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Research Article

Biomass gasification, catalytic technologies and

energy integration for production of circular
methanol: New horizons for industry

Luis F. Bobadilla 1,∗, Lola Azancot 1, Miriam González-Castaño 1,

Estela Ruíz-López 1, Laura Pastor-Pérez 1, Francisco J. Durán-Olivencia 2,
Runping Ye 3, Katie Chong 4, Paula H. Blanco-Sánchez 4, Zenthao Wu 4,
Tomás R. Reina 1,5, José A. Odriozola 1,5
1 Departamento de Química Inorgánica e Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla, Centro Mixto
CSIC-Universidad de Sevilla, Avda. Américo Vespucio 49, Sevilla 41092, Spain
2 Departamento de Ingeniería, Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Avda. de Las Universidades s/n, Sevilla 41704, Spain
3 Key Laboratory of Jiangxi Province for Environment and Energy Catalysis, School of Chemistry and Chemical

Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330031, China

4 Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI), Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, United Kingdom
5 Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognises the pivotal role of re-
Received 3 April 2023 newable energies in the future energy system and the achievement of the zero-emission
Revised 19 September 2023 target. The implementation of renewables should provide major opportunities and enable
Accepted 19 September 2023 a more secure and decentralised energy supply system. Renewable fuels provide long-term
Available online xxx solutions for the transport sector, particularly for applications where fuels with high energy
density are required. In addition, it helps reducing the carbon footprint of these sectors in
Keywords: the long-term. Information on biomass characteristics feedstock is essential for scaling-up
Biogenic residues gasification from the laboratory to industrial-scale. This review deals with the transforma-
Gasification tion biogenic residues into a valuable bioenergy carrier like biomethanol as the liquid sun-
Biomethanol shine based on the combination of modified mature technologies such as gasification with
Circular Economy other innovative solutions such as membranes and microchannel reactors. Tar abatement
Microreactors is a critical process in product gas upgrading since tars compromise downstream processes
and equipment, for this, membrane technology for upgrading syngas quality is discussed in
this paper. Microchannel reactor technology with the design of state-of-the-art multifunc-
tional catalysts provides a path to develop decentralised biomethanol synthesis from bio-
genic residues. Finally, the development of a process chain for the production of (i) methanol

Corresponding author.
E-mail: (L.F. Bobadilla).
1001-0742/© 2023 The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Please cite this article as: Luis F. Bobadilla, Lola Azancot, Miriam González-Castaño et al., Biomass gasification, catalytic tech-
nologies and energy integration for production of circular methanol: new horizons for industry decarbonisation, Journal of
Environmental Sciences,
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m7;November 23, 2023;15:22]
2 journal of environmental sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

as an intermediate energy carrier, (ii) electricity and (iii) heat for decentralised applications
based on biomass feedstock flexible gasification, gas upgrading and methanol synthesis is
© 2023 The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of
Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V.

atmosphere and soil, which is liberated into the environment

Introduction when burned (Singh et al., 2016). Therefore, biomass is ide-
ally considered a carbon-neutral feedstock if it is sustainably
Over the years, many efforts have been made to shift from
sourced. Consequently, bioenergy development is an effective
the use of fossil fuels to renewable energy due to the pollut-
countermeasure to extend fossil fuel reserves, reduce green-
ing nature of fossil fuels, their decreasing reserves, and their
house gas (GHG) emissions, and mitigate global warming and
volatile prices. The current scenario indicates that, although
climate change. In line with these concerns, during the 27th
increasingly utilized, renewable energy is still far from becom-
EUBCE European Biomass Conference and Exhibition in 2019,
ing a primary energy resource for a simple reason: it is not yet
the European Commission reached the following conclusions:
economically profitable compared to fossil fuels. Thus, global
energy demands still rely heavily on fossil fuels, comprising
1) For bioenergy and biofuels, certain value chains are estab-
more than 68% of the world’s primary energy supply in 2018
lished, but the production costs and volumes of materials
and contributing up to 35% of global greenhouse gas (GHG)
readily available represent a limitation.
emissions. Moreover, the demand for all fuels has continued
2) Biofuels and biomass combined heat and power (CHP)
to rise, with fossil fuels meeting nearly 79% of demand in 2021,
must play an important role in decarbonising the European
with only 19% obtained from renewable sources (Moodley and
economy due to their versatility, dispatchability, absence
Trois, 2021).
of infrastructure requirements, and large emissions reduc-
In the future envisaged by the long-term climate strategy,
tion potential.
research and innovation activities must be organised to work
3) An integrated approach of strong policy measures, re-
on solutions across sectors such as energy, transport, infras-
search, innovation and improved financing solutions by in-
tructure, and buildings. Therefore, developing a wide range of
ternational cooperation with non-European and European
advanced low and zero-carbon technologies is needed, opti-
countries is necessary.
mising research and innovation activities from a value chain
perspective, supporting the circular economy, and reducing
environmental footprint and pollution arising from different Therefore, to achieve economically sustainable advanced
stages (Fig. 1). biofuels and bring them closer to the market, we must seek
In this sense, placing renewable energy in a competitive po- revolutionary technologies that represent a step ahead in
sition with respect to fossil fuels necessarily involves minimi- biomass conversion, unlocking the potential for this resource
sation of the production cost and a reduced environmental through the generation of added-value products and liquid fu-
impact. Based on this premise, biomass, particularly biomass els like methane, methanol, etc. The current global methanol
residues, represent a promising substitute for fossil fuels. Dur- (CH3 OH) production is around 110 million metric tons, and
ing its short life cycle, all carbon in biomass comes from the it takes place via catalytic conversion of fossil fuels, mainly
natural gas (Simon Araya et al., 2020). Biomethanol is chem-
ically identical to conventional methanol, but it can be pro-
duced from a wide range of biomass feedstock, including
under-utilised resources such as biogenic residues or energy
crops from marginal lands. Biomass gasification, combined
with other downstream processes, can yield high-quality
biomethanol with diverse applications ranging from trans-
port fuels to electricity (Farsi, 2021). This pathway to yield
biomethanol can bring the reduction of fossil fuel usage and
greenhouse gas emissions as an additional benefit.
For methanol synthesis, Farsi reviewed the fundamentals
for methanol synthesis using biomass and analysed the as-
sociated challenges and opportunities (Farsi, 2021). Moreover,
some works dealing with the latest advances on heteroge-
neous catalysis (Ali et al., 2015; Guil-López et al., 2019) and
strategies towards the optimization from the reactor design
and feedstock management perspective (Bozzano and Ma-
nenti, 2016) have been recently published. Instead, this re-
view focuses on approaches to maximise the conversion of
Fig. 1 – Chain perspective to achieve the transition from biogenic residues and wastes into valuable bioenergy carriers
fossil fuels to renewable energies. like biomethanol. As illustrated in Fig. 2, different approaches
Please cite this article as: Luis F. Bobadilla, Lola Azancot, Miriam González-Castaño et al., Biomass gasification, catalytic tech-
nologies and energy integration for production of circular methanol: new horizons for industry decarbonisation, Journal of
Environmental Sciences,
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journal of environmental sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Fig. 2 – Biogenic waste-to-chemicals/fuels overall concept.

