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CLASH of Spears lists for Rome and its enemies

from Marius to Trajan (100BC-100AD)

2 Rise of Eagles
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 The Late Republic ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 The Early Empire ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Running historical matchups.................................................................................................................................. 9
2. New Rules ............................................................................................................................................................................11
2.1 New warband type, War-party ............................................................................................................................11
2.12 Ally contingents and War-parties ...............................................................................................................12
2.2 New Special Characters ..........................................................................................................................................13
3. Soldiers and War Gear ....................................................................................................................................................15
3.1 New Weapons and Armor ......................................................................................................................................15
3.2 New Traits ....................................................................................................................................................................16
3.21 Martial Traits .......................................................................................................................................................16
3.22 Disposition Traits ..............................................................................................................................................18
4. Other Tools of War ...........................................................................................................................................................19
4.1 Scorpio ...........................................................................................................................................................................19
4.2 Scythed Chariot ..........................................................................................................................................................22
5. Rome & its enemies from Marius to Trajan ...........................................................................................................25
5.1 Late Republican Roman ..........................................................................................................................................26
5.2 Early Imperial Roman..............................................................................................................................................28
5.3 Ancient British ............................................................................................................................................................30
5.4 Dacians...........................................................................................................................................................................32
5.5 Germanic Tribes.........................................................................................................................................................34
5.6 Parthians .......................................................................................................................................................................36
5.7 Pontic..............................................................................................................................................................................37
5.8 Spartacus slave revolt (third servile war 73 BC) ......................................................................................... 38
5.9 Late Successors of Alexander ...............................................................................................................................39
5.10 Thracians....................................................................................................................................................................43

Rise of Eagles 3
4 Rise of Eagles
1. Introduction
Circa 104 BC Gaius Marius decided the legions would no longer use different animals as their
standards, thus the Aquila was adopted as the unique symbol for all legions. From then on, the eagles
would rise to expand the reach or Rome through the world

1.2 The Late Republic Although the senate wanted to retain

Caecilius Metellus as Consul, Gaius Marius
After the end of the Punic Wars, Rome quickly used a preexisting rule that allowed the
became the dominant power in the people to contradict the dispositions of the
Mediterranean. However, conflict was ever Senate and thus managed to outmaneuver his
present at the edge of the Republic. political rivals to become the new Consul.
Towards the end of the 2nd century BC the This plebeian influence in consular
Numidian King Jugurtha, a former ally of appointments would become more common
Rome, openly initiated hostilities against the from then on, thus leading to the popularity
Roman territories in Africa. of the phrase Senātus Populusque Rōmānus,
the People and Senate of Rome -S.P.Q.R.- as a
The inability of the chosen Roman consuls in prominent symbol of the late Republic.
dealing with Jugurtha soon became a
problem. It was then that an up and coming The political environment was making it
legate named Gaius Marius saw an difficult for Marius to raise legions in the
opportunity to gain renown. traditional way and so he came up with a new

The Republic in 63BC

Pompey’s conquests
Caesar’s conquests
Vassal Roman States

Roman Republic during Caesar’s time (© Historicair/ Wikimedia Commons)

Rise of Eagles 5
plan. He passed reforms that eliminated the service time of the professional soldier also
property requirements for citizens to join the led to great loyalty from the soldiers to their
army. These reforms allowed him to levy a leaders. This meant that the consuls where
professional army paid and equipped by the soon able to convert their military support
state. into political power!
This was the beginning of the transition from In the years to come after the Marian reforms,
the citizen army of the earlier Republic to the the Roman Legions faced many new enemies
professional force of the Late Republic. while pacifying Iberia, expanding into
Germanic territories, or while pushing
Leading this new republican army, Marius
towards the east and fighting the remains of
was able to defeat Jugurtha. A few years later
the Alexandrian empire and other eastern
he was responsible for saving Rome from the
kingdoms. Led by generals such as Caesar and
Germanic tribes invading from the north, thus
Pompey the legions dramatically increased
becoming a Hero of the Republic.
Rome’s sphere of influence, annexing new
The availability of a professional army territories. It was only a matter of time before
extended the reach of Rome’s military power these generals would CLASH with each other
now that the new professional soldiers did resulting in the well-known Roman civil war
not have the intrinsic desire to return to between Caesar and Pompey, where
family life after each campaign. The extended ultimately Caesar resulted victorious.

As a result of the reforms implemented by Marius, legionnaires became professional soldiers with uniform equipment
provided by the state.

6 Rise of Eagles
1.3 The Early Empire The Early Roman Emperors

After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Rome • Augustus 27BC-14AD

once again descended into civil war. • Tiberius 14-37AD
This war was also known as the war of the • Caligula 37-41AD
triumvirate. In the end, Octavian, adoptive
son of Julius Caesar, defeated the combined • Claudius 41-54AD
forces of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra at the • Nero 54-68AD
naval battle of Actium in 31 BC.
• Galba 68-69AD
This final victory allowed Octavian to • Otho 69AD
consolidate his power. He adopted the title of
Princeps, first man. He became what can be • Vitellius 69AD
considered the earliest emperor of Rome and • Vespasian 69-79AD
took the name Augustus.
• Titus 79-81AD
Augustus soon decided the Roman army was
• Domitian 81-96AD
due for new reforms. The Marian reforms had
transformed the legionnaire into a • Nerva 96-98AD
professional soldier, and it was now time to • Trajan 98-117AD
continue that process to transform the entire
army into a dedicated professional force
incorporating the allied auxiliary troops into
the Roman ranks and drill. Rome soon recovered and retaliated with a
successful campaign, yet the region of the
Although Rome would continue to use allies Rhine would continue to be a border of the
that fought in their traditional style and empire that had to be watched carefully for
organization when needed, the bulk of the years to come.
auxiliary troops, non-citizen soldiers
provided by the provinces, received Rome also expanded into Britain when in 43
standardized equipment and were organized AD Claudius sent legions under the pretext of
into cohorts for infantry and alae for cavalry. supporting a local faction among the internal
turmoil in the isles.
The legionnaires and auxiliaries of the new
army were fully equipped by the state and Annexing Britain was not an easy task and the
they would become the pinnacle of the struggle in the isles continued all the way up
Roman fighting machine. This disciplined and to Boadicea’s insurrection circa 60AD.
effective army was now ready to push the
As armed insurrections became common
frontiers of the growing empire.
across the empire it was only a matter of time
Augustus indeed expanded the frontiers of before the turmoil would turn to civil war
the empire across the known world. again.

In 9 AD Rome faced one of its greatest In 68AD, General Sulpicius Galba who was in
disasters since Cannae, when an army under command of the legions in Spain, was able to
command of Quinctilius Varus operating in leverage his military power and conspire to
Germany was ambushed at the Teutoburg depose Nero. Upon Nero committing Suicide
forest. Galba was proclaimed Emperor. Soon, other

Rise of Eagles 7
military commanders in other provinces saw Despite some success in the campaign against
an opportunity to seek power through coups the Dacian king Decebalus, Domitian could
and plots. not solidify his position as new unrest
troubled the German frontier.
After the continuous turmoil that extended
through 69AD, in the end it was Vespasian, Rome agreed to peace terms with Decebalus
with support from the eastern legions, who in 88AD. These terms were very convenient
was able to establish himself as ruling to the Dacians and allowed them to grow in
emperor. strength in the region.
Vespasian had been a successful military Domitian was increasingly perceived as a
commander and he was able to reign for 10 Tyrant due to his disdain for the Senate and
years until his death. in 96AD he was assassinated.
He was succeeded by his son Titus and later The Senate immediately proclaimed Marcus
his other son Domitian. Nerva as the new Emperor.
During Domitian’s reign, Rome expanded the Soon it was clear that Nerva was finding it
frontier in the British Isles towards Ireland. difficult to consolidate his power and he had
Meanwhile, north of the Illyricum province, no option but to appoint a successor. He
Domitian had to deal with the growing threat adopted Trajan due to his military merits.
of Dacians and Sarmatians that continuously
In January of 98AD Nerva died and Trajan
harassed the Roman border.
became emperor of Rome.

