POM M5 Q and A

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Module § 1) Write a short note on Staffing Function of Management ? (3M) Ans: Y Itls the process of fixing positions/posts in the organization with adequate and qualified personnel. Y It is the process of acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the organization’s effectiveness. Y According to McFarland, “Staffing is the function by which managers build an organization through the recruitment, selection, and development of individuals as capable employees.” Y According to Koontz, O'Donnell and HeinzWeihrich, “The management function of staffing is defined as filling position in the organization structure through identifying workforce requirements, inventorying the people available, recruitment, selection, placement, promotion, appraisal, compensation, and training of needed people. Staffing is a pervasive function of management and it is also a dynamic function. 2) Give three reasons for the delegation of authority. (3M) Ans : Delegation happens when a superior gives a subordinate the authority to take decisions. Y Itreduces the workload of managers. By sharing some of his own work with the subordinates, the manager is able to concentrate on more important jobs. ‘This way he increases his own effectiveness and that of his subordinates. When delegation of authority takes place at all levels of the organisation it leads to proper division of work and assignment to all managers in a systematic manner. v It establishes a superior-subordinate relationship. The flow of authority from top to lower level of management is directed and controlled by the process of delegation. This gives meaning and content to the flow of authority and to managerial jobs. ¥ It increases morale of the subordinates: Delegation helps the subordinate to develop their capabilities to handle new and more challenging jobs. This gives him job satisfaction. It increases his morale, self confidence and efficiency to get promotion. 3) List out the important characteristics of entrepreneurs. (4M) An Motivation : They are by nature a lot motivated individuals and give away or sacrifice everything to that cause or goal in life. Passion : They are driven by passion, which in turn helps them to focus on work even during tough times, in other words it further fuels their goals, this passion helps them to hang on a particular work even during times of discouragement. Vision : The best entrepreneurs have a vision as to what they want to achieve and how they can accomplish their objectives and whom they need on their side to reach their goals. Confidence : They are highly confident as without confidence and self — belief entrepreneurs cannot possibly succeed. For example if you are selling a product you need to have confidence in yourself and your product. Decision Making : Being able to make decisions quickly and effectively is an important characteristics of an entrepreneur, because sometimes effective decision making decides success or failure. 4) What is meant by —“Centralization of authority” ? (3M) Ans: 5) List the Ans: Centralisation of authority means systematic reservation of authority at central points in an organisation. Hence the majority of the decisions regarding the work are taken only at higher levels and not by those who actually performs the work. This type of system is helpful in taking emergency decisions as it affects the entire organization. uniform policy can be adopted due to power vesting in top level positions. It is suitable for proper development of centralised services. steps of selecting engineers in a production firm. (5 M) First of all comes the selection approach wherein the candidate have to fill in the position they sought . After filling of the required documents and papers, the applicants has to give a test organised by the organisation to filter out the best candidates. Once the test is completed successfully then comes the interview. In Interview Process or Screening ,the applicant has to come prepared and should have a general knowledge about the type of work he/she is looking for in that organization. Then comes the placement approach wherein the strengths and weaknesses of the individual are evaluated and the candidate is assigned. Then after selection an orientation program is provided to all those selected candidates regarding the type of work and their nature, after that the candidate becomes a permanent employee of the company. 6) List four important interpersonal skills to be possessed by a manager. (4M) Ans: © Verbal Communication : Managers must be able to speak concisely, professionally and to the point. They must have the vocabulary required to make themselves understood. This is a key factor when leading a team. o Nonverbal Communication : It includes tone, pitch, volume, facial expressions, hand gestures, clothing choices, etc. A leader who constantly crosses their arms when addressing their staff may seem uncomfortable or standoffish. A manager who can’t hold eye contact during a conversation will seem bored and uninterested. © Listening Skills : A Good Leader or Manager is a good listener. It requires truly listening ina one-on-one conversation or in a meeting to make sure all questions, concerns and comments have been heard and addressed as effective. listening can ward off potential mistakes. © Motivational Interpersonal Skills : Understanding the motivational drivers of his/her