suitable for decentralised deployment will be analysed, mak-

ing systems available to address local feedstock supply chains,
capacity ranges and production strategies. Biomethanol pro-
duction routes can be classified depending on the products de- Fig. 3 – Simplified scheme of biomass gasification for
rived from biomass treatments. Thus, biomass can be biolog- biomethanol production.
ically converted to biomethane and the obtained biomethane
is subsequently converted to methanol. Alternatively, biomass
can be processed for obtaining bio-syngas which is catalyti- ences in feedstock, pretreatment and processing conditions
cally converted to biomethanol. Among the different biomass (Eichler et al., 2015; Farsi, 2021). However, the increased finan-
conversion pathways (namely pyrolysis, gasification, combus- cial penalties on CO2 emissions from fossil sources will dras-
tion and liquefaction), combustion and liquefaction do not tically reduce this difference. Besides, the techno-economic
contribute in a significant manner to the production of re- aspects associated with the Objectives for Sustainable De-
newables chemicals. Instead, pyrolysis and gasification com- velopment shift the focus from the economy of scale to dis-
monly produce biofuel and bio-syngas which constitute a suit- tributed process that will contribute to the feasibility of the
able raw material for the production of biomethanol. This biomethanol process (Carvalho et al., 2017; Resasco et al.,
work aims at underlining the major action lines using gasifi- 2018).
cation as the primary conversion route capable of processing
a range of biomass feedstock to yield biomethanol. For that
purpose, the importance of biomethanol and the biomass to
biomethanol process using a fixed-bed gasification reactor is
2. Biomass-to-biomethanol process based on
exposed. Afterward, novel combinations of improved biomass
fixed-bed downdraft gasification
gasification concepts, gas cleaning, upgrading and new reac-
Methanol production from biomass typically consists of feed-
tor concepts for methanol synthesis will be discussed to de-
stock pretreatment, gasification, gas cleaning, water-gas shift
fine novel product gas routes that increase the efficiency of
to obtain the appropriate H2 :CO ratio, methanol synthesis and
biomass conversion to biomethanol and thus create sustain-
purification, as shown in Fig. 3 (Hamelinck and Faaij, 2002).
able bioenergy products.
Compared to pyrolysis, gasification processes seem to of-
fer higher economical potential revenues (Mavukwana et al.,
1. Importance of biomethanol 2021). Nonetheless, one of the main challenges for gasification
technologies is the presence of unwanted components in the
Methanol is one of the top chemicals produced in the world product gas, including tars, H2 S, HCl, etc. Therefore, to enable
with a high octane number of 110 that allows it to be blended the downstream upgrading and conversion of product gas into
up to 10-20 wt.% with other fuels such as gasoline (Huber et al., methanol, the product gas should ideally contain low concen-
2006). In addition, methanol contributes to other sectors: for trations of contaminants (Quinn et al., 2004).
instance, it can be combusted directly in modified engines and
used as platform chemical to obtain a wide range of added- 2.1. Identification and selection of feedstock
value products, including formaldehyde, methyl tert-butyl
ether (MTBE), dimethyl ether (DME), polymers and synthetic A key issue regarding the viability of bioenergy lies in de-
chemicals, including pharmaceutical products (Huber et al., veloping reliable, integrated biomass supply chains from
2006; Sun and Wu, 2022). Furthermore, methanol is also used cultivation, harvesting, transport and storage through to
in the methanol-to-olefins process to manufacture other liq- conversion and by-product use. A secure, long-term supply of
uid fuels (Tian et al., 2015). sustainable feedstock is essential to the economics of bioen-
Compared to widely used methanol production from nat- ergy plants (Junginger et al., 2011). In the last decades, several
ural gas, biomethanol production is a relatively new process biomass availability studies have been performed. However,
and still under development. The main drawback of using due to their approaches, their results are difficult to compare
biomass as raw material for biomethanol production is the and interpret directly. Many have studied, for example, forest
higher production cost (1.5 to 4 times higher) due to the differ- biomass (Avitabile and Camia, 2018; Gallaun et al., 2010),
Please cite this article as: Luis F. Bobadilla, Lola Azancot, Miriam González-Castaño et al., Biomass gasification, catalytic tech-
nologies and energy integration for production of circular methanol: new horizons for industry decarbonisation, Journal of
Environmental Sciences,
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Table 1 – Biomass availability, price and properties for biomass existing in Spain. Adapted from (Avitabile and Camia, 2018;
IDAE, 2023; Paredes-Sánchez et al., 2019).