Roman Empire at the end of Trajan’s reign (© Tataryn / Wikimedia Commons)

8 Rise of Eagles
With Trajan in power, Rome was once again 1.4 Running historical matchups
in an expansionary trajectory. First, the
Dacian growing threat had to be dealt with by With the addition of this expansion players
taking military action against king Decebalus. now have three possible versions of the
Trajan’s campaign in Dacia achieved final Roman army for different time periods.
victory, conquering and destroying the Players interested in fighting historical
Dacian capital of Sarmizegetusa. engagements can use this quick table below
After the success in Dacia, Trajan turned to that shows which Roman army interacted
the Parthians and Armenians that continued with each of the possible other lists. An X
to be a problem on the Roman frontier. indicates that they engaged with each other.

He succeeded to invade Armenia. Although he The rules for allies and close allies can be
was not able to subjugate the Parthians, by found on page 119 of CLASH of Spears. An
installing a subservient king in Armenia at army can choose as allies other armies in the
least he managed to keep them at bay. same column, while each list indicates what
other nations can be treated as close allies.
In 117AD Trajan became ill and in August of
that year he died. Given the scale of actions represented you
can always imagine a small band of deserters
Trajan had not officially chosen an heir, at the or rebellious troops helping the enemy or
moment of death, he supposedly appointed mercenaries looking for fortune far away
Publius Aelius Hadrianus as successor. from home like in the Anabasis. Time travel
however, seems more unlikely!
Whether by honest appointment or political
maneuvering in 117AD Hadrian became the
new emperor of Rome.
Republican Roman Late Republican Roman Early Imperial Roman
Army List
CLASH of Spears Rise of Eagles Rise of Eagles
Carthaginians X
Gallic Tribes X X
Greek Colonies X
Iberian Tribes X X
Italian Tribes X X
Numidians X X
Pyrrhus Expedition X
Ancient British X X
Dacians X
Germanic Tribes X X
Parthians X X
Spartacus Revolt X
Thracians X X
Late Successors X X
Pontic X X

Rise of Eagles 9
10 Rise of Eagles
2. New Rules

Victrix Imperial Romans painted by Dwarf Crypt Painting

2.1 New warband type, War-party 1) The number of milites models in your
force must be greater than or equal to the
We need to introduce a new type of warband number of civis models in your force
organizational structure to better reflect how 2) The number of milites models in your
professional forces are organized. force must be greater than or equal to
While some armies allow you to build your twice the number of rare models in your
force as an Ad-Hoc or a Muster force, for force.
armies based on career soldiers rather than If your warband conforms to the war-party
levied upon need from the civilian population organization and your list indicates that this
we introduce a new type of force called the is an acceptable composition for your army,
War-party. you will start the game with one fate point
Armies that indicate that they follow the war- and one “War-party token”, use any available
party organizational structure do not benefit token that suits you to represent the war-
from adopting a mix of civis, milites and rare party token as long as it is different from the
compliant with the Muster force but will gain tokens you use to represent fate points (a
certain benefits if the force is organized nicely painted 54mm Roman legionary could
according to the War-party composition. be a good idea).

For a force to be compliant with the War- The War-party token can be used once during
party composition it must fulfill the following the game to gain one of the following benefits:
requirements: • You may expend the War-party token to
re-roll a single die out of three, on a break
test that you have just taken

Rise of Eagles 11
• You may expend the war-party token and 2.12 Ally contingents and War-parties
use it as a fate point, in the same way as
With the incorporation of the War-party
standard fate points are used, see page 95
organization we now have three different
of the CLASH of Spears core book.
ways to organize your force.
These benefits reflect the commitment of the
Any force can be organized as Ad-hoc, some
professional soldier to the task at hand, which
can be organized as Muster and some can be
might not be necessarily superior to that of
organized as War-Party.
the citizen soldier of the Muster force, but
manifests in a slightly different way in the When you add an allied force to your core
rules. force it will be organized according to one of
those alternatives.
Of course, you can still build an Ad-Hoc force
if you’d rather build an army that does not If the allied force is Muster or War-Party
follow the War-party structure. (depending on the valid organization for that
list) and your core force is not Ad-Hoc, then
For armies that follow the War-party
your whole army gains the benefits from your
organization, building a warband compliant
main force organizational structure, Muster
with the Muster force structure counts as an
or War-Party, whatever applies.
Ad-Hoc force.
If either the core force or the allied force is
A force qualifies as a War-party if both these
Ad-Hoc then the whole army will be
conditions are fulfilled:
considered Ad-Hoc.
• The number of civis models does not
exceed the number of milites models
in the force Example
• The number of milites models is
greater than or equal to twice the Alvaro has built a Caesarean army according
number of rare models in the force to the Late Republican list and his Romans
comply with the War-Party requirements.
An army from a list that observes the War-
party organization and that fulfills the He has decided to add a Germanic Tribes ally
previous requirements starts the game with contingent. The Germanic tribes observe the
one fate point and one war-party token. Muster force organizational structure.

The war-party token can be used once during If the ally contingent does not comply with
the game to gain the following: the Muster requirements, the whole army will
be considered Ad-Hoc.
• You may expend the war-party token
If the ally contingent complies with the
to re-roll a single die during a force
Muster force requirements, then the army is
break test
considered a War-Party, since that is the
• You may expend the war-party token
organizational structure of the Late
to use it as standard fate point as
Republican army.
explained in the core rules

12 Rise of Eagles
2.2 New Special Characters If you don’t have supporting family figures
you may still include them in your force but
must pay 20 pts for them. If you have a few
Supporting families (15 or 20pts) painted camp followers that you can place
next to the table, you can include them in
Some army lists provide the option of fielding your army for 15pts.
supporting families in your force.
If a player decides to give a rousing speech
These particular families are especially fierce before the battle (see CLASH of Spears page
and in the habit of loudly reminding their 96), the presence of supporting families will
warriors of the extreme consequences of help the commander make clear to the
defeat. Sometimes explicitly describing the soldiers how important the victory is.
tragedies that would befall them if their
warriors decided to turn craven. This will The player will benefit from a +2 modifier to
inspire extra courage or at least intimidate the die roll. This means that the force will
them enough to prefer death in the battlefield gain a fate point on a roll of 3+ instead of the
rather than returning defeated! normal 5+ required

The supporting families will not join the

battle and will instead remain in the
periphery of the battlefield which means that
you don’t necessarily need figures to
represent them.

Scenes from a Roman city market

Miniatures by Footsore, painted by Chris Dingley

Rise of Eagles 13
14 Rise of Eagles
3. Soldiers and War Gear
3.1 New Weapons and Armor armed with improved armor roll a saving
throw any rolls of 1, before applying any
Additional Hand Weapon modifiers, can be re-rolled as long as the hit
(initiative 1, save mod 0) suffered did not confer a negative save
modifier. If the hit has a negative save
This represent models armed with two hand modifier the “improved” characteristic is
weapons used simultaneously. ignored.
We will add “ * ” in the save characteristic to
remind player of the additional rules.
Double Handed Weapons
Use the same rules as double handed axe in
CLASH of Spears (page 60).

