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Chllng Trinh ProShow Producer 3.0 Build 1831, dung lllng 24.10
NB .Dl cai dlt , c Serial chinh thlc dl sl dlng lau dai . Cai dlt
xong n sl d llp ln Phin bln c l Desktop da cai trllc d.
Tinh chlt trinh diln lnh vli nhilu Effect tuylt vli va cho php
!nsert cac Film va video Clip thi khng cln ban cli gili thilu thm
vao day . Cac chi tilt Hllng Dln sl dlng dllc 1 member trong
Forums SoftvNN catalunya Super VIP Membersthiln chi dlch thult
clng hiln sln cho bln tham khlo, tiln khai thac hlt cac tinh
nang mli cla n .

ProShow Producer 3.0 Build 1831 Full
do utbinh upload ln Host

CD KEY ca ProShow Producer 3.0 BuiId 1891


Name: Joy Scott
Phone: (985) 966-6794
Registration Key: DBB/NGC-PEN-N6EB
ProShow Producer 3.0.1837

Tlt cl cac tinh nang mli ca ProShow Producer 3.0 cho php bln tlo cac
kilt tac trinh chilu cao clp va mlc dl chuyn nghilp ma khng chl rlt ln
tllng va tac dlng mlnh ml dln nglli xem ma cn lam cho n trl nn c
tinh thllng mli.

vli bl tinh nang nli danh cla minh bao glm tlo llp lnh/video khng gili
hln, trinh diln cac mlu, dng nhan, blo vl sao chp va bln quyln media
tich hlp, clng thm cac tinh nang sang tlo dlc dao mli nhl tlo mlt nl
(masking), lam ml nt lnh (vignetting) va khung hinh chinh chuyln dlng,
vln dl trong sang tac cn lli chl la phl thulc vao c tllng tllng cla
bln ma thi.