Feedstock Availability (103 ton dry Price (€-PJ) M (% wet basis),A (% dry basis)

Agricultural 25000 2.5-5 M: 12.5-92.1, A: 0.3-35.4

Forestry 63000 5-10 M: 5-52, A: 0.4-5
Fishery waste and marine biomass 2600 2-3 M: 4-40, A: 3-26
Sewage sludge 12000 2-4 M: 5-60, A: 18-45
Waste biomass included 12000 2.5-5 M: 5-45, A: 2-17
biodegradable, food and green

M: moisture; A: ash-content.

animal manure, straw and grass potentials (Kaltschmitt and this database calculates the heat of combustion, there are no
Weber, 2006; Meyer et al., 2018), but only one-third of the avail- methods to predict other physicochemical properties, e.g. solid
able potential of solid biofuels in EU-15 countries were used. products obtained after thermal conversion (PHYLLIS, 2020).
A summary of biomass resources reported in the literature Similar databases are also provided by scientific research units
for the case of Spain can be found in Table 1. researching solid biofuel analysis (Sajdak et al., 2013). More-
Waste and non-food biomass, is presently combusted over, the spectrum of analytical data depends on the capabil-
in power plants to generate electricity at low efficiency ities of a particular institution’s apparatus, which also trans-
˛ et al., 2021). For example, biogenic residues from lates into a lack of standardisation.
the olive oil industry are normally combusted in the Mediter-
ranean Basin. Recently, other studies have been focused 2.2. Pretreatment
not only from the mono-combustion of residual biomass or
wastes but also to their co-combustion or co-pyrolisis to en- Pretreatment methods aim to prepare the biomass feedstock
ergy (Wu et al., 2023; Wu et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2023). to aid the gasification process and increase the yield and
Towards the enhanced circular economies, an alternative to quality of gaseous products. In fact, pretreatment methods
combustion is gasification to create higher-quality products let to cleaner conversion processes with significantly higher
such as methanol from processing this feedstock’s. energy efficiencies (Ramos et al., 2022). Pretreatment meth-
As the output from the energy conversion systems is ods could be classified as mechanical, chemical and biolog-
highly dependent on the quality of the biomass put into ical methods. In general, mechanical processes like drying,
the system, there are problems associated with using dif- torrefaction, and pelletisation aims at improving the phys-
ferent biomass sources, which include variations in proper- ical biomass properties (i.e. reduce the particle size reduc-
ties between biomass types or even within individual species tion and increase the surface area) and lower the moisture
(Nunes et al., 2016). Crop and harvesting conditions involve level. Chemical methods as hydrolysis, steam explosion or
varied key biomass composition, impacting the final product’s wet oxidation vary the feedstock composition by using dif-
quality (Barr et al., 2020). In the face of increasing competi- ferent chemicals and solvents. Biological pretreatments also
tion for access to biomass feedstock, there is a need to better change the chemical and physical structure of biomass by
understand the availability and physicochemical properties of employing microorganisms which degrade the biomass struc-
different types of biomass, mainly waste biomass, both now ture in a rather slow but environmentally-friendly process.
and in the future. As a matter of fact, the limited availabil- Generally, combinatorial methods are often applied to lead-
ity of biomass has indorsed investigations dealing with co- ing pretreatment technologies since encompassing different
gasification processes which blending different sources pre- methods result more effective for reducing moisture content,
vent disadvantages associated to the gasification of each type achieving specific particle size or densification, and reducing
(Ramos et al., 2018) . For instance, co-gasification of biomass the amount of contaminants that can be detrimental to gasi-
and plastic wastes attenuate the issues of plastic waste gasi- fication (Agbor et al., 2011). Emerging pretreatments based on
fication like difficult feeding and formation of contaminants pressure homogeniser, microwave-, ultrasound- and pulsed
(Pinto et al., 2002). electric filed are some of the novel and more sustainable ap-
Currently available biomass databases provide information proaches being investigated (Hassan et al., 2018).
on the physicochemical properties of organic materials, waste Downdraft gasifiers require feedstock with a moisture con-
plastics and the products obtained from thermal conversion. tent < 15 wt.%, therefore requiring some feedstock drying.
However, they tend to lack key detailed information on the The most common method for drying uses heat (Ramos et al.,
conditions of thermal conversion and products. Indeed, the 2022). Particle size reduction is typically achieved by chipping,
Phyllis database, which contains information on the composi- grinding or milling, and pelletisation is achieved using spe-
tion of biomass, macro- and micro-algae, feedstock for biogas cific high-pressure equipment. For reducing specific feedstock
production, biochar and torrefied biomass, does not provide components, chemical leaching biomass with water or/and
any information about the availability of biomass in the EU acid solutions represents an alternative option to optimise
or other countries of the world and whilst one algorithm in fuel properties. These methods help remove ash, potassium
Please cite this article as: Luis F. Bobadilla, Lola Azancot, Miriam González-Castaño et al., Biomass gasification, catalytic tech-
nologies and energy integration for production of circular methanol: new horizons for industry decarbonisation, Journal of
Environmental Sciences,
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(H2 ), steam (H2 O), methane (CH4 ), tars as well as chlori-

