SS 2 Food Nut 3RD Term Exam 2020

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Instruction: Answer all questions in sections A.
SECTION A: (Objective Test: Choose the correct option from a – d) (30 marks)

1 Whole wheat flour is also known as ___________ A. high quality flour B. good quality flour C.
lower quality flour. D. all –purpose flour. -
2 ___________ is a quality of whole wheat flour A. High fat content B. Good fat C. Fatty acid. D.
Acidic substances.
3 __________ is not an example of flour except. A. Pounded flour B. All- purpose flour C.
Whole wheat flour D. Instant blending flour
4 Which of these is the fat finely shredded into the flour? A. Short crust pastry B. Flan pastry
C. Suet crust pastry D. Rough puff pastry.
5 Which of these flour products is produced using yeast as a raising agent? A. cake B. scone
C. bread D. pastry
6 Which of these is a condition needed by yeast to become active? A. Warmth, moisture b.
Moisture, pepper c. Fat, time d. Salt, vanilla.
7 When a cake is heavy, the following will be the reasons: i when the mixture is fluffy ii. Too
little raising agent iii. Over mixing of flour iv. Too hot an oven (A) i, ii and iv only B. i, iii and
iv only C. i, ii, and iii only D. ii, iii, and iv only.
8 Which of the following raising agents is used in an omelets? A. Steam B. Air C. Baking
powder D. Bicarbonate
9 Chin-chin can be best cooked using one of the following methods. A. Roasting b. Grilling c.
Boiling d. Frying
10 _________ is not a method of making cake. A. Rubbing in B. Creaming C. Roasting D.
11 _________ is not an ingredient for bread. A. yeast B. flour C. cream D. baking powder
12 Which of this flour is good for making crackers A. soft wheat flour B. pastry flour C.
composite flour D. cake flour
13 Palm wine is a raising used for making A. cake B. biscuit C. scones D. bread
14 The flour that has just a little aleuronic layer while all the other layers are retained with the
endosperm is called A. low extraction rate flour B. high extraction rate flour C. non- milled
flour D. middle extraction rate flour
15 _________ is an example of local flour. A. Cassava flour B. Wheat flour C. All- purpose
flour D. Sweet flour
16 Vegans or strict vegetarians exclude the following products from their diets EXCEPT--------
A. eggs B. dairy products C.vegetables D. honey
17 The following are examples of pulses EXCEPT ---- A.peas B. beans C. soya beans D. Yam
18 ------- is someone who is sick A. an invalid B. Sickle cell C. Convalescent D. Vegetarian
19 -------- is a person who is recovering from an illness. A. An invalid B. A vegetarian C. A
convalescent D. An infidel
20 The best method of cooking for an invalid is through ---- A.Frying B. Steaming C.Roasting D.
21 A person whose weight is less than the expected average weight is referred to -------- A. over
weight B. average weight C. under weight D. under height
22 Fish can be cooked by all these methods except ____ A. roasting B. stewing C. steaming D.
pressure cooking
23 ____ method is more palatable than other cooking methodA. Roasting B. Frying C. Steaming
D. Pressure cooking.
24 ____ is a method of preserving food A. boiling B. cooking C. drying D. stewing
25 ____ is a process by which the H2o content is reduced A. dry/dehydration B. boiling C. drying D.
26 ____ is an example of perishable foods A. onions B. groundnut C. yam D. rice
27 Food preservation is an act of keeping food in good ____ A. condition B. environment C.
situation D. surrounding
28 Fish that is heated in an open fire is ____ method A. stewing B. grilling C. browning D. drying
29 ____ method conserve the flavor and nutrients of the fish A. drying B. frying C. boiling D.
30 Fish with little or no fats is known as ____ A. oily fish B. white fish C. brown fish D. crustacean
31 Which of the fish have their fat stored in the liver A. halibut B. shrimps C. crabs D.molusc
32 The commonly used flavoring in food is known as A. saffron B. ginger, onion and pepper
C. lemon (d) saccharine
33 Condiments include the following except A. herbs and spices B. seasonings C. sea food
34 For an invalid, the best beverage is........ A. Alcohol B. Beer C. Cold drink D. Cocoa drink.
35 ---------- is the act of planning how to spend the net income in such a way that individual
