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 Mark Brilliant (13yrs, A boy, main character)

 Ark Brilliant (13yrs, A girl)
 Lark Brilliant (13yrs, A girl)
 Dark Brilliant (13yrs, A girl)
(Mark, Lark, Ark, and Dark are quadruplets)
 Mily (one yrs., A girl)
 Moey (4yrs, A girl)
 Miley (7yrs, A girl)
 Matilda (10yrs, A girl)
 Marien (14yrs, A girl)
 Mehek (16yrs, A girl)
 Mal (17yrs, A girl)
 Mary (19yrs, A girl)
 Stella Heart
 Josh Brilliant
 Lila (12 yrs., A girl, other main character)
 Heath (13yrs, A boy)
 Elliot (13yrs, A boy)
 Dusk (14yrs, A boy)
 Josh (14yrs, A boy)
 Sonny (12yrs, A boy)
 Chole (13yrs, A girl)
 May (12yrs, A girl)
 Silva (13yrs A girl)
 Rose (12yrs, A girl)
 Mindy and her montarage

In the worlds of Phistines there once was a man named josh brilliant, a very
deadly and heartless man, he comes from a dimension named (dimension dead).
In his dimension they call themselves Xians, if you are not a Xian and you enter
their world ὤ well i guess you die.
Xians are so deadly and horrible to the extent that all the leaders of each
dimension had to join forces to make a barrier to prevent anyone from going in
or any Xians from coming out. But before the barrier fully covered their world,
josh escaped and josh is one of the most dangerous Xian, he has destroyed many
worlds and endangered many creatures, he is the most wanted criminal in the
universe. When he escaped, everyone was panicking and afraid, so they sent all
the galaxies police to find josh and capture him. Josh flew away looking for a
place to hide, eventually he found the milky way galaxies as he explored it, he
found the solar system, he went round every planet to search for a place to hide
but no place was suitable, that'sὡ until he saw EARTH! When he entered
earth, he saw strange creatures called humans. He disguised himself as a human
by putting on a blond wig, why? because his hair is literally made of blue fire at
the tip and his normal clothing is terrifying, so he had to change it too.
He had been living on earth for about a year now that's until he met stella.
Normally Xians don't fall in love, they find it very hard with their own kind
and practically impossible with other creatures, Xians hate love, apparently
Xians hate anything joyful or happiness they love cry of suffering, the blood of
misery, the downfall of others and stuff like that. But i guess stella was special,
but to be honest with you i wouldn't say love at first sight. Josh wasn't
really.......nice to stella and he didn't like her at all but stella didn't give up,
there was a time josh tried to poison her, but it didn't work, she was to smart for
that and eventually josh fell in love with stella and they got married and
happily ever after.
After a year of their marriage, it was time for them to have children. Josh
realized that he is now married, and he has forgotten the main reason why he
came here, he knew that they would find him eventually. So, he made up his
mind that he must have a child with powers,when a xian and another creature
marry it is impossible for one of the child to be an xians, this is one of the
reasons xians are not allowed to marry other creatures but josh still believed it
was possible, when stella got pregnant for the first time and was about to give
birth, josh waited until the baby was delivered when he went in to check. He
realized that the baby was a girl and had no powers he was sad, but he didn't
give up there he named the child Mary. Then stella gave birth to another baby
girl called Mal but she didn't have powers. Stella gave birth to another girl
named Mehek she too didn't have power. Stella again gave birth to another girl
named Marien she also didn't have powers. After giving birth to her fourth
daughter stella started getting suspicious on why the hell josh keeps on making
her to have more children. So eventually Josh told her the truth, at first stella
thought he was drunk that's until he showed her his powers. Stella was shocked
and heart-broken,but josh begged her to help him, after some thinking she
decides to help josh. But josh didn't tell her the whole truth.
Once again stella was pregnant and they went to the hospital. Josh waited in
the waiting room as usual until a strange man dressed as a doctor came out from
room and asked josh to follow him, josh questioned him why, the man said the
reason is for him to sign some uncompleted paperwork. So, josh was convinced
and followed him he never knew the strange man was a being from (dimension
soerign) they call themselves Sains, these creatures are (dimension dead)
neighbouring dimension they are well known enemies. When they figured out
where josh had been hiding, they didn't tell anyone because they wanted to see
what he was doing and capture him themselves but when they discovered he
wanted a child with powers, they wanted to prevent that, so they have been
watching every single labour of stella to figure out if the child has power before
josh does. After stella fourth pregnancy they started getting tired, during stella
fifth pregnancy they knew stella was going to give birth to quadruplets (one boy
and three girls) even before the doctors but when they realized that the boy was
going to have powers, they went right down to earth. When they sent josh out of
the waiting room, they sent three Sains nurse to deliver the quadruplets, when
they brought out the boy, one of the sains covered him with a cloth and ran away
before either stella wakes up or josh comes back. When josh came back the
nurses called him in, they told him that he had triplet that were all girls (they
lied), josh fell for it, but he had a little suspicion on the nursses but didn't really
give all that thought into it. When he realized that the three of them didn't have
powers, he was still sad but still didn't give up, he named the three girls: Lark,
Ark and Dark, after some years stella gave birth to four more girls named:
Matilda, Miley, Moey and Mily. After giving birth to mily, he found out she
didn't have powers, josh was angry....... disappointed....... he was sad....... he gave
up, he knew there was nothing more he could do but be the father he ought to
because he already has 11 daughters....... what else could he do....... to him it was
But somewhere out there was he's only son from his kind, trapped in a room far
far away in another dimension, Breathing...Alive... and waiting for his arrival.
(Carmel, one of josh close relations, Kicks the door open and enters)
Carmel: ᾗ this place is freezing and dark, HELLO! is anyone in here, (walks
into the dark room and bumps into something) What's this? (Hears a voice from
the dark end of the room)
Mark: What do you want? ὡ
Carmel: I....I came here looking for someoneὡ
Mark:(groans) who you're looking for (pauses) isn't hereὢ)
Carmel:Am looking for a child my niece said she saw through the window (the
door closes)
Mark:(shocked)(in his mind)But know one can see through my windowὡ
Mark: Then why the hell did you come hereὢ
Carmel: My niece said he has blue hair, chubby cheeks and an innocent face, she
said he's name is markὡ
Mark:(comes out from the dark corner and stares at her)
Carmel:Uh!....your...Mark right, you look nothing from her description but you
do have blue hair i guessᾒ
Carmel: come on mark we have to goὡ
Mark: go whereὡ
Carmel: to a safe planet, where there is an orphanage and you'll get adopted and
have a familyὤ
Mark: I don't need a familyὢ
Carmel: yes, you doὤ
Mark: No i don'tὢ
Carmel: look mark, we don't have timeὢ
Mark:(sits down on his bed) you’re the one wasting your time hereὡ
Carmel: ὢam not leaving here without you
Mark: and am not leaving with youὡ
Carmel: ὢ arrgh! why are you so stubborn
Carmel: look even if you don't want to leave with me at least leave for the sake of
your own lifeὡ
Mark: My life? (pauses) i don't have a life, I never did and I never will and what
the hell are you talking aboutὡ
Carmel: i put a bomb in the kitchen near the gasὡ
Mark: You did WHAT! why the hell would you do thatὢ
Carmel: so that,the people that kiddnapped and adbandon you here wouldn't
come back and track you down
Mark: huh? ὡ
Carmel: so what kind of creature are you?ὡ
Mark: Creature? what do you mean?ᾒ
Carmel: look, we'll sort everything out, as soon as we get out of this place (opens
a portal) come on let's goὡ
Mark:(looks at her then looks at his old, darkened room) (in his mind) LIFE?
(pauses) seems intresting
Carmel: Mark! we have to go nowὡ (Carmel jumps through the portal)
Mark:(looks at the portal and grins)