nated, sulphur compounds, and impurities (Asadullah, 2014;
Deshmukh et al., 2013; Kumar et al., 2009). This process takes
place at 400-600°C either below stoichiometric oxidation con-
ditions with air as a gasification agent (“autothermal gasi-
fication”) (Gulyurtlu et al., 2013) or in a steam atmosphere
(“allothermal gasification”) (Kaur et al., 2019). The working
medium (gasifying agent, temperature, catalyst) modifies the
Fig. 4 – Raw (left side) and torrefied (right side) energy
product gas composition and its heating value, and it might
have an effect on the final tar concentration too. Optimal
H2 O: biomass ratios result in gaseous products with ele-
vated H2 concentrations (60% H2 , 30% de CO2 and 10% CO)
(K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca) and chlorine (Cl), which is bene- (Narváez et al., 1996). Table 2 summarises the gas composition
ficial, particularly considering biomass with high ash content, for a selection of allothermal processes.
which can significantly reduce the efficiency of the gasifica- Several gasification technologies, including fixed-bed, flu-
tion process. Leaching can remove between 15% to 40% of the idised bed and entrained flow, have been studied for biomass
original ash content and around 60% of K, Na, Ca, and Cl, de- gasification at different process conditions (Alauddin et al.,
pending on the type of biomass (Deng et al., 2013). Although 2010; Hernández et al., 2010; Higman and van der Burgt, 2008;
various leaching methods exist, water extraction is preferred Karl and Pröll, 2018). However, fixed-bed gasification systems
as the most environmentally friendly method, depending on are usually applied in decentralised systems due to plant com-
the structure of the biomass, since significant fractions of al- plexity and cost-related reasons (Bozzano and Manenti, 2016).
kali metals, chlorine, sulphur and phosphorous can be re- One of the major barriers to developing biomass gasifica-
moved within a short time. The disadvantage is that further tion is the presence of impurities in the produced gas, includ-
drying is required after the pretreatment takes place. ing organic contaminants or tars and other pollutants such as
Representing more than 23% for thermal conversion pro- particulate matter, NH3 , H2 S, HCl, NOx and SOx (Nunes, 2020a).
cesses (Ramos et al., 2022), another pretreatment method The impurities in the producer gas represent a real challenge
widely used is torrefaction. This pretreatment is a relatively for its utilisation (Font Palma, 2013) as they create severe op-
mild thermochemical process in which biomass is heated at erational problems in downstream applications (Corton et al.,
200–300°C under an inert atmosphere (Li et al., 2022). Torrefac- 2010; Milne et al., 1998; Shen and Yoshikawa, 2013). Acids such
tion can aid the grindability of difficult-to-pulverize biomass, as hydrochloric acid (HCl) are formed during gasification due
make a more homogeneous feedstock that improves pelleti- to the conversion of halides found in biomass and can create
sation, avoid feedstock absorbing moisture, avoid fuel degra- corrosion and attrition issues. Other species, such as KCl, have
dation, low O/C ratios, and enhance the gasification process been associated with dioxin and furan formation in syngas
by achieving a coal-like feedstock as shown in Fig. 4 (IEA- downstream applications. Furthermore, sulphated and chlo-
BIOENERGY, 2016). rinated compounds can have detrimental effects on catalysts
Whilst numerous benefits have been demonstrated for us- when the gas is upgraded via catalytic approaches (Zhao et al.,
ing torrefaction in the pretreatment of biomass, further inves- 1994). Sulphur contained in biomass feedstocks can be con-
tigation there is a need to better understand the process vari- verted into hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide during
ables and the influence of feedstock variables. Many indus- gasification, which have a high adsorption affinity on the ac-
trial projects have encountered difficulties in producing tor- tive sites of catalysts, thus promoting premature deactivation
refied biomass (Nunes, 2020a; Nunes, 2020b). These difficulties (i.e. poisoning).
are due to the fact that not all the variables associated with It has been reported that operational parameters, includ-
thermochemical conversion are well understood and consid- ing temperature, gasifying agent, residence time, and gasifier
ered. Moreover, the intrinsic characteristics of the raw mate- design can affect the formation of tars (Surisetty et al., 2012).
rial, namely their chemical and structural composition, and The minimum allowable limit for tar is highly dependent on
the behaviour of each of these compounds during the torrefac- the subsequent process or gas end-user application. For the
tion process are often neglected. Although most of the chal- downstream conversion of product gas into fuels, the pro-
lenges related to the technical operation of a torrefaction unit ducer gas must contain very low concentrations of tars and
have been largely corrected, there is still a need to better un- other impurities. Generally, tar starts condensing at temper-
derstand the different forms of biomass and how they react in atures below 350°C, causing blockages and clogging of equip-
the torrefaction process. ment as the temperature is reduced, and as it can polymerise
into more complex structures (Basu, 2010; Devi et al., 2003). Av-
2.3. Gasification and producer gas conditioning erage tar concentrations of 1, 10, and 50 g/Nm3 can be found
in gases from downdraft, bubbling fluidised-bed gasifiers, and
Gasification is a thermochemical process which converts updraft biomass gasifiers, respectively (Basu, 2010). Appealing
the pretreated biomass feedstock mostly into gaseous prod- advances towards the reduction of tar content have been re-
ucts that can be used in diverse applications. Gasifica- ported from diverse perspectives embracing from the devel-
tion can exploit energy from biomass via the conversion opment of gasification units constituted by multiple stages
of the solid fuel into a producer gas, mainly composed (Burhenne et al., 2013; Jaojaruek et al., 2011), until the develop-
of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2 ), hydrogen ment of novel catalytic systems (Kawamoto and Lu, 2016). In
Please cite this article as: Luis F. Bobadilla, Lola Azancot, Miriam González-Castaño et al., Biomass gasification, catalytic tech-
nologies and energy integration for production of circular methanol: new horizons for industry decarbonisation, Journal of
Environmental Sciences,
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Table 2 – Typical gasification product composition for several allothermal processes (Virginie et al., 2012).