staff is another Interpersonal skill so that a manager can lead them effectively. © Empathy: Interpersonal Skills are all about people and if we can’t understand others, their world and what they might be going through, then a manager will have a hard time to truly connect with them and get the best out of them. 7) What is meant by a culture responsive organisation? /What are the requirements of the staff of the firm in order to call it as a culture responsive firm? / What is the importance of cultural responsive organisations? (3M/4M/5M ) Ans: © Aculturally responsive organization is one that is designed to effectively meet the needs of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences. © Every organization develops and maintains a unique culture, which provides guidelines and boundaries for the behaviour of the members of the organization. The shared values have a strong influence on the people in the organization and dictate how they dress, act, perform their jobs which in turn makes the employees committed towards collective objectives. «It also impacts how power and information flow through it’s hierarchy . © Italso impacts how to an extent freedom is allowed in decision making, developing new ideas, and personal expression. 8) List three important characteristics of global type organisation ? (3M) Ans: Specialization and division of work Orientation towards goals Composition of individuals and groups Continuity and Flexibility QNN8K 9) Explain the need of Jab Design, indicating the factors influencing it. / What do you understood by the term Job Design?/ What is meant by job design and explain the factors influencing it (4M /3M/6M ) Ans: It the process of deciding the contents of a job, the duties and responsibilities of the job, the methods of doing the job and the relationships between the job holder (manager) and his superiors, subordinates and colleagues. The various factors that influence job design can be classified under three heads : Organizational Factors, Environmental Factors and Behavioural Factors. "Organizational Factors © Work Nature : There are various elements of a job and job design is required to classify various tasks into a job or a coherent set of jobs. The various tasks may be planning, executing, monitoring, controlling etc. and all these are to be taken into consideration while designing a job Ergonomics : Ergonomics aims at designing jobs in such a way that the physical abilities and individual traits of employees are taken into consideration so as to ensure efficiency and productivity. © Workflow ; Product and service type often determines the sequence of work flow, so a balance is required between various product or service processes and this job design ensures it. o Culture : Organizational culture determines the way tasks are carried out at the work places such as methods or standards laid out for carrying out a certain task. = Environmental Factors : © Employee availability and abilities : Employee skills, abilities and time of availability play a crucial role while designing the jobs as with a job that is more demanding and above their skill set will lead to decreased productivity and employee satisfaction. © Socio economic and cultural expectations : Jobs are nowadays becoming more employee centered rather than process centered so they are designed keeping the employees into consideration. = Behavioural Factors : © Autonomy : Employees should work in an open environment rather than one that contains fear as it promotes creativity, interdependence and leads to increased efficiency. © Feedback : Each employee should receive proper feedback about his work performance. o Diversity : Repetitive jobs often make work monotonous which leads to boredom. A job should carry sufficient diversity and variety so that it remains as. interesting with every passing day. co Use of skills and abilities : Jobs should be designed in a manner such that an employee is able to make full use of his abilities is able to make full use of his abilities and perform the job effectively. 10) Why empowerment is needed? (3M) Ans: ‘© Empowerment means that employees, managers or teams at all levels in the organization are given the power to make decisions without asking their superiors for permission. Empowerment is needed as : © Itenhances the sense of belonging and worth among employees and increases their productivity. © This participation raises self esteem of employees. © Will enable the employees to take timely decisions efficiently and effectively without the need to ask permission from superiors thereby saving previous time and money. cc _Itwill also inculcate a sense of managerial skills among lower employees. 11) Define delegation. Is it possible to delegate authority and responsibility? Why? ( 4M) Ans: ‘© Delegation is a process which enables a superior to give his authority to a subordinate to take decisions. Yes ,it is possible to delegate authority but not responsibility and accountability © The manager is responsible or accountable to his own superior for both, the tasks that he has assigned his subordinates and the acts of his subordinates. * Authority can be delegated in the form of sharing some of manager’s own work with the subordinates, so that he is able to concentrate on more important jobs. 12) What is recentralization of authority? (3M) Ans: co Recentralization means back to centralization or to centralize authority that was once decentralized. © The process is a centralization of authority over a certain type of activity or function, wherever in the organization it is found. © Itis not a complete reversal of decentralization as the authority delegated is not completely withdrawn. 