(Apartment EXPLODES)
(On the planet plateria in the city of gaga Shi)
Carmel: well mark this was where i was born, my hometown gaga Shiὤ
Mark: it looks deadὡ
Carmel:(murmurs) you'll be dead as soon as am done with youὢὢ
Mark: what was that? ὡ
Carmel: ha-ha...... nothing! ὠ
Carmel: ὢ(dials a number) hey! i got the child
Other speaker: Bring him to earth after two weeks, i have all ready gotten all the
paper works for his adoption
Carmel: Wait....where should i drop him...ᾒ
Other speaker: In front of Regina Estate
Carmel:Where's that
Other speaker: Check your map
Carmel: Wait what!
Other speaker:(call ended)
Carmel: just great!
Mark: What! ὡ
Carmel: After two weeks you’re going to earth to live with a family of humans,
yay! ὠ
Mark: WHAT! ὢ
Carmel: Humans aren't all that bad, their just simple creature, practically
anything can kill them, thier really squishy and they have a lot of emotions
which they take very seriouslyὠ
Mark: i really don't careὡ
Carmel: (sighs) of course you don'tὡ
(Police sirens, lights everywhere)
The head of the galaxy police: your hands where i can see it, we have six
hundred and twenty K92 Bulletin guns targeted directly at your head, it's over
josh no more hiding, you lose this time around
Josh: okay! fine you got me, but before you take me away i must talk to my
family ὤ
The head: you've got 2 minutesὢ
Stella: josh what's going on?ὢ
Josh:ὤ am sorry stella for not telling you the whole truth, am not the man you
thought i was, am a bad man stella, I’ve killed many people, destroyed many
planets, i even come from another dimension named dimension dead and right
now am being arrested because i escaped from being imprisonedὡ
Stella: WHAT!ὢ
Josh: lookὡ, i know you don't understand now but we have a missing child, i
don't know where he is or how he/she's alive but i do know that he's being
brought to earth and i need you to search for him/her, i know it might be hard
but i know you can do it, i don't know if he has power but he is the last child of
the triplets, so that means that they are quadrupletsὤ
The head: okay times upὢ (dragging him away)
Stella: Josh!...... JOSH!ὢ
Josh:(trying to struggle) be careful stella he/she's....... more dangerous and
horrible than i was....... don't let him/her get in your head.... (Inside the jail
space ship flying off) i love you and i promise I’ll be back, for you, for the girls
and for the missing childὡ
Stella: (in shock)
Stella: ὡ...josh

(Friday April 5th, 6:24 p.m.)
Stella (Mom): okay girls start getting ready for dinnerὤ
Moey: Mom! can we eat ice cream as dinner tonightὤ
Moey: pleaseᾗ
Mom: Fine! ὡ
Moey: yay! ᾑ
Dark: MOM! Lark destroyed my art workὢ
Lark: your artwork looks like trash; in fact, it is trash ὠ
Dark: your trash! ὢ
Lark: unless i don't smell like one, unlike some people i know, am very sure your
part of those peopleὢ
Dark: Ark come help me outὢ
Ark: um! ὡ
Lark: don't listen to her, remember she's trash, i can literally see the rotten
thing she calls a mouthὢ
Mary:(trying to make a video) arrgh! there's not enough lighting here, can you
three idiots get outta of my way, am trying to make a video for my stupid social
Lark, Dark &Ark: ὡ
(Someone knocks on the door)
Mom: I’ll get itὡ
Carmel: hi am Carmel, am here to drop off your adopted childὤ
Mom:(stares at her) my adopted childὡ, i never signed for an adoption form
Carmel: here are all the paper work to prove it
Mom: i didn't sign all those, i already have like 11 mouths to feed
Carmel: Am sorry ma! but if you don't take him, well am afriad he has to die
Carmel: And his death would be in your hands, and that would be commiting
murder and murder is a crime, isn't it?
Carmel: so is either you take the child or suffer the consequences of both his
death and the suffering of all your children when thier mother is arrested
Carmel: so what's it gonna be
Mom:(looks at her then the child then her children)(sighs)Fine!
Carmel: Great!, his name is markὤ
Mom:(looks at a boy with a hood covering half of his face) Mark! (Looks at
Carmel: yes!
Mom:Okay!...then, what are his characters, abilities or his personallity
Carmel:Well!...he's good at sports
Mom: then what am i supposed to do with him ᾒ
Carmel: i don't know, he is your child now, take care of him, but i must go now�

