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1.1 Background of Study

The current situation in Malaysia reveals that the active number of vehicles exceeds the figure
quoted in last week's report. The country currently boasts around 23 million "active" vehicles,
a notable contrast to the cumulative figure of 33 million registered vehicles compiled since
the British colonial era (Shahrim Tamrin, 2022). These years, it was indicated that the number
of registered vehicles in Malaysia had reached the latter figure, effectively overtaking the
population of the country, which stands at 36.3 million cars. (Nuradzimmah Daim, 2023).
This is because, the government's introduction of the automotive sales and services tax
exemption in June 2020 as part of the National Economic Recovery Plan (Penjana) stimulus
package. ( Dawn Chan, 2022)

In addition to the rising demand for vehicles, contributing factors such as aging vehicle fleets
and the wear and tear associated with increased usage have further intensified the likelihood
of car breakdowns. This poses a significant challenge for hardworking individuals who rely
heavily on their vehicles for daily commuting and professional responsibilities. Recognizing
the potential financial strain and disruption caused by unexpected breakdowns, a growing
number of conscientious car owners are proactively seeking preventative measures. Engaging
with professional mobile mechanics not only offers convenience but also allows for timely
inspections and necessary repairs, addressing issues before they escalate. Moreover, this
approach empowers car owners with a more flexible and responsive solution, eliminating the
need for scheduling appointments or dealing with the inconveniences of traditional repair
processes. As the demand for reliable and efficient transportation continues to surge, the
adoption of mobile mechanic services emerges as a practical and strategic choice for
maintaining the optimal functionality of vehicles in the face of the challenges posed by
increased usage and potential breakdowns.

In recent times, direct mobile services have emerged, offering customers the convenience of
having skilled professionals visit their location, thereby saving them time, costs, and
inconveniences. A mobile auto repair technician, possessing formal training, certification, and
a proven history of delivering comprehensive mechanical diagnostic, troubleshooting, and
repair services, is at the forefront of this service provision. This report will delve into the
utilization of new features within mobile applications designed to assist users during car
breakdowns. Through the collaborative efforts of the app's interface and the user, the
application can conduct a diagnostic assessment of vehicle issues, determining whether the
user can undertake the necessary repairs independently or if the expertise of a mechanic is
required. The incorporation of these app features promises simpler and more efficient
methods, resulting in significant time and cost savings for users.

1.2 Problem Statement

In response to a shared challenge experienced by our team members, we have united to

develop a solution-oriented application known as MechCar. Recognizing the common
struggle of finding the nearest car workshop, MechCar aims to simplify and streamline the
process for those in need of repairing and maintenance, especially when their car breaks
down on the road. Our team, comprised of individuals who have encountered similar
situations, is committed to leveraging our collective experiences to create a practical and
user-friendly solution. MechCar is not just an app, it's a collaborative effort between our team
and experienced mechanic to address a real-world problem that many of us have faced.

i. Limited Equipment

The advantage of mobile mechanics lies in their flexibility and on-the-go service.
While they may not have all the equipment found in traditional shops, their ability to
bring specialized tools directly to the customer's location is a significant convenience.
Moreover, their focus on mobility allows them to provide quick and efficient services
without the need for customers to transport their vehicles to a fixed location.
Additionally, when mobile mechanics work in tandem or collaborate with other
professionals, they can overcome the limitations associated with solo operations,
ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to complex tasks.

ii. The Weather

The amount of work a mobile mechanic can complete is primarily influenced by the
weather. Mechanics often need to work outdoors, especially when performing tasks
like inspections or repairs. Inclement weather such as heavy rain, snow, or extreme
temperatures can make working conditions uncomfortable and sometimes unsafe.
iii. Car New Features
A considerable portion of vehicles manufactured in 1996 or later is integrated with
computer systems. These chips collaborate with diagnostic systems, aiding mechanics
in identifying issues with the vehicle. It is likely that a mobile mechanic may not
possess the necessary expertise to effectively address a technical malfunction in such

1.3 Methodology
The methodology employed is aligned with the research objectives for this application,
focusing on analysing issues and devising practical solutions to enhance and create an
improved version. Various data collection methods are being utilized to facilitate the
completion of this New Project Development (NPD). The methods are as below:

i. Research
The initial approach to gathering the required information involves consulting articles
related to mobile mechanic applications, exploring newspapers, websites, journals,
and utilizing lecture notes provided by our lecturer. Our team is dedicated to
collaborative efforts, ensuring comprehensive information retrieval for enhancing the
existing application by incorporating innovative features. Through extensive reading
and research, we have drawn conclusions and formulated recommendations for the
New Project Development (NPD).