13) What is a manager inventory chart? (3M) Ans: Y Manager Inventory Chart, also known as replacement chart, is used in Replacement planning of human resource management in an organization. Y It is common for business to keep an inventory (stock ) of raw materials and goods on hand to enable it to carry on its operation. In the same sense enterprises keep an inventory of available human resources, particularly managers, as competent managers are vital requirement for success. Y Manager inventory chart is simply an organizational chart of a unit having managerial positions being indicated and keyed with a system of promotability to each personnel. MANAGER INVENTORY CHART. (GM) 14) Distinguish the following: Recruitment, Selection, Placement and Induction (4M) Ans: v v v Recruitment : It is the process of searching for prospective candidates and entice them to apply for the jobs in the organization. Selection : It is the process of choosing the most suitable applicant or candidate for a job from among the available applicants. Placement : Placement is the process of fitting the selected person at the right job or place. A worker should be placed on a position where there Is full use of his strengths and all his weaknesses become irrelevant. Induction : Orientation or induction is the process of introducing new employees to an organization, to their specific jobs & departments, and in some instances, to their community. Induction training is given to new employees regarding their job at this time. 15) List the advantages and limitations of interview as a selection technique ? (3M) Not Write any Three since question is for 3 Marks Ans : Advantages : ° It ensures selection of correct candidate as interview will bypass the issue of fake resume or CV and will help the interviewer in knowing the candidate personally. It ensures collection of information like nature, attitude, personality, opinions and feelings other than name, address and educational qualifications which are already in the CV, thereby helps to conduct an in-depth analysis of the candidate in order to conclude whether the candidate is really suitable for the company or not. Easy Correction of Speech : Interview being a live conversation, it allows the mistakes and the misunderstandings to be easily revised. A good interview initiates a good initiation of relationship with the company . Itis time and cost effective. Limitations : No record : Interviews are verbal interactions and there have not been any techniques set up to record these interactions. © Incomplete process : Interviews do not help in extracting every single detail about the candidate. Incomplete information : Sometimes, due to the negligence of inte! interviewee, the company can miss the collection of important information. Mentally disturbing : Methods like behavioural, puzzle and stress interviews are known to put the interviewee under intense pressure condition. Effect of interviewer's personality and mood : The selection of interview questions and the level of scrutiny can depend upon interviewer's personality and their mood. rviewer and 16) How entrepreneurs differ from workers? (3M) Ans: Y Entrepreneurs create their own category. Entrepreneurs are free from all the insecurities as the employees are insecure about their freedom as they work for other person. V-_Entrepreneurs could reap maximum profits from his business deals while a small and reasonable amount is equally given to the employees. Y AnEntrepreneur is the master of his own company thereby can take decisions which affects the companies progress whereas an employee has to work under the person ion making powers until he is of some managerial profile while employees fall under a particular job y own the company while owning the company and has no decis positions. 17) What is meant by selection of a candidate? Explain the steps of selection process ? / Explain the steps in selection process of a candidate from receiving application to final selection. (10m) Ans : Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable applicant or candidate for a job from among the available applicants. The Steps of selection process are : ©. Inviting applications: The prospective candidates from within the organization or outside the organization are called for applying for the post. Detailed job description and job specification are provided in the advertisement for the job. It attracts a large number of candidates from various areas. applications: Detailed applications are collected from the candidates which and professional details of a person. o Rec provide the necessary information about personal These applications facilitate analysis and comparison of the candidates. Scrutiny of applications: As the limit of the period within which the company is supposed to receive applications ends, the applications are sorted out. Incomplete applications get rejected; applicants with un-matching job specifications are also rejected. © Written tests: As the final list of candidates becomes ready after the scrutiny of the written test is conducted. This test is conducted for understanding the applications, his process is useful when technical knowledge, attitude