Tlng quan tinh nang cla trinh ProShow Producer 3.0

Layers Cac llp
O Thm 1 sl khng gili hln cac llp vao blt ki trinh diln nao.
O Cho php ko thl dl dang dl bl sung thm nli dung vao 1 trinh chilu.
O Hl trl hln 100 loli file.
O Hl trl tinh trong sult cho cac file PSD, PNC, T!FF va C!F.
O Nli ! Chuyln blt ki llp nao thanh 1 che (mask = che = mlt nl) ty
chln hoan toan dl che gilu hay lam ll ra cac gc dl cla cac llp phia
O Nli ! Thm 1 mau tuyln tinh (gradient) hay dlng nhlt (solid) khi 1 llp
trinh chilu dl cho ra cac klt qul ll llm.
O Tang cllng cho 1 thuylt trinh dng cac hanh dlng trinh diln tllng
tac dl khli dlng nhanh cac file PDF, cac blng tinh, cac trang web va
nhilu hln nla.
O Nli ! Thilt llp cac hilu lng chuyln tilp cho cac llp ring bilt.
Editing Bin tlp
O Tli lu tiln trinh cng vilc (workflow) cla bln dng cac cng cl hilu
chlnh lnh tich hlp nhl la lam slc nt, phan ha mau, bao ha va
nhilu hln nla.
O Nli ! Sang tlo cac khung lnh, bo viln cao clp cho cac lnh hay cac
video cla bln dng hilu lng hla tilt mli cla ProShow Producer.
O Nli ! Tlo cac hilu lng ml man theo phong cach Nl HollywoodStyle
blng cng cl mli Chroma Key Transparency.
O ac dlnh dl ml dlc (opacity) cho blt ki llp nao trn 1 trinh diln
O Nli ! Thm chilu sau cho sang tac cla bln blng cach dilu chlnh mau
slc va dl ml dlc cla 1 bng dl ln blt ki llp nao trn 1 slide.
O Nli ! Clt cp va xoay lnh va video cla bln 1 cach chinh xac.
O Nli ! Sl dlng cng cl hl trl loli bl hiln tllng mlt dl cho blt ki
lnh nao cla sang tac cla bln trong vai giay.
Effects Cac hilu lng
O Nli ! Dng cac hilu lng dilu chlnh dl tlo ra cac hilu lng dlp nhl
trong xin. tlo 1 chuyln dlng phim qua cac thay dli mau slc hay
tlo 1 chuli cac lolt hinh ml.
O Nli ! Thm nhilu cac khung hinh chinh cho mli hilu lng dilu chlnh.
Notion Chuyln dlng
O Thm chuyln dlng gilng nhl quay theo dli tllng (pan), thu phng
(zoom) va xoay (rotate) cho blt ki llp nao vao trong trinh slide dl tlo
hilu lng nhl trong hilu lng diln lnh thlc.
O Nli ! Zoom theo hl trlc va trlc tung Y dli vli 1 llp mlt cach ring
bilt va thu nhl hln trllc.
O Nli ! Tlo cac dllng chuyln dlng phlc tlp blng cach llp nhilu cac
dilm khung hinh chinh trn thanh duylt thli gian khung hinh (keyframe
O Nli ! Llli xem trllc slide c chln lla cho php bln bl tri chinh xac
cac hinh va cac video trn 1 slide.
Captions Cac lli ch thich
O ilu khiln kilu font, cl va mau slc font cla cac lli ch thich
(caption) trn cac trinh diln.
O Nli ! Dng khung dilu chlnh caption dl tlo ra nhilu cac hilu lng
chuyln dlng vao 1 trinh diln.
O Nli ! Lam sinh dlng cac caption cla bln blng nhilu cac hilu lng
kinh nglc so vli bln trllc day.
O Thm cac caption tllng tac dl khli dlng nhanh cac tac dlng ty chln
nhl la Nglng Pause, Chly lli Resume, Trinh diln kl tilp Next
Slide, Trinh diln trllc d Previous Slide, vilt thl diln tl Email va
nhilu hln nla.
O Nli ! C dllc dilu khiln thilt kl mlnh hln trn cac lli ghi ch
(caption) dng cac kilu caption mli cla ProShow Producer, cac tinh nang
chn kholng dng caption va ki tl caption.
Nusic and Sounds m nhlc va am thanh
O Bl trl thm cho blt ki trinh diln nao blng cach thl blt ki file am
thanh NP3 holc WAv nao.
O Llu 1 track am thanh trlc tilp tl 1 CD va thl n vao trinh diln cla
O Clt cp am thanh cla bln va llp cac hilu lng (effect = pph) dng
bl cng cl tich hlp Audio Trimmer.
O Nli ! Dlng sng am thanh track tich hlp trong danh sach slide.
Backgrounds Phln nln
O Nli ! Thm nt th vl vao trinh chilu cla bln dng cac mau dlng
nhlt, cac mau tuyln tinh gradients, hay cac videos lam nln.
O Nli ! Dng cac phng nln tich hlp, mli dl lam dlp cho trinh chilu
cla bln.
O Kilm soat cac clp dl dilu chlnh cla phln nli dung nln.
Cac dlnh dlng dlu ra cla ProShow Prodcuer 3.0
O DvD (dng dlu chly may tinh)
O vCD (dng dlu chly cla may tinh)
O Autorun CD CD tl chly
O File chly tlng hlp EE
O Chia sl trinh diln qua thl diln tl
O Phat trinh diln ln web
O Chia sl trinh diln trlc tuyln miln phi
O Nli ! Streaming Flash video video dlng Flash
O Nli ! Compressed Av! Av! nn
O Nli ! Uncompressed Av! Av! khng nn
O Nli ! Quicktime video video dlnh dlng cla Quicktime
O Nli ! video dl trung thlc cao (HD)
O Nli ! Windows Nedia video (WNv)
O NPEC 1 va NPEC 2
O Cac trinh blo vl man hinh
Productivity hilu sult cla chllng trinh
O Dng cac mlu slideshow dl gip thlc hiln cac sang tac mau hln.
O ProShow Producer c hl trl cac dlnh dlng file dlng th RAW cla cac
may lnh, may quay sl.
O Dng cac kilu dl an cla ProShow Producer dl tl chlc tlt hln
(streamline) tiln trinh cng vilc (workflow).
O Nli ! Ciao diln tlli trl cla ProShow Producer bao glm 1 bilu mlu
dlng sng am thanh, 1 blng hli tholi mli slide cac ty chln va 1
thanh cng cl la thich.
O Nli ! Nhin cln clnh tac phlm cla bln blng 1 kich chult dng llnh
Full Screen view.
O Nli ! Phlc hli cac file thlt llc hay bl di chuyln khli 1 trinh diln dl
dang blng tinh nang mli Find Nissing Files.
O Nli ! Kilm soat hoan toan thli lllng blng thanh duylt thli gian
Business Oriented Features Cac tinh nang bln thllng mli
O Nli ! Tinh nang Chlp cac khung hinh cho php bln xult cac hinh trong
slide ra cac lnh ]PEC dl in.
O Tlo hla tilt ml cho tlt cl cac slide trong trinh diln cla bln chl
blng 1 kich chult.
O Klt hlp thng tin lam nhan cac nhan cla bln va l g trn cac trinh
diln may tinh va cac thlc dln DvD dl khuylch trllng cho cng vilc
cla bln.
O Blo vl cac CD chlng chp va cac trinh chilu dlng tlng hlp dui EE
khng bl sao chp llu
Cac tinh nang mli cla ProShow Producer 3.0.