(All of the girls leave what their doing to see who’s at the door)
Carmel: okay mark am leaving, be goodὤ
Mark:(stares at her) ὡ
Carmel: okay! try to be goodὡ
Mom: you’re leavingὡ
Carmel: i have too, Goodluck, cause you'll need it(leaves)ὤ
All the girls: ὢ
Mom: okay!....mark,i guess you can come inὡ
Mark:(enters the house) ὡ
Mom:(in her mind)what am i supposed to do with him, where's he even gonna
Miley: Mom, who's thatὡ
Mom: Your new brother
All the girls:WHAT!
Mom: your room is the last room upstairs, the door is dusty, so you'll easily
identify it, you can unpack there, that's where you'll be staying
Mark:(stares at all of them and goes upstair to his room)
Lark:When did we have a brother?
Mom: A few minutes a ago
Mal: How?
Mom: Apparently, someone forge my handwriting in an adoption form,
forcefully making me to adopt this child
Matilda: why didn't you just reject it
Mom: I couldn't, if i had i would have been commiting murder by leaving the
child abandoned and gotten arrested
Marian: so our father got arrested by galaxy police for being a wanted criminal
all over the galaxy and we have a missing child making the triplet a quadruplet
an now we just adopted a child without even knowing how?
Moey: I guess so
(7:30 p.m., at the dinning table)
Moey: mmm! am loving this ice creamὠ
Miley: hey! how come moey's the only one eating ice cream.... for dinnerᾒ
Mom: Because she askedὡ
Miley: But if i asked, you wouldn't even listen to what i'll have to say ὢ
Mom: well if you really want ice cream you can go ahead and become 4 again
Moey: Isn't he gonna come out for dinner
Mom: Maybe he doesn't feel like eating
Ark: or maybe he's shy
Mal: He looks more frightening than shy to me
Mehek:Yah!, what's up with his hoody i can barely see his face
Matilda: Maybe he's a monster and half of his face is covered in scales
Moey: WHAT! ὢ
Marien: Don't mind Matilda, she watches to much Mystry
Lark: Or maybe he's just really ugly and he's trying to hide it from us because
we're girls
Marian: Or maybe he's just insecure about his physical features
Lark: Exactly!, his ugly features
Ark: LARK!
Lark: What! am just saying
Marien: we have to make him feel safeὡ
Lark: don't be ridiculous, we don't even know he's nameὤ
Mom: He's name is Markὡ
Dark: Mark! that's a nice name
Marien: i guess mark isn't still hungry
Mom: well, it's time for bed anywayὡ
Matilda: All ready! we didn't even get time to talk him
Mary: I don't think he's the talking type
Mom: Tomorrow is Saturday you'll have plenty time to talk to him and ask him
questions, now let's go to bedὤ
(All of them cleaned the dinning, kept their plates, and went to bed)
(In mark room)
Mark: i can't believe am living with twelve females in a house and their all
Mark:(thought of what Carmel said) simple creatures...facsinating(grins)
(Saturday April 6th, 7:00 a.m.)
Mom: okay everyone get ready for breakfast, today were eating pancake,orange
juice with iced waterὤ
Moey:(shouts from upstairs) yay! PANCAKESὤ
Mom:(someone dragging her clothe) (looks down) oh! Mily, don't worry your
food is the most specialὤ
Mily:(giggles) Ma!὆Ἷᾛ
(At the dining table)
Lark: (chewing some food in her mouth) so! where's mark, i don't think I’ve seen
him since he went to his room last nightὤ
Dark: yah! maybe he ran away ὠ
Ark: Or he's just sitting down near the kitchen counter drinking iced waterὡ
Mal: so, he's at the kitchen counterὡ
Ark: that's what i just saidὡ
Mom: maybe after break fast, you three can go talk to himὤ
Lark: Why us!
Mom: you guys look the same age
Mehek: he doesn't look friendlyὤ
Lark: well i take that as a challenge.... am gonna talk to himὤ
Dark: when! ὡ
Lark: right now! ὤ
Ark:(stares at her) ὤ
Lark: and i must do it on my own......., come on ark let's goὤ
Ark: WAIT WHAT! i thought you were going on your ownὢ
Lark: yah! i change my mind, let's goὡ
Ark: (sighs)ὢ
Dark: don't worry am going tooᾒ
(Lark, Dark &Ark leaves the dining table)
Lark:(sees mark and just stares) ὡ
Dark: go on, go talk to himὠ
Lark:(takes a big breath) (goes beside him) hey! am lark, one of your sisters
Mark:(ignores her) ὡ
Lark: ὢ em! hello
Mark: WHAT!
Lark: am kinda of introducing my self here
Mark: i didn't askὡ
Lark: well, am just trying to be politeὢ
Mark: and am notὡ
Lark: ὢ
Dark: look lark maybe you shouldn't act up, mehek did say he doesn't look
Lark: we just have to make him feel more welcomedὤ
Ark: this is not going to turn out wellὡ
Lark: look em...... mark, in this family were kinda nice people, so that means
you have to try to be nice too ὤ
Mark:(ignores her) ὡ
Lark: you know, you can't just keep on ignoring me foreverὢ
Mark: yes, i canὡ
Ark: you knowὤ, lark is just trying to be nice and welcoming... for onceὡ
Mark: and why do you think i careὡ, do you think i care about anything here
or anyone, well if you do, i don't ὡ
Ark &Dark: (looks at mark then at lark) ὤ
Ark: come on lark let's just goὤ
Lark: am not going anywhere until he apologizes to all of usὢ
Mark: then you’re wasting your life hereὡ
Lark: am sure you don't even have a lifeὢ
Mark: Yes, i don't have a life but unless me not having a life is better than
having yours ὢ
Ark: okay lark it's time to goὡ
Lark: ὢὢ look I don't what you are, what you want or why your here, but
just know this you'll never be part of this family
Mark: (stares at her) Fineὡ (Leaves and goes to his room)
Ark: That wasn't nice ὢ
Lark: Whatever! ὤ.... he started itὡ
Dark: lark! mehek did tell us he doesn't look friendly, but you just had to do it
your way like always, now you made the situation worst
Lark: you guys are angry at me!
Ark: we're not angry........ just.... disappointed! (Leaves and go to their room)
(Matilda, Mary, Mehek, Marien, Miley, Mal &Moey)
Matilda: we heard everything, and that wasn't niceὡ
Moey: even for youὤ
(All the girls leave and go to their room)
Lark: ὡ
(1:22 p.m. in the living room)
Lark:(looks through the window and sees mark outside) ὡ
Mark:(look around and then look at the sun)(in his mind) earth is a beautiful
planet, they call this green stuff grass and that big ball in the sky is their sun, if
they didn't have sun they would die, how do i know this? i read it in a book last
night, am going to read all the books that human reads and know how they do
things around here, because my so called human sisters are very....... difficult! to
Lark:(looks at him for about almost 10 minutes as he watches everything around
Mark:(decides to go inside, because of the intense heat) (enters inside)ὡ
Lark:(just stares at him) ὡ
Mark:(stares at her ὡ and walk pass her)
Lark: Mark...... waitὡ
Mark:(sighs) what do you want nowὡ
(Dark, Matilda, Mary &Ark comes downstairs to drink water, that's until they
saw lark &mark)
Lark: i just want to apologize for what i said earlier, i know you just came, and
you've lost your parents, i shouldn't have expected you to be so joyful and happy

Dark &Ark: ὤ
Mark: so, what do you want me to doὡ
Lark: to find it in your heart to forgive meὤ
Mark: i don't have a heart and i don't forgiveὡ
Matilda: why! ᾒ
Mark: forgiveness to me means weaknessὡ
(Stella comes downstairs to see what's happening)
Dark: i can't believe....... believe how horrible you areὢ, after lark has
apologize for something that is your fault you still......still be so meanὢ
Mary: maybe lark was right, maybe you don't deserve to be in this familyὢ
Lark: oooh!......... now you’re on my sideὤ
Ark: we're sorry larkὡ, but for you mark you have to go nowὢ
Mark: I was already leaving(in his mind) wow! it so fascinating how they care
about each otherὡ, i guess Carmel was right they do take their emotions
seriouslyὡ (turns to leave )
Stella: Everyone should STOP!ὢ, look....Mark... even though i don't know you
or your background or even where you came from. But i do know they brought
you here so you can be taken care of, and even though i didn't ask for this, but
am still force to, trust me if you think you don't like me, just know that i
definetly don't like you either ὡand could have send you out hours ago, but i
can't just leave you stranded so you have to reason with us for a while until we
can work things out. so let's start with your age and seeing your faceὤ
All the girls:(stares at mark) ὡ
Mark:(looks at everyone, then removes his hoody)
Matilda: oh shit! he has blue hairὤ
Marien: and he's cuteὤ
Mark: Am 13 and am so glad you told me how much you don't like me, cause you
don't know how much i hate every single one of you! ὡ(walks pass them and
goes upstairs to his room)
All the girls:(sighs) ὡ
(Sunday, April 7th 8:35 a.m.)
(In lark room)
Lark: so, what am i going to do today, I’ll just go check what my sisters are doing