Gasifying agents Composition (vol.%) Heating value (MJ/m3 )

H2 CO CO2 CH4 N2

Air 9-10 12-15 14-17 2-4 56-59 3-6

O2 30-34 30-37 25-29 4-6 10-15
H2 O/CO2 24-50 30-45 10-19 5-12 12-20

our view, progress on advanced catalysts design able to cope brane separation mainly relies on the selective transport of
with tars and showcasing long-term durability under different species through membranes via mechanisms of size exclu-
tars concentrations will open new horizons in biomass gasifi- sion and/or solution diffusion. It is also widely used as a
cation allowing both feedstock and end-products flexibility. means of process intensification by combining membranes
with other separation technologies, such as absorption and
2.4. Gas cleaning distillation, saving energy and reducing waste (Gabelman and
Hwang, 1999; Lawson and Lloyd, 1997). Despite the widespread
Until a tar-tolerant catalytic formulation is developed, gas adoption of membranes in various applications, especially
cleaning is a practical solution. To achieve a reduction or re- water and wastewater treatment, where the modular na-
moval of tars, H2 S, HCl and NH3 catalytic processes can be ture of the technology facilitated simple scale-up from lab-
used. This allows the gas to meet the purity requirements of oratory research, the potential of membrane technology in
the downstream methanol synthesis process. Several meth- the bioenergy industry has rarely been explored. In an inter-
ods for tar abatement have been reported in the literature, disciplinary effort, recent works have focused on harnessing
although the two main approaches are primary (in-situ) and the latest innovations in ceramic membrane technology for
secondary (ex-situ) methods (Kishore, 2009). Primary methods abating tar and other contaminant gases from producer gas
involve modification of parameters that can prevent tar from (Koonaphapdeelert et al., 2009; Mahyon et al., 2019; Wu et al.,
forming by modifying operating conditions, bed additives or 2010), as shown in Fig. 5.
catalyst beds (Blanco et al., 2013), and reactor design modi- Ceramic membranes are well known for outstanding ther-
fication. Cortázar et al. (2023) have recently outlined the im- mal and chemical robustness, which enables their application
portance of tar removal towards the feasibility of gasifica- for various processes and under a wide range of temperatures,
tion processes and revised the major primary strategies the pressures, and pH values. One of the latest innovations in ce-
minimization and transformation of tar compounds. Among ramic membrane technology is a phase-inversion assisted ex-
the several catalytic approaches involved within the primary trusion process developed for fabricating micro-tubular ce-
methods, nickel-based catalysts, dolomites, magnesites, zeo- ramic membranes with an advanced bi-modal pore structure
lites, olivine and iron catalysts are included (Abu El-Rub et al., (Li, 2007) (Fig. 5). Micro-tubular ceramic membranes typically
2004). Dolomite and olivine are quite efficient for tar removal, have a small diameter (2-5 mm), which is ideal for process
whilst Ni- or Fe- supported olivine catalysts boost their tar intensification by providing a large membrane area within a
cracking performance (Michel et al., 2013; Virginie et al., 2010). highly compact unit. Typically, such membranes’ area/volume
In addition, using olivine in support of Ni catalysts improves ratio is 500–9000 m2 /m3 , higher than other ceramic membrane
their resistance to carbon deposition, improving catalyst life- geometries such as planar and tubular membranes (Tan and
time (Świerczyński et al., 2007). Whilst active zeolite catalysts Li, 2011). This eases upscaling of membrane modules and en-
quickly deactivate due to coke deposition (Liu et al., 2016) ables deployment flexibility, which is necessary for decentral-
biochars- or activated char-supported Fe or Ni catalysts can isation of the bioenergy industry.
reach a tar removal efficiency of ∼ 95% (Bhandari et al., 2014). The unique bimodal membrane pore structure signifi-
Secondary methods include the treatment of the gas from cantly promotes the transfer of materials inside the mem-
the gasifier (normally downstream) to reduce impurities. This brane, enhancing catalyst utilisation and efficiency of cat-
has been studied using dry or wet downstream cleaning ap- alytic reactions (Garcilaso et al., 2019; Romero-Sarria et al.,
proaches, with systems such as venturi scrubbers, wash tow- 2020), as well as gas-liquid interactions (Okoye-Chine et al.,
ers, wet/dry electrostatic precipitators, adsorbing beds or cy- 2019). These provide a solid scientific and technical basis for
clones. However, some of these systems have reported signifi- efficient product gas tar abatement via (1) a catalytic mem-
cant heat and energy efficiency losses and waste stream gen- brane in which less tar cracking catalyst is incorporated for
eration (Abdoulmoumine et al., 2015). Wet, dry, and adsorp- the effective breakdown of tar molecules and (2) a membrane
tive filtering could be alternatives, but they require intensive scrubber for effective absorption of tar molecules without
research, development and piloting (Basu, 2010). the issues of conventional scrubber/contactor such as emul-
As an advanced and efficient process for separation sions, flooding at high flow rates, unloading at low flow rates
and selective catalytic reactions, membrane technology and density difference between fluids. Moreover, membrane
has been widely investigated and adopted for purification contactors typically offer 30 times more area than is achiev-
in water, environmental and energy-related applications able in gas absorbers and 500 times the obtainable levels in
(Abdoulmoumine et al., 2015; Armor, 1998; Kim and Van der liquid/liquid extraction columns, leading to remarkably high
Bruggen, 2010; Koros and Fleming, 1993; Lu et al., 2007). Mem- separation effectiveness (Barrientos et al., 2017). Hence in our