Composition Bin soln
O Lam mlt nl Chuyln blt ki llp nao thanh 1 mlt nl dl che gilu hay
trinh bay cac gc dl cla cac llp nlm dlli dng tinh nang bin tlp
chuyn nghilp, cao clp mli nay. Blng cach dilu chlnh cac knh alpha
va knh mau cla cac llp bln c thl dlt 1 mlt nl, bln c thl tlo cac
hilu lng hinh dlng phlc tlp, trlu tllng cac bl clc nhilu llp va
nhilu hln nla!
O Lam ml nt lnh Tlo cac khung viln trng nhl dllc cha rla vli cac
clnh mlm hay cac hinh dlng xac dlnh cho cac lnh va video cla bln
dng hilu lng lam ml nt mli cla trinh ProShow Producer. ln giln
chl vilc chln khung viln c cac tham sl dl mlm (softness), kich cl
(size), dlng (shape) va dl trong sult (transparency).
O Cac ty chln nang cao cho llp Cil day bln c thl bl sung cac mau
mlt cach dlng nhlt hay tuyln tinh nhl cac llp slide dlc llp dl tlo
chilu sau va thm tllng dlc dao trlc quan khac cho bl clc cla
O Sl chuyln tilp llp Dng cac dilu khiln dlnh khung (Keyframing) dl
chln cac hilu lng chuyln tilp vao tlng llp trong 1 slide.
O Phln nli dung mli thm vao cla trinh ProShow Producer 3.0 gil day
c thm cac lnh va cac video nln dln mlc chuyn nghilp. ln giln
duylt cac chln lla ma cung clp sln trong CD phln mlm va thm
nhlng cai bln thich vao cac sang tac slide cla bln.
O Cac hinh nln chln lla cao clp Thm cac tllng thich th vao trinh
diln cla bln vli cac bl dl mau lam nln tuyln tinh mli.
O Llli xem trllc trinh diln mli cla ProShow Producer 3.0 cho php
bln bl tri chinh xac cac lnh va cac video cla bln trn man lnh trinh
slide cla bln. Cl dlnh cac llp ln llli l vl tri chinh xac.
O Cac llp khng hln chl trn mli trinh diln Cil day bln c thl thm
bao nhiu ty cac llp hinh va video cho mli trinh chilu trong ProShow
Producer 3.0. Dng cac llp khng gili hln, ml ra cho bln 1 khl nang
sang tac trinh diln rlt lln.
Adjustment Effects/ Editing Cac hilu lng hilu chlnh/Bin tlp
O Cac hilu lng dilu chlnh ProShow Producer 3.0 da thlc hiln thay dli
lln trong cac dilu chlnh hinh lnh/video nhl la dl ml dlc, dl sang
va mau slc khng thay dli trong sult qua trinh chly 1 trinh diln. vli
cac hilu lng dilu chlnh mli nay, bln c thl tlo ra cac hilu lng ll
llm trng nhl. la trong phim nhl chuyln biln mau (thi dl: Wizard of
Oz kilu "horse of a different color") holc tlo 1 lolt cac hinh lnh chly
ml, tlt cl dilu d c thl thlc hiln trn 1 trinh diln!
O Hilu lng Chroma Key Transparency Tlo cac hilu lng man chao hli
theo phong cach Hollywood blng cng cl mli Chroma Key Transparency
trong phln mlm ProShow Producer 3.0. Nhanh chng tlo cac kholng
mau cl thl trn nln lnh trong sult cla bln dl tlo llp chn thm
ln, cac hilu lng dl hla nghl thult va nhilu nla.
O Cac ty chln dllng viln va bng dl cao clp Thm chilu sau va bl
clc cla bln blng cach dilu chlnh mau slc va dl ml dlc cla 1
bng dl ln 1 llp trong 1 trinh diln. Ap dlng cac bo khung hinh chln
lla cla blt ki mau slc va kich thllc nao dl lam dlp thm cac lnh va
cac video cla bln, tlo vl bng bly va chuyn nghilp hln.
O Clt cp va xoay lnh Dng ProShow Producer 3.0 bln c thl nhanh
chng clt cp va xoay blt ki llp nao mlt cach chinh xac. Tli lu bl
clc lnh va nli dung video cng vli cac cng cl mli tich hlp tilt
kilm thli gian nay.
O Khl mlt dl Dl dang loli bl cac hinh bl mlt dl khi bln dng trinh
ProShow Producer 3.0. Dng cng cl loli bl mlt dl dl hilu chlnh
blt ki lnh bl mlt dl nao trong lolt lnh trinh chilu chl vai giay