Victrix Imperial
Mixed weapons Legionnaire armed
with Improved
(initiative 2, save mod 0) Partial Armor and
Heavy Shield
In general, in CLASH a unit has to have a
predominant weapon with which the
majority of the models in the unit is armed.
However, we now introduce the category of
Mixed weapons to reflect the armament of Example:
those units were no weapon is dominant and
instead troops are armed with a variety of A unit of legionaries equipped with improved
weapons partial armor and heavy shields are attacked
by enemy javelinmen suffering 3 hits.
The Roman player rolls the saving throws and
Improved Armor gets a 1,3 and a 6. This would result in 2
Improved partial or full armor follow the wounds given the saving throw of 4+.
same characteristics indicated in the CLASH However due to the improved characteristic
but the base armor has been enhanced by of the armor the Roman player re-rolls the 1
adding metal plates or similar types of and gets 5, so in the end only one wound is
improvements. suffered.

Troops equipped with Improved partial It the 3 hits had been from throwing spears
armor or Improved full armor benefit from then the re-roll would not be allowed and 2
the same armor points as the base armor and wounds would have been caused. This is
have the same saving throw and use the same because as the throwing spear hits have a
fatigue chart category corresponding to that save modifier of -1 it negates the benefit of
type of armor. However, whenever troops the “improved” armor.

Rise of Eagles 15
Enclosed Armor (armor points 3) 3.2 New Traits
This includes armor that covers the entire
body. This include limbs and sometimes even
some time of face protection. 3.21 Martial Traits


Horse barding (armor points 1) (affects movement in terrain)

This includes armor that covers the majority These warriors are experts in the use of
of the mount. Since rider and mount are terrain, skillfully melding with it when needed.
considered a single element in CLASH adding Troops with the Bushmaster trait that have to
this armor extends their survivability. take a morale test while all the models in the
unit are in high area terrain may re-roll any
1s rolled, before applying any modifiers.
Horse Half-barding (armor points 1/0*)
These troops gain a +1 save modifiers against
This category includes armor that only covers missile attacks while in high area terrain.
the frontal part of the horse.
Half barding counts as 1 point of armor, just
like barding but only when engaged in melee, Guarded Attack
not against missile attacks. (requires loose order vs loose order and
When consulting the fatigue chart, use the additional hand weapon, affects attack)
saving throw that applies against missile These warriors are expert two weapon fighters
attacks and ignore the effect of the half- and can parry counterattacks while closing in.
This trait takes effect when doing an attack
action in loose order against an enemy also in
loose order that counterattacks. Each to-hit
rolls of 6, before applying any modifiers, will
cause hits as usual and will also cancel one of
the enemy hits.

Gushing Wounds

(requires double handed, affects all-out attack)

The impressive wounds caused by these troops
with their heavy weapons can have significant
impact on the enemy morale.
When attacked by an enemy with this trait
doing an all-out attack, for each saving throw
of 1 before applying any modifiers the
defender must add 1D6 to their morale test as
if they had received an additional wound.

16 Rise of Eagles
Line Breaker Overwhelm
(requires double handed weapon and loose (required loose order, more attackers than
order, affects attack) defenders and enemy within 2”)
These soldiers are trained to use their double These fighters prefer to swarm the enemy with
handed weapons to break through an enemy greater numbers to gain advantages in melee.
closed formation. This is only possible when having a numerical
advantage against an enemy that has
When doing an attack action in loose order
wondered too close.
against an enemy in close order, if the enemy
is forced to take a morale test, they must roll When executing an attack in loose order
an additional D6, just as if they had suffered against an enemy within a range of 2”, if the
one additional casualty. attacker has more models than the defender,
then the attacker may re-roll any to-hit rolls
of 1, before applying any modifiers.
Parry Riposte
In addition to this, if the enemy is forced to
(requires loose order against enemy in loose take a morale test from melee, they must roll
order, affects defend) an additional D6, just as if they had suffered
one additional casualty.
These soldiers can quickly transform a
defensive action into a counterattack.
This trait takes effect when troops select Poorly equipped
defend while in loose order against an enemy
(affects combat stat)
also fighting in loose order. For each enemy
hit cancelled by the defend response, the These troops do not normally carry a good
defending player rolls a D6, each result that quality secondary weapon, and this will affect
matches or exceeds the combat stat of the their combat characteristic when their main
defender will cause a hit on the attacker. The weapon is not available.
attacker never takes a morale test due to
In CLASH we always assume that troops
these hits.
armed with throwing weapons carry a
secondary weapon they can use in melee.
Overhead shot Poorly equipped troops carry poor quality
secondary hand weapons such as a knife or a
(requires close order, affects shoot)
club in addition to their main weapon, usually
These troops are trained to fire indirectly over a throwing spear.
friendly troops deployed close by.
While troops with the poorly equipped trait
When executing a shoot action while in close have an unloaded token next to them due to
order these troops can trace line of sight over having thrown their throwing spears, they
friendly troops within 4”. As long as at least will suffer a -1 to any rolls against the combat
one of the shooting models has to trace line of stat.
sight through friendly models treat the shoot
action as happening at long range. You can
always choose to shoot with models that have
direct line of sight if you wish to.

Rise of Eagles 17
3.22 Disposition Traits Independent
(affects activation)

Cutthroat Models with the independent trait do not

require a CP to activate or react as long as
(affects enemy morale test in melee) they don’t currently accumulate any action
These troops can instill fear on a weakened tokens.
enemy due to their aggressive nature and CPs can still be used to activate them if they
constitution. currently do accumulate action tokens or to
If a an enemy unit is forced to take a morale increase the chances on any required
test from melee, while they have more fatigue activation or reaction test.
points than the cutthroat soldiers they are When attempting a reaction test using this
fighting, they must add 1D6 to the test just as trait, if the reaction is failed the model/unit
if they had suffered an additional casualty. gains an action token.

Grizzled Vicious
(affects enemy morale test in melee) (affects all-out attack)
These veteran soldiers having served for a long These warriors are especially violent and
time have experience most of the horrors of bloodthirsty, they normally use hacking
war and are not easily affected by situations weapons and single bladed swords that they
that would disturb most warriors. wield savagely to inflict terrible wounds
Troops with this trait always ignore the mercilessly.
effects of enemy traits that would force them When executing an all-out attack any natural
to add a D6 in morale due to melee or missile rolls of 6 will cause two hits as usual. In
attacks such as furor, impulsum etc. addition, those hits resulting from any 6s
In addition to this they only roll 1D6 when rolled receive a -1 save modifier, the
testing morale for seeing a friendly unit opposing player must roll these saves
destroyed or a friendly character fall (see separately to account for this.
page 28, CLASH of Spears).


(affects attack)
These warriors are especially big and strong.
They have spent their lives training themselves
to use their size and strength in combat to
overpower the enemy
When troops with this trait execute an attack
action, they may re-roll any 1s rolled before
applying any modifiers.

18 Rise of Eagles
4. Other Tools of War

A mounted patrol trots by a scorpio battery deployed on a hill

4.1 Scorpio Movement

From the late Republic onwards, it was The scorpio was light enough that it could be
common to assign these small engines of war moved by the crew, however this was not an
to Roman legions and this was formalized easy task.
under Augustus reforms.
To move a scorpio a crew of two is required,
Although the scorpio might not be a common if only one crewman remains it cannot be
weapon to be encountered in skirmish moved. The scorpio must first be secured for
actions it is not difficult to imagine special transport by executing a ready action.
scenarios where one or two could be
Once the scorpio has been secured it can be
deployed with a specific role during a small
moved 4” by the crew executing a move
action but this action will incur an additional
A scorpion is represented by the bolt-thrower +1 fatigue beyond what is indicated in the
model and a crew of two operators. fatigue chart.

The cost of the scorpio itself is 30pts but you The scorpio cannot enter or move over rough
need to add two crew that must be purchased or broken terrain nor can it be moved over
separately. linear obstacles.