and interest of the candidates. TI the number of applicants is large. Psychological tests: These tests are conducted individually and they help for finding out the individual quality and skill of a person. The types of psychological tests are aptitude test, intelligence test, synthetic test and personality test Personal interview: Candidates proving themselves successful through tests are interviewed personally. The interviewers may be individual or a panel. It generally involves officers from the top management. The candidates are asked several questions about their experience on another job, their family background, their interests, etc. Their strengths and weaknesses are identified and noted by the interviewers which help them to take the final decision of selection. Reference check: Generally, at least two references are asked for by the company from the candidate. Reference check is a type of crosscheck for the information provided by the candidate through their application form and during the interviews. Medical examination : Physical strength and fitness of a candidate is must before they takes up the job. Final selection: At this step, the candidate is given the appointment letter to join the organization on particular date. The appointment letter specifies the post, title, salary and terms of employment. Generally, initial appointment is on probation and after specific time period it becomes permanent. Placement: This is a final step. A suitable job is allocated to the appointed candidate so that they can get the whole idea about the nature of the job 18) Distinguish between centralisation and decentralisation of authority. (4M) Ans : Centralisation Decentralisation Y Itis the process of transferring Y Itis the process of transferring and assigning decision-making authority to higher levels of an organizational hierarchy. and assigning decision-making authority to lower levels of an organizational hierarchy ¥ Decision-making is strong, authoritarian, visionary and charismatic. Decision-making is democratic, participative, detailed. ¥ Flow of communication is vertical. Flow of communication is open and free. Y Itis best suited for small size organizations. It is best suited for large size organizations. ¥ Conflict in decision is least likely to occur. Conflict in decision is most likely to occur. Y~ Only one group is carrying the burden. The burden gets shared among many levels. 19) Write any three advantages and disadvantages of decentralisation. (6M) Ans: NANKASN SANK Advantages : Raise morale and promote interpersonal relationships. Relieve from the daily administration. Bring decision-making close to action. Develop Second-line managers. Promote employee's enthusiasm and coordination. Disadvantages : Top-level administration may feel it would decrease their status. Managers may not permit full and maximum utilization of highly qualified personnel. Increased costs and it requires more managers and large staff. It may lead to overlapping and duplication of effort. 20) Differentiate between recruitment and selection. (4M) Ans : Recruitment Selection v Recruitment refers to the process where potential applicants are searched for, and then encouraged to apply for an actual or anticipated vacancy. Selection is the process of hiring employees among the shortlisted candidates and providing them a job in the organization. v Recruitment is a positive process aimed at attracting more and more job seekers to apply. Selection is a negative process, rejecting unfit candidates from the list. v¥ Recruitment is relatively simpler. As the recruiter pays less attention to scrutinizing individual candidates Itinvolves a more thorough examination of candidates as the recruiters aim to learn every minute detail about each candidate, so they can choose the perfect match for the job. ¥ Recruitment is less time-consuming and less economically demanding, as it only involves identifying the needs of the job and encouraging candidates to apply for them. Selection involves a wide range of activities, which can be both time- consuming and expensive. 21) What is meant by staffing? Discuss the systems approach to staffing.(10M) Ans: It Is the process of filling positions/posts in the organization with adequate and qualified personnel. Systems approach to staffing Manpower Planning : First step in staffing - Manpower planning whic! also called as human resource planning consists of putting right number of people, right kind of people at the right place, right time, doing the right things for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization. “Recruitment : It is the process of attracting the appropriate number of qualified individuals to apply for vacant positions in an organization. There are two types of recruitme! Internal and External Recruitment. Selection : It refers to the process of choosing from candidates those who will become employees of the organization. It Includes activities such as, development of selection criteria, advertising, short- listing application forms, submission, testing, interviewing, reference check, making the final selection, decision. * Orientation and placement orientation : It refers to the process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins the company. Information given during an orientation includes brief history and operations of the company, organizational structure, policies and procedures of the company, products and