Noton Effects Cac hilu lng chuyln dlng
O lnh khung chuyln dlng Tlo cho khan gil choang nglp blng cach
thm cac chuli chuyln dlng cho cac trinh diln cla bln (thllng thly
trong cac bl phim va cac ln bln thllng mli) dng cng cl diln lnh
da nang clc hay nay. Dng dlnh khung chuyln dlng, bln c thl klt
hlp blt ki cac hilu lng nao nhl la. phng to cac hinh va cac video cla
bln ln, sau d thu nhl lli, xoay n , p mlt xulng vA trl lli trong vai
giay sau, mli thl trong qua trinh cla 1 slide!
O ilu khiln thu phng nang clp vilc thu phng trong ProShow Producer
3.0 dllc cli tiln nhilu cho php bln thu phng theo 2 chilu trlc tla
dl va chilu trlc Y mlt cach dlc llp cho blt ki llp nao dl c dllc
cac hilu lng cong vlo l th. Dng dilu khiln thu phng, bln c thl
thu nhl hln nhlng thl trllc day.
Caption Control ilu khiln lli ch thich
O Cac chlt lilu lam nln cho lli ghi ch l c cac klt qul chuyn
nghilp, dng cac mlu chlt lilu tuyln tinh hay mlu nln dl lam nli
blt cho cac ghi ch cla bln, biln dli cac thng dilp thanh thanh phln
thilt kl cho trinh diln cla bln.
O Cia tang dilu khiln dlnh dlng ghi ch C dllc dilu khiln dl hla
mlnh hln cho cac ghi ch (caption) va duy tri kilu tlt hln thich hlp
vli cac kilu mlu ghi ch mli cla ProShow Producer, cac tinh nang gian
dng ghi ch va ki tl ghi ch.
O lnh khung chuyln dlng ghi ch Caption Notion Keyframing Cng cl
mli dlnh khung chuyln dlng cla ProShow Producer cho php bln
kilm soat cac kilu mlu chuyln dlng cla mli ghi ch, hllng di
chuyln va dlnh thli cho khung. oay lam nli blt cac hilu lng chl
cao clo hay dln giln, lam nghing va nhilu nla, mli thl dlu dilu
khiln tinh gil chinh xac.
O Cac hilu lng lli ghi ch cli tiln Lam sinh dlng cac ghi ch cla bln
blng cac hilu lng ll llm va nhi nhlnh cho php chln lla khng nhl
trllc day. Cac hilu lng cho lli ghi ch mli bao glm Culn ngan ha
Calactic Scroll, xoay Curling, Thu nhl Zoom Out, va dl ml lc llc
Wag Opacity.
Workflow and Settings Control Kilm soat cac thilt llp va tiln
O Hl trl slide trlc tilp (Hot Folder/ Live Show) Bln cln trinh chilu
slideshow cla bln theo thli gian thlc? ProShow Producer 3.0 cho php
bln tlo cac trinh slideshow cla bln trlc tilp dng tinh nang mli Hot
Folder/ Live Show. Tim cac hinh va duylt chng trn trinh slide tlc thli!
O Cac thilt llp sao chp loli bl qua trinh sao chp mlt thli gian, cac
hilu lng qua nhilu bllc va clu hinh cho cac thilt dlnh. Chl cln
kich chult va dng tinh nang thilt llp sao chp mli cla ProShow
Producer 3.0 dl sao chp tlc thli cac thilt llp dllc dng trn 1 llp
hay trn toan bl slide, ap dlng cac thilt llp cho cac llp khac chl cln
1 kich chult.
O Thanh tiln trinh thli gian Slide Timeline thlc hiln dilu khiln hoan
toan vilc dlnh gil trinh chilu blng thanh tiln trinh mli trong
ProShow Producer 3.0. Chuyln dli qua lli gila giao diln xem danh sach
thllng Slide List va dlng thanh tiln trinh Timeline dl dlng bl chinh
xac phln am thanh cla bln vli clnh quay nao d trong slide cla bln.
O Thanh bilu dlng sng mli New Waveform Bar em dlng sng file am
thanh cla bln trn thanh tiln trinh am thanh Soundtrack dng ProShow
Producer 3.0. ilu nay lam dl dang hln khi xac dlnh dilm dlu va
culi cla cac bai hat cla bln.
O em toan man hinh Tinh nang mli nay khng thl thilu dli vli cac nha
chuyn nghilp trong vilc dilu khiln va dlnh vl chinh xac tli da cac