Please cite this article as: Luis F. Bobadilla, Lola Azancot, Miriam González-Castaño et al., Biomass gasification, catalytic tech-
nologies and energy integration for production of circular methanol: new horizons for industry decarbonisation, Journal of
Environmental Sciences,
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m7;November 23, 2023;15:22]
journal of environmental sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Fig. 5 – Illustration of different configurations based on membranes for obtaining cleaning syngas.

opinion, to achieve the extremely low concentration of tar and a suitable H2 /CO ratio and maximises methanol yields. In any
contaminant gases required for methanol synthesis, catalytic case, methanol synthesis has two clear limitations in tem-
membranes and membrane scrubbers can be combined at a perature. On the one hand, the catalyst using Cu as an active
small increase in cost that will provide more thorough con- phase is very sensitive to deactivation by sintering. Above all,
ditioning of syngas for methanol synthesis due to the out- it is a reaction limited by thermodynamic equilibrium due to
standing separation effectiveness of the membrane technolo- its reversible exothermic character. Therefore, low tempera-
gies discussed. tures favour the stability of the catalyst and increase the max-
imum conversion obtainable but penalise the process kinetics
(Azizi et al., 2014).
2.5. Syngas conversion into biomethanol

Further to gas conditioning, the methanol synthesis is typi-

cally performed in a two-step integrated system comprising a 3. New approaches for methanol synthesis:
reverse water-gas shift (r-WGS) reactor and methanol synthe- microchannel reactors
sis unit. The initial shift step fine-adjusts the H2 /CO ratio to
feed the methanol plant. Methanol is typically manufactured Standard technologies for r-WGS and methanol production
using syngas with an H2 /CO ratio of 2:1 according to the over- are based on fixed-bed reactors, resulting in several draw-
all reaction CO + 2H2 → CH3 OH. Fixed-bed reactors with recy- backs, such as poor thermal control and pressure drops. The
cling loops are commonly employed to maximise the overall structured catalytic systems, structured catalysts and mi-
methanol yield. The optimum conditions are selected consid- crochannel reactors offer excellent opportunities for overcom-
ering the best temperature/pressure matching between both ing those limitations because they efficiently minimise both
reactors to facilitate their integration in a single unit. As a re- the transport limitations and pressure drop simultaneously
sult, methanol synthesis is a highly exothermic reaction op- while improving the radial fluxes of mass and heat and al-
erated at high pressures (50–80 bares) and relatively low tem- lowing very short contact times (Fig. 6) (Almeida et al., 2011;
peratures of 200–300°C (Poto et al., 2022). Meanwhile, r-WGS Arzamendi et al., 2011; Laguna et al., 2012). Furthermore, the
is an endothermic reaction that operates favourably at tem- monoliths with parallel channels, open cell foams and stacked
peratures above 600°C, and the thermodynamic equilibrium wire meshes can be made of various metallic alloys and cells
is independent of pressure (Vázquez et al., 2018). or pore densities. They can also be coated with any suitable
Patented materials based on highly dispersed Cu active catalyst, thus becoming appropriate for the process of inter-
phase prepared using Cu-Zn-Al hydrotalcite have been probed est. On the other hand, the microchannel reactors can provide
as efficient systems for both reactions (Odriozola et al., 2014). an incomparable intensification of the process with excellent
Unfortunately, the state of the Cu in the methanol synthesis temperature control and improved product quality and pro-
catalyst is unique and highly defective (Behrens et al., 2012). cess safety (Yue, 2022). In addition, the scalability is simplified
Nevertheless, after the shift reactor, the formulation leads to since it is achieved simply by increasing the number of units.
Please cite this article as: Luis F. Bobadilla, Lola Azancot, Miriam González-Castaño et al., Biomass gasification, catalytic tech-
nologies and energy integration for production of circular methanol: new horizons for industry decarbonisation, Journal of
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8 journal of environmental sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 6 – Evidence of thermal (a) and composition (b) profiles in micro-structured reactors used for a preferential oxidation
reaction (PrOx ), suggesting heterogeneous heat and mass transport along the channels (c) overview of the microchannel
reactor configuration. Adapted from (Arzamendi et al., 2011) and (Laguna et al., 2012).