(In the living room)
Lark: hey girls what you doingὤ
Marien: we're telling mark about our holidaysὤ
Moey:(talking to mark) so in earth we have different holidays like valentine
day! Halloween, April fools day, labour day, new year day or my favourite.....
Mark: Christmas?ὡ
Moey: is the day Santa comesὤ
Mark: Santa?ὡ
Matilda: Santa clause is a big fat dude with a white beard and a red coat with
Ark: with little white stuffings at the edgeὠ
Marien: He comes into people house at the twenty fifth of December every year�

Mehek: he goes into people house through the window or magically opens the
door, when he's inside he eats all the milk and cookies you leave for him, and he
drops present for you under the Christmas treeὠ
Marien: he goes to everyone house in the world in one night using his magic slay
and reindeers' and he has a listὤ
Mark: A list?ὡ
Dark: yah! a listὤ, there's the naughty list and the nice list
Mal: if you’re on the nice list you get presentὤ if you’re on the naughty list....
well, no present for youὠ
Mary: instead, you get coalὡ
Lark:(talking to mark) oh well guess you'll get coal this Christmasὡ
Mark:(looks at lark) ὡ, so you’re telling me Christmas all about a fat man with
red suit breaking and entering your house, eating all your cookies and milk, and
dropping strange gifts into your house all in one night and gives you coal if your
Moey: well .... yah! let's just go to valentineὡ
Mark: Valentine.... it's sound disgustingὡ
Miley: Valentine is the day of loveὠ
Mark: Well that solves itὡ
Lark: so apparently, you'll not like this dayὡ
Dark: But you would like Halloweenὤ
(Stella sees the girls finally talking with mark, she smiles)
Mark: what's that?ὡ
Mary: it's a day specially made for scaresὤ
Mark: so, i get to scare humans till they dieὡ
Marien: not till they die though, the holiday is mostly about candy and tricksὡ
Dark: that's why when you knock on someone door during holiday, you say trick
or treat, and they give you candy you also have to wear scary costumesὤ
Matilda: ghost costumes is the simplest to make, just carry a white sheet and cut
eyes hole through itὤ
Mary: the costume doesn’t have to be real, but if you don't have time for
costumes, you just go to Halloween parties like me, don't worry i can hook you
up with a chick no girl is going to be able to resist your faceὠ
Mark: ὡ
Miley: During Halloween they say real ghost and ghouls come out from their
grave to hunt and kill peopleὠ
Lark:(talking to mark) i hope one comes out and take you awayὡ
Dark:(whispers to lark) what's wrong with youὢ
Stella:(carrying mily in her arms) okay girls...... and mark, we're having a
family meeting, good thing all of you are hereὤ
(Everyone sighs)
Stella:(drops mily on the floor near mark) okay everyone i called you here to
discuss about if mark is going to school or notὡ
Mark: School?ὡ
Lark: No!ὢ
All the girls (except lark): Yes!ὤ
Lark:(looks at the girls) WHAT!ὢ
All the girls (except lark) :(looks at Lark) WHY!ᾒ
Lark: look i don't want to go a school where i have to see his face everyday, i
already have enough of it at homeὢ
Mom: Mark!...School is where kids go to learn a lot of things we need to know,
haven't you gone to one before?ὡ
Mark: No!ὡ
Mom:Don't worry school is fun and it brings joy!ὤ
Mark: i hate fun and joyὡ
Mom: But you're still going to school, i can't have a child that is uneducatedὡ
Mom: well then, mark your going to schoolὤ
Mark: ὡ
Lark: you've got to be kidding meᾒἿ♀️
Mom: now am going to school to do all the necessary registration for him to
enter the school, Mary you’re in charge and don't forget to give mily her Sippy
cup and change her diaper when it's full, bye(leaves)ὠ
Mily:(looks up at mark and stare at him)
Mark:(looks downὡ and noticed the mily staring at her)
Mary:(carries mily away from beside mark) let’s go get your Sippy cupὤ
Mark: weird! ᾒ
Moey: come on mark let's play the knight and the princess, don't worry you'll get
to be the princessὠ
Mark: ὡ just because i had one conversation with you, doesn’t mean were
Moey: but we're not friends we're siblingsὤ
Mark: That's even worst than being your servantὡ
Lark: great! i guess we have a new servantὡ
Mark:(looks at Lark)Apparently that isn't what i meant ὡand i wasn't
referring to youὡ
Lark: I wasn't talking to you eitherὢ
Mark: ὢ you know for a human you're stupider than you look, unfortunately
you look even worst than your stupidity (walk pass her and goes UPSTAIRS)
Ark: hey lark what's your dealὢ
Lark: my deal is that blue haired freak just insulted all of you to your face and
you just let that slide and i can't believe you guys are being nice to himὢ
Ark: look lark, we all know mark isn't the best person or a good person, but he
has to change and with our help he will, we were literally having a conversation
with him without him insulting us, plus why you so angry at himὤ
Lark: I apologized to him for something that he started, a whole me and guess
what i got, nothing i got nothing, no remorse, no sorry, at one point even mom
had to come downstairs and stop him, but he still acted.... like himself ὢ
Ark: okay he did do many rude things but at least give him a chanceὡ
Lark: ὢ he had he's chances (leaves and goes to her room)
Ark:(sighs) ὡ
(In the kitchen)
Mary: okay mily let me just add some little choco in your cerealὤ
Mily:(looks at her) ὤὡὡὤὢᾒ (whines really loud)
Mary: oh!........ no! ὣ
(Stella comes back home) (6:45 p.m.)
Stella: okay everyone start getting ready for dinnerὤ
Mary:(looking as if she was attacked by racoons) take! ὡ
Stella: what happened to you, you looked as if you were attacked by racoons ᾒ
Mary: let's just say, she doesn’t like choco in her cerealὡ
Stella: okay then.... thanks, ὤ
Mary: you owe me fiftyὡ
(At the dinning table)
(Mark enters) (everyone stares)
Mark:(takes a seat) (confused why everyone was staring at him) What? ὡ
Everyone: nothingὤ
Miley: so, mark why did you decide to come to the dinning todayὡ
Lark: maybe to sulk on his pitiful lifeὡ
(Everyone turns and stares at Lark)
Mom: let me go get your foodὤ
Mark: am not hungry i just came here to drink the iced waterὡ
Mom: and for your registration into school, i was able to get it, you'll be starting
school tomorrow and you'll be going to Ark, Lark &Dark schoolὤ
Mark: ὡ
Lark: don't worry, nobody would like him, I'm sure that even one girl wouldn't
even notice him ὠ
Ark: yah! i don't think soὡ
Mark: ὡ (about to leave)
Marien: you’re leavingὤ
Mark: yes! ὡi mean i don't want to be sulking on my success of other people
failure, such people like lark(grins)(leaves)
Lark: ὢ (about to throw a fork at mark from where she's sitting)
Ark: whoa! calm down, what's with you and mark ᾒ
Lark: i just hate himὢ (leaves the dinning)
Mom: ὡ
(9:45 p.m.)
(In lark room)
Lark: it's going to be a nightmare, seeing his face everyday, i can't even think
about it clearlyὢ
(In ark room)
Ark: with lark and mark fightingὡ, i don't think tomorrow or the rest of the
semester is going be as peaceful as it was before mark cameὤ
(In mark room)
Mark:(reading a human book about school) they say in school you have to teach
and learn good morals and principles, well i guess am not doing that thenὡ
(Monday, April 8th 7:45 a.m.)
Stella: okay everyone starts getting ready for school, you don't want to be the late