thanh phln trn 1 trinh diln. C thl xem chi tilt hay gln tac phlm
cla bln chl trong 1 kich chult.
O Tim cac file thlt llc Khi phlc cac file bl di chuyln holc thlt llc
khli trinh diln dl dang dng tinh nang mli Find Nissing Files cla phln
mlm ProShow Producer 3.0.
O Cl thl ha cac hilu lng chuyln tilp ilu khiln cac hilu lng
chuyln tilp cla cac lln load lnh ln. ProShow Producer 3.0 cho BlN
quylt dlnh chln hilu lng nao sl dng khi cac hilu lng dllc cho
dlt nglu nhiln.
O Chlp cac khung hinh Tinh nang mli chlp cac khung hinh cho php bln
xult ra cac file dlnh dlng ]peg cla trinh diln cla bln dl in ln.
O Bai hllng dln tl chly lc khli dlng Bln c thl mau chng hlc
dllc cach tlo llp cac trinh diln dng bai hllng dln khli dlng
nhanh cla ProShow Producer. Nhanh chng hlc cac bllc can bln trong
vilc tlo trinh diln dlu tin cla bln.
O Cac tac dlng trinh diln Slide Actions tang cllng thm cho trinh diln
dng cac tac dlng trinh diln dl dilu khiln vilc duylt thng thllng
trong trinh diln cla bln HAY khli dlng nhanh cac thanh phln phl
nhl la cac tai lilu, cac lng dlng, va cac trang web l culi cla bat ki
trinh diln nao. Cac tac dlng c thl la: Chuyln dln trinh diln tilp theo
(Co to Next Slide), Chuyln dln slide trllc (Previous Slide), Tlm nglng
Pause, Tai holt dlng Resume, Chly chllng trinh Run Program, Nl
dla chl web Open URL va nhilu hln nla.
Enhanced Playback and Output Options Cac ty chln dlu ra va
chly nang cao
O Cac dlnh dlng dlu ra video mli Cac tyy chln dlu ra ml rlng cla
trinh ProShow Producer 3.0 cho php bln c nhilu lla chln linh holt
hln trong vilc chia sl cac trinh diln cla bln. lnh dlng dlu ra: Av!
nn, Windows Nedia video (WNv), video dl trung thlc cao va Quicktime.
lnh ro cac thilt llp nn cho video dl tli lu kich thllc file danh cho
O lu ra dlnh dlng Flash Tlo phim dlnh dlng Flash hay thllng mli
cho web trong vai giay. Khng cln phli bilt vl Flash! ln giln tlo
trinh diln cla bln, chln dlnh dlng holc la Flash video (FLv) va phln
cn lli ProShow Producer 3.0 sl thlc hiln cho bln.
O Cac thlc dln man hinh rlng Widescreen Nenus ProShow Producer gil
day da hl trl cac menu man hinh rlng cho cac trinh chilu cla bln.
Tlo cac menu chuyn nghilp cl 16:3 kilu Hollywood cho trinh diln
man hinh rlng cla bln.
O File km theo chinh la crack dly cac bln a. Ninh down vl rli, dng ngon
Khng c vln dl gi cl. Hinh nhl ngay trllc admin c ni rlng la
khng down dllc 2 file 1 lc thi fli!
O c ai chl minh cach crack khng vly
minh da copy cai file patch vao trong thl mlc C:/...Program
files/Photodex/ProShowProducer rli patch ma vln khng dllc,vao
about thi vln thly bao 1S ngay sl dlng c ai chl minh cach crack
khng vly
minh da copy cai file patch vao trong thl mlc C:/...Program
files/Photodex/ProShowProducer rli patch ma vln khng dllc,vao
about thi vln thly bao 1S ngay sl dlng
O Anh lam theo hllng dln trong file Note!!.txt
1. uninstall the old version.
2. Restart system.
3. delete the photodex folder from your program folder.
4. install the new version copy patch to install dir and pach.
O anh da lam theo rli nhlng anh vln thlc mlc nlu delete folder
Photodex nghia la delete folder ProShowProducer lun rli,vly sao anh
paste cai patch vao dllc nhl??? ProShowProducer nlm trong folder
Photodex ma em