concerned will not run into any financial embarrassment before the next income. A. Income B.
Budgeting C. Net income D. Gross income
36 The amount of money which comes in at regular intervals is known as -------- A. budget B. net
income C. gross income D. income
37 The sum total of the money from the various sources without any deduction is called -----
A. gross income B. budget C. net income D. income
38 ---------- is the actual amount received after all the compulsory deductions such as tax and levies.
A. Income B. Budget C. Net income D. Gross income
39 The total amount of money that goes out of the income of an individual or group to meet their
various needs within a period of time is known as------------ A. expenditure B. budget C. net
income D. gross income.
40 Family needs are categorized into -------- A. primary needs and tertiary needs B. Tertiary needs
and secondary needs C. artificial needs and primary needsD. primary needs and secondary needs.
41 --------- is the practice of buying of goods including food in large quantities with the view of
storing at home. A. Food in season B. Bulk purchasing C. Single purchase D. Heavy purchase
42 The following are factors to consider when embarking on bulk purchase EXCEPT…
A. Storage facilities B. Food in season C. Size of the family D. Consumption style
43 --------- involves buying small quantity of foodstuff at a time. A. Piece meal buying B. Bulk
purchasing. C. Single purchase D. Heavy purchase
44 Perishable foods are foods with ----------- content. A. low water B. no water C. high water
D.Small water
45 Semi perishable foods includethe following EXCEPT--------- A. yam B. onions C. rice D.
46 Which of these is not a perishable food? A. Fresh meat B.milletC. Eggs D. fresh tomatoes
47 ------- is someone who is sick A. an invalid B. Sickle cell C. Convalescent D. Vegetarian
48 One of the following is a semi perishable food A. Fish B. Pepper C. Yam D. Meat
49 Rice can be stored in the following equipment except A.air tight containers. B. gourds C. cabinet
D. nylon.
50 Yam can be stored in one of the following A.on the ground B. in silos C. in a rhombus D. on a
raised platform
51 Which of the following groups of nutrients does an expectant mother need most A.
Carbohydrates, vitamins, fats and oil B. Minerals, fats and oils, vitamin A and iodine C. Protein,
iron, Calcium and vitamins D. Carbohydrate, protein, acids and vitamin
52 High intake of iron-rich foods during pregnancy prevents A. kwashiorkor B.anaemiaC. beriberi
D. pellagra
53 One of these is not a factor that will influence the nutritional needs of the family member
A. Income of the family B. Culture and religion of the family C. Drugs consumed by the family
members D. The time of the day
54 _______ is best for the new-born babies and infants A. Infant formula B. Light gruel C. Breast
milk D. Mashed yam
55 There is need to serve children food on separate plates in order to........ A. Share the food equally.
B. Monitor the quantity of food the child has eaten. C. Bring peace among them. D. Promote
hygiene in the home.
56 The type of diets that is specially made for people whom their body systems work differently
from others may be as result of sickness or other factors is known as ----- A.special diet B.
sickness diet C. convalescent diet D. human diet
57 The people who do not eat animal flesh or fish are called ------- A.cultured people B. special
people C. vegans D. vegetarians
58 Time plan in test interpretation usually last for ----- hours A. 2 hours B. 3 hours C. 4 hours D. 5
59 Vegetarians are classified into ----- A.vegans, lacto vegetarians and lacto-ovo vegetarians B.
lacto vegetarians, vegan vegetarians and special vegetarians C. special dieticians, lacto-ovo
vegans and vegetarians D. vegans, vegetarians and lacto vegans
60 In test interpretation, section A is made up of A. Dishes chosen, reason, chief ingredients, and
quantity B. Task and time C. Quantity of items to buy and prices D. Dry and fresh ingredients
1. Explain food flavouring and colouring (2marks)
b. What is the difference between herbs and spices (2 marks)
c. List two usefulness of spices in cooking (2 marks)
d. Enumerate 4 (four) reasons for preserving food (4 marks)