A scorpio counts as 4 rare models plus the 2 Once secured for movement the scorpio
crew for a total of 6 rare models. cannot shoot until it is deployed.
Deploying takes one ready action and it
allows the crew to place the scorpion facing
in any direction.

Rise of Eagles 19
Turning the Scorpio the LOS rules detailed in CLASH of Spears
(page 24) are observed.
A scorpio can be turned in place to face any
desired direction. Unlike moving, the scorpio After the scorpio shoots, place two unloaded
can turn even if only one crew member markers, the scorpio cannot shoot again until
remains. the unloaded markers are removed.
Turning the scorpio counts as a regular move When executing a ready action while the
action. scorpio is deployed and still manned by both
crew, remove one unloaded marker. If only
one crew remains then two consecutive ready
Shooting the Scorpio actions within the same activation are
required to remove the first unloaded token,
Scorpios shoot using the shoot action using while the second unloaded token can be
the ranged stat of the crew, as long as at least removed with a single ready action.
one crew remains (see page 43 of CLASH of Note that if the unit is stalled when trying to
Spears). When shooting, the fatigue modifier execute the consecutive actions it must start
for the action becomes 0 instead of the again on the next activation.
normal +1, so the unit only incurs the fatigue
indicated in the fatigue table.
The Scorpio has a close range of 32” and does The Scorpio in melee
not have long range.
The scorpio cannot execute attack or all-out
The Scorpio suffers a -1 to hit against all attack, however if attacked in melee by an
targets beyond 8” and a -2 to hit against all enemy the crew will fight and can adopt any
targets beyond 16”. valid combat response.

The Scorpio benefits from a +1 to hit

modifiers against any targets in close order.
Eliminating the Scorpio
The Scorpio ignores to-hit penalties for the
Any melee and missile attacks against the
shield overlap trait.
scorpio are always resolved against the crew.
If the Scorpio hits the target immediately roll
Once both crew members are eliminated you
a second die with the same target number to
can either leave the scorpio model on the
attempt to score a second hit and all the same
table or remove it, but it can no longer be
traits apply.
utilized, has no other effect on the game and
Hits gain a -2 save modifier counts as 4 additional models for breakpoints
from casualties, 6 counting the crew.
The scorpio can only shoot at an enemy target
in line of sight.

The Scorpio does not have an arc of fire. It Scorpio during the engagement phase
shoots at the closest target in the direct
During the engagement phase assign the
straight path along the direction of the facing
scorpio a deployment token as you would to
going through the center of the model.
other units. The scorpio never provides
It may shoot over targets at different scouting tokens no matter what armor the
elevation on the same straight line, as long as crew has.

20 Rise of Eagles
The scorpio’s deployment counter is used
normally just like other counters; however,
you may not enter or move it through
rough/broken terrain or cross obstacles.
When replacing the token with the scorpio
the unit gains one fatigue for each 4” move,
taken and is considered secured for

• Movement: Requires one ready action to secure and one ready action to deploy, cannot shoot
while secured for movement. Requires two crew to move and moves 4”. May not enter rough or
broken terrain
• Turning in place: if deployed with at least one crew, may turn in place as a move action
• Shooting: Range is 32” / -
-1 to hit if beyond 8”, -2 beyond 16”, +1 to hit vs close order (ignores shield overlap trait)
• If a hit is scored, repeat and if also successful another hit is scored. Hits have a -2 save modifier
• Shoots at closest target in LOS in straight line of facing, may shoot over troops at different
elevation per normal LOS rules.
• Gains two unloaded markers. With two crew a ready action removes one unloaded, with one
crew two ready actions in the same activation remove the first one while a single ready action
removes the second one.
• During the engagement phase gain 1 fatigue per move, never adds scout tokens, and may not
enter rough/broken terrain or cross obstacles. Starts the game secured for movement.

In the example below, a player wants to shoot the scorpio at enemy unit A, however friendly unit B
is the first unit on the straight path, so the player spends an action to rotate the scorpio.

On the second action the player does aims since the crew have the trait. On the third action he rolls
to hit looking to roll a 5+ given the distance and the ranged stat of the crew. The player rolls a 5 and
hence a second roll is made also looking for a 5, this time the roll is a 3. The re-roll from the aim still
apply so he re-rolls but gets a 2. In the end one hit is scored, the enemy will have to attempt a saving
throw with a -2 save modifier.

Rise of Eagles 21
4.2 Scythed Chariot Scythed chariots and melee

Although scythed chariot would most often Scythed chariots cannot execute Attack or All-
be encountered in major battles, it is possible Out-Attack actions. They can execute Charge
to imagine situations in which one of these actions.
chariots could get involved in a CLASH of
A Charge action is a Fatigue +0 action, so
Spears engagement.
always gain the fatigue indicated in the
The scythed chariot always counts as save 4+ fatigue table.
when consulting the fatigue table.
When executing a charge action the chariot
must move in a straight line in the direction
of facing up to 8” and end up in base to base
contact with an enemy.

When executing a charge action, instead of

using the attacks of the charioteer, the chariot
rolls 3 attacks hitting on 3+ applying any
relevant modifiers. The speed of the attack
grants the chariot an initiative of 4 for these
The enemy contacted with this charge action
can only select hold or can choose to do
dodge as a combat response. A dodge costs an
action but does not add any fatigue to the
Scythed chariot, Gripping Beast miniatures painted for dodging unit. The player rolls 1D6 for each hit
PaintingWAR Magazine: Roma y sus enemigos. that the enemy scored and compares the
results against the save stat. For each result
Movement that is lower than the unmodified save stat of
the unit a hit is cancelled, other hits do take
Scythed chariots are difficult to maneuver. effect and the player may attempt saving
When a scythed chariot does a move action throws as normal.
only two options are available
Scythed chariot attacks have a -3 save
1) Move in a straight line in the direction of modifier.
facing up to 8”
2) Roll a test against the grit stat and if If at the end of the combat the defending unit
passed the chariot may move up to 4” received any hits that were not cancelled by a
straight in the direction of facing and dodge, even if they were saved by armor then
execute a turn of up to 45 degrees at the the owner must take a morale test as normal.
end of the move. If the test is failed the If the defending unit does not gain any
chariot may still do a straight move of up fatigue, then the chariot has failed to cause
to 8”. enough disruption and has been damaged
Scythed chariots may never enter rough or during the melee. The chariot counts as
broken terrain or cross obstacles. destroyed, remove the model from the table.

22 Rise of Eagles
If the defending unit gained at least one The charioteer gains the same benefits of the
fatigue point, then it must retreat as normal. mounted trait against missile and melee
In addition, the unit is forced into loose order. attacks (-1 to hit when active).
If the enemy unit retreats, immediately place Enemy units located to the front of a scythed
the chariot on the other side of the attacked chariot can never initiate an attack or all-out
unit continuing in the same straight line with attack against the chariot.
the same facing as the chariots has gone
Units located to the flank or rear can engage
the chariot in melee and in that case the
If there is no room behind the target unit due charioteer must choose a valid combat
to other troops, obstacles, rough or broken response.
terrain, the chariot remains in place.
If the chariot is forced to retreat from combat
Scythed chariots may not charge other it is destroyed.
chariots or elephants and are destroyed if
contacted by a moving or rampaging
elephant. Scythed Chariots and Army Selection
Scythed chariots are always purchased with a
charioteer special character as indicated in
Attacking Scythed Chariots
the corresponding army list.
Although chariots are treated as characters
A scythed chariot costs 32pts plus the cost of
they can always be the targeted even if it is
the charioteer. The model itself does not have
not the closest enemy. Attacks are directed
any effect on casualties for break points, only
against the charioteer.
the character riding the chariot which is
eliminated when the chariot is destroyed.