Mal: i do
Stella:( sees mark carrying his school bag from the couch) (goes and meet him)
hey! are you excited about your first day of school?ὤ
Mark: No! ὡ
Stell: okay.... some people are more scared than excitedὤ
Mark: am not scaredὢ, i don't just get why i must go to schoolὡ
Stella: mark! you don't know many things about life, places and peopleὤ
Mark: i know that they are very annoyingὡ
Stella: ὡ, you have to know the outside world better and meet other new people
and you have to get married to someone at some point....
Mark: you don't have to mention that every timeὡ
Stella: look, why don't you go to school now and make sure u don't cause any
trouble, follow ark, lark and dark so you know the direction, you do have to go
on foot, i don't have enough money for school bus, have fun at schoolὤ
Mark: ὡ am sure i won't(Leaves through the door for school)
Stella: ὡ
Ark: come on mark let's goὤ
Mark:(follows them)
(At Western junior high school)
The principal (Mr Wilson): (sights mark ark lark &dark) hey mark.... mark! ὤ
Mark:(stops and see Mr Wilson waving at him) ὡ
Mark:(goes toward him) ὡ
Mr Wilson: how are you mark! see you already attaching yourself to the ladies�

Mark: ὡ
Mr Wilson: ὤ Anyway i called you here to give you your Schedule
Mark: Schedule? ᾒ
Mr Wilson: ὤ it's tells you what your next subject and activity is
Mark:(in his mind) ὡsubject? What the hell is a subjectᾒ
Mr Wilson: ὤ here you go (hands the schedule to mark) when the first bell
rings you go for your first lesson, and you need a phone to keep track of what's
going on in the school
Mark: Phone? ὡ
Mr Wilson: ὤYes, a phone, so if you don't have tell your mom to buy for you,
your locker is locker 29 it's the last locker on the 20's row it's upstairs that's
where all your set mates go after a lesson to drop or carry their books for the
next lesson
Mark: (about to leave) ὡ
Mr Wilson: Wait.... before you leave let me give you a tip, why don't you remove
that hoody of yours, i can barely see your face, you look to gloomy and depressed,
we don't bring up depressed students hereὤ
Mark: ὡ (ignores him and leaves) (at the top of the stairs sees a hallway full of
kids his age) (enters the hallway and looks for his locker)
Mark:(notice everyone staring at him) (finds his locker) (in his mind) why are
they all staring at meὡ
(Everyone stops staring and start whispering to each other)
Mark:(opens his locker and keep his things, carries a jotter and pen) am having
something named beolygyὡ first period, okay.... how am i suppose to find the
beolygy class if i don't even know what it isὢ
(At Mindy locker)
Mindy: em...... Kaly who’s thatὡ (points over to mark direction)
Kaly: i guess that's the new kidὤ
Mindy: is it only me but, the new kid is really cuteὠ
Lin: It's not only you, but that’s also who everyone is gossiping aboutὡ
Katie: But you can barely see his faceὡ
Mindy: What's his nameὤ
Katie: We have no ideaὤ
Mindy: Is he popular? ὤ
Kaly: Well, he just came so.... I don't think soὡ
Katie: Well, your thinking is wrongὤ, i just checked the popularity status on
my phone and the new kid is already at the top of the table, he even passed Brad
Mindy, Kaly &lin: WHAT! ὢ
Mindy: OMG he's so popular already!ᾑ
Kaly: Now I have to reach his standard to even breathe the same air with him

Katie: But we all breathe the same airᾒ
Kaly: He's air is specialὠ
Mindy:(sees ark &dark going towards his locker)
(At mark locker)
Dark: hey mark, do you know who the whole school is gossiping aboutὤ
Mark: Gossip?ὡ
Ark: Ha-ha! ὠdark's just telling you a JOKE, no ones gossiping, right Dark

Dark: I am? ὡ
Ark: You are!ὡ
Mark: I have no idea what you girls are talking about, but i wouldn't care to
Dark: Anyway, what are you having first period
Mark: Beolygyὡ
Ark: You mean biologyὡ
Mark: Whatever! ὡ, i don't even know what that is and how am i supposed to
find the class
Dark: Don't worry I’ll show you where it is, am having creative art class and it's
close to the beolygy labὤ
Ark: It's called biology ὡ
(Bell rings)
Dark: That's the bell, come on let's go the beolygy labὠ
Ark &Mark:(sighs) ὡ
(At Mindy locker)
Mindy: Why did ark and dark just walked up to the new guy and talked to him

Kaly: And now their walking him to classᾒ
Mindy: That is supposed to be me(shrieks)ὢ, don't worry we'll have a little
talk with them later

(At the door of the biology lab)

Dark: Okay.... just enter through the door, and don't forget to pushὤ
Mark: you mean pull! ὡ
Dark: What!
Mark: It's a pull door
Dark: oh! okay then, byeὠ
Mark: ὡ
Dark: (leaves)
Mark:(enters the class)
(Everyone stares at him)
Mr Kin: i guess your the new student, am your biology teacher Mr Kin, What's
your nameᾒ
Mark: Mark ὡ
Mr Kin: Mark.... take that sit at the back back of the class, that's your
permanent sit for this semesterὡ
Mark:(goes to the seat)ὡ
Mr Kin: today we're talking about the human body, we have 206 bones in our
bodyὡ (teaching.... teaching)
Mark:(in his mind) i read this last night, biology just talks about living things
and its components, what a waste of timeὡ
(Bell rings)
(Mark goes for other periods)
(Break time)
(At mark locker)
Mark: i have break now, what does that even meanὡ
Dark: hey! markὠ
Mark:(sighs) what do want! ὡ
Dark: Oh! i just wanted to check out if you like the schoolὤ
Mark: Well, I don’t! ὡ
Dark: Okay! is it the management or the teachers or...ὡ
Mark: Actually! it's everything and the people here just decided to add to my
Dark: Well! Did you talk to anyone that offended youᾒ
Mark: Of course not! just looking at their faces gives me an assertive conclusion
that I'll hate this schoolὡ
Dark: But you can't be that sureᾒ
Mark: How sure can one be? ὡ
Dark: Uh!...Well!...ὡ
Mark: No answer then! so I’ll be taking my leave to the cafeteriaὡ
Dark: can i come with...ὤ
Mark: Absolutely not! ὡ
Dark: Okay....then! ὡ

