport, the volved in the three steps of ABA signaling (synthesis,
action of NRT1.2 or other NRT1/PTR in ABA signaling or transport, and perception) using data from published tran-
NO3– nutrition comes from their expression in specific cell scriptomic experiments. The data sets were chosen to show

(a) (b)
rce ort

rce ort
Pe nsp is

Pe nsp is


Tra the

Tra the
Roots Shoots Roots Shoots



PYL3: At1g73000 ABA2: At1g52340

NRT1.2: At1g69850 NCED9: At1g78390
PYL5: At5g05440 NCED6: At3g24220
ABCG25: At1g71960 7 PYL9: At1g01360
3 PYL9:
PYL6: At2g40330 PYL3: At1g73000
PYR1: At4g17870 AAO3: At2g27150
6 NCED3:
PYL2: At2g26040 NCED2: At4g18350
AIT2: At1g27040 NCED5: At1g30100
AIT3: At3g25260 AIT3: At3g25260
NCED9: At1g78390 * ABCG25: At1g71960
AIT4: At3g25280 AIT2: At1g27040
NCED5: At1g30100 * ABCG40: At1g15520
NCED6: At3g24220 * PYL6: At2g40330
1 AAO3:
NCED2: At4g18350 * PYL5: At5g05440
NCED3: At3g14440 PYL1: At5g46790
PYL7: At4g01026 NRT1.2: At1g69850
PYL8: At5g53160 PYL8: At5g53160
Ct N S NS Ct N S NS Ct N S NS Ct N S NS *Low expression level W D W D
Light Dark
Dark Light Dark Relave expression level Relave expression level

–2.00 –0.21 2.00 –1.87 –0.21 2.00

TRENDS in Plant Science

Figure 2. Transcriptional coordination of genes involved in the synthesis, transport, and perception of ABA. Gene expression of genes involved in ABA synthesis, transport,
and perception have been clustered across two different data sets. (a) Response to nutritional cues: combination of NO3–, light, and sucrose treatments in two organs: roots
versus shoots (for more details, see supporting information in [100]). (b) Response to drought (D) as opposed to well-watered (W) treatment in roots versus shoots (GEO:
GSE40061 wild type samples have been used). The involvement of the genes in synthesis, transport, or perception is indicated by the red, blue, or green squares,
respectively. Only genes with an unambiguous probe on ATH1 chips were kept. The clustering of the results (numbered 1–7) led to two important conclusions: each gene is
preferentially expressed in roots or shoots with an over-representation of ABA-synthesis genes in shoots, and genes at every step of ABA signaling (synthesis, transport,
and perception) fit into ‘biomodules’ where they are coregulated (see also main text). Abbreviations: AAO, aldehyde oxidase; ABA, abscisic acid; ABCG, ATP-binding
cassette G; AIT, ABA-importing transporter; C, cortex; Ct, control; Em, embryo; En, endodermis; Ep, epidermis; GTG, GPCR-type G protein; Mat, maternal tissues; N, NO3–;
NCED, 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenases; NRT, nitrate transporter; NS, NO3– and sucrose; P, pericycle; PYL, PYR1-like; PYR, pyrabactin resistance; S, sucrose; St, guard
cells; Vasc, vascular tissues.