dlch bli magicwand

The allnew ProShow Producer 3.0 allows you to create advanced, professional
grade presentation masterpieces that not only emotionalize and inspire
audiences but bring them to the point of sale.

With an awardwinning feature set including unlimited photo/ video layering,
show templates, branding, copy protection and builtin media authoring, plus all
new creative features like masking, vignetting and motion keyframing, the only
limit to your success is your imagination.

ProShow Producer 3.0 Feature Overview

O Add an unlimited number of layers to any slide.
O Drag and drop to easily add content to a show.
O Supports 100+ file types.
O Transparency support for PSD, PNC, T!FF and C!F files.
O New! Turn any layer into a fullycustomized mask to conceal or reveal
aspects of underlying layers.
O New! Add a gradient or solid color as a slide layer to a layer to get
incredible results.
O Spice up a presentation using interactive slide actions to launch PDFs,
spreadsheets, webpages and more.
O New! Set transition effects for individual layers.
O Optimize your workflow using builtin image correction tools like sharpen,
colorize, saturate and more.
O New! Create enhanced borders for your photos and videos with ProShow
Producer's allnew vignette effect.
O New! Create HollywoodStyle greenscreen effects with the allnew Chroma
Key Transparency tool.
O Specify opacity for any layer on a slide.
O New! Add depth to your composition by adjusting the color and opacity of a
shadow on any layer in a slide.
O New! Crop and rotate your photos and videos with precision.
O New! Use the redeye removal tool to correct any photo in your show in
O New! Use Adjustment Effects to produce spectacular effects like.make a
video move through color shifts or create a sequence of photo fades.
O New! Add multiple keyframes to each adjustment effect.
O Add motion like pan, zoom and rotate to any layer on a slide for a cinematic
O New! Zoom and Y coordinates for a layer individually and zoom out
further than ever before.
O New! Create complex motion paths by setting multiple keyframe points on
the keyframe timeline.
O New! The fullycustomizable slide preview grid allows you to accurately
position your photos and videos on a slide.
O Control the font, size and color of captions in your slides.
O New! Use caption keyframing to create multiple caption motion effects on a
single slide.
O New! Animate your captions with more amazing effects to choose from
than ever before.
O Add interactive captions to launch custom actions like Pause, Resume, Next
Slide, Previous Slide, Write Email and many more.
O New! Cain greater design control over captions with ProShow Producer's
new caption styles, caption line spacing and caption character features.
Nusic and Sounds
O Enhance any slide show by dropping in any NP3 or WAv audio file.
O Save an audio track directly from a CD and drop it right into your slide
O Crop your audio and set fades using the builtin Audio Trimmer.
O New! Builtin soundtrack waveform in slide list.
O New! Add interest to your slide shows with solid colors, gradients, or videos
as backgrounds.
O New! Use the new, builtin backgrounds to spruceup your slide shows.
O Control the adjustment levels of your background content.
ProShow Prodcuer 3.0 Output Formats
O DvD (with PC playback)
O vCD (with PC playback)
O Autorun CD
O Selfcontained EE
O Share shows via email
O Streaming web shows
O Free online show sharing
O New! Streaming Flash video
O New! Compressed Av!
O New! Uncompressed Av!
O New! Quicktime video
O New! High definition video (HD)
O New! Windows Nedia video (WNv)
O NPEC 1 and 2
O Screensavers
O Use slide show templates to boost productivity.
O ProShow Producer provides native support for RAW files from digital
O Use ProShow Producer's Projects mode to streamline workflow.
O New! ProShow Producer's refreshed user interface includes a soundtrack
waveform, a new slide options dialog and a favorites pane.
O New! Cet a closeup view of your work with a click of the mouse using the
new Full Screen view.
O New! Recover moved or misplaced files from a show easily with the new
Find Nissing Files feature.
O New! Take complete control over show timing with the new timeline view.
Business Oriented Features
O New! Capture Frames feature allows you to output ]peg files of each slide
for printing.
O Watermark all the slides in your show, with one click.
O !nclude your personal branding information and logo on PC shows and DvD
menus to promote your business.
O Copy Protect CDs and EE slide shows from unauthorized copying
ProShow Producer 3.0 New Features.