(At Lila's Locker)(Silvia,Chole& Rose walks up to her)

Silvia: Hey! girl, got the latest updates?ὤ

Lila: updates?ὡ
Chole: Yah! haven't you heard of the new guyὠ
Lila: what new guy?ὡ
Chole: you know how the other five locker next to you are empty because thier
broken downὤ
Lila: Yah!ὡ
Chole: Well thay fixed the fifth one and that's the last locker on the row which
is also the new guy lockerὤ
Lila: i don't know where this is getting toὡ
Rose: so that means you are four empty lockers away from the new guyὠ
Lila: and i care why?ὡ
Silvia: have you seen the new guyὤ
Chole: just hearing about him would get butterflies ᾘ in your stomachᾗ
Lila: Okay! so what about himὡ
Rose: they say he's the most popular guy in our set even more than Brad Stason�

Lila: But he came today right!ὡ
Rose: Yah!ὤ
Lila: how can he already be that popular?ᾒ
Silvia: They said he's really hot and there've alonely seen him with his hoodyὤ
Lila: so he wears a hoody huh!ὡ
Chole: not just any hoody thoughὠ
Rose: his hoody is so cool and big too, that it cover nearly all his face, yet he still
looks that hotᾗ
Silvia: yah! and they said he's really good at sport, during gym they made him
play the best teams in dodge ball and he beat all of emὤ
Lila: is that all?ὡ
Chole,Silvia& Rose: Oh! and his hair is blueὤ
Lila: okay cool!ὡ,....... Wait did you just say he has blue hairὤ
Chole: Yah! we pretty much made that clearᾒ
Lila: how do u even know that if you guys can barely see his faceᾒ
Chole: his hair is long enough to come out through his hoodyὤ, but his hoody
is not that big though, but yet if you look at his face afar it looks like it's only a
hoody and legs thereὡ
Lila: so in conclusion, you girls have fallen of heels for himὡ
Chole: not only us, literally all the girls are going numb because of himὠ
Silvia: yah!, Stella Gradient mistakely brushed her bag with his hoody and now
almost all the girls are paying her five bucks just to smell that part of her bag

Lila: that's insaneὡ
(bell rings for next period)
Lila: well i have to go, see you later this night girlsὤ
(In Socio class)
The teacher(Miss lyther): Well children, were going to be learing all about
physiology, which is how the human body functions ὤ(teaching...teaching)
Lila: (in her mind)i love physiology is such an interesting subjectὤ(looks
around)they mixed us again this semester, i know everyone here but not know
them know themὡ
Ms lyther: so before we go i would put you children in groups of two for this
project, a boy and a girl, so i have realized girls know more about what is good
and bad of being with the opposite sex, so i want the boys to know better too, so
the Boys are free to ask the girl about sex and the female body, and girl would
explain everything to the boys and record the lesson in a sheet of paperὤ
Lila:(in her mind)well i guess that's fair thoughὡ, am just happy non of most
bad boys are in my classὤ
Ms lyther: am starting the pairingὤ, so josh& liz, jacob& Mai,...
Lila: (in her mind) i wonder who am going to be paired with, i hope is not kent
because he has started to follow the bad boys recentlyὡ
Ms lyther: and lila& markὤ
Lila: huh! who the hell is mark?ᾒ
Ms lyther:(talking to Lila) mark is a new student so be gentle with him
,everyone can go nowὤ
(Mark is about to leave when Ms lyther calls him back)
Ms lyther: Mark this is your partner for the project, she would be coming over to
your house this afternoon, so be welcomingὤ
Lila:(in her mind) so this is the guy all the girls are falling for?ὡ i mean he is
really hot though but the way he looked at me, made me very uncomfortableὡ
he wasn't even looking at my face at first he was like sighting my body or
something before he finally looked at my face, but i don't want to starting over
thinking things, right?ὡ, i mean he's just new but he's look is terrifying

(More periods then school ends)

Lila:(walking home)
Silva,Rose& Chole:(runs and catches up to her)
Silvia: hey Lila, how was your remaining periodsὤ
Lila: it was okay, and also i saw the new guyὤ
Chole: you did! isn't he hotὠ
Rose: where did you see him?ὤ
Lila: he's in my socio classὡ
Silva,Rose& Chole:(SHRIEKS)ὠ
Lila: and we got paired up as partners for a projectὡ
Silva,Rose& Chole:(SHRIEKS EVEN LOUDER)ὠὠὠ
Silva: after the project tell us the updates when we get together later in the
night, because we have many gists and gossip and yours would be like the main
Lila: is just a project with him not a proposalὡ
Chole: trust me if it was a proposalὤ, i'll personally kill you myself before any
other girls get to youὢ
Lila: Whatever!ὡ

(At Mark house)

Stella: hi guys how was school todayὤ

Moey: Awesome!ὤ
Miley: Great!ὤ
Matilda: Cool!ὤ
Ark: Good!ὤ
Dark: Fair!ὡ
Mehek: Manageable!ὡ
Lark: Horrible!ὢ
Stella: Okay!...what about you mark?ὡ
Mark: Boring, annoying...many words actuallyὡ
Stella: ὡ so great you love it!

( 3:55 p.m. At the Brilliant house)

Stella:(in her mind) i can't believe am doing this, but there's no other choiceὡ
Mark:(sitting on the couch using he's phone)ὡ
Stella: Mark!ὡ
Mark:(looks up at her)ὡ
Stella: we are all living for our various activities we have todayὤ
Mark: Great!ὡ
Stella: and since your going to be alone in the house, your in charge of it so
nothing must happen, is that clear!ὤ
Mark: Whatever!ὡ
Stella: am serious!ὡ
Mark: sure! sure! just get your as...ὡ
Stella: What was that?ᾒ
Mark: nothingὡ
Stella: okay then,bye!ὡ. Come on girls get in the car we have to go fastὡ(all
of them leaves)
Mark: finally thier gone, i don't have to see thier irritating faces for a whileὡ

(Doorbell rings)
Mark: just great!ὡ(opens the door)
Lila: hey! ὤam here for the project Ms lyther gave us, you know it's due
tomorrow and.....
Mark:(mark's POV)ὡὡ you know living in a room for thirteen years with
only one large window can affect a child, unfortunately for me, mine was facing
an ally, where all the bad stuff happensὡ, the first time i ever saw and
watched pun was when i was three, a lady was striped naked in the ally by men
and i watched everything even to the point the had sex right there in the ally, at
first it was fascinating, then i started to have a liking for it, it was like the only
entertainment i had so I pretty much didn't have any choice, then i became a
pervert, a bad one and it became worst at the age of 5ὡ, my mind was clouded
with naked pictures of women and i really wanted to touch them and feel thier
nakedness, and the more i grew the more the corruptness' in me grew too, even
till now, i thought i could hold it now that i was in a different planet but it
became worst because of the indecent dressing and free up looks of pun on the
internetὡ, i tried to hold it in school, but the sights of different sizes of girls
boobs was drivivng me insane
Lila: hello! are you even listening to meᾒ
Mark:(snaps back to reality) huh?ὡ
Lila: so can i come inὡ
Mark:(looks at her face, then down to her body)(in his mind)Lila huh?ὡ her
body is nice, not too big not too small and her boobs are just thr right size to fit
my hands or even more, all those curves...can't wait to get my hand slipping
through them(grins)
Lila:(in her mind) why is he just staring at me? and why that grinὡ
Mark: yah! sure you can come inὡ
Lila: thanksὡ(sits on the couch) so why don't we get started
Mark:(sit very close to her on the couch and put his hand over her) Yah! sure!