• Move action: may only move straight in direction of facing up to 8” or attempt a grit test to
move up to 4” and turn up to 45 degrees at the end of the move. It may never cross obstacles or
enter rough or broken terrain.
• Scythed chariots engage in melee by doing a special action called Charge (+0)
Move up to 8” straight in the direction of facing and contact an enemy (not chariot or elephant)
Roll 3 attacks initiative 4 and -3 save modifier vs a to hit target of 3+ applying modifiers
Enemy may only do hold or dodge. Dodge costs an action but add no fatigue, player may roll
1D6 per each enemy hit and any rolls below the unmodified save stat cancel enemy hits.
If the target unit suffers any hits, even if saved by armor then it must take a morale test.
If the unit gains any fatigue it must retreat and change to loose order. The chariot is placed on
the other side of the unit continuing in a straight line if there is room available, else it remains
in place. If the target unit gains no fatigue at all the chariot is destroyed
• Charioteers can be targeted even if they are not the closest enemy, they get the same benefit as
mounted against missile and melee attacks.
• Only enemies to the flank or rear can engage a chariot in melee, the charioteer can select a valid
combat response, if the chariot is forced to retreat it is destroyed.

Rise of Eagles 23

24 Rise of Eagles
5. Rome & its enemies from Marius to Trajan

Roman legionnaires encounter a Samnite patrol during the Social War.

In 91BC the Italian allied nations, referred to by the Romans as socii, demanded to be granted Roman citizenship and
upon the rejection from the Senate an armed insurrection took place that would continue until 89BC

The following lists allows you to create forces CLASH of Spears rulebook if you wish to do
for the late Roman Republic after the Marian so.
reforms, for the early Roman Empire after
Players concerned with historical accuracy
Augustus reforms and for many of the
will limit the options to those encounters
enemies that Rome faced during that time.
between contemporaneous lists as outlined in
We have also included some of the enemies the introduction (see section 1.4).
that fought against the prior period of the
However, if you are not concerned with
Republic to expand you list of possible
historical accuracy, know that the lists have
been designed with the same balance and
As explained in the introduction to this trade offs in mind so that they will be
supplement, it is possible to use any of these equivalent in strengths and weaknesses to
lists against any of the lists available in the any of the lists in the core rulebook.

Rise of Eagles 25
5.1 Late Republican Roman
This list covers the Republican Roman army since the Marian reforms until the reforms of
Augustus. After the reforms, the original class structure of velites, hastati, principes and triarii was
abandoned. Legions were now uniformly equipped, and the traditional style of heavy shield, gladius
and pilum was retained as the preferred mode of combat. Allies were extensively employed for
auxiliary roles and this became a very prominent characteristic of Pompeian or Caesarean armies.

Force organization: you may build Ad-Hoc or War-party forces

Characters: Your army must include at least one character level II or higher and cannot include
more characters than the total number of line units in the army (see page 124 of CLASH of Spears).
Line troops:

Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

wall of spears,
partial armor &
Slack legionaries civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+ throwing spear shield overlap, 20
heavy shield
drilled, impulsum
available options: remove partial armor (-2pts per model)

wall of spears,
partial armor &
Trained legionaries milites 4+ 5+ 3+ 4+ throwing spear shield overlap, 22
heavy shield
drilled, impulsum
available options: remove partial armor (-2pts per model)

wall of spears,
partial armor & impulsum, shield
Veteran legionaries milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 4+ throwing spear 25
heavy shield overlap, drilled,

wall of spears,
Iberian allied infantry civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield guerrilla, 17
determined, allies

wall of spears,
Gallic or Glatian allied infantry civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield shield overlap, furor, 17

skirmish specialist,
Allied javelin men civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 6+ javelin shield 9
available options: remove shield (-1pts per model)

skirmish specialist,
Allied slingers civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ sling 8

26 Rise of Eagles
Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

moutned, impetus,
cavalry spear & partial armor &
Iberian/Gallic/Glatian cavalry rare 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ allies, extra 25
javelin shield
equipment (javelin)
available options: upgrade armor to full armor for gallic/glatian cavalry (+1pts per model )

skirmish specialist,
Cretan archers rare 4+ 4+ 3+ 7+ bow 17
aimed shot, allies
available options: add buckler ( +1pts per model )

Numidian or other allied light mounted,

rare 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ javelin shield 17
cavalry marauders, allies

African Forest Elephant (includes Attacks (4), Wounds (4), see Elephant special rules Clash of
rare 4+ 3+ 4+ 66
mahout) Spears page 76
add 2 crew
4+ 4+ 3+ 6+ javelin partial armor iron will 36
(points are for both crew)
purchase thrusting spears(+2pts), change javelin to bow(free), upgrade to full armor(+2pts), remove partial armor(-4pts) ,
options (pts for both crew)
add howda -tower- for the crew (+8pts)
Note: The elephant plus the mahout count as 4 rare models, and if you add the 2 crew that counts as 2 additional rare models for army selection

aimed shot, skirmish

Scorpio & 2 crew rare 4+ 4+ 3+ 6+ scropio partial armor 66
specialist, iron will

Close allies: none, allies operating under the Roman command structure are already represented
in the list.

An Ad-Hoc Late Republican force composed on Roman legionaries supported by allied

auxiliary troops from Iberia and North Africa

Rise of Eagles 27
5.2 Early Imperial Roman
This list covers the Early Imperial Roman army since the reforms of Augustus until Trajan’s reign as
emperor. During this period auxiliary troops were incorporated into the ranks and given
standardized equipment. The troops are characterized with the well-known lorica segmentata yet
early in the period chain mail was still used and the transition happened over time.
In the list we have not differentiated the Pretorian Guard since rather than making it a type of unit
we could imagine a player making an entire force based on the Pretorian Guard given the scale of
the game. If that is your case, then the standard legionnaire profiles will still work since there is no
evidence that Pretorian Guard would be any different in training and drill.

Force organization: you may build Ad-Hoc or War-party forces

Characters: Your army must include at least one character level II or higher and cannot include
more characters than the total number of line units in the army (see page 124 of CLASH of Spears).
Line troops:

Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

improved partial wall of spears,

Slack legionaries civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+* throwing spear armor & heavy shield overlap, 21
shield drilled, impulsum
available options: downgrade to partial armor (-1pts/model)

improved partial wall of spears,

Trained legionaries milites 4+ 5+ 3+ 4+* throwing spear armor & heavy shield overlap, 23
shield drilled, impulsum
available options: downgrade to partial armor (-1 pts/model), upgrade to improved full armor (+1 pts/model)

wall of spears,
improved partial
impulsum, drilled,
Veteran legionaries milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 4+* throwing spear armor & heavy 26
shield overlap,
available options: downgrade to partial armor (-1 pts/model) upgrade to improved full armor (+1 pts/model)

partial armor & wall of spears,

Auxiliary infantry civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+ throwing spear 18
heavy shield shield overlap

available options: remove partial armor (-2 pts/model)

Auxiliary Archers civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ bow partial armor overhead shot 14

skirmish specialist,
Allied Archers civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ bow 8

skirmish specialist,
Allied Javelinmen civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 6+ javelin shield 9

28 Rise of Eagles
Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

moutned, impetus,
cavalry spear & full armor &
Auxiliary Cavalry rare 3+ 5+ 4+ 4+ extra equipment 24
javelin shield

Equites Sagitarii rare 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ bow full armor mounted 18

aimed shot,
improved partial
Scorpio & 2 crew rare 4+ 4+ 3+ 6+* scropio skirmish specialist, 68
iron will

Close Allies: none, allies operating under the Roman command structure are already represented
in the list as auxiliae or allies.