2a. Write short note on Wheat flour. (3 marks).

2b. State four Raising agents .( 2 marks)
2c. State five Common faults in cake making and their causes(5marks).


1. List and explain four factors influencing family budgeting (4 marks).
1b. Briefly explain the three sections in test interpretation (3 marks).
1c. Plan a day adequate meal for a family (3marks).
2a. Define meal planning (2Marks).
2b. Enumerate six factors affecting meal planning. (6 marks)
2c. List two people who need special diet. (2marks).


1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. C
11. C 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. B
21. C 22. D 23. C 24. C 25. A 26. A 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. B
31. A 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. B 36. D 37. A 38. C 39. A 40. D
41. B 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. D 46 D 47. D 48. C 49. C 50. B
51. C 52. B 53. C 54. C 55. B 56. A 57. D 58. B 59. A 60. A

1. Food flavouring are also substances added to food, to improve the flavor of the food by giving at
a distinctive taste and aroma. They also improve the flavor and texture of the food or drink.
Examples are ginger, onions, pepper, iru ordawadawa, ogiri, nutmeg etc.
While food colouring are substances when added to food improve the colour of the food and
make it look attractive. The natural food colouring include coal tar dye of different colours for
ice cream and carbonated beverages (2 marks)

b. Herbs are made form various types of plants using different parts such as the leaves, flowers and
stems. While spices are obtained from roots, seeds buds or barks of plants. The parts can be fresh
or dried, ground or whole and are used in cookery to add all sorts of flavours such as hot, zesty,
sweet and tangy, to name a few (2 marks)

c. Uses of spices in cookery (2mark)

i. to improve the flavor and taste of the food
ii. to tenderix tough cuts if neat
iii. improve the colour and appearance of the food
iv. to improve the nutritive value of food
v. they are used as preservation for example, salt, sugar and vinegar
vi. they are used for garnishing food

d. reasons for food preservation

i. to have varieties of food available, in case an emergency situation arises
ii. to conserve food and prevent wastage in time of plenty
iii. to avoid waste of money by purchasing food when they are expensive
to allow us to buy and eat foods that are not in season

`2a. Write short note on Wheat flour.(2.5marsk).

Wheat flour: wheat is usually milled into flour before being prepared as food. Wheat flour
includes: whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour, instant blending flour, self- rising flour, cake
flour, pastry flour, hard wheat flour, soft wheat flour and composite flour.
2b. State four Raising agents (2marks)
1. Baking powder
2. Yeast
3. Palm wine
4. Steam
5. Over ripe bananas etc.

2c. State five Common faults in cake making and their causes (5marks).
Common faults in pastry and their causes.
A. Tough crust- i. insufficient fats.
ii. Too much water
iii. Over mixing.
iv. Too much flour on the rolling board.
B. Crumbly crust- i. Too little water
ii. Too much fat.
iii. Self raising flour used.
iv. Insufficient mixing.
C. Crust does not brown- i. Too little water.
ii. Much fat.
iii. Too much flour on board.
D. Shrinks in pan- i. Unbalanced recipe
ii. Too much handling
iii. Tough stored too long in refrigerator
iv. Pastry stretched tightly in pan.


1. Availability of income: The money available determines what the family budget for family
budget should be determined by their income
2. Family composition/needs: The number of people as well as sex and age has influence on family
budget. E.g. the demand on family income is much during expanding stage, child bearing,
training and education.
3. Locality: The location of the family affects budgets and expenditures as prices of things vary
from place to place.
4. Seasons of the year: Food stuffs when in season are cheaper than when they are out of season.
5. Occupation: The type of occupation carried out by member of the affect the budget. A worker on
steady salary found it easy to make steady budget.
6. Inflation: when there is inflation .e.g. when the prices of goods and services are very high, the
cost of maintaining family increases.

1b. Briefly explain the three sections in test interpretation (3 marks)

Section A of the planning sheet, the candidate identifies radiation and convention as two
methods of heat transfer to use
Section B of the planning section involves writing down of all items to be purchased from the
Section C: Time Plan
Time plan is the plan for the practical section that is of three hours duration. The candidate
estimate the time needed for each activity from the preparation of the dishes to the setting up of
the table and the cleaning up of the wok area.

1c. plan a day adequate meal for a family (3 marks)

Sunday Fruit punch. Fish Tomato soup, dried Beef pepper soup.
stew with fried fish, egusi soup with Dried fish yam
plantain. semolina/pounded pottage.
yam. Fruit salad.
Orange drink.
Monday Apple juice, Onion soup. Tomato soup.
omelette, milk with meat/fish, banga Nsalasoup,
corn flakes, bread. soup with semovita semovita/wheat
or wheat Banana finger.

2a. Define meal planning (2Mark).

Meal planning is the act of selecting a number of dishes in the family meal or a particular
group of people within a specified period.
2b. Enumerate six factors affecting meal planning. (6 marks)
1. The need of the family members: These needs are affected by age, health, occupation of the
family members.
2. Food in season: Food available in season should be considered when planning meal
3. Variety of foods: Planned meals include all foods in season
4. Availability of money: Plan and consider money available
5. Suitable method of cooking: Plan to use the most suitable methods of cooking to prevent loss of
6. Avoid monotony.
7. Consider personal likes and dislikes.
8. Availability of cooking facilities.
9. Occupation of family members.
10. Health conditions of family members.

2C. List two people who need special diet. (2marks)

1. Pregnant women
2. Children/ infants
3. Sick people
4. The aged
5. Lactating mothers.
Your Sister is a lacto-vegetarian;
a) Prepare, cook and pack a delicious lunch.
b) Prepare an accompaniment to go with one of the dishes in a.
c) Using the fruit in season, prepare a refreshing drink.

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