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Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No.




Subject Code:2250001 Date: 22/12/2021

Subject Name: Hospital and Community Pharmacy
Time: 10:30 am to 01:30 pm Total Marks: 80
1. Attempt any five questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Define ‘Hospitals’. Discuss organization of hospital and classify them into 06
various types depending upon different criteria.
(b) Write the constitution and functions of Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee. 05
(c) Enlist the goals of Budget. Enumerate the main divisions of Budget and discuss 05
in detail one of the divisions dealing with Capital investments.
Q.2 (a) Differentiate between Hospital formulary and drug list. Enlist different sections 06
covered in hospital formulary.
(b) Define hospital formulary. Mention advantages and disadvantages of the same. 05
(c) Write a note on addition and deletion of drug or drug product in Hospital 05
Q.3 (a) Draw the schematic diagram for CSSD unit and explain its importance in 06
(b) Discuss unit dose dispensing as CUDD and DUDD. 05
(c) Explain drug distribution systems in hospitals in context of dispensing of drugs 05
to out-patients.
Q.4 (a) Write a note on ‘Patient Medication Profile’. 06
(b) How Adverse Drug Reporting is done? Give format for ADR. 05
(c) What are medication errors? Explain in detail causes and types of medication 05
Q.5 (a) Define drug information services. Discuss various sources of drug information. 06
(b) Write a short note on records and reports. 05
(c) Write a note on patient counseling. 05
Q. 6 (a) Explain half life and different units of radioactive substances. 06
(b) Define isotopes and discuss in detail various methods for production of 05
(c) Write a note on radiation hazards and their prevention. 05
Q.7 (a) Discuss application and advantages of computers in dispensing, drug 06
distribution and patient profiles.
(b) What is difference between Non Charge Floor Stock Drugs & Charge Floor 05
Stock Drugs.
(c) Explain duties and responsibilities of a hospital pharmacist. 05


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