Therefore, they permit the design of compact and, in terms of simplified scalability makes them ideal for distributed pro-
weight, lighter devices, which are ideal for decentralised ap- ductions and essential for delocalised and seasonal applica-
plications. tions, for example, residues in farming and rural scenarios
Implementing microchannel reactors for r-WGS and where biomass availability fluctuates. Furthermore, a recent
methanol synthesis could be an interesting strategy for ad- pioneering study demonstrates the feasibility of decentralised
vanced catalytic technologies and reaction engineering. How- Biomass-to-Liquids processes. It has shown that changes from
ever, up to now, microchannel reactors have only been imple- lab scale to pilot scale produce negligible changes in prod-
mented at a commercial level by Velocys for Fischer-Tropsch uct quality or reaction performances due to the efficiency of
synthesis (Loewert et al., 2019). To the best of our knowl- structured microreactors (Loewert et al., 2019). Hence we see a
edge, there are no commercial or pilot processes using this bright future for microchannel reactor technology applied to
kind of structured reactor for methanol synthesis. Neverthe- biofuel and added value biomass-derived chemicals produc-
less, the works of Venvik and Holmen’s group are the only tion, especially for gas to liquids processes.
ones dealing with methanol synthesis in the structured sys-
tem and are restricted to the use of conventional Pd/CeO2
and CuO/ZnO/Al2 O3 catalysts (Bakhtiary-Davijany et al., 2011; 4. Integrated multi-scale process for
Hayer et al., 2011; Phan et al., 2010; Phan et al., 2016; Venvik and methanol synthesis and energy production
Yang, 2017; Visconti et al., 2018). These miniaturised devices
allow the improvement of thermal control of the reaction and The validation of the integrated technologies is fundamental
thus making it more energy-efficient. Moreover, they make for their development. Upscaling or demonstration of ultra-
the operation at high pressures safer while minimizing pres- compact liquid biofuels production with the potential to be
sure drops. In addition, the advanced engineering properties engineered into a mobile system deployable locally to the
and the microchannel reactor’s utilisation significantly reduce most suitable and available feedstocks constitutes key steps
the downstream unit’s total volume, making the design of for the emergence of new business and supply chain models
portable bio-methanol processors feasible for decentralised in the growing biofuel sector. Hence, the exothermic nature
applications. of the reactions occurring during the methanol synthesis can
Overall, the miniaturization achieved by structured cat- allow heat and power to be reintegrated to the process or to
alysts and microreactors enables improved boosted heat be externally valorised (feeding in electricity to the grid and
and mass transport processes whilst minimizes the pres- providing process/district heat), thus bringing another added
sure drops and hot spot development. The superior ther- value as well as improving the energy efficiency of the process
mal control permits optimal control on the process selec- and thus leading to a better GHG performance and further po-
tivity, extend the catalysts lifetime thereby promoting the tential for grid-balancing.
overall efficiency of the process. From our perspective, be- A proven fixed-bed downdraft gasifier concept have been
yond the technical advantages of microchannel reactors, their successfully tested (Pinilla et al., 2013). This model two-stage
Please cite this article as: Luis F. Bobadilla, Lola Azancot, Miriam González-Castaño et al., Biomass gasification, catalytic tech-
nologies and energy integration for production of circular methanol: new horizons for industry decarbonisation, Journal of
Environmental Sciences,
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m7;November 23, 2023;15:22]
journal of environmental sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 9

Fig. 7 – Scheme of the biomass to methanol conversion chain for decentralised applications. Adapted from
(Arzamendi et al., 2011).

Fixed-Bed Reactor Simulating Downdraft Gasifier allows to tives for Sustainable Development. Probably the most chal-
decouple pyrolysis and reforming stages allowing the study lenging problem the world is facing nowadays is the global
of tar generation and cracking whose content heavily com- climate change. There is no doubt that the average surface
promises downstream processes. Preliminary mass and en- temperature of our planet has the risk of 6°C increase by
ergy balances reveal that, with such a plant concept, 4 tons 2050 if the ongoing trend on CO2 emissions is maintained
of biomass per hour can be converted into 2.7 tons per h (OECD/IEA, 2016). Therefore, to reduce emissions is manda-
methanol, 7.2 MW electricity and 11.3 MW heat from the heat tory. The ambitious but imperative objective of keeping the
recovery downstream the gas turbine. global temperature increase below 2°C must necessarily imply
In Fig. 7, a schematic drawing of the proposed biomass to negative CO2 emissions for the second half of the 21st century
methanol process for decentralised applications is presented. (Schellnhuber et al., 2016).
The off-gas from the methanol production can be utilised effi- In order to keep climate change below 2°C, the Euro-
ciently in a downstream CHP unit based on a gas turbine pro- pean Council reconfirmed in February 2011 the EU objec-
cess. By this measure, the production of green electricity, as tive of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80%-95% by
well as process and district heat, increase the overall efficiency 2050 compared to 1990, in the context of necessary reduc-
of biomass conversion in this process chain. Process optimisa- tions according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
tion must consider the optimal utilisation of off-gas streams. Change by developed countries (Edenhofer and Seyboth, 2013;
Operation with oxygen-enriched air supplied from the anode Parliament, 2023). Furthermore, in 2014, a new EU framework
off-gas stream of a Solid Oxide Electrolyser Cell (SOEC) sys- on climate and energy for 2030 was proposed, calling for re-
tem should be used to provide the additional H2 needed for ductions in greenhouse gas emissions of 40% in 2030 (against
methanol synthesis. This aspect is of paramount importance 1990 levels) and a binding EU target for renewable energies
for the economy of the process. In a subsequent step, H2 S, of at least 27% (revised to 32% in 2018), and at least 32.5%
HCl and NH3 removal, as well as final catalytic tar reforming, improvement in energy efficiency (EU Commission, 2030 cli-
shall be realised in order to meet the gas purity requirements mate & energy framework). A shift from centralised to dis-
of the downstream methanol synthesis process. It is our un- tributed energy generation is required to facilitate this com-
derstanding that the development of gasification-membranes mitment, as well as the utilisation of renewable energy re-
represents a potential integration issues to assess the tech- sources through Distributed Energy Systems (DES). This has
nology performance when working in a continuous mode for recently been highlighted “As a combination of the bioecon-
a more extended period of time. Therefore, appropriate reac- omy, which is aimed at manufacturing products from biomass
tor concepts and suitable sorbents are required. resources, and the Circular Economy, which is aimed at recy-
cling of final products, small-scale and distributed business
development in Europe is expected to be promoted in the fu-
5. Role in the framework of the circular ture by the utilisation of biomass resources and recycled re-
economy: socio-economic impact sources” (MITSUI&Co, 2018).
To meet EU 2030 renewable energy targets bioenergy is an
The overarching driver of biomethanol production is the am- essential resource. Residual biomass and organic wastes may
bition of creating clean and efficient catalytic processes in contribute to GHG emission reduction, security of energy sup-
energy related applications that help in fulfilling the Objec- ply and economic growth by stimulating local economies and
Please cite this article as: Luis F. Bobadilla, Lola Azancot, Miriam González-Castaño et al., Biomass gasification, catalytic tech-
nologies and energy integration for production of circular methanol: new horizons for industry decarbonisation, Journal of
Environmental Sciences,
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10 journal of environmental sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