Rise of Eagles 29
5.3 Ancient British
This list covers the ancient British enemies that the Romans faced during Caesar’s campaign or
during the later annexation of Britain during Claudius reign during the first century AD.
Force organization: you may build Ad-Hoc or Muster forces

Characters: Your army must include at least one character level II or higher and cannot include
more characters than the total number of line units in the army (see page 124 of CLASH of Spears).
Any character may be mounted on a light chariot for 8pts
You may buy a new type of character called chariot rider, this character has no command points or
command range. In any other aspect it is simply another character.

Combat Ranged Grit Save Equipment Traits PTS

Chariot Full Armor, shield, javelin,
4+ 4+ 3+ 4+ Iron Will, 52
Rider light chariot
You may downgrade armor to partial armor (-1pts)

Line troops:

Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

Javelinmen civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 6+ javelin shield skirmish specialist 9

available options: remove shield (-1pts/model)

Slingers civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ sling skirmish specialist 8

available options: add buckler (+1pts/model)

wall of spears,
Tribsemen civis 4+ 5+ 5+ 6+ throwing spear shield 9
poorly equipped

available options: upgrade shield to heavy shield (+1pts/model)

wall of spears,
Warriors civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield 17
bushmaster, guerilla

available options: change heavy shield to shield (-1pts/model)

shield overlap, wall

Allied lowland celts civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield of spears, furor, 17

30 Rise of Eagles
Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

wall of spears,
Nobles milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield 21
bushmaster, guerilla

available options: may add partial armor (+2pts/model), may downgrade heavy shield to shield (-1pts/model)

wall of spears, ira,

Fanatics rare 4+ 5+ 3+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield guerrilla, 20
available options: may downgrade heavy shield to shield (-1 pts/model)

Light cavalry milites 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ javelin shield mounted 16

British Mastiffs rare 4+ 5+ 5+ 7+ feral 10

Close allies: Lowland Gauls

Rise of Eagles 31
5.4 Dacians

This list covers the Dacian forces that fought against

the Romans at the end of the first century AD, first
against Domitian and later against Trajan.
Dacians were a tough enemy for Rome. The hilly
terrain made it suitable for constant hit and run
tactics but the Dacians would not fear to face
romans in open battle.
The most distinctive weapon used by the Dacians
was falx, as two-handed weapon that could be used
effectively to break through the enemy wall of
Dacians often fielded Sarmatian allied armored

Force organization: you may build Ad-Hoc or Muster forces

Characters: Your army must include at least one character level II or higher and cannot include
more characters than the total number of line units in the army (see page 124 of CLASH of Spears).

Line Troops:

Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

Javelinmen civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 6+ javelin shield skirmish specialist 9

options available: remove shields (-1pts/model)

Tribsemen civis 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield wall of spears 13

wall of spears,
Warriors civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield shield overlap, 17

Archers civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ bow skirmish specialist 8

wall of spears,
partial armor &
Nobles milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 4+ throwing spear shield overlap, 23
heavy shield
options available: remove partial armor (-2pts/model)

32 Rise of Eagles
Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

double handed
Falxmen milites 3+ 5+ 4+ 7+ line breaker 14

Light Cavalry rare 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ javelin shield mounted 16

Allied mounted archers rare 4+ 5+ 4+ 7+ bow mounted, allies 15

full armor & massed charge,

Allied Sarmatian Cavalry rare 3+ 5+ 3+ 4+ kontos 24
horse barding mounted, allies

change to half barding (-1pts/model), remove horse barding (-2pts/model), add bow and extra equipment(bow ) trait
options available:

aimed shot,
Scorpio & 2 crew rare 4+ 4+ 3+ 6+ scorpio partial armor skirmish specialist, 66
iron will

Close allies: none, their close allies the Sarmatians have already been included in the list.

Rise of Eagles 33
5.5 Germanic Tribes
This list covers the Germanic tribes that were a constant threat to the norther Roman border.
We have outlined two lists, one to represent those tribes from the plains more adapted to the open
terrain and another list to cover those tribes from the forest areas such as the Cherusci or the
Batavians who would be more inclined to fighting in terrain and ambushing the enemy as in the
case of the Teurtoburg massacre in 9AD.
Force organization: you may build Ad-Hoc or Muster forces
Characters: Your army must include at least one character level II or higher and cannot include
more characters than the total number of line units in the army (see page 124 of CLASH of Spears).
Your force may not include soothsayers but may instead include supporting families as described
earlier in this supplement.

Plains tribes line Troops:

Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

Javelinmen civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ javelin skirmish specialist 8

available options: add shield (+1pts/model)

poorly equipped,
Tribesmen civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield 14
wall of spears

poorly equipped,
Warriors civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield shield overlap, 16
wall of spears, robur
available options: remove poorly equipped (+1pts/model)

poorly equipped,
Allied Forest Tribe Warriors civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield guerrilla, robur, wall 16
of spears, allies
available options: remove poorly equipped (+1pts/model)

shield overlap,
Veteran Warriors milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield 21
wall of spears, robur

mounted, extra
cavalry spear &
Cavalry milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 6+ shield quipment (javelin), 24
impetus, robur

Archers milites 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ bow skirmish specialist 8

poorly equipped,
Fanatics rare 4+ 5+ 3+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield shield overlap, wall 19
of spears, ira, robur

available options: remove poorly equipped (+1pts/model)

Close allies: Forest tribes

34 Rise of Eagles
Forest tribes line Troops:

Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

Archers civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ bow skirmish specialist 8

poorly equipped,
Tribesmen civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield 14
wall of spears

poorly equipped,
shield overlap,
Allied Plains Tribes Warriors civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield 16
wall of spears,
robur, allies
available options: remove poorly equipped (+1pts/model)

poorly equipped,
Warriors civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield guerrilla, robur, wall 16
of spears
available options: remove poorly equipped (+1pts/model)

Javelinmen civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ javelin skirmish specialist 8

available options: add shield (+1 pts/model)

wall of spears,
Veteran Warriors milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield 21
guerrilla, robur

partial armor & shield overlap,

Romanized Warriors milites 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+ throwing spear 18
heavy shield walls of spears

mounted, extra
cavalry spear &
Cavalry rare 3+ 5+ 3+ 6+ shield quipment (javelin), 24
impetus, robur

poorly equipped,
wall of spears,
Fanatics rare 4+ 5+ 3+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield 19
shield overlap, ira,
available options: remove poorly equipped (+1pts/model)

Close allies: Plains tribes

Rise of Eagles 35
5.6 Parthians
As Rome expanded towards the east it came into contact with the Parthian kingdom, which at its
height occupied what today is Iran. The Parthian way of war was very problematic for the Romans
which at the time relied mostly on infantry and did not have great numbers of mounted troops.
In 53 BC this problem became very evident at the battle of Carrhae when over thirty thousand
Roman troops led by Crassus were defeated by less than ten thousand Parthians mainly horse
archers and cataphracts.
The Parthians were never effectively subjugated by the Romans and would continue to mark the
confine of the Roman Empire until eventually taken over by the Sassanids in 225AD.
Force organization: you may build Ad-Hoc or Muster forces

Characters: Your army must include at least one character level II or higher and cannot include
more characters than the total number of units in the army (see page 124 of CLASH of Spears).