services of the company, location of departments and employee facilities, safety measures etc. * Training & Development : It is to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. + Remuneration -It refers to the overall compensation that an employee receives in exchange for the services he performed for the employer. It is of two types : Time rate method and piece rate method. Performance appraisal : It is a review and discussion of an employee's performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. Promotion : It is the appointment of a member to another position within the same department or elsewhere in the organization, involving duties and responsibilities of a more demanding and is recognized by a higher pay grade and salary. Transfer : It is the appointment of a member to another position within the same department or elsewhere in the organization, involving duties and responsibilities of a similar nature and having a comparable pay grade and salary. Systems Approac! eo Tanen esta Wiccan i Perey Orientation Placement. Gratis Individual Giret ro} Se 22) Define delegation of authority and discuss advantages of delegation. (10M) Ans : Delegation is a process which enables a superior to give his authority to a subordinate to take decisions. There are two types of delegation : Over delegation and under delegation. Advantages : Y Delegation lays down the basis of effective functioning of an organisation. By establishing structural relationships throughout the organisation, delegation helps in securing co-ordination of various activities for accomplishing the enterprise objectives. v Delegation reduces the executive burden by way of relieving the superior of the need to attend to minor or routine duties. It, thus, enables him to devote greater attention and effort towards broader and more important responsibilities. Y Delegation enables the manager to utilise the specialised knowledge and experience of the persons at lower levels. Y Only delegation can provide the key to smooth and efficient running of the various branches of the business at places far and near. Y Itis instrumental for encouraging expansion and diversification of the business. Y Itdevelops among the subordinates a feeling of status and prestige and also motivates and boosts the subordinates thereby helping them to increase their working efficiency. Y Delegation of authority provides a background for training and development of subordinates. It ensures the employees in the organization to develop their capabilities to undertake new and more challenging jobs and also it promotes job satisfaction. 23) Differentiate between delegation and decentraXsation? (5M) ‘Ang: Delegation Decentralisation © Indelegation, a superior | 0 Decentralisation delegates or transfers relieves him from some rights and duties responsibility and toa subordinate, but subordinates become his responsibility in liable for that work. respect of that work do not end. © Delegation is almost © Decentralisation may or essential for the may not be practised as management to get a systematic policy in things done in the the organisation. organisation © In delegation the final © Indecentralisation the control over the power of control is activities of exercised by the unit organisation lies with head to which the the top executive authority has been delegated © Delegation represents © Decentralisation selecting dispersal of signifies the creation of authority autonomous and self- sufficient units or divisions. © Delegation is required © Decentralisation is and gives good results effective only in big in all types of organisations organisations irrespective of their size. 24) Explain internal and external sources of recruitment? (5M) Ans: Internal recruitment - It is a recruitment which takes place within the organization. Internal sources of recruitment are readily available to an organization through —Transfers, Promotions, re-employment of ex-employees. External recruitment — External sources of recruitment have to be solicited from outside the organization. But it involves lot of time and money. And is done through employment at factory level, advertisement, employment exchanges, employment agencies, educational Institutions, recommendations, labour contractors. 25) Write a short note on job design techniques ? (6M) Ans: ° Job Rotation: Job Rotation is a movement of employee from job to job. In job rotation employee perform different jobs, but, more or less, jobs of the same nature. Job Enlargement: The combining of various operations at a similar level in to one job to provide more variety for workers and thus increase their motivation and satisfaction; represents an increase in job scope. Job Enrichment: The combining of several activities from a vertical cross section of the organization in to one job to provide the worker with more autonomy and responsibility; represent an increase in job depth. Autonomous Teams: A self-directed work team is an intact group of employee who are responsible for a “whole” work process or segment that delivers a product or service to. an internal or external customer. High Performance Work Design: It is a means of improving performance in an environment where positive and demanding goals are set. Work Simplification: “A job is broken down in to small sub parts and each part, is assigned to one individual” is cated work simplification.

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