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the root and shoot response separately to register potential example, humans have six PTR, yeast has one and Arabi-
regulations that may be mediated at a particular organ dopsis has 53), suggesting that some of them have plant-
level. First, the signals being studied (i.e., nutritional and specific functions. This is somewhat confirmed by the
drought) in the roots and shoots show a particular pattern finding that both families contain plant hormone trans-
of expression and regulation (Figure 2). The most remark- porters. Phylogenetic studies should identify the origin of
able feature appears to be that the synthesis-involved ABA transporters and examine the divergence between
genes tend to show (as a group) higher levels of expression ABA and indole-3 acetic acid transporters.
in shoots than in roots. Conversely, genes involved in ABC transporters belong to a large protein family (130
transport and perception tend to show higher levels of members in Arabidopsis) and transport many different
expression in roots than in shoots. These observations molecules, such as mineral ions, lipids, metalloids, glyco-
support the hypothesis that ABA may be produced pre- sylated compounds, and hormones. They are localized on
dominantly in the shoots, transported away, and perceived different membranes (plasma membrane, tonoplast, per-
in the roots [35,37,38]. However, physiological regulations oxisome, chloroplast, and mitochondria), where they can be
may affect this overall static state of gene expression. involved in bidirectional transport. They have been exten-
Indeed, several clusters appear if we examine gene regu- sively reviewed elsewhere [83] and so will not be discussed
lation by nutritional cues (Figure 2a). Cluster number 1 here. Nevertheless, bidirectional transport should be con-
contains a group of shoot-expressed genes induced in dark sidered in future studies on ABA transport by ABC pro-
conditions. This cluster contains only one transporter, teins.
most synthesis-involved genes and two receptors. In clus- PTR belong to the SLC15 family [84], and are di- or
ter number 2, two genes (a synthesis-related gene and a tripeptide transporters [85] capable of transporting pep-
receptor) are induced upon light treatment in the shoot. tide-like drugs, such as b-lactam antibiotics. Unexpected-
These two shoot-related clusters demonstrate that differ- ly, the first member of this family to be identified in a plant
ent modules of regulation may coexist to adjust the overall was the nitrate transporter NRT1.1 [70]. Soon after, the
three-step ABA signaling pathway. The root-related clus- first plant dipeptide transporters were also identified in
ter number 3 (containing most perception-related genes) is this family [68,69]. Today, in addition to nitrate and pep-
fairly insensitive to the nutritional cues applied in this tide transporters, this family includes: the histidine trans-
experiment (Figure 2a). porter BnNRT1.2 [86], the auxin transporter AtNRT1.1
The analysis of the experiment reporting gene expres- [74], the glucosinolate transporters GTR1 and GTR2 [87],
sion upon drought treatment leads to similar conclusions and the ABA transporters NRT1.2 and AIT3 [55]. We can
(Figure 2b). Again, synthesis tends to be limited to shoot therefore assume that the spectrum of substrates that can
parts. However, drought strongly regulates ABA-related be transported by the NRT1/PTR family is far from com-
genes in roots. In cluster number 5, drought induces gene plete, raising the possibility that members of the NRT1/
expression. This induction is marked for receptor genes PTR family have further physiological functions that have
and less pronounced for transporters. This behavior is yet to be determined, highlighting the need for functional
comparable with the shoot-related drought-induced cluster studies.
number 6, which contains only synthesis and transport Both families (ABC and NRT1/PTR) have homologous
genes. It is tempting to hypothesize that drought may proteins that have been crystallized in other organisms
promote synthesis of ABA in shoots that is then trans- [88,89]. Some amino acids involved in the selectivity of
ported to the root and perceived by cluster number 5 genes. the transporters have been identified [88,89]. Structural
However, this hypothesis needs proper experimental vali- homology modeling should make it possible to hypothe-
dation. Interestingly, cluster number 7 is a shoot cluster size about whether the conserved regions (or amino
repressed by drought treatment and contains mainly per- acids) that function for peptide transport are also used
ception genes. It is tempting to speculate that drought by hormones (auxin for NRT1.1 or ABA for NRT1.2).
promotes ABA synthesis in shoots (through cluster number Following such an approach, structure–function analyses
6 genes) and that cluster number 7 is repressed to desen- should enable the identity of important amino acids to be
sitize the shoots to this locally produced ABA. However, confirmed by expression in heterologous systems. Final-
this will need proper experimental investigations to be ly, expression in plants of the mutated forms of the
validated. transporters with altered selectivity should enable the
In conclusion, these examples of transcriptional regula- physiological consequences of a specific property to be
tion demonstrate that each step of ABA signaling might be determined.
involved in particular biomodules [82] under the influence
of an environmental signal. Available data enable a map of Concluding remarks
gene regulation in shoots and roots to be sketched. The Retrospectively, it is astonishing that ABA transporters
identification of new molecular actors at each step of the have only been identified so recently, 20 years after the
triptych may modify this picture, but some possible routes first cloning of cDNAs encoding for ABA signal-transduc-
of ABA synthesis, transport, and perception have already tion proteins [90,91]. Indeed, a similar delay has also been
been mapped out for the known players. observed for ABA receptors. The comparatively recent
isolation of transporters and receptors might either be
Specificity of transporters because they share redundant functions or because their
ABC and NRT1/PTR transporters are present in all organ- role is not significant enough for them to have been priori-
isms, but their respective families are larger in plants (for tized in earlier genetic screens.
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