Line Troops:

Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

Horse Archers civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 7+ bow mounted 15

Tribesmen civis 4+ 5+ 5+ 6+ javelin shield 10

Archers milites 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ bow skirmish specialist 8

Javelinmen milites 5+ 5+ 5+ 6+ javelin shield skirmish specialist 9

enclosed armor & massed charge,

Cataphracts milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 3+ kontos 26
horse barding mounted

Options: downgrade armor to full armor (-1pts/model)

wall of spears,
Militia rare 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ thrusting spear heavy shield 12
shield overlap

Close allies: none

36 Rise of Eagles
5.7 Pontic
The kingdom of Pontus became one of Rome’s most persistent enemies. Mithridates the Great
expanded his kingdom located south of the Black Sea conquering Bosporus and extending his
borders. Eventually Rome prevalied, when Caesar defeated Mithridates son Pharnaces II in 47BC,
campaign in which he famously uttered “veni, vidi, vici”, (I came, I saw, I won).
Force organization: you may build Ad-Hoc or Muster forces
Characters: Your army must include at least one character level II or higher and cannot include
more characters than the total number of line units in the army (see page 124 of CLASH of Spears).
The army may include up to one charioteer (character) riding on a scythed chariot. The charioteer
has no command points or command range. In any other aspect it is simply another character.

Combat Ranged Grit Save Equipment Traits PTS

Charioteer 4+ 4+ 3+ 4+ Enclosed Armor, heavy chariot Iron Will, 75
You may downgrade armor to full armor (-1pts)
Line troops:
Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

Archers civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ bow skirmish specialist 8

Javelinmen civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ javelin skirmish specialist 8

Tribesmen civis 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ throwing spear heavy shield wall of spears 13

macedonian drill,
partial armor & wall of spears,
Phalangites civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ pike 17
shield offensive spears,

wall of spears,
thrusting spear & offensive spear,
Thureophoroi civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ shield 16
javelin extra

wall of spears,
partial armor &
Romanized Infantry civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+ throwing spear shield overlap, 19
heavy shield
available options: remove partial armor (-2pts/model)

macedonian drill,
partial armor & wall of spears,
Veteran Phalangites milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ pike 21
shield offensive spears,

wall of spears,
partial armor &
Veteran Romanized Infatnry milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 4+ throwing spear shield overlap, 23
heavy shield

mounted, impetus,
cavalry spear & partial armor &
Noble Cavalry rare 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ extra 25
javelin shield
available options: upgrade to full armor (+1 pts/model)

Light Cavalry rare 4+ 5+ 4+ 6 javelin shield mounted, allies 16

Close allies: Armenians/Cappadocians (use the Parthian List)

Rise of Eagles 37
5.8 Spartacus slave revolt (third servile war 73 BC)
This list covers the army of the uprising during the
third servile war from 73 to 72BC led by Spartacus.
Force organization: you may build Ad-Hoc or Muster
Characters: Your army must include at least one
character level II or higher and cannot include more
characters than the total number of line units in the
army (see page 124 of CLASH of Spears).
Your force may not include soothsayers but may
instead include supporting families as described
earlier in this supplement.

Line troops:

Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

Armed mob civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ mixed weapons overwhelm 7

Freed slaves with captured partial armor and wall of spears,

civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+ throwing spear 18
weapons heavy shield shield overlap
available options: remove partial armor (-2pts/model)

Youngster civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ javelin skirmish specialist 8

available options: add shield (+1pts/model)

parry riposte,
additional hand
Gladiators milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 6+ partial armor guarded attack, 18

available options: remove partial armor (-2pts/model)

shield overlap,
Gladiators with captured partial armor and
milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 4+ throwing spear wall of spears, 23
equipment heavy shield
available options: remove poorly equipped (+1pts/model)

Shepherds milites 4+ 5+ 4+ 7+ sling skirmish specialist 12

Shepherds with dog packs rare 4+ 5+ 5+ 7+ feral 10

Cavalry rare 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ cavalry spear shield mounted, impetus 16

Close allies: none

38 Rise of Eagles
5.9 Late Successors of Alexander
Following the death of Alexander the Great, his empire broke into three main kingdoms under
control of his generals. North of Greece was the kingdom of Macedon, to the east were the Seleucids
and in Egypt the Ptolemaic kingdom.
These kingdoms engaged in several wars with Rome
during the times of the Republic. You can fight these
conflicts by using the Republican Roman lists available
in the CLASH of Spears core book.

• The Macedonian Wars 214-148 BC:

 1st 214-205 BC
 2nd 200-197 BC
 3rd 171-168 BC
 4th 150-148 BC

• The Roman Seleucid War 192-188 BC

Macedon was annex by Rome after the Macedonian wars, while the Seleucids saw their kingdom
slowly taken over by different enemies at their borders and were finally annexed by Rome during
the Late Republic.
Of course, these kingdoms also fought each other for dominance of Alexander’s legacy.
The Ptolemaic kingdom participated in the Roman civil wars during the late Republic so to
represent engagements in that conflict you can use the list available in this supplement.
Some of these wars pre-date the period in this book yet they are included here to expand the armies
covered in the core CLASH of Spears book which mainly focused on the western conflicts of the
All these lists reflect the later composition of the Successor armies, consistent with the time they
engaged with Rome, and Later Macedonians can also be used to represent Hellenistic Greeks.
Force organization: you may build Ad-Hoc or Muster forces

Characters: Your army must include at least one character level II or higher and cannot include
more characters than the total number of line units in the army (see page 124 of CLASH of Spears).
A Seleucid army may include up to one charioteer (character) riding on a scythed chariot. The
charioteer has no command points or command range. In any other aspect it is simply another

Combat Ranged Grit Save Equipment Traits PTS

Charioteer 4+ 4+ 3+ 4+ Enclosed armor, heavy chariot Iron Will, 75
You may downgrade armor to full armor (-1pts)

Rise of Eagles 39
Later Seleucid Line Troops:

Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

Archers civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ bow skirmish specialist 8

Slingers civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ sling skirmish specialist 8

wall of spears,
patial armor &
City Militia civis 4+ 5+ 5+ 4+ thrusting spear offensive spear, 15
heavy shield
shield overlap
available options: remove partial armor (-2pts/model)

macedonian drill,
partial armor & wall of spears,
Pezhetairoi civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ pike 17
shield offensive spears,

macedonian drill,
partial armor & wall of spears,
Argyraspides milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ pike 21
shield offensive spears,
wall of spears,
thrusting spear & offensive spear,
Thureophoroi milites 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ shield 16
javelin extra
available options: add partial armor (+2pts/model)

enclosed armor & massed charge,

Cataphracts milites 3+ 5+ 4+ 3+ xyston 25
horse barding drilled, mounted

massed charge,
Hetairoi rare 3+ 5+ 3+ 6+ xyston partial armor 23
mounted, drilled
available options: upgrade armor to full armor (+1pts/model)

Greek Light Cavalry rare 4+ 5+ 4+ 6 javelin shield mounted, allies 16

skirmish specialist,
Cretan Archers rare 4+ 4+ 3+ 7+ bow 17
available options: add buckler (+1pts/model)

Asian Elephant (includes Attacks (4), Wounds (5),

rare 4+ 3+ 4+ 72
mahout) see Elephant special rules Clash of Spears page 76
add 2 crew
4+ 4+ 3+ 6+ javelin partial armor iron will 36
(points are for both crew)
options (pts for both crew) add thrusting spears (+2pts), change javelin to bow (free), revove partial armor (-4pts) ,add tower for the crew (+8pts)

Close Allies: none

40 Rise of Eagles
Later Macedonina ( or Hellenistic Greek) Line Troops:

Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

Javelinmen civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ javelin skirmish specialist 8