Lila:(looks at him)(in her mind) he's so much cuter and hotter close upὠ
(starts to blush)ᾑsnap out of it lila, we are here to teach not to blush over some
boy, get a grip of your selfὤ
Mark: em! you can startὡ
Lila: oh! yah!... so...( so any questionsὤ
Mark: Wellὡ i don't really see what's so wrong in it but i want to ask...(the
fingers of the hand crossed over lila slowly starts to move to her chest area)if
it's...(continue moving)really that bad to...(almost there) touch girls i mean it
would be a whole lot easier if they allowed us do itὠ
Lila: huhᾒ?(in her mind) what the hell is he saying(sees his hand almost at
her front area)(stands up immediately) em! i have to go... drink waterὡ(goes to
the kitchen)
Mark: Okay!ὡ i'll just head for the bathroom then(in his mind)that was close
but she caught my hand going to that region but didn't say anything, but who
cares now she's the first one from my school to see one of my true aspect, and i'm
tried of pretending, tommorrow everyone would see!
Lila:(facing forward of the kitchen counter)(in her mind) i don't get what's up
with this mark guy, he's hand was very close to my front area and the question
he asked just brought a large amount of fear into my bodyὡ but maybe am still
over thinking things again, maybe he's not as bad as i thinkὡ
Mark:(comes downstairs and sees lila facing the kitchen counter forward)(in his
mind) Gosh! those ass, so round and plumpy, fitting in so well with her curves
it's the perfect size for me, not too huge and not some flat board and it looks so
soft(moved closer to her)wow! wish i could squeeze it(walks pass her and
purposely brushes his hand there)
Lila:(turns and gives him a narrow look)
Mark:(sheepish smirk) is anything wrong?
Lila:(sighs angrily) no!....let's... just continue
Lila: so anymore questionsὤ
Mark: yah!ὡ
Lila: great! what is it?ὡ
Mark: do you like sex?ὡ
Lila: huh?wha?...ὢ
Mark: i asked if you'd like sexὡ
Lila: em! well...yes...i mean no...i mean...only at the appropriate timeὡ
Mark: so is sex good or bad
Lila: is good i guessὡ
Mark: so you wouldn't mind doing it with me, then?
Lila:(in her mind) what the?(out loud) of course not!ὢ
Mark: i thought you said sex is good(sips on his water)
Lila: yah! it's good at the appropriate timeὢ
Mark:(stands in front of her) well this is an appropriate time right? so that
mean we can do it but don't worry we're alone, so no need to feel shy and i'll use
protection so not to make it visible(sips on his water)
Lila: ha-ha!, well i think the lessons over now so i have to goὡ(stand up and
start to pack her things)
Mark:(goes to the door and stand in front of it)
Lila:(about to leave) can you... em i want to pass through...ὡ
Mark: can i ask one more questionὡ
Lila:(sighs) fine!ὡ
Mark: would you allow me to touch you?
Lila: t...t...touch me...wh...where?ὡ
Mark: on your fronts
Lila: well...of course notὡ
Mark: what about ur ass!
Lila: look!ὢ
Mark: what about if i force you to?ὡ
Lila: well...em...ὡ
Mark: what would you do?ὡ
Lila: welll.....ὡ
Mark: huh!(smirks) don't worry, just...forget it (shifts from the door and leans
on the doorframe)you can go now(looks and grin at her)
Lila:(hearts start to beats fast)(open the door and about to leave)ὡ(almost out
but feels something pulling her skirt)(looks at mark)
Mark:(sees his key chain caught with her skirt)let me help you remove it(Start
using the key chain to pull her skirt up)(grin's)
Lila:(looks at what he's doing)(irritated)let me!ὠ(angrily pulls the key chain
of her skirt in result of that it created a tear)ὢ(gasp)
Mark:(looks at her)
Mark: you'll look so much better if it ripped more
Lila:(turns back and gives him a irritated look)
Mark:(grins and goes inside)That was fun, still wish i could have felt a little
(the others come back)
Stella: Wow! mark you didn't rob the house and leave, i'm really starting to have
a little trust for you nowὤ (goes to the kitchen)
Mark:I can do that!?ὡ
Lark:(teasingly) You know i heard that lila came here to do a project with
mark, allll...alone in the house, hope you guys weren't making outὠ
Mark: making out? if u men by fucking then i can't deny i didn't tryὡ
Lark: Calm down am just...(hooked) what did you say!ὢ
Mark: Am afriad i can't repeat myselfὡ(goes to his room)
Lark&Dark:(looks at each other)
(5 p.m. At lila's house)
Lila:( enters her house)Hey mom! bye mom!(runs upstairs)
Mom: Hey?ὤ
(enters her room)
Lila:(throws the bag on her bed)What the hell is wrong with this mark guyὡ,
what is up with all those questions, i can't put that in the report, i just have to
wing it, but should i tell the girls, no let me just hold on and think about it first
before i jump into conclusions, because am not sure what just happened,
whatever it was I do not like it
(someone bangs at lila door)
Lila: Great its the insane queen!ὡ
Lisa: I heard that!
Lila: Well i wasn't whispering!ὢ
Lisa: Open the door peasant!
Lila:(opens the door) What do you want?!ὡ
Lisa(lila little sis): I want a fairy god mother!ὠ
Lila:(looks at her for somewhile and slams the door on her face)(in her mind)I
don't have time for this right now!ὡ
Lisa:(bangs the door even harder)
Lila:(Opens the door) Just go and ask Jacksonὢ
Lisa: Why?ᾒ
Lila: Be...causeὡ i saw him....yes i saw himὤ
Lisa:(put her hands on her hip)Saw him doing what!ᾒ
Lila: I saw him...kidnapping a fairy god motherὤ
Lisa: Really!ᾒ
Lila: Yah!, go ransack his room and you'll surely find one, but if he tells you to
go to any other place to find her, that means his lying to lead you away from her

Lisa: Oh! that...that GOBLIN! when i get my hands on him am going to make
sure the god mother turns him to a pumpkinὢ
Lila: Oh! you go nowὠ
Lisa: But wait how do i know if your...ᾒ
Lila:(slams the door) Finally!ὡ

(At Mark house, 7:29 p.m.)