O Nasking Turn any layer into a fullycustomized mask to conceal or reveal
aspects of underlying layers using this allnew advanced, professional
photo editing feature. By controlling the alpha and color channels of the
layer you designate as a mask, you can create sophisticated silhouette
effects, abstract multilayered compositions and more!
O vignettes Create polishedlooking borders with softfeathered edges or
defined shapes for your photos and videos using ProShow Producer's all
new vignette effect. Simply choose the softness, size, shape and
transparency of your custom border.
O Enhanced Layer Options Now you can add gradients or solid colors as
independent slide layers to build depth and add additional visual interest to
your compositions!
O Layer Transitions Use the Keyframing controls to add transitions to each
individual layer on a slide.
O New Built!n Content ProShow Producer 3.0 now comes with professional
grade background images and videos. Simply browse the selection that is
provided with the software installation disc and add the content you like to
your slide shows.
O Enhanced Custom Backgrounds Add interest to your slide shows with all
new gradients as backgrounds.
O Slide Preview Crid The new, fullycustomizable slide preview grid in
ProShow Producer 3.0 allows you to accurately position your photos and
videos on a slide. Snap layers to the grid for precise positioning.
O Unlimited Layers Per Slide Now you can add an unlimited number of photo
and video layers to each slide in ProShow Producer 3.0. With unlimited
layers, the sky's the limit on what you can express in your slide show.
Adjustment Effects/ Editing
O Adjustment Effects ProShow Producer 3.0 breaks free from the previous
limitation of having photo/video adjustments such as opacity, brightness
and hue remain constant for the duration of a slide. With allnew
adjustment effects, you can produce spectacular effects like.make a video
move through color shifts (ex. Wizard of Oz "horse of a different color"
style) or create a sequence of photo fades, all of which can occur during the
course of one slide!
O Chroma Key Transparency Create HollywoodStyle greenscreen effects
with the allnew Chroma Key Transparency tool in ProShow Producer 3.0.
Quickly make a specific color range in your image transparent to create
overlays, graphic art effects and more.
O Enhanced Drop Shadow and Outline Options Add depth to your
composition by adjusting the color and opacity of a shadow on any layer in
a slide. Apply customized outline borders of any color and size to enhance
your photos and videos for a clean, professional look.
O Crop and Rotate Photos With ProShow Producer 3.0 you can quickly crop
and rotate any layer with precision. Optimize the composition of your photo
and video content in a snap with these new timesaving builtin tools.
O RedEye Removal Easily fix those distracting redeye photos with ProShow
Producer 3.0. Use the redeye removal tool to correct any photo in your
show in seconds