Slingers civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ sling skirmish specialist 8

skirmish specialist,
Thracian peltasts civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ javelin shield vicious, guerrilla, 15

wall of spears,
patial armor &
City Militia civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+ thrusting spear offensive spear, 17
heavy shield
shield overlap
available options: remove partial armor (-2pts/model)

macedonian drill,
partial armor & wall of spears,
Pezhetairoi civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ pike 17
shield offensive spears,

wall of spears,
thrusting spear & offensive spear,
Thureophoroi civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ shield 16
javelin extra
available options: add partial armor (+2pts/model)

Archers milites 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ bow skirmish specialist 8

macedonian drill,
partial armor & wall of spears,
Agema milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ pike 21
shield offensive spear,

wall of spears,
offensive spear,
partial armor &
Agema armed as Thureophoroi milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ javelin extra 24
available options: remove partial armor (-2pts/model)

mounted, extra
cavalry spear & partial armor &
Greek/Thessalian Cavalry milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ equipment(javelin), 25
javelin shield
available options: upgrade to full armor (+1 pts/model)

mounted, drilled,
Hetairoi rare 3+ 5+ 3+ 6+ xyston partial armor 22
massed charge
available options: upgrade to full armor (+1 pts/model)

Greek light cavalry rare 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ javelin shield mounted, allies 16

skirmish specialist,
Cretan Archers rare 4+ 4+ 3+ 7+ bow 17

Close Allies: Thracians

Rise of Eagles 41
Later Ptolemaic Line Troops

Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

Archers milites 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ bow skirmish specialist 8

Slingers milites 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ sling skirmish specialist 8

Javelinmen civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ javelin skirmish specialist 8

available options: add shield (+1pts/model)

macedonian drill,
partial armor &
Levy Phalangites civis 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ pike wall of spears, 14
offensive spear

macedonian drill,
partial armor & wall of spears,
Phalangites civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 5+ pike 17
shield offensive spears,

wall of spears,
partial armor & shield overlap,
Allied Roman Legionaries milites 4+ 5+ 3+ 4+ throwing spear 22
heavy shield impulsum, drilled,
macedonian drill,
partial armor & wall of spears,
Guard Phalangites milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ pike 21
shield offensive spears,

wall of spears,
thrusting spear & offensive spear,
Thureophoroi milites 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ shield 16
javelin extra
available options: add partial armor (+2pts/model)

massed charge,
Xystophoroi rare 3+ 5+ 3+ 6+ xyston partial armor 22
mounted, drilled

available options: upgrade to full armor (+1 pts/model)

Greek Light Cavalry rare 4+ 5+ 4+ 6 javelin shield mounted, allies 16

skirmish specialist,
Cretan Archers rare 4+ 4+ 3+ 7+ bow 17
available options: add buckler (+1pts/model)

African Forest Elephant (includes Attacks (4), Wounds (4),

rare 4+ 3+ 4+ 66
mahout) see Elephant special rules Clash of Spears page 76
add 2 crew
4+ 4+ 3+ 6+ javelin partial armor iron will 36
(points are for both crew)
options (pts for both crew) add thrusting spears (+2pts), change javelin to bow (free), revove partial armor (-4pts) ,add tower for the crew (+8pts)

Close Allies: none

42 Rise of Eagles
5.10 Thracians
The Thracians inhabited the region of the Balkans in Eastern
Europe. They participated extensively in many of the Greek wars
as mercenaries earning a fearsome reputation. They joined the
Macedonians in the wars against Rome and where incorporated as
a Roman province in 46AD
Force organization: you may build Ad-Hoc or Muster forces
Characters: Your army must include at least one character level II
or higher and cannot include more characters than the total
number of line units in the army (see page 124 CLASH of Spears).
Line Troops

Troop type Availability Combat Ranged Grit Save Weapons Armor Traits Points

Javelinmen civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ javelin skirmish specialist 8

Tribesmen civis 4+ 5+ 5+ 6+ javelin shield 10

skirmish specialist,
Peltasts civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ javelin shield 15
guerrilla, vicious

wall of spears,
partial armor & shield overlap,
Mercenary Greek Hoplites civis 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+ thrusting spear 18
heavy shield offensive spear,
drilled, allies
available options: remove partial armor (-2pts/model)

Archers civis 5+ 5+ 5+ 7+ bow skirmish specialist 8

skirmish specialist,
Veteran Peltasts milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 6+ javelin shield 19
guerrilla, vicious
available options: add partial armor (+2pts/model)

Light Cavalry milites 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ javelin shield mounted 16

double handed
Veterans with Rhomphaia milites 3+ 5+ 3+ 7+ gushing wounds 16
available options: add partial armor (+2 pts/model), add shield and extra equipment shield (+2pts/model)

Horse Archers rare 4+ 5+ 4+ 7+ bow mounted 15

cavalry spear & full arrmor & equipment(cavalry
Noble Cavalry rare 3+ 5+ 3+ 4+ 26
javelin shield spear), mounted,
available options: remove full armor (-2pts/model)

Close allies: Later Macedonian

Rise of Eagles 43
Rise of Eagles is an expansion to CLASH of Spears by Francisco & Alvaro Erize
You will need a copy of the core CLASH of Spears rulebook to play. @Fighting Hedgehog 2021
Rules contributor & Proof Reading: Nicholas Bogart

Cover Art: Giuseppe Rava

Photography & miniatures: DwarfCrypt Painting, Team Wurfelkrieg, Chris Dingley, Jorge Magan,
Victrix Limited, Miniaturama PaingingWar Magazine and Francisco Erize
Additional graphical design: Ignacio Martinez Parada
Recommended Reading material:

Ancient Warfare Magazine has an extensive number of issues covering the late Republic and the
early Roman Empire ( )
Dacia, The Roman Wars Volume 1 – by Radu Oltean, is a fantastic analysis of the Dacian Wars
A Wargamer’s Guide to The Early Roman Empire – by Daniel Mersey, is an excellent book for
those looking to learn about the period and get a high-level view of Rome and its enemies during
the early Empire.
Masters of Rome series, by Colleen McCullough – is an excellent series of novels covering the
intricate political maneuvering and schemes that occurred during the late Roman Republic and it is
an enjoyable way to learn about the period.
This expansion is dedicated to the memory of our father Francisco Javier Erize, and our great friend Jorge Magan,
who left us these past two years

Thracians ready to ambush the unsuspecting romans.

Wargames Foundry figures painted and converted by Jorge Magan

44 Rise of Eagles
CLASH of Spears is a fast-paced wargame
for skirmishes in ancient times winner
of the Wargames Illustrated Best
Wargame Award of 2020

It was designed to be fast and intuitive,

while providing a realistic feel, tactical
depth, and high impact decision making.
The game represents small actions where
the use of terrain, troop specialization, and
combination of arms can lead the army to

Supported through expansions and reference material:

Starter armies by Victrix

Rise of Eagles 45
Circa 104 BC Gaius Marius decided the legions would no longer use different animals as
their standards, thus the Aquila was adopted as the unique symbol for all legions. From then
on, the eagles would rise to expand the reach or Rome through the world.

Rise of Eagles is a companion to CLASH of Spears, the award-winning rules for ancient
large skirmish games.

This expansion allows you to take your CLASH games from the times of the Late Republic
following the campaigns of Marius, Caesar, and Pompey to the times of the early Roman
Empire until the campaigns of Trajan against Dacians and Parthians.

The supplement includes 13 new lists and all the new traits and supporting rules
required to play with these armies

• Late Republican Roman

• Early Imperial Roman

• Ancient British

• Dacians

• Germanic Tribes (Forest tribes, Plains tribes)

• Parthians

• Pontic

• Spartacus slave revolt

• Late Successors of Alexander (Macedonian, Seleucid, Ptolemaic)

• Thracians

You will need a copy of the CLASH of Spears book to play.

46 Rise of Eagles

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