(In the living room)
Stella: So mark didn't come down for dinner today either huh?!ὡ
Mehek: Yah!ὤ
Marien: Maybe he's sickὤ
Mary: Yah! maybe homesickὤ
Mal: But his from an orphangeὡ
Matilda: Maybe he's still shyὡ
Miley: Maybe he doesn't trust usὡ
Lark: Well i don't blame him, we don't trust him eitherὡ
Mark:(comes down stairs)
(Everyone stares at him)
Mark:(looks at them and ignore them)(goes to the kitchen)ὡ
Lark: mark! hates us so i don't know why we're caring if he eats or notὢ
Moey: I don't like mark! he...he's scary!ὡ
Stella:(raises moey up) he's not scary! he's just a little meanὠ
Miley,Lark&Mary: A...little!ὡ
Mark:(comes out of the kitchen with a class of water)(notice them still staring at
him) WHAT!ὡ
Stella: Mark! why haven't you been eatingὡ
Mark: Because i don't feel likeὡ
Marien: Are you sick?ὤ
Lark: Or maybe he doesn't trust us, maybe he think we'll poison himὢ
Mark: If still, it wouldn't work!ὡ
Mary: Or maybe he misses his parentsὤ
Marien: I thought he's parents are deadὡ
Lark: Am pretty sure they don't give a damn about what will happen to him, so
let's just get rid of him alreadyὡ
Ark: LARK!ὢ
Mehek: Maybe his parents are divorced and they dropped him off at the
Moey: Maybe he's lostὡ
Miley: Or maybe he's poorὤ
Mal: He looks more endangered than poor to meᾒ
Dark: Maybe he didn't have any friends during his childhoodὡ
Lark: And still doesn't have friends now!ὡ
Matilda: I wonder what happened during his childhood?was he always like this

Dark: Probably!ὤ
Mark:(calmly)Shut up!ὡ
(Everyone's quiet and turns to him)
Mark:(angrily) I don't know who my parents are OKAY!
Mark:(angry) I made a deal with all of you that i wouldn't fight with any of you
and am going to keep to that deal, but don't ever pry into my life!ὢ(leaves and
goes upstairs)
Moey: We've really done it now, he's gonna eat us alive!, good thing i made
monster repellant!ὤ
Stella: Great!, i'll use it to spray him so you guys won't go attacking him next
time, what is wrong with all of you, you made him feel so insecure you should be
ashamed of yourselfὢὢ
Mal: We're sorry mom!ὡ
Stella: Why don't you go tell that to markὢ
Lark: Great this is the second time we're apologizing to him can't wait to see he's
reaction this timeὡ
Dark: Why should we apologize to him, he doesn't even forgive people
Stella: Even though he doesn't forgive you, at least you should show some
remorse ὢ
Miley: Fine!ὡ
Stella: Good you can do that tommorow when he calms down, so you guys can go
do anything else before it's bedtime but for Miley&moey you have to go to bed
Miley: Why!ὡ
Stella: So you can have enough energy for school tomorrowὤ
Moey: But they get to stay up late!ὢ
Stella: Because thier older than youὡ
Moey: This isn't fair, am big enough too, i want to date and attend parties and
stay up all night gisting and gossiping(panting)and...and...ὢ
Stella: Moey your 4 not 14, let's go nowὤ(carries her in her arm), you too miley
Miley:(sighs and follows her upstairs)ὡ

(8:25 p.m., At lila's house)

(Lila's phone rings)
Lila:(answers phone)Hello!ὡ
(phone conversation)
Silva: Hey girl, so how was the project with markὤ
Lila: It was...well lets just say i was able to survive itὡ
Silva: So how was heὤ
Lila: Good...he was Goodὡ
Silva: So what did you guys talk aboutὠ
Lila: Nothing much just project stuffὡ
Silva: Ooooh!ὠ
Lila: Can we pls change the topicὢ
Silva: Okay! so me and the girls would be meeting up later at your house
Lila: Why!ᾒ
Silva: To have a sleepover you dummyὠ
Lila: In a school nightὡ
Silva: Yah! don't worry it would be funὠ
Lila: If you say so!ὡ
(At Mark house 6:15 a.m.)
Mom: Okay guys start getting ready for school, you all have 30minutes
Mal:(shouts from upstairs) 30min that wouldn't even be enough time to choose
what cloth i'll wearὤ
Mom:(shakes her head in disappointment)(sighs)ὡ
(7:05 a.m.)
Mom: Okay! time to go or you'll be lateὤ
(each of them comes downstairs)
Mary&Mal: Bye momὤ
Miley: catch you laterὠ
Mehek&Marian: Byeὤ
Matilda: See you later☺
Lark&Dark: Bye mom!ὤ
Mom: Hey! what about ark and markὡ
Lark: Ark said she might come out late that we should leave without her and
mark... i really don't care, byeὡ
Ark: Bye mom!ὤ
Mom: Aren't you gonna wait for markὤ
Ark: Oh! should iὡ
Mom: Of courseὤ
Ark: Okay!ὡ
Mark: (comes downstairs and passes them)(about to leave)
Mom: Mark!ᾒ
Mom: Aren't you forgetting somethingᾒ
Mark: NO!ὡ
Mom: Well i told ark to wait for youὡ
Mark: I really don't careὡ
Mom: Ark just go with himὡ
Ark: Okay!ὤ
Mom: Bye!ὤ
Ark: Bye!(leaves)ὤ
(on the way to school)
Ark:(looks at mark)(in her mind) why is he opposite perspective, in the
way he acts, talks and even his appearanceὡ
Mark:(looks at her)ὡ
Ark:(looks away)... so mark why do you always where that hoody of yours, isn't
it hotὤ
Mark: That's non of your business, and i determine whether or not about my
body temperatureὡ
Ark: sorry!ὡ
(At school)
(Mark's locker)
Mark:(goes to his locker)(In his mind)You know, it so weird how i walk
through this hall way again and i feel up to one thousand eyes piercing through

(Lila enter the hall way and goes to her locker)

(Lila's locker)
Lila:(sighs)Another day of school, another day of tremendous hardship and
little reward, another day of social status breakdown. In simpler words i call it
HELL!(turns to see through the window and sees mark)
(Mark's Locker)
Mark: (turns) Huh!, i thought the five remaining lockers were empty, i was
really looking forwrd in having noone being next to me or three feet beside me.
(Lila's POV)
What the heck is mark doing here, this can't be his locker. Through out last
term i thought i was cursed because they put me in between 3 empty lockers but i
never knew it was a blessing. Noone to disturb or pester me and if i turn my head
left i'll see the beautiful outdoor nature through the window, but now some
demon is blocking the light
(Mark's POV)
Ugh! i can't believe that girl....i think her name was lilac or something, is the
only nearby person to my locker, i should be grateful she's 3 lockers away from
me, the three locker are broken. So when i turn my head right all i'll see is her
blasted face, HOW IRRITATING
Mark:(turns at lila direction)
Lila: (turns at mark direction)
(Mark&Lila's POV)

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