Noton Effects
O Notion Keyframing Blow your audience away by adding complex motion
sequences (typically found in movies and highend commercials) to your
shows using this allnew, highly versatile motion tool. Using motion
keyframing, you can create any combination of effects like.make photos
and videos zoom in, then zoom out, rotate, fly off the page AND return to
the page seconds later, all over the course of one slide!
O Enhanced Zooming Control Enhanced zooming in ProShow Producer 3.0
lets you zoom and Y coordinates independently for any layer to achieve
interesting warplike effects. With enhanced zooming control, you can also
zoom out further than ever before.
Caption Control
O Caption Textures For professional results, use gradients and textures to
further enhance your captions, transforming your message into a design
element in your show.
O !ncreased Caption Formatting Control Cain greater typographic control
over captions and maintain better style consistency with ProShow
Producer's new caption styles, caption line spacing and caption character
O Caption Notion Keyframing ProShow Producer's allnew caption motion
tool lets you control each caption's motion style, motion path and timing
using keyframing. Create simple or advanced text effects featuring
rotation, skewing and more, all with precise timing control.
O Enhanced Caption Effects Animate your captions with more fun and
amazing effects to choose from than ever before. New caption effects
include Calactic Scroll, Curling, Zoom Out, and Wag Opacity.
Workflow and Settings Control
O Hot Folder/ Live Show Support Need your slide show in realtime?
ProShow Producer 3.0 allows you to create live slide shows with the new
Hot Folder/ Live Show Support feature. Shoot photos and watch them come
to life in a slide show instantly!
O Copy Settings Eliminate the process of duplicating laborious, multistep
effects and settings configurations. ]ust right click and use ProShow
Producer 3.0's new copysettings feature to instantly copy all settings used
on a layer or an entire slidethen, apply the settings to your desired target
with a single click.
O Slide Timeline Take complete control over show timing with the new
timeline view in ProShow Producer 3.0. Toggle between the normal Slide
List view and Timeline view to precisely sync your audio to certain scenes in
your slide show.
O New Waveform Bar view your audio file's waveform in the Soundtrack bar
with ProShow Producer 3.0. This makes it easy to determine at a glance
where your songs begin and end.
O Full Screen view This allnew feature is indispensable for any professional
who wishes to achieve maximum precision and control over positioning
elements within a show. Cet a detailed, closeup view of your work with a
click of the mouse.
O Find Nissing Files Recover moved or misplaced files from a show easily
with the new Find Nissing Files feature in ProShow Producer 3.0.
O Specify Transition Effects Take control of your transition effects. ProShow
Producer 3.0 lets YOU decide what effects are used when randomizing
O Capture Frames The new Capture Frames feature allows you to output
]peg files of your slides for printing.
O Startup Tutorial Beat the learning curve with ProShow Producer's startup
tutorial. Quickly learn the basic steps of creating your first slide show.
O Slide Actions Spice up a presentation using slide actions to control custom
navigation in your slide show OR launch supplemental materials such as
documents, applications, and websites at the end of any slide. Actions
include: Co to Next Slide, Previous Slide, Pause, Resume, Run Program,
Open URL and more.
Enhanced Playback and Output Options
O New video Output Formats Expanded output options in ProShow Producer
3.0 give you more flexibility in the ways you share your slide shows. Output
to compressed Av!, Windows Nedia video (WNv), HD video and Quicktime.
Specify custom video compression settings to optimize file sizes for the
O Flash Output Create a Flash movie or commercial for the web in seconds.
No Flash experience required! Simply create your show, choose from either
Flash video (FLv) and let ProShow Producer 3.0 do the rest of the work for
O Widescreen Nenus ProShow Producer now supports widescreen menus for
your slide shows. Create a professional 16:3 Hollywoodstyle menu to go
along with your widescreen show.
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thay dli nli dung bli: catalunya, 010S2007 lc 01:S6 AN.

ProShow Producer ver. 3.0.1302 Submit by: thanhh83 on date: 1/1S/2007 (80
reads ] 0 comment) Software for Professional Slide Show Creation. A marriage
of speed and creativity. ProShow Producer is the highly anticipated
professional presentation software that joins ease of use, enhanced workflow,
and unmatched speed. !f you've been using ProShow Cold, we're sure you've
experienced its incredible capabilities in digital slide show creation. ProShow
Producer goes beyond these capabilities to provide users with creative and
timesaving features that professionals demand.

ProShow Producer ver. 3.0.1302
Publisher's Description User Comments Submit Your Comment

Design S Photo


Software for Professional Slide Show Creation. A marriage of speed and
creativity. ProShow Producer is the highly anticipated professional
presentation software that joins ease of use, enhanced workflow, and
unmatched speed. !f you've been using ProShow Cold, we're sure you've
experienced its incredible capabilities in digital slide show creation. ProShow
Producer goes beyond these capabilities to provide users with creative and
timesaving features that professionals demand.
Professional grade features set ProShow Producer apart.
Designed for professionals, based on technology that has been proven in the
consumer space, Producer features powerful tools that are a musthave for
the demanding pro. Based on feedback from professional users, we've
incorporated advanced features that help you create the ultimate slide show.
Learn how professional photographers use ProShow Producer. Click here to
learn more about how Professional Photographers use ProShow Producer.
view industry events that Photodex will be attending, read about new pro
features, and learn how to save big on Producer.

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