ii. Direct Communication

Questionnaire was not distributed to the targeted user for data collection but directly
launch the application for the testing. In other word, we directly launch the apps
without collect any data from the targeted user. Because of that, we establish channels
for direct communication, such as customer support or in-app chat, enables users to
provide detailed feedback, report issues, and seek assistance. Data also being collect
from Monitoring app store reviews and ratings. It provides a quick overview of user
satisfaction and highlights specific features or aspects that resonate positively or
negatively with users. By actively engaging with users during the testing period, the
development team can gain depth understanding of how the application performs in
real-world scenarios. This firsthand feedback becomes instrumental in identifying
areas for improvement and refining the application to better meet user expectations.
iii. Experience and observation
Lastly, the information gathered also came from own experience of our team members
itself. The experience is based on several of our team members who had faced the
unexpected car breakdown on the road, problems to change their flat tyres and car or
motorcycle ran out of fuels. These problems can cause danger to the users as some of
them did not know how to fix their own vehicles. Therefore, we develop a new
improved version of mobile applications that can solve every of these problems.
Moreover, within the time application testing were carried out we also conduct an
observation towards our surroundings. We can see lot of people went to workshop to
fix their motorcycles and vehicles after work or during weekend since they are very
busy during working hour. Other than that, a few people also had problems to send
their car for service because of limited hour. During traffic congestion also we can see
that few cars stopped by at the roadside because their car temperature becomes high,
flat tyre and accidents. They had to call their insurance agency for help but there is no
respond or delay. We managed to discuss the core of this problem and identify some
important elements such as the cause of this problem and its solution.

iv. Invitation to Test MechCar

As MechCar extends this invitation to test, we welcome target users to
become a crucial part of this dynamic testing process. Target users'
firsthand experiences and feedback during the testing period will
significantly contribute to refining MechCar, ensuring it aligns seamlessly
with user expectations. In hope with targeted user joining us, we can shape
MechCar into a reliable and user-friendly solution by actively engaging
with the application and sharing valuable feedback.

1.4 Target User

The targeted user under consideration comprises students, women, and men who heavily
depend on their vehicles for daily transportation. This group encounters a shared challenge in
efficiently locating nearby car workshops. Whether managing a busy academic schedule,
navigating daily commutes, or relying on vehicles for various responsibilities, this user group
faces the need for a streamlined solution to find the nearest car workshops promptly.
MechCar is developed to specifically address this problem, aiming to provide a user-friendly
application for individuals who heavily rely on their vehicles as their primary mode of
transportation. The focus is on enhancing the user experience by simplifying the process of
accessing essential car services, contributing to a more convenient and reliable mobility
solution for students, women, and men within this user group.
1.5 Limitation

This NPD projects has its own limitations due to several constraints such as limited time to do
observation and others. Applications or technology made is not 100% perfect. There are also
some shortcomings occur, but we tried our best to overcome those issues. This incidence is
common, however to successfully accomplish our objective and vision, we must address this
constraint by narrowing its scope and finding alternate solutions.

The method of launching the application for testing and collecting user feedback is valuable
for improving the application's performance, usability, and overall user experience. However,
it comes with certain limitations that should be considered. The effectiveness of user
feedback relies on the size and diversity of the user sample. If the testing group is too small or
lacks diversity, the feedback may not represent the broader user population, leading to
potential biases in the collected data. Not only that, but users who choose to participate
during testing period may have specific opinions or experiences they want to share. This self-
selection bias can lead to skewed feedback, as those with particularly positive or negative
views are more likely to participate. In cases where users encounter technical issues or bugs,
their ability to provide feedback may be hindered. This limitation could result in
underreporting of certain problems that need attention.

In Addition, the respondent's emotional reactions or sentiments cannot be properly captured

by this type of data gathering. Body language and facial expressions are not visible to us. If
we perform this testing face-to-face, we can observe the respondent's body language and
facial expression, for instance, and respond right away to changes in the respondent's
expression if they don't completely comprehend the application. Therefore, the data might not
be 100% accurate.

Despite these limitations, the method remains crucial for refining and optimizing the
application. Combining quantitative data from analytics with qualitative insights from
surveys, reviews, and direct communication provides a more comprehensive understanding of
user needs and expectations. The iterative nature of this approach allows for ongoing
improvements throughout the New Project Development (NPD) process.
1.5 Objectives

The significance of New Product Development (NPD) for the company's growth and long-
term viability is widely acknowledged, given the contemporary trend of rapidly introducing
innovative ideas and products aimed at simplifying people's lives. In the current landscape,
daily progress is synonymous with technological advancements. Despite facing competition
from numerous rivals offering similar products with distinct features, the primary objective
remains the sustained presence in the market. This project focuses on the discussion and
analysis of the developmental journey of our mobile application, Mechamotor apps. A critical
emphasis is placed on the developmental process to ensure that the application is designed to
cater to the diverse needs of multiple stakeholders.

The objectives of this report are:

i. To create a new technological product based on the issues occurs from an earlier case
study or mobile application that available in the market. Technology must be used to
develop a brand-new product that differs from others already on the market.
Additionally, it must satisfy client needs.
ii. To provide a solution based on the demand made by the customer or potential buyer.
The survey was made in order to identify the customer’s preference towards the new
MECHAMOTOR application (mechanics application for vehicles).
iii. To analyse the potential users and the target market of this new product.
iv. To identify issues occurs on the existing applications and improved it by adding new
technology features.

Nuradzimmah Daim. (2023, December 6). 36.3 million vehicles in Malaysia. NST Online;

New Straits Times.


‌Chan, Dawn. “Vehicles Outnumber People in Malaysia.” News Straits Times, 9 June 2022,

Lim, A. (2022, June 14). Total number of active vehicles in Malaysia at around 23 million –
11.37 mil vehicles are dormant or inactive. Retrieved December 14, 2022, from Paul Tan’s
Automotive News website:

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