employment (de Wit and Faaij, 2010). Sustainable biomass re- widespread commercial implementation of such systems. Im-
sources are carbon neutral, renewable and are widely avail- provements in syngas quality are discussed by harnessing the
able. Biomass conversion has the flexibility to yield a number latest innovations in ceramic membrane technology to abate
of bioenergy carriers in the form of gaseous or liquid streams. tar and other contaminants from product gas. The incorpo-
Gaseous streams such as methane and hydrogen can have di- ration of catalytic membranes for tar cracking catalytic and a
rect energy applications, but their drawback is the difficulty membrane scrubber for effective breakdown of tar molecules
for storage and transportation, which can substantially in- and absorption of tar molecules without the issues of conven-
crease costs and limit their application. In this context, liquid tional scrubbers/contactors are evaluated. Hence, new more
bioenergy carriers such as biomethanol with a higher energy compact gas cleaning and tar removal membrane scrubbing
density, can be easily stored and transported and can be used and catalytic cracking systems can be developed into prod-
for heat and power applications as per demand. ucts for bio-fuel industries, natural gas and petrochemical in-
dustries where gas quality is critical to downstream processes.
On the other hand, improvements in conversion efficiency are
6. Outlook and future perspectives driven by the design and implementation of micro-channels
reactors containing microstructures that enhance control of
The dependence of our current energy system on fossil fuels exothermic reactions and improve mass transfer, heat trans-
and their harmful effects on the environment are strengthen fer and reaction throughput. In our view, there is huge poten-
the development of renewable energy sources. Biomass gasi- tial when the integration of the r-WGS and methanol synthe-
fication is a well-known thermal process that converts solid sis in microchannels reactor technology is considered, hence
biomass into a gaseous stream or syngas. When combined combining both processes into one ‘plug and play’ modular
with other downstream processes such as catalytic cracking unit with straightforward scale-up. In addition, the integra-
and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, the syngas produced by gasi- tion of reactor design with the development of robust cata-
fication can be converted into renewable hydrocarbons, en- lysts is significant for future synthesis of biomethanol. We find
abling the production of a wide range of high-value biofuels particularly relevant, the design of the high-performance cat-
and chemicals. The bioenergy carriers that can be delivered alysts with efficient active sites and long-term stability spe-
from biomass thermal conversion are not intermittent (a ma- cially under tars-rich gasification effluents; this is a challenge
jor advantage over solar and wind energy), they can be stored the catalysis community must embrace. The exothermic na-
and are also dispatchable into different energy markets, e.g. ture of the reactions occurring during the methanol synthesis
transport, heat, electricity. can allow heat and power to be reintegrated to the global pro-
Biomethanol can be used for energy applications with cess or even to be externally harnessed for the production of
a potential to be combined with energy storage applica- green electricity increasing the overall efficiency of biomass
tions to work on-demand, thus improving current infras- conversion in this process chain, and thus leading to a better
tructure characteristics. Moreover, biomethanol possesses GHG performance and further potential for grid-balancing.
greater energy density when compared against their gaseous All in all, we identify gasification of biogenic residues
counterparts (H2 , CH4 ), it can be easily and safely stored and wastes coupled to advanced catalysis and membrane
or transported, bringing advantages for further conversion technology as a sustainable and cost-effective strategy for
and dispatchable service, including energy applications. As biomethanol production. Given methanol is one of the top
biomethanol is chemically identical to the extensively manu- produced chemicals worldwide this route will contribute to
factured methanol produced from fossil fuels (i.e. from natural the collective efforts in reducing GHG emissions and work to-
gas), well-developed infrastructure and processes are already wards achieving the targets set in the Paris Agreement. In par-
in place and can be used for its application, thus reducing ad- ticular, designing and implementing a circular methanol pro-
ditional adaptation and modification costs for infrastructure. duction processes represents a step ahead on biomass pro-
However, despite many efforts to scale up these technolo- cessing technologies opening a completely new horizon for
gies for commercial production of biomethanol by gasifica- economically competitive biocarrier production. This path-
tion several challenges have slowed their deployment and way aligns with the circular economy strategy, in which mate-
widespread use, particularly issues with gas quality and com- rials at the end of their lifecycle and wastes generated in the
position, the high cost of the reduction or removal of tar con- production of goods are fully recovered and recycled, reducing
tent and inefficiencies in the biomethanol conversion process. the environmental impact.
The production of fuels and chemicals from lignocellulosic
biomass and wastes very often involve catalytic processes
Declaration of Competing Interest
that are characterised by strong heat exchange requirements
due to the high thermal effect of the chemical reactions in-
The authors declare that they have no known competing fi-
volved, as well as by the difficulty for simultaneously minimiz-
nancial interests or personal relationships that could have ap-
ing transport limitations and pressure drop in conventional
peared to influence the work reported in this paper.
fixed-bed reactors. Sometimes, extremely short contact times
are also required. As a result, the conventional catalytic tech-
nologies operate under non-optimal conditions. In this con- Acknowledgments
text, this work analyses novel biomass conversion technolo-
gies to overcome the specific problems of gas quality and com- The authors acknowledge the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia,
position and conversion efficiency which currently limit the Innovación y Universidad and European Union –Next Genera-
Please cite this article as: Luis F. Bobadilla, Lola Azancot, Miriam González-Castaño et al., Biomass gasification, catalytic tech-
nologies and energy integration for production of circular methanol: new horizons for industry decarbonisation, Journal of
Environmental Sciences,
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journal of environmental sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 11

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Please cite this article as: Luis F. Bobadilla, Lola Azancot, Miriam González-Castaño et al., Biomass gasification, catalytic tech-
nologies and energy integration for production of circular methanol: new horizons for industry decarbonisation, Journal of
Environmental Sciences,

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