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J.}/ ( nume,are al least 4 a:coholic bc, e,a,es with the l, conccnt,dlion of a!cohol.

y( What is .a dcsicne r drug? Give 111oo C•.1mp!es.

Cit, Mechanism of .:,ction o f Cyanide p0:soning.
t,r_ Mention four diffe,cnce_s l>erween srr;chnlnl! po'soning and tetanus.
~ s«&41PC
6V Denne Coment.
't}' Define privilesed communlcat fon.
.efoclri~ lriqueit 111 d w,,u: IU d1ltt-1N 11 rrvrs.
~•w • ••belled dle1,~ uf 10011un c.11,1age.
~ 3 0 4-IIPC
11) wr,.t ,, ~UJ1..,(-t•t•o11 ? ~
.J,f\'JhM •• Luurd'• pmic.l11hr ur l'•Lll•i:ge1
Qf OOllOWllrrn r e .,. ,IHalUH.t-.J
,A) Cocaine buas
.,-l) Re s ipsa Loqultur IM, (t1tl ~r~"'~ {'• , 1,tll
JI Withdrawal symptoms
v4) Kleptomania -to ~•<Al hW).11 1111, ; l
~ Delirium tremens
6) Phytotoxin
7) Hlppus
.)I) Ha tter's shake ,,...,n,u 1 f O,~ ... ,.., - 4~ f\U '>~
Qu e: 4 Answer in 2 or 3 lines. (Any 6 out o f 8) (6x2 = 121
Ricochet bulle t
Clauu• 8 or grJ11rous hurt
F1lrgrec b urn
Date rape
Arte facts
Recent signs of delivery
~ - , ~...,...,.,.,. UI uuc: ur lffU ~ \ " U] ~u., l l> " ll = \Jl J
I . _,,Res lpsa Loquitur
;r. Erotomania
~ Suis ~ ,~so-<• ,rPro ~
~ n jversal Ant)lroj; -) v.\u..c.e\e , ~ ~, ~<>~
_s/Phossy J a ~
6. ¥agnan's symptom.
J/"Body Packer Syndrome "\..--'
8 . ..Qohisthotonus ~
Q-4 .uni ~ a oct or ""o lia~ ra:iy snJ

~Cutrahk I l,m1ki,k
,.~ lk.u ing Ikon ll!mor.
J..-~o J.,rcrk ~ra~m . L,- •
_,J.,... Al-m.~il,n l \11lor
"1-: ll~Jn1"uti,m
; . rl,.-r111t1 1',m.
u / 2,..,1J int1·~ Sitin.
I. Bod) p:id,\·r s~ nJro111i:
"3,)'- u1hJn ~iJ -.\.. i1s lq;.,I 111.11th in India.
J. ~1inim:ita J1 11i:J-;c
L,Trc:1111w111 llfnwl h) I nk,1h1•l r,,lsl•llillt:.
S. Why CuM1. u,\! 111 l',1 f'i••~ •11111~·1
7. Xa111h('J'f'•>'1."ic rcu..:tiun
,!_Di11h 1;k al \\ :trfarc.
_)(Coup & contrccoup injury
~I.Iii: or Nines
3. Paradoxic.ii undn:ssing
4. Ewing·s pw,tulat1:s

-S. Tclcfono
,6..Sex chrom:itln
7. Kes lpsa luquitur
8:Vicariuus liahilil)'

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